I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 268 King Ni vs Shura!The "gift" of Eternal Juggernaut! 【4400】

Chapter 268 King Ni vs Shura!The "gift" of Eternal Juggernaut! 【4400】

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Very difficult to use specific words to describe.

Just as people feel hot when they touch fire, and feel cold when they touch ice.Seeing the man in black at this moment, Qingdeng naturally felt that the wooden sword in his hand merged with the surrounding space, the sky above his head and the ground under his feet.

Obviously until just now, the man in black exudes a terrifying aura that seems to crush Qingdeng's body, like a huge wave that swallows the sky and the earth.

But now, that momentum has disappeared.

No, to be precise, it has changed.



Qingdeng felt that he had racked his brains and exhausted what he had learned all his life, and he couldn't think of any vocabulary to accurately summarize the temperament change of the man in black at this time.

I don't feel any fierce murderous intent, but I have a strange sense of tranquility, like facing a wide lake as quiet as a mirror, lush lush forests, and a vast galaxy, but I can also experience a huge energy from it—— This is the feeling that the man in black and the wooden sword in his hand gave Qingdeng at this moment.

The sword merged with heaven and earth?
For a moment, Qingdeng wondered whether his eyes were broken or his head was broken.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qingdeng would never have believed such a mysterious thing.

this moment.

At the moment when he witnessed this unbelievable scene in front of him, a classic phrase in Chinese classical philosophy popped up in Qingdeng's mind for no reason-Heaven and man are one!

And the weirder thing is still in the next moment.


The man in black's state of "harmony between man and nature" gave Qingdeng a very strong, inexplicable sense of familiarity.

When did you see it with your own eyes?

Or... have you experienced it before?
Forced by the shock in front of him, Qingdeng's sense of time became abnormal.

He felt as if a long time had passed.But in fact, less than 3 seconds have passed since the man in black closed his mouth.


"I'm up."

A calm voice without sadness or joy.

The sword swung down.



The memory of the brain seems to have been emptied.

When the man in black came close to him, and when he swung the knife, Qing Deng couldn't remember at all.

Qingdeng only knew that when he came back to his senses, the tip of the wooden knife had landed firmly an inch away from his nose.

Although I can't remember anything, there is one place that Qing has registered extremely clearly and deeply, and I may never forget it forever-the scene of the man in black waving the wooden knife.

At the moment when the wooden knife that was raised above his head fell, Qingdeng saw an... indescribable scene.

The thing held by the man in black and manipulated by him seems to be no longer a knife...Qingdeng knew that it might be strange for him to say such a thing, but it was true.

Qingdeng could no longer see the knife in his eyes.

He only saw a kind of "container" that happened to be shaped like a wooden knife.

This "container" contains the distant wind, the clouds overhead, the nearby trees, the stagnant water in the middle of the road, the sky, the earth, the man in black, and Qingdeng himself...

Everything within sight is condensed in this wooden knife-shaped "container"!
This strike of the man in black... has gone beyond the scope of "slashing"!

Instead of relying on the hardness of a wooden knife to attack.

Nor is it relying on superb skills to attack.

Instead, with everything in his arms, he will crush you with the momentum of Mount Tai!
To put it plainly, it feels like the whole sky, the whole earth, and the whole world are attacking me!

There's no way to defend at all... no, it's because I can't think of any defense.

Is it possible to stop the falling mountain and the oncoming tsunami with only human power?

Qingdeng, whose whole body and mind entered a state where he forgot to breathe and blink, stared blankly at the wooden knife in front of his nose.

At this moment, the aura of "attacking with all-encompassing momentum" disappeared.

The "container" is also missing.

The wooden knife changed back to an ordinary knife.

The man in black also turned back to the strange man who had no other strangeness on his body except for the strange clothes.

Faced with such a terrifying blow, Qingdeng was miraculous that he didn't feel scared at all.

At this moment, in this space, Qing Deng felt a strange sense of comfort and... a stronger sense of familiarity.

As if he was born to belong to this space.

I want to stop time just like that.

To stop the mind from thinking.

Just enjoy this comfort and familiarity silently and quietly.

It's a pity... At this moment, the voice of the man in black brought Qingdeng's consciousness back to reality.

"How? Have you seen the knife I just made?"

The voice of the man in black was full of exhaustion.

