I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 212 The Chief Executive's Raging Oppression and the Chief Executive's Past 【Explos

Chapter 212 The Chief Executive's Raging Oppression and the Chief Executive's Past 【Explosion Update 1W】

Due to the narrowness of the land and dense population, the high cost of building bathrooms and the need to ensure the safety of fire, there are nearly a million people in Edo, and only a very small number of families have the financial resources to build private bathrooms. Most of the townspeople and samurai can only go to bathhouses. bathing problem.

Therefore, in the Edo period when entertainment activities were scarce and there were no convenient means of communication, the bathhouse was not only a place to wash the body, but also the most important social place, almost none of them.

Invite family and friends to share a moment of tranquility in the bath... This is the most common scene in bathhouses in the Edo period.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, the bathhouse is a place with very special meaning.

It represents relaxation, kinship, family, friendship, equality... It is the closest "community" that retains a strong sense of humanity and fireworks. Inviting friends to take a bath together can enhance the relationship between each other and bring the "heart" closer to you. The distance between "hearts" - Chiba Shigetaro is a person who holds this point of view.

So for Chiba Shigetaro, knowing that Qingdeng was taking a bath in the bathhouse was a good opportunity.

It is a great opportunity to get closer to the young man whom I have high hopes for and hope to form a relationship with him in the future!

He and Qingdeng didn't live together, and it wasn't always so lucky to meet Qingdeng taking a bath.

If such an opportunity is missed, if you want to get it back, you don't know when you will have to wait.

Therefore, Chiba Shigetaro quickly made up his mind - he is going to the bathhouse to find Qingdeng!
It just so happens that he hasn't taken a shower yet, so he can talk to Qingdeng while washing his body.

Although Zhou Zhu reminded him that Chihiro's house was about to close, and after arriving at Chihiro's house, Granny Tang, who was guarding the men's bath counter, reminded him with embarrassment that it was almost time for the bathhouse to close, but Chiba Shigetaro did not hesitate. Turning a deaf ear, I strode into the depths of the men's bath in my own way.

Chiba Shigetaro, who successfully found Qingdeng in the bath, showed a warm smile as if he found a long-lost relative.

He was immersed in joy, and quickly found that Qingdeng, Kondo and others were staring at his face with a shocked expression like seeing a ghost.

Seeing this, Chiba Shigetaro showed a more enthusiastic smile—hahaha, Tachibana-kun was really surprised to see me appearing suddenly!
He only regarded the stunned expressions of Qingdeng and the others as being shocked by his sudden appearance.

Although Chiba Shigetaro keenly noticed that Qingdeng and the others were full of astonishment... But he didn't notice that deep in the eyes of Qingdeng and the others, there was a strong sense of tension and a gray light of fright...



——Why is Mr. Shigetaro here?
The moment he saw Chiba Shigetarou, Qingdeng's expression was dominated by strong doubts.

At this moment, Qingdeng really felt what "unexpected" and "uninvited guest" are...

"Mr. Shigetaro." Qing Deng quickly calmed down, and quickly asked Chiba Shigetaro, "Why are you here?"

"Mr. Ju, the reason why I came here suddenly tonight is because I have something very important to talk to you about."

Chiba Shigetaro succinctly told the whole story of how he arrived at the testing hall just now, and was told by Zhou Zhu that Mr. Tachibana was in the bathhouse now.

After finishing speaking, Chiba Shigetaro stepped into the bath, immersing all the parts below his chest under the water.

"Hey...the bath is quite big."

Chiba Shigetaro didn't come to the bathhouse very often-because his Chiba family belonged to the very few families who had the financial resources to build a private bathhouse.

Little Chiba Sword House not only has a spacious bathroom, but also has a large number of servants who can be on call and can boil water for you immediately with a single command.

Therefore, in the eyes of wealthy children like Chiba Shigetaro, everything in the bathhouse is quite new.

Qingdeng was quite curious about what Chiba Shigetaro wanted to discuss with him.

He didn't hesitate to come to him overnight...it must be very important.

But now Qingdeng doesn't have the spare energy and leisure time to take care of or think about anyone or anything other than the general manager.

Why didn't Chiba Shigetaro come sooner or later, and why did he come at this time——Qingdeng, Kondo, and Inoue expressed this depressed feeling in their hearts at the same time with a tacit understanding.

