I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 220 All Masters in the Test Guard Hall vs 2 Great Swordsman Ye Dao Sanlang [3]

Chapter 220 All the masters in the test guard vs. the two-sword style swordsman Chiba Michizaburo [7000]

After the game started, Mai Kinoshita hardly took her eyes off Qingdeng's body.

She stared intently at Qing Deng's every move.

The expression on his face was constantly changing with the change of Qingdeng's situation.

When Qingdeng was surrounded by people, she looked nervous.

When Qingdeng saved the day, she heaved a sigh of relief.

When Qingdeng defeated her opponent, she smiled all over her face.

With a shy personality, she can only express such abundant emotion on her pretty face when Qingdeng is present, and in other rare situations...for example, when her face is covered with a face scarf or mask.

After seeing Qingdeng defeat the last opponent in front of him, namely Kawashima, Kinoshita Mai was overjoyed and excited, and while whispering "Great, great", subconsciously took pictures with both hands Her sensual legs.

In ancient times, Xin Qiji slapped the railing all over, and now there is Kinoshita Mai slapping the meaty legs.

The loud clapping sound of "pa pa pa pa" attracted many spectators nearby to turn their heads to look.

For the introverted and shy Kinoshita Mai, the gazes cast by the people around her are like knives cutting at her body.

The pretty face turned red in a "swish", and Kinoshita Mai, who seemed to have wisps of steam wafting from her head, quickly arched her waist, tightened her shoulders, and lowered her head, "shrinking" herself as much as possible.

"Yeah, I'm sorry... I disturbed everyone..."

This small episode, of course, will not attract too much attention.

Except for a few lechers who glanced back and forth at Kinoshita Mai's cute face with licking eyes, the rest of them only looked at Kinoshita Mai suspiciously for a few times and then looked away.

"……Little Lord."

Kiryu suddenly made a sound, his eyes slanted, and the emotion of dumbfounded laughter was transmitted to Kinoshita Mai along his eyes.

"Don't be so excited, now is not the time to relax and be excited."

The moment Kiryu told him this, he put on a meaningful tone.

"The game isn't over yet."

It's a pity that Kinoshita Mai, who was still immersed in shame, didn't notice that there seemed to be something in Kiryu's words.



The other end of the "audience seat"—

"Huh... ha... sorry... I... I'm late..."

A panting young male voice, accompanied by hurried footsteps, suddenly sounded behind Zhou Zhu and the others.

"Fudodo, why are you here now?" Yongcang asked puzzled to the visitor.

The person who came was a short young samurai—it was another member of Qingdeng's subordinate: Fujido Heisuke.

Although Fujido did not stay in the test guard hall as a diner like Yongcang and Harada because he was concerned about his status as a member of the Ito sword hall, but during Qingdeng's rest period in the test guard hall, Fujido often Some came to visit Qingdeng.

After going back and forth, Fujido unknowingly became acquainted with everyone in the testing hall.

Therefore, he had received the invitation "Come and watch the game today" a long time ago.

"Fight against the red and white of Xuanwukan? It seems very interesting, I will definitely come to watch the match!" ——That's what Fujido replied at the time.

However, since the official start of the competition, everyone in the test hall has not seen Fujido.

Everyone, including Qingdeng, thought that Fujido would not come.


Todo, whose face was covered with sweat and blushed so much, quickly ran behind Zhou Zhu and the others, bent over and supported his knees with both hands, sucking oxygen greedily.

"Today... ha... ha... I accidentally... ha... overslept... How is the game...? Ha... is it over?"

While wiping the sweat off his face vigorously, Fujido raised his head and looked at the field in front of him.

"It's not over yet." Harada Han smiled a few times, "But it should be soon, there is only one person left at the Xuanwu Hall, and there are five people at our trial guard hall."


Fujido blinked vigorously, and then quickly focused on the scene on the field.

At this time, a helpless old laughter sounded abruptly.

"Hohohoho...'but it should be soon'..."

Zhou Zhu first repeated what Harada had just said, and then said softly while stroking his smooth chin.

"The game is still far from over. You young people, your horizons still need to be broadened."

"Huh?" Harada tilted his head and looked at Zhou Zhu suspiciously.

Yongcang, Saito, Fujido and others also focused their eyes on Zhou Zhu.

Zhou Zhu, who was stared at so directly by everyone, said calmly and calmly:
"You probably haven't seen Chiba Dosaburo's true abilities, have you?"

When he said the words "true ability", Zhou Zhu emphasized his tone with a strange tone.

