I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 319 Renzhan Qingdeng vs Renzhan Kujiro!A duel between humans! 【Leopard 1W】

Chapter 319 Renzhan Qingdeng vs Renzhan Kujiro!A duel between humans! 【Leopard 1W】

In an instant, the courtyard became audible, and only the breathing of the people and the "buzzing" of the arrow feathers could be faintly heard.

Because Qingdeng's shooting speed was so fast, when every arrow was shot, he almost didn't aim at it, and almost shot it with his hand raised.

Therefore, the total time for shooting all three arrows is less than 3 seconds, and most of the time in these 10 seconds is spent on taking arrows from the quiver.

Due to the high rate of fire and short shooting time, every arrow shot by Qingdeng is still trembling slightly like a wagtail's tail due to the reaction force.

Qingdeng, Konosuke Kitahara, Sanako, and Otsuki were not the only ones in the huge courtyard.

On the edge of the courtyard and at the gate, there are many Yakuza who are in charge of guarding the mission.

Whether Kitahara Konosuke, Sanako and others, or the Yakuza standing guard, the gazes of everyone present except Qingdeng, after being slightly stunned, froze in the eyes of the three The arrow hits the target of the bull's-eye.

He was dumbfounded, his face full of disbelief.

Konosuke Kitahara, with straight eyes, forgot to breathe for a moment, and even forgot the existence of his own body. The whole person was in a weird state where the soul seemed to be separated from the body and wandered into the sky.

Qingdeng handed back the bow in his hand to Konosuke Kitahara who was walking in front of him, and at the same time uttered this self-deprecating phrase that can be called a classic handed down from generation to generation.

With a family like Qingdeng's, it shouldn't and it is impossible for him to have the opportunity to get in touch with archery!

You know, the target used by Qingdeng is a 20-meter target.

"Lord Nioh..."

The Qingxia League is the "combat force" of the Qingshui clan, gathering a large number of fierce men who dare to fight and kill.Among them, there are many excellent warriors who have been passed down.

The sword and body of Kojiro Oishi collided heavily with the sword and body of Qingdeng who stood still and waited for the opponent to attack.

The existence of "ghost heart" further shortened the time Qingdeng needed to learn skills and techniques.

I don't have any deep hatred with Oishi Kujiro, so there is no need to embarrass others by not showing face.

He first jumped sideways sideways as light as a swallow, dodging to a position where Kojiro Oishi could not cut.

Sanako felt that her cheeks were turning red and hot at an appreciable speed.

One stroke, five strokes, nine strokes... until it is difficult to measure and count.

After all, who is Tianzhangyuan?Although she is currently being crazily suppressed by the "Hittohashi faction", her noble status as the "No.

While Qingdeng nodded to Oishi Kujiro, he also reported his own name.

"Whirring whirring……"

In the first half of a second, Oishi Kujiro, who was still squatting in a standard posture towards Qingdeng, changed his posture in the second half of the second!

In the next breath, Oishi Kojiro's not-so-strong body suddenly sank, his knees bent, his center of gravity lowered, and he looked as if he was about to kneel on the ground...

Not far away, Sanako also squinted her beautiful eyes.

The two passed by at a distance so close that their bodies were almost touching each other.

Nioh, third floor, dojo——

Wow, bang, bang—Kounosuke Kitahara, who had just parted, and a young man whom he had never seen before appeared in front of Qingdeng and the others.

Konosuke Kitahara turned his head and shouted to a Yakuza beside him:


Kitahara Konosuke walked in front of Qingdeng, and after delivering his modest remarks, he stood sideways for half a step, showing the young man behind him.


Qing Deng nodded.

The "seeing through" that improves the sense of space makes it easier for Qingdeng to grasp the distance between himself and the target.

With such lines, such a demeanor, a sense of superiority without arrogance or impetuosity emerges spontaneously.

"If you're ready and there are no objections... let's get started!"

Sanako's reaction was much calmer than that of Konosuke Kitahara and Otsuki.

The sound of fierce bamboo sword clashing shook the air in the dojo.

"You passed the archery trial, now let's go to the second trial."

