I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 243 Sudden Arrival of the Shura Field!Qingdeng, danger! 【9000】

This moment happened not long ago... For Kinoshita Mai, memories that were not considered good flashed before Kinoshita Wu's eyes.

It was a few days ago, at the celebration banquet celebrating the victory over the Xuanwu Hall, Qingdeng and the chief executive were sitting side by side talking and laughing, their manners were so intimate... While Kinoshita Wuzhi felt strangely uncomfortable, he couldn't help recalling Although I know its existence, I have never thought of knowing its "public ways"...

Why are Qingdeng and Okita-kun here?Did they come to watch the fireworks display together?

Just as these questions filled Kinoshita Mai's mind at an astonishingly fast speed, Qingdeng and the chief executive in the distance had already walked away, and their figures disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

Hesitation, anxiety, confusion... These emotions are mixed together in a different balance and spread on Kinoshita Mai's face.

She hesitated for about 3 seconds——


Going home or something... I can't take care of it for the time being!
Kinoshita Wu who was eager to find out something resolutely turned around, kicked the red button clogs under her feet, and chased in the direction where Qingdeng and the chief executive disappeared.

Although walking fast and in a hurry, there are too many tourists on the road.

The dense flow of people formed a wall of people, hindering Kinoshita Mai.

In such an environment, even the fastest foot speed is useless.

After finally arriving at the location where Qingdeng and the chief executive were just now...these two went to nowhere.

With a blank gaze, Kinoshita Mai looked around at the "People Cong Crowd" who had disappeared from Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai.

Immediately afterwards, he gritted his lower teeth thoughtfully,

"Are you going in this direction...?"

While murmuring like this, she turned to the right...



—Who is that girl?

Sanako and Elodie had never met.

Seeing this little girl who was walking beside Qingdeng, wearing a turban and a mask, the little girl felt quite strange.

She didn't remember that Qingdeng had a younger sister at this age.

—Is it a family member of a friend?Distant relatives?Or……

Sanako herself didn't notice: her face was slowly becoming weird...

When she came back to her senses, she found that her feet had started to move forward automatically.

She chased in the direction where Qingdeng had appeared, and encountered the same situation as Kinoshita Mai - when she reached the location where Qingdeng and the girl in yellow were just now, the two had disappeared.

Not only did they not find Qingdeng and the girl in yellow, but also Kinoshita Mai who was not far away from her—and Kinoshita Mai also did not find Sanako.

What a coincidence.

Not only did Sanako pass by Qingdeng like Kinoshita Mai... she also took exactly the same actions as Kinoshita Mai.

After only a moment of hesitation, Sanako looked around with a serious expression while hugging the blue bathrobe in her arms, and turned to the left...



"Wow... this flow of people... Hey, you all have to follow closely." Qingdeng turned his head and reminded the people behind him, "Be careful not to be squeezed apart."

I don't know if it's because today is the last day of the fireworks festival, so people who don't want to leave regrets this year are all flocking here... Anyway, there are so many people tonight that it's hard to move.

"Walk" can't even be used to describe Qingdeng's progress.

It would be more appropriate to say "creep".

If the flow of people in front moved forward a little, they quickly followed up; if the flow of people stopped moving, they could only follow without moving.

Just like this, "squirming" forward slowly.

If you look down from the sky, then this street... no, this block with the Ryogoku Bridge as the center and a radius of several miles is like a huge kaleidoscope.

Tourists wearing colorful and various costumes are the broken flowers in this kaleidoscope.

The "broken flowers" that are constantly moving and changing repeatedly form a world of flowers and flowers that is completely different from the current chaotic world.

The officials of the nearby self-fan were all mobilized.

They carried long sticks and stood on both sides of the street to maintain order.

Thanks to the hard work of these officials, although the scene of the fireworks display was tight, the atmosphere was still orderly and coordinated.

Ai Luodi, who was only around Qingdeng's waist, could easily be pushed to the ground by the guy who "didn't notice the little man in front of him" in this crowded environment.

For the sake of Alodi's safety, Qingdeng pondered for a moment with a pensive expression on his face, and then said:

"Elodie, it's easy for you to be pushed down like this, why don't you sit on my shoulder?"

"Huh? Can you?"

"of course can."

Concerned about whether this behavior of "using Qingdeng as a mount" would be too rude, Elodie showed hesitation...

At this moment, after hearing the conversation between Qingdeng and Ai Luodi, and noticing the hesitant look on Ai Luodi's face, the chief executive smiled slightly:
"Elodie, you don't need to worry too much about 'etiquette'. Do you think Mr. Ju is the kind of person who cares about the details of etiquette?"

