I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 296 Qingdeng's Pass!Never mind! [Burst update 1W! 】

Chapter 296 Qingdeng's Pass!Never mind! [Burst update 1W! 】

Although the accuracy of the matchlock gun was poor, but with so many rows of barrages fired together, they could always hit the target.

In just a blink of an eye, the checkpoint was surrounded by the howling sound of projectiles and arrows, as well as the wailing and screaming of people.

Caught off guard, a large number of gangsters were all pierced by the scorching bullets, and they fell down and rolled in a pool of blood everywhere.

Accompanied by the body piercing into the flesh and the screams of pain that are not human beings, gorgeous peonies rose up on the level—"peonies" made of blood!
Blood splashed a few feet high at once, and under the action of inertia, it flew and scattered in mid-air, really looking like beautiful peonies blossoming.

It's a pity...these "peonies" have the characteristics of epiphyllum.

As soon as it appeared, it withered and fell in a hurry.

"Raise the shield! Raise the shield! Raise the shield! Raise the shield!"——such a voice sounded in the level.

The gangsters reacted one after another, holding up the thick wooden shields prepared earlier in the morning to block the barrage.

Matchlock guns and bows and arrows are the basic weapons of Huofu Thief Gai—this is a well-known fact in the world.

Therefore, in order to guard against the matchlock guns of the crusading army, Soma Zhong specially prepared a large pile of extremely thick wooden shields.

These wooden shields... It might be more accurate to call them "walls" rather than shields.

Each shield is 30cm-50cm thick.The thickest ones are even more than half a meter thick.

Mount Xiangma is full of primeval forests, so preparing these wooden shields is effortless at all.

The matchlock gun is still too backward after all.In terms of firepower, there is no way to compare with the most popular guns such as Spencer rifles in the West.The power of shooting an unarmored target is not bad, but facing this kind of wooden shield tens of centimeters thick, it is a little bit powerless.

After offering these large shields that were as thick as walls, the number of people who were shot was greatly reduced immediately.

However, the faces of the gangsters did not show any relaxation—because in addition to the "swarm of bees" in front of them, there were also "swarms of locusts" above their heads that threatened their lives all the time.


The sound of letting go of the bowstring resounded around Qingdeng's body endlessly.

Hundreds of feathered arrows brought wind and chill, bringing pain and death to the gangsters at the checkpoint.

The body of the bow is more than 2 meters long, although the shape is slightly exaggerated, but the power is not small at all!

Even if you look at the whole world, He Gong belongs to the undoubted "heavy bow".

In terms of lethality, the bow is higher than the famous English yew longbow.

The arrow that escaped from the tight bowstring and soared into the sky flew straight into the sky with an arc trajectory.After flying to the highest point, it falls slowly, drawing a beautiful parabola.

One end of the parabola is connected to the crusading army's bow array; the other end is connected to the heads of the bandits in the level!

The swarm of arrows piercing the sky, like black locusts, like a shower, like a torrential flood, flooded the checkpoint in one breath.

Like an invisible sickle slashing down on the head, dozens of "ears of rice" were harvested with just one blow.

The blood rain, which is completely different from being hit by a projectile, blooms and splashes all over the level one after another.

Because the lethality of bows is far weaker than that of arquebuses, ordinary shields are enough to deal with the rain of arrows thrown by crusaders.

The bandits hurriedly raised the ordinary wooden shields of normal thickness over their heads, and the arrows like locusts shot the shields full of holes.

Although the shield was raised in time, a small number of arrows still passed through the gap between the shields and hit some unlucky ones.

Although the negotiations between the two sides have broken down, in order to minimize the casualties of the troops, my grandson still wants to facilitate "peace negotiations" as much as possible.

Therefore, in today's battle, my grandson adopted the tactic of "fighting mosquitoes with cannons" - the second, third, fourth and eighth teams were all dispatched!The first team is the general reserve team.It's all done in one battle!The First World War hurts soma all!Teach the horsemen to learn how to change Huofu Thief, so that the horsemen don't dare to have any unrealistic ideas, and strive to facilitate peace negotiations in the follow-up!
The [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]th teams are all iron artillery teams, and the [-]th team and the [-]rd team under Qing Deng's command are archers.The numbers of the two teams are about the same, so in the crusading army, the density of barrage and arrow rain is almost the same.

