I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 248 See you at last!Qingdeng and the eldest sister of Tianzhangyuan! 【7500】

Aoto pulls the samadhi out of Tada Koemon's body. The muffled sound of "Puchi" made people feel sore teeth.

As the blade was pulled away, more and more blood, physical strength, and vitality spewed out from the neck that had been cut wide.

"Ho... ho... ho... ho..."

Driven by the desire to survive, Tada Koemon let go of the large body gun in his hand, raised his arms to cover the wound on his neck, trying to stop the flow of blood.

Tada Koemon's self-rescue is not without hard work, but such an injury has no cure.

The hands used to cover the wound were stained red with blood in the blink of an eye.

Powerless to stop the flow of blood and the passing of life, his face became pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if covered with a layer of frost.

At this moment, Tada Koemon seemed to have seen something terrible, and his face changed drastically——


He no longer blocked the wound on his neck... After shouting "Master", he faced the empty air in front of him, knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and respectfully put his forehead and palms together. Stick to the ground.

"My lord! You can't do this to me! You can't do this to me!"

The gunslinger who was still fighting against Qingdeng and the others with furious eyebrows and ferocity up to half a minute ago was tearing down without any image at this moment, very embarrassed.

He kept repeating "you can't do this to me", and kowtowed hard... The kowtow was so strong that his forehead turned red a lot with just one touch.Once again, the flesh is torn apart.It came again, and strands of blood gushed out from the broken forehead, staining the ground and most of his face red.

Regardless of the blood that was still gushing out of his neck... regardless of Qingdeng and others around him... just kowtowed all the time.

It was as if kowtowing to something in front of him was the whole of his world and the rest of his life.

Even Aiden and his party, who were used to Tada Koemon's crazy behavior, couldn't help being stunned at this moment.

At this moment, Tada Koemon finally shouted something other than "Don't do this to me".

"My lord! I admit that I made a mistake! But the crime doesn't stop there!"

"Just because of this small mistake, I was stripped of my official status and expelled from the feudal clan...I don't accept this kind of punishment...I don't accept this kind of punishment——!"

"Our Tada family has devoted ourselves to the feudal kingdom for generations! How can we abolish the family name of our Tada family just because of this reason?!"

"My lord! My lord! Please see that I have made a lot of achievements in countering the rebellion more than 20 years ago, please take back my life!"

After shouting, Tada Koemon, who pressed his forehead tightly to the ground, wailed heartbreakingly like a lost and helpless child.

Tears and snot mixed with the blood on his face turned into a pale red disgusting liquid.

After a while, his cries gradually weakened.

The crying and pleading to the "lord" just now are just the reflection of Tada Koemon.

Now, his flashback is over.

Because the blood was running out, the "fountain" became a "stream".

Tong Kong began to spread, and the eyes dimmed rapidly. …

It happened the moment Qingdeng blinked.

After less than half a second of darkness reappeared into light, the scene in front of him changed—Kneeling on the ground in a very standard Dogeza posture just now, Tada Koemon, who was pleading for mercy loudly, shouted "Master" to the air in front of him, like It fell to the ground like a mountain collapse.

Unwillingness to die... His eyes were wide open, full of resentment, sadness, and indignation.

Oddly enough - no hate whatsoever.

Obviously just said "You can't treat me like this", with a look of extreme dissatisfaction with what the so-called "Master" has done... He has such a big opinion on that "Master", but in the end there is even a trace of anger in his eyes. I can't find the color of hatred...

At this time, Qingtou suddenly saw something rolling down from Tada Koemon's body.

It's a very small pill bottle.

Because the mouth of the bottle was not tightened tightly, when the bottle rolled down from Tada Koemon's body, the contents of the bottle - red and purple pills fell out.

"This is?"

Qingdeng looked down at these strangely colored pills, and raised his eyebrows vigorously when he realized that they looked very familiar to him.

Qingdeng felt... no, it was conviction!He was sure he had seen the pill somewhere before!