Hearing what the chief executive said, the "fog" covering Alodi's face gradually dissipated.

"Then... Master, I will trouble you."

Qingdeng smiled:

"Why are you being so polite to me?"

After saying this, Qingdeng stretched out his arms and hugged Elodie's armpits, holding Elodie over his head as if holding a doll, letting Elodie sit astride him like a horse on the neck.

His eyes suddenly raised, and he saw the scenery that he had no chance to see on weekdays - this seemed to make Elodie very happy.

The smile on his face became brighter, and the excitement in his eyes became more and more dazzling.

And at this moment... Qingdeng had just reminded him to be careful not to be scattered by the crowd.




Hijikata opened his eyes wide open like a hunting dog that had found prey, and his handsome nose twitched vigorously.

I saw him staring straight at a young woman who was walking towards him five steps away on his right hand side without blinking.

This young woman looked about 18 or 9 years old, wearing a pink bathrobe, her hair tied into a Shimada bun was black and bright, and her delicate features were slightly powdered.

The woman roamed the streets alone without any companions around her.

Hijikata stared straight at the woman's slender back that was gradually moving away, and then——

"...A Sheng."


After Kondo next to him turned his face in confusion because he was suddenly named, Hijikata said to Kondo word by word with a solemn expression that he was going to do a noble and great cause:
"Go ahead and play slowly. I'll excuse you for a while."

After all, without waiting for Kondo to respond, Hijikata spread his legs and chased after the young woman.

"This lady!"

Hearing someone calling her from behind, the woman stopped, and then turned around slowly with temperament.

Judging from the girl's reaction at this moment... she seems to be very used to being approached by men on the street.

With a calm and calm look on her face, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, conveying a complacency of "Oh, here comes another fool who is fascinated by my beauty"... But her calm and complacent expression, Just hold on until you see Hijikata's face.

The moment her eyes touched Hijikata's handsome face, which was completely different from those of the people around her, the woman's face turned red instantly, and her beautiful peach eyes were rippling, soft and soft.

"Miss." Hijikata showed a very clean and hearty smile, "Excuse me, are you alone?"

"Vegetarian...(yes)" The woman who accidentally ate the screw due to her nervousness lowered her head shyly while frantically brushing back the strands of hair hanging near the ears.



Harada raised his head abruptly, twitching his nose vigorously like a dog.

"It smells so fragrant... Where is it?! Where is the smell coming from?!"

Harada moved his gaze inch by inch following the alluring scent.

In the end, his eyes fixed on a certain grilled squid stall.



This kind of environment where everyone rubs their shoulders is extremely unfriendly to a petite and light person like Todo Heisuke.

Not only is it easy to be squeezed away and pushed away by tall people, but the vision is also extremely bad.

Even though he had tried his best to keep up with Qingdeng and the others, the thick flow of people still separated him from the main force little by little...


"Come on! Come on! Don't miss it when you pass by! There is a wonderful knife show to watch! Next, I will throw this carrot into the air, and then just before it hits the ground, I will pull it out Knife cut it in half!"

A down-and-out samurai dressed in shabby clothes and forced to earn a living by performing martial arts on the street yelled loudly to attract the audience. As a martial idiot, Yongcang, when he heard that this man was about to perform a sword-drawing performance, suddenly became alarmed. With great interest, stop and watch.

After a lot of people gathered around, the downcast warrior casually threw a tiny carrot into the air, and when it fell on top of his head, he chopped the carrot into two with a very neat and beautiful sword drawing technique. Halfway through, the spectators around saw this and applauded.

"Oh..." Yongcang grinned, "You're good at it."

After looking at Yongcang, who had a good time, he turned his gaze back to the front of him.

However, the companions are no longer in sight...


"Huh? Why are Fujido-kun and Harada-kun gone? Huh? Nagakura-kun is gone too."

Inoue's sudden exclamation caused Qingdeng, Zongsi and others to turn around and look back one by one.

"Why is everyone gone?" The chief executive asked in a daze.

Hijikata, who was the first to leave, had to talk to Kondo before he disappeared, and Kondo later explained to everyone that "Hikata has something to do, so he is leaving temporarily"—because there are people like Alodi who are still very young The young children were present, so it was inconvenient for Kondo to say bluntly, "Hijikata must also be hooking up with women."

Compared with Hijikata, Yongcura, Harada, and Fujido really disappeared without a trace...

