I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 208 Going to take a shower with Souji Okita! 【1】

Chapter 208 Going to take a shower with Souji Okita! 【8400】

Qingdeng from Juxiaduan, and chief executive Caiping Qingyan...the two remained motionless.

The two people facing each other from a distance exude an aura that makes it difficult to get close.

In an almost frozen atmosphere, the director general took the lead in taking action.

He concentrated his strength on the toes of his hind feet, bent his back knees, and at the moment of bending his knees, he quickly accumulated sufficient strength in his legs and waist bar, then kicked off his hind feet, and suddenly rushed forward , using the momentum of his body to rush forward, stab the sword in his hand towards Qingdeng's chest!

At the same moment, Qingdeng's body also moved.

His movements are almost exactly the same as that of the chief executive.

Bend your back knees, accumulate your strength, and hit the sword in your hand forcefully by kicking the ground forward!
The two people in different postures used the same trick, and the two bamboo swords shot straight at each other like shooting stars!
Xiange of the two bamboo swords collided in mid-air.

Although the chief's explosive power is unbelievably strong, Qingdeng's attack power has been blessed by the talents of "leading the horse", "bear's waist", "gathering the spirit", and "lonely courage" all the time. No worse than the head office!

The two bamboo swords with their pointed ends together are like two bullfighting bulls colliding with each other.

In the end - this short duel ended with "no winner".

With a "snap", the two sword tips crossed each other.

The tip of Qingdeng's sword brushed against the chief's left shoulder, and the tip of the chief's sword brushed against Qingdeng's right abdomen.

The bodies of the two rushed forward a few steps according to the inertia, and passed by.

The chief didn't run too far, he ran to a place two steps behind Qingdeng, stopped in his tracks, and turned around quickly, holding the bamboo sword in front of him while turning around.

The "Wuming Sword vs. Boom" just now ended in a tie, and the swords of both sides only brushed against each other's body. Therefore, the battle has not yet been decided, and the contest has to continue.

However, when the director quickly turned around to face Qingdeng and regained his posture, his eyes blinked several times because he was surprised by the scene in front of him——Qingdeng did not regroup as quickly as he did. Instead, he slowly put down the bamboo sword in his hand, and the originally tense body muscles relaxed little by little as Qingdeng slowly stood up straight.

"Mr. Orange, what's the matter?"

Seeing Qingdeng's appearance that he didn't want to fight anymore, the director asked quickly.


Qingdeng sighed silently, then said softly in a helpless tone.

"Today's competition, let's go here first."

"You're very distracted... It's useless to fight any longer. It will only waste your energy and my strength, and it will not be able to learn from each other and improve at all."

As soon as Qingdeng's voice fell, a serious old voice interjected between Qingdeng and the chief executive:

"Boss, have you...are you feeling unwell these two days?"

The owner of this old voice was Zhou Zhu who had just been standing aside watching Qingdeng and the chief executive's practice.

Zhou Zhu, who usually always smiles, showed a rare serious expression at this time.

With his hands behind his back, he walked slowly towards the chief, and continued in a deep voice.

"Since yesterday, you have been acting strangely, with a restless look, always in a daze from time to time, and not concentrating on practicing swords. Just now, there have been several attacks and counterattacks that are expected to give Mr. Ju a great threat. , all missed because of your inattention."

"Director, you don't need me to explain to you in detail that 'inattention is a taboo in martial arts'?"

Shusuke, Kondo, Hijikata and the others at the side all looked at the general manager with serious and slightly worried eyes at the moment.

Those of them who are capable enough have all keenly noticed how inattentive the chief executive was in the talent contest just now.

Qingdeng was right to stop the contest in time.

One of the parties in the competition is not concentrated enough... It is a small matter not to be able to achieve the effect of practice, but it is a big problem to injure the body due to lack of concentration.

After being reprimanded by Zhou Zhu in a stern tone, the director lowered his head and tightened his shoulders as if trying to hide his body.

"I am so sorry……"

Seeing the director's sincere confession, the lines on Zhou Zhu's face suddenly softened.

"Boss, are you feeling unwell?"

Zhou Zhu asked softly in a tone that softened along with the lines on his face.

"Or is there something on your mind?"

After asking, Zhou Zhu stared at the chief executive's eyes with caring eyes.

If you don't feel well, or if you have something on your mind, you can talk to me as much as you want—Zhou Zhu said so with his eyes towards the general manager.