After many times of talent fusion, Qingdeng's "Bow Master" has been upgraded to 18 times that of ordinary people.

Konosuke Kitahara thought for a long time.

It would be fine if it was just an ordinary three-point target with three arrows, but...Qingdeng's shooting accuracy was ridiculously accurate, and there was almost no time to aim, so he just raised his hand and shot.

What Qingdeng said to Zuo Nazi just now, that is, "It's the first time for me to use this kind of bow. But it should be fine", is not lying or self-effacing.He was telling the truth, but Sanako misunderstood.

When the young man's arms were swinging, there was a strong wind, and the sound of "huhuhu" shaking the air could be faintly heard.

Pa - the bamboo swords intersected, Qingdeng deflected the opponent's attack, but because the defense was too hasty, his body posture suddenly entered a very dangerous situation where the enemy could easily take advantage of it.

But in fact?
Pa—the bamboo swords of the two collided countless times.As if being shaken away by the air waves and the reaction force of the collision, the two of them flew backwards at the same time with their feet sticking to the ground, pulling out a distance of about 4 steps before the two sides stabilized their figures.

Oishi Kujiro moves very fast.

Konosuke Kitahara's mouth curled up in an intriguing arc.

The indifference of not treating people as human beings.

If you take half a step back, I will take half a step forward.

With his own hard work, coupled with the blessings of many talents, and the help brought by Tianzhangyuan's personal guidance in various senses, Qingdeng's current archery level has reached the level of being able to shoot 25 out of 10 shots within a range of 9 meters If the target is a moving target, the hit rate can be guaranteed within a range of 10 meters.

Different from the refreshing sound that I am used to, the sound when I plucked the strings is very muffled, and it feels uncomfortable to listen to.

It only takes a moment... As long as Oishi Koujiro can be distracted for a moment by his cry, Qingdeng can bring the victory to an immediate end.

Qingtou and Oishi Kojiro bowing towards each other; Otsuki with a relaxed smile on his face; Sanako calmly; although there is a meaningful arc on the lips, it is still faintly visible in the eyes The anxious Kitahara Konosuke——

Don't I know about your Ju Qingdeng's past?You grew up with me!Have you ever learned Lao Shizi's bow skills?
Even though he doesn't understand archery, he insists on accepting the so-called trial mentioned by Konosuke Kitahara... Otsuki couldn't help but think darkly in his heart: Could it be... Tachibana-kun is just trying to perfunctory me, in order to complete the treatment of me as soon as possible The promise of "I will do my best to save Tsukiji Otsuki" is why I nodded so arbitrarily to Kitahara Konosuke?

"Natural mental flow, orange green."

Konosuke Kitahara said.

Konosuke Kitahara stood where he was, watching Qingdeng and the others, wondering what he was thinking.

What kind of bow did I use when I practiced at Tsukimiya Shrine?It was the precious bow provided by the "Queen Dowager" Tianzhang Academy.

If you slash me, I will exchange your sword.

The condition that Konosuke Kitahara gave Qingdeng to pass the archery trial was that 7 out of 3 arrows should be shot within the white circle.

Then, as if they had planned it out from the beginning, Seito and Oishi Kojiro made the same movement—stepping forward together.

With the status of Tianzhangyuan, what kind of bow he wants is just a matter of opening his mouth.

Although this person's words were very tactful, Konosuke Kitahara immediately understood what he meant - is it really okay to compete with a swordsman like Nioh with outstanding skills?Who do you want to send to compete with Nioh?

However, between pitching and pitching, the bamboo swords kept clashing and making clear noises, and they had struck each other 12 or 3 times, accompanied by fierce shouts.

Sanako just opened her eyes slightly, the lines of her pretty face suddenly became straight, and the emotions in her eyes fluctuated.

Tobacco room for smoking is available.

The "gathering spirit", which endows him with the ability to "much easier to concentrate and focus than ordinary people", is to further greatly improve Qingdeng's cultivation progress on the basis of "bow master" and "ghost heart".

I saw Kojiro Oishi suddenly lowered the blade of the sword sharply, and suddenly switched to the lower stance.

