I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 280 Qingdeng: "Leave it to me!" [7300]

Chapter 280 Qingdeng: (drawing the knife) "Leave it to me!" [7300]

"Damn it, it's so boring..."

Akabane Koichiro raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and let out a big yawn.

"Damn it... The guys from the Seventh Division are happily earning merits now, but we have to stand here and blow the cold wind... The more I think about it, the more angry I get...!"

"Akabane, stop complaining."

Midorikawa, who stood shoulder to shoulder with Akabane, said softly while crossing his arms.

"This is an order from the higher-ups. The higher-ups asked us to cooperate with the Fifth Division to surround the longhouse where the traitors are... Can we still do it?"

"Cut! I ran to the street at night to suffer from the cold, but ended up making wedding clothes for Team Seven...! Can't our new captain be useful?"

Akabane curled his lips in displeasure.

"Can't that guy work hard and fight for the people above him? At the very least, he should also fight for a mission with some merits?"

Green River smiled:

"Be considerate of our new captain. Our new captain has just arrived and is a soft-spoken person. How can he sway the decision-making of his superiors?"


Akabane smacked her lips vigorously, then raised her eyes to look at Qingdeng not far away.

"The more I think about it, the more I feel unconvinced..."

he murmured.

"Why let that kind of person be our captain..."

"I have been working in Huofu Thief for nearly 10 years... I have all the credits and credits, and I also have a lot of popularity in the team. Even if I don't talk about the merits, I am absolutely qualified to sit on the The position of the captain of the third division."

"If the position of captain of the third division is not given to me, but to that old man Shirasaki, I can reluctantly accept it."

"Although I don't like Bai Qi, I also have to admit that he is really capable. And speaking of seniority alone, not to mention our third team, even if you look at the whole army of Huofu thieves, there are not many people with seniority. Can stand shoulder to shoulder with Shirasaki."

"The result? The position of the captain of the third team was neither given to me nor Shirasaki, but to someone who had never served as a thieves in Huofu before. Aside from being very strong and able to fight, I have never heard of him having any great strengths... What is this...! Where are we dedicated 'old men'?"

After finishing speaking, Akabane gritted his teeth fiercely—a mouthful of big yellow teeth "creaked" after being bitten.

"Okay, okay." Lvchuan said haha, while raising his hand to pat Akabane's shoulder, "Let's keep these complaints in private and talk about them slowly."

Akabane snorted angrily:
"It's best for that Juqingdeng to pray that he will never make any mistakes in the future."

"I'm going to keep my eyes open and stare at him all the time."

"As long as I find out that he made any mistakes in the future, I will definitely refer to him as soon as possible."

"Even if he can't get him to leave the captain's position right away, it's still necessary to make his life difficult to live comfortably."

"..." Lu Chuan smiled without saying a word, and stopped answering Akabane's words.

Although Akabane spoke impassionedly, his voice was not high-pitched.

Logically speaking, his words should not be heard by Qingdeng who is tens of meters away—however, Qingdeng's ears modified by the "Wind Senser" just violated this "reason" ".

"..." Qingdeng glanced calmly at Akabane and Luchuan who had finally calmed down at the moment.

The expressionless face made it difficult for outsiders to ascertain what Qing Deng was thinking from the expression.

One can only faintly discover a hint of thought that flickers between Qingdeng's brows.

At this time, a miserable howl suddenly intervened, interrupting Qingdeng's thoughts:

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Surprised by the sudden cry, Qingdeng looked at the source of the sound—the house in front of him after a little stunned expression.

As soon as Qing Deng turned his eyes back to the front, he immediately heard another... no, it was a series of screams and wailing:

"help me!"

"Keep in formation! Keep in formation! Don't run around! Didn't you see that the formation has dispersed?"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

"Puff! Cough cough...! Cough puff...!"


These screams were like a boulder thrown into a calm lake—all the team members who were guarding outside the longhouse showed expressions of astonishment.

I saw that Mucun, who had a happy face just now, changed his expression greatly: "What's going on?!"

Tsuchida beside him was also bewildered by the sudden accident. With a dazed face, he opened and closed his mouth, closed and opened it again, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

The screams continued... Everyone could clearly hear the screams moving from the second floor to the first floor.

No matter how stupid a person is, he knows that something must have happened inside.

Not caring about anything else right now, Kimura hurriedly yelled to Yori next to him:
"Aoi! You bring your people into..."