The house leak happened to be raining all night... As for how to bring the chief executive to a place where she could rest in peace, Qingdeng and the others hadn't had time to come up with a perfect countermeasure, and a brand new thorny problem popped up...

Qingdeng didn't even need to ask Kondo and Inoue—Chiba Shigetaro, who was just friends with Souji, must not know the real gender of Souji.

In order to protect the secret of the chief executive, Qingdeng and the others must not be able to take the chief executive out of the bath in front of Chiba Shigetaro.

I don't know if it's Qingdeng's illusion... He always felt that the faint breathing from behind him seemed to be a little thicker, and the pain in the tone seemed to be much stronger...

The change in the general manager's panting made Qingdeng grit his teeth slightly - we must find a way to get Mr. Shigetaro away as soon as possible!

However...Qingdeng just started to think about how to get Chiba Shigetaro to leave this place, when he heard the sound of splashing water slowly approaching him...

Chiba Shigetaro came to Chihiro House to meet Qingdeng in order to get closer to Qingdeng.

Sitting far away from each other... This seems a bit too unfamiliar!It is not conducive to the promotion of friendship!
Therefore, Chiba Shigetaro walked towards Qingdeng slowly while dripping water, and said to Qingdeng unhurriedly:
"Mr. Ju, let me cut to the chase..."

His strong body, like a solid icebreaker, "bumped" all the currents blocking him,
Chiba Shigetaro's move directly shocked Qingdeng, Kondo and Inoue.

If Chiba Shigetaro is allowed to get close to Qingdeng...then he will most likely find the chief executive who is hiding behind Qingdeng's back!

At this critical moment, Inoue's eyes flashed with determination.

"Mr. Ju, from August 8rd to August 23th..."

"Uh...! Uh...! Ahh...!"

Inoue suddenly raised his hand to cover his face, groaning in pain.

Although the groans were not too loud, the volume could reach everyone's ears just right.

Inoue's sudden moan of pain naturally attracted the attention of Qingdeng, Kondo, and Chiba Shigetaro.

"Mr. Inoue." Chiba Shigetaro stopped his feet, turned his head and cast a surprised look at Inoue, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing..." Covering his face with both hands, Inoue buried his head low and made a weak voice, "It's just feeling... dizzy..."

"Dizziness?" Chiba Shigetaro's pupils shrank slightly, "Mr. Inoue, are you dizzy?"

"Hmm...maybe...ahah...so uncomfortable...a little nauseous..."

Looking at Inoue, who was still alive and well just now, suddenly "fainted"... At almost the same moment, the eyes of Qingdeng and Kondo suddenly shone—they both immediately understood that Inoue wanted to doing what.

Kondo glanced left and right at Inoue and Chiba Shigetaro with a suddenly realized expression, and then strode to Inoue's side with an "anxious" face.

"Uncle Yuan! Uncle Yuan!" Kondo stabilized Inoue's "shaky" body, "Are you okay? Are you okay?"

"Hmm..." Inoue closed his eyes tightly, tilted his head, and hung his head against Kondo's chest, "It's so uncomfortable... I feel dizzy..."

"Tsk... it's troublesome, it seems that Uncle Yuan is really dizzy."

After Kondo pretended to raise his hand and touched Inoue's forehead, he turned his head and said seriously to Chiba Shigetaro:
"Shigetaro, can you come over and help? Uncle Yuan's symptoms look serious, let's take Uncle Yuan to see a doctor!"

"Okay!" Chiba Shigetaro nodded vigorously without thinking.

At this time, Qingdeng joined in and cooperated with Kondo and Inoue very tacitly!

"I'll go with you!"

As Qingdeng spoke, he opened his arms and supported the walls on both sides of the corner of the bathtub, as if he wanted to stand up.

"Mr. Orange, don't come!"

Kondo said quickly.

"Uncle Yuan, Shigetaro and I are responsible for taking him to the doctor!"

"Someone needs to go back to the test hall and tell everyone in the test hall, 'Uncle Yuan and I should be back very late tonight'."

"Mr. Ju, this task is entrusted to you!"

If you take someone to see a doctor, you really don't need so many people to accompany you.So Chiba Shigetaro took the initiative to help Kondo:
"Tachibana-kun, Mr. Inoue leave it to me and Yuu!" Chiba Shigetaro looked serious.