Under the blow of a series of superior firepower, the level is full of bullet holes and broken arrows.

The gangsters, unable to lift their heads under the pressure of the bullet screen and the rain of arrows, cowered and hid their whole bodies behind the shields, not daring to expose a little bit of skin outside the shields.

Although Qingdeng has only just taken office in Huofu Thief Kai, he has already discovered that my grandson has a very high prestige in Huofu Thief Kai.

He is obviously a "literati school" who specializes in brains, but he can make martial arts schools such as Kanazawa Chusuke and Mizushima Rensaburo obediently listen to him.

At this moment, my grandson saw that the wave of firepower was almost ready to pour out, and he waved forward with a calm expression.

The soldier holding the conch next to him saw my grandson's gesture, and quickly brought the conch to his lips again:
The resounding sound of the conch horn overwhelmed the roar of muskets and bows.

Hearing the blowing of the trumpet, Kanazawa Chusuke... the fierce general known as "The Dog of Fire", immediately sprang up like bursting magma:

"Everyone! Follow me!"

Shout out, Tadsuke Kanazawa, who was entrusted by my grandson with the authority of "front-line command" for serving as the "Vice General of the Army" in this battle, took the lead!Straight through the level like a rabid dog out of the cage!
At this moment, Qingdeng felt like a flame burning in his chest for no reason.

It wasn't until this moment that Qingdeng suddenly realized that although he had experienced hundreds of battles, he had fought countless life-and-death battles, and over a hundred souls had died under his sword, but up to now, he had never fought a battle... Never participated in an official war!
The roar of iron cannons and the tremolo of bowstrings rose and fell in my ears.

The air became acrid and pungent with the smoke and fog of burning gunpowder.There is a disgusting bitter taste in the mouth that can't go away no matter how much you swallow.

The terrified and tense expressions of the comrades were all over the place as far as the eye could see.

The bloody smell that floats from the enemy's checkpoints from time to time repeatedly stimulates and provokes nerves.

The breath of blood and death permeated his body.

This should be enough to make people's minds blank and frightened.

But Qingdeng didn't feel scared at all, nor did he feel nervous.

He heard his heavy breathing, and felt his heart beating so fast and powerfully that it almost jumped out of his throat.

The blood is hot.The blood flowing in his veins seemed to be ignited, and his forehead and back were so hot that sweat began to break out.

Qingdeng didn't know his current mood, why he was so excited and so calm at the same time.

I don't know if it was affected by this wonderful emotion, Qingdeng's body made a wonderful movement - the moment after Kanazawa Chusuke yelled "follow me", Qingdeng's brain had not had time to respond, and immediately The feet that step on the ground are "unauthorized" off the ground.

Once you take the first step, it's easy—both body and mind rush to the level of the soma crowd!
At the same time, "Huo Fu Zhi Hu" Mizushima Ren Saburo and Qing Deng raised their swords and came out in no particular order.

Another moment later, except for the first team of the general reserve team, all the teams put down their iron cannons, bows and arrows, drew out their knives and spears, changed their long-distance attack to melee combat, and followed the brave 3 After the captain!
Captain Nobuyoshi Kazama of the [-]th Division did not have the courage of Qingtou and Kanazawa Chusuke to charge forward, so he didn't shy away from mixing with the crowd until the large troops started to move, and followed the large troops.

With Qingdeng, Kanazawa Chusuke, and Mizushima Rensaburo as arrows, the crusade army pressed down on the riddled checkpoint with overwhelming momentum!
In the eyes of the gangsters in the checkpoint, it looks like a bunch of ferocious thunderclouds are approaching them.

The jet-black neat uniform forms the main body of the dim cloud.

The shining knives and guns are the lightning flashing constantly among the dark clouds.

A large number of projectiles and arrows were poured into the firepower preparations to buy precious time for Qingdeng and others to charge.

The gangsters found that the crusading army had begun to charge, and hurriedly threw away the shields in their hands, and grabbed knives, guns, bows and arrows-the time of changing weapons allowed Qingdeng and others to advance safely for more than ten meters.

