I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 252 Comparable to Sanako's Hugeness of 12!The real Tianzhang Courtyard is here! 【8300】

Chapter 252 Huge comparable to Sanako!The real Tianzhang Courtyard is here! 【8300】

--What the hell? !

After copying the strangely named "Emperor's Industry" from Shigeru Tokuyama, in less than 3 minutes, Qingdeng lost his composure and yelled "what the hell" in his heart again.

Open the system interface.

At the very end of the talent list, there is an entry with gray text, which means "cannot take effect": more children, more blessings.

This is the third talent Qingdeng has obtained that cannot take effect due to gender incompatibility.

The first two are "Milk" copied from Kinoshita Mai, and "Plump Breasts" copied from Elodie.

Compared with just now, Qingdeng's shock this time is slightly different.

Just now Qingdeng was stunned by why a talent of "controlling facial muscles" had such a domineering name.

And now... There is nothing wrong with this new talent, whether it is the name or the specific ability.

But there is a big problem with the copied object...

——This person... is a woman?

Just when Qingdeng cast a shocked look at Shimazaki——

"Hmm... It seems that I really have to strengthen my physical training in the future... It's just that I have only swung the sword a few times, and my body is already so tired... It's shameless."

Shimazaki Kazu murmured like this, while slowly getting up, he rubbed his butt that had just had an intimate contact with the tatami.

At this time, Deshan Shigeru, who had just retreated to the outside of the arena due to defeat by Qingdeng's sword, stepped into the arena again.

"Mother, are you not injured?"

—Mother... my lord...?
Hearing Tokuyama Shigeru's address to Shimazaki, Qing Deng suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Oh, Deshan-kun, what are you talking about?"

Shimazaki let go of the hand rubbing his buttocks, put his hands on his hips, and continued in a joking tone:
"I'm now a close friend who belongs to the same group as you: Shimazaki Kazuo. I'm not your mother."

"Mother..." Shigeru Tokuyama sighed silently, and said helplessly, "The contest is over... there is no need to continue the performance, right?"

After speaking, Shigeru Tokuyama raised his hand and took off the mask on his head.

Under the mask was a delicate face full of youthful vigor.

The boy was about 14 years old.

His clean-shaven face was clean and fresh.

Excessively fair skin shows that he has lost touch with the sun for a long time.

The bridge of the nose is straight and high, and the eyebrows are curved and long.

His unshaven hair was black and shiny.

His eyes are very eye-catching - his eyes are bright and energetic, like two clear springs reflecting the bright moonlight.

Although the boy's facial features still have a bit of childishness, but his every move, smile and frown, there is already a bit of maturity that does not match his age.

Perhaps it was due to his aura... With just one glance, Qing Deng concluded: Shigeru Tokuyama... this young man must not be an ordinary person!

A "surprise" is not over, and a "surprise" rises again——


After looking at Tokuyama Shigeru who had already removed his mask for a while, Shimazaki slowly lowered his hands on his hips.

"Really... I want to play for a while longer."

The "really" in the first half of this sentence still has that deep, neutral voice that can't distinguish between men and women.

But in the second half of the conversation, the tone of the voice changed to a young female voice as clear as a silver bell...

Attracted by the sudden change in tone, Qingdeng quickly turned his head to look at Shimazakiichi.

Shimazaki happened to be raising her hands when Qingdeng looked over - she took off the protective mask on her head and pulled off the turban used to cover her hair with a very chic and neat movement.

The moment the thick mask and scarf left Shimazakiichi's head... the three thousand beautiful silks flew and fluttered with crystal beads of sweat.

At this moment, the sunlight shining into the room dimmed—the sun's rays were all compared to by a beautiful face.

Hands like catkins, skin like creamy fat, collar like grub, teeth like gourd rhinoceros—when he saw Shimazaki's true face, Qingdeng's mind instantly popped up this line from "The Book of Songs·Wei Feng·Shu Ren" Famous sentences through the ages.

As the system just revealed, Shimazaki Kazu, who has the female-specific talent of "many children, many blessings", is indeed a woman.

And she's a beautiful woman.

Her skin was as white as snow, and extremely delicate.

The so-called "pinching water out" is nothing more than that.

The red lips are as delicate as fresh flower buds;

Under the crescent eyebrows, there is a pair of pitch-black eyes that are as bright as stars.

Eyes that shone like glazed glass possessed a different kind of magical power.

