I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 194 Qingdeng's new title: 【King Ren】! 【·end】

Chapter 194 Qingdeng's new title: 【King Ren】! 【·end】

I thought that the plot at the end of Volume 1 would need to write more than 1 characters. Unexpectedly, I miscalculated the amount of plot again, and it ended smoothly in only 8000 characters, so the 2-character chapter was reserved for Volume 1. Chapter [-] now!


Kiryu's nonsensical words made Qingdeng let out another "ha" in astonishment.

Kiryu had already guessed that Qingdeng would show such a reaction, so he had prepared himself psychologically beforehand, and continued with his normal expression:
"Streaming light is a unique skill that I honed with all my painstaking efforts."

"Whether it's about emotion or reason, I don't want to see my streamer just be lost like this."

"50 years ago, I set out to find someone who was expected to inherit my legacy."

"This 'Journey to Find a Disciple'... can be summed up in one word: simply hopeless."

"I have spent a long time and countless painstaking efforts, but I have never found a suitable person who can inherit my mantle."

"Until... now."

Qingdeng's eyes froze slightly.

Tongsheng's voice just dropped a little, and Qingdeng asked back in a dignified tone:
"...Boss Kiryu, why do you think I am your suitable disciple?"

Qingdeng stared straight at Kiryu's face with censorial eyes.

"Since you have spent a full 50 years looking for someone who is expected to inherit your mantle...then the talents and temperaments you have seen are all excellent geniuses, shouldn't they be countless?"

"It took you 50 years to find someone who suits you...why did you choose me after 50 years?"

Kiryu laughed "hahaha" a few times.

"Mr. Ju, it is indeed as you said. In the past 50 years, I have met quite a few geniuses."

"There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky is the eternal truth in this world."

"Some guys... are just like gods descending from the earth."

"The realm that ordinary people can barely reach after exhausting several years or more than ten years, these people who are like gods can easily reach it with a flick of their fingers."

"Since I started looking for someone who is expected to inherit my mantle, I can't count the young people whose talent and character are far stronger than you, Tachibana-kun, even with two hands."

"But... Mr. Ju, these people are without exception - none of them are as interesting as you."

"I choose my disciple not only based on his talent and temperament, but also whether he is interesting enough."

"Interesting...?" Qing Deng softly chewed the word that made him puzzled.

"Hmm... It's also hard for me to explain to you what my definition of 'interesting' is in specific words."

"Let me just put it this way: when I choose a disciple, I really value whether he has a good eye for me."

"Generally speaking, normal people can't do such a crazy thing like 'calling more than sixty warriors alone'."

Kiryu's gaze towards Qingdeng suddenly became elusive.

"Tachibana-kun, your demeanor...reminds me of an old friend who likes to go to the street alone to bask in the sun recently."

"My here tells me—"

Kiryu stretched out his finger and pointed towards his chest.

"You can definitely become... my most proud apprentice!"

"I don't like those red tapes. If you are willing to inherit my mantle, then you don't need to pay me any respect, and you don't need to call me 'Master'. Just call me 'Boss Kiryu' as usual. People kind of like being called 'the boss'."

"You don't need to pay me Shuxiu. I have served the Lord for more than 70 years, and the savings I have accumulated are quite considerable, and I am not short of money."

"I only have one request—to keep your sword-drawing technique a secret from everyone."

"When someone asks you 'where did you learn how to draw a sword', you only need to answer 'you realized it yourself'."

"Anyway, with your talent, even if you give such an answer, no one will doubt it."

"I don't want too many people to know that Kazuma Kiryu of Senshiya has a lot of background."

"Mr. Ju, what do you... think?"

Kiryu smiled and put his elbows on the counter in front of him, crossed his fingers, and waited for Qingdeng's reply.

"..." Qing Deng lowered his eyelids and frowned slightly.

Kiryu was still talking about some very serious and informative information just now, and without any foreshadowing, he suddenly changed the subject and talked to him about recruiting disciples...

The huge leap in the content of the topic made Qingdeng feel a little confused.

"The matter of apprenticeship...Let's leave it for later to discuss in detail."