Thanks to the talent copied from Keisuke Yamanan: "Picture Memory", Qingdeng's memory is very strong now.

After a while, Qingdeng recalled when and where he saw the pill for the first time—the first case he investigated in this era: Xun Sanlang murdered Granny Ping.At that time, when he single-handedly went to arrest Xun Saburo, he saw the exact same pill at Xun Saburo's house.

Same size, same weird color.

——What kind of medicine is this...?
Qingdeng was about to squat down and study the pill carefully——

slap slap slap slap...

Suddenly, noisy footsteps came from the street on the east side.

Looking up - a group of "three times" officials lined up in a neat line, carrying all kinds of weapons, came straight towards them.

The leader is an acquaintance of Qingdeng - the leader of the "Dongcheng Group" who together with their "Arima Group" brought the Dingcho of the North Fansuo back to "two divisions of the world": Dongjo Shintaro.

Dong Cheng’s sloppy grooming as always—hair as messy as a bird’s nest, a greasy face that probably hasn’t been washed all day, some eye stains can be seen in the corners of the eyes, and the clothes on the waist and abdomen are raised high. His belly was bouncing as he ran.

"Is there any mistake..." Looking at the Dongcheng group who arrived only now, the chief executive couldn't help complaining, "We have subdued the lunatics who made troubles, and these officials showed up...!"

Qingdeng smiled helplessly: "Just get used to it."

As a member of the government, Qingdeng has always had a deep understanding of the inefficiency of the government.

Although Qingdeng will take up his post on November 11st as the "Captain of the Huofu Thief Kai 1rd Division and Leader of the Xianshou Gong Division [-]th Division", but before he officially takes office, his identity is still "Dingchohui Tongxin", which is one level lower than Dongcheng.

In the face of people with higher official positions than themselves, you still have to do the necessary etiquette. …

Qingdeng sorted out his mood and clothes a little bit, and then took the initiative to meet Dongcheng.

"Master Dongcheng."

"Huh? Tangerine?"

Dong Cheng glanced at Qing Deng in surprise.

"How will you be here?"

"It's a long story...Master Dongcheng, you are here. You must have heard a little bit about what happened here, right? The person who fell over there was the one who just messed around indiscriminately on this street. A murderous lunatic. He has been subdued by me and my partners."

Dongjou squinted at the dead body of Tada Koemon not far away.

"Tachibana, what's going on? Can you explain it to me?"

After asking, Dongcheng stretched out his right little finger, inserted it into his right nostril without any scruples, and picked his nostril in a foolish manner.

Dongcheng's unruly behavior of directly pointing his nose in front of the public regardless of his own image stunned Kondo and others who were not familiar with Dongcheng.

The two girls, Director General and Zuo Nazi, were so disgusted by Dongcheng's behavior that they couldn't help shrinking their necks, subconsciously took a few steps back, and widened the distance from Dongcheng.

Qingdeng, who has long been familiar with Dongcheng's sloppy and "informal" people, explained everything he knew in detail with a calm expression.

While listening to Aodoro's report, Tojo walked slowly to the side of Tada Koemon's body.

As soon as he squatted down, a look of surprise swept over his cheeks.

"Huh? Isn't this Tada Koemon?"

Qing Deng was startled: "Master Dongcheng, do you know this person?"

"...That's right."

Dongcheng grinned.

"I have met him on several occasions. This guy is a vassal of the Dafan: Koriyama Fan. He is a very good gunman. He used his excellent spear skills to conquer Oshio Heihachiro 23 years ago. In the process, he made a lot of outstanding achievements.”

"Oshio...Heihachiro...?" This time Qingdeng's cheeks were filled with surprise.

"Ju, you should know who Oshio Heihachiro is, right?" Dongcheng gave Qingdeng a playful look.

"Of course I know... Is it impossible not to know this person?"

"Hahaha! You're right." Dong Cheng laughed loudly, "In this country, there is no way anyone doesn't know this name!"

