I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 287 Qingdeng: "I want to hit 60 of you!" The martial arts competition of Team 3! 【

Chapter 287 Qingdeng: "I want to hit 60 of you!" The third team's martial arts competition! 【6300】

Although the volume of these words was not loud, they penetrated into the ears of everyone around them very clearly.

The one-armed party is the remnant party of the barbarian group.

For their so-called "great cause of exterminating barbarians", they murder and set fire, and do all kinds of evil.

They can even do such insane things as abduction and trafficking of women to raise the so-called "military expenses against barbarians".

It took a lot of effort for the Huofu thieves to finally find a precious fighter to gather and annihilate them tonight.

But even so, tonight's actions are still unexpected - a Changzhou vassal with two guns and superb swordsmanship suddenly appeared, killing the Seventh Division invincibly and fleeing.

If someone else said something like "one-armed party, that's all", the officers and soldiers of Huo Fu Thief Gai would just scoff.

Who are you?Where do you have the qualifications to say such big words?Do you deserve it?
The officers and soldiers treat those who can say this kind of words as a treasure - there is nothing wrong with this in itself.Reasonable and reasonable.

But—the person who said those words... was Qingdeng.

In this case, the situation becomes a little different.

There is a saying that goes well—the same words and actions, spoken and done by different people, can achieve extraordinary effects.

The whole of Edo... No, in the whole world, there is no one who is more qualified to be the master of this sentence than Qingdeng!

First of all, the grievances between Qingdeng and the Yi group, as well as the confrontation between the two sides, have a long history.

A total of 3 direct confrontations were launched between the two sides.

For the first time, to stop the brigade who came to kill the Angouleme family.

The second time, he rushed to the rescue of the Fanshu Institute that was attacked.

The third time was to rescue the western settlements surrounded by fire—this time, Qingdeng directly abolished the extermination team, and wiped out a large number of cadres and team members, including its leader Shen Ye.

When it comes to fighting against the barbarian group, Qingdeng is an irrefutable professional veteran.

He has reasons and absolute qualifications to despise the mere remnants of the Yi group!
Secondly, the series of heroic actions Qing Deng just carried out conquered the hearts of most of the officers and soldiers present.

Break into the enemy camp alone, kill all the enemy soldiers, liberate the hostages, and get out of the way—the above 16 characters and 4 groups of words, each group of words is an incredible achievement that ordinary people can hardly achieve.

However, Qingdeng has achieved all of these four combinations, and achieved them quite beautifully.

What's more, Qingdeng also repelled the Changzhou vassal who defeated the first batch of seventh divisions to enter the house.

The masters of the [-]th Division, which the entire team could do nothing to, were repelled by Qingdeng almost unscathed-this feat made Qingdeng's military exploits more prominent and valuable.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to mention it again, what shocked the surrounding officers and soldiers was not only the handsome words uttered by Qingdeng - but also Qingdeng's expression.

Qingdeng half-closed his eyes, expressionless and indifferent.

If it wasn't because Qingdeng's body was splattered with the blood of the enemy, otherwise people who didn't know might think that Qingdeng had just returned from fishing.

Said such shocking words calmly.

A look of "I just did a trivial thing".

A look of "this little achievement, I can't see it yet".

It's still the same sentence - the same words and actions, spoken and done by different people, can achieve extraordinary effects.

If someone else puts on such a calm and composed appearance after going through a great battle and making a beautiful achievement, then it is indeed quite a bit of pretentiousness.

But switching the master who carried out this task to Qingdeng, that would be another matter.

Who is Qing Deng?What kind of wind and waves has he never seen before?Would an elephant take pride in trampling an ant to death?

Even the leader of the Yi group was killed by his sword!The few remnants of the barbarian group are in front of him, and they are definitely no different from insects that can be crushed to death with his hands!

Some people with rich imaginations have even come up with such ideas——

It is only right that Ju Qingdeng despises the achievement of "destroying the remnants of the barbarians"!
yes!It's just killing some "defeated generals who survived by chance"!