"Shoot the arrows! Let the arrows go! Let the arrows go!" - Such a voice sounded in the level.

After a few breaths, the bandits fought back.

At that moment, Qingdeng heard a hissing sound in front of him, and then it quickly became louder and turned into a whistling sound.

Qingdeng lowered his waist subconsciously, and drew an arrow as thick as Qingdeng's finger, drawing a straight trajectory, passing close to his waist, and piercing a concentric person running behind Qingdeng. chest.

The concentric screamed, his body bent backwards from the center into a bow shape, and bounced backwards in a weird posture.

Arrows pierced the atmosphere one after another, scrambling to "bite" the crusading army.

Although Xiangmazhong couldn't get firearms, they still had the ability to get bows and arrows.

The arrow density thrown from the checkpoint was not too high, but it still caused a lot of trouble for Qingdeng and others.

Except for some strong-willed people who were not shot in the vitals, those unfortunate team members who were shot by the arrows all collapsed to the ground, clutching the parts of the arrows and wailing in pain.

At the critical moment when the whole army was charging, no one had the leisure and spare energy to arrange for those who were injured by the arrows.

All Qingdeng and the others could do was to bypass these wounded soldiers who fell to the ground... and bless them, wishing them to survive until the arrival of ambulance.

Qingdeng's "Concentrating God" and "Eagle Eye +2" were fully activated.

Suddenly an arrow shot towards Qingdeng's face.

The person who shot this arrow was obviously not very skilled.The speed of the arrow needs to be strengthened - with the blessing of the two talents of "Focus on God" and "Eagle Eye +2", Qingdeng can easily see through the path of the arrow.

In the next moment, the body moves with the heart.Qingdeng raised his saber and slashed forward - click - and the arrow flew away.

Finally, after facing the opponent's arrow rain and suffering countless casualties, the crusading army finally successfully reached the checkpoint of Somazhong.

Chusuke Kanazawa: "Break the door!"

A member of Concentric holding a sledgehammer, a pull rope, etc., rushed to the gate of the checkpoint under the cover of his comrades.

The checkpoint built by Somazhong on the mountain road is just a tall wooden wall made of wood.Behind the wooden wall, there are two watchtowers in symmetrical positions.

Because it is made of wood and the structure is simple, it only takes a little time for the "engineers" to use a sledgehammer, a saw, and a pull rope to cut a large hole for troops to pass through on the gate and wall of the checkpoint—— The premise is that the "engineers" have to win the time to dig the hole.

A bloody melee began.

The gangsters took out their long guns, poked the tip of the guns out of the gaps in the wooden wall, and stabbed desperately at the crusading army outside the checkpoint like a harpoon.

And the crusading army also sacrificed their long spears, probing the long spears through the gaps in the wooden wall in the opposite direction to the bandits, just like spearing a fish with a harpoon. where.

The men and horses on both sides were poking each other with spears across the wooden wall... The scene became extremely funny.

But exceptionally bloody.

Whirling, attacking, gnawing, biting.Like a flood hitting a dam.

The rate of casualties is skyrocketing—for both sides.

On the two watchtowers at the back of the checkpoint, a large number of gangsters held bows and arrows, and kept firing arrows at the crusading army regardless of their sore arms.

There is no need to aim, the crusading army below is densely packed like an ant colony, no matter how you shoot, you can always hit the target.

Although they were in an unfavorable situation where they had to shoot upwards, the counterattack of the crusading army could not be said to be unaffected.

Many members of the [-]rd and [-]th teams drew their bows and arrows again, throwing arrows towards the watchtower and the back of the checkpoint.

This battle between the two sides who refused to give in to each other suddenly became simple - whoever can grit his teeth and hold on, and who can withstand the opponent's offensive, is the winner!
In the front, there were gangsters holding long guns to stop him desperately, and later, some comrades pushed forward with all their strength—this kind of crowded environment was very unfavorable to Qingdeng, and it was difficult for him to exert his due strength.

At this time, a sudden change occurred.

Suddenly, a group of strange gangsters appeared above the watchtower, holding clay pots with unknown contents in their hands.