With your words... I feel relieved!

Qing Deng almost blurted out these words.

After hearing Chiba Shigetaro's speech, Qingdeng, Kondo, and Inoue, who is currently "fascinating", all felt relieved in their hearts!
Without giving Chiba Shigetaro any chance to repent - Kondo hastily set up Inoue.

"Shigetaro, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro supported Inoue, one on the left and one on the right, and ran towards the outside of the bath with a sudden rush.

"Isn't Mr. Inoue's health always good...why did he suddenly get dizzy..."

"Now that the weather is hot, people are more prone to heatstroke and dizziness."


The conversation between Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro gradually drifted away...

When the figures of the two were about to disappear at the mouth of the pomegranate, Qingdeng noticed that Kondo turned his head secretly and gave him a deep look of trust.

The general manager will be handed over to you - Kondo's eyes conveyed such a message with enthusiasm.

After Kondo, Inoue, and Chiba Shigetaro's aura completely disappeared, only the lonely couple of Qingdeng and Souji remained in the huge bathing pool.

Ever since Chiba Shigetaro appeared, the boulder that had been hanging over his heart finally fell to the ground...Qingdeng couldn't help but let out a long breath.

After Earthwork, Kondo and Inoue also made great contributions!

Without the witty cooperation of the two of them, it is absolutely impossible to send Chiba Shigetaro away so smoothly.

At this moment, Qingdeng couldn't help feeling: the chief executive really has a bunch of very reliable family members.

Thanks to the assistance of Kondo and others, the objects that would further reveal the secrets of the head office are now gone.

But at this moment...Qingdeng opened his mouth wide because he suddenly realized something, and looked dumbfounded at the empty bath in front of him.

Whispering like a dream, blurted out:

"I'm the only one left..."

Kondo, Hijikata, and Inoue, the three people who knew the true gender of the chief executive and could provide assistance to Qingdeng, were all gone at this moment.

That is to say—Qingdeng now has to find a way to bring the general manager back to the testing hall on his own!

For a moment, embarrassment was written on Qingdeng's face, and a strange atmosphere dominated the entire bath...

In the silence as if time and space had stopped suddenly, chaotic thoughts were churned together in Qingdeng's mind.

In this situation where I was alone, I couldn't even run to rescue the soldiers.

With the current state of the general manager, there must be no way to drag on like this.

If it is delayed any longer, small symptoms will become major symptoms.

So—Qingdeng, who only felt that every minute and every second was extremely long, made up his mind at this moment.

"...Miss Okita, come on, can you still stand up?"

Qingdeng tensed every muscle in his face, while suppressing the look of embarrassment on his face, he quickly turned around, facing the chief who had his back turned to him, stretched out his hands and gently pressed the chief's shoulders , to support the chief's body.

"Um... umm... um..."

The boss moaned lightly like a cat just waking up.

The chief executive who was able to have a normal conversation with Qingdeng just now could only answer with a weak croon.

His lips were pale, his eyes were closed.

——Is the consciousness already in a trance like this...

While Qingdeng felt his heart sink, he strengthened his determination to bring the general manager back to the testing hall as soon as possible!
There is no time to hesitate anymore... Qingdeng took a deep breath, then put his hands into the chief's white armpits from behind, lifted him up gently, and dragged him out of the bath.

"Come on, Miss Okita." Regardless of whether the current chief executive can hear him clearly, Qing Deng said slowly in a soft tone as if he was putting a baby to sleep, "Pay attention to your steps."

Adhering to the concept of "see no evil", Qingdeng kept his eyes on the road ahead and never glanced at the beautiful woman in his hand.


Along the way, the chief executive continued to groan like ravings without any specific meaning.

The two cute little feet that lost their strength can only be dragged on the ground like pendants.

Apart from trying his best to prevent his eyes from seeing something that shouldn't be seen, Qingdeng's hands are also trying to avoid any overly intimate contact with the chief executive.

However...Qingdeng's hands are now resting on the chief's armpits.

This kind of movement, this posture...it's easy to have accidents.

For example, at this moment, a small accident happened suddenly——

"Um... umm...!"

Perhaps it was because Qingdeng's action of dragging her away made the chief uncomfortable.

