I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 285 Duplicating God-Level Talent: [Berserker]! 【6400】

Chapter 285 Duplicating God-Level Talent: [Berserker]! 【6400】

At the moment when the two passed by each other, the horizontal sweeping Ding Guishen brushed Shinsaku Takasugi's chest.

It's a pity that although he successfully hit him, the tip of the knife was a little farther away.Only a small tip of the knife pierced Takasugi Shinsaku's body.

Blood spattered, and a nearly 3-inch-long gash lay across Shinsaku Takasugi's chest—such a wound may seem terrifying at first glance, but in fact the injury is not serious and will not cause death.

As for Shinsaku Takasugi, his sword deviated even further.

He is very ambitious.

Even though he had the upper hand in terms of physical fitness, Qingdeng only dared to cautiously set the target of the slashing at the chest which was relatively large and relatively easier to slash.

What about Shinsaku Takasugi?The place he was aiming at was Qingdeng's neck—he wanted to chop Qingdeng's head off in one go.

When the needle-thin ray of light was pulled out and was about to swallow the flesh of Qingdeng's neck, Qingdeng relied on the "Hawkeye + 1" endowment like "time stop" at this critical moment. With his excellent dynamic eyesight, his eyes were sharp and his hands were swift, so that this ambitious sword only brushed the air above his head in vain.

Qingdeng knew very well that his blow just now did not seriously injure Shinsaku Takasugi, and the opponent must still have enough strength to continue fighting with him.

Therefore, at the moment when the bodies of each other were staggered, Qingdeng quickly stopped his feet and turned his head to face Shinsaku Takasugi again.

When Qingdeng turned his head, he happened to see Shinsaku Takasugi turn around at almost the same moment.

The two sharp eyesights collided fiercely in mid-air again.

At this time, a weird scene quietly happened before Qingdeng's eyes.

In the "knife hedging" just now, although Qingdeng's blow to Shin Takasugi was indeed not fatal, it was a knife wound after all. It was a nearly 3-inch incision in the skin of his chest, which has remained until now. The knife wound that was "gurgling" bleeding outward.

It won't die, it will always hurt, right?

The result——Takasugi Shinsaku had a calm demeanor and a ruddy complexion, as if he didn't feel any pain at all, as if he wasn't the one who was injured.

It may be strange to say so, but Qingdeng dares to assure you - he did indeed find a hint of... joy and enjoyment in the brows of Shinsaku Takasugi vaguely?


A low-pitched laughter that seemed to come from the underworld floated faintly from between Shinsaku Takasugi's lips.

"Amazing...! A man who can achieve so many miraculous achievements by himself is not just for nothing...!"

"It's been a long time since I met a peer who can suppress me severely in swordsmanship."

"If you don't count old monsters like Master and the others who have honed their skills for decades in the way of swordsmanship... Among all the people I know, the only one who can beat you is that bastard Kawagami Hikosai! Ah...speaking of which—this guy's best martial art is sword drawing."

"Hehe... King Ni, if you are destined to meet Kawagami Yansai in the future, you can compete with him in sword drawing!"

Qingdeng didn't know Kawagami Yanzhai, so he just took Takasugi Shinsaku's emotion as a deaf ear.

Shinsaku Takasugi, who was still lamenting Qingdeng's strength one second, stepped on the wooden corridor in the next second, and swung his knife in like a rainbow!His body, who was not much shorter than Qingdeng, rushed towards Qingdeng like a mountain.

Qingdeng swung two knives in a row.

The light of the knife flashed and flashed again.

The first slash tried to force Takasugi Shinsaku back, but after seeing that it had no effect, he quickly made up the second slash, and hit Takasugi Shinsaku's sword in the air.

The two knives intersected clangingly, making a light "Kara" sound at the same time - where the two knives hit each other, a handful of dust-like metal substances fell like a landslide.

The blade cracked.