When you look into the eyes of these ridiculously beautiful eyes, you can't help but feel intoxicated.

The eyebrows and eye corners that hide thousands of amorous feelings gently stir people's hearts.

Because she was wearing thick protective gear, she couldn't see the woman's figure clearly.

However, since the mask that covered the neck was also taken off, the woman's skirt and pink neck could be seen.

The curvaceous swan neck is raised high.

The slightly skewed kendo uniform reveals a line-shaped delicate collarbone.

There are many black moles on the woman's pretty face - there is a light black mole on the left corner of the mouth, the corner of the right eye, and the bottom of the left eyelid.

After lowering his gaze, he was surprised to find that the woman's mole didn't only appear on her peach cheek—there was also a light mole in the socket of her right collarbone that contrasted strongly with her fair skin.

The beauty of a woman is not limited to her eyebrows, her eyes, her lips...

The extraordinary thing about a woman...or her most beautiful thing lies in the elegant, dignified and noble temperament she exudes from her gestures.

Because of his acquaintance with the No. 1 lady in the martial arts world: Sanako, Qingdeng is not unfamiliar with elegant women.

Although this woman and Sanako are both huzhiluanting, elegant and graceful ladies, the aura between the two women is very different.

Qingdeng also didn't know how to use specific words to describe the difference between the two femininity.

He can only make a rough guess based on his feelings——

If Sanako is like the incarnation of the word "Yamato Nadeko", a noble lady and a noble princess...then the woman in front of me is the long-standing queen!
Every move of the woman carries a touch of the atmosphere cultivated by living in the human body for a long time.

When this superior aura is fully blended with the beautiful appearance, the condensed charm is really amazing.

Every frown and smile, every word and deed, is captivating.

Such a face, such a beauty, can make countless men go crazy just to kiss Fangze.I feel that not only is it costing money, but even my life is worth it!

Called "Mother" by a young man who can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary person, with a beautiful face that can be snatched away by the sun's rays, and the noble aura of a superior person... At this moment, Qing Den felt he understood something.

Qingdeng's conjecture was immediately confirmed.

"Matsuda-kun! Aoi!"

Shigeru Tokuyama turned his head and shouted to the curtain hanging on the north side of the room.

"It's already done! You don't have to play me and my mother anymore!"

As soon as Tokuyama Shigeru finished speaking, he saw a figure shaking behind the curtain.

The "Tokugawa Jiamao" and "Tianzhangyuan" that Qingdeng had just met in the Black Academy came out from behind the curtain hurriedly with small steps.

I saw these two people with respectful and respectful expressions on their faces.

After quickly rushing to Tokuyama Shigeru and Shimazaki, the two fell to their knees without hesitation, and bowed to Tokuyama and Shimazaki... no, to the real Tokugawa Iemo and Tenzhoin !



Edo, Edo Castle, Black Academy——

Qingdeng returned to the place where the general specially used to meet with his courtiers: the Black Academy.

Qing Deng, who was staring at the ground in front of his knee with a complicated expression and restless mind, kept raising his right index finger resting on his right knee, and repeatedly tapped his knee bone with a very rhythmic frequency.


Suddenly, a soft sound of the door being pulled open intervened in Qingdeng's consciousness.

The voice came from Qingdeng's front left.

Qingdeng glanced over conditionally.

A girl dressed as a maid bowed her waist and knelt on one knee outside the opened door, holding the sliding door with two small hands.

After the maid opened the door, a beautiful young woman with her hands folded in front of her stomach walked into the room calmly.

The woman is none other than Shimazakiichi... No, correction.Now we have to say that it is the real Tianzhangyuan!

Behind Tianzhangyuan were six maids, who bowed their waists and lined up in two neat columns, following behind Tianzhangyuan.

Should it be said that she is a maid who only serves Tianzhang Yuan?The six maids who followed Tianzhang Courtyard, as well as the maid in charge of pulling the door, were all without exception—both young and beautiful, and all wearing gorgeous and gorgeous costumes.

Even samurai families and merchants with a little money in their families may not be able to wear such exquisite clothes.

Qingdeng has heard that in order to show the majesty of the Edo shogunate and the great general who conquered barbarians, Ouchi often did extravagant things.

Utensils must be of the best quality, and all servants must be dressed in clothes that are too gorgeous to be worn by waiters.