As he spoke, he stepped back... His footsteps, which were originally extremely steady, faltered.

"Haha... I haven't used this trick for a long time..."

"If I'm not old and confused... then this should be the first time I've used this trick on people since Tianwang Mountain."

"The body... a little bit too much..."

After all, the man in black's back, which had always been straight, bent down, and his broad shoulders drooped a little—just by looking at it, it was enough to see that the man in black was very tired now.

"The knife just now...is considered a gift for you..."

"Take good care of this gift of mine...this kind of gift...in today's world...except for me...there should be no one else who can give it..."

"As I said just now...whether you can learn anything from the knife I just made...what you understand...it all depends on your luck..."

Before he finished speaking, the man in black suddenly raised his head and looked at the intersection behind him.

"It seems that someone is coming."

At this moment, the man in black seemed to have recovered from his exhaustion, and the intensity of his voice became refined again.

"It's really not the right time... I want to chat with you a few more words."

"Forget it, whatever. Anyway, I have successfully discussed with you, and I have successfully handed over the 'gift' to you."

"Ju Qing Deng, I will leave first."

"Good luck."

"I hope that when we meet again next time, you can bring me a new surprise."

"I believe you have the ability to do this."

After finishing speaking, the man in black raised his hand and lowered the bamboo hat on his head, shook his sleeves very coolly, and turned his back.


Seeing that the man in black was about to leave, Qing Deng hurriedly called out to stop him.

But just when he had time to utter a syllable, the rest of the words were blocked in Qingdeng's throat, unable to speak out.


A strong sense of dizziness attacked Qingdeng's brain one after another.

Affected by this sudden dizziness, Qingdeng felt his headache was severe, and he could not help crying out in pain, his whole head seemed to explode.

My limbs are weak and I can't stand still.

Although Qing Deng tried his best to fight, his willpower could not overcome the physiological reaction of human beings after all.

After shaking his body vigorously in various directions like a tumbler, he collapsed heavily face down on the ground.

"There is no need to panic."

The man in black stopped, turned his head and said to Qingdeng.

"You're just 'tiring your head'."

"When the eyes see too much at once, the brain becomes overwhelmed."

"It just takes a little rest to recover."

"Just lay there quietly for a while."

The man in black turned his gaze back to the front, and moved his feet again.

"Wait a moment……"

Qingdeng gritted his teeth, and while struggling to lift his face, poured all the remaining strength in his body into his lips and tongue.

Taking advantage of the movement of the man in black, and at the moment when he paused because of his "wait a moment", Qingdeng hurriedly asked:
"Excuse me, are you... Eternal Sword Master... Ogata Itsuki?"

When he saw the man in black raised his wooden knife and made a slash of "unity with heaven and earth", a bold guess jumped out of Qingdeng's mind.

old voice...

Abnormally strong strength...

Coupled with the anecdote that the once all-powerful Eternal Sword Master is still alive...

This strand of information turned Qingdeng's conjecture into a solid inference.

Apart from this legendary swordsman, Qingdeng really can't think of anyone else who can possess such a heaven-defying realm of martial arts!

Qingdeng met the eyes of the man in black who turned back again.

"Did I say that? It doesn't matter who I am."

There was a faint smile in the voice of the man in black.

"You can regard me as a challenger who wants to compete with you because you have heard about Nioh's name and deeds."

After speaking, the man in black ignored Qingdeng.

He left Qingdeng with a not-so-thick and unrestrained back, and walked slowly down a nearby path.

The sun in the west betting on him casts a long, long shadow...

Shocked and thoughtful, Qing Deng looked straight at the direction in which the man in black was leaving.

Until this black figure disappeared from his field of vision, he didn't look back for a long time.



Edo, Senjiya——

Click, click, click, click...

The crisp sound of the planning board and the sound of the tip of the writing brush sliding on the pages of the book became the only two sounds in the waiting room of Qianshiwu.

Kiryu lay prone at the front desk, with Senjiya's account books spread out in front of him.With the abacus in his left hand and the writing brush in his right hand, he carefully checked the recent income and expenditure of Qianshiwu.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blows from Kiryu's back.

The writing brush in Kiryu's hand stopped suddenly.It took a moment to move again.

"Ogata-kun." Tongsheng smiled wryly, "It's not that my employment agency doesn't have a gate, so can't you just walk in through the gate properly?"