"Yong, Jujun, Suisan, Zongsi, Yuan, the five of them are really powerful."

"But they still have a long way to go in the martial arts journey."

"There is still...a big gap between them and warriors of Chiba Dosaburo's level."

"Have you guys forgotten who Chiba Dosaburo is?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Zhu put on a self-deprecating tone.

"He is the current owner of the Xuanwu Hall, and also the second head of the Beichen Yidao School."



On the field——

Cardiopulmonary function is stronger than ordinary people... As far as Qingdeng personally feels, this should be the most useful talent he has copied today.

Whether in martial arts or in daily life, good cardiorespiratory fitness is of great benefit.

The so-called cardiopulmonary function is the ability of the human heart to pump blood and the lungs to inhale oxygen.

The whole body of the human body needs oxygen to burn the energy stored in the body and turn them into heat energy sufficient to drive the normal activities of the human body.Oxygen is inhaled by the lungs, so the size of the lungs and the frequency of activity are very important; while the heart is responsible for sending oxygen to various organs and parts through the blood circulation system, so the strength of the heart beat will affect the blood flow.

In martial arts, cardiopulmonary function is linked with physical strength.

In daily life, good cardiopulmonary function represents strong body resistance, and the incidence of a large number of diseases headed by cardiovascular disease is greatly reduced.

It's been a long time since I got a very useful and powerful talent...but right now Qingdeng doesn't have the time to savor this joy.

While vigorously swinging the bamboo sword, he stood up slowly, looking expressionlessly at Chiba Michizaburo not far away who was still wrestling with the chief executive and others.

"Red and White Battle" is a game that is not over until the general is defeated.

Chiba Michizaburo, who is wearing the general's Jinhaori, has the porcelain bowl on his forehead still intact...so the battle between Qingdeng and the others is not over yet!
As far as the results are concerned, the general manager and the others perfectly completed the task of "holding Chiba Michizaburo".

From the beginning of the battle to the present, Chiba Michizaburo has been tightly entangled by the chief executive and the others.

While the general manager and the others successfully dragged Chiba Michizaburo back, there was not a small number of them, all of them were intact, and no one's porcelain bowl was broken.

And judging from the expressions of the chief executive and the others, they still have enough physical strength left.


At this time, Qingdeng felt a little strange for no reason.

——The boss and the others...are they playing too easily...?
Although Qingdeng had met Chiba Dosaburo several times before, he had never been lucky enough to see his heroic appearance in battle.

As for the strength of Chiba Dosaburo, Qingdeng only knew that he was very strong... but Qingdeng was blinded by how strong he was.

——Is this really the strength of Chiba Michizaburo?Or……

With this question in his mind, Qingdeng subconsciously raised his eyes to see the expressions of the chief executive and the others—he was surprised to find that the faces of the chief executive and the others were filled with expressions of bewilderment and seriousness .

Qingdeng didn't know - as the person who directly confronted Chiba Dosaburo, the chief executive and the others felt a... strange strangeness long ago.

To use rhetoric to describe it concretely... Souji and the others feel that the battle with Chiba Michizaburo so far feels like they are fighting cotton - no matter how hard they use to hit the cotton, the cotton will remain intact And it returns to its original shape due to its soft elasticity.

The general manager and the others didn't hold back anything, and they always tried their best to fight Chiba Michizaburo.

But no matter how they attacked, they failed to cause even a little effective damage to Chiba Dosaburo...

While Qingdeng and the general manager were still secretly puzzled——


The left hand holding the wakizasa naturally hangs down, and the sword held in the right hand is casually carried on the shoulder—— Chiba Michizaburo stands in this posture as if he is relaxing in his own garden, and looks clockwise , scanning the faces of Qingdeng and the others one by one.

His gaze swept away everyone else, only staying on the faces of Qingdeng and the chief executive for the longest time.

"Everyone except me, including Shiro, was wiped out... To be honest, this result is really beyond my expectation."

"I have a little understanding of what my father and uncle used to say to us, 'Young people are awesome'."

Speaking of this, Chiba Michizaburo showed a faint smile to Qingdeng and the others.

It's not a sneer or sarcasm.

But a smile of pure appreciation.

"Hi." Hijikata took over Chiba Michizaburo's words in a teasing tone, "You are only 25 years old this year, right? Why do you speak in a tone as if you are an old man who is almost exhausted. "

"Please forgive me. Accidentally, I became a little sentimental." Chiba Michizaburo slowly put down the sword on his right shoulder, "Today is really a happy day."

At this moment, the smile on Chiba Michizaburo's face changed.