Compared with the great achievements made by Ju Qingdeng in the past, this small amount of military exploits cannot be compared at all!
Don't get emotional because you only do some trivial things, isn't this a matter of rivers and rivers?
Thinking of this, the eyes of the people around him changed again.

The focused gaze on Qing Deng became more and more intense in a blink of an eye.

Strong, confident, calm, not surprised by honor or shame... Such an image of Qingdeng is vivid in front of many people's eyes.

In the eyes of some people, Qingdeng's image suddenly became stalwart.

For example, Qingdeng's subordinates, one of the powers of the third division, and Aoi Aoi who is often bullied by Akabane.

Lan Jingyang, who was short in stature and hidden among the rest of the third team, quietly raised his gaze, staring at Qingdeng with eyes full of emotion.

Qingdeng, who gathered so many fiery gazes, has become the origin of this space—as if everything around him is centered on him.

It's funny... Everyone present didn't know at this moment—behind Qingdeng's calm expression, intense and surging psychological activities were unfolding.



--very good!The pretense succeeded!

——Oh, what I just said is so cool!
——It's a pity that Ah Wu and Sanako are not here, otherwise I really want them to see how handsome I am now.

Noticing the gazes cast on him by the people around him, Qing Deng, who became more and more fiery, chuckled uninterruptedly in his heart happily.

Although he was smiling happily in his heart, Qingdeng still had a calm and calm expression on the surface-this was all due to the talent copied from Tokugawa Ieshiro: "The Emperor's Art".

The effect of this talent is to "improve the control ability of facial muscles".

At first, Qingdeng didn't understand why a talent for improving facial muscle control could be given such a handsome name.

Later, with a little bit of practice, Qingdeng finally understood why.

The leader of an organization often needs to have excellent concentration. In order to better control his subordinates, even if he feels happy or angry, he should not show these emotions on his face at will.

Therefore, Su Xun, one of the "Eight Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties", once left such a famous saying through the ages: To be the way of the general, first heal the mind.Mount Tai collapses in the front without changing color, elk rises to the left without blinking, and then can control the interests and wait for the enemy.

The improved control of facial muscles means better control of expressions, and with a little exercise, you can easily show emotion and anger.

This talent... is simply a powerful weapon!

Mingming Qingdeng is laughing happily at the moment, but relying on this talent, he forcibly controls his facial expressions, forcing himself to maintain the image of a calm and composed master.

Qingdeng has never been the kind of person who likes to dress up in a special way.

So why is he doing this all of a sudden?

The reason is also simple - in order to gain prestige in front of Huofu Thief Kai... especially in front of the third team.

As a new "airborne leader", Qingdeng, if you want to suppress the "local snakes" as soon as possible and complete the control of the third team as soon as possible, then try to establish your majesty among your subordinates and make them respect you , it is quite necessary.

Qingdeng's current reputation is indeed very good, and he won the championship of the swordsmanship competition held by the Marquis of Aijin, and he has made outstanding achievements repeatedly.

However, even if you hear about Qingdeng's great achievements a thousand or ten thousand times, it will never be better than seeing with your own eyes why Qingdeng has achieved such great achievements.

Tonight's action is a great opportunity to show off your strength in front of your subordinates and colleagues.

Wouldn't it be a waste if you didn't take advantage of this opportunity?

Qingdeng's wonderful rescue operation has already planted a "seed" in the hearts of everyone.

All it takes is a little more effort to get this "seed" to germinate—for example, to unashamedly act like...ah, no, show yourself.

Qingdeng thought to himself: Try to create an image of a "one-armed party? Huh, to me, it's no different from killing a nest of insects". Establish authority in front of the officers and soldiers.

Judging from the current situation, the results are very gratifying, and Qingdeng's goal has been achieved - his outstanding "performance" has successfully bluffed many people.

Of course—the reason why Qingdeng pretended suddenly, apart from wanting to show off his prestige, was partly because he wanted to mock Mucun who thought he had cheated Qingdeng.

