I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 2 Duplicate Talent System

Chapter 2 Duplicate Talent System
--what sound? !

Qin Deng...or Ju Qingdeng, was shocked by the mechanical sound that suddenly sounded in his mind just now, and stood there dumbfounded.

Before he had time to recall the mechanical sound carefully, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his eyes were suddenly out of focus.

After his eyes regained the ability to focus, Qing Deng was surprised to find that the field of vision was unprecedentedly clear.

It's late at night, and the surrounding light sources could only barely make Qing Deng see the road under his feet clearly.

But now, Qingdeng felt that everything in front of him was extremely clear.

Qingdeng can see clearly even in dark corners that are not illuminated by light.

When Qingdeng was still shocked by the change in his eyesight, the arrest of "Renyizhong" had quietly ended.

According to the information provided by the informant - the total number of "benevolent people" is no more than 12 people.

Under the sudden attack of Qingdeng and others, they were quickly wiped out. Those who surrendered obediently were tied up with thick ropes, and those who resisted in the corner were executed on the spot.

"Oh? Mr. Ju, did you actually bring down the second leader of 'Benevolence and Righteousness'? Well done."

At this time, the voice of Arima, Qingdeng's boss, sounded from behind him.

The official positions of the magistrate can be roughly divided into three levels from large to small: town magistrate, Yuli, and Tongxin.

Pursuit can be understood as the mayor, Yuli can be understood as middle-level cadres, and Tongxin can be understood as grassroots personnel.

Generally, 1 is concentric with 2 to 3 force tubes.

Qingdeng is the direct subordinate of Arima, who is Yori, and is under the direct jurisdiction of Arima.

Qingdeng turned his head to look at the sound, and saw some blood splattered on his body, and Arima, holding a long knife still dripping blood, walked slowly towards him.

After walking to the side of the middle-aged man who was knocked down by Qingdeng just now and is now in a coma, Arima bent down, briefly checked the middle-aged man's injuries, then stood up and said to Qingdeng:
"Mr. Ju, you did a great job. It's rare to make a great contribution. You managed to capture alive the second in command of the 'Renyizhong'."

"This guy is the second-in-command of 'Renyizhong', known as 'Cat's Eye'."

"Cat's eye?" Qingdeng asked suspiciously.

"This guy is said to be a strange person who can see clearly like a cat even at night." Arima pointed to his eyes, "That's why they are called 'cat's eyes'."

After finishing speaking, Arima patted Qingdeng's shoulder.

"Okay, don't stand around stupidly, hurry up and take all these thieves back together. Take them back as soon as possible, so that you can go home and rest early."

"Oh, good." Qing Deng subconsciously nodded.

Under their surprise attack, among the 12 benevolent people, 4 died, 2 were seriously injured, and the remaining 6 were all captured alive.

The second in command brought down by Qingdeng was one of those captured alive.

Those who were dead were wrapped in straw mats casually, and sent back to the execution office on a cart with the seriously injured, and then the thieves who were still alive were escorted back.

After finishing this troublesome work, it was almost half an hour later.

After successfully escorting all the surviving members of the "Renyizhong" back to the enforcement office, all the people who participated in the arrest operation tonight were called together by Arima.

"Everyone! Well done!" Arima said with a smile on his face, "All the thieves from 'Renyizhong' have been arrested!"

"Master Feng Xing is very satisfied with our performance tonight."


Has a long Mala tone.

"Master Feng Xing told me just now: Let everyone involved in tonight's operation have a day off tomorrow!"

As soon as Arima's words fell, cheers erupted one after another.

Qing Deng didn't join the cheering ranks - because his head was still confused.

"Okay, let's all go back to our respective houses." Arima waved his hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet, "I will do the aftermath work after that."

The cheers exploded again.

After Arima announced its dissolution, everyone left the enforcement office in twos and threes and went back to their homes.

Qingdeng also stepped out of the prison slowly with a blank expression on his face.

He didn't know—since just now, there were three warriors wearing bamboo hats lurking in the dark alley not far from the Enforcement Office.

After Qingdeng left the enforcement office, the three warriors held the sabers in their waists, bent their waists, and followed Qingdeng quietly...



After Qingdeng and the three samurai following Qingdeng were far away from the execution office, the small officials who were responsible for transporting the dead and injured of the "benevolent people" just now breathed heat on their frozen hands while you I chatted in a word.

"Oh, this 'benevolence and righteousness' is finally destroyed."

"Without 'Renyizhong', Edo should be more or less peaceful."