Qingdeng said quietly.

"I still have some questions I want to ask you."

"After the remaining questions I have are answered one by one, let's talk about the matter of apprenticeship and apprenticeship."

"Boss Kiryu, you told me so many things that can't be casually known to outsiders... Is it really okay?"

Qingdeng said in a half-serious, half-joking tone.

"You are not afraid that I will say things like, 'The boss of Senshiya Kiryu is not an ordinary person', 'Kazuma Kiryu's real identity is Mamiya Kurō', 'the organization he is backed by is a business named Huluya', etc. To advertise it?"

"You wouldn't do that."

Kiryu first responded with a decisive tone without thinking, and then changed into a teasing tone.

"I'm not stupid enough to pick someone who can't even manage his own mouth to be my disciple."

"Then why did you tell me so many of your secrets and the secrets of the gourd house behind you?" Qingdeng asked persistently, "You don't think you want to drag me into the gourd house, do you?"

"You've misunderstood." Kiryu shrugged, "Our Gourd House is not so easy to join."

"Whether to win you into the gang or not needs to be decided by the lord himself, and I can't be the master."

"There is no particular reason for telling you so much."

"I think you are qualified to know so much, and I believe that you will not betray us. After getting the master's consent, I decided to tell you all these things-it's that simple."

"...Okay, I understand." Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief, "Then do you know why Kama Itachi, one of the cadres of the French Execution Party, suddenly appeared that night and turned to Ah Wuliang and me?" Out of the fierce blade?"

"Ah... You can't ask me this question."

The smile on Kiryu's face turned into a bitter smile.

"I also don't understand why Kamaitachi suddenly appeared that night and attacked you."

"Although I really don't want to admit it... But the intelligence control of the Fazhu Party is really excellent, and our Calabash House can only hold a candle to it."

"Counting it carefully, it has been a long time since I was ordered to come to Edo."

"After staying in Edo for such a long time, I have spent a lot of money and energy, but I still failed to detect any movements of the Fazhu Party in Edo."

"The night I met Kamaitachi, it was the first time I met someone from the Hokyu Party since I opened the Senjiya in Edo."

"The cadres of the Fazhu Party are extremely loyal to the Fazhu Party."

"It is unbelievable that he is so loyal that he can die for the party at any time."

Kiryu opened his mouth, raised his right hand and pointed to the back molars in his mouth.

"The cadres of the Falun Gong Party have installed a worn-out false tooth in the back molar, and put a special poison in this worn-out false tooth that will kill immediately if swallowed, and has no cure. "

"When you need to take poison to commit suicide, you use your tongue to open the dentures of the back molars and swallow the poison."

"Our Calabash House had two chances to capture the cadres of the Falun Gong Party alive, but they failed to capture them alive because of the rapid suicide of these cadres."

"Originally, when I was facing Kama Itachi, I had already learned the lesson that the cadres of the French Party would commit suicide without hesitation. Poison dentures removed."

"It's a pity...it's still half a step late."

"If it is said that Kamaitachi wants to protect that Kanno Tatsugoro, it doesn't seem too likely."

"Before he showed up, Kanno Tatsugoro, who received your fatal blow, was already hopeless."

"It doesn't appear sooner, it doesn't appear later, and it happens when Kanno Tatsugoro is almost certain to die... It really doesn't seem like he wants to come out to protect Kanno Tatsugoro."

"The people of the Fazhu Party have always acted strangely, no matter how strange and unimaginable things they do, it is not surprising."

"'I just passed by by chance, because I don't like officials, so I wanted to kill Ju Jun on a whim', 'Because the young master is beautiful, so I want to take the young master home'... The above, They are all things that the people of the Falun Gong Party may do."

"All in all, I'm still investigating why Kama Itachi suddenly appeared that night and attacked you."

"If something can be found out later, I will let you know as soon as possible."

Qingdeng nodded solemnly: "I'm sorry to trouble you..."

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Kiryu asked back.

"...not anymore." Qing Deng shook his head.

Kiryu turned his gaze to Kinoshita Mai.