Qingdeng tilted his eyes calmly, looking for Kimura's figure.

Because the captain's uniform is obviously different from that of ordinary soldiers, so Qingdeng quickly found Kimura - he happened to be standing right in front of Qingdeng.

When Qingdeng looked over, he saw that Kimura was showing an expression that was perfectly in line with his expectations - his face was liver-colored, his eyes were wide open, his lips were tightly pursed, with a look of indignation and disbelief.

Qingdeng thought to himself: That Kimura must be feeling aggrieved right now, right?I wanted to cheat me, but in the end it helped me get fame.

In fact, Qingdeng had a good idea—could the mere word "aggrieved" be enough to describe Kimura's current mood?
Kimura wanted to crush his teeth now.

Since just now, Kimura has been blinking crazily and pinching the flesh on his thigh, trying to confirm whether he is still in reality.

However, no matter how many times he confirmed it, he couldn't change the reality that was unfolding in front of his eyes.

Not only did Qingdeng not mess up the task as he wished, but he also completed the task beautifully - by himself alone.

Have you become the biggest contributor to helping Qingdeng make new achievements?

Thinking of this, and seeing so many people's eyes and attitudes of reverence and admiration towards Qingdeng, Kimura suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, shortness of breath, and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Master Kimura..."

Tsuchida beside Kimura noticed his current bad state, and said softly in a cautious tone.

But as soon as the words were spoken, he keenly noticed that it was better not to disturb Kimura for now, so he shut his mouth eye-catchingly and quickly, not saying another word.

At this time, Qingdeng heard light and fine footsteps from his side.

He turned his head and looked - it turned out to be the girls rescued by him.

Five girls, all in their twenties, wearing long haori that someone gave them, rushed to Qingdeng with small steps.

Although their looks were a bit haggard, without exception, their eyes were bright and energetic—the excited light of "escape from the tiger's den and be reborn" burst out in the pupils.

The leading girl in green shouted:
"Master Tangerine!"

Her lips moved, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know whether it was because she hadn't thought of a good word, or because she was too excited. In short, she hesitated for a long time, but she didn't say a complete sentence.

In the end—she knelt down on the ground with a "puff", and while performing the highest level of etiquette to Qingdeng: Doxiazao, she kept saying broken thanks.

The rest of the girls fell to their knees and thanked Qing Deng loudly.

After a while, they all cried out.From "thank you bluntly" to "thank you sobbing".

With the spirit of pretending to be the last, and the enthusiastic attitude of the girls, Qingdeng felt very embarrassed. He quickly leaned over to help the girls up one by one, and said slowly and calmly:
"Get up. Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"We are all fine." A certain girl replied, "Only Ah Hong accidentally sprained his ankle when he jumped down the roof."

Qingdeng nodded, then waved his hand:

"It's fine, you don't have to be too polite. Eliminate the evil and protect the weak. This is our duty to pay the thieves."

Qingdeng's words were not very brilliant, it was just an ordinary mandarin sentence to others, and logically speaking, it was unlikely to cause any ripples.

However, the current situation is a little special.

At this moment, the "prestige" brought about by Qingdeng's successful pretense just now has not dissipated.

Many people were still looking at Qingdeng with reverence at this moment—this layer of filter combined with the innocuous words that Qingdeng said just now, forming a special chemical reaction.

To put it simply, Qingdeng's personal image has become more stalwart in the eyes of some people.

The same is true for girls.

Because Qingdeng rescued them, they already felt immeasurably grateful to Qingdeng.

In addition, they had just experienced a near-death escape, and their heartbeat, adrenaline and other body reactions still did not return to normal due to lingering fear.

Simply put: the heart is still beating hard.

And Qingdeng is young, tall and tall, except for the lack of a fresh and fashionable hairstyle, there is nothing to criticize in appearance.

Ever since - a special chemical reaction arises spontaneously, the so-called "drawing bridge effect".

I saw that the girls opened their eyes wider in unison, and countless little stars called "excitement" and "worship" danced in their pupils.