I saw her making a low cry of pain while twisting her body gently.

Naturally, it was impossible to get rid of Qingdeng's control with this kind of struggle that was basically powerless.

It's just that, with her slight twist, two lumps of objects near her armpits scraped against Qingdeng's palm.

Qingdeng's palms clearly felt a touch that was difficult to describe in detail with specific words...

This tactile sensation awakened a "fresh" memory in Qingdeng's mind - the scene of accidentally using it as a grip just now flashed before Qingdeng's eyes.

Although it has been a while... but the feeling from that time is still clearly engraved on Qingdeng's right palm.

The embarrassment and embarrassment that had been suppressed with great difficulty now flooded Qing Deng's face like a flood.

After relying on brute force and perseverance, and controlling himself not to recall this memory and feeling, Qingdeng couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart:

——How on earth does Okita-san hide such a sizeable thing on weekdays...

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and held it with his own hands, it would have been really difficult for Qingdeng to equate the "big flat" director he was familiar with with the current "big mountain range" director he was holding up.

Qingdeng didn't have much research on this aspect, so he didn't know how to use specific words to describe the size of the head office.

If Qingdeng is forced to describe the chief executive in detail... then Qingdeng can only use the two women he is familiar with who are also very talented in this area, that is, Sanako and Kinoshita Mai to compare The general manager makes an image comparison.

In general, the general manager is younger than Sanako and Kinoshita Mai.

If it is said that Sanako and Kinoshita Mai are difficult to hold with one hand, then the chief executive is just right with one hand.

Apart from "Qingdeng's palms were suddenly 'gentlely attacked'", there were no other accidents on the way to drag the chief executive out of the bath.

After successfully arriving at the locker room without any danger, a new problem came to Qingdeng's head - how should he wipe the head off?

You can't just let the boss go back so wet, can you?

In the director's bathtub, there is a small cloth towel specially used for drying her body.

But I also knew that it was impossible for Qingdeng to wipe her body with the small cloth towel of the chief executive.This kind of thing that cannot be described as "too ambiguous contact" has broken away from the category of "disrespectful" and has risen to the category of "crime".

In desperation, Qingdeng could only use his change of clothes—a bathrobe with good air permeability and sweat absorption to wrap the whole body of the chief executive, wrap the general chief like a silkworm baby, and let himself wear this bathrobe as much as possible. Suck off the water droplets on the boss.

Due to the difference in body size, Qingdeng's yukata can cover most of the chief executive's body smoothly.

Naturally, it is impossible to completely wipe off the water droplets and water marks on the chief executive's body with such a method, but Qingdeng can't control that much anymore!Let's make a living!

When he felt that his bathrobe had absorbed all the drops of water on the chief executive's body, Qingdeng took the general chief's change of clothes: a lavender bathrobe, and put it on the chief executive's body. body.

After helping the general manager get dressed, Qingdeng put on his own bathrobe which was soaked with the general director's bath water.

The clothes that were originally clean are now wet...Qingdeng can only make do with it first.

After a lot of hard work, he finally got dressed for himself and the chief executive.

Of course—when using his own bathrobe to help the chief executive wipe his body and put on his clothes, Qingdeng raised his eyes all the way up, not allowing himself to see too much spring.

Fortunately, wearing a yukata is relatively simple, as long as you wrap it around the person's body and then fasten the belt, you can help people change into the yukata even with your eyes closed.

Next...the only thing left is to bring the general manager back to the testing hall.

It would be too inappropriate to drag the general manager back to the test guard hall in the same way as just dragging a corpse.

Firstly, it is inconvenient, the journey from Qianxun House to the test hall is several times longer than the journey from the bath to the changing room. "Traveling corpses" is only suitable for short distances. If the distance is too long, it will be tiring and inconvenient.

Secondly, if you do this, it will arouse the doubts of the staff of Chihiro House and let them find out that the chief executive who was just a boy has now turned into a girl.

I could only carry her back...Qingdeng thought over and over again, and after weighing the pros and cons of various "transportation methods", he found that it was the safest and most convenient to carry her on his back.

Qingdeng squatted down, asked the chief to lie on his back, let the chief's hands rest on his shoulders, then stretched his arms down, supported the chief's legs from below, and held the chief's legs Legs to waist height.

