I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 30 Ju Qingdeng, who solves the case instantly

Chapter 30 Ju Qingdeng, who solves the case instantly
——Anyway, let’s act first.

Qing Deng clenched his naturally hanging hands slightly, and recited his favorite sentence in his heart.

In short, let's act first.

Due to various reasons such as insufficient technical conditions, serious cases such as homicides are difficult to solve.

So, on the other hand: if a murder case can be solved, then the achievements of the government will be brighter in an instant!

Do everything possible to solve high-value major and serious cases-this is the only way to pass the "big boss assessment" one and a half months later.

Those high-value major and serious cases may not necessarily fall on Qingdeng's head.

Qingdeng concluded that even if Arima wanted to hand over those cases that were easy to increase his political achievements to him, Susui might not agree.

After all, thanks to "Yuan Juqingdeng", the name of "Didoudeng" is really notorious. If he were Susui, he would not want to hand over those serious and important cases to such incompetent people.

That being the case, you can only take the initiative to take the initiative to fight for it.

And now, there is an excellent opportunity in front of him.

Kiyanagi was one of the jurisdictions he was in charge of. Before Tongxin, who was officially in charge of the case, was sent by Fengxing, he had the ability to go in and out of the crime scene naturally, and no one could criticize him afterwards.

I'm Dingdinghui Tongxin, who is in charge of the security work in this area. I'm going to the scene of the crime to check the situation. What's the matter?Is there a problem?
Qingdeng's plan is very simple - before Tongxin who is in charge of the case arrives, go to the scene of the crime to collect clues, try to solve the case, and let his current extremely ugly achievements shine brightly!

In his previous life, he was a serious graduate of the police academy with excellent grades.

Although I didn't have time to formally join the police force or go to graduate school or further study, I traveled here.

But the knowledge learned in the academy and the countless cases studied are still stored in Qingdeng's mind.

Although what he learned in his previous life may not be able to successfully help him solve the case, he may end up working in vain.

But—what the hell!

Let's act first and then talk!

After moving, slowly think about whether it is possible or not.

"Master Ju, do you want to go into the house?" Hearing what Qing Deng said just now, Hui Dalang was stunned.

"After all, I am Tongxin who is responsible for the security work in this area." Qingdeng smiled slightly, and said casually, "There is such a serious murder case in the jurisdiction, it would be unreasonable for me not to go in and have a look."

Hearing Qingdeng's words, Hui Dalang contemptuously thought to himself:

——Come on... What can you do if you go in and have a look... What if you accidentally damage the crime scene like before...

Although he was full of complaints in his heart, Hui Dalang perfectly displayed the expression control ability that he had cultivated after serving as a town servant for many years——

Hui Dalang: () "Yes! I will definitely not let any irrelevant people approach the house!"

Hui Dalang, with a flattering smile on his face, bowed respectfully to Qingdeng.

whatever!Anyway, even if something goes wrong with this dumbass, it's none of my business!
It would be better to say——Hui Dalang quite hoped that Qingdeng could quickly enter the scene of the crime.In this way, he would no longer have to see this idiot, nor would he need to listen to him give orders.

After instructing Hui Dalang to strengthen the line of defense to keep out irrelevant people, Qingdeng took out a pair of gloves from his pocket.

These are the cold gloves that Kubei gave him this morning.

Because he felt that the weather was not too cold today, so Qingdeng kept it in his bosom and did not take it out for use.

Although it seems that there is no need to wear gloves in this era when there are no reconnaissance methods such as fingerprint retrieval, but Qingdeng still wants to keep this habit cultivated when he studied in the police academy in his previous life.

Tongxin, who was sent to take charge of the case, might be on his way now.

Time was tight—after putting on the gloves, Qingdeng opened the door of Granny Ping's house without any hesitation...

Bloody smell.

After entering the house, the disgusting bloody smell went straight into Qingdeng's nostrils.