Anyway, besides waiting for the "cleaning personnel" to clean up the battlefield, there is nothing important to do, so Qingdeng simply chatted with the girls casually.

From the chat, Qingdeng learned that the girl in green who spoke to Qingdeng first was named Ahe.

The other four were named A Chai, A Cha, A Hong, and A Chao.

All five of them are from Yoshiwara.

Some people who have never been to Yoshihara, or who have not had a deep understanding of Yoshihara, often have such a misunderstanding: they think that there are only wandering women's houses in Yoshiwara, and the residents of Yoshihara are all wandering women.

In fact, this is not the case.

According to the rules set by the shogunate, once a woman becomes a wandering girl in Yoshiwara, unless she is redeemed, she will not be allowed to step out of Yoshihara for the rest of her life.

In order to prevent the wandering girls from fleeing, there is a tall wooden wall around the outer circle of Yoshihara, and a trench nearly 4 meters wide is dug outside the wooden wall.

Covering an area of ​​nearly 70000 square meters, the huge Yoshihara has only one entrance to the outside world: a round arched gatehouse made of black lacquered wood.

With an area of ​​nearly 7 square meters, there is only one city gate that communicates with the outside world... Such characteristics make Yoshiwara the area that is most afraid of fire in Edo, not one of them.

Once a fire broke out in Yoshihara, it was difficult for people inside to escape, and it was difficult for people outside to go in to fight the fire.

The "Ming calendar fire" that burned two-thirds of Edo to ruins 200 years ago completely burned Yoshiwara.

At that time, because the small gate could not accommodate so many people, a large number of Yoshihara residents could not get out or escape.

A large number of wandering girls were burned alive.

Some of the desperate wanderers ventured over the wooden walls, then fell into the ditch beyond and drowned.

Because almost every house in Yoshihara was burned down by the "Big Fire of the Ming Dynasty", when Edo was rebuilt after the fire, the address of Yoshihara was moved from the original Nihonbashi Fukiyacho to the current Nippon Embankment.

Because the current Yoshihara has been rebuilt once, in order to distinguish it from the previous Yoshihara, people in the world often refer to the current Yoshihara as "New Yoshihara".

In addition to the "city wall" and "moat", Yoshihara also has a semi-independent security department - the Shirobei Club.

The reason why this department has such a strange name is that the leaders of this department all have the hereditary name of "Shirobei".

The leader of Shirobei Clubhouse has been passed down to the ninth generation.

In other words, the current leader of the Shirobei clubhouse is "Nine Daime Shirobei": an old man who always holds a pipe in his hand.

Because all the wandering girls who have not been redeemed are not allowed to leave Yoshihara, this has become a business opportunity-a large number of businessmen have opened fruit and vegetable shops, tea houses, cosmetics stores and other shops in Yoshihara that specialize in the business of wandering girls.

Over time, this has become a mature industrial chain with a long history.

In order to facilitate doing business, many businessmen moved to Yoshiwara.

And some officials in Shirobei Fenggong also rented in Yoshihara for the convenience of going to work.

Therefore, in addition to Younv and Younv's houses, the residents in Yoshiwara also have many ordinary people and normal shops.

There are city walls and moats, a large area, a large number of residents, public security departments and all kinds of shops... The world often jokingly calls Yoshiwara a "sleepless city" that is "brighter at night than during the day" - from a certain point of view, This kind of statement is not wrong. Yoshiwara's administrative and economic structure is perfect, and it is indeed no different from a small city.

Ahe and the others are ordinary residents living in Yoshiwara, and they are girls from a good family who are so innocent.

Ah He and the others are very close friends. When they were out together, they were accidentally abducted by the "one-armed party" who decided to abduct and sell women in order to raise the so-called "military expenses against barbarians".

If Okubo and Kurosawa did not choose to start the operation of "annihilating the 'One-armed Party'" tonight, but postponed the plan for a day or two, then Ah He and the others would definitely be in trouble.

In the process of chatting with the girls, Qingdeng learned a lot of anecdotes about their home, Yoshiwara.