Seeing this, Qingdeng felt very distressed—come on!After that, I have to take Ding Guishen to send it for repair!
Only then did Qingdeng suddenly realize that this long-faced young man who was fighting with him was most likely not an ordinary person.

Qingdeng's ability to fix ghosts and gods is undoubtedly a treasured sword, and ordinary swords cannot compete with it.

And Shinsaku Takasugi's saber can actually be able to slash against ghosts and gods, without seeming to lose the wind!Whether it is sharpness or toughness, there is no place that is inferior to a given ghost!

A person who can use a knife of this quality... It's hard to imagine that it would be a white man with no background and identity.

A blade light that swept across Qingdeng's nose forced Qingdeng's thoughts to escape from places other than "battle".

Fighting against a master is much more difficult and tiring than fighting a rookie.

For masters like Qingdeng and Takasugi Shinsaku, any moment of relaxation may lead to fatal consequences that are too late to regret. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain tight nerves and a high degree of concentration throughout the process.

This kind of full-scale operation of the brain and exhaustion of the brain is the most devastating.

Just now, when he fought with the remnants of twenty or so barbarians and exhausted them, Qing Deng's breathing was only a little faster.

As a result, it was just a short fight with Takasugi Shinsaku, and Qingdeng's demand for oxygen increased linearly.

His breathing was so loud that it almost covered the beating of his heart in his chest.

At any rate, Qingdeng still has the talent to enhance cardiopulmonary function and muscle durability: "iron lung", "muscle strengthening +1", so tiredness is tiredness, and shortness of breath is shortness of breath, but after fighting with Takasugi Shin for a hundred and eighty rounds, Not a problem.

On the other hand... the cardiopulmonary function of the other party is obviously not as good as that of Qingdeng.

He needs to open his mouth, mouth and nose, and use his ground to greedily suck in the air around him, in order to barely maintain his body's demand for oxygen.

At first glance - Takasugi Shinsaku, who lost his physical strength much faster than Qingdeng and received a knife in the chest, should be more and more strenuous as he fights, and he will be more and more disadvantaged, right?

However, the actual reality presented is not like this.

"Ha ah ah!"

Shinsaku Takasugi, who burst out from his throat with a strange voice that resembled laughter and roar, became more and more courageous as he fought!
"Nio! Look at the trick!"

Before he could finish speaking, he raised his hand, and there was a clang, and there was a tiny bloodstain on Qingdeng's left earlobe.

Qingdeng suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his left ear, and at the same time, warm blood slipped through the wound and fell onto his left shoulder.

——It really wasn’t an illusion...!
Qingdeng's eyes froze.

Ben was a little skeptical just now, but after observing carefully for so long, Qingdeng is now very sure—his feeling is not wrong!Compared to the moment when the fight started, Takasugi Shinsaku's strength has indeed increased!

The knife that Shinsaku Takasugi struck just now was very beautiful.

The timing and angle were chosen very well, and it was precisely chosen to launch a counterattack when Qingdeng had just completed a round of attack, when the old strength had been released but the new strength had not been exerted.

Qingdeng had already dodged at the fastest speed, but in the end he was still a little slower, and Shinsaku Takasugi's knife grazed his ear.Fortunately, it was just a little skin cut, a little insignificant skin trauma, except for some bleeding, it was not a serious problem.

It was too late to say that, as if Shinsaku Takasugi wanted to expand the results of the battle, he jumped into the air suddenly, and with the help of gravity and his own weight, he chopped off the knife held high above.

Qingdeng slightly twisted his body, took half a step back, and then used two upward strokes in succession - first cutting from the bottom right to the top left, then taking advantage of the situation to draw the knife in an arc, turn it half a circle, and drag the knife to the left side of the body , chop again in the opposite direction, from lower left to upper right.

The first blow dispelled Shinsaku Takasugi's onslaught under the pressure of gravity.

The second hit directly hit the face of Shinsaku Takasugi who was about to fall to the ground.