The chief is petite and very light in weight.

For Qingdeng, carrying Okita on his back is no different from carrying a cat.

"Mmm... um..."

The chief executive, whose consciousness was completely in a trance, probably because lying on Qingdeng's back made her feel very comfortable, she subconsciously tightened her arms and legs, and hugged Qingdeng tightly.

The fleshy persimmons are pressed into firm persimmons...

Qingdeng, whose back was under intense pressure, only felt as if two strong currents ran through his body from his back.

Qingdeng's body visibly stiffened.But soon, his body and his expression returned to normal.

For Qingdeng, who has encountered too many emergencies and emergencies tonight, it is difficult for the trivial matter of "persimmons to persimmons" behind him to cause large-scale waves in his heart.

After all, he has done more extreme things than this tonight...and more than once.

Silently focusing his attention on the road under his feet, Qingdeng, who ignored the steady stream of electric currents that flowed into his body from the chief executive, walked out of the locker room with a calm expression on his back, towards the gate and outside Chihiro's house. stride.

As soon as she came to the gate, Granny Tang, who was sitting behind the counter, immediately noticed the chief executive who was being carried behind Qingdeng's back.

"Oh, what's wrong with this guest officer?" Granny Tang asked anxiously, "Is he in a daze like the guest just now?"

The "guest" that Granny Tang mentioned was naturally referring to Inoue who was carried out by Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro just now.

Because the persimmons were tightly pressed into persimmons, Granny Tang did not realize that the person behind Qingdeng had "changed" from a boy to a girl.

"It's all right." Qingdeng said with a smile, "It's just that it's a little late and she's a little sleepy."

"Oh..." Granny Tang showed a relieved expression, "It's fine, it's fine."

After saying goodbye to Granny Tang politely, Qing Deng smoothly opened the curtain, walked through the shop door, and came outside the bathhouse.

As soon as he walked out of Chihiro's house, the hot and humid air unique to summer night immediately surrounded Qingdeng from all directions like a tide.

The section of the road from Chihiro House to the Sanwei Museum does not pass through dense residential areas, and there are no izakayas that are open until the early morning along the way. Therefore, in the current time period, the streets in this area are basically Not even a ghost.

So, if nothing unexpected happens, Qingdeng doesn't have to worry about meeting any passers-by on the way back to the examination hall.

Dress the chief executive and take the chief executive out of the bathhouse... These most troublesome and difficult problems have been solved one by one. Qingdeng, feeling relieved, let out a long sigh that condensed all the fatigue tonight.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly noticed that the chief executive behind him seemed to be very quiet since just now, so Qingdeng turned his head slightly and looked behind him.

"..." The chief exhaled a light, gentle, and rhythmic breath
After getting out of the sweltering hot tub, the chief executive's complexion improved a lot.

Healthy blood stained her cheeks and lips again.

Looking at the chief executive who was sleeping soundly with his left cheek pressed against his right shoulder, a faint smile appeared on Qingdeng's face unconsciously.

In order not to disturb the chief executive's sleep, Qingdeng specially slowed down his walking pace a little.

But just when Qingdeng narrowed his gaze to the front——

"Uh... um..."

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound reminiscent of light smoke from the right shoulder.

Thinking that the chief executive had woken up, Qing Deng quickly turned his head and looked behind him again.

The chief didn't open his eyes... Seemingly half asleep, he stretched his head forward vigorously, hooking Qingdeng's right shoulder with his graceful chin.

The director's actions made her face very close to Qingdeng now... so close that Qingdeng could clearly see the texture of her pretty face, and so close that their noses almost collided.

Qingdeng was startled, and then with a slow reaction, he tilted his head back forcefully, widening the distance between himself and the chief executive's face.

"elder sister……"

Until just now, the chief commander, who had been able to only groan weakly, suddenly uttered a clear, sigh-like whisper.

"I... don't want to give up swordsmanship..."

The voice is very soft...but it implies a clear and firm will.

A strong will that does not want to be dominated by her sister's personal dictatorship.

Qingdeng slightly opened his eyes wide because he was surprised by the huge power hidden in the chief executive's whisper.

——Having lost consciousness, are you still thinking about the fact that your sister stopped you from learning sword...