Qingdeng, who came back to his senses, froze for a moment, then shook his head vigorously a few times, trying to get rid of all these strange distracting thoughts related to Tianzhang Courtyard.

Qingdeng has fought quite a few opponents of various types, but this is the first time Qingdeng has encountered this "killing machine".

"Lord Nioh."

Rooms with various functions have everything that one expects to find and are very complete.

Although the numerical value is far inferior to that of Qingdeng's "Sword Saint", which is 106 times that of ordinary people, the number "18" is also very scary.

Qingdeng put on protective gear such as "face", "cage hand", and "body", and then walked into the center of the dojo with a bamboo sword - Oishi Kujiro, who pierced the armor a little faster than him, was already waiting there .

Right now, the archery trial that is most likely to go wrong has passed. Facing the current field that he is best at, he can't help feeling relaxed.

This is the physical memory remaining deep in the skin of Qingdeng's left body and back.

At this time, there was a light night wind blowing, and Sanako's long hair swayed with the wind.

Fortunately, the final result still satisfied Qingdeng.

"Really...do you want to test Nioh's swordsmanship?"

Immediately afterwards, embarrassment appeared on Qingdeng's face, and an unspeakable strange emotion aroused in his chest...

"Oishi Koujiro? Are you going to send 'Kinzaku Jiro' to deal with Nioh?"

Kojiro Oishi nodded to show that he had received Qingdeng's self-introduction.

On the one hand, it is because Sanako received the extremely strict Yamato Nadeko education since she was a child, so she has cultivated herself and rarely shows the appearance of such violent emotional fluctuations.

His facial features turned his equally stiff neck stiffly, and his eyes looked at Qingdeng in astonishment.

No.Maybe... the second daughter is even more shocked now than Konosuke Kanakihara.

In the next instant, he made a second blow.

The tip of the sword pulled up from bottom to top brushed the floor. If it was a hundred-refined steel knife instead of a bamboo sword, then there should be shining sparks at this moment.

Qingdeng's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhole in an instant.

——His Highness Tianzhangyuan...

What kind of bow did Konosuke Kitahara provide?You ask me to use it.

It takes a long time to aim there, and being able to shoot with a bow...these two are two concepts, two realms.

It turns out that this ordinary Japanese bow is so difficult to use?

Both of them noticed the young man's arms at the same time.


Just as Qingdeng swung his counterattack sword, Oishi Kojiro disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Sorry, my lord, for keeping you waiting."

At this time, Qingdeng deeply felt the difference between bows of different prices.

This person is a member of the Qing Xia League... It is unexpected, but it is reasonable.

The body is neither fat nor thin, but the limbs are exceptionally thick.

It is reasonable to send Qing Xialian team members who have both excellent martial arts strength and sufficient actual combat experience to compete with him.

And he is very likely to have a certain anti-social personality.At least there is no resistance to hurting people, and no reverence for life.

There are too many talents that can assist Qingdeng's bow skills.

After wiping off the saliva from the corner of his mouth, Da Yueshi turned his unexpectedly narrow eyes back to Qingdeng.

When he said this, the talent "Emperor's Art" was activated unconsciously, and Qing Deng showed a calm, "I'm still far away" expression.

"Oishi Kojiro is your opponent in the second trial. As long as you can defeat him, then I will immediately enlarge Yue Changji's freedom without saying a word, otherwise please go back home."

Pure indifference.

Even people who don't understand kendo at all, such as Otsuki Mino, can see how incredible the power and speed of Oishi Kojiro's blow is.

In the turmoil, I don't know which of the two uttered a low cry of pain-when everyone around the scene leaned out to check, they saw Oishi Yujiro holding the bamboo sword that had been baited back, striding towards the Back more than 2 meters.

——Nioh...can archery? !Why does he know how to bow? !
Although he was against this reality in his heart, the scene presented to Konosuke Kitahara was real and he couldn't ignore it.

Boom, boom, boom—footsteps slipped, the ground creaked.The two drew a distance of three steps in one breath.

Sanako pretended to hold down her hair with her snow-white and slender fingers, but actually secretly covered her face with a cherry-colored halo with her palm...