"Ugh... ah ha ha ha ha..."

The chief executive raised his hand and took off the protective mask, revealing a dry smile.

"I'm fine...it's just...it's just that I feel a little tired recently."

"Fatigue?" Zhou Zhu hurriedly asked, "Are you sick?"

After finishing his speech, Zhou Zhu raised his hand and touched the chief executive's forehead.

After carefully feeling the temperature transmitted to the palm, I only feel that the body temperature of the chief executive is quite normal and there is nothing unusual.

"I'm not sick, maybe it's because the weather has been too hot recently, so I haven't slept well."

"It's good that you're not sick..." Zhou Zhu withdrew his hand touching the chief's forehead, "Since you're not feeling well, don't practice swords for now, go back to your room and sleep well, and resume practicing when your body recovers."


The chief minister bowed slightly, saluted Zhou Zhu lightly, then strode back to the side of the dojo, and put the bamboo sword in his hand back into the sword barrel in the corner of the dojo.

After placing the bamboo sword and removing every protective gear on his body, Okita bowed his head and walked straight to the outside of the dojo with a blank expression.

"Hey, Orange."

Suddenly, Tufang quietly walked to Qingdeng's side.

"Do you know what happened to the boss?"

The relationship between Qingdeng and the general manager is very good - this is a well-known fact in the Weiwei Museum.

The local party can be regarded as asking the right person.

Among all the people in the audience, only Qingdeng knew why the chief executive was acting strange these two days.

——It seems that the negotiation with my sister is not going well...

Seeing the back of the chief executive leaving, Qing Deng frowned slightly.

He had promised the chief that he would not tell anyone that he was being forced by his sister to give up swordsmanship.

Therefore, facing the question from the earthworker, Qing Deng said without changing his expression:
"I don't know either... Maybe Okita-kun is really distracted and out of his mind because he hasn't slept well recently. The nights of the past two days have been really hot."

On lying... This is one of Qingdeng's specialties.

Thanks to the talent effect of "Fraudster" whose face is not blushing and heartbeat when lying, making it difficult for people to detect any abnormalities, Qingdeng is now very good at lying.

No matter how false the lies he uttered, or how far they deviated from reality, Qingdeng could look so calm that outsiders couldn't find any flaws.

Even a master liar like Tufang who doesn't know how many lies he tells his girlfriends every day can hardly detect whether Qingdeng is lying.

Seeing that even Qingdeng, who had such a close relationship with the director general, didn't know what was going on with the director general, Tu Fang had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

At this time, there was a muffled "bang" sound outside the dojo, as if something had been knocked hard.

"Senior Okita! What's wrong with you? Is your forehead okay?"

"It's all right, it's just that I accidentally hit the wall."

According to the conversations heard... it seems that the chief executive was walking without looking at the road, and accidentally bumped into the wall of the corridor.

——Okita-kun, he...is it alright...?
Qingdeng's brows wrinkled uncontrollably even tighter...



The chief went down to rest, and the others should continue to do what they should do, practice what should be practiced, and rest when they should sit on the side of the dojo.

This time it's Qingdeng's wishful thinking.

Because he is worried about the current situation of the head office, Qingdeng's mood is up and down right now.

The mental disorder made Qingdeng, who was standing in a corner of the dojo doing basic exercises, even swing his bamboo sword unsteadily and incorrectly.

Suddenly, at this moment, a series of hurried footsteps sounded outside the dojo.

All the people, including Qingdeng, who were attracted by the sound of footsteps stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to follow the sound.

I saw Abi with a dustproof white turban on his head and a big broom in his hand. With a solemn expression as if he was about to go to the battlefield later, he strode into the dojo.

Abi did not come alone.

Saito and Harada are by Abi's side.

Both of them have a dust-proof white turban wrapped around their heads like Ah Bi, but the "weapons" they hold are different.

Saito was holding a dustpan, while Harada was holding a large wooden ladder.

Abi brought Saito and Harada to the dojo... This is a rare sight on weekdays, and Zhou Zhu hurriedly greeted him with a puzzled face.

"Ma'am, Saito-kun, Harada-kun, why are you here? Still holding brooms, dustpans, ladders... what are you doing?"

"Zhou Zhu." Ah Bi said in a deep voice, "There is a nest of mice living here."

"Rat?" Zhou Zhu was taken aback.

Abi nodded vigorously.

"Since half a month ago, I have often heard abnormal noises coming from the ceiling."