It was only at this moment that Qingdeng realized that the Chief Secretary's love for swords and swordsmanship seemed to be much deeper than he had imagined before.

This belated comprehension, before it had time to be properly brewed and savored, was swallowed up by the sound of clothes rubbing suddenly intervening in his thoughts.

"Hmm... um?"

Accompanied by the sound of the rustling cloth being gently rubbed, Qingdeng felt the weight on his right shoulder lighten a lot——the chief executive slowly raised his head and slowly opened his eyes.

"Tangerine...Junior Jun...?"

The chief executive blinked his sleepy eyes a few times weakly as if he had just woken up.

She looked at the face of Qingdeng who was close to her, and then looked at the street scenes on the left and right, as well as the starry sky and the full moon above her head.

His eyes looked blank as if he couldn't focus.

The chief executive's eyes and tongue "woke up", but his consciousness was still not fully awakened.

It wasn't until a moment later that the brilliance called "Shenzhi" gradually filled the chief executive's empty eyes.

The memory before the blurred consciousness revived like a spring.

In the blink of an eye, the expression of the general manager who was still confused just now changed drastically.

A look of astonishment climbed onto her cheeks.

"Mr. Ju... Are we...?"

Although he was able to speak normally, his tone was still very weak.

"We're on our way back to Shiwei Hall."

Qing Deng wanted to explain to the general manager what happened in the bathhouse just now.

The memory of the general manager is only the sudden arrival of Chiba Shigetaro.

She didn't know what happened in the bathhouse afterwards.

Knowing that so many things had happened during the time he lost consciousness, the expression on the chief executive's face changed wonderfully.

"Is that so..."

The chief muttered softly.

"Brother Kondo and Uncle Yuan helped send Shigetaro away..."

"Then besides Mr. Hijikata, I have to thank Brother Kondo and Uncle Gen..."

Before he finished speaking, the director's voice suddenly stopped.

At the same moment, her facial features seemed to be frozen, and her expression was extremely stiff.

The reason for this strangeness is all because the chief executive suddenly thought of something...

"Tachibana-kun...could it be...that you took me out of the bath alone and helped me get dressed...?"

The general manager asked tremblingly in a hesitant tone with a slightly trembling tone.

Although the sentence pattern of interrogative sentences is used, the interrogative tone in the tone is not strong.

Because the director-general already knew the answer to the question he asked.

There are no friends of the same sex around, only Qingdeng who is carrying her on her back at this moment... It is clear at a glance who took her out of the house of Chihiro.

However, even though he already knew most of the answers to the questions, the general manager cautiously asked Qingdeng for confirmation with a fluke mentality and a mentality of "what if?"

"..." Qingdeng didn't speak.

To be more precise, I don't know how to speak...

Qingdeng was already mentally prepared for such a time when he made up his mind to bring the general manager back to the examination hall by himself.

Qingdeng once wanted to confuse him, but it was too late when the director general asked questions, and it was impossible to keep this kind of thing from the director general.

Thinking so, Qingdeng gave up the idea of ​​fooling the chief, let out a long breath with a "ha", and then said slowly in a voice as calm as possible:

"Well...that's right, I took you out of the bath alone and helped you get dressed."

Because he didn't know what expression to show to the chief executive, when he said this, Qing Deng stared straight ahead the entire time, not daring to look at the chief executive behind him.

At this moment, Qingdeng clearly felt that the chief executive on his back froze.

Then, he heard a voice full of the director's personal style:
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

Qingdeng didn't know until tonight that the general manager would make a strange cry of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" when he was shy.

He turned his head and looked back, and as he expected, he saw a big red face.

It looks like a face that has been gradually dyed with a layer of bright red by the red spray, looking bright and dripping.

After Qingdeng looked over and the two looked at each other, the chief executive immediately retracted his head as if he wanted to hide from Qingdeng, buried his pretty face deep into Qingdeng's back, and looked into Qingdeng's eyes. out of reach.

The delicate fingers and toes were clasped tightly... so hard that the knuckles of the fingers and toes turned slightly white.

Seeing this, Qingdeng hastily said:

"Don't worry, when I took you out of Chihiro's House, I didn't touch or look at your body indiscriminately!"

In order to "cheer up" the girl who was too ashamed to see others as soon as possible, Qingdeng carefully explained the whole process of how he took the chief executive out of the bathhouse.