Mai Kinoshita, who noticed Kiryu's gaze, thought for a moment, then shook her head slightly.

"Then..." Kiryu smiled happily, "Let's switch the conversation back to the topic that was put on hold just now."

Kiryu put his hands on the counter instead of his own legs, and sat upright and dignified.

"Mr. Ju, I don't force you to worship me as your teacher."

"If you are willing to inherit my mantle, I will warmly welcome you."

"If you don't want to, I won't force you."

"So... what do you think?"

The question of "apprenticeship" that had just been shelved for a long time was once again placed before Qingdeng's eyes.

Kiryu's expression was quite peaceful... The calm eyes conveyed the message of "ready to receive any answer from Qingdeng".

Kinoshita Mai turned her pretty face to look at Qingdeng, her red lips pursed into a tense arc.

She is also looking forward to Qingdeng's reply.

"..." Qingdeng lowered his eyes, looking at the saber orange juice that was placed on the ground to his right.

——Sword drawing...

Qing Deng softly recited the name of this famous martial art in his heart.

Because he was concentrating on thinking, Qingdeng felt as if the gravity around him had disappeared, but he felt a floating feeling while sitting on the ground.

The reason why Qingdeng just asked Kiryu "Is the trick used to kill Kamaitachi the legendary 'Liu Guang'" was purely out of curiosity.

The moment Kiryu killed Kamaitachi with a single blow was the first time Qingdeng saw the sword-drawing technique since traveling to this era.

Kiryu instantly killed Kamaitachi with a blow that was as swift as a gust of wind and as powerful as thunder. When he came back to his senses, there was only the light of the sword that had not yet dissipated and an afterimage that remained on the body of the sword... This scene, It left a very deep impression on Qingdeng.

Even though more than 20 days have passed, I still feel that this shocking scene is still in front of my eyes.

It turns out that in this world... there really is such a handsome and powerful move...


What did Qing Ji do and what did he think in the following period of time, Qing Registry is not very clear.

I feel like I've been thinking about a lot of things, but I can't remember exactly what I was thinking about.

I don't even know how much time has passed.

I just remember that when I came back to my senses, I whispered to Kiryu——

"...I'll ask Boss Kiryu for your advice from now on."

Qing Deng's response was rather brief.

But it is enough.

"..." Kiryu laughed silently.

With a gratifying smile on his cheeks, the wrinkles on his face stretched out, and he looked much younger.

Kinoshita Mai's expression at the moment is very charming.

She blinked her eyes a few times thoughtfully, and then, as if thinking of something beautiful, she showed a silly smile.

——I'm going to learn how to draw a sword from Boss Kiryu...

Thinking of this, Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief due to mixed feelings and asked casually:
"Boss Kiryu, when will I be able to practice sword drawing?"

"This is not in a hurry."

Kiryu waved his hands with a slightly heroic gesture.

"Aren't you still recuperating?"

"After your body recovers completely, I will formally guide you to start the practice of drawing swords."

"Before that... let me teach you something else."

"Other things?" Qing Deng raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Mr. Ju, then you do as I say, and you do what I say."

"Straighten your waist, spread your shoulders back, and inhale slowly through your nose."

While talking, Kiryu demonstrated by himself, straightening his body, spreading his shoulders, and slowly inhaling through his nose.

Qingdeng didn't know why, but he obediently followed suit.

"You should now feel your belly bulging, which is the lower part of your lungs filling with air."

"Keep breathing in without stopping. Fill the upper part of the lungs with air as well."

"Inhale until the ribs are lifted, the chest cavity expands, and there is no more air to be sucked."

"After inhaling the air, hold your breath for 5 breaths."

"After 5 breaths, exhale slowly, exhaling the air in the lungs little by little."

"Pause for a breath or two after the ribs, sternum and abdomen return to their original positions, then start from the beginning and start to inhale and exhale slowly again."

"Mr. Ju, starting from today, you have to spend at least 2 quarters of an hour every day to repeatedly practice the breathing method I mentioned above."

"After a period of practice, you can gradually increase the breath-holding time from 5 breaths to 10 breaths, and even more."

