I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 227 The girl who was tianed by "Qingdeng" [6200]

Chapter 227 The girl who was tianed by "Qingdeng" [6200]

The predecessor of the yakuza in the Edo period was the huddled yakuza.

The untouchables, who have been unable to stand up for generations, cannot engage in normal jobs. Their extremely low social status makes them suffer from the discrimination of the world.

In order to change this tragic situation, they had to unite.

In the very beginning, most of their purposes of forming associations were very simple, that is to jointly defend against foreign aggression.

However... there is such a truth in the world: "A strong 'power' will make people lose their true nature."

Indulging in a powerful "power" and unable to extricate himself, his temperament gradually changed, and he lost his original heart-such people, such things, are too numerous to enumerate from ancient times to the present.

This kind of phenomenon is most likely to happen to those who have a low social status and have suffered from various injustices in the world.

In the past, he was just an ant who was despised by everyone and anyone could come and step on him, but he suddenly gained the ability to do something in this world... May I ask how many people in this world can resist such a thing? lure?

This feeling of "from hell to heaven" is simply unstoppable!
After tasting how intoxicating the power bursting out of unity, the huddled ones became more and more active.

Evil thoughts are growing crazily in their hearts-money, power, women... As long as they work together, these things that they never dared to think of before can have the opportunity to have!

These filthy associations who have lost their original intentions began to get involved in all kinds of activities that destroy human relations, and slowly embarked on the road of gang crime.

The earliest Yakuza group was born in this way.

In the beginning, the people who would become Yakuza were basically all of them.

However, as the Edo shogunate and various vassal states weakened day by day due to the inevitable historical cycle, the world became more and more difficult, and more and more groups joined or formed new Yakuza organizations.

Traffickers engaged in unclean business, thieves who lick blood at the edge of their swords, prostitutes who sell their youth and body... and desperate warriors!
The samurai who were not engaged in production basically depended on Lumi and Lujin issued by the shogunate and the vassal state.

In this social environment where there is almost no class mobility at all, there is little hope of increasing the family salary and salary inherited by the samurai from generation to generation.

At the beginning of the 17th century, when the Edo Shogunate was first established, your ancestors’ family salary was 30 shi. Now, more than 200 years later, your family’s family salary is most likely still 30 shi.

The unchanging family salary of middle and lower-level samurai was already extremely meager, but in the end they were embezzled by the shogunate and the vassal state.

When Mu Fan's finances were in trouble due to natural and man-made disasters such as food shortages, they would often use their "big killer weapon" that could make the samurai under their command panic all day long: Borrowing.

The so-called "borrowing knowledge" refers to the policy of cutting Lumi or Lujin for retainers in order to increase fiscal revenue.

In name it is expropriation, but in fact it is open robbery.

The money and food "borrowed" by Mu Fan are like salt falling into the water-the crystal clear salt grains fall into the water, and then... there is no more.The grain of salt disappeared without a trace, never to be seen again.

Of course, it is not uncommon for Mu Fan to repay money and food honestly.But the frequency is embarrassingly rare.

The samurai had nowhere to reason with this outrageous act of stealing money.

It is the duty of warriors to be loyal to the lord, so what if I borrow some money from you?
It is even more common to directly expropriate half of the money and food, because this kind of thing is too frequent, so there is a proper term: "half knowledge", that is, to borrow half of the lujin and lumi.

Holding a constant meager salary; the salary is deducted from time to time by the lord; in order to defend the glory of the facade, he has to swell his face to pretend to be fat, and spend a lot of money on maintaining sabers, buying ceremonial clothes, and hiring servants... such a fragile family economy, It is doomed that as long as there is a little catastrophe, there will be groups of middle and lower-level warriors going bankrupt.

In order to make a living, many down-and-out samurai with weak families had to take risks, embark on the evil path of crimes, and become the "fresh blood" of the Yakuza group.

Compared with Duoduo and ordinary people, the average level of martial arts and education of warriors is naturally much higher.

Therefore, those Yakuza groups that successfully absorbed a large number of down-and-out samurai developed by leaps and bounds-the "Shimizu Clan" is a notable example.

Therefore, we should not simply regard a behemoth like the "Qingshui Clan" as an ordinary gangster organization, it would be more accurate to regard it as an "armed criminal group" with strong combat effectiveness!
Of course, the current status of the "Qingshui Clan" does not depend entirely on the high quality of their members.

The backing behind it provided a lot of help.

It is absolutely impossible for a Yakuza group to develop into such a large scale without having several backers in the government and the people to escort them.

No one knows who and what forces are behind the "Qingshui Clan"... People only know that no matter how many unspeakable crimes the "Qingshui Clan" commits, they will always land safely, and the government will have nothing to do with them!