Takasugi Shinsaku's reaction was as quick as if he had predicted Qingdeng's action in advance.

I saw his head tilted, Ding Guishen brushed his temples with the sound of wind.

Next, Shinsaku Takasugi slashed horizontally with the knife carried almost horizontally on his right shoulder.

Seeing this, Qingdeng decided without hesitation to start a head-to-head confrontation with Shinsaku Takasugi in order to maximize his physical advantages.

He copied Takasugi Shinsaku's movements intact - he carried Ding Guishen horizontally on his left shoulder, and then swung his knife to create a whirlwind!

Sure enough - Shinsaku Takasugi, whose arm strength and waist strength was not as strong as Qingdeng's, was suppressed the moment the two swords struck each other.

Qingdeng leaned forward with his body weight, his body formed an obtuse angle with the wooden corridor under his feet.

Shinsaku Takasugi, who is not as strong as Qingdeng and unable to fight against Qingdeng, is because it is difficult to fight against Qingdeng, so his body leans back greatly, and his body forms an acute angle with the wooden corridor.

However, Shinsaku Takasugi quickly launched a new offensive.

I saw him spread his feet, his right foot was like a flexible poisonous snake, moving towards Qingdeng's lower body, trying to destroy Qingdeng's body center of gravity.

Playing this dirty trick with Qingdeng, who has systematically learned how to fight people in narrow areas, and who is very good at kicking and breaking off a certain organ used to give birth to another person when there is a gap... Obviously, he is playing tricks.

Qingdeng lowered the center of gravity of his body, spread his feet as well, deflected every kick of Shinsaku Takasugi's every move, and counterattacked in a timely manner.

The upper body of the two maintains the movement of facing the knife, while the lower body engages in a dizzying and fierce fight.

Both sides were very solid at the end of the game, and after some fighting, the fight was inseparable.

Takasugi Shinsaku failed to trip Qingdeng, and Qingdeng couldn't do anything about Takasugi Shinsaku, and no one benefited.

However, although the fight in the lower body is evenly matched, the upper body duel decides the winner.

Qingdeng took a deep breath, and the muscles of his legs, waist, and arms all exerted strength to parry the sword of Shinsaku Takasugi, who was no match for Qingdeng in terms of strength despite his best efforts.

Shinsaku Takasugi, who knew that the door of Buddhism was wide open and the situation was extremely dangerous, quickly backed away, trying to get away from Qingdeng and regain his posture.

However, his wishful thinking has been seen through by Qingdeng.

Qingdeng chased after him like a shadow.

Compared with the beginning of the fight, Takasugi Shinsaku's skill has indeed improved significantly... But in terms of hard power, Qingdeng still has a slight advantage!

With his center of gravity extremely low, Qingdeng concentrated his strength on his toes, kicked off the ground, and leaned forward as if sliding across the ground.At the same time, his right arm turned into an indistinguishable phantom, and suddenly retracted Ding Guishen into the scabbard.

In the next moment, this body with his left hand holding the scabbard, his right hand holding down the handle, his back bowed, tense as if he was accumulating power, appeared on Takasugi Shinsaku's waist.

The next moment... the white light exploded!

Probing the ground with his right foot, bending his left foot and adopting a squatting posture, almost leaning on the ground with his left knee... Qingdeng drew his saber in such a posture!A knife cut from Takasugi Shinsaku's lower abdomen to his face!The rays of light pouring out of the sheath headed straight for Shinsaku Takasugi with a sense of impropriety!

The knife drawing technique Liuguang, which has both power and speed, can be said to be the most powerful move that Qingdeng has mastered so far.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call it one of Qingdeng's biggest hole cards.

In an instant, Takasugi Shinsaku's pupils shrank to the size of a needle eye.

In the moment when life and death are decided in an instant, Takasugi Shinsaku's subconscious muscle memory saved his life - he raised his arms reflexively and put the knife in front of him.