When arranging ceremonies such as cherry blossom viewing, moon viewing, and the general's wedding, it is also how extravagant and extravagant it is.

It is said that when a general gets married, it is only a very common thing to spend several thousand taels of gold.

It seems... these rumors are true.

It is no longer the Tianzhangyuan dressed in "kendo suit + protective gear", wearing a blue overalls, a pair of small feet that don't feel as big as Qingdeng's palm are covered with clean cloth socks, and the shoulder-length hair is covered with a white The headband is tied at the back of the head into a ponytail that only reaches the back of the neck.

Although the Edo shogunate stipulated that after the general's death, the general's main wife and concubine had to become nuns, but they did not really need to shave their heads.

Some women who believe in Buddhism and devote themselves wholeheartedly to Buddha really shaved their heads and became real nuns, devoting themselves to practicing Buddhism.

Some of them cut off a section of hair symbolically...for example, Tianzhangyuan belongs to this category.

Looking at the Tianzhang Courtyard that was entering the room, Qingdeng couldn't help showing a strange expression.

Is it because of the temperament she has cultivated from her tortuous experience of being a wife and now a widow?Or is it because of her facial features?

Qingdeng always feels that Tianzhangyuan's eyebrows, eyes, every move, every frown and smile, all carry a strange... charming feeling.

It's not the kind of whore, who exudes "lust" all over her body, and feels that she will definitely like the charm of dancing on the dance floor in the middle of the night in hot pants.

But...Qingdeng couldn't tell.

If Qingdeng had to rack his brains to think of an adjective...

Seductive and charming with a holiness that makes people want to protect her—Qingdeng also knows that it is very weird to juxtapose these two unrelated words.

But this was indeed the first thought that came to Qingdeng's mind after seeing the face of Tianzhangyuan for the first time.

She obviously has such a charming and pretty face, but because of her status as a "monastic widow", she has to wear this elegant dress with blue as the main color... The contrast is so strong!
After Qingdeng glanced at Tianzhangyuan's pretty face for a few times, his eyes fell sharply.

Why is this so?
It's all due to the law of gravity!
The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force... This is a well-known truth of physics: the law of universal gravitation.

Qingdeng's eyes that suddenly fell were affected by "gravity"—his eyes were drawn uncontrollably, and he looked at something with a high "mass"...

Just now, because he was wearing kendo clothes and protective gear, he couldn't see his figure and posture at all.

And now, Tianzhangyuan has put on this very fitting and light blue gown...

At this moment, Qingdeng remembered what Arima had said to him a few days ago: I have heard that His Majesty Tianzhangyuan has the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese.It is said that the only person in Edo who can compare with His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan in beauty is Chiba Sanako from the Little Chiba Sword Academy.

Aesthetics are such a subjective thing.

For the same person or object, some people think it is beautiful and good-looking, while others may find it disgusting and ugly.

Whether Tianzhangyuan and Zuo Nazi can compare in beauty, Qingdeng can't say.

But the two of them are equal in stature...

No matter who the woman in front of you is, it is always extremely impolite to stare straight at the other person's face and those parts.

Qingdeng, who was belatedly aware, hastily withdrew his gaze from looking at Tianzhangyuan, and wanted to bow to salute Tianzhangyuan.

But Tianzhangyuan took the lead and said quickly:

"Oh, don't be too polite, don't be too polite."

After speaking, Tianzhangyuan quickened his pace a little.

She didn't go to the chief seat of the Black Academy.

Instead, he walked towards Qingdeng who was kneeling in a corner of the Black Academy.

After walking directly in front of Qingdeng, she generously tucked up the hem of the smock, knelt down on the tatami and sat down.

Qingdeng was dumbfounded by Tianzhangyuan's behavior of sitting directly in front of him.

In this Edo castle, where there are strict regulations on the seating of courtiers and generals, what room they can go to, and what they can do, the behavior of Tianzhangyuan... just using "bold" to describe it is not enough. up.

Tianzhangyuan, who seemed to have seen through why Qing Dengzheng was surprised, smiled sweetly.

She turned her face away and winked at the maids behind her.

The maids, who understood the meaning of the eyes of Tianzhang Courtyard, bowed their heads and saluted lightly, and then left the Black Academy in a row.

In an instant, only Qingdeng and Tianzhang courtyards were left facing each other in the huge black academy.

"All right……"

Tianzhangyuan closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

"Everyone who has nothing to do with it has left... Can you feel more relaxed?"