The strength of the backing behind it... It can be seen.

Strong organizational combat effectiveness and unidentified solid backers - the "Qiyomizu Clan" holding these two important weapons made the people in the city of Edo frightened.

Not to mention helpless ordinary people, even many ordinary warriors with no status or background will choose to take a detour when they see people from the "Qiyomizu Clan" on the street, and try to avoid any relationship with the "Qiyomizu Clan" .

Regardless of the personal feelings of "hating the black and evil forces", only from the practical point of view of "association with this kind of tyrannical group that has done all kinds of bad things and has no conscience, it is easy to get a whole lot of shit", Qingdeng does not want to be with " "Shimizu Clan" has any intersection.

Regarding Qingdeng's indifferent attitude, Sasaki pursed his lips and smiled indifferently.

"Many of the stalls here are guarded by our 'Shimizu Clan'. So I am leading my subordinates to patrol around here. Mr. Tachibana, are you waiting for someone now?"

"What do you think?" Qing Deng did not change his indifferent tone.

"Hahaha, predicting your future whereabouts... I'm not that good at it."

Sasaki's laughter greatly dilutes the rigid atmosphere built by Qingdeng's indifferent attitude.

"Since I still have something important to do, I won't bother you any more."

Perhaps it is from Qingdeng's indifference that he realizes that Qingdeng has no intention of chatting with him at the moment...or it may be that he has work to deal with, so it is inconvenient to drag Qingdeng here.

In short, after politely adding "Excuse me, excuse me first", Sasaki bowed and politely bowed to Qingdeng.

"Mr. Orange, I wish you a good night tonight."

After saying this, he turned around, led his subordinates on the left and right sides, and walked away without stopping.

Qingdeng silently stared at Sasaki's leaving back...until his figure completely merged with the crowd, then he slowly withdrew his gaze.

——The people of the "Shimizu Clan"...what the hell are they trying to do...?
These questions that bubbled out of his mind like bubbles of boiling water made Qingdeng's brows unconsciously frowned slightly.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that the attitude of the "Qingshui Clan" towards him seemed a bit too enthusiastic!

If it is said that the "Qingshui Clan" wants to have a good relationship with him who is currently on his way to Qingyun... then it seems that there is no need to show him such kindness.

Qingdeng's intuition told him: the reason why "Qingshui Clan" treats him so well is very likely to have some deeper reasons.

As for the reason...Qingdeng couldn't figure it out, couldn't figure it out.

The strong doubts circling in his mind covered Qingdeng's face with a layer of "black mist".

However, after a while, as if some magic had been applied, the layer of "black mist" on Qingdeng's face dissipated abruptly.

Because at this moment, a female voice like a silver bell sounded from behind Qingdeng:

"Qing, Qingdeng! Sorry! I'm late!"

The voice that sounded this time was no longer the voice that would make Qing Deng's expression sink, but the voice that would instantly soften the lines of his cheeks.

"Good evening, Ah Wu, I just arrived and..."

As Qingdeng spoke, he followed the sound and turned around, facing Kinoshita Mai who had finally arrived.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng's expression froze, and the unfinished words in his mouth stopped.

The world is divided—this is what Qing Deng sees now.

The "light" is concentrated on Kinoshita Mai's body, making Kinoshita Mai's delicate body and everything around her form a very sharp contrast and an extremely incongruous atmosphere.

"Darkness" and "light" complement each other...the existence of "darkness" greatly sets off the brilliance of "light".

The overly strong difference between light and shade caused Qingdeng to divide the world in his eyes into two parts: "Kinoshita Mai" and "Where Kinoshita Mai can't be seen".

Kinoshita Mai, who loves red very much, is wearing a bright red bathrobe as Qingdeng expected.

Clean and new cute yukata, embroidered with a lot of beautiful and intricate embellishment patterns.

A wide goose-yellow belt stretched to the lower part of the southern hemisphere, enveloping her slender waist.

The hem of the bathrobe was only as long as the calves, and a pair of white calves that must feel slippery just by looking at them were generously exposed.

Down the graceful calf, there are cute little feet without socks, wearing a pair of red button flat clogs.

Yukata are characterized by thinness and lightness... which means that the yukata is far more slim than the average kimono.

For women whose body shape is not much different from that of men, there is not much difference between wearing a yukata or a normal kimono.

But for a "big" girl like Mai Kinoshita, the difference between yukata and ordinary kimono is quite big.

The light and thin fabric is pressed against Mai Kinoshita's skin... The existence of a certain two heavy objects is greatly highlighted.

These two big and heavy things are naturally placed on the goose yellow belt that stretches to the bottom of the southern hemisphere according to gravity.

It was the first time Qingdeng had seen this gorgeous bathrobe and this exquisite goose yellow belt.