Kimura hadn't finished speaking——

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The sound of footsteps like floods interrupted his words.

As far as the eye can see, the soldiers of the Seventh Division rushed out of the gate of the wagashi shop in a panic, scrambling, and disorderly.

This picture of a large group of people rushing towards the outside of the house, afraid to slow down anyone around them... It reminded Qingdeng of the scenes of lunch breaks at school and meals in the dining hall in his previous life.

Many of the Seventh Division soldiers who came out of the door were splashed with blood that was still steaming outwards.

It was obvious—they had escaped.

Seeing this, Tsuchida quickly walked towards his subordinates.As a result, before he had time to ask what happened, one of his subordinates said impatiently:

"Master Tsuchida! The situation has changed! There is a very powerful swordsman inside!"

"A master of swordsmanship?" Tsuchida was taken aback.

At this time, Qingdeng and Kimura also came over, wanting to know what happened in the house, which turned the originally good battle situation into a sudden turn for the worse.

"What's going on?" Kimura said impatiently, "Tell me quickly!"

The person who was urged by Kimura swallowed hard, and then began to explain in detail.

Why the Seventh Division suddenly retreated, the process and the reason are not complicated-after they attacked the second floor of the house, they suddenly encountered a very powerful swordsman.

He grasped the knife in his right hand, and held a thick wooden board in his left hand to hide his figure and confuse the sight of the soldiers.

The first batch of soldiers who encountered this person raised their guns and fired at the first time.

As a result, an incredible scene happened suddenly in the next moment.

This person's reflexes and skills are extremely agile.

All the ammunition pouring towards him was dodged by him.

He charged at his squadrons with swift, elusive footwork.

The pace is unbelievably fast.

The distance of more than ten meters was passed by him in the blink of an eye.

With the speed of teleportation, he dodges to the front and back of the soldiers in one breath... The "violence" has begun.

Two words can be used to explain the battle between the man and the soldiers-one knife, one kill!Cut melons and vegetables!
That guy's knife was extremely accurate, and he chopped off parts like the face, neck, and elbows that were not protected by armor.

The Seventh Division is a unit that is concurrently served by the Fifth Division of the Advanced Iron Cannon Group. The use of matchlock guns is their strength.

However, other than the ability to use an arquebus... they are very general.

In short - the members of the Seventh Division, who are not good at melee combat, are completely powerless against this mysterious swordsman.

Under the onslaught of this person, the morale of the Seventh Division collapsed in an instant.

Thus, the scene that Qingdeng and others saw just now happened without warning—the whole team retreated steadily, retreating from the second floor to the first floor, and then fled from the first floor to the outside of the house.

After hearing the details of what happened, Kimura's face was as black as coal.

"A very powerful swordsman... When did the 'One-armed Party' come out with such a character...!"



At this moment-

"Taka, Takasugi-kun!"

The one-armed samurai with a cautious and terrified expression walked to Takasugi Shinsaku's side in three steps at a time.

"The officers and soldiers of Huo Fu Thief Kai...have all retreated...?"

Shinsaku Takasugi glanced at the one-armed samurai indifferently:

"Can't you see with your own eyes?"

After that, he shook his right arm vigorously, shaking all the blood attached to the knife in his palm to the ground, and then put the knife back into its sheath.

The one-armed warrior tremblingly walked to the window next to him, stuck out half of his head and looked out the window.

Seeing the members of the Seventh Squad who were showing off their power just now, one by one, they were all moaning and dejected outside the house, and after confirming that there was no abnormal noise downstairs, the expression on the face of the one-armed warrior suddenly changed to that of the survivors. Fortunately look.

"Takasugi-kun... Thank you... Your swordsmanship is so powerful... If it weren't for you, my friends and I would have finished playing...!"

As soon as the one-armed warrior finished speaking, Shinsaku Takasugi said quickly without thinking:

"It's not that my swordsmanship is strong, it's just that Huo Fu Thief is incompetent."

"After all, the officers and soldiers of Huofu Thief Kai have the advantage of arming and numbers. If they unite and fight against me, I may not be able to be so calm."

After finishing speaking, Shinsaku Takasugi crossed his arms and leaned against the window frame next to him. While scanning the people in black outside the house with his head, he let out a sneer full of disdain.

"The Huofu Thief Gai has been fighting all kinds of vicious criminals all year round, so it should be one of the most effective troops the Tokugawa family currently has."

