I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 293 Raising Troops to the West!Conquer the Kai Bandits! 【6000】

Chapter 293 Raising Troops to the West!Conquer the Kai Bandits! 【6000】

Gradually, some people with sharper eyes and sharper consciousness further discovered that the relationship between Qingdeng and Katsu Rintaro seemed to be more than just "knowledge".

When Katsu Rintaro gave a speech, he would often pull Qingdeng beside him to do some simple interactions together.

Whenever the two interact, whether it's Qingdeng or Katsu Rintaro, the expressions and movements of the two are quite natural and graceful.

In the conversations and gestures of the two parties, there was no aura of superiority and inferiority between superiors and subordinates. All that could be felt was the aura of friendship of equal rank—this shocked everyone even more.

From a certain point of view, "Qingdeng and Katsu Rintaro are friends" is even more shocking than "Qingdeng's superior force".

A group of people headed by Lan Jingyang, their eyes are shining at this moment, their faces are full of admiration, their respect for Qingdeng is beyond words.

Some people who are skilled in workmanship are seeing greed in their eyes at this time: Since Ju Qingdeng and Katsu Rintaro have a good relationship, if I make good friends with Ju Qingdeng, wouldn't I also have a chance to catch up with Katsu Rintaro? relation?

Some families were happy, some were sad——while Aoi and the others were staring at Qingdeng in high spirits, the faces of Akabane, Shirasaki and others who were sitting not far from Aoi became ugly one by one.

The complexions of Akabane, Shirasaki and others were either liver-colored or pale.But without exception, there is a faint layer of numbness floating between everyone's brows——Since Qingdeng took office, this young man who is too young has been constantly bringing them a little "Qingdeng shock" .

Before they knew it, they felt a little accustomed and numb to these "Qingdeng shocks".

Shirasaki lowered his head with a desolate face, half-closed his eyes, like a defeated rooster, his eyes no longer had the flash of arrogance that used to shine when he was looking at Qingdeng before—people like Shirasaki, There are quite a few.

As for Akabane and the small group of people represented by him, they were purely resentful, but there was nothing they could do.

Before that, they could still comfort themselves: Ju Qingdeng was just better at wielding swords and fighting, at most he had the ability to investigate and solve crimes.Other than that, nothing else.

But now... Seeing Qingdeng and Katsu Rintaro standing side by side, talking and laughing, they couldn't think of any words that could be used to comfort their hearts.

Since Ju Qingdeng has such a strong backer, wouldn't it be that if I confront him again... Thinking of this, many people couldn't help shivering because of the chills down their backs.

Relying on his height advantage, Qing Deng could see all the faces of the people below.

Qingdeng silently looked down at the expressions of all the people below, with a faint smile of joy on the corner of his mouth.



Katsu Rintaro's speech ended successfully.

I have to say that Katsu Rintaro's eloquence is indeed very good. He started with the invasion of Western powers, the riots of the king-respecting elements full of delusional thoughts, and the precarious situation of the country, and detailed the law and order such as Huofu Thief Reform. The necessity of the existence of the troops and the importance of their work ended with an impassioned sentence "The peace and stability of Edo, please everyone".

After listening to his speech, Qingdeng was fascinated.

He is indeed a top lobbyist who can persuade high-ranking officials and feudal lords of various ministries and vassals to invest in the introduction and cultivation of Western learning with just a three-inch tongue.

Qingdeng understands more and more why Iemo Tokugawa favors and uses Katsu Rintaro so much—this kind of eloquence is excellent; he is proficient in Western knowledge such as artillery, navigation, and shipbuilding; he is a compound talent who can grasp education and engage in military affairs. Also do not change.

After the speech, many team members of the third team were still unsatisfied.

For many people in the third team, today's experience can be used as capital to brag to others in the future-hey!Not only have I seen Katsu Rintaro with my own eyes, but I have also heard his speeches with my own ears!

Katsu Rintaro is currently in a high position, with a lot of work to do every day, so naturally he doesn't have much leisure time to let him squander.

Therefore, after the speech, Katsu Rintaro stayed in the village for a while, drank two cups of tea, and then got up to say goodbye.

Qingdeng knew that Katsu Rintaro gave ten times a day, so he didn't force him to stay, and after a few polite words, he personally sent Katsu Rintaro away.

They were walking side by side on the way out of the village. The warm sunlight at noon cast their figures into oval black dots.

"Mr. Sheng, thank you so much today."

"You're welcome."

Katsu Rintaro smiled, patted the saber on his left waist, and said half-jokingly:
"What kind of friendship are you and I? You and I are life-threatening friendships. I don't need to thank you for this little favor."

Qingdeng smiled.