After a loud noise, Shinsaku Takasugi held the knife that had been slammed back heavily, and flew backwards like a baseball that was knocked into the air. He flew four steps away before falling back to the ground in a parabola.

"Hoo...! Hoo...! Hoo...!"

While breathing evenly, Qing Deng slowly straightened his legs and waist.

At this time, he suddenly heard a strange sound of "cracker la la la..." on his right side.

He followed the sound and looked - it turned out that his right arm was trembling slightly, driving the metal blade and the blade to make a "cracking" sound at the same time.

This is the effect caused by the reaction force produced by the streamer being blocked.

Even Qingdeng, who possesses the "Strong Muscle +1" that strengthens the durability of his muscles, can hardly resist this force that almost breaks his bones.

If the arm is like this, let alone the knife - there is a particularly conspicuous big gap on the blade of the ghost-fixing knife.

This is the position where Shinsaku Takasugi's sword collided with just now.

At this moment, Qingdeng felt from the bottom of his heart: Liu Guang's power is great...but it's also costly.

"It really hurts..." Qingdeng raised his left hand and hugged his right arm, which was sore and numb, then raised his head and looked at Shinsaku Takasugi in front of him.

Takasugi Shinsaku was lying on his back in the shape of "big", his arms trembling slightly like Qingdeng's right arm.


Qingdeng raised his eyes to look at him, and saw Shinsaku Takasugi grinned the corner of his mouth, and chuckled a few times with a "hee".

"I lost."

He slowly straightened his upper body, leaning on the knife to get up, and said these simple words frankly and straightforwardly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that—unless Shinsaku Takasugi has some back move, if the fight continues like this, Qingdeng, who has firmly grasped the initiative on the battlefield, will undoubtedly win.

Facing Shinsaku Takasugi who confessed his defeat without any regret on his face, Qingdeng was surprised and said:

"Since you already know that you have lost, then throw away the knife and capture it with nothing, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

Just as Qingdeng finished speaking——

【Ding!Scan to talent]

A system sound suddenly sounded in my mind.

Shinsaku Takasugi is very young. Judging from his appearance, he should not be more than 20 years old, and he is the same generation as Qingdeng.

To be able to have such achievements in swordsmanship at such a young age - it is strange that such a person does not have a special talent.

While waiting for Shinsaku Takasugi's response, Qingdeng listened quietly to the next system tone.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng showed a look of astonishment because the content displayed by the system sound was too explosive for a long time.

[Successfully copied talent: "Berserker"]

[Talent introduction: The tolerance to pain and blood loss is greatly improved.The more pain you feel, the more you can unleash the power hidden in your body, but when the damage you suffer exceeds the physical limit, this effect will be invalidated. 】

Hearing this, Qing Deng was stunned for a long moment.

- good fellow!

Qingdeng cast a meaningful look at Shinsaku Takasugi.

——It’s no wonder that after being stabbed by me, this person can not only still look like a normal person, but also show stronger strength than before...!
Judging from the content introduction of this new talent, there is no doubt - it is a god-level talent that can make Qing Deng's eyes shine for a long time!

The talent effect of "Berserker" can be summed up in a word - while making Qingdeng a more durable "blood bull", he is also less afraid of tough battles.

The more painful the injury, the more brave you can fight!
This is the third "buff-type talent" that can temporarily enhance Qingdeng's personal strength in a short period of time after "Gudan" and "Focus".

Qingdeng couldn't help sighing inwardly: The "hostage rescue operation" tonight was really bloody money.

At this moment, the movement in front of him brought Qingdeng's consciousness back to reality.


Takasugi Shinsaku remained silent, neither nodding his head in agreement nor shaking his head to refuse Qingdeng's persuasion to capitulate.

There was only an inscrutable smile.

Looking at Shin Takasugi's smile, a bad premonition emerged in Qingdeng's heart.