Otsuki sat side by side with Sanako on the edge of the dojo in an orderly manner, with a look of peace of mind on his face as if a big stone in his heart had fallen to the ground.

Although the sword's landing point is correct, it may not be able to hit the enemy.

Every time he sees bows or things related to the bow box, Qingdeng can't help but think of Tianzhangyuan.

Qingdeng and the others didn't wait too long in the dojo.

Compared to Qingdeng, Oishi Kujiro was obviously much quieter. From the start of the battle until now, he had not said a single word, nor had he uttered any shouts.

On the other hand, Qingdeng, who has a strong physique built by "Yuanyang +1" and outstanding lung capacity endowed by "iron lung", his breathing has not changed much compared to before the war, and is as steady and powerful as usual.

He raised the bamboo sword horizontally, trying to catch Qingdeng's move, but it was still a moment late...

It's better now, it's hard to ride a tiger.

Although there was no major problem with the center of gravity of the bow, Qingdeng could clearly feel that there was a huge difference in the configuration of the center of gravity between it and those precious bows hidden in the Moon Palace Shrine.

When Oishi Kojiro swung his sword at him for the first time, Qingdeng vaguely felt something strange.

Then he couldn't help recalling the memories that he might never forget in his whole life.

These things will all disappear in the next instant.

There is a large pool and a huge bathroom with bathing function.

At the 20-meter target, all three arrows hit the bull's-eye... It was almost Qingdeng's normal level.

While holding the bamboo sword in front of him in a mid-section stance, hiding his body in the shadow of the bamboo sword, he sized Oishi Kujiro from head to toe several times with eagle-like scrutiny.

Konosuke Kitahara, whose face was blue and whose facial lines were as cold as steel bars, swept around Qingdeng and the bow that Qingdeng handed back, and said slowly in a tone neither sad nor happy:
"I didn't expect... Nioh-sama is not only proficient in swordsmanship, but also in archery. It really opened my eyes."

"Gui'an, it's the first time we meet, I'm on the next Juqingdeng."

Unexpectedly, he swung his sword and attacked Qing Deng's face.

With lightning speed, Qingdeng raised the bamboo sword in his hand horizontally above his head, while holding the blade with his left hand.

With his strong jumping ability, he stepped into the air and easily dodged Qingdeng's bamboo sword.The moment he landed, he slashed down the bamboo sword that was dragged by his side in a posture of eight pairs.

Flash, flash again, flash again—Qingdeng's body flashed flexibly, begged Oishi Kujiro's sword, and then launched a counterattack.

"Your Majesty Renwang is peaceful and not arrogant, which is really admirable."

All of a sudden, sword shadows without any fixed trajectory danced in this small world.

Instantly, Qingdeng felt numb and soft sensations from his left half of his body and back.

When he jumped and his body flew in the air for a short time, he assumed the posture of the upper right section, and then from the upper right to the lower left, he slammed Oishi Kujiro's shoulder with the force of a waterfall!

Qingdeng used the current "monkey cry" in a timely manner, trying to sneak attack the opponent with "sonic attack" when the person was unprepared.

——The archery learned from His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan will come in handy on this occasion by accident...

Looking at the bow in his hand, Tianzhangyuan's charming, mature and beautiful face suddenly appeared in Qingdeng's eyes without being controlled by Qingdeng's consciousness.

Qingdeng squatted down, performing the ritual of squatting.

"Lord Nioh."


The more Da Yueshi thought about it, the more likely it was that such a thing would happen, the more he thought about it, the more bitter and wronged he felt, and he almost shed tears.

Someone will definitely be injured by the sword—anyone would think so, after witnessing such a fierce competition.

Hearing this, Qingdeng thought for a while, and then decided to plagiarize his sword-drawing master... which is Boss Kiryu's favorite catchphrase.

Qingdeng completed the condition ahead of schedule with only 3 arrows, and it was still overfulfilled. All 3 arrows hit the red bullseye that was only the size of a thumb. Although Kitahara Konosuke was unwilling, he could only hold it Nose recognizes this fact.

As a person who loves bows, Kitahara Konosuke could see at a glance how amazing Qingdeng's hand was.