There is indeed a fatal friendship between him and Katsu Rintaro—a physical fatal friendship.

Back then, if Qingdeng hadn't climbed into the window in time and blocked the blade of Kanno with his sword, the grass on Katsu Rintaro's grave would be 3 feet high now.

"Mr. Orange, I have done everything I can."

Katsu Rintaro said slowly, pointing.

"Next... Whether you can completely subdue those arrogant generals in your army depends entirely on yourself."

"Yes." Qingdeng nodded slightly, "I understand."

"If you need my help in the future, please feel free to come to me again." Katsu Rintaro added.

"Haha, I will." Qingdeng smiled and nodded again.

As smart as Katsu Rintaro, he has seen through Qing Deng's mind long ago.

Why did Qingdeng suddenly invite him to give a speech in the garrison of the third team?

To put it simply, it is to "take advantage of the situation"!
With the help of Katsu Rintaro's fame, which is currently in full swing, he can deter the stubborn and ignorant people in the third team who still think they can fight against Qingdeng.

It has been almost a year since Qingdeng traveled to this era. After such a long time, he has roughly figured out the officialdom under the rule of the Tokugawa family.

The extreme solidification of classes and the official position system of Shiqing Shilu made bureaucracy extremely prevalent in the Edo period.

That being the case, then I will turn bureaucracy into my own weapon!

This is why Qingdeng invited Katsu Rintaro to come and give a speech—to let all the generals and soldiers of the third division come to see with their own eyes what a powerful official stands behind him.

Once this move is launched, its lethality is not insignificant.

Qingdeng saw it clearly just now: After seeing Katsu Rintaro appearing, many people's expressions changed immediately.What's more, the eyes are straight; the jaw seems to drop to the ground.

No wonder their reaction was so gaffe.

To give an example of image:
As an ordinary soldier, you suddenly saw your leader with the rank of lieutenant, leading the admiral of the navy, appear in front of you, and the relationship between the two seems to be very good... What do you think?

Of course, Qingdeng's real backers are actually Iemo Tokugawa and Atsuhime Tenzhangin.

But obviously, Qingdeng would not be able to ask these two super bosses for help unless it was absolutely necessary.

Very good, everything is proceeding steadily according to plan...Qingdeng thought to himself.

By showing his personal strength and the power behind him successively, Qingdeng has successfully conquered the hearts of some people in the third team. The "airborne leader" who doesn't know who to dispatch when doing things.

Let's just say it's a good start.As long as there are people under his command, then the next step can be carried out!
Although using various means to establish prestige can make one's situation a little better, but if one wants to completely subdue people's hearts, one still has to pay attention to the word "profit"!

There is a saying: the same desire tends towards each other, and the same benefit dies together.

If you can lead everyone to get promoted and get rich, then everyone will naturally support you.

But if you can't lead everyone to live a good life...then even if you are really a king of benevolence, and you have the king of heaven behind you, it will be difficult for everyone to follow you sincerely.

So what's the next plan...it's clear.

Qingdeng let out a "huh..." breath:

——I don’t know when the next case will come...



In the first year of Wanyan (1860), on November 11, in the morning——

Edo, Barrel Town——

The dry and cold wind whizzed past the muddy streets, and the steep chill made every pedestrian on the street tighten their skirts unconsciously and quicken their pace.

The carts pulling the goods, the pack horses carrying the goods, and ordinary passers-by formed an extremely long queue at the wooden outdoor of the barrel town.

In the Kido Banya next to Kido, Bantaro shouted impatiently to the people who were queuing outside Kido:

"Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze! Hey! It's you! Don't squeeze anymore! Line up obediently! Don't jump in line! Anyone who dares to jump in line, don't blame me for being rude!"

In order to facilitate the management of Edo's civil affairs, there is a wooden gate called "Kido" at the border of each town in Edo.

In Edo, no matter which town you want to go to, you have to take the Kido between the towns.

Next to Kido, there is a guard box called "Kido Banya", and the officials on duty in the guard box are commonly called "Bantaro".

During the day, Kido is open for free passage; it closes at ten o'clock in the evening, and no one is allowed to enter unless there is a fire or other major incidents.

The prosperity of Barrel Town is one of the best in Edo.

The people who are currently queuing up at the wooden outdoors in the barrel town are all traveling businessmen rushing to do business in the barrel town.

Edo is very expensive, so the area of ​​Kido will naturally not be too spacious. Once the goods and carts carried by the merchants are a little bigger, it will easily form a blockage at the gate of Kido, which lasts for a long time Only then can it be unblocked smoothly——Kido in the barrel town is now in such a predicament.

As an important transportation hub connecting the inside and outside of the town, Kido naturally has a large flow of people.Therefore, the Gaozha field is often set up near Kido.

