Chapter 25
Why did Arima leave only Inokaya and Ushiyama——Qingdeng could also guess why.

Mostly it was to discuss with Zhu and Niu how to help him survive the big boss assessment in one and a half months.

After Qingdeng's father Tachibana Takashi died of illness, the horses, pigs, and cows have always treated Qingdeng as if they were their own. Now that Qingdeng is in danger of being fired, it is impossible for the three of them to ignore it and ignore it. .

The friendship between the horses, pigs, and cows and the Ju family made Qingdeng sigh: What the "Original Ju Qingdeng" left him was not all a bunch of scapegoats...

After following Arima's instructions and leaving his office alone, Qingdeng held the knife at his waist and strode out of the execution office, ready to start his work today.

When there is no case to deal with, the daily work of Ding Ding Hui Tongxin is to patrol their respective jurisdictions.

Qingdeng just happens to have no case to handle right now, so his current job is to inspect the jurisdiction he is in charge of.

The patrol method of Dingchohui Tongxin is not to go around every corner or every important place in their own jurisdiction.

The reason is also very simple - lack of manpower.

Nanfansuo and Beifansuo-at first glance, one might think that the former is in charge of the southern half of Edo, and the latter is in charge of the northern half of Edo.

But in fact it is not.

Edo, but the ruling center of the Edo Shogunate
Such an important city, the Edo shogunate was naturally worried that the city would be completely managed by one person.

Therefore, the shogunate divided the administrative office of Edo into two, into the south and the north, and the two offices adopted the "monthly account" system.

The so-called "Yuefan Accountability" simply means that the two Fans take turns managing Edo in units of "months".

This month, the North Fan Office is in charge of Edo, and next month it will be the Southern Fan Office's turn to manage Edo.

And when it was the turn of the Beifan Office to manage Edo, what were the officials of the Nanfan Office going to do?

Take a whole month of paid vacation!

They have been on vacation until the month when they are in charge of Edo in Nanfan.

When the next month, that is, in February when the Nanpan Office was in charge of Edo, it was the turn of the Beifan Office to which Qingdeng belonged to take a whole month's paid leave.

Of course - due to the special content of the work, a "three-time" samurai like Qingdeng will only have the opportunity to take a full month of paid leave if he is very lucky.

Obviously this month it was the turn of another branch office to manage Edo, but because there was still an unfinished case at hand, so I had to go back to work—this was only the case in the "three times" of the southern and northern branch offices. But it's a very commonplace thing.

And during the holidays, it is even more normal to be urgently called up and transferred to support the current station due to the sudden arrival of some urgent case or lack of manpower.

It is now January, which is the month when the Beifan Office is in charge of managing Edo, so Qingdeng who belongs to the Beifan Office needs to come to work, and the officials who belong to the Nanfan Office...including the "three times" of the Nanfan Office They are basically all on vacation now.

That is to say—the total number of "three times" in the South and the North is 36. With the total police force already so scarce, unless a special call is issued, the police force that can be dispatched every month has to be discounted by half !

Every month there will always be an official of the police station on paid leave, so only half of the police will always be on duty every month!
Right now, there are only 4 Yuli and 14 Tongxin from the "Three Returns" of Beifan Institute responsible for maintaining the law and order in Edo.

As leadership-level cadres, the Yori of the Dingchohui will not participate in the patrol work into Edo.

The only ones who participated in the patrol work were colleagues from the Dingchohui.

There are only 6 Tongxins in Dingchohui, so it is impossible for such a small number of people to visit every important place in Edo.

Therefore—the co-hearts of the Dingchohui just patrolled each of the buildings in their own jurisdiction.

What is "Self Fan"?
This will lead to two special systems that allow the South and the North to maintain the law and order in Edo with only a little police force.

The first major system is the "Municipal Self-Government System".

This system, to put it simply, is a special "official administration system" that appoints civilians and lets them manage civilians.

Under this special bureaucratic system, the servants hired to assist in the management of Edo were roughly divided into three levels: "Machinenyori-Machinamelord-Familylord".

