I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 307 Qingdeng is promoted!Zenglu 250 stones!Give a pair of treasure armor! 【1】

A total of 31 bandits were captured by the crusading army, the highest among them was the third head of Somazhong - a tall and skinny man.

The bamboo cages used to hold the captives were the kind used to hold fruits and vegetables and animals, and they were very breathable.

The criss-crossing bamboo strips are woven into diamond-shaped "ventilation windows" as big as fists. People outside can clearly see the scene inside the cage, and the distressed appearance of the prisoners can be clearly seen under the eyes of the crowd.

The thieves inside the cage were all disheveled, dejected, and sluggish. Their bodies exuded the same unpleasant smell as that of animals. How could they still have the arrogance of the common people in the past?

I don't know who started it, grabbed the sand from the ground and threw it at the bandits in the cage.

There is no need for any incitement. For the people of this era, the disgust and hatred for bandits is deeply rooted in their bones.

Seeing someone start this idea, the rest of the people immediately followed suit.

It doesn't matter who it is, as long as it sees that it is packed in a bamboo cage, it immediately bends down to pick up mud, sand and other objects, and throws them at them all at once.

All of a sudden, sand, stones, rotten vegetable leaves and other things rained down on the captured bandits.

Soon, the bodies of the thieves seemed to have opened a dyeing workshop, red, white, black, gray...all kinds of colors.

But now, he has given up "struggling"—how could he be able to stop the mouths of all sentient beings with his own strength?
Qingdeng's state of mind at this time is already like this:

Excluding the time for marching and reorganizing the army, there are only 2 days for fighting in total - 1 day is used to remove the checkpoints on the mountain road, and 1 day is used to launch a general attack on the cottage.

Qingdeng became famous again.

Most of the meals throughout the year are watery porridge and dry pickled radishes; the lowest level of gangstas have to hesitate before they can make up their minds to consume once; the only spiritual enjoyment on weekdays It's just listening to storytellers on the street - life is dull and depressing.

"You fools are worthy of throwing vegetable leaves at me? What are you doing? Ah?!"

From the departure of the troops to the triumphant return, the total time is less than a month.

The perfect golden tortoise!

For a big celebrity like Qingdeng, the basic information such as age, family situation, and marital status must have been thoroughly investigated long ago.

Today's class division of the crusading army has aroused great repercussions - it is not an exaggeration to call it "the whole city of Edo shook".

It's so depressing.

Qingdeng's outstanding performance in this Western Expedition proved one thing - even if he moved to Huofu Bandit Kai, he could still get along like a duck to water in this brand new world!Make great contributions and make big money!

As a result, the three became tigers and spread rumors, and the number swelled to 50 in such a short period of time...

At this time, my grandson, who rode his horse ahead of Qingdeng, suddenly turned his head and smiled at Qingdeng:
"Mr. Ju, look~ A lot of uncles and aunts are staring at you with sharp eyes~ You have to pay more attention~ After a while, the matchmaker who comes to propose marriage to you may knock down the door frame of your house~ ~"

Therefore, since ancient times, no matter which country it is, "first boarding" has been a first-class achievement.

I didn't expect the crusading army to be such a popular prison, and I didn't expect this situation.In order to avoid accidents such as stampede incidents, more people were urgently dispatched from the surrounding self-owned units to the scene to maintain order.

Looking back at the entire battle of the crusading army against the Xiangmazhong, whether it was the initial "checkpoint offensive and defensive battle" or the final "cottage final battle", the first person to break through the gate and enter the enemy's line was Qingdeng.

The corners of Qingdeng's mouth twitched slightly, and a dry smile full of helplessness escaped from his throat.



Thinking of this, Qingdeng couldn't help but feel his scalp go numb...

"It feels like he doesn't look like a swordsman at all. Shouldn't those kind of martial arts masters be tall and thick?"

With only 300 troops, it took only 2 days to wipe out bandits with more than 200 people and an excellent location... Whether it took time or how many levels they cut, the final results were astonishing.

As long as you don't spread outrageous rumors such as "Ju Qingdeng is a man of many ways" and "Ju Qingdeng likes to visit Yoshiwara", let the people talk about it!

The girls either looked indifferent, as if they had heard the most boring joke in the world;

Although the information retrieval ability of this year is far inferior to that of the Internet age of later generations, sometimes it is really impossible to underestimate the current intelligence network and people's ability to collect information.

At this moment, there is such a group of targets that they can beat and scold at their will, neatly listed in front of their eyes... Such a great opportunity to vent their emotions, how can they not enjoy it?

However, because of the preconceived influence of Sanako and Kinoshita Mai, it is difficult for ordinary girls to have a strong attraction to Qingdeng.

Due to his low social status, Uedo is very good at...or in other words, he has to live in groups.

However, at least in one corner of Edo, it is true that "everyone sings King Nio's name"!