Gao Zha, that is, the bulletin board.

The government often publishes some new decrees, policies, and arrest warrants for murderers who have not yet been arrested, directly on the Gaozha.

At this moment, a small group of people of different genders and ages stood in twos and threes in front of Gao Zha in the barrel town.

The Gaozha of the barrel town is divided into two neat halves with a mark in the middle as the dividing line.

The right half is dedicated to posting the arrest warrants of wanted criminals, so it looks like a stratum naturally formed after countless years of evolution, with countless arrest warrants covering each other, layer upon layer.

At the top is the arrest warrant of Kanno, the leader of the Barbarians.

The bottom layer has become a fuzzy, dirty black pulp due to age.Only this line of words can be vaguely discerned from the dirt - "Executioner Yidao Zhai" Ogata Yishi.

Pedestrians standing in front of Takahata in Otsumachi did not read the profound history printed on the right half of the board, but focused their eyes on the left half of the board.

The left half of the board is dedicated to announcing the latest decrees and policies issued by the government.I saw a very brand-new official document stuck to it, which could be seen to be a new official document that had only been issued recently.

The language used in government official documents has always been extremely formal and serious.

Not only are the characters basically all Chinese characters, but even the grammar is a very hard-to-pronounce classical term.

An old man who knew Chinese characters interpreted aloud to the blind people around him what was written on this official document—a group of vicious bandits appeared in Kai.Townspeople please refrain from going to Kai unless necessary.The Huofu thieves have been ordered to go to the conquest instead, and they will return Kai's peace as soon as possible.

"Damn it, why are you bandits again..." A certain woman let out a long sigh.

Kai is located in the west of Edo, very close to Edo.It is rich in horses, but the land is mostly hills and mountains, so it has been nicknamed "Mountain Country" since ancient times.

A mountainous area like this has always been the best breeding ground for "cultivating" bandits and bandits.The bandits in Kai are almost becoming a well-known local "specialty".

"Alas...the world is becoming more and more unbalanced..." A certain old man shook his head slightly with a melancholy expression, "Since the barbarians arrived in Edo Bay in black boats, the world has become more and more turbulent... ..."

"Ani, don't worry." A middle-aged man stretched out his hand and embraced the shoulder of the woman who had just let out a long sigh, "Look——hasn't the government sent Huofu thieves to go to punish them? Although the officers and soldiers of the Huo Fu Thief Kai are very brutal in their investigations, they have to admit that they are quite capable in fighting."

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, he suddenly heard a commotion from the west of the street.

Immediately afterwards, as if attracted by something, groups of people rushed towards the west of the street like pulsating waves.

People who don't know why are asking around.After a while, they all understood what happened.

After receiving the order of the shogunate to "suppress the Kaishan bandits", Tadao Okubo and Atsuyuki Kurosawa attached great importance to Huofu Thief Kai and immediately ordered the formation of a conquest army.

Fighting bandits is no better than catching criminals, the former is a genuine military operation!Both the importance and the danger are far beyond the comparison of the latter!
Therefore, in order to make this operation a complete success, Tadashi Okubo and Atsuyuki Kurosawa dispatched most of their elites—the first team, the second team, the third team, the fourth team, and the eighth team. The 5 teams in the team are fully responsible for this "bandit crusade"!With my grandson Chutaro, the captain of the first team, as the main general, and Tadaki Kanazawa, the captain of the second team, as the deputy general!Go out now!
5 squadrons with a total of 300 people... In the era of peace, in the social background of the Edo period, this is already an incredible military force.

Today is the day to crusade against the army.

Haohao Tangtang's military column is now passing by the vicinity of the barrel town,

The army is on the march... This is a rare sight in ordinary times!They rushed straight to the west of the street in such a hurry just to see it quickly.

After figuring out what was going on, the eyes of those who didn't know the truth lit up one after another, and then hurried to the direction where the noise came from.

In the blink of an eye, the long line that was crowded outside the Barokimachi wood field disappeared.

Almost all people flock to the same direction to solve their curiosity.

At this time, it was three poles in the sun.

The rising sun climbed high into the sky, reflecting the sky like a blue sky
On the spacious street where 8 people can walk side by side, the black Huofu Thieves Reformed Army column is like a black giant snake, like a thundercloud that can move, moving westward inch by inch.

A matchlock gun pierces straight into the sky, forming a lush steel forest
Armors, knives and guns shone sharply and coldly in the sun.

The Tokugawa family pattern is painted on one side: the banner with the clover pattern flutters in the autumn wind.

The onlookers who came to watch this rare spectacle crowded both sides of the street. They all stretched their necks and cast curious glances at the military columns in the middle of the street.