The appreciative smile turned into a bright smile as if thinking of something happy.

"The blood is hot... Come on, let the fight go on!"

The moment Chiba Michizaburo shouted this sentence... the atmosphere suddenly changed!
At this moment, Qingdeng and the others felt as if there was a huge monster in front of them, overwhelming and overwhelming!

An oppressive and surging aura emanated from Chiba Michizaburo's body!

Qingdeng... No, Qingdeng and others on the field, as well as some spectators in the "audience seats", all of them shrank uncontrollably.

As for those who don't know anything about martial arts... such as Okita Hikaru and his wife, Kubei and others, although they can't keenly perceive the aura of Chiba Michizaburo, they can notice the sudden change in the atmosphere of the arena. up.

In an instant, the expressions of Qingdeng, Zongsi and others on the field became extremely dignified.

What is this surging aura that is gushing out from Qianye Daozaburo at this moment...Qingdeng and the others naturally know.

It is "potential"!
In the "audience seat", Kiryu looked calmly at the distant arena, and whispered softly: "The competition has officially begun..."

At this time, Chiba Michizaburo took a deep breath, and then quietly set up his sword.

The left hand is lowered, holding the lower section; the right hand is raised for the saber, and the upper section is raised... Chiba Michizaburo, who put on such a strange posture, said with a smile that was not a smile:

"Beichen Two Swordsmanship, Chiba Michizaburo."



Chiba Michizaburo shoveled the ground with his hind feet, and pounced on Qingdeng like a beast of prey!

When Qingdeng's field of vision became dark for a moment due to the blink of an eye, a knife that filled his entire field of vision swept across!

Qingdeng's pupils shrank suddenly, driven by muscle memory and body instinct, he quickly raised his sword to defend.

The bamboo sword rubbed against the bamboo sword, making a sharp noise that almost tore the sword body and eardrums apart.

——What a lot of strength!

Across the two swords framed together, Qingdeng gave Chiba Dosaburo a bewildered look who was close to him.

I was holding the knife with both hands, while Chiba Michizaburo was holding the knife with one arm, but in the end, I was not able to fight in strength and took any advantage of Chiba Michizaburo!
If you use a little more force, Chiba Michizaburo will immediately push up... The two sides are in a stalemate, and neither can overwhelm the other in terms of strength.

"Mr. Ju! Watch out for his other sword!"

A loud reminder from the chief came from the right side.

The Director General's reminder is not actually necessary.

Because Qingdeng has already noticed - a short and narrow black shadow is attacking his waist from the corner of his field of vision!

It's Chiba Michizaburo's left-handed Wakizashi!
Sensing the approaching danger, Qingdeng quickly dodged to the left, dodged to Chiba Michizaburo's right side with a knife, and voluntarily withdrew from the wrestling.

A cold bamboo wakizashi brushed against his lower abdomen.

The distance between Chiba Michizaburo's surprise attack and his body was so close that the skin of Qingdeng's abdomen could clearly feel the existence of Wakizashi Xiange.

At this moment, Qingdeng recalled belatedly: This seemed to be the first time he had fought against a swordsman who played two swords.

Chiba Dosaburo is a swordsman who can do two things at once, and can achieve the effect of "double attack" with his own strength - the information about Chiba Dosaburo that he has heard before seems to have his own consciousness. Quickly flashed through Qingdeng's mind.

At this moment, the chief executive and the others have arrived.

Souji, Kondo, Hijikata, and Inoue approach Chiba Michizaburo from behind themselves from four directions.

Chiba Michizaburo turned his face slightly, and quickly glanced at the positions of the chief executive and the others with the corner of his eyes, and his tall body was spinning like a windmill!
The torso is the axis of the "windmill", and the double swords held in both hands are the blades of the "windmill".


The two bamboo swords kept waving, blowing gusts of wind one after another.

Sometimes the two knives slashed in the same direction, and sometimes separated, and slashed fiercely in different directions.

The "windmill" turned faster and faster...it was impossible to get close.

Qingdeng, who wanted to rush forward and cooperate with the general manager and the others to attack Chiba Michizaburo, could only hold back when facing this "big windmill" whose speed and potential energy can only be described as terrifying, and had to Back away quickly like Souji and the others, and distance yourself from Chiba Michizaburo to avoid being dragged by the "fan blades" of the "windmill".

The "windmill" turned 10 times before it stopped.

At this time, Qingdeng and others happened to surround Chiba Michizaburo in a position similar to that of a "five-pointed star".

