I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 282 1vs22!Break the enemy line! 【6200】

Chapter 282 1vs22!Break the enemy line! 【6200】

"The officers and soldiers of Huo Fu Thief Kai broke in!"

"How many officers and soldiers broke in?"

"No, I don't know!"

"Calm down! Don't mess around!"


The sound of the blade cutting clothes and flesh, the sound of his companions groaning and falling to the ground... Undoubtedly, these sounds are like adding oil to the fire, multiplying the panic that pervades the air in the room.

There is a saying: the oldest and strongest emotion of human beings is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear comes from the unknown.

The originally bright field of vision was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

I don't know who is coming.Only know that the comer is not good.

I don't know how many enemies broke in.I only know that the enemy who broke in is very skilled.

I don't know where the enemy is now, I only know that some comrades have fallen in a pool of blood.

The "fear" triggered by the superimposition of one after another "unknown" makes people anxious, flustered, and crazy.

In order to fight against this strong fear and the various negative emotions born out of it, the remnants of the Kobari group instinctively tried to do something, so as to give themselves a feeling of "I am not sitting still" and "I am fighting desperately" sense of comfort.

"Ah! I found the enemy! The enemy is here! Go to hell!"

"Ahhh! Idiot! You cut me!"

"Hug, sorry!"

"Quick! Light the candles again! Light the candles again... Ah! My head! Who? Who hit me!"

"Huh? Hayano-kun? It's me! Saotome Hitaro!"


Trying to find the enemy and fight with them, trying to light the candles again, running around and screaming like a headless chicken... The remnants of the barbarian group went their own way, without a unified command and action.

The room is only that big, how can it withstand their toss?

The sound of running around and bumping into walls or companions, and the sound of someone accidentally cutting a knife while drawing or swinging a knife, one after another.

After Takasugi Shinsaku, the one-armed warrior also recovered from his panic at this time.

He and Takasugi Shinsaku have been trying to stabilize the morale of the army.

The size of the room is small, and there are not many people. They yelled with all their might, so that the rest of the people could always hear their orders.

As long as the two of them work together, it will take only a short time for everyone to regain their composure.

But obviously—Qingdeng will definitely not just watch Shinsaku Takasugi and the one-armed samurai integrate their strength and morale.

The "night vision" talent made Qingdeng take advantage of the night battle.

Qingdeng could see his opponent, but his opponents couldn't see Qingdeng—they only noticed that something "invisible" was ravaging them.

Soon, Qingdeng's wolf-like eyes swept across the face of the next enemy along the edge of the ghost-fixing blade.

Qingdeng swung his knife and chopped off his head.

The enemy who was being targeted by Qingdeng didn't know whether he heard Qingdeng's footsteps, or the sound of the blade cutting through the air. In short, before Dingguishen was about to open a big hole in his forehead, he reluctantly but in time He raised his knife to defend.

Blades meet, sparks flash.

The short-lived erratic sparks briefly illuminated Qing Deng's face.

This person actually recognized Qingdeng—the next moment he saw Qingdeng's face clearly with the help of the fleeting light brought by Mars, this person's expression changed drastically, and he screamed:

"Juqingdeng! It's Juqing... Ugh!"

His shouting stopped.

Because something on him was kicked into pieces.

Taking advantage of the fact that this person lost his status for a moment because he found out that the enemy in front of him was the "King of Ren" Ju Qingdeng, Qing Deng flew up quickly.

With just one blow, he shattered the part he used to give birth.

How excruciatingly painful that thing would be if it was injured... Everyone knows it.

The man lost his ability to resist in an instant, and fell limply to the ground like paralyzed mud.

- 4...!
Although this person's yelling stopped abruptly, he still successfully conveyed the important message "the invading enemy is Juqingdeng" to the other companions.

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed!

Don't say they are the remnants of the barbarian group... Even if you ask all the streets and alleys of Edo, ask all the men, women, and children in Edo, who would not know that the famous "King of Ren" Tachibana Tachibana was against the barbarian group Is it directly related to the destruction of the world?