"I used to learn a little archery in Edo."

Qingdeng has never been the kind of conceited and arrogant person. He is not arrogant enough to think that he is unparalleled in the world and invincible in the world.

The content of the second trial proposed by Konosuke Kitahara was to ask Qingdeng to defeat the target he designated.

I saw two dark yellow slender shadows flickering between Qingdeng and Oishi Kojiro.

After less than 3 seconds, Qingdeng's demeanor returned to normal.

Based on Tachibana-kun's strength, no matter who Kitahara Konosuke sends to the battle, Tachibana-kun will definitely be able to quickly defeat the opponent with three blows, five cuts and two--Otsuki is very optimistic and secretly thinks so.

The second trial is the swordsmanship competition.

His thick and powerful legs, but as flexible as a whip, took a big step forward with a "thump", closing the distance between himself and Qingdeng in one breath, and at the same time, the bamboo sword slid up the ground with a "chick", pulling out a straight , the black line going straight to Qingdeng's waist.

"Master Beiyuan."

However, Oishi Kujiro showed extremely powerful fighting qualities.

There was a loud bang that hurt the eardrums.

The shock expressed by the second daughter at this moment is no less than Konosuke Kitahara.

"No outflow, Kojiro Oishi."

And then... no more.

Then, under the illumination of the candlelight, the two silhouettes, drawn long and facing each other with swords and swords reflected on the clean floor, "fused" together at the speed of electricity chasing the wind.

In fact, although there is an unknown difference, Qingdeng does hold the same thoughts as Otsuki now.

Qingdeng didn't know the market price of bows, but he guessed that the bows lent to him by Tianzhang Court were definitely first-class treasures with a price but no market.

He means "the first time he used a bow of this class and so many times".

In addition to these powerful talents, Qingdeng's archery has made such great progress in such a short period of time, the person who taught Qingdeng's archery...that is, Tianzhang Academy has contributed a lot.

The expression of Oishi Kojiro's face under the mask changed slightly, and his eyes, which were so indifferent that they were not like human eyes, regained the stunned expression that reminds people: "Oh, this person is a human being".

——Qing Xialian...

He is about 20 years old; his dark complexion indicates that he often deals with the sun; his complexion is dark gray that does not look healthy and cheerful; although his facial features are correct, he lacks eye-catching prominent elements. You can't find his type in the crowd.

Kojiro Oishi reported to the house in a very old-fashioned way, while holding a bamboo sword, he squatted down and performed the squatting ceremony.

At this time, Konosuke Kitahara was busy fixing his shocked eyes on Qingdeng, so he didn't notice: Sanako and Otsuki who were standing not far away from him were showing their faces with him. The same jaw-dropping look.

The gaze he cast toward Qingdeng didn't seem to be looking at a person, but more like looking at a puppet waiting to be smashed by him.

This feeling will be especially obvious whenever Oishi Kojiro raises his sword to kill Aoto.

Qingdeng nodded, and responded with a light "hmm".

Because of the innate effect of the "Emperor's Art", Qingdeng's self-effacing appearance is very realistic, and he can't pick out the slightest fake.

He parted the corners of his mouth like Qingdeng, revealing his sharp white teeth.

It is the right way to seize the time to think about the countermeasures.

However, at this moment, like a slow-motion movie suddenly starting to fast-forward, Qingtou's hands and feet moved at a speed half a minute faster than that of Oishi Kojiro.

"Yes Yes!"

Arriving at the edge of the field, the relaxed smile on Da Yueshi's face, who thought Qingdeng was definitely winning, disappeared.

Many people present couldn't help muttering in their hearts: King Ren's bow skills are so superb, but he is still so humble... How can he achieve such outstanding martial arts achievements at a very young age of less than ten years old? What a brilliant feat, it really is not without reason!
Kitahara Konosuke took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his emotions, and said:

Da Yueshi suddenly felt that the corners of her mouth were a little cold, and she quickly recovered and raised her hand to touch the place where she felt the cold—it turned out that her red lips were too wide open, and her saliva almost dripped down.