At this moment, Qingdeng and the others all stared at Chiba Michizaburo surrounded by them with serious and serious expressions and eyes.

Qingdeng, who had just joined the battle against Chiba Michizaburo, might not be very clear about it, but the chief executive, Kondo and the others saw it quite clearly—compared to the time when the four of them were desperately entangled him, Chidou Ye Daosanlang's sword speed and sword strength have all been greatly improved!

"You bastard..." the violent Tufang yelled directly with a sullen face, "Didn't you fight us with your real skills just now?"


Chiba Michizaburo shook his head lightly.

"I also played very hard just now."

"It took me a lot of effort to barely block the attack of the four of you."

"But it's different now—I won't keep my hands anymore."

Chiba Michizaburo rearranged his left-handed wakizashi in the lower part, and his right hand raised the upper part with a saber, his eyes flashed with a warm light of eagerness to fight.

"Single out the five of you, even if it's me, I don't dare to push you any further."

"I will do my best...to defeat you!"

The majestic fighting spirit burst out from Chiba Michizaburo's body along with the surging "momentum"!

"Is that so..."

Against this wave of oppressive aura, Qing Deng calmly set up his sword.

He smiled.

An unabashed smile.

"That's great! I can't wait, let the horses come!"



In the "audience seat"——

"Since Mr. Chiba Michizaburo's true strength is so strong, why didn't he try his best from the beginning when he was fighting with Okita-kun and the others...?" A certain swordsman from the Little Chiba Sword Gym was puzzled. muttered.

Chiba Dingkichi next to him heard the swordsman's murmur, and said softly:
"... He should be waiting for Mr. Ju to free up his hands to fight him."

"Ha..." Chiba Shigetaro laughed dryly, "This is indeed Daoist brother's style..."

Qianye Dingkichi raised his face, eyes buried in wrinkles, while watching all the movements on the field, said quietly:

"Because the third nephew is always taciturn and indifferent to the world, people often forget that the third nephew is the most aggressive one in our Chiba family..."




On the arena, the sound of bamboo swords clashing repeatedly sounded continuously.

The impact and roar shook the atmosphere.

——As a brother, the strength is too weak...

After struggling to take another heavy slash from Chiba Michizaburo, Qingdeng couldn't help expressing this emotion in his heart.

Chiba Michizaburo and Chiba Tamon Shiro whom he had faced against just now...the difference in strength between these two brothers is not even a star.

Qingdeng cooperated with the general manager and the others, and five of them beat Chiba Michizaburo to one. Not only did they not take any advantage, but they were suppressed by Chiba Michizaburo!
Although Kondo, Hijikata and the others were fortunate enough to have seen Chiba Michizaburo make several shots before, they had never seen what Chiba Michizaburo would look like after he gave his best.

Therefore, facing Chiba Michizaburo, who is currently in full swing, Kondo and the others also feel very strange.

Chiba Dosaburo's swordsmanship is extremely weird.

When fighting with him, I can't help but have a strange feeling as if I'm fighting a pair of twins with a very high tacit understanding!

Chiba Michizaburo is like having two brains that can operate independently, and the two brains control the two hands respectively.

The two knives in the left and right hands can perform different tricks at the same time, from different directions, on the same target or multiple targets.

Obviously there is only one opponent in front of him, but it feels like he is being attacked by two masters...

And Michizaburo Chiba is also well versed in the trick of fighting more with less.

He kept moving his feet and changing positions, never staying too much in any one place.


Chiba Michizaburo liked his "big windmill" sword technique very much.

Relying on his "big windmill", he successfully pushed back Qingdeng and others who were trying to besiege him again. With a sound of "pasao", he shoveled the soil on the ground with both feet, and galloped towards the well like a wild beast. Approaching!
Since just now, Qingdeng and others have been keenly aware that Chiba Michizaburo has been deliberately pouring violent attacks on Inoue like a storm.

Presumably he wanted to send Inoue out first to reduce the number of his opponents.

Chiba Michizaburo's right-handed saber started from the upper part, using a set of "New Year's greeting swordsmanship", and slashed 3 powerful vertical cuts at Inoue.

Reluctantly, Inoue took the 3 blows from Chiba Michizaburo, and before he could take a breather, he saw a new slash coming towards him from an extremely tricky angle—this time, it was Chiba Michizaburo Wakizawa hacked over.

The Wakizashi in Chiba Michizaburo's left hand quietly "touched" the corner of Inoue's field of vision at some point - this position is often subconsciously ignored by the naked eye.

In fact, Inoue didn't notice Chiba Michizaburo's existence until Chiba Michizaburo's attack was launched.