"I just took down the ceiling in the kitchen and looked at the ceiling...Holy shit, a bunch of rat shit."

"This mouse can't be kept at home, so I'm taking Saito and Harada who happen to be free right now to look for the mouse."

"Mrs. Kondo, leave it to me as much as you want!" Harada on the side vigorously raised the long ladder in his hand, and interjected in a triumphant tone, "Look at me going up and down the test hall. All the rats must be brought to justice!"

"Isn't that how 'bring to justice' is used..." Saito silently corrected Harada's wording, whose cultural level can only be described as a disaster.

"Well, with your words, I feel relieved." Ah Bi nodded slightly to Harada, and then said to Zhou Zhu seriously, "Zhou Zhu, has there been any abnormal noise from the ceiling of the ashram recently?"

"Abnormal noise...it seems that there is no such thing."

"No abnormal noise? Forget it, for peace of mind, I'd better check it."

Abi turned his head and glanced at the apprentices who were still practicing swords in the dojo.

"Is everyone still practicing swords... Then I will come back after the museum is closed."

Speaking of this, Ah Bi cleared his throat, then raised his head, and said loudly to everyone in the dojo:
"Everyone, please listen to me!"

"There is a nest of mice living in our test hall!"

"If any of you find a mouse in the test hall, please be sure to kill it as soon as possible! Please!"

Where there are many rats, people are prone to get sick-this is hot knowledge that even 8-year-old children know.

Therefore, culling rats is the obligation of everyone.

As soon as Ah Bi's words fell, all the apprentices echoed one after another, saying repeatedly that "we will definitely kill every mouse".



It is day, evening——

dong dong dong...

Qingdeng, who was walking fast, stomped the corridor under his feet with a "thump".

If possible, Qingdeng would not want to intervene too much in the general manager's housework. After all, housework should be handled by the parties themselves.

But the current situation of the head office is really worrying.

The current state of the general manager is so bad that he can even hit a wall when he walks...

How is the negotiation between Okita-kun and his sister going?Why has Okita-kun been so out of his mind these two days?Did you talk to your sister?Even if the conversation collapsed, it wouldn't be like this... These questions hovered in Qingdeng's mind and heart, lingering for a long time.

When the time came to the evening and the testing hall was closed, Qingdeng finally couldn't sit still.

He ran quickly around the test hall, looking for the figure of the chief director.

After Qingdeng's carpet-like search, he quickly found the chief director—he was sitting cross-legged on the edge porch of the yard reading a book of arithmetic.

Qingdeng saw at a glance that the chief executive hadn't read the contents of the book at all.

The director general's eyes are all straight and dull.

Although his eyes were cast on the pages of the book, his mind had already gone to nowhere.

"Mr. Chongtian!" Qingdeng walked quickly towards the chief executive, shouting the chief executive's name.

"Mr. Tangerine?"

Perhaps it was because he noticed that Qingdeng's expression was very solemn now, and there was a hint of doubt in the chief executive's voice.

Qingdeng looked around, and after confirming that there were no "ears on the wall", he lowered his body and squatted beside the chief executive.

"Mr. Chong Tian." Qing Deng lowered his voice, and said word by word, "You and your sister..."

Hearing the words "your sister", the director's expression changed instantly.

Before Qingdeng could finish speaking, the director hastily closed the arithmetic book in his hand and stood up.

"Mr. Ju, I'm sorry, I, I suddenly remembered something urgent to do..."

After all, without waiting for Qingdeng to respond, the director hurriedly fled from Qingdeng's eyes with his arithmetic book in his arms.

"Huh? Okita-kun? Okita-kun?"

Qingdeng hurriedly called out the name of the chief executive, but no matter how much he shouted, the chief executive had no intention of stopping.

Qingdeng, who was squatting on the spot, looked blankly in front of the director who was no longer there, and then looked at the place where the director was sitting just now.

"what happened to him……"


"Saito, have you seen the chief executive?"



"Okita-kun, I finally found you, you..."

"Oh... sorry! I want to relieve myself now!"


"Tsk... Where did Okita-kun go again... Ah, Harada, you came just in time, you..."

"Ah! Mr. Tachibana! You came at the right time! Saito said to me today: the word 'bring to justice' cannot be used to describe catching mice. Is this true? Bring to justice is not 'exhaustive' grab you with a rope by any means'?"


"Ah, Okita-kun! You..."