All the nearby officials were mobilized.

They either held long wooden sticks, or went into battle directly empty-handed, sticks connected to sticks, and hands next to each other, forming a solid human wall that separated the side of the street from the center of the street.

While keeping the onlookers from getting too close to the ranks, they kept monitoring the crowd.

As soon as you see someone jostling and moving around in the crowd, you should stop them immediately, and snuff out all the flames that may cause stampede and other vicious incidents before they happen.

The person who leads the ranks of the army is the captain of the First Division who was entrusted with the important task of serving as the commander-in-chief of the entire army in this operation: my grandson Chutaro.

There was a faint smile on his lips as usual, with a relaxed expression.

Looking at its appearance, it seems that it is not going to conquer the bandits, but is marching with arms.

As a Huofu thief, my grandson is one of the few "famous detectives" who do not rely on torture to extract confessions, but rely on normal clue finding and deductive reasoning to solve cases.

Therefore, the following voices erupted from time to time among the onlookers on the street:

"My grandson!"

"My grandson! You must kill all the bandits entrenched in Kai!"

My grandson is very enthusiastic about the supporters.

He frequently raised his hand to signal the direction from which these shouts came from, and from time to time he responded loudly: Leave it to us with confidence!We will hit the ground running!

Behind my grandson is the lieutenant general: Zhongsuke Kanazawa, captain of the second team.

Afterwards, the captain of the fourth division Rensaburo Mizushima, the captain of the eighth division Nobuyoshi Kazama, and the captain of the third division Tachibana Qingtou were also sent to participate in the Western Expedition.

As an officer, the captain of the team and the troops of each team have the privilege of riding a horse.Therefore, Qingdeng and the others don't need to walk, they have military horses to travel instead.

Although in Japan these days, because foreign advanced horse breeds have not been introduced, the native horses are short and thin, with an average shoulder height of only 1 meters, but the Japanese are also very short, so the comparison between the two, A pony with a shoulder height of 2 meters is already an extremely tall horse in this country.

The army horses modified by Huofu Thief have been strictly trained, and each one is very docile, so even a layman like Qingdeng, who has just learned how to ride and has only ridden a big black cow before, can ride on the saddle. Sit still.

Along the way, the supporters Qingdeng met and the farewell speeches he heard were no less than those of my grandson.

"Master Tangerine!"

"Look! It's Nioh-sama!"

"Great! Nioh-sama has also been sent to hunt down bandits! Kai's bandits are doomed!"

"Lord Nioh! I wish you prosperity in martial arts!"

This was the first time Qingdeng was surrounded and sent off by countless people like a star.

Whether it was the excited gaze projected from the crowd or the excited shouts one after another, Qingdeng felt very embarrassed.

At this time, Qing Deng suddenly found a familiar beautiful figure with a shining breath in the crowd of onlookers in front of him.

Chiba Sanako, with her hair tied up in a Shimada bun, a white sash embroidered with cloud patterns around her waist, and a blue silk kimono, dressed as a young lady, stood quietly in the company of Chiba Shigetaro. He cast solemn glances at Qingdeng.

Only the area where Sanazi is located is completely different from other areas - the people in the former ignore the military ranks of Huofu Thief Reform, but are basically peeking at the beautiful Sanazi who is out of tune with the surrounding environment .

The woman looked envious and jealous.

The man looked eager and lustful.

Chiba Shigetaro worked hard to stand behind Sanako, slightly opened his arms, and protected Sanako with his body, looking around vigilantly, to prevent any suspicious person from approaching his precious sister.

This place is Barrel Town, which is the city town where the Little Chiba Sword Gym is located.It is reasonable for the Chiba brothers and sisters to appear here, and there is nothing surprising about it.

When Qingdeng raised his eyes to look at her because he noticed the existence of Sanako, Sanako felt Qingdeng's sight at the first time.

She stared slightly, meeting Qing Deng's eyes.

The next moment, she folded her hands in front of her body, and gracefully bowed to Qingdeng to salute, with her plump red lips slightly moving.

Qingdeng read out her mouth shape: I wish you prosperity in martial arts.

With a gratifying smile on his lips, Qing Deng raised his hand, ready to wave to Zuo Nazi.

But at this moment, something embarrassing happened.

All of a sudden, Qingdeng suddenly discovered—not far from Zuo Nazi, Youdao was also very familiar to him in red...

Edo’s Kido, Ziji Banya, and Gaozachang generally look like this. For details, please click on the paragraph comment on the far right→→

 The author is resurrected!

  It seems that the lack of sleep and too little sleep recently caused the body to be tired. After sleeping for most of the day yesterday, the author got up again!

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(End of this chapter)

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