"Hmm..." Inoue leaned back vigorously, trying to avoid Chiba Michizaburo's surprise attack.

Qingdeng and the others also came as quickly as possible, wanting to support Inoue who was in danger.

However...whether it was Inoue's dodge or Qingdeng's support, they were all a step behind.


A crisp cracking sound.

Chiba Michizaburo's Wakizawa hit the porcelain bowl on Inoue's forehead with precision.

Inoue raised his hand in a daze to touch the empty forehead, then let out a long sigh of regret... Holding the bamboo sword, he retreated to the outside of the field.

At this time, Qingdeng and the others were finally late.

The four of them surrounded Chiba Michizaburo from four directions: east, west, south, and north, and launched a fierce pincer attack on Chiba Michizaburo.

The 4 swords fell to Chiba Michizaburo's body like raindrops.

This time, Chiba Michizaburo did not use his "big windmill" that made his strength, speed and oppressive sense so frightening.

He took a deep breath, spread his legs, and stood there, facing the attack of Qingdeng and others!
The sword body swung at high speed... The 2 swords in his hand had the effect of 4 swords and 8 swords being swung by Chiba Michizaburo!

The sound of dense bamboo swords colliding, like exploding beans.

Qingdeng's and the others' slashes were all caught... Not only that, Chiba Michizaburo took advantage of the gap to launch a counterattack!
This time, Chiba Michizaburo's target was Kondo.

The wakizashi of the left hand sealed Kondo's sword tip in mid-air, and the saber of the right hand drew an arc and approached Kondo's face at the same moment... the movement was done in one go!
After the battle with Chiba Michizaburo started, Qingdeng's "Gudan" was automatically activated... The same is true for Qingdengyu Kondo.

Kondo's "Gudan" must be fully activated right now.

But even in the state of "Lonely Brain" fully activated, facing Chiba Michizaburo's surprise attack with extremely tricky timing and angles, Kondo still struggled to dodge.

Kondo hastily retreated 2 steps, barely dodging Chiba Michizaburo's sword.

At this time, the support from the earthwork arrived.

Hijikata, who was standing on the right side of Chiba Michizaburo, stretched out his left hand to grab Chiba Michizaburō's left wrist.

He has taught himself a lot of tricks from other sects and Yeluzi's earthwork, and is best at using various strange tricks to fight against the enemy according to the current situation.

Hijikata wanted to use his self-taught jujitsu to remove Chiba Michizaburo's right-handed saber, and it would be best if he could remove it.If you can't get rid of it, restraining Chiba Michizaburo's body and gaining the opportunity for the others to attack, the result is not bad.

Seeing that he was about to grab Chiba Dosaburo's right wrist... Unexpectedly, Chiba Dosaburo's movements were extremely nimble, he twisted his right wrist lightly, and Hijikata caught nothing.

In an instant, two figures appeared behind Chiba Michizaburo——Qingdeng and Zouji.

As far as the positions are concerned, the positions of Qingdeng and the general manager are quite perfect, just standing in the blind spot of Chiba Michizaburo's vision.

As a result, Michizaburo Chiba seemed to have eyes on his back, and his arms suddenly stretched out - the Wakizashi in his left hand was attacking the chief commander, and the sword in his right was attacking Qingdeng.

In desperation, Qingdeng and Zongsi, who hadn't had time to launch an offensive, could only retreat quickly and distance themselves from Chiba Michizaburo.

At this time... "Big Windmill" is here again!

Chiba Michizaburo swung the two knives in his hand, forcing Qingdeng and others to continue to retreat in a panic, further away from Chiba Michizaburo...

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Chiba Michizaburo is [one of the strongest swordsmen in Edo]. Those book friends who think that the current Qingdeng can suppress Chiba Michizaburo really think too much... If the current Qingdeng can suppress Chiba Michizaburo, Wouldn't that combat power collapse?Don't think how strong Qingdeng is now, he still has a long way to go.

I wonder if any book friends have played "Dark Soul 3"?Those who have played it can substitute Chiba Michizaburo's big windmill into the big boss inside: the dancer's big windmill.After entering such a generation, do you feel that Chiba Michizaburo's sense of oppression has skyrocketed?
 Yesterday, I saw a book friend say: Does wearing gauntlets and arm armor kill Beichen with a single blow?

  In this regard, I just want to say: as long as you wear armor, you can restrain a large number of martial arts schools, including swordsmanship.So in ancient times, collecting armor was a capital offense.

(End of this chapter)

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