After he had exhausted all he could say and explain, Qingdeng immediately focused his attention behind him—his back was quiet... The chief didn't say a word, and still squeezed his face into Qingdeng's mouth. into the clothes on the back.

Qingdeng thought the chief executive was angry.

It's no wonder... Although he kept saying that he didn't touch or look at the chief's body indiscriminately, these were all just his one-sided words.

Even if the director-general believed everything Qingdeng said just now, the director-general was not a fool, and she definitely knew that when Qingdeng took her out of the Chihiro House, it was impossible not to have any physical contact with her.

The era that Qingdeng is currently living in is not the open 21st century.

Even if it's just ordinary physical contact between a man and a woman, it can be regarded as an extremely ambiguous matter.

Just when Qingdeng didn't know what to do——

"Tachibana-kun... I'm sorry..."

Attracted by the unexpected sound of apology, Qing Deng immediately looked back.

With slow movements, the chief raised his little head little by little.

Her face was still flushed brightly...but her eyes were no longer blurred as before.

She raised her gaze and looked at Qingdeng seriously.

"It's all my fault for getting dizzy... for causing you so much trouble..."

"In order to take me out of the bathhouse without touching or seeing my body randomly...you must have suffered a lot, right?"

The director general did not ask Qing Deng whether what he said was true.

Nor was he angry that Qingdeng had touched her body.

The first thing I said... was "I'm sorry".

Her simple apology contained a strong trust in Qingdeng.

Only when she fully believed that Qingdeng did not do anything wrong to her, would she sincerely apologize to Qingdeng when she uttered her first sentence.

From just now... no, from the time he discovered that the chief executive was his daughter tonight, Qingdeng's brain has been subjected to various "mental shocks".

And in every wave of "spiritual shock" tonight, the only one that happened in the "present continuous tense" brought the greatest "power" to Qingdeng.

At this moment, Qingdeng only felt a real strange feeling like a rising tide, permeating his whole body.

"No, it's okay. I'm the one who should say 'I'm sorry'."

Qingdeng couldn't tell why—at present, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't speak clearly.

"I'm sorry, logically speaking, it shouldn't be my turn as a man to bring you home after soaking in the bath."

"It doesn't matter..." The chief slightly shook his head, "You have to do it because of me..."

Qingdeng: "..."

Chief: "..."

After the director's voice fell, the two of them fell silent.

But the strange thing is that even if neither of them spoke again, there was no awkward and awkward atmosphere between the two of them.

Suddenly there was a soft wind blowing from the distant sky.

At this time, Qingdeng, who was carrying the chief executive on his back, happened to pass under a hydrangea tree.

The wind blows and the flowers rise.

The two of them whose figures were being pressed together were bathed in the moonlight and the gentle breeze that took shape in the petals.


For no reason, Qingdeng suddenly remembered the whisper that the chief executive had subconsciously complained when he had just woken up.

"...Miss Okita, I understand."

Qingdeng turned his gaze back to the chief executive.

There was a touch of helplessness in his eyes.

"The main reason why your sister stopped you from practicing sword... is because you are a daughter, right?"

The chief executive pulled down the corners of his eyebrows and lips as if in a dilemma - this action only appeared for a moment.

A moment later, she smiled helplessly as if she had expected Qingdeng to ask this question a long time ago.

With this shallow smile, she admitted everything Qingdeng said.

"um, yes."

"What's 'there are very few people who can support themselves by swordsmanship', what's 'I'm worried that I will lose my mind'...these are all secondary reasons."

"The main reason is because I'm a girl. My sister thinks that women shouldn't study swordsmanship deeply..."

"..." Qingdeng was silent for a moment, and then asked the question that had been lingering in his mind since he discovered the real gender of the chief executive, "Miss Chongtian, did you disguise yourself as a man in order to be able to learn swordsmanship smoothly? "

The chief nodded slightly with a smile.

"Tachibana-kun, I should have mentioned to you... I was born in the Shirakawa Domain in Edo and grew up in Edo."

"Because my parents died young, I was basically raised by my 2 older sisters."

"My sister and the others need to work and earn money on weekdays, so they can't play with me all the time, so my childhood was basically spent wandering and playing around in the streets of Edo."