It's just that Qingdeng listened to the many Yoshihara matters complained by Ah He and others with a mentality of listening to stories and not taking it personally.

Affected by the education he received since he was a child, and because he already had a beautiful woman in his heart, Qingdeng has never been interested in the red light district.

A certain guy who regards Yoshiwara as his happy hometown... well, it's Hijikata Toshizo, a great poet, who has invited Qingdeng countless times to walk with Yoshihara, but was declined by Qingdeng who is not sensitive to such things. .

——Anyway, Yoshihara and I are destined to have no fate, so let's take it for fun.

While thinking about it, Qingdeng continued to listen carefully to Ahe and the others as they detailed about Yoshihara.



For the next two days, nothing worth repeating occurred.

The "one-armed party" was completely wiped out.

Ah He and the others returned to their families safely.

Qingdeng, who made extraordinary achievements on the first day of work, was appreciated by Okubo and Kurosawa.

Qingdeng's heroic deeds of "running into the enemy's camp alone, killing all the rebels with his sword, and leading the hostages to escape" spread quickly among the government and the market.

For a while, Qingdeng's reputation in the Huofu Thief Kai soared.

On November 11, Qingdeng, who spent a full day recuperating after the battle with the "One-armed Party" and Takasugi Jin, walked into the camp of his troops full of energy.

On this day, he will do something that he has been looking forward to a long time ago.



In the first year of procrastination (1860), April 11——

Edo, Huofu Bandit Kai San Division's camp, the school grounds——

With a bamboo sword in his hand, Qingdeng shouted vigorously:

"Line up!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

With just 3 blinks of the eye, the 60 members of Team 6 lined up neatly in [-] rows in front of Qingdeng.

"As I announced yesterday." Qingdeng continued to shout, "Today, I will hold a martial arts competition to test your strength!"

"I don't want to waste precious time on bureaucratic accents, so I'll get right to the point!"

"The rules of the game are very simple!"

"We don't use the 'catch-to-fight' format today, it's too troublesome."

"We will decide the outcome with 'Liqie'!"

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, everyone turned pale with shock.

In Japanese swordsmanship, there are 2 types of "one-to-many" practice methods - "Harari" and "Rikiri".

The process of the former is very formal, you have to salute before starting the fight, and then change after the winner is decided.

When Qingdeng singled out the heroes of Xiaoqianye Sword Gym before, the competition format he adopted was a very typical "Yuanli".

As for the latter process, it is relatively simple and crude.

"Liqie" is dedicated to exercising the physical strength, will and reaction speed of Liqie users.

After the start of the fight, there is no winner, regardless of whether the person who was cut directly was hit on the head or chest, which would be immediately regarded as a loser in a general swordsmanship sparring, the fight will continue until the end of the fight. until the challenger voluntarily retires.

After the challenger exits, someone will immediately fill his place.

In the process of filling the seat, the new challenger does not need to salute to the Liqie. The highlight is a "wheel battle" that does not give the Liqie any chance to rest.

"'Riskir'..." Shirasaki murmured, "Master Tachibana, since the competition is going to be played in the form of 'Riskir'...then who will be the stander?"

Hearing this, Qingdeng raised the bamboo sword in his hand.

"Did you see the bamboo sword in my hand? I am the Licutter! I will hit 1 of you with one!"

All of a sudden, there were gasping sounds in the school grounds one after another.

Thanks to [book friend 20181123173810596] for the popular science!

The book friend corrected a clerical error in the previous text of this book. For details, please refer to the "Writer's Words" below.

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 When Qingdeng singled out the heroes of Xiaoqianye Sword Gym, the competition format he adopted was "Yuanli", not "Liqie".

  The difference between the two is shown above.

  Sure enough, it is right to take a break once in a while.

  I took a day off the day before yesterday, and suddenly I had a lot of new inspiration, and I came up with a lot of good new ideas.

  I only hate that I don't have two hands. If I can grow two hands to help me type together, I can present the follow-up plot to everyone as soon as possible. (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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