I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 191 Molested Sanako to the blushing Qingdeng 【7000】

Chapter 191 Molested Sanako to the blushing Qingdeng 【7000】

I'm so sorry, I still can't write 1W words today (Leopard dead.jpg)

But this is not because the author is lazy. In today's chapter, the author wrote back and forth for 7 or 8 hours.The author spent a lot of time pondering over how to make Sanazi in this chapter more lovely and lively.

Miss Sanako in today's chapter is so cute, so cute that I dreamed of Sanako's flushed face last night.

Please look at the quality of this chapter, and vote for this book more! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Sanako prefers blue.

Whether it's the white and blue women's kimono on her, or the pair of blue button flat clogs on her slender feet, they are all the outfits Qingdeng is familiar with.

If there is any difference between Sanako today and the past, it is that she wears a bamboo hat with a very low brim for shading the sun on her back.

"Mr. Orange, good morning."

Zuo Nazi paused, greeted Qingdeng sternly, then continued to walk slowly towards Qingdeng, and finally settled beside Qingdeng.

"Mr. Ju, why are you here? Are you ready to get out of bed?"

"Well, Mr. Beifang said that my body is recovering well, and I can get out of bed and take a walk occasionally."

"I see... that's really good."

"Miss Sanako, where is Mr. Shigetaro? Didn't he come with you today?"

In this era of advanced technological equipment and scientific methods without monitoring and big data screening, and grassroots management is difficult to explain in words, if a person disappears, it is very likely that he will never be found.

But Qingdeng managed to get back the jewel in the palm of the Chiba family in just a few days... It's not difficult to imagine what kind of affection the Chiba family will have for Qingdeng.

On Qingdeng's first day in Renyitang, Chiba Sakakichi led Sanako, Chiba Shigetaro, Chiba Michizaburo, Chiba Tamonshiro and others to come to thank Qingdeng in person.

At that time, Chiba Singkichi directly grasped Qingdeng's hand with hands that were trembling with excitement, and said "thank you very much" to Qingdeng over and over again.

Chiba Shigetaro's reaction was the most exaggerated.

He wept with joy, his face was covered with tears of ecstasy, and he couldn't even utter a single sentence.

Qingdeng strongly felt the care Chiba Dingkichi and others showed for this jewel in their family, and he couldn't help feeling: Ms. Sanako is so lucky to have such a big happy and loving family.

During Qingdeng's hospitalization, the siblings Chiba Shigetaro and Sanako came to visit Qingdeng basically every day.

Today I only saw Sanako, but not Chiba Shigetaro... This made Qingdeng feel puzzled, so he asked this question.

"Brother, due to some personal matters, he left for Yokohama yesterday afternoon." Sanako replied, "I won't be able to return until the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, that's right."




Both Qingdeng and Sanako fell silent...

The suffocating silence accumulated rapidly between Qingdeng and Sanako...

The spacious corridor, where there were only the two of them at present, became extraordinarily quiet because of the silence of the two of them.

This tranquility gradually gave birth to an atmosphere called "embarrassment".

Under the oppression of this embarrassing atmosphere, Qing Deng's expression became a little stiff, and he unnaturally slanted his eyes and looked out of the window again.

——It’s so embarrassing... Quickly think of something to talk about...

In the past, when Sanako came to visit Qingdeng, he was always accompanied by Chiba Shigetaro, who knew Qingdeng very well and was also very talkative.

When the eloquent Chiba Shigetaro is present, he never has to worry about running out of topics to talk about.

Right now, Chiba Shigetaro is not here due to his busy schedule, and the only person standing in front of Qingdeng is Sanako...

Qingdeng suddenly realized—not counting the night of rushing to the settlement, this moment was the first time he was alone with Sanazi.

Back then when he and Sanako rode a turnip towards the settlement, although they had a short time alone, at that time they were all focused on the barbarians and the settlement at stake, without any leisure thoughts at all. Can be used to take care of the rest of the chores.

So far, Qingdeng and Sanako have not had much personal contact, and basically have no experience in chatting with Sanako alone.

What kind of topics does Sanazi, who usually looks like an "iceberg beauty" with a serious and unsmiling expression, like...Qingdeng has no idea at all.

Qingdeng didn't know what to do now, what to say to Sanazi, and couldn't help but feel on pins and needles, at a loss, and didn't know how to deal with it.

