I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 28 Orange Green Board?What case can he solve?

Chapter 28 Orange Green Board?What case can he solve?
"...After receiving the report, I immediately organized my staff to strictly seal off the scene and forbid any idlers from approaching."

"At the same time, I also sent a letter to the Beifan Office as soon as possible to report the case, and sent people to find and contact Granny Ping's relatives and friends."

After reporting everything he knew to Qingdeng, Hui Dalang stood respectfully with his hands down.

"...A couple of doctors who are loved by countless people..." Frowning slightly, Qingdeng turned his head and looked at the dense crowd gathered around Granny Ping's house.

Qingdeng understood why so many people gathered, and why so many people looked sad and wept bitterly.

"It's the most difficult case..." Qing Deng murmured.

With his hands on his hips, Qingdeng turned to look at the tightly sealed private house beside him.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face.



Beibansuo, the office of the machijo——

——How could such a troublesome person be killed...

Looking at the urgent letter that just arrived from Kiyanagi Town on the table in front of him, Susui rubbed his frowning brows and sighed wearily.

Although Susui has never met that Granny Ping, she has heard of the name of "Bodhisattva couple" of Granny Ping and her husband.

After learning that such a famous person died at home in an urgent letter from Kiyanagi, Susui immediately frowned.

This year is Susuki's fourth year in office in Kitabansho Town.

Having been the "Edo Market" for such a long time, Susui saw it at a glance—another extremely difficult case appeared!
Due to the limited level of technology, this era naturally does not have such convenient technology products and reconnaissance methods as street surveillance and fingerprint collection.

Grass-roots construction and public security force construction are also extremely imperfect.

Therefore, in this era that is still in ancient society, the difficulty of solving various major cases such as homicides is naturally extremely high.

Among the 10 major cases, maybe 7 or 8 cases will become unsolved unsolved cases.

Often after tossing around, it turns out that nothing has been achieved.

After encountering those big and serious cases, whether you can solve the case... To a large extent, it depends on how lucky you are.

Because it is difficult to solve the case, the murder case has always been one of the most hated cases by the "three times" samurai.

It is still more disgusting if it is a murder of the kind in which the victim is a dignitary or a person of great renown.

Because of this type of case, the pressure to solve the case will be quite high...

If the victim is just an ordinary person with no background and identity, it will be no big deal even if the case cannot be solved. What can the family members of the victim who lack the background do?

How can an ordinary person fight an official with two mouths?
But if the victim's background and identity are not ordinary... then it will be troublesome.If you can't solve the case beautifully, you will be criticized or abused at the slightest, and your official career will be greatly affected at the worst.

And this Granny Ping, who was murdered, happened to belong to that kind of person with a high reputation...

There have been similar cases before.

Susui remembers it very clearly—three years ago, a person who also had the heart of a bodhisattva was killed.

This man was a wealthy businessman, who was willing to do good deeds during his lifetime, and often used his property to help those in need. Countless people were grateful for his kindness.

When this wealthy businessman was murdered, the enforcement office was busy handling other important cases, and there was no extra manpower in the "three times", so the case could only be put on hold for the time being...

Those who have been helped by the wealthy businessman will all quit.

My benefactor died tragically, and your enforcement office didn't even send "three times"?What the hell!

They gathered together, a total of hundreds of people, stormed the execution office and demanded an explanation from the execution office.

Although in the end he successfully suppressed this small riot by relying on civil attack and intimidation, Susui still has lingering fears about this incident...

Because after the incident, his superiors crazily spit fragrance on him...

The townspeople gathered to attack the execution office due to public outrage - this is not a trivial matter that can be easily exposed... So there is no reason to let Susui be so lightly.

Susui's superior scolded Susui bloody.

And Susui used their country's long-standing traditional performing arts—kneeling down on the ground in the posture of Dogeza, shouting "Red Bean Paste Private Marseille!" over and over again until his throat became hoarse. It's only a little bit of relief.