If Qingdeng were to simply comment on Kinoshita Mai's outfit, besides "so cute, very suitable for Kinoshita Mai", Qingdeng couldn't think of any more suitable adjectives than this.

If only the clothes were cute, then it would be impossible for Qing Deng's expression to undergo such a wonderful change at this moment.

The main reason why Qingdeng's current field of vision is directly divided into two parts is the makeup on Kinoshita Mai's face.

The delicate willow eyebrows are outlined with a soft eyebrow pencil.

The faint peach-colored eyeshadow is captivating, making Kinoshita Mai's eyes even brighter.

A layer of sparkling light red lip balm evenly coats plump lips.


Mai Kinoshita, who is always in a state of bare makeup on weekdays, actually put on makeup...

A strong sense of freshness rose in Qingdeng's heart.

Kinoshita Mai's makeup is neither too gorgeous nor too lacking in presence.

Whether it's lip gloss or eye gloss... these little makeups have preserved the original advantages of Kinoshita Mai's facial features without any regrets.On this basis, the just-right flirtatious flirting made Kinoshita Mai's frowns and smiles a bit more seductive and charming.

Qingdeng felt that his mood was becoming weird... no, it had already become weird.

"... Mr. Tangerine?"

Kinoshita Mai's voice seemed to come from a very distant place... This was an illusion caused by Qingdeng's trance state.

As if his body was being manipulated by the sound, Qingdeng blinked his eyes a few times as if waking up from a big dream.

The moment his consciousness returned to normal, Qingdeng said to the beautiful woman in front of him with a speed and movement like a conditioned reflex:
"A Wu, your clothes and your makeup are so beautiful."

Without the slightest hypocrisy and flattery, praise from the heart without pretense.

Hearing Qingdeng's short but full of emotional praise, a shy blush instantly hung on the girl's cheeks, her willow eyebrows raised upwards, and her beautiful black eyes, shining like stars, shone with joy and excitement. smile.

"Thank you... this is the makeup Mr. Kiryu put on me!"

"Boss Kiryu still puts makeup on girls?"

"Hmm! He said he was in Kyoto before and learned how to draw girls' makeup!"

"Why does Boss Kiryu even know this..."

Speaking of Kiryu...Qingdeng suddenly thought: This old comrade probably won't come to follow them tonight, right?
Because he was worried about the young master who was going out alone with young people of the opposite sex, he secretly followed the two of them... To be honest, Kiryu didn't seem to be unable to do such a thing.

After all, Kiryu has a "conviction" of "every time Kinoshita Mai goes out as a cat monk, Kiryu is bound to follow her closely and protect her secretly".

Thinking of this, Qingdeng raised his head subconsciously and looked around.

Looking at Qingdeng's movements, Kinoshita Mai guessed what Qingdeng was thinking, and let out a cute chuckle with a "puchi".

"Qingdeng, don't worry, Mr. Kiryu is not here. I specifically told him today not to sneak behind me tonight."

"Will Boss Kiryu listen to your request?" Qingdeng asked.

"I'll listen," Kinoshita Mai said in a firm tone, "I'm not going to do something dangerous. I don't think Mr. Kiryu would even come to take care of me on such an occasion."

Now that Mai Kinoshita has said so... Then Qingdeng also tentatively believes that Kiryu did not come to follow them.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly noticed that the crowd around him seemed a little noisy.

Raising his eyes to look around, he suddenly found many faces looking at them.

"Hey, look, that girl in red is so beautiful..."

"Her makeup looks great."

"Hiss... Her pair of toys look so heavy."


Sights of surprise, appreciation, or pure lust focused on Kinoshita Mai.

No wonder.

The ingenious and perfect makeup on Kinoshita Mai's face directly raised her dazzling level by a whole level, and her rate of turning heads skyrocketed by at least 2%.

At this time, Kinoshita Mai also noticed that many people were looking at her.

The gazes of these people, to Kinoshita Mai who has a little social fear, are like a heavy hammer weighing down her whole body.

Kinoshita Mai, who was not used to and didn't like being surrounded by so many people, immediately showed a trace of uneasiness on her pretty face, and the little white hands overlapping in front of her clasped together anxiously.

Qingdeng immediately noticed Kinoshita Wu's strangeness at the moment.

Almost without hesitation——Qingdeng took half a step forward and stood beside Kinoshita Mai, shoulder to shoulder with the beauty in red.

"A Wu, let's go." Qingdeng said with a smile, "Before it's time for the fireworks to start, let's go and enjoy this lively celebration together."

Qingdeng stood beside her... This small, extremely inconspicuous movement seemed to have some special magical power, Kinoshita Wu only felt a strange sense of security surrounding her body, and there was a wave of pain everywhere in her body. A warm feeling.