As the saying goes, "When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous."

When the Koyi Group was alive and in full swing, it was you who made our grand plans come to naught.

But now, the Yi group is gone, only us survivors are still struggling, and you, Ju Qingdeng, still refuse to let us go, still chasing and biting us like a mad dog.

It's not over, is it? !

The faces of everyone in the room except Shinsaku Takasugi suddenly became dignified because of the same hatred.

Takasugi Shinsaku's expression also changed at the same time - but his expression change was completely different from that of the one-armed samurai and others.

"Ju Qingdeng...?!" Shinsaku Takasugi shrank his pupils abruptly, chewing on Qingdeng's name with a surprised expression on his face.

Suddenly, Qingdeng felt a wind in the back of his head.

Qingdeng reacted extremely quickly and rolled forward. While avoiding the sudden attack of the sharp edge, he picked up the knife dropped by the poor man who was kicked into pieces by him.

It was too late and then it was too late, the moment Qingdeng finished receiving his body and adjusted his posture, the knife he had just picked up shot out from his palm in the air.

The leg strength of "leading the horse", the waist strength of "bear's waist + 1", the arm strength of "tiger's arm" - when these three are superimposed, how much power can they explode?
This question was answered at this time.

There was only a "poof", like the sound of a cork being flicked off, the knife thrown like a javelin pierced through the attacker's stomach, from the tip of the knife all the way to the center of the knife, killing the person's body. The front, heart and back are strung together.

Qingdeng's left leg bent and released like a spring, and his whole body shot out like a rocket, hitting the assailant whose body was already shaking.

Qingdeng freed his left hand to hold down the handle of the knife inserted into the man's stomach, and exerted force horizontally along the direction of the blade—puchi!
Relying on pure brute force, Qing Deng abruptly withdrew the knife from the guy's stomach——withdrawn sideways.

The blade cut off most of the person's waist, leaving only a little bit of skin and flesh connecting the person's upper and lower body.

- 5...!
At this time, there were sounds from the corridor—noisy footsteps and anxious shouts.

"Mr. Todo! What happened?!"

The paper sliding door was pushed open violently—it was the rest of the barbarian group who wandered around and squatted in other places in the house, and heard the strange noise coming from here, so they rushed to check the situation.

What I heard in my ears were the sound of shouting and killing and the movement of swinging knives.

What the tip of the nose smelled was the stench of blood.

What I saw was darkness and chaos.

Based on all the above, a fool knows what happened.

Qingdeng beheaded several people, making the room empty and quiet—the one-armed warrior took advantage of this opportunity, and shouted to his companions who came to support him:
"Don't come in, you guys! Rushing in without thinking will only add to the chaos! Light the candles!"

The order of the remnants of the barbarian group was finally initially restored by the roar of the one-armed warrior.

Someone rushed to the candle that was extinguished by Qing Deng, trying to light the fire.

Qingdeng spotted this person's movements immediately, and flew forward, trying to stop him.

But at this moment, a black shadow stopped in front of Qingdeng - it was the one-armed warrior!
The one-armed warrior's eyes had adjusted slightly to the dark.

Although I can't see things clearly, I can barely see the outline of objects.

After noticing a very tall guy pounced on the partner who was trying to relight the candle, the one-armed warrior immediately stepped forward to intercept him without saying a word.

The moment the one-armed warrior stood in front of Qingdeng alone, a silver snake popped out from his left waist, approaching Qingdeng's body in an arc.

Qing Deng keenly recognized the sword technique used by the one-armed warrior from the trajectory of the blade with just one glance—it was one of the martial arts he was most familiar with during this period:

——Blade drawing technique...!
Qingdeng retracted the leg he stepped out, held the knife in both hands, and stood Ding Guishen in front of him.

Qingdeng accepted the one-armed warrior's sword and slash.

The shock wave struck Qingdeng's palms and arms with a tingling sensation like electric current.

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows slightly—the strength shown by the one-armed warrior made him feel a little bit taken aback.