I have already shown the strength to be able to defeat him steadily, but this person still looks calm...Qingdeng thought to himself: Is it possible that this guy still has some cards and hasn't used his last move?

For a moment, Qingdeng felt uneasy, staring at Shinsaku Takasugi without blinking.If Takasugi Shinsaku made any strange moves, he was ready to rush over and kill him.

But at this moment, Qing Deng suddenly heard a series of strange noises behind him.

Qingdeng's ears are pricked—it seems...no!Not what it seems!It was a series of footsteps!

Qingdeng turned his head slightly, and looked back from the corner of his eye: I saw a large group of black-clothed and black-haired thieves converted into officers and soldiers, with shield soldiers at the head and musketeers in the rear, swarming along the corridor towards Qing Deng. Deng and Takasugi Shinsaku rushed here.

When Qingdeng saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback—how could officers and soldiers from Huo Fu Bandit Gai suddenly barge in?Didn't I already give instructions to all of the [-]rd team and Riki: Don't come in at will?

He took a closer look: he found that the people who broke in did not seem to be his subordinates...they were all unfamiliar faces.

"Ah! I found Master Tachibana!"

I don't know who yelled such a voice.

Immediately afterwards, the officers and soldiers who broke in all of a sudden fixed their eyes on Shinsaku Takasugi, who was obviously not his own and seemed weak, with a murderous expression on his face.


Shinsaku Takasugi shrugged his shoulders and smiled lightly. ,

"An unrelated person waited to appear to disrupt the situation... It's a pity, King Ni, I wanted to fight you for a few more rounds, but it seems that things have backfired."

"I still have a lot of unfinished business, so - goodbye, Nioh. I hope that when we meet next time... when you hear my invitation to come to Changzhou, you will not refuse without thinking."

After all, Shinsaku Takasugi retracted the knife and put it back into its sheath... Then he stretched out his palms, and took out a revolver in each of his left and right hands, which reflected bright metallic luster under the moonlight!The muzzle of the black hole pointed directly at Qingdeng, who happened to be at the same level, and the officers and soldiers of Huofu Bandit Kai who suddenly came out!

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly understood why Takasugi Shinzuo was able to lose to him in the battle just now, and he remained calm the whole time.

It's a pity that Takataka Fujido and the others are dead, otherwise they would know why Shin Takasugi was so confident in escaping from this place and rushing out of the siege of Huofu Bandit Kai.

Pupils constricted, rolled on the spot, and dodged into the next room——Qingdeng completed the above two actions at almost the same time.

Then, a shout sounded like this from behind Qingdeng:
"Be careful! He has a Western short gun!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The murderous faces of the officers and soldiers disappeared instantly.

They were like broken waves, and the originally quite tight formation collapsed.They fled in all directions like lost lambs.Or flee into the next room in a hurry, or retreat in a hurry.

Shinsaku Takasugi fired one shot in each of his left and right hands.

One bullet hit the ceiling, another bullet hit the wooden porch.

Regardless of its power or rate of fire, a revolver is far superior to an antique like an arquebus!
Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the sudden shooting and shooting, Shinsaku Takasugi turned to the right without hesitation, whipped up a gust of wind, and jumped out of the window.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng heard exclamations one after another outside, as well as bursting gunshots from time to time.

This is the second time...the last time, when encountering those mysterious people who claimed that they were "not people with lofty ideals", they also escaped by suddenly pulling out their pistols!
When did revolvers become so popular in this country?

While complaining in his heart, Qing Deng rushed to the nearest window with his knife in hand, and looked outside.

As soon as Shinsaku Takasugi jumped out of the window, he immediately fired two more shots at the officers and soldiers outside.

The feeling of panic spread from inside the house to outside in an instant.

Qingdeng saw Mucun and Tsuchida.

Suddenly, a samurai with two guns came out - judging from the current situation, this matter greatly exceeded the expectations of the two of them - both of them showed dumbfounded expressions at this time.