"Hee hee~ Anyway, I feel more relaxed."

With only one right eye open and the left eye still closed, Tianzhangyuan let out a mischievous laugh full of girlishness.

"I don't like complicated etiquette."

"So you and I should be more natural, don't be too rigid."

"Although this may be superfluous...but let me introduce myself formally to you."

Tianzhangyuan straightened his waist a little, and the corners of his two beautifully lined mouths were slightly upturned, showing a charming smile on Qingdeng.

"When we first met, I was the Odaisho of the Edo Shogunate: Atsuhime of Tenzhangin."

"……first meet."

Forced by the current atmosphere, Qingdeng also reported his name to Tianzhang Court.

"The next official is orange green."

Although jurisprudentially, there is no relationship between Qingdeng and Tianzhang Yuan.

But after all, she is the mother of the current general in name, and she has the dual status of "Dayutaisuo + Princess of Satsuma Domain". In terms of social status, she is much more noble than Qingdeng, so Qingdeng called herself a "lower official" to her. , is not wrong.

"I finally saw you in person, Ju-kun."

The genuine Tianzhangyuan is far more friendly and easy-going than the fake Tianzhangyuan just now.

Infected by the amiability of Tianzhangyuan, Qingdeng also gradually relaxed.

"First of all—I have to apologize to you first."

"Sorry, my lord general and I lied to you just now."

The "I lied to you" mentioned by Tianzhangyuan naturally refers to the fact that she and Iemo Tokugawa hired outsiders to pretend to be them. Fan Shilai competed with Qing Deng.

"Although my level of swordsmanship is average, I personally like swordsmanship. One of my daily hobbies is watching people compete."

"Suwen Ju-jun, you are an extremely talented and skilled swordsman, so I have a whim right now, and I want to have a good fight with you and witness your strength with my own eyes."

"Just now, the reason why Matsuda-kun and Aoi, who were in charge of impersonating me and the general, came late and kept you waiting in the black academy for so long... is because they are putting on make-up, changing clothes, and practicing me and the general. daily manners.”

Speaking of this, Tianzhangyuan paused for a while, and then began to laugh coquettishly as if thinking of something interesting.

"Hehehe~ The general didn't want to mess around with me like this, but who told me that I was his mother? No matter how unwilling he is, he can only bite the bullet and come and mess around with me."

——So that's how it is...so that's how it is...

Why did the "Tianzhang Courtyard" I saw just now have an ordinary face that did not match the rumors...

Why are "Shimazakiichi" and "Tokuyama Shigeru" so enthusiastic about him...

At the beginning of the martial arts competition, why did "Tianzhangyuan" and "Tokugawa Iemo" sit behind the thick and dense curtain that people outside the curtain could not see clearly the scene inside...

Why were the other contestants except "Shimazakiichi" and "Tokuyama Shigeru" immediately expelled from the White Academy after the sparring ended...

All of these are abnormal and unreasonable, and now they have been answered.

The members of the "Third Division" team, who are the sergeants of the Shogunate Imperial Guard who are responsible for personal protection of the general, must have seen with their own eyes what Tokugawa Iemo and Dean Tianzhang looked like.

The reason for hiding counterfeit goods behind thick curtains is to keep their secrets hidden.

The reason why each contestant was immediately driven out of the room after all the training was done was that they were afraid that when the real Tokugawa Iemo and Tenzhangin would compete with Qingdeng, their voices would reveal their identities. Expose it.

——So... When I was changing the protective gear in the Chrysanthemum, I suddenly asked me what I thought of Tianzhangyuan... Was it to test my loyalty?
Just when Qingdeng was thinking this way, Tianzhangyuan pursed his red lips as if he had the ability to read minds and see through Qingdeng's inner thoughts, and then smiled slightly:
"Let me emphasize it again."

"It is indeed because of a whim that I brought Mr. General to compete with you with a fake identity."

"The reason why I would suddenly ask you what you think of Tianzhangyuan before the competition begins... There is no special reason."

"It's just my personal habit."

"Personal...habits?" Qingdeng asked in surprise.

Tianzhangyuan smiled.

"Tachibana-kun, you are a native of Edo. You should know how often my name appears in the casual chats of ordinary people in the city, right?"

"Why did you become a widow at such a young age in the Tianzhang Courtyard, and you are so hungry and thirsty every night..."