Important clues may appear anywhere in this house, inside and out.

Therefore——after entering the room, Qing Deng's eyes began to scan around.

The ceiling, the floor, the walls...everything that the eyes can see, is not let go.

In his previous life, Qingdeng especially liked well-known detectives with titles such as "King of the Field" and "Contemporary Sherlock Holmes": A sentence that Li Changyu once said——

There are 7 methods of collecting evidence: standing to watch, bending over to look, bending to look deeper, squatting to look, kneeling to look, sitting to look, and a combination of various methods.

He has always felt that this sentence is simply a wise saying.

Granny Ping's house is not that big, following the smell of blood, while observing the surroundings, while slowly moving from the entrance to the depths of the house, Qingdeng finally arrived at...the place where the smell of blood came out - the living room.

As soon as he stood by the open hall door, the scene in the room made Qing Deng's pupils shrink slightly.

In the small living room, an old woman was lying face up on the ground, her chest was covered in blood and flesh.

The blood flowing out of her body dyed most of her body and the tatami under her body red.

With his wide open eyes, even though he has lost his spirit, he can still vaguely see the horror left in the depths of his pupils...

What a horrible experience the victim had when he died... I can't bear to think about it.

After taking several deep breaths, Qingdeng adjusted his mood and state, walked slowly to Granny Ping's body, closed his eyes and mourned silently.

— Please rest in peace...

After a moment of silence for the unfortunately killed old lady, Qingdeng opened his eyes and roughly surveyed the hall.

The scene was far more complete than Qingdeng had imagined.

It seems that those who found Granny Ping's body did not destroy the scene excessively, and Hui Dalang took good care of the crime scene afterwards, and did not let any unrelated people approach.

The scene was far better than expected—this made Qing Deng breathe a sigh of relief.

Crouching on the tatami, Qingdeng frowned slightly as soon as he began to inspect Granny Ping's body.

He has learned some basic forensic knowledge, and according to his deduction, the time of Granny Ping's death can be determined to be last night.

The murder weapon was a sharp knife. Granny Ping was stabbed seven times in the chest, and apart from the knife wound on her chest, no other injuries were seen on her body.

The seven stab wounds on Granny Ping's chest were quite messy, and only one stabbed successfully hit a vital point, but it was the only one that hit a vital point and took Granny Ping's life.

After carefully examining Granny Ping's wound for a while, Qingdeng turned his eyes and began to look at...Grandma Ping's clothes.

Looking at the neatly dressed uniform on Granny Ping's body, Qing Deng's brows became more and more wrinkled.

Grandma Ping's clothes have a patch on the chest, sleeves, and waist.

It can be seen that her clothes have been worn for a long time, and the color of the clothes has been washed very lightly.

At this moment, out of the corner of Qingdeng's eyes, he suddenly found a small candlestick not far from the body.

On the candlestick was a small piece of candle that was only as high as a thumb.

Qingdeng leaned closer to the candlestick and looked at the small piece of candle in detail.

The root of the candle is a large amount of solidified candle liquid.

These pieces of solidified candle liquid... are quite brand new, and one can tell that they have just solidified not long ago.

After looking at the small piece of candle for a while, Qingdeng raised his head and looked around.

After looking around the room, Qingdeng's eyes fixed on the quaint locker placed in the corner of the hall.

Walking quickly to this locker, he opened the locker - as soon as he opened the locker, Qing Deng found what he wanted to find - quite ample lamp oil.

"...It went better than expected."

Qing Deng let out a long breath.

There was a bit of relief in his long sigh.

"Already... know who the suspect is..."

New book set sail!

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!

 In fact, this chapter has given enough clues for readers to deduce who the perpetrators are [which groups are important suspects].

  Interested readers can come and see~
  This can be difficult.

  Because this requires the use of some common sense in the Edo period, it may be difficult for people who do not understand the common sense of life in that era to reason.

(End of this chapter)

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