"Where did those idiots go..." Qing Deng, who had just reminded everyone to be careful not to stray away, had a black line on his face.

"It's really worrying..." Kondo smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I can't help it, I'll go find them."

"Ah, I'll go too." There were three missing people. Considering that Kondo might not be able to find it if only Kondo was left to find it, Inoue raised his hand to help Kondo.

The person who has the same idea as Inoue, and Saito.

"...I'll go too." Saito said lightly, "There are three people missing, so it's more appropriate to send three people to look for them."

"Uncle Yuan, Saito-kun, are you going to go find Yongcang-kun and the others with me? Well, then--Tachibana-kun, Zouji, you two, take little Elodie to play around first. We Let's find those lost idiots. When the fireworks show is about to start, let's meet at the east entrance of the Liangliang Bridge."

"Uh... well, I see." Qing Deng nodded.

From Kondo's arrangement, it is not difficult to see that he is taking care of Elodie.

Yongcang and the others are gone... No matter whether it is emotional or rational, they cannot be ignored.

And the only people who are acquainted with Ai Luodi are Qingdeng and Zongsi.

If Qingdeng and the chief executive were sent to find Yongcang and the others, then the rest of the people would not even know what to talk to Ai Luodi.

So from the perspective of "taking care of Elodie", Kondo's arrangement is quite reasonable.



After watching Kondo, Inoue, and Saito set off to find the lost idiots, Qingdeng raised his head, looked at Elodi who was straddling his neck, and then looked at the chief executive beside him.

A large group of people who were still mighty just now, suddenly there were only three of them left... This made Qingdeng feel both helpless and amused.

"Let's go. After the fireworks show starts, let's meet Mr. Kondo and the others at the Ryogoku Bridge."

"Yeah." The boss nodded slightly.

After walking forward for dozens of steps, Qingdeng and his party finally passed through this extremely crowded street.

After leaving this street, Qingdeng and the others felt "suddenly enlightened".

Although there are still a lot of people, they are no longer crowded to the point where they can only wriggle forward.

Qingdeng glanced around - they seemed to have entered the "game area".

The stalls on both sides of the street are full of various game stalls.

"Alotti." Qingdeng looked up at Alotti, "Is there anything you want to play?"

"Hmm...ah! I want to play with that!"

Alodie raised her hand and pointed forward to the left.

Qingdeng looked in the direction Alodie pointed.

Then there was a sudden "click" in my heart...

The game booth that Alodi was referring to... was a throwing game booth with a familiar layout...

"Ah!" At this time, the director's eyes lit up and said, "I want to play that too! Let's go, let's go play together!"

After finishing his speech, the chief commander personally played forward, and trotted towards the arrow-throwing game booth.

"..." With a stiff expression, Qing Deng repeatedly glanced at the chief executive who had already arrived at the booth, and Elodie who was smiling expectantly.

In such a situation, how could Qingdeng say "Why don't we play that?"...

Qingdeng, unable to get off the tiger, had no choice but to take a deep breath, move his slightly stiff feet, and bravely followed the footsteps of the chief executive.

Director: "Boss! How do you charge here!"

"Oh! 1 arrow, 2 cents! Whatever you throw on the shelf, it will be returned to you..."

The boss's words stopped abruptly.

Qingdeng: "..."


After exchanging glances with this bald boss whom he had met the day before yesterday and yesterday, Qingdeng involuntarily looked away a little...

The bald boss stared blankly at Qing Deng for a moment with a dumbfounded expression.

Then, he turned his gaze and scanned Qing Deng's surroundings.

I didn't see the red shadow that almost gave him a psychological shadow, and the blue shadow with a graceful temperament and demeanor that felt like a famous princess walking out of a storybook... I only saw a beautiful boy with an extremely cute appearance, and a beautiful boy from a beautiful family. Judging from her voice and body shape, she was at most a 13-year-old girl in yellow.

When he saw the chief executive, the bald boss managed to maintain a calm expression.

But after seeing Elodie, he couldn't hold back any longer.

Instantly, the expression of the bald boss changed rapidly.

He turned his gaze back to Qingdeng, his expression changed from "stunned" to... as if he saw some strange-looking bug...

"Huh?" The director who didn't know why asked back, "Boss, what's the matter with you? Why are you suddenly in a daze?"

"Uh... well, it's okay."

The bald boss showed his good professionalism.

His grotesque expression, as if he was looking at a bug, disappeared in an instant.