"Throw! Throw them all down!"——As someone yelled, these gangsters threw the clay pots in their hands vigorously, and smashed them at the crusading army who were still struggling to break through.

Click, click, click, click...

The clay pot shattered, and the transparent liquid stored in it was spilled out.

In just a blink of an eye, a certain smell that should be quite familiar to every ordinary person filled the entire mountain road-the smell of oil!
It is cooking oil for cooking and lamp oil for lighting!
not good!

As soon as the warning bell rang in Qingdeng's heart, he saw that the bandits with bows upstairs changed to a different type of arrow—the arrow that ignited the fire with clusters of arrows!

"Let it go! Let it go! Let it go!"

A dazzling light appeared in the sky.

The rain of fire pulled out a series of neon-like brilliance!

Oil and fire meet - bake!

The rough road surface is uneven and full of gravel, and the scorching flames like new shoots suddenly rise!

These immature "sprouts" turned into thick "big trees" in a blink of an eye!
The thick flame pillars are like tall and straight trees rising from the ground, lush and green, with teeth and claws.

It's a pity that what it sticks out is not a tender green branch, but a tongue of fire that not only brings light and heat to human beings, but also brings sorrow and death to human beings!
These rising pillars of flame looked like a monster with a huge mouth that swallowed the sky.

With a little opening of its mouth, it can swallow the ground and human beings alive!

Many people were accidentally splashed by the oil thrown by the gangsters just now. The oil covered their bodies, and the "monsters" took the initiative to put bright "orange red robes" on them.

Not far from Qingdeng, a man covered in fire stumbled and jumped around, screaming, waving his hands erratically, stomping his feet, and dancing a terrifying dance.

Whether it was running or jumping, or rolling on the ground, he still couldn't get rid of the fire demon wrapped around his body.

The gangsters still have such a trick...!
For a moment, the expressions of Chusuke Kanazawa, Rensaburo Mizushima and other generals became extremely dignified.

Judging from the madness of the Xiangma people who dug three feet into the ground when they looted, and wished to dig out the graves of people's ancestors, it is only a matter of course that they have a large amount of looted vegetable oil and lamp oil in their base fields. things.

All living things have a natural fear of fire.

Under the fire attack of the bandits, the crusading army's originally extremely tight formation suddenly became chaotic, and the morale was visibly shaken by the naked eye.

The attack effect was far better than expected, and the gangsters in the level all showed ecstasy.

In order to fuel the fire, the bandits frantically poured fire arrows at the crusading army.

If this continues, the casualties of the troops will be very heavy.

Kanazawa Chusuke and Mizushima Rensaburo pursed their lips, thinking whether to retreat temporarily, and then fight back after regaining momentum.

However, at this moment, a certain swordsman showed a look that was completely different from Kanazawa Chusuke and Mizushima Rensaburo.

"..." The swordsman half-closed his eyes—he seemed to have thought of something serious and wanted to do something dangerous, with a solemn expression.

The rain of fire poured down on the swordsman.

The flames that scorched the atmosphere continuously exploded and rose around the swordsman.

Danger looms.

The swordsman turned his right wrist quietly, and after the sword in his hand crossed half a graceful arc, it was held upside down and put back into its sheath.

In the next moment, the swordsman turned into an afterimage gliding at low altitude!

That stern look, that straight-forward posture without hesitation, is like a white rabbit aiming at the ground, or a ruthless eagle swooping down directly from the high-altitude clouds——the "white rabbit" stared at by this "eagle" , is the gate of the checkpoint!
During this period, many gangsters found the swordsman who was rushing towards them, and quickly raised their guns to stab them.

The swordsman's body, like fallen leaves fluttering in the autumn wind, swayed lightly from side to side with the wind blowing.

No matter from which angle or with what force the spear stabbed, the swordsman swiftly dodged it.

Sooner or later, the swordsman has already approached the gate of the checkpoint.

Bang——The swordsman stepped forward with his right foot, and his left leg was bent so sharply that his knee almost touched the ground.