Although the body of the one-armed warrior is not sound, but the sword is strong, the sword path is stable, and the power is strong. It does not look like a slash with only one arm.

In the field of "world swords", fighting knives are undoubted "heavy weapons".

After studying Japanese swordsmanship for a whole year, the result is that he can't even swing a knife steadily-such a person is really too many.

With only one hand, it is difficult to use the heavy knife clearly and flexibly.

In addition, if the human body loses one hand, it will be difficult to maintain the balance of the body, so the "one-armed swordsman" is a rarer existence than the "two-sword swordsman".

Missing a hit, the one-armed warrior did not launch a pursuit, but retreated quickly, pulling away from Qingdeng.

Although his slash just now failed to hurt Qingdeng at all, but fortunately...his goal has been achieved.

The slight sound of the flame being rubbed brought light.

With the relighting of the candles, the small room was lit up again.

In an instant, countless eyes focused on Qingdeng.

"I saw him! Where is he!"

"Damn it! Come on! Surround him! Surround him!"

"Don't be impulsive! The opponent is Ju Qingdeng! Haven't we suffered too many losses from Ju Qingdeng?"

"That's right! Don't rush in! Go and tear down some paper sliding doors, tatami mats, and wooden boards to make shields!"

While holding the saber, Qingdeng calmly scanned the faces and positions of the enemies in front of him.

At this moment, out of the corner of Qingdeng's left eye, he caught a glimpse of three figures approaching the hostage from three sides, not far from his left side, like ink blurs.

The five girls who were taken hostage helped Qingdeng a lot—they only kept shouting in horror, instead of standing up and running around.

Qingdeng was not afraid of them being afraid, not afraid of their shouting, only afraid of them running around.

If they were running around in this room full of swords, lights and swords, even someone as strong as Qing Deng would not be 100% sure to protect them.

Even though there was no space behind the girls, they still squeezed their bodies into the corner as if they wanted to squash their bodies flat.

Qingdeng thought to himself: The three people who jumped at the girls were probably trying to threaten him with hostages.

Qingdeng didn't forget the purpose of this battle just because he killed the boss - he quickly turned around and jumped out!

Without even having time to scream, the body of one of the three people approaching the girls was split into two halves with a "swish"—two halves on the real physical level.

Ding Guishen entered the saber from his right neck and issued a saber from his left armpit, cutting the man's body into two halves with perfectly incisions.

At the same breath when both feet fell back to the tatami, Qingdeng opened his arms and spun around like a spinning top.

In the process of turning around, Qingdeng swung his right hand, driving Ding Guishen in his right palm to slash diagonally, and slit the throat of another enemy who was trying to get close to the girls.With his left arm stretched, he strangled the neck of the last person, and then with the help of the centrifugal force of turning around, he twisted and broke the neck bone of this person.

- 6, 7, 8...!
The three barbarians who were close to the girls had all their crimes... In just a short time, the crisis of the girls was resolved by Qing Deng.

If these girls stay here, I can't fight with all my strength.

Therefore, Qingdeng stood half a step sideways, wrapped the girls behind him again, and shouted without turning his head:

"Hurry up and escape along the window! Outside the window is the eaves, step on the eaves and jump out of the house! There will be officers and soldiers from Huofu Thief Reform outside the house to meet you!"

Hearing Qingdeng's words, the girls were all shocked.

A certain woman said tremblingly: "Window, window...? But, but... the building is so tall..."

I'm fighting for you, but you are mother-in-law and mother-in-law worrying about such a small matter... Qing Deng felt a sense of anger in his heart, suppressing his anger, and shouting impatiently:

"We are on the second floor of the house! It is less than two rooms away from the ground! As long as you step on the eaves and jump down, you will not fall to your death!" [Note: 1 room = 1.818 meters]

"Look at the current situation! Do you want to stay here and be hacked to death with knives, or quickly escape through the window?"

Qingdeng's words gave the girls a shot in the arm.