Dongcheng's words may be exaggerated... But it is an undeniable fact that "Oshio Heihachiro" is famous for his words!

This person was originally an ordinary martial artist.Compared with other peers, his biggest difference is that he has been eager to learn since childhood and has a strong personality.

In order to glorify his family, he worked hard to practice both civil and martial arts.

It wasn't until the age of 20 that I came into contact with various social realities that I couldn't see in school, and gradually realized that my old ambitions for fame and integrity were only based on a competitive heart.

Oshio Heihachiro, who realized this, felt extremely ashamed, and realized that he was just a young boy who was far behind in both academic accomplishment and life realm.

After this epiphany, Oshio Heihachiro began to devote himself to studying Confucianism and improving his own knowledge—this was the first life transformation of Oshio Heihachiro.

However, Oshio Heihachiro, who embarked on the way of Confucianism, became more and more lost in the lake.

At that time, the atmosphere in Japanese Confucian academic circles was keen on searching, exaggeration was prevalent, and it was seriously divorced from reality.After deeply cultivating Confucianism, Oshio Heihachiro not only did not feel that his cultural literacy had been improved, but he felt more and more confused and chaotic. …

Under various chances and coincidences, Oshio Heihachiro discovered the "Moaning Words" written by Lu Xinwu, a Confucian of the Ming Dynasty, through which he learned for the first time the great spiritual wealth left by Wang Yangming, the "one sage through the ages": Yangming Xinxue.

Oshio Heihachiro, who is like a treasure, began to concentrate on practicing Yangming's mind. After countless years of study, he finally achieved the goal of sincerity, and conscience as a means, rejecting the temptation of the outside world, and clarifying the original intention of the heart. situation.

This is the second life transformation of Oshio Heihachiro.

Although Yangming School is a high degree of idealism, it is actually a pragmatism that advertises that moral behavior is the first-the so-called "unity of knowledge and action" philosophy.

On this basis, Oshio Heihachiro developed it and closely combined it with reality to become a kind of knowledge useful to society.

Oshio Heihachiro, who has become a master of knowledge, initially only gave lectures outside of official duties.

Later, with the gradual improvement of reputation, more and more disciples.

In order to have a better teaching environment, Oshio Heihachiro opened a school in his home in 1823, named it "Xishindong", formulated eight admission oaths, eliminated empty theories, and strictly implemented the purpose of Oshio School—— pragmatic.

In addition to the disciples of Xixindong who were born in the samurai class, there are also many farmers who came from farms near Osaka.

Although Oshio Heihachiro is a samurai, he does not have any class concept. He has a very strong affection for farmers, often visits the suburban countryside, and mingles with the poor people at the bottom of society.

He has always insisted that farmers are very simple, and if they are educated, they will surely have the state of mind of a saint.

In addition to "respect", Oshio Heihachiro also expressed infinite sympathy for farmers who suffered from natural and man-made disasters, so he hated the corrupt Edo shogunate and the privileged businessmen who were indulged by the Edo shogunate.

Oshio Heihachiro's resentment towards the Edo shogunate grew day by day.

This strong dissatisfaction against the incompetent Edo shogunate finally "exploded" in 1837... in the winter of that year.

The trigger was the Tianbao famine (1832-1833) that caused millions of poor people to starve to death.

In the first year of Tianbao (1830), the Kyoto earthquake occurred in July, and the Yodo River flooded in September.

In March of the second year of Tianbao (1831), the Yodo River flooded.

In the third year of Tianbao (1832), the agricultural harvests in various places failed.In the fourth year of Tianbao (1833), there was a great famine across the country, coupled with natural disasters such as the Great Dewa Flood, the Ou Yu Flood, and the Kanto Storm, the price of rice continued to rise.

The sudden appearance of famine plunged the poor into deep water and fire.

Many desperate victims even had to ask their wives and daughters to sell drugs on the side of the road in order to buy rice and exchange rice.