With a professional smile on his face again, he said enthusiastically:
"An arrow costs 1 cents! Whatever you hit on the shelf, you will own it! Sir Samurai, would you like to try it?"

"Oh! It's quite cheap! Mr. Ju, do you want to come and play together?"

"I don't have to..."

Qingdeng, who has played this game twice in a row for two days, is really hard to get interested in it again.

Moreover, I met the bald boss three times, and every time I met, the partner next to me didn't look the same... Such coincidences made Qingdeng feel inexplicably embarrassed, and Qingdeng really didn't have the mood to play games.

Qingdeng feels: The bald boss must have misunderstood him...

But in the current environment, it is not convenient for him to explain to the bald boss.

I can only silently bear the strange sight from the bald boss...

"Aren't you going to play? That's fine. Little Tie, just the two of us! How about we both play ten arrows first?"

Xiaoti—the nickname given to Ai Luodi by the chief executive because he thought Ai Luodi's name was a bit of a mouthful.

Elodie seems to like her nickname quite a bit.

"Yeah! Good!" Elodie nodded vigorously.

"Then boss, first give me 20 arrows!" The chief executive put his hand into his arms, took out the money bag, and counted out 40 copper coins from the money bag.

Elodie, who got off Qingdeng's neck, excitedly stood side by side with the chief executive, scanning the shelves for the prizes she wanted.

These two energetic girls are really a good pair of "perfect match" - both of them are so good at throwing that the bald boss can smile.


"Huh...that's strange..."


"...Ugh... Is there something wrong with the arrow feather of this arrow...? Ah, it hurts! Damn it! I got stuck by the arrow feather...!"


"Listen to me! Fly straight forward! I hate it! Why doesn't this arrow fly forward according to my instructions! Really...!"




After repeated misses, until the arrows were thrown out, the chief executive who only hit the air, played pettyly and "roared" to the sky.

Elodie on the side is also in a similar situation——


"Ah... almost hit the shot..."


"It missed again... What a pity, it was only a little bit close..."


"Ugh... only 3 arrows left..."


"Ah, what a nuisance! It's windy again, and the wind blows the arrows...!"




I don't know if she was infected by the director general, and Ai Luodi also let out an unwilling "roar".

Seeing this, Qingdeng couldn't help laughing, and the embarrassment that had arisen from reuniting with the bald boss dissipated a lot—although the two little cats were screaming "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" express any negativity.

What is there and only is the desire to win the game, and the joy of immersing yourself in the game.

"Boss! We want to play another 20 arrows!" the chief executive said loudly.


In the end, neither the chief executive nor Elodie got a single prize.

But the two of them don't care about such small things anymore.

The second daughter, who just wanted to play the game and didn't want a certain prize on the shelf, after having fun, her attention was attracted by another game booth not far away.

"Ah! Mr. Okita! Look, that stall seems to be able to catch small fish!"

"Fishing small fish? Let's go! Let's go and see!"

The chief executive and Elodie happily rushed to the booth that offered "fishing games".

——Looks like I didn't have a chance to explain it to the bald boss... Forget it, let him misunderstand... It's not a big deal, he doesn't seem to know who I am, so he shouldn't spread the word "Nioh is a daily The Neptune who can date different women at night" is such a strange rumor...

After reassuring himself in this way, Qingdeng quickly caught up with the chief executive and Ai Luodi under the strange gaze of the bald boss.

At the moment, there are no new customers coming, and the bald boss, who happened to be free, watched Qingdeng all the way.

After confirming that Qingdeng was gone, he let out a sigh of relief:

"This guy is really fierce... Men, women, old, young, all can be... Are you not picky... Who is he? Forget it, don't care, anyway, he should also There is no chance to see you again... right?"



Infected by the festive atmosphere, Elodie, who completely let go of her airs, walked around every game stall and food stall accompanied by Qingdeng and the chief executive.

In front of almost every game booth, Alodi and the chief executive were left playing.

The happiness brought by playing games and eating delicious food turned into the brighter light in the eyes of the two girls and the brighter smiles on their cheeks.

Before you know it, it's almost time for tonight's fireworks show to start.

Qingdeng, the general manager, and Elodie, who sat back on his neck again, hurried to the meeting place they had just agreed with Kondo: the east bridge entrance of the Liangliang Bridge.

Elodie, who was young and whose physical strength was not comparable to that of a young man like the chief executive, after having a good time playing, obvious tiredness and tiredness appeared on her face.

However, tonight's main event: the fireworks display has not yet been seen, and Elodie, who doesn't want to leave any regrets tonight, tries to open her eyes and strengthen her spirits.