"What does Tianzhangyuan actually have an unclear relationship with the General, who is not too old..."

"Why Tianzhangyuan Duji likes people younger than herself, so every night, someone will secretly bring some young and strong boys into Edo Castle to serve her, and send these boys out of the city after dawn... ..."

"As the princess of the Satsuma clan, Tianzhangyuan has no loyalty to the Edo shogunate. Her current appearance of being very loyal to the Edo shogunate is all pretending. She is actually a woman who wants to win the Satsuma clan To the witch who benefits as much as possible..."

"..." After hearing this, Qing Deng was speechless.

Qingdeng knows how "welcome" Tianzhangyuan is by the common people in the market... especially the "welcome" by men who love "fantasy".

The past of Tianzhangyuan is full of drama and all kinds of wonderful elements that can arouse people's infinite reverie.

Being cited as a talking point is nothing more than a matter of course.

Although Tianzhangyuan has been low-key recently, and the popularity of public opinion has dropped slightly, but basically now people can often hear people making fun of Tianzhangyuan in bathhouses, teahouses, izakayas and other crowded social places.

At this time, Tianzhangyuan went on to say:

"Although some of these rumors are true, most of them are nonsense."

"Although I really want to ignore all these malicious rumors and sarcasm... But the lethality of 'language' is unexpectedly great."

"This is the so-called 'a good word warms the winter three times, and a bad word hurts others the cold June'."

"Even if you want to ignore these rumors and sarcasm, it is not so easy."

"Finally, I figured it out—since I can't completely ignore the harm of these 'languages', let's try to accept their existence."

"Let the boring guys do the talking...even talk with them."

"As long as you imitate the tone of those boring guys, and say something about Tianzhangyuan together, you will feel better."

Speaking of this, Tianzhangyuan showed a sweet smile.

Bright and sunny... I can't find a perfect smile including the slightest negative emotion.

"Before I knew it, I developed the habit of laughing at myself."

"Whether in private or in public; whether in front of acquaintances or strangers, I often habitually belittle Tianzhangyuan and speak ill of Tianzhangyuan."

"Don't tell me—my 'self-deprecating decompression method' is quite useful."

"Since I laughed at myself frequently, my mood has become a lot more comfortable, and I am no longer always depressed like I used to be. Hehehe~"

Tianzhangyuan laughed happily.

But Qingdeng wasn't in the mood to laugh at all... He was momentarily speechless, and he pursed his lips tightly.

When Tianzhangyuan stated what he said just now, he used a hearty tone as if he was talking about something fun.

Under such a hearty tone, in such bright words, the hidden content is so heavy...

Because he has no similar experience, Qingdeng is not able to personally understand what it is like to be "the target of public criticism and the accusation of thousands of people".

It must be very painful...Qingdeng sighed in his heart.

It was sudden—at this moment, Qing Deng's mind suddenly drifted to the distance.


(While some of these rumors are true, most of them are nonsense.)

After recalling the words Tianzhangyuan said just now, Qing Deng unconsciously thought to himself:
——His Highness Tianzhangyuan said that some of these rumors circulating in the market are true... which parts are true?

All sorts of serious, or...a bit unscrupulous conjectures, as if they had a life of their own, automatically popped up in Qingdeng's mind one by one...

At this time, Tianzhangyuan once again seemed to have the ability to read minds and see through Qingdeng's inner thoughts, and raised his hand to gently cover his red lips:
"Mr. Ju, are you thinking now: Which parts of the rumors about me circulating in the market are true?"

As Tianzhangyuan asked in a teasing tone, he narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly and gave Qingdeng a playful glance.

The light in the pupils and the lines of the eyes are more charming due to the movement of squinting... When you look at her eyes like this, you will have the feeling that your heart is being gently scratched by a soft silk

"...?!" Qing Deng was taken aback for a moment, and then almost showed a look of astonishment and embarrassment.

At this moment, the newly copied, "hot" and "fresh" talent: "The Art of the Emperor" has played a role!

Qingdeng never expected that he could use this new talent so quickly.

Relying on the extraordinary facial muscle control ability endowed by the "Emperor's Art", Qingdeng controlled his expression at the critical moment, and did not let the embarrassment show.

Although he maintained a calm expression... But Qingdeng's heart couldn't stop the turmoil of unrest.

——Does this woman have the talent of "can judge other people's inner thoughts based on their expressions"?How else would she know what I was thinking...