"Mr. Ju, I'm sorry! I remembered something urgent that needs to be dealt with immediately! See you later!"



Tonight is a sunny night with a full moon.

At this moment, just as the moon was rising, the white full moon hung high in the sky, and the clear moonlight pouring down from the sky covered everything the moonlight touched with a thin layer of silvery white frost.

At this moment, Qingdeng was standing on the veranda of the yard, with his arms folded around his chest, looking up at the full moon above his head.

Although his eyes were staring straight at the moon in the sky...but Qing Deng didn't remember the scene in front of him at all.

——What the hell is Okita-kun...why is he avoiding me...?
Qingdeng's mind is now repeatedly "playing" the scene where the chief executive is hiding from him today.

Although the chief executive found many reasons for himself, it was an urgent matter that needed to be dealt with immediately, and he wanted to go to the toilet to relieve himself... But it is obvious that the chief executive is deliberately avoiding Qingdeng and ignoring Qingdeng .

——Could it be because of the result of negotiating with my sister, so bad that I don't know how to speak to me?
Although Qingdeng has thought up all kinds of possible answers...but no matter how many answers he came up with, it is useless. If he wants to know the truth of the matter, he still has to go to the director general to find out.

The more the chief executive avoids him, the more Qingdeng wants to find out what happened to the chief executive as soon as possible.

The director's behavior of avoiding him all the time made Qingdeng feel quite troublesome.

The biggest problem facing Qingdeng now is how to create an environment that can easily catch the chief executive, make it difficult for the chief executive to escape from him, and at the same time allow him to talk to the chief executive with peace of mind.

An environment that meets these two requirements...Qing Deng thinks about it: there is no gain.

The latter is easier to say, mainly because the former is more difficult to deal with.

Maybe it's because Qing Deng came to him too frequently during the day, the chief executive is now very vigilant.

He kept avoiding Qingdeng, and now the dragon can't see the end. After realizing that Qingdeng was approaching him, he would run away immediately, running faster than a rabbit, and he couldn't even catch him.

Don't say that he was caught, because his whereabouts are uncertain, it is very difficult to even locate him.

Thinking of this, Qingdeng couldn't help closing his eyes in distress.

——Is there no place where you can definitely catch Okita-kun...

Just when Qingdeng closed his eyes tightly, racking his brains to think about this question——

"Mr. Orange! Do you want to take a bath together now!"

From the side came the loud shout of Harada, the not-so-intelligent big boy.

Qingdeng turned around, and saw Kondo, Hijikata, Yongcura, Saito, and Harada, each holding a bathtub containing towels, soap, and a change of clothes, standing at the corner of the corridor beside him.

Today, Tufang practiced sword very late in the test hall, so he simply decided to spend the night in the test hall today.

It is common for the earthwork to spend the night in the test hall.

Once he stayed in the test hall for too long or too late, he would spend the night directly in the test hall because he "too lazy to go back to the small rented house".

Because the frequency of staying overnight in the test hall is quite frequent, so Tufang can be regarded as half of the diners in the test hall.

When Qingdeng turned around to look over, Harada then shouted to Qingdeng:

"The weather is still so hot today! Let's take a bath and refresh yourself!"

Qingdeng did not immediately respond to Harada's invitation to take a bath.

Because at this moment, his mind flew to another place.

—Bathroom...to take a shower...? !

At this moment, Qingdeng felt like a lightning flashed across his mind.

"Bath... yes..."

Qingdeng murmured in a volume that only he could hear clearly.

"Why didn't I think of it..."

After muttering, Qingdeng raised his head vigorously, narrowed his eyes, and looked to the northeast.

In the northeast, somewhere very close to the test hall, there are wisps of thin steam floating straight up.

This is the bathhouse that is very close to the testing hall, where the people of the testing hall go to take a bath on weekdays: Qianxun House boils the steam of the bath water.

"...You guys go wash first."

Qingdeng looked deeply at the strands of steam that evaporated from Chihiro's house and finally merged with the moonlight, and said slowly as if chewing every word.

"I want to take a shower later..."



About 1 hours later——

The current time is around 10pm.

At this point in time... Chihiro House is about to close its doors.

Logically speaking, at this time, no one should go to Chihiro House to take a bath.

But it just so happens that there is such a strange person in the test guard who likes to take a bath when the Qianxun House is close to closing.

The chief took his bathtub and tiptoed out of his room.

At this time, the chief executive was already dressed to take a bath.