A petite girl with a rather cute appearance stood up first with a desperate expression, and quickly rushed to the window next to her.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the girls followed suit.

Suddenly someone in the enemy group yelled:

"Ah! Those hostages are about to escape!"

Then, the one-armed warrior roared:

"Don't let those girls escape! Catch all those wives!"

Although I don't know if it will be useful, the one-armed warrior wants to try to use these girls to threaten Qingdeng and force Qingdeng to submit.

One-armed samurai: "Move quickly! Stack all these wooden boards, tatami mats, and paper sliding doors to the front!"

The eight remnants of the barbarian group held the wooden boards, tatami mats, paper sliding doors and other things that had just been removed from various places in the house, and arranged a dense shield wall connecting from the left side of the room to the right side of the room in front of Qingdeng.

As soon as the shield wall was formed, it pressed against Qingdeng like a huge wave while making "boom" and "boom" collision sounds.

It seems that they want to learn from the old story of "Sword Master" Ashikaga Yoshiki.

According to legend, the one who planted Tibetan knives all over the corridor more than 300 years ago killed all the enemy soldiers who dared to set foot in this corridor, one by one, one by one, and one by one. The "Swordsman General" Ashikaga Yoshiki, who pulled out a new sword from the wall and the ground to continue killing the enemy, was besieged by soldiers with wooden planks and tatami mats, and finally died in humiliation.

Regarding the shield wall rushing straight towards him, Qingdeng seemed to have not seen it, with a calm expression on his face.

The one-armed samurai and others were in high spirits and morale because of the arrival of support.

They probably wouldn't have thought of it even if they were killed... From another perspective, the arrival of support actually dragged them into a new danger——In Qingdeng's talent list, "Gudan" is currently glowing as a representative The bright golden light of "talent in motion"!
Before it was too late, Qing Deng flipped his right wrist, changed the grip of Ding Guishen in his palm from a forward grip to an upside down grip, and then threw the knife forward forcefully!

Ding Guishen shot out in the air, penetrated the gap between two "shields" in front of him, and hit someone's chest behind the shield wall.

How sharp is it to fix ghosts and gods?How powerful is Qingdeng?

The hard sternum is no different from brittle paper in front of the blade of ghosts and gods.

The blade pierced through the man's muscles and bones without any hindrance, and did not stop until the blade penetrated deeply into the skin of his chest.

- 9...!
At the same time as he threw the fixed ghost, Qingdeng's body was activated at the same time!
He slumped forward, with his upper body almost touching the ground and sprinted forward. After a few simple run-ups, he suddenly moved forward with a slider!
Like a slippery fish, Qingdeng's body passed through the crotch of a certain "shield soldier" in charge of forming the shield wall with a "swish"!Came to the back of the shield wall!It just slipped right in front of the unlucky guy whose body was pierced by the ghost he threw!

Because Qingdeng's speed was too fast and his moves were too strange, everyone present did not expect Qingdeng to break their shield wall in such a way!

I saw that Qingdeng broke through the shield wall before he even made a single blow, and the next moment he successfully broke into the back of the shield wall, he stood up with a sharp carp kick.

At this time, the unlucky guy who had been stabbed by ghosts and gods with a "front heart through the back" was unable to stand upright due to the loss of vitality. His shoulders drooped, his head drooped, and his knees fell to the ground. It fell forward as if being dragged by the head.

Just before he fell to the ground, Qingdeng raised his right foot, hooked the man's skirt with his toe, and then raised his toe a little, so that the man's body leaned back, from the "face, chest and chest." The hilt of the Dingguishen knife inserted on the face is facing the ground" becomes "the handle of the Dingguishen knife inserted on the face, chest and chest is facing the ceiling".

Qing Deng raised his hand, grabbed the handle of the knife, and pulled Ding Guishen back.After a brief separation, the love knife returned to the palm.

Compared with those who have no other weapons except the knives in their hands, it is obvious that the "shield soldiers" who hold wooden boards, tatami mats, paper sliding doors, etc. are more threatening.