"Ah?" Qingdeng's face showed a puzzled look that he couldn't hide, "Boss Kiryu, why do you want to practice like this?"

"This set of movements can effectively exercise your lung strength."

"Lung strength?"

"I also do more running and swimming on weekdays. Running and swimming can exercise lung strength very well."

Lung strength...should mean vital capacity.

"Is the strength of the knife drawing technique related to the strength of the lungs?"

"It's irrelevant. The strength of your lung strength has nothing to do with the strength of your knife drawing technique. The reason why you are asked to exercise your lung strength every day is to prepare for teaching you something... powerful in the future."

"A powerful thing?" The confusion on Qingdeng's face became more and more intense.

"You don't need to know what it is yet. Just do what I say, exercise your lungs every day, and don't slack off."

"When your lungs are strong enough, I will tell you what this 'powerful thing' is."

Kiryu chuckled a few times "hehehe".

The smile is intriguing.



Edo, somewhere——

"Eiichi, still haven't found Kamaitachi?"

"Yes... I have sent all the people I can to find Kamaitachi-sama, but..."


Standing by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, Raksha smacked his lips vigorously, interrupting Eiichi Shimizu who was standing respectfully behind him.

"You don't see people when you're born, and you don't see corpses when you're dead..." Luo Sha half closed his eyes, and tapped the window frame rhythmically with his right index finger.

"...Master Rakshasa, how about... how about we investigate that Tachibana?" Eiichi Shimizu offered his suggestion in a tentative tone, "You send Kamaitachi to secretly protect Kanno Tatsugoro. As a result, Kanno Chen Wulang was killed by Ju Qingdeng, maybe..."

"Do not."

Before Shimizu Eiichi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luo Sha again.

"Don't act rashly."

Rakshasa's tone was neither sad nor happy, making it difficult to fathom his current mood and thoughts.

"The disappearance of Kamaitachi... maybe the Gourd House is behind the scenes."

"Itachi Kama was demoted to me by Mr. Orochi because he was not cautious enough to act, made a mistake, and was almost caught by the people in the gourd house."

"It cannot be ruled out that the Calabash House has successfully tracked the movement of the weasel and sent people to chase and kill the weasel."

"As long as it is related to the Gourd House, we can't be too cautious. We have already suffered a lot from the Gourd House."

"Don't act hastily."

"Let's continue to send people to secretly investigate the whereabouts of Kamaitachi."

"If there is any result, report to me immediately."

"Yes." Eiichi Shimizu nodded his head as hard as he wanted to tear his head off.

"What is the current situation of the Barbarians?" Luo Sha asked the next question.

"Death is imminent." Shimizu Eiichi's answer was quite quick and simple, "Without the leadership of Kanno Tatsugoro, the remnants of the Barbarian Group are now completely disorganized."

"Judging from the current suppression efforts of the Enforcement Office and Huofu Bandit Reform, it is only a matter of time before the extermination of the Barbarian Group."

"It can be as fast as 1 month, and as slow as 3 months. There will no longer be any groups of barbarians in this world."

"...What a pity." Luo Sha's right index finger tapped the window frame rhythmically again, "The Kobari Group was wiped out just like that... I still want to make more use of them."

"Tachibana Takayuki's son is really getting better and better."

The corners of Rakshasa's mouth turned up slowly.

There was an arc that was hard to guess.

"I don't know where he will be transferred to the right after he has made such a great contribution."

"It would be really great if it could be changed to Huofu Thief..."


Luo Sha suppressed his throat and let out a sinister "hahahaha" laugh.

The laughter came so abruptly.

so weird...

Clang——Luo Sha closed the window in front of him.

The sunlight leaking into the room through the window in front of Rakshasa is the only light source in this room.

After Luo Sha closed the window, the surroundings of Luo Sha and every corner of this room were immediately surrounded by thick darkness...



Edo, somewhere——

Thump tom!

Hearing this sound, Asi knew that it must be their house cat, Dou Sha Bao, who knocked down the statue of King Ni placed at the entrance.

"Hey! Bean paste buns!"