The purple ribbon used to tie the hair was gone, and her long hair was loosely scattered behind her back. She was wearing a purple and white bathrobe that was easy to move.

After stepping on his special pair of purple button flat-bottomed wooden clogs at the soil of the test hall, the general manager opened the door of the test hall, and headed straight for Chihiro House where there was still a faint steam rising.

In this era when the "supreme inventions of mankind" such as electric fans and air conditioners have not yet been created, summer nights are always difficult.

The temperature was high and the humidity was extremely heavy. The whole of Edo seemed to have sunk to the bottom of a swamp. The damp and sticky air made people sweat continuously even if they stood still.

Fortunately, the moonlight is beautiful tonight.

The beautiful moonlight dilutes the unhappiness of the hot weather.

When he turned a corner and arrived at Qianxun House, the chief executive suddenly smelled a faint fragrance of flowers from the direction above his head.

I looked up - I saw a branch protruding from the yard on the side of the road, full of gorgeous hydrangeas.

"Oh..." The chief executive blinked in surprise, and then smiled happily, "It's already blooming..."

Hydrangea... the flower that best represents summer in Japan.

Now is the season when hydrangeas are in full bloom.

The chief executive looked up at the hydrangeas above his head, and he happened to be able to see the full moon that was about to rise to the highest point in the sky through the gaps in the branches.

Delicate hydrangeas, the night sky studded with stars, and a bluish-white full moon embedded in the gaps between the branches.Suddenly a gust of night wind blows, flowers and leaves, bright colors and moon shadows swaying together under the starry sky... This is the beautiful scenery that is reflected in the eyes of the chief executive at this time.

What a magnificent view.

Moved by this beautiful scenery, Okita couldn't help but stop his feet, squint his eyes, and admire the rarely seen colorful picture unfolding in front of his eyes intoxicated at this moment.

However, it came suddenly... Before he had time to appreciate the beautiful scenery for a long time, a sudden cry came from behind him, which instantly made the intoxicated expression on his face stiff like a stone.

"Huh? Isn't this Okita-kun? What a coincidence!"

With a bathtub in his arms, Qingdeng strode towards the chief executive from behind.

The chief executive turned around according to the sound, staring blankly at Qingdeng who suddenly appeared.

Under the full moon, in front of the hydrangea, the two stood facing each other.

"Orange, orange, Mr. Ju...!" The chief executive stammered like a broken wind-up toy, "You, you, you, why are you here?"

"I was so obsessed with practicing swords at the dojo today." Qingdeng laughed, "It's only now that I realized that I didn't take a shower."

"Fortunately, Chihiro House is still open."

"Okita-kun, are you going to take a bath now too? That's fine, let's go take a bath together!"

"Huh? I... Yeah!"

Before the director could say anything, Qing Deng grabbed his right wrist.

"Let's go!"

Although Qingdeng was smiling...but his tone was full of toughness that had nothing to do with a smile.

He didn't leave any room for the chief to argue, and dragged the chief to Qianxun's house.

The section of the road where the two of them are now is only a few steps away from Qianxun's house.

Turning the corner of the street not far away, you can see the huge curtain with "men's soup" and "women's soup" written on both sides.

"Orange, orange, orange! Wait, wait, wait!"

The director's face was filled with various emotions.

Shock, embarrassment, fear... These emotions perfectly blended together on the chief executive's cheeks.

"I, I, I, I suddenly, suddenly want to untie, untie...!"

Qingdeng didn't listen to the director general's yelling.

He only took these remarks from the general manager as an excuse to avoid him again.

He didn't pay any attention to the chief executive's struggle, and only clenched the chief executive's wrist wholeheartedly, preventing the chief executive from escaping.

Qingdeng's hand strength is great, after all, he has the talent of "fingers that are far more flexible and powerful than ordinary people": "skillful hands".

With a small body and very light weight, the chief executive can easily drag him away without much strength.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

Seeing the bathhouse getting closer and closer, the chief executive struggled harder and harder.

He kicked the ground with the heels of his two wooden clogs, and leaned back vigorously, trying to stop Qing Deng from being dragged.

The chief executive's hard work has had some effect.

It's just that this little effect is almost in vain...

Qingdeng had made up his mind that "I must ask the general manager everything tonight".

No matter what the general manager does, Qingdeng will stand still.

I saw Qingdeng gritted his teeth calmly, and intensified his grip on the chief's wrist with the momentum of "never let go".