"I didn't expect... This army, which I thought would be more or less decent, has such a vulnerable character."

"The rumors are indeed true. The Edo shogunate has indeed weakened greatly in recent years, and it no longer has the prestige of calming down the world."

"But...heh! In terms of the decline of the country, my Changzhou Domain is not much better..."

Speaking of this, Shinsaku Takasugi seemed to be recalling some bad memories, his eyelids sank and his lips tightened.

"There are swarms of insects inside and outside the feudal mansion... I really want to hack all those useless wretches to death...!"

After finishing speaking, Shinsaku Takasugi took a deep breath as if calming down.

"Okay, Gao Long, I've done everything I can. Next, you can ask for blessings on your own, and find a way to escape from here."

The one-armed warrior was surprised:
"Gao, Takasugi-kun! You..."

Shinsaku Takasugi guessed what the one-armed samurai wanted to say, and interrupted him in a strong tone:

"I came to Edo without hesitation because I heard that there was a group in Edo with the name 'Disposal Barbarian Group', whose behavior suits my taste. I wanted to see it with my own eyes."

"Whatever, when I arrived in Edo, the Koi group had already been wiped out."

"Fortunately, under the introduction of a friend, I found you, the surviving members of the extermination group, so I finally did not let this trip to Edo go in vain."

"I don't have any affiliation or alliance relationship with you Barbarian group. Apart from having a common ideal of 'rejecting barbarians', there is no intersection between you and me."

"Just now, I just helped you repel the shogunate officers and soldiers because of the fact that we are both fighters against barbarians."

"I'm not obligated to piss on you like an old lady, and I'm not obliged to protect you all the time."

"What to do next, how to deal with the fire and thieves outside the house, whether to escape or stick to this dilapidated house—you decide for yourself slowly. I will neither interfere nor accompany you."

After hearing Takasugi Shinsaku's words, the one-armed samurai's face turned so pale that it was still clearly visible in such a dark night.

At this time, the surviving members of the "One-armed Party" gathered in twos and threes towards the one-armed samurai and Takasugi Shinsaku.

Including the one-armed samurai, there were a total of 21 of them who managed to save their lives in the Huofu Thief Kai's raid.

The vast majority of them have seen with their own eyes how Shinsaku Takasugi just used his own strength to beat the officers and soldiers who committed crimes to the ground.

Therefore, in the eyes of these frightened birds, Takasugi Shinsaku is the life-saving straw to help them escape here!
They looked at Shinsaku Takasugi eagerly, and cast hopeful glances at this "life-saving straw"—it's a pity that their help-seeking eyes were all indifferently ignored by Shinsaku Takasugi.

At this time, the one-armed warrior seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and quickly said:
"Ah! Takasugi-kun, although you really have no obligation to protect us all the time, you are in the same situation as us, trapped in this house!"

"Look outside the house! The officers and soldiers surrounding this place are so densely packed that it's hard to fly!

"However, as long as we gather the strength of you and me, we will definitely be able to..."

Shinsaku Takasugi chuckled meaningfully, interrupting the one-armed warrior again.

"Gao Long, you worry too much."

Shinsaku Takasugi cast his gaze out of the window again, and continued in a tone full of confidence:
"Those officers and soldiers outside the house may be able to trap you, but they will definitely not trap me!"

"If I want to escape, I can fly away at any time. I don't need to join hands with you."

The one-armed warrior seemed to have finally given up.

He lowered his head and shoulders in frustration...but at the next moment, he gritted his teeth violently.

"Okay...! Then we... will find a way to escape by ourselves!"

A fierce expression appeared on the face of the one-armed warrior, and a crazy and fierce light shone in his eyes.He turned his head and shouted to a subordinate next to him:

"Hey! Pull out those women we captured! Move fast!"



At this time, a team member who had just been sent by Kimura to count the casualties walked quickly.

According to the team member's report, the casualties of the Seventh Division were actually not particularly heavy, with only 8 dead and 3 injured.

After hearing about the casualties of the Seventh Division, Kimura's face immediately turned livid.

"The morale of the whole team has collapsed after such a small number of deaths... Tsuchida-kun, you are a bit incompetent as the captain of the team. Have you trained the troops properly on weekdays?"

"..." Tsuchida didn't dare to make a sound, and didn't dare to refute.