The Edo shogunate tried to do disaster relief... but their disaster relief operations are like the human appendix-it doesn't matter if it is there or not.

When the poor were in dire straits due to food shortages, Oshio Heihachiro, who was used to sympathizing with and helping the poor, stepped forward, sold all his books, and got 620 taels of gold, which he distributed to [-] poor households.

However... this little money is always a drop in the bucket.

Oshio Heihachiro saw more and more poor people starving to death, but the Edo shogunate was helpless.Although he saved his family, it was of no avail.

The resentment towards the Edo shogunate has swelled to the extreme... In the end, Oshio Heihachiro decided to take the risk!Rise up! …

This scholar, who initially worked hard only to glorify his family, has now completed the final transformation of his life-decided to risk everything to mend the cracks in the sky with his hands.

He led his disciples to secretly manufacture cannons, gunpowder and other weapons in preparation for the uprising.

The time of the uprising was originally set for February 2, but due to the traitor's informant, the uprising had to be brought forward.

Dashio Heihachiro and his disciples, the impoverished people who were mobilized held high the banner of "saving the people" and marched into Osaka, and fought fiercely with the shogunate army in Osaka City.

Due to the limited manpower and material resources, the self-made weapons used by the rebel army were actually quite simple...but the corrupt shogunate army was still beaten into a mess.

After the Edo shogunate heard the news, they quickly recruited the nearby Amagasaki, Kishiwada, Koriyama and other feudal clans to reinforce Osaka.

Although the rebel army fought very tenaciously...but they were still defeated by the shogunate army with overwhelming manpower and force superiority.

After the uprising was suppressed, the Edo shogunate cast a net all over the country to search for Oshio Heihachiro and others, and finally found out that Oshio Heihachiro and his adopted son were hiding in an independent house of Miyoshiya Gorobei's house in Oshiokake-cho, Osaka City inside.

Dasaka-machi immediately sent a large force to surround the house.Oshio Heihachiro, who knew he could no longer escape, ignited the prepared explosives, blasted the house with a loud bang, and burned himself to death.

After the flames were extinguished, the officials of the shogunate pulled out two charred corpses with completely unrecognizable faces from the ruins.

Thinking they could finally sit back and relax, the Edo shogunate made a statement to calm the people—but no one bought it.

The fierce battle between the rebel army and the shogunate army in Osaka caused countless houses in Osaka to be burned down, and a large number of townspeople were homeless and displaced. However, instead of hating Oshio Heihachiro, they honored him as "Mr. Oshio" and "Mr. Heihachiro". ".

After all, their eyes are not blind - they still can clearly distinguish who is really good to them.

Out of admiration and commemoration for Oshio Heihachiro, countless literati and writers have been dispatched.

In the "storytelling world" in April and May of that year, there were storytellers from Kyushu who compiled stories of Dayan's deeds into stories, which became very popular.

In the "drama world", Kabuki began to praise Oshio in Kyushu until the ninth year of Tianbao (1838), but to avoid suspicion, the era was changed to the era of the Muromachi Shogunate.The names of the characters have also been changed, and Oshio Heihachiro has become Xiaoshio Zhenpachi. In this drama, Xiaoshio Zhenpachi acts on behalf of the heavens, and the town pursues all kinds of ugly appearances.Generally, theatrical performances last 20 days, but the theatrical performances about the Great Salt Uprising are still full for more than [-] days, and it is not surprising that people come to see the play from dozens of miles away.

The legend of "Mr. Dayan is not dead! He is still alive" has never disappeared - this legend is not groundless.

After Oshio Heihachiro detonated the bomb, the officials of the shogunate found only two charred corpses that could not be discerned from the ruins... If it is said that the dead person was a substitute for Oshio Heihachiro, it is not impossible.

Some people say that Heihachiro Oshio fled to Jiushan in Yindou;


Until now, many people firmly believe that Mr. Dayan is still alive!And he will be back!Will lead these poor people to fight against the evil Edo shogunate again!
Oshio Heihachiro, who has basically become a symbol of faith, still enjoys exaggerated popularity and influence even today, 23 years later.