At the moment when the swordsman's body center of gravity was compressed to the limit, the dazzling white light and piercing clang swelled in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, intense light crossed the air from bottom to top, and the white light gathered on the gate of the checkpoint in one breath!
Knife drawing · streamer!
Ding Guishen soared into the sky in one breath, and directly cut a huge knife mark from the lower right to the upper left on the gate of the checkpoint.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Deng turned the blade, changing the blade pointing obliquely at the sky to pointing straight at the ground, and then slashed down with all his strength.

Another knife mark was engraved on the gate of the checkpoint.

Qingdeng's offensive has not stopped!Within seconds, he deflected the blade for the second time!The blade pointing directly at the ground changed to pointing obliquely at the sky from lower left to upper right.

Another sharp knife light cut off the vision of everyone present... and the gate of the checkpoint!

In less than 2 seconds, he slashed 3 times... The deep and long knife marks formed by the 3 slashes together formed a triangle.

The gate of the checkpoint is directly under Qingdeng's 3 knives, and there is a huge gap in a triangle!
Qingdeng's move directly stunned the enemy...and also stunned the allies.

You know, the gate of the checkpoint is nearly 20 centimeters thick!

The 20cm-thick wooden board was split by a knife like chopping melons and vegetables... This... This? !
"Break through this gap!"

Qingdeng's loud shout woke up the soldiers who were stunned by the move he just showed.

The group of "engineers" who were closest to Qingdeng were the first to react. They hurriedly held sledgehammers, saws, pull ropes and other things, and flocked to the huge gap created by Qingdeng.

"Not good! Stop them! Stop them!"

Anxious shouts and panicked commands came from behind the checkpoint.

The gangsters were half a step too late—after all, they never expected that someone could cut a big gap in their checkpoint gate with just a knife.

Under the joint operation of the "engineers", the gap created by Qingdeng was rapidly enlarged, enough to allow one person to freely enter and exit.

It can accommodate one person in and out... that's enough!
"Get out of the way!" Qingdeng yelled at everyone standing in front of him. A tiger jumped out, leaped to the front of the gap that was finally opened, and then rushed into the checkpoint along the gap without thinking. Since then, the first person to successfully pass the level!

A big hole has been ripped out of the gate of the level - the impact on the gangsters is too great.

In an instant, they screamed and rushed forward like crazy, trying to drive Qingdeng out of the gap and fill it up again.

In the gap, what greeted them was the icy light of Dingguishen's sword.

The entry "Gudan" shone with dazzling golden light!

Qingdeng howled, waving Ding Guishen who had accompanied him in battle like a wheel.

The blade picked up and lifted the forehead of a certain gangster.

The blade pressed down and cut open the belly of a certain gangster.

The blade stabbed forward and pierced the heart of a certain gangster.

Batch after batch of gangsters swarmed up from all directions, but none of them could stop Qingdeng!

Dingguishen is like a strange container that spews out blood and broken limbs.

Blades are everywhere, blood splatters!Limbs fall!
The blade is everywhere, what is right is broken!Those who strike are taken!

The knife light stained with blood blush revealed a color between rose and wine in the sun.

These gangsters who tried to fill in fell to the ground one after another like weeds that had been cut.

The mutual superposition of "lonely courage" and "gathering spirit" made Qing Deng's momentary concentration terrifying.

In his eyes, there are no living people... only a few puppets waiting to be chopped down by him!

At this moment, Qingdeng was like a fighting machine running on blood.

Efficiently distinguish the situation between the enemy and the enemy.

Swing the knife to kill the enemy efficiently!
Standing at the gap, he managed to defend this precious "bridgehead" with his strong combat power and high fighting spirit!
Before he could speak, a gleaming long spear rushed towards Qingdeng's face.

Qingdeng turned his head, and the tip of the gun was attached to his neck... To be precise, it was attached to the chain mail on Qingdeng's neck and passed over, rubbing out pieces of dancing sparks.

In the next moment, Qingdeng turned his head in the opposite direction, clamped the barrel of the gun tightly with his side face and shoulders, raised his left hand and gripped the body of the gun tightly, preventing the opponent from retracting the spear.

In the next instant, Qingdeng slashed forward, splitting the long spear into two pieces.Then, he drove the short gun in his hand into the opponent's chest.