Compared to Qingdeng's embarrassment, Zuo Nazi didn't seem to be affected by the awkward atmosphere, his expression was calm, and his demeanor was still stable and dignified.

Just when Qingdeng was racking his brains thinking about whether there was anything he could talk to Zuo Nazi and use to resolve the embarrassing atmosphere lingering between the two, a 2 sound suddenly sounded at the corner of the corridor behind Qingdeng and Zuo Nazi. There was light footsteps—two young women were walking side by side towards Qingdeng and Sanako.

Judging from the appearance of these two girls, they should have come to Ren Medical Hall to visit patients. Their footsteps and chatter and laughter blew away the silence of this corridor.

The second daughter, who was walking towards the stairs, inevitably passed behind Qingdeng and Sanako.

Just when the two girls were about to pass by Qingdeng who was standing facing the window, an episode happened.

One of the two girls casually glanced at Qingdeng... It was just a normal look at passers-by.

But at the moment when his eyes fell on Qingdeng's face, the girl's expression was startled.

Soon, her original lazy expression quickly faded away, replaced by a look of astonishment.

The girl whose expression changed suddenly put her lips next to the ear of her companion excitedly: "Hey, look, it's Juqingdeng."

"Ju Qingdeng? That Ju Qingdeng who almost single-handedly disabled the barbarian group and beheaded the leader of the barbarian group?" The girl's companion turned his face to the side and secretly looked at Qing Deng, "You are sure it is him ?"

"It's him, it's him. I heard that Ju Qingdeng is currently healing in this Renyitang, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"He is Juqingdeng... he is so tall, and his face is quite upright and handsome."


The second daughter, who slowed down the pace of walking towards the stairs a little, chatted in an excited tone of "discovering a famous celebrity", while frequently turning her cheeks to look at Qingdeng.

Although they have lowered their speaking volume, their "sound suppression" skills are quite average.

Not to mention Qingdeng with the "Wind Senser".

Even Sanako could hear the two girls' conversation without missing a word.

After the figures and voices of the two girls completely disappeared into the distance, Qingdeng felt Sanako's gaze moving towards his face.

"Mr. Ju, you are completely famous now."

Sanako still has an expressionless "iceberg beauty face", but her voice has an extra touch of mischievous mischief.

"Are you a celebrity..." Qingdeng, who was dumbfounded, suddenly remembered something because of the phrase "you are a celebrity".

Something about Sanako.

I saw Qingdeng raised his hand and scratched the hair on the back of his head, then squinted his eyes, and met Zuo Nazi's eyes, with a wicked smile on his face.

"I'm not the only one who becomes a celebrity..."

"You think so? Black Niu Ji?"

In a joking tone, Qingdeng elongated the pronunciation of the noun "Hei Niu Ji".

An interesting scene happened at this moment.

Even if she encountered such vicious incidents as "kidnapped by the barbarian group", Sanako, who has never lost her elegance and dignity, fell in Qingdeng's voice... To be precise, it was in Qingdeng that she said "Black Niu Ji" The next moment after this name, his face changed suddenly.

The "iceberg beauty face" disappeared.

Instead, there were froze facial features and two touches of blush flying up her cheeks.

"No, don't do this..."

Sanako looked agitated, and the pair of catkins stacked in front of him were tightly clasped together because of shame.

With her face getting more and more red, she scolded Qingdeng who caused her to say these words with violently rippling eyes.

"Please don't mention this strange title again..."

After finishing speaking, Sanako shook his head vigorously as if he wanted to hide his flushed face, and turned his eyes away from Qingdeng's body. He lowered his head and fixed his eyes on his small and lovely toes.

Qingdeng blinked vigorously, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and a look of novelty that couldn't be hidden no matter how hard he tried, overflowed Qingdeng's face with the corners of his mouth raised.

Sanako is always serious on weekdays... so serious that she can be described as "stuffy".

No matter when and where, her face and posture are so graceful, graceful and elegant.

The current appearance of Sanako... This is the first time Qingdeng has seen him.

——It turns out Miss Sanako would blush too...

Qingdeng, who couldn't help expressing his emotions, involuntarily locked his gaze firmly on Sanako's pretty face, staring at this rare spectacle.

Sanako was originally born with a stunning beauty, but the delicate red glow hanging on her pretty face at this time added a different kind of touching color to her beauty.