Ever since, regardless of the others, Qingdeng fixed his eyes on the "shield soldiers" and launched a stormy offensive against the "shield soldiers".

Qingdeng turned around and cut off the head of someone in the shield wall behind him.Then his left foot moved sideways for about a step to the left, and his body and the knife in his hand tilted to the left!

The inclined knife pierced the heart of another "shield soldier" from behind.

When he brought Ding Guishen back, the blade that turned back immediately made a new sound of breaking wind, and hit the other person's neck.

Suddenly, a breathless "hum-chi-hum-chi" sounded from behind Qingdeng.

It turned out that there was a guy who wanted to launch a sneak attack from behind Qingdeng.

He thinks that he has exquisite footwork and good concealment methods, but he doesn't know that Qingdeng has discovered his existence long ago.

When Qingdeng pulled Ding Guishen back from the guy he had pierced through the heart and slashed at the next enemy, he also slit the throat of the idiot who was trying to sneak attack him.

- 10, 11, 12...!



Ever since the room returned to light, Shinsaku Takasugi has been silently observing Qingdeng's swordplay with a blank face.

At this time, he didn't know whether he wanted to support the "One-Armed Party" or for some other reason, he clenched the saber in his hand and walked slowly towards Qingdeng who was fighting fiercely.


"Takasugi-kun, wait."

The one-armed warrior standing beside him stopped him suddenly.

"Please don't interfere."

"...Are you sure?" Shinsaku Takasugi said lightly, "With all due respect, you don't seem to be Nio's opponents."

"...I know this." The one-armed warrior replied in a deep voice, "Gao Shan-kun, I think you are also aware of the grievances between us and Ju Qingdeng."

"For the dignity of the samurai... Please leave it to us to avenge the barbarian group...!"

"..." Shinsaku Takasugi silently stared at the one-armed warrior for a moment.

After a long while, he silently retreated half a step, and made a "Please come" gesture to the one-armed warrior.



There was a vibration in the air behind him.

Reflexively, Qingdeng leaned his waist back forcefully, and used his back to find the tatami on the ground.

Hearing the sound of the blade swaying, and seeing the blade passing in front of the tip of the nose, is already behind it!

The sweeping blade, like a bird, passed in front of Qingdeng who was leaning back.

Taking advantage of the situation, Qingdeng let his body continue to lean back... No, it should be said that he is falling backward now.

When his head was about to hit the tatami, Qingdeng raised his left arm to support the tatami, and then jumped to the southeast corner of the room with a backflip.

Under Qingdeng's series of entanglement and sabotage, the "One-Armed Party" never succeeded in capturing the girls, and finally succeeded in buying enough time for the girls to escape.

This time, the five girls have successfully escaped by jumping out of the window.

Although Qingdeng didn't know what was going on outside the window, from the sounds, the officers and soldiers outside should have taken over the girls who had escaped.

Qingdeng felt relieved that he was no longer dragged down by the hostages - he could finally fight the enemy wholeheartedly!

I saw Qing Deng stepping on the shadow of the corner of the wall and jumping high, Ding Guishen, whose sharp blade was covered with blood and fat, spun an arc in the air, even though it was covered with a thick layer of blood and oil film, it would not change its sharpness at all. The blade cut off the head of someone nearby in one go.

When waving again, another person's blood was splashed on the tatami and the ceiling.

While withdrawing the knife, it pierced through the body of the person behind him.

- 13, 14, 15...!
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew towards Qingdeng's face!

Qingdeng instinctively raised his knife to parry.

Fire splashes.

With the instant sparks and the dim light cast by the flickering candle, Qingdeng could see clearly who was coming—it was the one-armed swordsman who was good at drawing swords!

Ahh... the long-lost killing plot.The quality of today's chapter, it's really unreasonable not to give a monthly ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

A small foretelling - an indispensable part of the sword and halberd theme works: the door to the house is coming soon.So give this book more votes!Your votes will be the biggest motivation for the author to update. (Leopard-style fat house.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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