Like plowing the ground, there were 2 more drag marks on the ground from the chief's clogs.

These two drag marks spread crookedly all the way to Chihiro House——Qingdeng finally succeeded in dragging the chief executive into the "male soup" with brute force and perseverance.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Orange? You came to take a shower so late today?"

Granny Tang, who was sitting behind the tent adjacent to the entrance of the men's bath, greeted Qingdeng familiarly after seeing Qingdeng.

Qingdeng has lived in the test guard hall for more than 7 months, and has long been acquainted with the owner of Qianxun House.

As the owner of Qianxun House, Granny Tang is responsible for managing the men's bath, and a young female worker she employs is responsible for managing the women's bath.

"Good evening, Granny Tang, something happened tonight, and I finally had time to take a bath after tossing and tossing until tonight. Come, this is the bath money for the two of us."

Qingdeng spread the 4 Wen copper coins neatly on the counter, and then continued to drag the chief secretary to the depths of the men's bath.

At this time, the chief executive no longer shouted or struggled vigorously.

He only stared wide-eyed, with a pale face, staring blankly at the "bathroom" that was getting closer and closer to him as if he had lost his soul...

After both Qingdeng and the chief executive disappeared into the bathroom, Granny Tang stretched her neck, poked her head out of the tent, and cast a puzzled look towards the bathroom.

"Oh...it's a new face..."



At this moment-

The test hall, among the diners——

"...Then, I heard that the people in the shogunate are vigorously promoting the 'combination of public and military forces' recently."

At this moment, Qingdeng's old servant, Jiubingwei, was idly arranging Qingdeng's clothes in the spacious dining room.

Saito, who likes to pass the time by being "in a daze", lay flat on the tatami like a sloth, his eyes staring straight at the ceiling above his head, feeling as if he was thinking about something...but he felt He didn't seem to be thinking about anything.

Next to Saito, Harada, Hijikata, and Yongcura were gathering together, chatting about the mountain.

"'Gongwu Fusion'?" Yongcang Asaharada asked back, "What is it?"

Harada, a big living treasure, is the kind of person who can't sit still. Whenever he has free time, he likes to wander outside.

From a certain point of view... Harada's habit of wandering outside is a good habit.

Because he loves to hang around outside, Harada can always collect the latest social news in the first place.

Therefore, Harada can be regarded as the "first reporter" of their test hall.

A group of people in the testing hall often learned about new changes and events in the outside world from Harada.

"Specifically... I don't really understand it, after all, I don't like to use my brain, and I can't remember too complicated things."

Harada, who was lying sideways on the tatami, stretched out his fingers and picked his nostrils.

"If I remember correctly...it seems to be asking Dashugong to marry the imperial daughter of Kyoto, uniting the princes and the samurai family..."

"...I understand." Hijikata nodded, "To put it simply, it is to use the authority of the Kyoto court to enhance the power and status of the Edo shogunate through marriage."

With such a concise and concise explanation in the earth dialect, Yongcang immediately understood.

"It feels... so frustrating..." Yongcang stretched out his hand and scratched his hair, "The court in Kyoto has no money, no food, no soldiers and no generals. The shogunate is still trying to marry the court..."

"After all, the imperial court has unparalleled influence."

Tufang said lightly.

"The public house with a thousand-year history is a very useful banner."

"Whoever can hold this great banner will have a powerful force called 'Dayi'."

"Don't underestimate this power. If this power is used properly, it is comparable to thousands of troops."

"Oh...it's really a chaotic world..." Yongcang sighed deeply, "All kinds of messy big events happen every now and then...it's really uneasy..."

"The current world is indeed very uneasy." Hijikata folded his arms and nodded slightly, "The shogunate is now vigorously promoting the 'combination of public and military forces'... If it is handled well, it can be regarded as a wonderful move. With the support of the shogunate, the current situation of the shogunate can be improved a lot. But I think this 'combination of public and military forces' is bound to not go so smoothly..."

While Hijikata, Yongcang, and Harada were having a lively conversation——

Boom, boom, boom...!
Suddenly there was the sound of running in a hurry in the corridor outside the room.

Before Tufang and the others had time to turn their heads to look at the sound, the door between the diners was pushed open with a bang.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and help!" Outside the door, Ah Bi, with a white scarf on his head and a broom in his hand, said anxiously, "I found a mouse! Hurry up and kill the mice together!"

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(End of this chapter)

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