The closer you get to the Ryogoku Bridge, the more tourists there are, and the harder it is to move forward.

Although the journey was difficult, we finally arrived at the destination smoothly and steadily.

"Huh? Brother Kondo and the others..."

The general manager stood on tiptoe, rested his palms on his eyebrows, and looked around.

"Haven't they come yet... The fireworks show is about to start..."

There are still about 5 minutes before the first fireworks to decorate the night sky tonight.

"They should still be on their way here..." Qingdeng said, "There's no other way, let's wait for them here first."

"Well...hope they're not lost..."



After the director's voice fell, she and Qing Deng, who couldn't find anything to talk about for a while, fell silent.

However, this silence lasted less than half a minute, and it ended with a hesitant rhetorical question from the chief executive.

"Mr. Ju... Are you in a bad mood tonight?"

"Huh? No." Qing Deng gave him a puzzled look at the chief executive who suddenly asked him such a question without thinking, "What's the matter? Why did you ask me this all of a sudden?"

The director-general pondered for a moment, and said:

"I always feel that tonight you always seem to be uninterested in any game or food...Basically, only Xiaoti and I have been playing, and you haven't participated much."

Hearing the words of the chief executive, Ai Luodi was stunned, then quickly lowered her head, like the chief executive, cast a questioning look at Qingdeng.


A look of embarrassment flashed across Qingdeng's eyes.

Why do you always act like you're not interested in anything tonight?

The reason is quite simple.

Because the games I want to play and the food I want to eat are basically played and eaten with Kinoshita Mai and Sanako in the past two days...

Qingdeng once thought about whether to tell the truth to the second daughter, but the thought was dismissed as soon as it surfaced.

joke……!Qingdeng didn't want anyone to know that he and Kinoshita Mai and Sanako swam through the fireworks display two days ago.

Although from a legal point of view, Qingdeng's behavior of "accompanying a woman every two days" is beyond reproach.

After all, he has never had anything with Kinoshita Mai and Sanako, and he has not confirmed any formal special relationship. It is reasonable to go out to play with his friends.

However, from an ethical point of view...Qingdeng also has to admit that he feels a little guilty...

At present, I and Kinoshita Mai have a good impression of each other-this is beyond doubt.

Qingdeng still regards Sanako as his important friend—but after going through so many things with him... especially last night when he witnessed Sanako come to thank him repeatedly Behind the scenes, Qingdeng also had to admit that his current feelings for Zuo Nazi could no longer be easily conveyed by the word "friendship".

Leaving aside the two daughters' feelings for Qingdeng, let's talk about Qingdeng's personal self first: under the premise of having special feelings for Kinoshita Mai and Sanako, they still have such an intimate relationship with the two daughters "with equal treatment"... If this kind of thing gets out, I'm afraid that most people will look at Qingdeng with strange eyes.

"Instinct" sent out a fierce signal before "reason" started to work——Qingdeng's "instinct" was frantically telling...no, it was warning him: don't let anyone...especially Kinoshita Mai and Zuo The guy knew what he had done the last two nights, otherwise it would have been pretty bad.

Qingdeng pondered, thinking how to fool the general manager's question.

Just at this time……

What happened next was completely unexpected by Qingdeng——

"Ah, Qingdeng, I finally found you!"

The familiar and beautiful female voice sounded behind Yu Qingdeng.

Qing Deng was startled at first.

Then a look of astonishment covered his entire face in the blink of an eye.

Slowly turn the neck that suddenly became extremely stiff, and look behind - a beautiful red figure is struggling to shuttle through the narrow gaps in the crowd.

The person who came was Kinoshita Mai who had been looking for them everywhere since meeting Qingdeng and the others.

The venue of the fireworks show is not small, and crowds of tourists are surrounded by mountains and seas. Although it cannot be said that finding someone here is a needle in a haystack, it can also be said to be extremely difficult.

But Kinoshita Wu was not depressed or discouraged. With her running and perseverance, she finally saw the tall figure she was looking for again.

This time, Kinoshita Mai did not miss Ai Luodi because of the visual angle - after all, Ai Luodi was sitting on Qingdeng's neck at this time, as long as her eyes were not blind, she could find Ai Luodi.

Even though Elodie was wearing a mask and her hair was wrapped, she couldn't hide her slender back that was so familiar to Mai Kinoshita.

Kinoshita Mai thought "could it be said" in her heart, while secretly quickening her pace.

Finally—after passing through one wall after another, she finally came to Qingdeng and the others.