Like a kid who did something wrong, he obediently stood with his hands down, silently accepting Kimura's reprimand.

At this moment, a voice as loud as thunder exploded above everyone's heads:
"The dog officers and soldiers of Huo Fu Thief Reform! Listen to me, all of you!"

Everyone quickly raised their heads and followed the prestige.

I saw a one-armed warrior standing expressionlessly in front of an open window on the second floor of the house.

Standing beside Qingdeng, a third-rank soldier subconsciously drew his bow and pointed his arrow at the one-armed warrior's chest.

Seeing this, Qing Deng quickly shouted: "Wait! Put down the bow!"

The reason why Qingdeng asked this subordinate to put down his bow quickly was very simple - the one-armed warrior was using his only arm to grab a girl's hair.

The girl looks about 15 or 6 years old, and judging from her face and clothes, she should be an ordinary civilian girl.

The action of the one-armed warrior dragging the girl's hair was extremely rough, with no regard for the girl's feelings.

The girl whose scalp seemed to be ripped off at any moment looked pained and couldn't help crying.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

"Damn it! Stop crying! Quiet!"

The one-armed warrior unceremoniously slapped the crying girl across the face, and a red and swollen "red maple leaf" suddenly appeared on the girl's right cheek.

The girl who was hurt and frightened by the beating quickly held her breath, bit her lips tightly, and dared not make any more sound.

Perhaps because he was afraid that the officers and soldiers would shoot him coldly, the one-armed warrior pulled the girl to him and used the girl's tender body as a shield.

"The dog officers and soldiers of Huo Fu Thief Reform! Have you seen these women?"

As soon as the one-armed warrior finished speaking, several black shadows flashed behind him—four warriors appeared beside him, and each of them dragged a girl by their hands.

Without exception, these girls are all very young, and they are all dressed like folk girls.

"These women are all 'goods' that we captured and planned to sell in order to raise the 'military expenditure'!"

"If you don't want them to die, just obey my request obediently!"

"My request is very simple - retreat! All officers and soldiers leave from my field of vision! And prepare 30 horses for us to ride within half an hour! Otherwise, wait to give these women Collect the corpse!"

After finishing speaking, the one-armed warrior closed the window forcefully with a bang.

"Hey! Wait!" Kimura shouted hastily.

However, no matter how much Kimura yelled, there was silence in the room, and no response could be heard.

There are actually hostages in the hands of the "One-armed Party"... Such an accident exceeded everyone's expectations.

In an instant, there was commotion around Qingdeng and the others.

"Master Kimura!" Tsuchida Liushen asked stutteringly, "Those beasts actually threatened us with hostages, what should we do now?"

"..." Kimura, who was frowning tightly, ignored Tsuchida's question.

This is an era when personal life is as cheap as grass... No, to be precise, human life in every feudal era is quite worthless.

Judging from the appearance and clothing of the girls captured by the "One-Armed Party", they were just ordinary people—this made Kimura slightly relieved.

A lowly commoner who is not even a child of the Wu family, he will die if he dies!Nothing to be sorry about!
If Kimura ignored the threat of the "One-armed Party" and the lives of those girls, and insisted that the troops continue to attack, then the people above would not condemn him for such a trivial matter.

But in this way, it is not good for my reputation...

Kimura, who thinks highly of himself, is very stingy with his feathers.

"Suma Kimura, who was reformed by Huo Fu Thief, is a cold-blooded person who treats the common people like fish and meat" - Kimura does not want such rumors to appear in the market.

What's more, just because those girls are wearing the clothes of ordinary people, it cannot be assumed that they must be the daughters of ordinary people who are easy to bully-if any of these hostages has an incredible background... then if Kimura doesn't Proceed with caution, or bad luck will come your way.

It is absolutely impossible to agree to the "one-armed party"'s request to "retreat the troops and provide horses".

However, how to protect oneself to the greatest extent while eliminating the remnants of the "One-armed Party" and not be harmed by the responsibility of "killing the hostages to death"...?
Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Kimura's mind.

His furrowed brows relaxed instantly.

"What are you panicking about?" He first said in a deep voice to Tsuchida, "You are the captain of Huofu Thief Gai. How can you be flustered over such a trivial matter?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his face and looked at Qingdeng.


Suddenly hearing Kimura's call, Qing Deng raised his head and met Kimura's eyes.

"The traitors are cunning, we absolutely cannot agree to any of their requests."

