I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 271 Two months later!A new legend begins! 【2】

Chapter 271 Two months later!A new legend begins! 【2】

After successfully bringing Qingdeng to the archery range, the "Erzhong" sisters gave a light salute to Tianzhangyuan, then stepped back very conspicuously, and went back to work.

With Sashige and Yae leaving, only a pretty widow with a beautiful purple bow in her forehand was left with Qingdeng in the huge archery range.

"His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan."

Qingdeng bowed to Tianzhang Court politely, and then got straight to the point:
"I don't know why I hastily summoned you?"

"Mr. Ju, there is only you and me here, so don't be so cautious."

Tianzhangyuan smiled sweetly.

"There is no special reason why I suddenly called you here - I just want to teach you archery."

"Archery?" Qingdeng raised his eyebrows, puzzled, "Didn't the New Royal Courts not require them to master bowing?"

Tianzhang Court did not immediately answer Qingdeng's question.

She waved at Qingdeng, motioning for Qingdeng to come over.

Not knowing what happened, Qingdeng hesitated for a moment and walked towards Tianzhang Courtyard.

Before he got close to Tianzhang Courtyard, and when he was still 2 or 3 steps away from this pretty widow, a pleasant fragrance came straight to Qingdeng's nostrils.

Where is the source of this fragrance... no need to repeat.

When we first met, I didn't have such a feeling, but after getting along with Tianzhangyuan for a long time, Qingdeng felt more and more: This woman is really decent when she pretends to be a witch, just like a real witch.

The maiden costume with a white top and a purple bottom matches her very well.And the various expressions and small movements of Tianzhangyuan are also very priestly.

Qingdeng didn't know until just now that Tianzhangyuan could make bows, and the skill is not bad - after knowing this, Qingdeng felt that Tianzhangyuan and the post of witch were very compatible.

"Bow and arrow" and "witch"...these two can be regarded as a semi-bound relationship.

Not to mention the modern times of the 21st century, even in today's Edo period, people always think of bows and arrows when they mention witches.

The reason for this is that bows and arrows have a very special status in Shintoism.

Until now, Japan has a ritual of breaking demons called "Shoji no Jutsu".

This is a technique of exorcising evil spirits in Shintoism. It was originally a technique of exorcising evil spirits by pulling the bowstring that did not shoot an arrow, and using the sound of the string to exorcise evil spirits.

Almost every shrine sells magic tools used to ward off evil spirits at home every Spring Festival: the magic-breaking arrow and the magic-breaking bow.

These two ritual objects have always been popular items in the shrine.

All in all—the bow and arrow are a weapon that has an inseparable relationship with priestesses like priestesses.

Perhaps it is because the priestess symbolizes the priesthood of praying for blessings and exorcising evil spirits. After wearing this priestess costume, Tianzhangyuan has a different temperament from the usual ones.

A little more... a holy atmosphere that makes people feel like "you can only watch from a distance and dare not play with it".

This is the first time that Qingdeng feels the "sacred" aura from someone else.

Originally, because of various factors such as face and figure, Tianzhang Courtyard's every frown, smile, and every move always revealed a charming temperament.

And the "holy" of the maiden costume partially covered up this "charming".

But it's just covering up "a part"...

If it is said that Tianzhangyuan in ordinary times has a charming temperament of 10 points, then after changing into this white dress and purple hakama costume and pretending to be a priestess, her temperament has become 4 points holy and 6 points charming.

Holy and charming...

Not only like a spotless chaste saint, but also like a passionate prodigal who is keen on wearing a suspender top and hot pants to dance in the late night dance hall.

This pair of diametrically opposed attributes can actually appear in the same woman... It is also a miracle.

"Mr. Orange, stand over here."

Tianzhangyuan raised his finger and pointed to his left side, then turned around and took out a red bow about 2 meters long from the bow stand next to it.

"Here, take it. This bow is newly bought, so use it carefully~"

Qingdeng took the red and bow from Tianzhangyuan.

As soon as the bow started, Qingdeng's arms were pulled by the weight of the bow and fell straight to the ground.

--Good weight!
Regardless of whether it was the previous life or the present life, this is the first time Qingdeng holds the bow and bow—much heavier than Qingdeng imagined.

But this is also a matter of course, after all, the total length of the entire bow is more than 2 meters.

Such a length, it is impossible not to have a certain weight.

Qingdeng, who underestimated the weight of the bow, hastily tensed the muscles of both arms, and stabilized the bow before it fell to the ground.

"Your Highness Tianzhangyuan, what is going on? Why do you suddenly want to teach me how to bow?"