"Miss Mai?" Elodie was the first to exclaim in surprise.

"Ah, it really is Ai..."

Kinoshita Mai subconsciously wanted to call out Alodi's full name.

However, she quickly realized that in such a public place, it would be inappropriate to call out Elodie's real name, so she quickly shut up and asked in an excited tone:
"Why are you here with Qingdeng?"

Compared with the secret joy on Kinoshita Mai's face...the expression on Qingdeng's face is extraordinarily "charming".

Why is Ah Wu here?Was it a coincidence?How could it be such a coincidence...

Surprise is nothing but shock, but Qingdeng's mood is still calm.

It should be just an ordinary encounter... Fortunately, Ms. Sanako is not here now...

Qingdeng just had this thought in his heart——

"... Mr. Tangerine."

It was another female voice that was too familiar...

Came from the other direction.

At this moment, Qingdeng felt that a heavy stone was hanging from his heart, and his body seemed to be pulled down by this boulder.

He looked up with an unbelievable attitude - the figure of a certain Yamato Nadeshiko walking towards him calmly came into his eyes.

What a coincidence.

Sanako, who ran into Qingdeng almost at the same time as Kinoshita Mai, then searched for Qingdeng everywhere like Kinoshita Mai, and finally found Qingdeng here almost in no particular order.

I saw Sanako's beautiful eyes, scanning back and forth at the chief executive and Kinoshita Mai next to Qingdeng, the eyes flickering with confusion.

"Miss Zuo, Miss Zuo Nazi..." Qingdeng laughed, "Why are you here...?"

"I... wanted to come here to buy something, and then I ran into you just now, and wanted to say hello to you briefly, so I followed."

After succinctly explaining why he was here suddenly, Sanako changed the subject with a calm expression.

"Mr. Ju, who is the girl on your shoulder?"

"..." Qingdeng glanced at Sanako on the left, and then Kinoshita Mai on the right.

At this moment, Qingdeng could only feel something boiling in his heart...

As if facing some indescribably powerful enemy, goosebumps emerged from Qingdeng's skin one after another.

If you keep behaving strangely, you will be suspicious... Qingdeng took a deep breath, and relying on his strong willpower, he managed to maintain his composure.

"Uh...it's like this—"

Qingdeng briefly outlined the reason why he was here with the chief executive and Ai Luodi, and at the same time explained to Zonako who the girl on his shoulder was.

"So that's how it is..." Sanako nodded slightly.

Although Qingdeng's disciple, Sanako, knew her, but because he had never met her, he subconsciously forgot about her existence.

A small "dark cloud" gathered between Sanazi's eyebrows slowly dissipated.

Kinoshita Mai was also the one who dissipated the cloud on his face.

"Oh! It turns out that you are everyone from the testing hall, and you are going out to play together tonight!"

Kinoshita Mai showed a relieved expression.

After a short period of shock and panic, Qingdeng has gradually recovered his composure.

--so far so good……

Qingdeng thought to himself.

——Although I met Ah Wu and Ms. Sanako at the same time...but as long as you are careful, you should not let what you did the previous two nights be exposed...

Just when Qingdeng comforted himself in this way——


The first firework tonight is rising.

The beautiful scenery of fiery trees and silver flowers is slowly laid out under the moonlight like a scroll.

"Wow!" The long-awaited fireworks show finally came, and Elodie shouted excitedly.

At this moment, attracted by the fireworks, Qingdeng, Kinoshita Mai, and Sanako couldn't care about anything else. A man and four women looked up at the night sky colored by the fireworks.

Even though I have watched the fireworks for two nights in a row, Qingdeng's heart was once again touched by the gorgeousness of the moment when the fireworks exploded.

Everyone was silent, with a slight smile on their faces, and quietly raised their heads to watch.

"Qingdeng! I feel that the fireworks tonight are a bit more splendid than the ones we two saw the day before yesterday!"

Then this calmness was suddenly broken by the unintentional words of Kinoshita Mai with a happy smile on his face.

Thanks to the leader of the book friend [Ye Ling OwO] for the reward!It’s been a long time since a new leader appeared, I’m so grateful, I don’t know what to say (Leopard head crying.jpg)

The author's enthusiasm for writing has ignited!From today until the end of this month, the author must work hard to code words!

PS: Let’s play a game with everyone: everyone, please look at the right→→, the author posted a screenshot of the manga in this paragraph, this is the manga "Burning!Screenshots of comics in "Sword", let's all guess who these people are~~

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