"Machi year" is hereditary inheritance by people from the three families of Taruya, Naraya and Kitamura.The job of this post is to assist the south and north towns of Edo in the administration of Edo.

The main tasks include: helping the town to carry out orders from the shogunate and the execution office to the people of Edo, counting individual accounts, assisting in the management of merchants and craftsmen, helping to collect and pay various taxes and fees, and other various tasks.

[Note Renbie Account: Household Registration Book in the Edo Period]

Under the year of the town, it is the "master of the town name".

Throughout Edo, there are a total of 264 town names, and each town name has as little as 2 or 3 towns, and as many as a dozen towns.Town names are all held by commoners of the landlord class, and most of them are hereditary from generation to generation.

[Note · Town: The name of the urban administrative division in ancient Japan.In the Edo period, Edo claimed to have "eight hundred and eight towns", but in fact it was far more than this number. By the end of the Edo period, there were nearly 2000 towns in Edo. 】

And under the name of the town, it is the "house owner".

Under the command of each town master, there are several to dozens of patriarchs.

The task of the family heads is to actually manage the various towns under the rule of the town name.

Some patriarchs are hired by the town name masters, but some patriarchs are also hereditary from generation to generation.

Although the town year, the town democracy, and the head of the family shouldered the heavy responsibility of assisting the magistrate in managing Edo, they were not officials.

The reason is also very simple: they are all civilians without swords on their waists, not samurai.

"No one who is not a samurai cannot be an official" - this is the iron law of Japan in the Edo period.

Although performing the functions of "official", there is no name of "official".

From the town year to the head of the house, their official status is "town servants" rather than officials. They are just a group of people who do chores for samurai masters, and at best they are a group of "officials".

The "Citizens' Self-government Organization" responsible for helping to manage Edo is also responsible for helping the "three times" to handle cases.

If any case arises, it will be resolved first by the town name and family head in charge of managing the town.

If it can't be solved, it will be handed over to the "three chapters" of the execution office to deal with it.

Therefore - "three times" basically do not deal with those ordinary civil cases.

Someone's cat is lost, someone's wife is having sex with the plumber who came to fix the pipes, and someone's wife is being told, "Ma'am, you don't want your husband to lose this job, do you? So please." ... These trivial civil cases are basically handed over to "town self-government organizations" to handle alone.

Only when encountering some major criminal cases that the "town self-government organization" cannot handle alone, such as homicide and theft, will the case be handed over to the "three times" of the enforcement office.

If there is a major criminal case in a certain town that must be handled by the "three times", then the town owner and family master who manages the town will do their best to provide assistance to the "three times" samurai in charge of the case.

The usual office location of the owners is "Zi Fan".

It can be understood as a facility that combines the functions of a modern police station and fire department.

In addition to the protruding sticks and stabbing forks used to catch prisoners, there are also fire-fighting tools such as team flags, fire hooks and hand-pressed fire pumps.

The owners who are in charge of managing the town basically work in the town's own fan.

In addition to the head of the family, there are also "book servants" and other small officials who are hired by the head of the family to help with miscellaneous tasks.

Go to each of the own towns in your own jurisdiction to inspect, ask if there is any major event in the town recently, leave it to deal with it if something happens, and go to the next city and town if nothing happens—the above is Dingcho Return to the patrol process of concentrics.



Edo, Hyuga Town, Own Ban——

As soon as he stepped through the gate, a head of the house who worked in his own fan quickly put on a formulaic smile, rubbed his hands together, and greeted Qingdeng.

"Ah! Master Tachibana, you are here!"

"Your Ann." After greeting the patriarch briefly, Qingdeng asked quickly, "Has there been any major events in Hyuga Town recently?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just a fight." The owner replied, "Yesterday afternoon, the owner of Chrysanthemum House got into a fight with a passerby on the street because of some trivial matter."

"But because the two were pulled away in time, there is nothing serious about them. I led people to mediate immediately yesterday afternoon, and now both parties have successfully reconciled."

"Yeah." Qingdeng nodded lightly, "It's fine if nothing major happens."

"Master Tachibana! It's cold today, would you like to come in for a cup of hot tea?"