"I don't know when we will be able to eradicate those people who talk about 'rejecting barbarians' and 'heavenly punishment'? Those people are really scary... I heard that when Yamada of Ginweifang came home the night before, he was met by 'rejecting barbarians'." My life was almost lost by the sneak attack of the faction."

"Why did the people from the 'Expelling Barbarians' focus on Yamada?"

"It is said that it is because Yamada once threatened to support the study of Western medical skills in public."

"Hey, those people from the 'Against the Barbarians' kept their mouths shut, but in the end, the people they wounded and killed were basically Chinese people. If they dared to jump into the sea and attack the steam warships of the United States, then I would Respect them as heroes."

"Okay, don't talk about these depressing topics, let's go, go drink, drink."



Qingdeng walked on the way home according to the memory in his mind.

But not far from the enforcement office, Qingdeng stopped, and then leaned against the side of the street.

He wasn't in the mood at all to walk slowly back to the home he remembered.

He just wanted to figure out what was going on right now.

Qingdeng rubbed his temples vigorously, recalling how he traveled to ancient Japan...

In the memory before traveling, Qing registered clearly—he was a young man who had just graduated from the police academy.

In his previous life, he had always longed for the profession of police.

When he didn't even know the difference between boys and girls, he set his ambition to become a policeman.

And his ambition was very fortunate to be realized.

In his previous life, he was a very typical "other people's child".

When I was in elementary and middle school, my grades were always among the best.

In the college entrance examination, with excellent to exaggerated results, he was successfully admitted to the police academy.

After studying in the police academy, his performance was still outstanding. When he graduated, he successfully ended his career in the police academy with an excellent overall score of the first in the whole class.

And just three days after graduating from the police academy, he traveled to this strange era...

He remembered—before crossing over, he was leisurely reading a book in his study.

Looking at it, I suddenly felt a little tired, so I just lay back on the book chair and began to take a nap.

When I opened my eyes again... I became Ju Qingdeng, a policeman in ancient Japan, and then participated in an arrest operation in a daze...

——So I slept until I crossed? !

Qingdeng's face was covered with black lines.

Qingdeng, who had given up thinking about how he traveled through time, took a deep breath, and then continued to knead his temples on both sides.

He is now searching for the memory of "Original Juqingdeng".

He wanted to figure out when he was in Japan.

Qingdeng perfectly inherited all the memories of "Original Ju Qingdeng", so he recalled when it was now: the seventh year of Anzheng...

In what year?

do not know……

Probably because the AD calendar has not yet become popular in Japan in this era.

What is ruling Japan now is a behemoth named "Tokugawa Shogunate", also known as "Edo Shogunate".

——No... I don't know that I'm in Japan in a few years AD...

The black lines on Qingdeng's face became more...

In the memory of "Original Juqingdeng", only the current year name is what it is, and it has no idea about the year of the AD.

Qingdeng also couldn't figure out what time it is based on the year number, after all, he didn't know much about Japanese history.

He has never been interested in history, and he doesn't know anything about Japanese history.

After giving up on figuring out how many years in AD he was now, Qingdeng began to think about what was going on with the mechanical sound that sounded in his mind before.

——Could this be...the so-called system...?
In his previous life, Qingdeng also read some online novels, so he is no stranger to the so-called "system".

After Qingdeng tried to read the system in his heart a few times, he saw a virtual screen appear in front of his eyes:

【Name: Juqingdeng】(?)
[Currently possessed talent:
night vision]


The content on this virtual screen is surprisingly small, just 2 lines.

Qingdeng noticed that there was a small question mark at the end of the line marked with his name.

He tried to focus on the little question mark, and then the little question mark expanded into a new virtual screen:


[Rules for using the copy talent system:]

[[-]. After fighting with a person with a special talent, regardless of victory or defeat, you can copy a talent from him. (Note: Not everyone has a special talent, the vast majority of people are ordinary people without talent.)]

[[-]. If the opponent has multiple talents, random copying will be performed. 】

[[-]. Anyone can only copy a talent from him once. Once a talent is copied from someone, even if the person has other talents, he cannot copy it a second time]

[[-]. When the talent is activated, the entries on the system interface will be illuminated]

[[-]. The number of talents that the host can have, regardless of the upper limit, but they will not have the same talents]

[10. It takes time to copy a talent, you need to fight with your opponent for at least [-] seconds before you can copy a talent]

[[-]. When the host meets certain conditions, it can awaken new talents on its own. 】

New book asking for all kinds of support!
(End of this chapter)

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