Qingdeng asked this question again.

But this time, Tianzhang Court finally gave an answer.

"Um... how should I say..."

Tianzhangyuan thought about the appropriate wording and pondered for a moment.

"To put it simply... the decision to teach you archery was my impromptu yesterday."

"The purpose is to allow you to better shock your future subordinates."

Your future subordinates—— Hearing this string of words, Qing Deng's eyelids sank slightly.

Of course Qingdeng knew who the "your future subordinates" referred to by Tianzhang Court.

There is only one more month left for Qingdeng's vacation.

More than a month later, on November 1st, Qingdeng was about to leave the Beifan Office and report to the yamen of the Huofu Bandit Gai. He was formally appointed as the new team leader of the third division and the leader of the seventh division of the Xianshou bow group.

At that time, Qingdeng will no longer be a small "city government policeman", but will have 10 powerful and 50 concentric bow army officers under his command!

"Mr. Ju, although what I say seems to be scaremongering... But I still want to remind you: after you change your job as a thief in Huofu, you may have a very difficult time."

Tianzhangyuan, who always had a smile on his face, showed a rare serious expression at this time.

"You didn't become the team leader and group leader of the bow by working diligently in the Huofu Thief Kai, accumulating merit and fame little by little, and getting promoted step by step."

"Instead, he was transferred to such a high position in one breath from the Dingchohui of the Beifan Institute in the way of 'falling from the sky'."

"That is to say..."

Tianzhangyuan smiled wryly.

"You will run into the same troubles that the General encountered when he first arrived in Edo—you can look up and see people you don't know well."

After hearing this, Qing Deng nodded thoughtfully.

The above words of Tianzhangyuan can be summed up in one sentence: "airborne leaders" like Qingdeng will basically encounter the dilemma of "without familiar subordinates, it is difficult to carry out their own work".

"It may take you a lot of time just to memorize the names and specialties of these strange subordinates."

The elaboration of Tianzhangyuan is still going on.

"Although you have achieved great military exploits and are honored as 'King of Nien' by the common people in Edo, no matter how famous you are now, it is still unknown whether your future colleagues and subordinates will be convinced by your ability."

"not to mention……"

Speaking of this, Tianzhangyuan's voice paused.Immediately afterwards, a strange expression full of helplessness bloomed on his delicate face.

"You are still a 'former imperial family' who was not promoted to Banner for merit until recently."

"In some people's eyes, people like you are more disgusting than horse manure in a stable."

"Ha..." Qingdeng let out a few dry laughs.

No matter in which era or in which country, there is such a thing as a "chain of contempt".

In today's Japan, due to various reasons such as national character and class solidification, the phenomenon of mutual contempt among different groups is particularly serious.

In the samurai class with a very clear hierarchy, there is a quite complete chain of contempt.

Fans of the Great Fan look down on those of the Xiao Fan.

The samurai directly under the shogun, that is, the banner and the imperial family, regarded all the barbarians as uncivilized country bumpkins.

The rank is higher, with the banner of being able to directly meet the general and other privileges, and despise the "lower" imperial family.

Dashen Banner, whose family salary is as high as that of the little daimyo, thinks that those whose family salary is less than 500 shi are from another "world".

This long-standing chain of contempt, as well as the psychological distortion brought about by the extreme solidification of classes, has led to the existence of a group in this country who regards "theory of blood" as a maxim.

They are proud of their pedigree and family status.

Contempt for people who are "lower" than themselves.

Hatred of raising one's family status with "extraordinary skills and ingenuity"...especially those whose family status has been raised as high as oneself or higher than oneself.

As of two months ago, Qingdeng was still an imperial family with a family salary of just over 2 shi. With his illustrious military exploits, he would be promoted to the banner... Qingdeng, who has such a resume, is in awe of those who follow the "theory of blood" In his eyes, he is simply a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh!

Among Qingdeng's future colleagues and subordinates, are there such people?This kind of thing, I am afraid only God knows.

"in short--"

The conversation in Tianzhangyuan suddenly changed.

"The yamen reformed by Huo Fu Thief will be a brand new world full of unknowns for you."

"You will most likely encounter many ... 'enemies' that you have never encountered before."

"As for your future life in Huofu Thief Kai... there is not much I can do to help you."

Speaking of this, Tianzhangyuan changed into a half-joking tone:
"After all, my lord general and I cannot issue the order 'no one is allowed to bully Ju Qingdeng'."

"In the future, when you go to officially serve the public, you have to be more cautious and hardworking. Whether you can live a comfortable life in Huofu Thief Kai basically depends on yourself."