What he wanted in his heart was precisely hit by Tianzhangyuan.

Reminiscent of the conjectures he had just made that had both serious parts and a little... unserious parts, Qing Deng felt extremely ashamed and embarrassed.

Just as he was thinking about how to fool the current topic that made him feel very embarrassed——


The sound of the door being pulled open again came from the front left.

The two of them who had to stop their conversation due to the intervention of the sound of pulling the door turned their heads following the sound.

A young man with a neat bun on his head and a fancy dress embroidered with a clover pattern walked quickly into the Black Academy alone.

It is the 14th generation general of the Edo shogunate and the actual ruler of Japan today: Tokugawa Jiamao.

As soon as Tokugawa Iemokata entered the room, he did not go to the main seat of the room just like Tianzhangyuan just now, but walked quickly to Qingdeng and beside Tianzhangyuan, and then sat down on his knees.

Tokugawa Iemo, who finally arrived, and the seats of him, Qingdeng, Tianzhangyuan... the three of them just formed a word "pin".

"Sorry, Mrs. Ju, for keeping you waiting so long."

The first sentence that Tokugawa Jiamao spoke was to apologize for his late arrival.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at Qingdeng.

A friendly smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Ju, I wanted to see you a long time ago, and today I finally got my wish."

Tianzhangyuan also said similar things just now.

Obviously, the two who are only 10 years apart are not related by blood, but the personalities of the mother and son in name are really similar—they treat people...at least when they treat Qingdeng, they are quite gentle and kind.

There is no pretense of "General Conquering Barbarians", "Great Imperial Office", "Supreme Ruler of the Country", or "Mother of the Country".

After a simple exchange of pleasantries with Qingdeng, Iemo Tokugawa bowed slightly, changed the subject, and apologized to Qingdeng for their behavior of "concealing their identities" just like Tianzhangyuan did just now.

"It's all my mother's nonsense, which reduces the time I can spend meeting and talking with you."

"What?" Hearing what Tokugawa Jiamao said, Tianzhangyuan suddenly showed a displeased expression, "Master General, you obviously had a good time just now, didn't you?"

Before the words were finished, a happy expression appeared on Tianzhangyuan's face—an evil-hearted smile with evil intentions.

"Master General, although you said 'it's so troublesome' and 'is it necessary to go to such a great length to compete with Mr. Ju', but you are actually looking forward to fighting with Mr. Ju, aren't you?"

"Uh..." Iemo Tokugawa, who was ruthlessly exposed by Tianzhangyuan, grinned in embarrassment, and then coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

Then, he brought the topic back to the main topic very bluntly.

"Mr. Ju, because the time of meeting and talking was affected by the martial arts competition just now, it was forced to be shortened a lot, so I will make a long story short and tell the important business first."

Speaking of this, Tokugawa Iemo cleared his throat again.

As the waist straightened inch by inch, his expression became solemn little by little.

"Mr. Ju, the reason why I summoned you today is not only to fulfill my wish of 'wanting to see you', but also because I have a very important task to entrust to you."

"Mission?" Qingdeng's eyes widened instantly.

Iemo Tokugawa nodded.

"The content of this mission is not complicated - go to the Moon Palace Shrine in Xiaocho 8-chome before tomorrow's [-] o'clock in the morning ([-] o'clock in the morning) to find a priestess named 'Yutu'."

how?The author didn't let the pigeons go, did he?Today is not only 8300 words, but also very punctual.Successfully saved the leopard head. (Leopard Waste.jpg)

Today is the last day of November, book lovers who still have a monthly pass, please be sure to vote for this book today! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

PS: Regarding the alias of "Shimazakiichi" of Tianzhangyuan, there are historical stalks in it, and it was not taken blindly. "Shimazaki" is the original surname of Tianzhangyuan: a variant of Shimadzu.The childhood name of Tianzhangyuan was "Yu Yi", and the adult name was "Duzi", so it was also called "Tianzhangyuan Duji".Does it mean that so many book friends did not guess that Shimazakiichi and Tokuyama Shigeru are Tenzhangin and General?I thought I'd written it very clearly...

 The witch character that many book lovers have been thinking about is finally coming out!

  Sure enough, this kind of sword and halberd text with an ancient background, if you don't have a character with the attribute of a witch, you feel uncomfortable all over.

(End of this chapter)

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