The uneasiness on her face melted away like snow, and her beautiful eyes shone brightly again.


Kinoshita Mai raised a big smile at Qingdeng, filled with the unique youthful atmosphere of a young girl.

Ignoring the gazes of the people around them, the young men and women walked shoulder to shoulder at a somewhat inconsistent pace, blending into the flow of people ahead...



Fireworks start at 8:30pm.

It's still early at the moment, and we still have to wait for an hour to see the gorgeous fireworks.

To pass the time, Qingdeng and Kinoshita danced in the neighborhoods around the Liangliang Bridge, stopping and looking along the way.

All kinds of vendors fill every corner of the street.

Those who sell snacks and drinks, those who provide a variety of fun interactive games, those who perform professionally...

The two sometimes watch interesting entertainer performances, and sometimes chat with each other.

Obviously I didn't do anything meaningful and nutritious, but I just felt that doing this was very interesting and happy, and I didn't feel dull and boring.

Compared with Kinoshita Mai's gorgeous attire, Qingdeng's attire tonight is much more plain.

The upper body is a dark blue kimono, the lower body is wearing a black hakama, and the feet with black tabi socks are tied tightly with a pair of sturdy straw sandals.

The reason why I don't wear the popular yukata is because I'm not used to wearing it, and because it's more convenient for fighting.

Although the anti-barbarian group has been destroyed, there are still some remnants who managed to escape from the enforcement office and the Huofu bandits and hunted down.

Any Edo person who is concerned about current affairs will know how much the Kobari group suffered under Qingdeng's sword.

It can be said this way: the Yi group was basically defeated by Qingdeng.

Therefore, those remnants of the barbarian group are very likely to wait for an opportunity to attack Qingdeng for revenge.

In order not to be killed in a sneak attack in a daze, Qingdeng is always ready for a fierce encounter with the remnants of the barbarians on the street.

"Ah, it's baked rice cakes!"

Suddenly, Kinoshita Mai who was beside her shouted happily.

In front of the two, there was a very popular rice cake stall, and the people queuing up to buy rice cakes formed a surprisingly long queue.

"Qingdeng, I want to eat baked rice cakes! Do you want to eat together?"

"I don't have to..."

For the sticky food like baked rice cakes, Qingdeng has always been insensitive.

"Then... let's divide the work and cooperate!" Kinoshita Wu smiled sweetly, and pointed to an open-air tea stall next to her, "I'm going to buy baked rice cakes, Qingdeng, can you help me buy some sweet water? I just have some thirsty."

"Of course." Qingdeng nodded without thinking.

"Then please, I'll be right back!"

After all, Kinoshita Mai rushed to the end of the rice cake stall line like a butterfly.

Qingdeng silently watched Kinoshita Wu walk for a while, then turned around and walked into the open-air tea stand that Kinoshita Wu had just pointed out, ordered two cups of sweet water from the stall owner, and then found an empty seat to sit down.

The moment her butt touched the cold bench...

"... Tangerine?"

Qingdeng seemed to hear someone calling him.


Qingdeng checked his surroundings suspiciously.

"... Tangerine?"

This time I heard it much more clearly than before.

Someone was indeed calling him.

woman's voice...

The timbre was a little familiar... It seemed to be a voice that existed in memory, but for a while, I couldn't remember whose voice it was.

"You are...Ju Qingdeng, right?"

The person who said these words was located directly behind Qingdeng.

Qing Deng followed the sound and turned his face.

Two steps behind Qingdeng, stood a young woman in a dark brown bathrobe.

This woman was about 20 years old, her black hair was tied into a hairstyle that only married women could wear: a bun, tall and slender, with a good face, and she looked straight at Qingdeng with her slender Danfeng eyes.

Qingdeng didn't say a word, and met her eyes silently.

This woman dressed as a wife...Qingdeng knew him.

This woman's face is in his memory... To be precise, it is in the memory of "Yuan Juqingdeng", and it occupies a weight that cannot be ignored.

"Are you... Ah Shi?"

Miyagawa Mino... the girl's name.

If Qing's registration is correct, she has now changed her name to "Dayueshi" because of her marriage as a wife.

"Orange, long time no see."

A playful smile appeared on Da Yueshi's face.

At this moment, Qingdeng's face was dominated by a look of astonishment.

He never expected that he would reunite with this old man who had a very special relationship with "Yuan Juqingdeng" tonight.

The relationship between her and "Original Orange Qingdeng" is so complicated that Qingdeng can't bear it... Correction.I can't bear to think about it...

The only daughter of the late father's best friend.

childhood sweethearts.

The "goddess" who once licked wildly in the humble posture of "licking dogs"...

In order to prevent harmony, the title can only be spelled in pinyin...

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(End of this chapter)

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