"If you come in through the gate, you have to go around a circle, so I will save trouble."

At this moment, in front of the open window sill behind Kiryu's left side, a long and tall figure suddenly appeared.

This person was dressed in black with a hat on his head.

If Qingdeng was here at this time, he would be very surprised to see this guy—it was the man in black who just showed his crushing strength and beat him up!
However, unlike just now, the voice of the man in black is no longer a hoarse old voice like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing against each other, but a low-pitched middle-aged male voice full of magnetism.

Kiryu closed the account book in front of him, and put the brush in his hand back on the pen mountain.While supporting the glasses on the bridge of his nose, he turned around and smiled at the man in black:

"Ogata-kun, how are you? Have you had a good fight with Tachibana-kun?"


The man in black raised his hand to remove the hat and pulled down the scarf, revealing a middle-aged man's face who had chatted with Qingdeng at the wedding banquet of Isamu Kondo and Tsune Matsui yesterday.

Gu Mu Goro...or Ogata Yishi, smiled and said:

"You really have a good apprentice."

"I understand why you accepted that Ju Qingdeng as your apprentice."

"Hehehe, I spent so long squatting on the place where Ju Qingdeng must pass back to the test guard hall today, it was finally not in vain."

Hearing Ogata's words, Kiryu looked calm and did not change his face... It seemed that he was not surprised by Ogata's words.

"Ogata-kun, can you tell me about the whole process of your contest with Tachibana-kun?" Kiryu asked with a smile.

"Of course." Ogata shrugged, and then sat cross-legged beside Kiryu in a very casual sitting posture.

The process of sparring with Qingdeng - there is actually nothing to describe in detail.

It was nothing more than Ogata pressing Qingdeng and beating him violently the whole time.

Only in the last round, Qingdeng barely avoided Ogata's branch and launched a counterattack, but he was kicked away by Ogata within 3 seconds.

Hearing that his apprentice was beaten so badly, Kiryu, the master, was not only not angry, but even cast a resentful look at Ogata.

Instead, he let out a happy "hahaha" laugh.

He kept laughing until tears welled up in the corners of his eyes before he stopped laughing.

"Ogata-kun, allow me to ask a question."

Kiryu clapped his hands and asked with a smile.

"You beat Mr. Ju so hard... you must have entered with some personal feelings, right?"

"..." Ogata showed an intriguing smile, "I didn't intend to bring any personal feelings into my sparring with Qingdeng."

When Ogata said "I didn't intend to", he emphasized his tone.

"But——every time I lift the branch and prepare to pull it towards Ju-jun's body, my whole hand will suddenly lose control and increase the force uncontrollably."

"Oh, Mr. Jiangong, you know that too."

Ogata spread his hands, as if helpless.

"I treat Ah Wu as my own."

"Besides, I'm also Ah Wu's ninjutsu master."

"The granddaughter and apprentice who I saw growing up was suddenly taken away by a man... It's hard for me not to look at Ju Qingdeng with a different perspective and attitude."

As soon as Ogata finished speaking, Kiryu nodded with a serious face.

"I see."

"I also treat the young master as my own."

"When I first found out that the young master has a strong affection for Mr. Ju, it was also difficult to treat Mr. Ju with a normal heart."

"But now, I look away."

Kiryu smiled happily.

"One side is the young master who is no different from his own granddaughter."

"The other side is a disciple who has been looking for for a long time and is finally found who is expected to inherit my mantle."

"Whichever side it is, it's a very important person to me."

"Mr. Ju is very good. Since he and the young master are in love with each other, then the young master can be entrusted to him with confidence."

Ogata grinned
"Jiangong Jun, your evaluation of Ju Qingdeng is really high."

"of course."

Kiryu waved his hands confidently.

"After all, he's my favorite student who I've worked hard to find for decades!"

The author's older sister has become Xiaoyang... The author's mood was affected yesterday, so today's word count is a little less...

Although the author has done his best to protect himself, it is completely unknown whether he can completely avoid infection when there is already an extra Xiaoyang person at home.So... Everyone, be prepared... This book may not be updated for several days due to the author's illness.

It may be tomorrow, or there may never be such a day... I hope it will be the latter... (Leopard head crying.jpg)

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(End of this chapter)

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