Asi hurried to the entrance.

Sure enough—Doushabao, the black and white kitten they raised was lying on the fallen statue of King Ni, looking innocently at Asi.

"Go! Go!"

Asi waved his hand, and drove away the bean paste bun with an innocent face and didn't know that he had made a mistake, and then respectfully picked up the statue of King Ni who was placed at the entrance to ward off evil spirits with both hands, ready to put it back in its original place, and set it up, straighten.

But at this time-

"It's finally finished!"

Her husband Sojiro's ecstatic roar came from the back room.

Asi, who was frightened by the roar, couldn't care about other things, so he just hugged the statue of King Ni and rushed to the hall in the back room.

"Soujiro! What's the matter? What's the matter?"

As soon as he arrived at the living room, Asi saw his husband standing on the desk with an excited expression on his face, stretching his arms, looking up to the sky and laughing.

"I finally finished my new work!"

"Soujiro, have you finished writing your new work?" Asi was startled at first, and then showed joy: "Congratulations! Sojiro, what is the subject of your new work? It's the first time I've seen you It’s been such a long time of continuous writing. The longest work before that was only written for a little over a month.”

More than two months ago, in order to help her husband who was unable to write new works due to the bottleneck period, Asi took Sojiro to Asakusa to watch the swordsmanship competition held by the Marquis of Aizu.

Then, a weird scene happened suddenly.

When the first day of competition came to an end, Sojiro suddenly slapped his thigh and shouted "Ashi! I have the inspiration to write!", "Ashi, let's go! Let's go home! Tonight I will write a all night", and then rushed home in a hurry, not even watching the game anymore.

Since then, Sojiro has been writing before the case all day long.

Curious about Sojiro's new inspiration, Asi asked her husband more than once: "What is the subject of your new work?"

But Sojiro always only replied mysteriously, "Secret! I'll tell you after I finish writing!".

The financial situation at home is not very good, and under the physical and psychological torment of being curious about what new work her husband has written, Asi finally waited for the day when Sojiro finished writing his new work.

"A Si, it's all thanks to you that I can write a new work!"

Sojiro embraced Asi, buried his handsome face in Asi's northern hemisphere.

"With me?" Asi tilted his head in surprise.

"I got new inspiration for writing just after watching Marquis Aizu's swordsmanship competition!"

Sojiro beamed with joy and danced.

"After seeing Ju Qingdeng defeated powerful enemies with high strength, I suddenly thought-it would be a pity not to write the story of Ju Qingdeng into a storybook!"

"Ah?" Asi's eyes and lips were opened wide.

Story book—that is, the base book for storytellers to rap and sing.

"A Si, don't you think Ju Qingdeng's story is very suitable to be written into a storybook?"

"Ju Qingdeng was originally just an unknown 'three-time' concentric with the nickname 'Didou Deng' from the Beifan Institute."

"After realizing the weight of my responsibility as the 'Three Backs' Concentric, I suddenly woke up and made up my mind not to muddle through the day."

"Afterwards, he was reborn, and performed extraordinary feats like a different person!"

"Xue Ye bravely fought against the barbarian group first, and then rescued the Tibetan book tune."

"Every battle is fought with less, and it is very intense."

"Relying on one outstanding achievement after another, step by step, he has changed from a 'dumb head' to the now-famous 'Little Tengu of Beifansuo'!"

"People in the market love to read such stories."

"There are not only plots from weak to strong, step by step from a small person with no one name to a big person today, but also many passages of fighting with swords."

"This kind of story with ups and downs that people in the market love to read, if it is adapted into a storybook, it will definitely explode!"

Asi blinked a few times: "So you have been adapting Ju Qingdeng's story into a storybook for the past two months?"

"That's right! I have a hunch - this new work of mine will definitely sell well!"

"When creating this new work, I have absorbed all the experience and lessons I have created in previous works of the same type."

"That kind of story with many fighting scenes has always been the favorite of the common people in the market."

"Even if the context seems illogical, as long as the characters play enough and are exciting enough, people will applaud."