He was only scolded, and did not suffer other substantive punishments-this is considered a blessing in misfortune.

Since then, Susui has kept an eye on similar cases...

At this moment, just as at that moment.

Another person who had a very high popularity and was loved by many people was brutally murdered...

Susui, who had learned from the past, quickly concluded that the case could not be handled simply. After sighing several times, calmed down, and adjusted his state, he immediately ordered someone to summon both the Dingmachi Hui and the temporary Hui Yori.

After a while, the 2 Nayori from Jomachi Hui: Arima and Tojo, as well as the 2 Nayori who came back temporarily, all arrived in front of Susui.

After everyone arrived, Susui didn't beep too much, and said quickly without greetings:

"Just now, I sent an urgent letter from Muliu Town's own side - an old lady named A Ping who lived in Muliu Town [-]-chome was brutally murdered at home..."

Susui briefly recounted the case to Arima and Tojo, which was written in the urgent letter sent back from Kiyanagi himself.

Those who have been scheduled and scheduled for the second round are all old fritters who have struggled in the "three rounds" for many years.

As soon as Susui started to tell the story of the case, they all immediately realized how difficult the case was, and everyone's eyes were slightly condensed.

"You should have heard it—this case cannot be handled carelessly." After telling the general case, Susui said calmly, "Regardless of whether the case can be solved in the end, we must at least take a serious attitude. Come out and send Tongxin with certain strength to deal with the case."

"Otherwise, we will repeat the same mistakes that the townspeople who were dissatisfied with the handling of the case three years ago suffered when Mahogany was attacked."

Having said that, Susui could not help shrinking his neck.

Three years ago, the scene of shouting "Red Bean Paste Smith Marseille" to the point of being dumb flashed through his mind uncontrollably...

"That's why I called you here just to ask you -- is there any Tongxin under your command who can spare their hands to handle this case?"

As soon as Susui's words fell, the two Yori who came back temporarily shook their heads, saying that their subordinates were busy, and everyone had urgent cases to deal with.

None of the comrades who came back temporarily were free - Susui had already expected this.

As the "universal brick" in the "three times", the members of the temporary group are basically treated like dogs.

Temporary comrades who have nothing to do to spend their days leisurely?It's hard!

Seeing that the co-hearts who came back temporarily could not be counted on as he expected, Susui turned his attention to the two Yori of Jomachi Hui who stood side by side - Arima and Tojo.

As long as the two of Arima and Tojo stood there side by side, a sense of humor would emerge from the air between them.

Because the two are almost opposite in appearance and temperament.

The former's body and clothes are all clean and tidy, exuding a "rigorous" atmosphere from head to toe.

The latter, on the other hand, is extremely unkempt, directly writing the word "loose" on his face carelessly and without concealment.

These two completely opposite people stand side by side, the strong visual impact and sense of contrast make people laugh.

Facing Susui's gaze, Arima pursed his lips, thought for a moment, and said:

"...Master Fengxing. The lower official... Inoya and Tachibana have no missions at present."

Hearing Inoya and Tachibana from Arima's mouth... To be more precise, after hearing the name "Tachibana", the corner of Susui's mouth twitched slightly...

"Master Pursuer." At this time, Arima corrected his expression and tone, "Can I let the lower official speak?"

"...Say it."

"Just like what you said just now, Mr. Fengxing, this case cannot be handled simply."

"Therefore, the next official suggested—send two concentrics to jointly take charge of the case."

"On the Xiaguan's side, Inoya and Tachibana happen to have no assignments, so they can spare enough time and energy to jointly handle this case..."

Arima is not finished yet——

"So—what does your official mean, is to send Inotani and Tachibana to take charge of this case together?"

Susui interrupted Arima's words with a loud voice, then shook his shoulders, and changed into an impatient tone:
"That's all for Zhu Gu, send Tachibana to handle this case? What case can he solve?"

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(End of this chapter)

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