"All I can do right now—"

She smiled and waved the purple bow in her hand.

"The only thing is to give you as much skill as possible to effectively persuade your colleagues and subordinates."

"The unit that you will go to attack later is the third division that will be held concurrently by the seventh division of the Xianshou bow group."

"Nowadays martial arts are slack, even in the shogunate army there are quite a lot of people who pretend to be fake. Cavalrymen can't ride horses, spearmen can't use spears, and archers can't draw bows."

"Thus, the conditions for becoming a unit commander have become a lot easier."

"Nowadays, if you want to be the team leader of the first-hand bow team and the first-hand iron cannon team, you don't need to be proficient in bow and iron cannon skills."

"It's just - as the commander of the bow army, if you can have a good bow skill, it is always a good thing to win a good reputation for yourself."

"Compared to an incompetent person who doesn't even know how to draw a bow, the generals of the first-hand bow group are obviously more willing to obey the orders of those who understand bow skills."

"As far as I know, Mr. Tachibana, you have never been exposed to archery before, have you?"

Qingdeng nodded without thinking, and then silently added in his heart:
——I played bow and arrow a few times in the "Bow and Arrow Club" and other places in my previous life, but they were all foolish. This should not be regarded as having contact with archery.

Compared with swordsmanship and spearmanship, the learning cost of bowmanship is very high.

Without a sword or a gun, you can go to the wild to pick up a wooden stick of the right size to make do with it, but how do you pick up a bow and arrow from the wild?

Therefore, in the Edo period, archery was only a martial art that those samurai from wealthy families could afford.

People like Qingdeng, who used to be low-level warriors, basically had no chance to touch bow skills.

Obviously, Tianzhang Court had investigated Qingdeng's past long ago, so he knew Qingdeng's complete lack of archery skills.

She continued:
"Although it takes less than two months, you can't immediately become a generation of archery masters, but it is still no problem to teach you how to hold a bow and how to nock an arrow."

"It's just that archery is not a must-have martial art for the new royal family after all."

"Therefore, it's up to you whether to learn archery or not."

"If you are willing to learn, I will teach you everything without reservation."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to learn. I won't blame you."

"How? Are you interested in learning archery from me?"

After finishing speaking, Tianzhangyuan tilted his head and smiled sweetly at Qingdeng.

While looking at Qingdeng with peaceful eyes full of smiles, he waited for Qingdeng's response.


Qingdeng let out a long moan in his heart.

To be honest, Qingdeng is not very interested in archery...

Now that the steam warships of the Western powers have begun to gallop across the sea, learning how to use a bow is like learning how to use a film camera in an era when digital cameras have already begun mass production.

Compared with archery, Qingdeng is more interested in the martial art of American martial arts!

However, in this country that still uses matchlock guns as the mainstream weapon and has not fully introduced Western firearms, there is no way to learn from the United States to spread martial arts...

In Qingdeng's circle of friends, the only person who possesses advanced firearms is Katsu Rintaro, whose life was saved by Qingdeng and who is about to be sent to mess with the shogunate navy.

But the revolver owned by Katsu Rintaro was given to him by a friend, and he has no way to get a gun.

Qingdeng once contacted Katsu Rintaro and asked him if he could help bring the whole pistol, but he shook his head while sighing...

Although he lacks interest in archery, Qingdeng has to admit that what this pretty widow said is not completely unreasonable.

Qingdeng has the double debuffs of "Airborne Leader" and "Low Bloodline" on his body, and his subsequent "Huofu Thieves' Reform Journey" would be abnormal if there were no ups and downs.

Therefore, it is better to make corresponding preparations in advance.

Compare your heart with your heart—if you are an archer, there are two leaders in front of you, one can't even draw a bow, and the other is proficient in archery. Obviously, the latter is easier to win favor with.

Moreover, as the saying goes, "too many skills do not overwhelm one's body", regardless of the utilitarian factors mentioned above, it is not a bad thing to learn more skills, even if it is difficult to have any more skills in this era. Useful.

At this thought, Qingdeng opened his mouth, and was about to say something.

But at this moment, Qing Dengyin suddenly thought of something, his opened lips froze, and then asked quickly:
"Your Highness Tianzhangyuan, the person who taught me archery...couldn't be you?"

"Of course it's me."

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Tianzhangyuan showed an expression that seemed to say, "Isn't this a matter of course?"

"There are only you and me in this archery field now, and I still hold a bow in my hand... Who else can teach you archery except me? What's more, besides me, there is no better person beside me." There is someone who can teach you archery. What? Do you suspect that I am not capable of teaching you?"