At this moment, Sanako noticed Qingdeng's gaze.

No need to look in the mirror, just feel the temperature of her face, Sanako can know that her face must be very red right now.

The continuous high temperature coming from her cheeks made Sanako feel even more ashamed.

Qingdeng kept staring at her embarrassing face... This seemed to make Zuo Nazi feel unhappy.

She decided to fight back.

She took a deep breath, and while suppressing the shame rippling in her heart because of Qingdeng's "Black Niu Ji", she raised her eyes and stared at Qingdeng.

Although Zuo Nazi's eyes can be described as "staring"...but because the red glow on her face has not faded, her "staring" to Qingdeng has no lethality at all. It also made Qingdeng feel that her actions are a bit cute.

"Mr. Ju, I'm sorry, I let you see a rather indecent scene of me."

As expected of a famous young lady who exudes Yamato Nadeko's demeanor in every frown and smile, the first sentence she utters is so cultivated and graceful.

After saying this, Sanako took another deep breath, raised his head again, and straightened his waist. Although his face was still slightly flushed, his face had returned to the expressionless and calm look of the past .

At this time, Qingdeng also belatedly realized that his act of staring at Sanazi's pretty face without blinking just now was a bit impolite, so he quickly retracted his gaze and turned his gaze back to the scenery outside the window. superior.

"I'm actually quite easy to blush."

Sanazi's voice didn't stop, she seemed to want to cover up her embarrassment just now, and continued to explain as if to make up for it.

"As long as the emotion is a little excited, the face will turn red."

"Mr. Ju, you are laughing."

Qingdeng, who was tentatively skeptical about Sanako's untruthful excuse, smiled lightly after Sanako's words fell.

Then subconsciously said casually:

"Is it easy to blush...that's pretty good."

Zuo Nazi flicked her big eyes a few times, and asked Qingdeng with his gaze: "That's pretty good" what does it mean.

"Miss Sanako, you look beautiful when you blush. If you are lucky enough to see your blush frequently, it will be a blessing in the world."

Qingdeng's words were not mixed with any evil thoughts or intended to please Sanako.

He just simply and sincerely spoke out what was in his heart.

Feeling Qingdeng's sincerity from Qingdeng's eyes and words, Sanako showed a dazed expression.

However, Sanako quickly came back to his senses.

Repressed and flustered, she moved her gaze away from Qingdeng's body with a slightly bewildered movement, and looked at the scenery outside the window with Qingdeng, leaving only a side face for Qingdeng.


From the corner of Qingdeng's eyes, he keenly caught: the red glow on Zuo Nazi's face that had just faded seemed to have become a little more charming.

Qingdeng couldn't help but feel a little puzzled by Sanako's reaction.

——I just praised him casually according to what I thought in my heart...

I just said what I thought in my heart truthfully, and praised "You look beautiful when you blush", and Sanako's face was dyed vermilion again...

Sanazi's delicate and pretty face turned red twice because of the new nickname of "Black Niu Ji" and the praise he casually mentioned... This made Qingdeng couldn't help thinking to himself:

——Maybe Ms. Sanako is unexpectedly thin-skinned and shy in spite of her dignified and mature appearance.

Thinking of this, Qing Deng subconsciously raised a shallow arc at the corner of his mouth.

"All in all, don't mention the word 'Black Niu Ji' in front of me anymore. I don't like this nickname."

After a short period of emotions and actions, Sanako regained the aloof and elegant demeanor of the "famous young lady" and "iceberg beauty".

"If you mention this annoying nickname in front of me again, I will be angry."

"Seriously, seriously angry."

Sanako, who showed a serious expression, had a strong tone of "I won't allow you to reject me" in her voice.


The reason why he mentioned "Black Niu Ji" just now was because Qing Deng wanted to make a little joke with Zuo Nazi, so he nodded without thinking.

"I will. This feeling of being called a nickname that I don't like... I kind of understand it."

Black Ugyuhime... This is Sanako's newly-acquired titles with a bit of humor after the titles of "Chiba's Oni Komachi", "Genius Female Swordsman", and "The No. [-] Beauty in Edo". new title.

Where did the title "Black Niu Ji" come from?

This has to go back to the night when Qingdeng rushed to rescue the settlement half a month ago and started a decisive battle with the barbarian group.

When Qingdeng rushed up alone and started a desperate duel with more than [-] warriors from the barbarian group, Sanako always wanted to step forward to help Qingdeng.