The Koriyama Domain with a height of 15 stones was one of the domains that sent troops to reinforce Osaka and suppress the Oshio Heihachiro Uprising.Judging from Tada Koemon's age... If he was born in the Koriyama Domain, then he might indeed have participated in the battle of Osaka 23 years ago.

This lunatic who is full of nonsense, actually has such a past... The chief executive who learned of this couldn't help asking:

"Since this man is a general who has both outstanding martial arts strength and has made dazzling achievements on the battlefield...then why did he fall into the current situation?"

"Well... I heard a little about this Tada Koemon from a friend a while ago."

Dongcheng sneered a few times with a "hum hum".

"It is said that he accidentally made some mistakes, and was demoted as a ronin by the lord of the Koriyama domain three years ago, and expelled from the domain."

"Wrong?" The director asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know that."

Dongcheng shrugged, and then continued:

"Well, this is also a common thing."

"Moving to the right is as difficult as reaching the sky, but moving to the left is easy."

"Now a large number of vassal states are so poor that they can only rely on borrowing money from the giant merchants in Osaka to survive."

"Even the finances of those vassals are not much better."

"In order to save financial expenses, the salaries of the vassals had to be deducted in various names, and even the vassals were directly relegated."

At this point, Dongcheng sneered a few more times, and then changed into a tone full of jokes and a tone of yin and yang:
"Not to mention how much credit you have made for your lord, when the situation requires it, your lord will abandon you without any hesitation."

"Hmph, this is the tragedy of us so-called 'samurai'."

After finishing speaking, Dong Cheng patted his palms and the dust off his knees, and stood up quietly.

"Ju, you are also a member of the government. You should also know the investigation process very well, so I won't say anything else."

"You have been in close contact with Tada Koemon, so now you and your friends have to go to the execution office for a while, and we want to ask you about the details of the case."

Qingdeng showed a helpless wry smile: "Please be sure to let your subordinates move faster when asking questions, so as not to waste the time of me and my friends too much."

"That's natural." Dongcheng nodded.

"Ah, Master Dongcheng, can you allow me to go to Beifan Office later? I have to deal with an urgent matter now."

The "urgent matter" Qingdeng referred to naturally meant sending Ai Luodi home.

Do a full set of things.It was Qingdeng who brought Ai Luodi out quietly, so he would naturally have to take responsibility and send Ai Luodi back to the residence area and the warm blanket in her room.

Qingdeng is a member of their "three times", not some unknown person who is not familiar with, probably out of trust in Qingdeng, Dongcheng said without hesitation: …

"Yes. As long as you can report to Beifan Office before noon tomorrow."

Qingdeng: "Thank you so much."



Tufang, Yongcang, and Harada expressed their strong dissatisfaction with the fact that they had to temporarily go to the Beifan Office to cooperate with the "three rounds" of investigating the case.

Especially Harada—I went to Beifansuo, but I couldn’t even watch the fireworks!
It's just that Tufang and others were dissatisfied, but they just dared not speak out.

First of all, it is only natural to cooperate with the government in investigating and handling cases, and there is nothing to criticize.

Secondly... They are not reckless and brainless people. They can clearly distinguish which people and which forces cannot be provoked.

Qingdeng and his party followed two of Dongcheng's subordinates, and slowly left the bloody street.

After Qingdeng and his party left, Dongcheng directed the rest of his subordinates to do their own things - to ask people nearby, to find out if there were any other victims nearby, to set up a human wall outside, and not to let anyone Irrelevant people are waiting to approach this place...

In the blink of an eye, Dongcheng was the only one left at the scene of the discovery, which was full of clamor.


Tojo looked around the deserted surroundings, then slowly lowered his chin, staring at the dead body of Tada Koemon at his feet.