In this way, he pressed the broken section of the gun against the opponent's body, using this person as a shield, and pushed against the gangsters behind.

The gangsters fell into a pile like ears of rice blown down by the wind.

So far, Qingdeng has gone deep into the back of the checkpoint.

The bandits anxiously tried to countercharge.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard the sound of violent trampling on the rocks and the hard ground.

like ocean waves.

like a storm.

Funeral music for bandits!
Chusuke Kanazawa: "Follow Tachibana-kun!"

The crusading army crossed the "bridgehead" that Qingdeng was desperately defending, swept across the checkpoint like a tide, and further tore apart the enemy's gap opened by Qingdeng!
Before he could think about it, the two parties collided with each other.

In terms of combat power, it is impossible for bandits who make a living by robbing houses to beat Huofu Bandit Kai, who is listed as one of the shogunate's standing army.

Those Huofu Bandit Kai team members were like an awl, piercing into the bandits separately, launching a thunderous offensive.

It's just that the ferocious bandits who lick blood with their knives are not weak dolls.

The bandits also seem to understand that if they don't win this battle, they will all be doomed, so they don't need the commander's instructions or mobilization. With high fighting spirit, they spontaneously raised their weapons and bravely fought against the crusading army. The soldiers fought together.

The timely arrival of the friendly troops greatly reduced Qingdeng's pressure - he was able to fight more freely and fearlessly!
His footsteps sometimes gallop with whiplash, and sometimes run slowly, so as to rest his sweaty body and his chest, which has already heaved violently like a bellows.

He rushed into the chaotic battlefield with turbulent waves, raised his head and chest, dashed left and right, and his sword light shone, tearing the enemy's formation repeatedly.

He swings a knife, steps, jumps!The pools of blood that flowed all over the ground repeatedly splashed and fell apart under his feet.The flickering light of the knife is like a silver swallow repeatedly pounced on the rushing waves.

"Feiyan" pounced on the waves, then turned over one by one to meet the next wave.It hardly stops for a moment, and every time the "Flying Swallow" soars, someone will be injured and fall to the ground.

The swordsman let out a roar and heartbeat like a lion!
At this time, a knife cry startled the sky.

As if summoned by the sound of the sword, Qingdeng followed the prestige - and saw a few steps away from his right side, a very majestic warrior, showing a giant sword nearly 2 meters long and holding it high above his head heroic.

It's too late to see its appearance, but the dangerous momentum is already coming!

Odachi - a strange weapon invented by the samurai in the Kamakura period to show off their heroism and wrist strength.

There are very few people who are proficient in this weapon skill, but there is no doubt that: if one can master the use of Odachi skillfully, then this person will be a terrifying existence on the battlefield!

Hum... the air hummed.

The big sword that was slashed down vigorously turned up a large amount of airflow.

Everything around seemed to be swept up by the airflow blown by the big knife, and the dust and smoke billowed.The passage of time seemed to slow down.

Head-to-head with the guy who plays the odachi?Qingdeng didn't have such leisure and spare energy.

Qingdeng raises the tip of his knife to fix ghosts and gods, and starts with Xia Duan.

In the next instant, he disappeared from the spot.

With the strong leg strength endowed by "bear's waist +1" and "leading the horse", Qingdeng jumped up as if crushing the ground.

Qingdeng flew out like an arrow from the string, rather than "jumping up", it might be more accurate to say "flying up"!
Qingdeng, whose body was like a ghost, swiftly passed under the blade of the Otachi, and headed straight for the back of the Otachi with his sword and man, and aimed at the gangster who was holding the Otachi.

Chi - the familiar feeling of cutting and piercing the flesh with a sharp blade continuously spread to Qingdeng's palms.

With just one blow, he penetrated the opponent's waist, and the blade didn't stop until the blade was stuck in the opponent's body.


Qingdeng let out a short cry, and then exerted force on his legs, waist and wrists at the same time!Use the sword in your hand to sweep the sword horizontally along the direction of the edge!
Chi la—a sound like tearing cloth.

Ding Guishen's blade cut through the opponent's abdomen from the blade to the blade tip.With his head attached to the opponent's body, Qingdeng took advantage of the opportunity to pass through the opponent's right armpit height, and dodged to the opponent's back.