"The Ogata Yasue storybook I wrote last year was not very well received because there were too few fighting passages."

"That's why I specially wrote a lot of Ju Qingdeng's fighting passages this time! Nearly two-thirds of the entire script is about how Ju Qingdeng slashes people with his sword."

"Hahaha! Asi, be happy! When my new work is sold out, I'll buy you a new yukata! It just so happens that summer is here, so it's a good time to change into a new yukata!"

After finishing speaking, Sojiro raised his face from Asi's northern hemisphere, lifted the petite Asi, and then spun around on the spot holding Asi.

"Adapting Ju Qingdeng's story into a storybook...it feels pretty good." Asi smiled brightly, "Soujiro, you've been living at home writing lately, keeping your ears closed to things outside the window, in order not to disturb your creation , so I haven’t told you—Ju Qingdeng has made great contributions recently.”

"What?" Sojiro hugged Asi's spinning body for a while, "Ju Qingdeng has made great contributions again?"

Asi nodded, and then carefully informed Sojiro of Qingdeng's series of new achievements in rescuing Sanako, the more than sixty members of the single-fighting and fighting group, and the leader of the single-killing group, Kanno Tatsugoro.

After hearing this, Sojiro became even more ecstatic.

"Okay! That's great!"

"The more famous Juqingdeng is, the better chance my new work will be to sell!"

Sojiro raised his head and laughed again, the gigantic laughter seemed to lift the ceiling above his head.

But at this moment, Sojiro's laughter suddenly stopped.

In a hurry, he seemed to be recalling something bad, his lips were tightly pursed, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

"Soujiro, what's the matter?" Asi asked, "Why did you suddenly show such a dignified expression?"

"Ah, it's nothing." Soujiro gently put Asi back on the ground, "It's just that I suddenly remembered something that didn't go my way."

"I have finished writing all the storylines in the storybook, but there is only one place where I still don't know how to start writing..."

"One of the great ways to get people to remember someone is to give that person a catchy, recognizable nickname."

"For example, Takeda Shingen's nickname is 'Tiger of Kai', and Kenshin Uesugi's nickname is 'Echigo Dragon'... These mighty and chic nicknames have greatly enhanced the popularity of Takeda Shingen and others."

"I think the titles that Juqingdeng currently holds are either not bold enough, or not smooth enough."

"Like something like 'Little Tengu of Beifansuo', the courage is there, but it is too mouthful, which is not conducive to people's memory."

"So I want to give Ju Qingdeng a new nickname that is distinctive, majestic, and catchy in this storybook of mine."

"But there have been no good ideas..."

Sojiro sighed, leaned back, and sat back in front of the desk.

"Ace, do you have any good suggestions?"

"A nickname..." Asi muttered in a voice that only he could hear clearly, "I don't really understand this kind of thing..."

Asi was about to tell her husband, "I don't even know a few Chinese characters, so I don't know how to give people nicknames."

However, at this moment, Asi suddenly noticed the statue of King Ni in his arms...

"...How about 'Nioh'?"


"How about 'Nioh'?"

With a shy smile on his face, Asi repeated what he had just said in a clearer voice, while placing the statue of King Ni in his arms on Sojiro's desk.

"'Nioh' is the vajra arhat who protects the world... I feel that such a name matches the story and temperament of Ju Qingdeng quite well."

Sojiro stared blankly at the statue of King Ni that Asi put on the desk.

Then he stood up abruptly, and grabbed Asi's shoulders with a serious face, which surprised Asi.


"What, what's wrong?"

"Your proposal...is really great!"

After finishing speaking, Sojiro let go of Asi's shoulders, crouched down in front of the desk again, grabbed the writing brush on the pen holder and a piece of white paper at the corner of the desk, and wrote two large Chinese characters on the paper.




Volume 1 "Qingdeng Catchment Tent" - Finale!

Preface to Volume 2 "Rising to the Blue Sky":

Rush up to the blue sky and climb to a place higher than the moon!

 Volume 1 is finally over!

  Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

  A postscript to Volume 15 will be updated in 1 minutes, and interested readers can go and watch it~
(End of this chapter)

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