"Probably when I was 9 years old... I came to Koishikawa Kohinata Yanagi by accident and saw the test hall for the first time."

"At that time, the testing hall was much colder than it is now, and there were basically not many apprentices."

"It's fun to say, my fate with the test guard hall started from my curiosity about this deserted sword hall."

"At that time, I thought to myself: Why is this sword hall so quiet when other sword halls are so lively?"

"When I was curious, I sneaked over the wall and slipped into the museum."

"Then... I saw the master who was quite strong at the time training apprentices in the dojo."

"That was the first time I saw a natural mind flow."

At this time, a gentle smile of nostalgia slowly appeared on the face of the chief executive.

"Perhaps this is the so-called hit-and-run."

"The first time I saw the natural flow of mind, I was attracted by this school of swordsmanship that focuses on explosive attacks."

"The moment I saw the natural flow of mind, I made up my mind - I want to learn this swordsmanship, I must learn this swordsmanship."

"My second sister doesn't object to me practicing martial arts, but my elder sister thinks it's useless for women to learn martial arts."

"I'm very impressed."

"In order to persuade my elder sister to allow me to go to the test hall to practice the natural flow of mind, I pester my elder sister every day."

"As soon as I saw the eldest sister, I immediately rushed over, hugged the eldest sister's thigh, and begged her to 'grace'."

"In order to impress my eldest sister, I even used various methods such as acting like a baby, being rude, rolling on the ground, and offering bribes."

"When I was young, my eldest sister was not as hard-hearted as she is now. In addition, I used the reason that "I practice swords just to strengthen my body and hone my body and mind" to persuade my eldest sister. Under the circumstances, I finally succeeded in persuading my eldest sister to allow me to go to the guard hall to learn swords."

"It's hard to pass the big sister's test... and a new situation immediately appeared."

"The testing hall does not accept female apprentices."

"Master, he is quite easy-going and open-minded in dealing with people, but he is quite rigid in the way of swordsmanship, and insists on the concept of 'not teaching swordsmanship to women'."

"But this little trouble is so easy to solve compared to 'Speaking Big Sister'."

The boss smiled happily.

"Since only males are accepted, it's fine for me to pretend to be a boy."

"I changed into men's clothes and claimed to be the son of a samurai family: Soujiro Okita, and I successfully entered the guard hall."

"In this way, after many difficulties, the 'beautiful genius boy' you are familiar with, Ju-kun, was born~~"

Successfully fulfilled yesterday's promise, and successfully exploded 1W today!

After so many days of soaking, Miss Okita finally came out.

Book lovers who like Ms. Okita, if they don’t vote for this book after reading this chapter, it’s too unreasonable!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 Yesterday, I saw a reader say that the story of Ms. Okita taking a bath has 5 words... How can there be 5 words (Leopard Death.jpg).

  Counting from the time when Qingdeng and Ms. Okita entered the bathhouse, the full type was only 3 words.

  The plot is advancing greatly, revealing the gender and past of the chief director, and using Hijikata and the others to pave the way for the subsequent plots related to Tenzhoin and Tokugawa Iemo, and also let Chiba Shigetaro appear on the stage, introducing the follow-up Sanako route plot.This 3-word plot is too much (Leopard Cry.jpg)


  Some book friends may think: Chiba Shigetaro's idea of ​​having a different obsession with sharing baths is strange.

  In fact, it is normal to feel strange. After all, the times have changed, and the changes in the rhythm and style of life have led to deviations in the thinking of ancient people and modern people.

  Just like it is difficult for us now to understand why the ancients were so moved when they were sent off by friends who worked tirelessly to see them off when they traveled far away.The "farewell poems" of the ancients have also become a special category of poetry.

  In the Edo period when there was no communication software and serious class solidification, there were not many places where people could socialize to their heart's content.

  As soon as you enter the bathhouse, no matter you are a samurai or an ordinary civilian, you have to take off your clothes, sabers, money bags and other things outside your body, and the gap between classes has disappeared a lot invisibly.

  Therefore, the bathhouse, which has a strong social attribute and at the same time gives people a sense of "eliminating class", is indeed a special "magic".

  In the eyes of some people, the behavior of "meeting honestly" with others in the bathtub of the bathhouse does have the profound meaning of "closer relationship" and "enhancement of friendship" in it.

(End of this chapter)

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