"No need." Qingdeng smiled politely at the Patriarch, "This morning, due to the emergency meeting held by Mr. Feng Xing, the patrol time has already been delayed a lot."

"I still have a lot of places to visit, but I don't dare to delay the time."

"Let's take a step first. If something important happens in Hinata Town, remember to report to the execution office as soon as possible."


Qingdeng, who was about to inspect the next one of his own, strode away after the head of the family bowed and saw him off, turned to the right and entered a busy commercial street.

"Wu Fu! Come and see it! The newly purchased Wu Fu!"

"Father! I want to buy that!"

"Get out of the way! The cargo cart is coming! If you don't want to be hit, get out of the way!"


The merchants who are busy opening the shop, the coolies pushing the goods with simple carts, the hawkers who yell at the goods early in the morning...

Although "Yuan Ju Qingdeng" has seen countless such scenes in his memory, Qingdeng still couldn't stop the novelty from his eyes.

After patrolling his own jurisdiction for most of the morning, and admiring the scenes full of ancient style and life on the street, Qingdeng felt that his mood, which had become depressed due to the successive troubles, had changed a little. I need to relax.

How to deal with the "big boss assessment" one and a half months later?
The only way to make his current appalling achievements stand out in just one and a half months... is to solve some big and serious cases with extremely high gold content.

The "big boss assessment" and the other two crises that weighed on Qingdeng's head: the threat to the life of the "rejecting barbarians" is very different from the threat to the property of the "Qingshui Clan".

Faced with the threats of the "Barbarians" and the "Qingshui Clan", Qingdeng was still able to take the initiative to attack, took the initiative to learn swordsmanship, and relied on the system to replicate powerful talents to protect himself from harm.

But this "big boss assessment" is not like that...

Whether those major cases that can instantly brighten one's political achievements, whether they can appear, and whether one has the opportunity and ability to deal with these major cases... It all depends on luck.

If those high-value major cases never appear, or if these high-value major cases never have the chance to be handled by Qingdeng...then Qingdeng will be in trouble.

Regarding this, Qingdeng could only stare intently, and sighed: Take one step at a time, do what you should do every day first, and then talk about it.

After inspecting two self-fans where nothing major happened, the time quietly came to noon.

Qingdeng raised his head, glanced at the sun that was about to rise to the highest altitude above his head, and silently took out from his arms the bento that Jiubingwei handed him when he went out this morning—three boxes wrapped in lotus leaves. rice balls.

- Let's find a place to have lunch...

Qing Deng looked around, and immediately saw a tea house not far away.

The function of the tea house in the Edo period is somewhat similar to that of a modern coffee shop, and it was an important social place in the Edo period.

Go to the tea house, order a cup of tea, and you can stay for a long time leisurely - it is the most suitable place to rest.

Therefore, after discovering this tea house, Qingdeng walked towards it almost without thinking.

As soon as I entered the tea house, the noisy sound, the slightly dirty heat, the alluring aroma of tea and snacks rushed towards Qingdeng like a sea tide.

Looking at the crowded crowd in the teahouse, Qingdeng couldn't help worrying whether there would be no vacancies.

Just as Qingdeng was looking around to see if there were any vacant tables, he suddenly heard—beside him, a very familiar and pleasant voice came:
"Huh? Mr. Tangerine?"

Qing Deng hurriedly followed the sound, with a look of surprise on his face: "Mr. Chong Tian?"

New book set sail!

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection! QAQ
Thank you book friends [Very immature magician] and [L5? ? ]'s ally! ! !

According to the author's usual practice, with the leader, the 1W2 update should be released the next day, but because it is the new book period, you can't write too much in one go, so the update can only be saved until it is on the shelves!
The author first takes a small notebook and writes it down, the number of short bursts: 2
 [Japanese history class starts~]

  The "town self-government system" in the Edo period was actually very complicated.

  The content mentioned in this chapter has been simplified.Between the town name master and the family head, there are actually a mess of servants and organizations such as the "Five Family Masters". This chapter only briefly mentions the general personnel composition and operation mode of the "town self-government organization".

(End of this chapter)

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