After a while, he squatted down, picked up the large gun that had fallen beside Tada Koemon's body, and glanced roughly at the gun head that reflected the shining light under the moonlight.

"It's well maintained...huh! Even if you become a ronin who can't even guarantee three meals a day, you won't treat your weapon badly...ha...hahahaha..."

After a series of sneers, Dongcheng propped the big gun on the ground as if he was supporting a cane.

His eyes, neither sad nor happy, projected on Tada Koemon's body again.

"Tada, you've become much weaker."

"If it were you before, with the armor on your side, you would never be defeated so easily."

"You've become ronin, and you still carry the armor that your family has passed down from generation to generation...Your obsession and the importance you attach to the status of a 'samurai' can be seen."

"I heard from Tachibana that when you were fighting Tachibana and the others, you kept yelling like 'You gang of rebels' and 'Die to death, the rebels of Dayan'..."

"Hmph, it looks like you are really crazy, you confuse 'reality' with 'past'."

"Indulging in the past... mistakenly thinking that I am still in the battlefield 23 years ago..."

"Not only can't let go of the name of a samurai, but have you always regarded the atrocities of the past as the greatest and most memorable glory in your life... How stupid!"

After finishing speaking, Tojo flipped his wrist, and swung Tada Koemon's big gun a few times in a seemingly casual movement.

In a short time, a small black speck fluttered down from Dong Cheng's side - a fly that had its wings cut off, but its body was not injured at all, and its tiny feet were still swaying, fell to the ground. ...



Looking back, Qingdeng found that during the three-day fireworks display, he seemed to encounter unexpected and unexpected situations every day.

On the first day, he reunited with his childhood sweetheart Otsuki Minami from "Original Ju Qingdeng", and in order to repay Otsuki's father's favor, he helped Otsuki settle down the leader of the "Shimizu Clan": Shimizu Eiichi's nephew Shimizu Gosaku Whole out of the way. …

When I went home on the second day, I met a group of mysterious masked people and was attacked by them.

Not to mention on the third day... First, I was discovered by these two girls that I, Kinoshita Mai, and Zuo Nako went to the fireworks display together, and then I encountered Tada Yumon, who was completely lost. A sane madman.

From another point of view... Aoto has to thank Tada Koemon - thanks to the timely appearance of this lunatic, Aoto was able to escape from Mai and Zuo's Shura field.

Of course - only temporarily.

It's not that he and Kinoshita Wu and Zuo Nazi never saw each other again, so what should come will still come, what should be dealt with should still be dealt with, what should be faced should still be faced...

It's just that meals have to be eaten bite by bite, and things have to be dealt with one by one.

For at least a few days in the future, Qingdeng has no time to worry about these troublesome things that consume both mind and brain.

Because August 8th...the day when I need to go to Edo Castle to meet Iemo Tokugawa is coming!
As soon as the fireworks display was over, Qingdeng began to gather his emotions and began to prepare for the upcoming audience in Dengcheng.

From the night of August 8th...the night when the fireworks display ended, Qingdeng would often feel sentimental involuntarily—thinking that the fireworks display, which was full of various unexpected situations but left many good memories, had come to an end. I feel a little lonely in my heart...



In the first year of Wanyan (1860), August 8——

Edo, Edo Castle——

——This... is the famous His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan who is said to be comparable to Miss Zuo Nazi in beauty?

Qingdeng stared blankly at the woman in Tsing Yi in front of him.

—It's a complete fraud!How could this honor look like it could compete with Miss Zuo Nazi at all?
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Astute readers should also be able to discover that Shushuzi, who introduced the historical figure of Oshio Heihachiro, has a lot of ambitions.The appearance of this corner, while making the world view of the book more bloody, also makes the layout of the book different immediately. (Leopard Fat.jpg)

Otherwise, why would I say that this book can write 800W-1000W words?The idea, complexity, and breadth of the plot in this book are far higher, more, and larger than what you imagined! (Leopard laugh.jpg)

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