Those guys who were imprisoned in the bamboo cage were used to the life of the domineering and domineering emperor.Even if you are captured, it is difficult to change your nature for a while.A very few of them roared at the top of their voices because they could not bear the humiliation.

The corners of the mouth raised slightly uncontrollably.

Qingdeng, who is now honored as "King Ni", was an undoubted star in Edo nowadays, with countless fans.

After hearing this, Qingdeng raised his eyes that were sinking directly in front of him, moved his eyes up and down for a while, and then scanned straight to the left and right sides.

If Qingdeng is a worthy "investment" object, it was still a doubtful question in the past, but from now on, this doubt has been completely dispelled.

Some of them even brought the eldest daughter of Huanghua who was waiting at home.

So in general - ordinary people in the Edo period did not have any "objects to oppress".They are "oppressed objects" who can only silently endure the oppression and exploitation of others.

18 years old, no family, no fiancée, outstanding talent, rising to the top... These words are put together to form a brand new vocabulary: rich man!

Although Qingdeng has long been used to this feeling of "being recognized by others on the street" and "being pointed at by others", this kind of riding on a horse, like a "personal touring exhibition", is for the public It is the first case for passers-by to watch.

Rich merchants who were rich and princely oppressed warriors.

Can't find it at a glance.

Until now, there are still many people discussing Qingdeng's feat of "going straight to the settlement alone and fighting against the barbarian group" a few months ago after tea and dinner.

Although this military victory was just a victory over a group of bandits, and the scale of the battle was not large, it was enough to bring some comfort to the people of Edo who were used to hearing all kinds of bad news.

Very few girls were very lucky to meet Qingdeng's eyes.But in just an instant, they actively and quickly looked away.While looking away, their faces turned even redder—Qingdeng had seen such expressions and movements countless times at Kinoshita Mai.

Calculating based on the current speed of information dissemination, Qingdeng's name should not yet be a household name across the country.

And Qingdeng's personal image is very in line with the taste of the common people - young, good-looking, and strong.

The spread of news in this era is sometimes so weird.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the above-mentioned things are all irrelevant—they just need to know that the people in the bamboo cage are villains who can let them "revenge".

Not to mention, he is worthy of being a bandit who makes a living by oppressing the people.Years of arrogance and domineering life have made each of them have a bluffing arrogance and an intimidating accent.

After the whole Western Expedition, there were only 30 bandits who died under Qingdeng's sword.

The warriors went to oppress ordinary people.

At this moment, Qingdeng, who was riding a black war horse at the front of the line with my grandson, Kanazawa Chusuke, had been wearing a stiff smile since just now.

"It's so tall..."

As for the second...the reason is more interesting: there is an orange green board in the crusade army—to be more precise, there is an orange green board that has made no rewards.

With the overall decline of the samurai class, the samurai with aloof talent, bright future and marriageable age are already like giant pandas, and they are an excellent commodity in the marriage market.

After a certain Yuli yelled so loudly, he personally led a group of concentrics, and beat up these ignorant arrogant elements through a bamboo cage with undrawn knives, scabbard spears, etc. They were beaten until their noses and faces were swollen, their teeth were all over the ground, and the "dye workshops" on their bodies became more and more "colorful" before they could barely stop.

The kind of young hero who is invincible and sweeps away thousands of troops has always been more popular.That's why people often beautify Zhao Zilong as a handsome boy with a white face and no beard.

Those bandits who were invincible and domineering in everyone's impression in the past would cry, beg for mercy hoarsely, be frightened out of their wits, and show a poor and cowardly look.

Moreover, in the social concept of this era, filth is an "unclean thing" that cannot be touched.Therefore, no ordinary person would go to get close to Huiduo in a leisurely manner.

As a result, Qingdeng, whose popularity rose again after the Western Expedition, naturally attracted the most attention and discussions on the streets and on the way into the city.

But what does it matter?

Who are these uncles and aunts?
People with a little bit of social experience should have immediately come to the answer - they are here to "get a son-in-law under the list"!

As for the ordinary people... Although theoretically speaking, they could oppress Suiduo, who was classified as a pariah, but they were not so easy to bully.

Who are the people in the bamboo cage?

It can be predicted that for a long period of time in the future, the matchmakers who patronize the test hall will be full of holes...

These uncles and aunts who were staring at Qingdeng with sharp eyes came to check on the girl in their family.

In the past, Qingdeng would still try to resist when he heard such outrageous rumors from people.

What's more, they don't even know which army the triumphant army in front of them belongs to and what they have done.

The bandits who looked even more embarrassed shouted and shouted, causing the people on both sides of the street to clap their hands and cheer.

But after careful inspection, Qingdeng suddenly found the faces of uncles and aunts with sharp eyes...

Some of them were accompanied by a young girl.While "appreciating" Qingdeng, from time to time I poked my head and said something to the girl next to me.