The bandit, who uses the Odachi as his weapon, has only about half of his upper and lower body connected by skin and flesh.

However, his vitality is extremely tenacious.

Half of his waist was cut open... After receiving this kind of injury, for an ordinary person, he must have collapsed on the ground, unable to move, and could only slowly wait for death. Qingdeng launched a final dying counterattack.

"Ho... ho... ho ah ah ah...!"

A hoarse roar burst out from his throat, he threw away the big sword in his hand, reached out his hand, and took out a small pocket sword, turned around and stabbed Qingdeng's back.

Unexpectedly, this person would still be able to stand up and launch a counterattack. Qingdeng was half a beat slow in reacting—although he successfully dodged the looting front, his left elbow, which was not protected by armor, was accidentally cut off. A light bloodstain.

"Haha...! Hahaha...!"

This guy relentlessly stabbed Qingdeng three more times, but Qingdeng easily dodged all of them.

When the person was about to hit the fourth sword, Qing Deng backhanded the saber, sending this person to hell.

Although this guy's tenacious persistence and counterattack delayed Qingdeng a lot of time, but these wasted time was not wasted——

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied the talent: "Iron Waist"]

[Talent Introduction: The waist and limbs are not prone to strain, injury, and fatigue]

【Ding!Detected that the host already has the same type of talent]

【Ding!Start talent fusion]

[Please wait for the host...Please wait for the host...]

["Iron Waist" ability promotion - "Iron Waist +1"]

["Iron waist +1" talent introduction: The effect of the talent has been enhanced on the original basis. "+9" is the highest level]

The long-lost talent fusion.

It's a pity that Qingdeng has no time to rejoice at the fact that his waist has strengthened a bit.

The guy who used the big sword just now left the wound on Qingdeng's left elbow, although it was not deep, but it still sent a real pain to Qingdeng's nerves.

This pain is like a wave of electricity, causing Qingdeng's consciousness to break away from the "killing machine" state for a short time.

"Ha...! Ha...! Ha...! Ha...! Ha...! Ha...!"

It wasn't until the moment when his spirit regained a little bit of "clearness" that Qingdeng realized that his breathing was in a mess.

The breath from his mouth and nose turned into a dense white mist in the cold autumn sky.The sound of rapid breathing formed a thick sound barrier, making it almost impossible for Qingdeng to hear the rest of the sounds from the outside world.

Both lungs were aching, and the muscles seemed sore and heavy as if they had been injected with lead water.

The intricate and ever-changing battlefield situation posed great challenges to Qingdeng's physical strength.

Even with the support of "Strong Muscle +1" and "Iron Lung", Qingdeng's body could hardly bear the high-intensity consumption.

Qingdeng raised the back of his left hand, wiped the light red liquid mixed with his own sweat and the enemy's blood that was about to fall down his chin, adjusted his breathing, and looked around.


It is different from every battle I have experienced in the past...

Qingdeng's eardrums ached from the noise that had never been heard before, and was completely different from the noise of the noisy city and the moving and static knives of every battle he had experienced before.

At this moment, Qingdeng had a wonderful feeling that he couldn't tell the difference between up, down, left, and right, and east, west, north, and south—looking up, there were battles happening everywhere, no matter which direction he looked, he could see battles happening, and he didn't know Where is he now.

Familiar faces, faces never seen before; faces distorted by pain, faces distorted by excitement; flying arrows, leaping knife lights; blood foam flying in the air - mixed and passing by green Deng's vision.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the crusading army or the Xiangma crowd, there is no formation to speak of.

The two sides are entangled, you have me, and I have you.

The dancing spear pierced that one's wooden shield, and the cold arrow released by that one pierced the throat of this one.

This swinging fist smashed the bridge of that one's nose, and that one's flying kick hit this one's crotch.

This swung knife cut off the throat of that one, and that one's body was knocked down by the sacrificial impact.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and the burnt smell of raging fire demons. These peculiar smells were mixed with billowing smoke and dust, making it difficult to breathe.

Qingdeng, who was used to "facing the enemy alone", had never seen such a battle?