But the leg injury made Sanako really helpless and unable to do what he wanted.

But the moral education instilled since childhood and her arrogance as the daughter of a samurai family made Sanako unwilling to just stand there and do nothing.

Wanting to do something, wanting to do something to the best of my ability—driven by this mood, Sanako finally found something that she could do even with her injured leg.

That is to ride a turnip to assist the civilians in the settlement to evacuate from the fire.

The lunatics of the barbarian group suddenly lit a fire, which caused many people in the settlement to be injured by the sudden fire wave and the houses destroyed by the fire wave, making it very inconvenient to move.

Radish is quite docile and humane. Even Sanako, who is injured in one leg, can ride the carrot without hindrance. When the carrot is asked to carry other people, the carrot never resists.

And the radish, which is very strong and full of strength, can still walk like flying even if it is carrying 3 or 4 adults... Ah, no, it is the "hoof" like flying.

Sanako, who found something she could do, rode a turnip without hesitation, and rescued civilians in need of help around the settlement.

So——in the flaming settlement, there appeared such a weird scene: a rare beauty with a beautiful appearance, a big black bull who likes to "moo" constantly when charging on his head , running up and down the streets of the settlement...

The results of Sanako's actions are quite remarkable.

That night, she successfully assisted 18 residents of the reservation to evacuate to a safe place, including 7 Westerners.

The feat of Sanako riding a bull to save people is quite touching and admirable while full of visual impact.

During the half month after the decisive battle with the Koigumi, the story of "riding a bull to save Sanako" was quickly sung in the Edo market, and it spread more and more widely.

In the end, I don't know who proposed it first, but the nickname "Black Niu Ji" suddenly appeared and spread like wildfire.

As far as Qingdeng knows, the title of "Black Niu Ji" seems to be widely spread...

Sanako obviously didn't like her new title at all.

Qingdeng, who had also experienced "being nicknamed by others that he didn't like, and this terrible nickname was spread widely", couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic towards Zuo Nazi.


The topic of Hei Niu Ji reminded Qingdeng of carrots.

"How's the turnip?"

"It's doing well." Zenazi replied, "Under the care of our family's servants, it eats and sleeps every day, sleeps and eats, and its life is quite comfortable."

"It shouldn't have caused any trouble to your family, right?"

"No. It's very obedient. It's really human. It spends most of its time lying quietly in the corner and sleeping. It never makes noise. My father and elder brother also like radishes."

"Thank you so much for helping to take care of the radishes." Qingdeng gave Zanako a grateful smile.

"You're welcome."

Qingdeng met and bought the radish purely by chance. When he generously donated money to buy the radish from the old farmer, Qingdeng didn't think about what to do with the radish in the future.

After the decisive battle with the barbarian group ended in Qingdeng's overall victory, how to deal with the big black bull Luobo became one of the top priorities before Qingdeng.

Qingdeng's initial idea was to release the radishes or resell them to others.

However, after a short but close cooperation overnight, Qingdeng has already developed feelings for this very docile, humane, honest and cute big black cow.

Qingdeng would really be reluctant to release the radish or resell it to others.

After much deliberation, Qingdeng finally decided—the radishes will not be released or sold!I want to use it as a mount for transportation in the future, and keep it for myself!
Resolutions are easy to make, but not so easy to implement them.

After really making up his mind to "not release the radishes or resell them", Qingdeng immediately faced a brand new and severe problem: Where should the radishes be raised?

With Qingdeng's current financial resources and income, it is natural that there will be no shortage of funds to raise carrots.

Qingdeng doesn't lack money to raise cattle, what he lacks is land to raise cattle.

Radish is not a cat or dog, but a big black cow with a strong body!

If it is a small animal like a cat or dog, then there is still a way to persuade the "true ruler" of the test hall, Abi, to allow Qingdeng to raise radishes in the test hall.

But for such a big black cow as Carrot, there is simply not enough space in the guard hall to raise it...

Just when Qingdeng was at a loss for where to live for Radish, Sanako, who learned that Qingdeng wanted to raise Radish, extended a timely helping hand to Qingdeng.

"Mr. Ju, give me the radish. I will raise it in the Little Chiba Sword House. Our yard is quite big, and it is more than enough to raise a cow."