"Kill me if you have the guts! Kill me if you have the guts!"

Think about whether it is worthwhile to accept Qingdeng as his son-in-law.

"They are already prisoners, how dare they be so rampant?"

The content of the discussion is nothing more than "Hey, how much reward do you think we can get this time?", "How much reward do you think XXXX can get?"...

Qingdeng, who has made the most achievements, naturally became the center of discussion.

Rewards for meritorious deeds and punishment for demerits—this is a matter of course.

"It is said that he killed more than 50 bandits by himself!"

As a result, before the previous wave of enthusiasm had subsided, Qingdeng just relied on his overwhelming strength to stir up a new wave of enthusiasm!
Attacking the city and the pass carefully constructed by the enemy is a triple test of courage, strength and luck.

Qingdeng has heard such words, such remarks, countless times along the way...

To make trouble for Xie Duo... Then it is not certain who will be unlucky in the end.

After the crusade against the army division, the soldiers were in a state of tension, quietly waiting for the reward from the shogunate.

"Ah, I found it! Look! He is 'Nioh' Ju Qingdeng!"

Climbing first three times + beheading the leader and capturing the flag... This feat is already great enough to make the listener wonder if there is something wrong with his ears.

Many of them didn't even know where the Soma Clan were bandits entrenched, or even who were inside the bamboo cage.

——I am with Sanako and Ah Wu...as expected, I am whole-hearted!
Qingdeng, who was proud of his single-mindedness, thought to himself in a confident and cheerful tone.

The people's imagination and ability to spread rumors are as powerful as ever.

"I remember your faces! You better pray that I am sentenced to death, or sentenced to a lifetime of food in prison! Otherwise, when I come out, I must kill you all! Not only will you all be Kill them all! You will also strip your wives and daughters of their clothes!"


However, these arrogant elements were quickly "shut up" physically.

What crime did they commit?
Are these questions important?
These questions don't matter at all!
No matter who the people in the cage are, it does not prevent the public from using them as "vents" to vent their emotions.

There is a strange sense of shame for no reason...

More and more people came from various cities and towns to watch the triumphant heroic appearance of Qingdeng and others. The crowd of spectators was overwhelming, and the capacity of the street was almost exceeded.

Excellent steamed buns!

Why is this so... There are mainly 2 reasons——

What's even more strange—Qingdeng doesn't dislike this kind of shame very much.It was just because he was not used to this kind of thing that he couldn't help but have a stiff expression.

At the same time, he was still in the final stage of the battle. He personally led his soldiers to pursue the road and brought back the head of the thief chief Keinosuke Yokokura.

As soon as my grandson finished speaking, Zhongsuke Kanazawa, who had just proposed marriage to Qingdeng a few days ago, suddenly became intriguing.

See for yourself what Qing Deng really looks like.

The extreme solidification of classes has long brought the oppression and exploitation of Japan to a heinous level.

While waiting, they couldn't hold back their enthusiasm for active discussions.

In fact, many people standing on both sides of the street at this moment are just here to watch the fun.

Those people who were frightened by the "desperate barking" of the arrogant just now breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly braved up to pick up the sand, rotten vegetable leaves, etc., and continued laughing and laughing while holding The things that belonged to them slammed into the bamboo cages and the stray dogs who were about to be judged and convicted in the near future.

The shogun and the daimyo of the vassal state oppressed the people.

It has to be said that some of the girls who were brought by these uncles and aunts who wanted to find a good husband were quite suitable for Qingdeng's appetite.

First, the crusade army's expedition to the west has won very beautifully, and the victory is very proud.

Judging from the expressions on their faces, they should have a high opinion of Qingdeng.

After that, no one dared to make any sound other than screams and wailing.

After they yelled so many times, they really scared many people.

I saw that these uncles and aunts looked at Qingdeng carefully from head to toe with eyes as if they were inspecting goods.

Since the "Black Ship Incident", the people of Edo have not heard the news of "military victory" for a long time, so they are naturally excited.

That is to say—in just two days, Qingdeng has made three consecutive achievements...


Yakuza's predecessor was the huddled Uedo.

When the troops were still resting in Inawa Village, how did the soldiers kill the Somas to the brim in just two days... Especially the heroic deeds of Qingdeng have already begun to be circulated in the streets of Edo .

The shogunate did not keep the soldiers waiting too long.

Only a few days later, a long list of rewards was distributed to the government office of Huo Fu Thief Kai.

The much-anticipated content of Qingdeng's reward has finally come to light—the increase in family salary by 250 shi!Give a pair of armor!
It's the end of the month!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

The author has recently pinched out of "false comprehensive certificate", so the number of words is a little bit unsatisfactory.

But please rest assured!Starting tomorrow, the author will try his best to restore the update to the conscience mode of the past!

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