At this moment, in Qingdeng's mind, such a murmur emerged for no reason:

——Is this... war...?
Now is not the time to become a great philosopher and ponder these difficult questions.

With the blessing of the "Strength Essence" that increases the speed of physical recovery, Qingdeng quickly adjusted his breathing rhythm.

He had just taken a step forward, ready to rejoin the battlefield, when he suddenly felt something, accompanied by the sound of the air being cut, rushing towards him from behind.

Qingdeng, with chicken skin on his back instantly, dodged to the left like a conditional launch.

A knife slashed towards where Qingdeng was standing just now——the man holding the knife was a majestic gangster in a large red armor.

With such obviously high-quality armor to wear... Presumably this person must have a certain status among the soma crowd.

"I am a feudal vassal of Sendai, Kageshin Akechiru, Yuuki Tsunekichi!" he shouted, "Die!"

They've all turned into bandits, but they're still doing the "samurai duel"... Qingdeng's mouth curled into a mocking smile.

"Drink ah ah ah ah!"

The gangster who claimed to be Changji Yuki attacked with a knife.

But just as he raised the knife, Qingdeng had disappeared without a trace.

"Where are you looking?"


With the powerful explosive power endowed by "bear's waist + 1" and "leading the horse", Qingdeng leaped in the air, and hit Yuki Changji hard on the forehead with the acceleration of gravity in his hand when he landed.

Tsunekichi Yuuki's helmet saved... or briefly saved his life.

Although the mottled helmet on his head had only a thin layer of iron skin, it still dissipated part of the force of Qingdeng's slash, and slightly skewed the path of the sword.

Pa——Yuki Changkichi's helmet was directly split in two, and a big gap was opened in the top of the sky cap, and blood was continuously sprayed out along this big gap like a fountain.

In the blink of an eye, Yuki Changkichi's entire face was stained a terrifying red by his own blood.

At this time, Changji Yuki suddenly let out a strange moan of pain.

"Woo...! Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!"

Dense red blood threads climbed up the whites of Yuuki Changkichi's eyes like a spider web.

"Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Changji Yuki violently jumped up, and like a mad bear, he rushed towards Qingdeng.

Although Tsunekichi Yuuki's "Physical Impact" is full of momentum, it is obviously impossible to touch Qingdeng with such an attack with only momentum but no skill or speed.

Qingdeng took a step to the right, passing Changji Yuuki casually.Immediately afterwards, with a horizontal knife in front of him, he pierced Tsunekichi Yuuki's throat without armor protection.

Throat pierced... This is supposed to be an injury that can kill people beyond death.

But at this moment, a sudden change came.

I saw Yuki Changkin's bloodshot eyeballs slanted in the direction where Qingdeng was.Then, he slammed the knife in his hand and raised his hands, holding Ding Guishen firmly in his throat!

What——a strong astonishment floated between Qingdeng's brows.

He tried to draw back Ding Guishen, but he didn't know whether it was the flashback before his death or some other reason, Yuki Changji broke out with amazing wrist strength and toughness at this moment.

For a while, Qingdeng couldn't take back Ding Guishen quickly.

At this time, out of the corner of his eyes, Qing Deng suddenly caught a glimpse of two figures running towards him, one left and one right, holding bright swords.

"Hee..." Yucheng Changji cast a sinister look at Qingdeng, and the corners of his mouth curled up, giving out a gloomy and triumphant sneer.

At this critical moment, a loud shout suddenly exploded from behind Qingdeng:
"King Ren!"

Qingdeng turned his head and looked back——a knife flew through the air in a circle and flew straight towards him!
"Huo Fu Zhi Hu" is here!
In this chapter, the author wrote very coolly.

The author's debut novel is a war novel (that is, "Military Genius"), so there is a wonderful sense of nostalgia when writing this chapter. (Leopard crying.jpg)

The total number of people on both sides barely broke the 500 small-scale battle, and I wrote the effect like a decisive battle... As expected of me! (Pride of the Leopard.jpg)

This chapter is a rare [-]-character chapter, and the quality is still very high. If you don’t give a monthly pass, it really can’t be justified! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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