"That's not..."

The excellent skill of "accurately hitting the bull's-eye 50 meters away" shown by Tianzhangyuan just now has well demonstrated her level of archery.

This level is more than enough to teach people.

Du Ji of Tianzhangyuan, who is the commander-in-chief of the Great Imperial Platform and the new Imperial Court, wants to teach him archery in person, and all this is just to make Qingdeng go more smoothly in the future career of Huofu Bandit Kai... Thinking of this, Qingdeng couldn't help but secretly said in his heart:

——Whether Tenzhangin or Tokugawa Iemo, they treated me too kindly...?
Qingdeng's thoughts were disturbed by a rhetorical question from Tianzhang Court.

"How? How are you thinking? Have you made up your mind?"

"..." Under the gaze of Tianzhangyuan, Qingdeng felt a strange pressure for no reason.

After weighing all the pros and cons and thinking deeply for a while, Qingdeng took a deep breath with some confusion on his face:

"Then—Your Highness, I will ask you to ask for more advice in the future."

Tianzhang Court seems quite satisfied with Qingdeng's answer.After hearing Qingdeng's answer, she showed a bright smile.

"Then—without further ado, let's start practicing immediately! Tachibana-kun, stand in this posture and hold your bow!"

At this time, a flying swallow just flew over the heads of Qingdeng and Tianzhangyuan.

This swallow flew across the sky, over one city after another, over one mountain after another.

In the end, it flew straight to the high sky.



2 months later -

In the first year of Wanyan (1860), August 11——

Edo, Koishikawa Kohinata Yanagi-cho, Shouweikan——

"I said... Jiubingwei, it should be almost the same?"

Sitting on the edge of the courtyard, facing the courtyard, Qingdeng asked Jiubingwei helplessly.

"No! Not yet! The bun is still a little crooked!"

Kubei meticulously adjusted the angle of the bun on Qingdeng's head with an arc accurate to the millimeter.

"Today is the young master's first day in Huofu thieves to become a public servant! How can you be too sloppy and unkempt?"

Hearing what the old servant Jiubingwei said, Qingdeng could only hold back his temper for the time being and continue to endure Jiubingwei's "millimeter-level fine-tuning" of his bun.

After another moment, Qing Deng, who couldn't stand it anymore, said in a bad mood:

"Okay, okay, what does it matter if the bun is crooked or straight?"

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng stood up, turned around and went back into the house.

Seeing this, Jiubingwei had no choice but to give up his obsession with Qingdeng's bun, and followed Qingdeng back to his room step by step.

After returning to the living room connected to the edge corridor, with the help of Jiubingwei, Qingdeng changed into a new set of black clothes, black hakama and black haori, which were embroidered with exquisite patterns and exuded a solemn atmosphere.

"Young master, here it is."

"Well, thank you."

Qingdeng took a brand new black hat from Kubei, and put it on his head neatly.

"Little Lord!"

Jiu Bingwei took a few steps back, carefully looked at Qingdeng from head to toe several times, and said excitedly with tears in his eyes.

"Master, if he can see you put on this suit, he will be as excited as I am and weep!"

Black clothes, black hakama and black feathers, plus a black hat... It's the exclusive uniform of Huofu Thief Kaiban Captain!

"Kubei, isn't your appearance too exaggerated?"

After teasing this loyal old servant helplessly, Qing Deng walked slowly towards a big bronze mirror not far away.

Looking at himself in the bronze mirror in front of him, Qingdeng frowned first, then laughed wryly at himself and said:
"Kubei, I don't look like an officer at all. You think I look like a scholar, can I calm down my colleagues and subordinates who are going to meet later?"

Time flies, this seems to be the first time that this book has spanned so much time in one breath, spanning 2 months in one breath, from serialization to the present.The plot density of this book is too high, Qingdeng's actions and the progress of the plot are basically calculated in units of "days"...

Qingdeng is finally going to Huofu Thief to modify... Ah, no, it's time to go to work!To celebrate the beginning of a new chapter, vote for this book!
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 Qingdeng and Tianzhang Courtyard.

  One side is a young man with a vigorous blood.

  On the other side is a young widow who has just lost her husband.

  The details of the two's bow practice, how the two practiced the bow, and the results of Qingdeng's bow training...

  This episode, let me give you a pass~~
  For the sake of the novel effect, these plots will be put aside for the time being and then presented to everyone~~ (Leopard laugh.jpg)

  I can only say: The teaching method of Tianzhang Academy is very [practice] and [regardless of it].

(End of this chapter)

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