The cooperation and fighting with the radish also gave Sanako a little revolutionary feeling for the big black cow, and she didn't want to see the radish being freed or resold to other people.

In fact, counting it carefully... The bond between "Black Niu Ji" Zuo Nazi and Radish is far deeper than that between Qingdeng and Radish.

Little Chiba Sword Gym is one of the largest sword gyms in Edo, regardless of the size of the gymnasium or the area of ​​the courtyard, it is far above the trial guard hall.

Sanako and his family do not lack servants who can take care of Radish.

So, as Zuo Nazi said: Raising a cow in the Little Chiba Sword House is more than enough for the Chiba family.

Facing the helping hand extended by Sanako, Qing Dengben still hesitated, because he always felt that it seemed a little too much trouble for Sanako and the others.

But Qingdeng had no other better solution than asking Zuo Nazi.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Qingdeng had no choice but to agree to Zuo Nazi's proposal, and gave her the radish, and asked her to help raise the radish in the Little Chiba Sword Gym.

The rich and powerful Zuo Nazi refused to accept the food expenses of radish at the beginning, saying that "it doesn't cost much to raise a head cow, so there is no need to pay the food expenses." Qingdeng pays Xiaoqianye Jianguan a sum of food and upbringing expenses for radish on time every month.

——When you are discharged from the hospital, let's go to Xiaoqianye Sword Hall to meet Radish.

Having not seen his pet and mount for half a month, Qingdeng still misses it.

"Ah, yes. I almost forgot to mention it."

Unexpectedly, Sanako seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and his expression paused:
"Ayue and her family left Edo smoothly yesterday afternoon."

"When I went to see them off yesterday, Ah Yue and her father asked me to send you a message--'Although I have thanked you many times, I still want to say it again: Thank you very much, yours. A kindness we will never forget'."

Qingdeng blinked vigorously, and a strange expression of dumbfounding gradually appeared on his face.

"Miss Natsume, have they left Edo yet... Sohachirou Natsume is really powerful, he can take the whole family away unscathed."

Natsume Yue and her father Natsume Takahachiro visited Qingdeng when Qingdeng first moved into Renyitang.

When they visited Qingdeng, the father and daughter expressed their most sincere and solemn thanks to Qingdeng who had done them a great favor.

Although it was coerced, it is an indisputable fact that Natsume Sohachiro provided disguised assistance to the Kobari group.

Natsume Sohachiro was definitely responsible for the attack on the reservation.

Logically speaking, even if Natsume Sohachiro would not be severely punished, some punishment would definitely be inevitable.

However, I don't know if Natsume Sohachiro used some kind of power, but he didn't get any punishment!All the lives and property of the whole family were preserved!
However, due to emotion and reason, Natsume Sohachiro and his family in Edo must not be able to stay any longer.

As early as a few days ago, Qingdeng had heard from Sanako that Natsume's family was leaving Edo and moving to Nagasaki.

"Recently, I have received many thanks from others."

Qingdeng put his hands on his hips, and his half-joking tone was mixed with a little helplessness.

"I feel a little tired after being thanked back and forth...Huh? Miss Zanako?"

Qingdeng's voice paused suddenly, and he turned his face to cast a puzzled look at Zuo Nazi beside him.

At this moment, Sanako's expression suddenly became a little... weird.

The author Jun really wrote this chapter for 7 or 8 hours.

Seeing that Sanako in this chapter is so cute, please be sure to vote for this book! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard crying.jpg)

The "Second Character Popularity Vote" had a major reversal yesterday!Mai Kinoshita has more votes than Miss Sanako!

The current top three are Kinoshita Mai, Chiba Sanako and Okita Souji.Although Mai Kinoshita currently ranks first in the number of votes, it is still unknown who will win in the end. After all, this voting will last until October 10.The time is still long, and Sanako still has a chance to kill Kinoshita Mai.

 Everyone is welcome to participate in this event!The penguin group in this book obviously has nearly 600 people, but the current number of votes is only around [-] votes (leopard head crying.jpg)

  By the way: Qingdeng is too miserable, the number of votes is only one-third of that of Brave Niu Niu Radish... (Leopard Death.jpg)

  Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

  The author has opened a book friend group in Penguin!

  Group number: [-].You only need to answer a question that you will definitely know the answer as long as you read the book seriously, and you can join the book friend group.

  The author Jun Suiyuan haunts the group~
(End of this chapter)

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