"But judging from the current situation, we need to make some changes to our battle plan."

"Several young girls were brutally kidnapped. As officers and soldiers of Huo Fu Thief Kai, we must not ignore the poor hostages!"

When he said the words "the poor hostages should not be ignored", Kimura puffed out his chest, showing a righteous and resolute expression.

"We will rescue all the hostages while annihilating the bandits!"

"The rebels in the house are obviously desperate to jump over the wall. They are anxious to save their lives, and they can't be too crazy."

"Late makes changes. Therefore, I decided to immediately organize the troops and launch a new round of offensive!"

"However, the morale of the Seventh Division has not yet recovered, and they need a period of rest before they can regroup."

"Therefore, I have decided to entrust you and your third team with the full responsibility of rescuing the hostages and completely annihilating the remaining thieves in the house!"

After finishing speaking, Kimura paused.After a while, he added in a very calm tone:
"Remember, we must do our best to protect the safety of those hostages."

Qingdeng: "..."

Qingdeng, who said nothing, narrowed his eyes and stared straight at Kimura's face.

After a while, he seemed to come back to his senses, and asked slowly:

"Will me and my third team be responsible for clearing out the remaining thieves in the house and rescuing the hostages?"


"Okay, I see."

"you understood?"

Kimura's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Qingdeng who promised so readily with a look of astonishment.

Qingdeng nodded slightly, indicating that he had indeed understood the content of his task.

"Kimura, since I have become the commander who shoulders such a heavy responsibility, I would like to make a small request here."

"……you say."

"Give me the greatest degree of autonomy... To put it simply, don't dictate the next actions of me and my subordinates."

"...Okay, I will."

Qingdeng nodded: "In that case, I would like to do my best."

Before the words fell, this young man with a calm expression, as if he was not going to perform any difficult task, but to go out for an outing, with one hand behind his back and the other hand on the saber around his waist, turned and left...



For a moment—

"Hey, Master Tachibana! What are you doing? Do you dare to take on such a job that is obviously a hot potato?"

At this moment, the ranks and forces of the third team lined up in front of Qingdeng.

Just 1 minute ago, Qingdeng detailed to his subordinates the new task that their third team received in a concise tone.

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Akabane put his hands on his hips impatiently, and questioned Qingdeng in every way.

"Akabane, calm down." Lvchuan on the side smiled wryly while holding Akabane's arm.

However, Akabane ignored Midorikawa's dissuasion at all, and continued to grit his teeth at Qingdeng in his own way:
"Want to annihilate the remaining enemies in the house and rescue the hostages at the same time? How is this possible...!"

"Those lunatics will definitely kill all the hostages immediately after they find out that we refuse to carry out their demands."

"It is impossible for us to save the hostages in time."

"Master Tachibana, can't you see it? Mr. Kimura obviously handed over this troublesome task to our third team on purpose."

"If we can't rescue the hostages beautifully, Mr. Kimura can logically shirk all the responsibility for 'causing the death of the hostages' to our third squad."

"If all the hostages are civilians from humble backgrounds, then that's fine."

"But if there is a hostage with a very deep background... Can we afford this kind of responsibility?"

After spouting so many reprimands like a machine gun, Akabane gasped loudly.

Although other Yuli didn't attack Qingdeng directly like Akabane, their expressions were not very good--obviously, for Qingdeng's behavior of not even shirking, and directly taking over such a hot potato, They all complained.

Qingdeng kept his hands behind his back the whole time, with a calm expression.

After Akabane finally calmed down, he said softly:
"Of course I know what Kimura's intention is when he suddenly gave me such a high-risk task."

"Don't worry, I already have a complete and stable plan in my mind about how to accomplish this task beautifully."

A group of people, including Akabane, cast surprised glances at Qingdeng.

"Master Tachibana." Bai Qi...the number one old man in the team said dumbly, "You... have a plan?"

Qingdeng nodded, then stretched out his finger, and tapped his feet.

"My plan needs your cooperation."

"And what you have to do is very simple—just stay here obediently. When you see a hostage slipping down from the second floor along a cloth strip or something else, go to receive the hostage as soon as possible."

"The rest... just leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng shook off the haori on his body, opened the mouth of Dingguishen's carp, and drew his saber out of its sheath.

Today is the last day of 2022, looking back on this year... I can't seem to remember anything~~(Leopard laugh.jpg)

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(End of this chapter)

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