It is obviously an armed force with guns as its main weapon, but as a result, from the captain to the ordinary soldiers, they are unexpectedly very bad at dealing with enemies who use guns.

Shinsaku Takasugi only fired so many shots, and none of the shots he fired hit anyone. As a result, whether it was the officers and soldiers who rushed into the house or the officers and soldiers outside the house, when they saw the pistol in Shinsaku Takasugi's hand, After hearing the loud gunshot that was very different from the arquebus, order suddenly collapsed.

The front army ignored the rear army, and the rear army ignored the front army. Everyone just cared about fleeing.

It's all right to run away, and as a result, many people can't even run away.

Only a very small number of people can hide behind the nearest bunker in a timely and accurate manner like Qingdeng, who has already been shot by a revolver.

Most people are running around like headless chickens.

With 2 pistols and a few shots, Shinsaku Takasugi, who successfully messed up the encirclement of Huofu Bandit Kai, took advantage of the gap to escape.

Takasugi Shinsaku went all the way without encountering any obstacles. In the blink of an eye, his figure was already hidden by the darkness of the street corner.

At this time, Kimura and Tsuchida finally regained their senses.They hurriedly instructed their subordinates to pursue them.

But just relying on fire to pay the thieves to change the current combat quality of "you can only fight against the wind, and you will be blinded when you encounter an upwind"... Qingdeng has no hope for the troops sent by Kimura and Tsuchida to pursue Shinsaku Takasugi .

Another high-quality chapter today!It's too much not to vote monthly!

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

A small preview: Tomorrow, Qingdeng will use his power to hold a talent gathering... Ah, no, the third team will compete~ Everyone can look forward to what strange talents Qingdeng will get.

The last chapter talked about some historical knowledge of the Warring States Period... This reminded the author of something that I have always wanted to mention to you-old readers know that the author plans to write a "Sword and Halberd Novel III" spanning different eras Part [-]", what you are currently watching is the second part of the trilogy, and the first part is the sword hero from the previous book.

It's like this: the author intends to write a rumored sword and halberd article with the background of the Japanese Warring States Period after writing these trilogy.

For details, please see the "Author's Note" below——

 The length of this book will not be very long, and it is filled with all kinds of obscene fantasies of historical nerds.

  The specific plot content is roughly that the protagonist's soul wears into a soldier under Oda Nobunaga's command. While farming and fighting, he grows into an army commander who is responsible for fighting fires everywhere, chatting and laughing with various princes such as Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin; Hideyoshi's original wife Ning Ning, Yamauchi Kazutoyo's original wife Chiyo, Oda Nobunaga's wife Nohime, Oda Nobunaga's younger sister Oshi, Izumo Akuni, and Okuma Ninja have a physical exchange story.

  Are you guys interested in watching it?Ben Leopard wants to hear everyone's opinion. (Leopard boy.jpg)

  Author Jun Science——

  In the last chapter, when the author introduced the grievances between the Changzhou Domain and the Edo Shogunate, there was indeed a small mistake.

  During the Sekigahara War, although the Mori family belonged to the Toyotomi camp, it was a speculator who only wanted to speculate, and would not even stand in line. There were about 100 wise men between Terumoto Mori and Kazutoyo Yamauchi Mitsuhide.

  Kazutoyo Yamauchi is the "true master of standing in line".

  When Oda Nobunaga rose, he and Oda Nobunaga; when Toyotomi Hideyoshi rose, he and Toyotomi Hideyoshi; when Tokugawa Ieyasu rose, he and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

  He was originally a mediocre person with no outstanding talents, but because of his ability to stand in line, he became the lord of the Tosa domain with a territory of 24 koku.

  ps: Please remember the power of "Tosa Domain".Anyone who is familiar with the history of the end of the Tokugawa period should know that this vassal state was also a troublesome existence at the end of the Tokugawa period.

(End of this chapter)

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