Even the expressions and eyes of Kitahara Konosuke, Sanako and Otsuki Mino changed slightly.

Chou Erlang led Qingdeng, Sanako and his party away.

Because he was used to using extravagant bows that ordinary people would never even have a chance to see, Qingdeng couldn't help being surprised when he received the Japanese bows from Kitahara Konosuke, which were everywhere in the market.

The dull, ear-piercing sound of piercing the air tore apart the silence of the air and dojo.

Can he make good use of this broken bow that he is not used to... To be honest, Qingdeng is not particularly sure.

The first floor is a casino for gamblers to throw coins.

The "Eagle Eye +1" that enhances dynamic vision allows Qingdeng to get twice the result with half the effort when practicing shooting moving targets.


She thought to herself: It's safe!In this trial of swordsmanship, Mr. Ju will definitely win!
Although her knowledge of Qingdeng's swordsmanship level comes from rumors in the market, this does not prevent her from having great confidence in King Ni who is famous for his swordsmanship.

If I had known this, I would not have mentioned Lao Shizi's swordsmanship trial.

The fighting instinct and combat experience honed after a long period of fighting, as well as the "superior speed" of "improving reaction speed", drove Qingdeng's body to move.

Because they are far more familiar with Aoto than Kitahara Konosuke, they are 100% sure that Aoto has never learned bow skills before.

Oishi Koujiro seemed to want to adjust his breathing rhythm, so he didn't immediately rush forward to fight Qingdeng again.

The number of bamboo sword strikes increased at a speed too fast for the consciousness to keep up with.

The young man...that is, Kojiro Oishi bent over to Qingdeng, and greeted him indifferently with no emotion on his face.

But no matter how annoyed it was, it was useless.

Sanako remained calm, her expression was generally calm, but she still couldn't help casting a surprised look at Oishi Koujiro - she wasn't surprised by Oishi Koujiro's strength.

Qingdeng could even feel the warm breath from the other party's mask.

The speed is so fast that it is dizzying.

Even the natural swing of the arm can make such a strong wind sound... It can be seen how much power is contained in the arm.

On the other hand, it is because she has long been used to getting shock and wonder from Qingdeng...

Yakuza was shocked when he heard it.

After the battle started, Oishi Kujiro showed a completely different look from the loose look before the battle.

Instead, Huarong paled, like Kitahara Konosuke who couldn't believe his eyes.

The deep cry of pain that Sanako and the others heard just now came from the mouth of Kojiro Oishi.

"Mr. Beiyuan, you're making a fool of yourself."

He started up with the most adept Kasumi movement, and attacked Oishi Kojiro's chest with a straight thrust.

It was Kojiro Oishi's eyes.

Qingdeng used the simian cry in the display stream that he especially liked to use recently because it was so easy to use, while leaning forward to slash at Oishi Kujiro.

This condition...is too difficult!Where are they going to find a master of swordsmanship who can stand against King Ni, who has accomplished so much in battle and beheaded countless people?

Qingdeng also discovered "such a thing" on Kojiro Oishi.

"Let the horses come."

Taking advantage of Oishi Kojiro backing away and losing his posture, Qingdeng made a move.

A rather old Yakuza walked slowly to Qingdeng's side, and said in a deep voice:

What's more, Qingdeng also has a "ghost heart" that improves the brain's ability to understand.

Qingdeng grinned, slowly spread his legs apart, turned his body sideways, slowly raised the bamboo sword in his hand, and switched his stance to Xia Duan.

He shot himself in the foot.

Qingdeng weighed the Japanese bow in his hand, and silently compared the Japanese bow in his hand with the Japanese bow he used to practice bowing at the Moon Palace Shrine on weekdays.

As if intending to confront Oishi Koujiro, Qingdeng switched his posture to the upper right section while stepping, and then turned his body around the left leg he stepped out.

Thinking of this, the corners of Qingdeng's mouth slightly raised, and he smiled.

After a while, he looked into the distance and said quietly:
"...Call me Kojiro Oishi."

No one escaped, both of them stood in place, and they exchanged fierce offense and defense.

The timing and attack direction of Oishi Kojiro's attack were excellent.Although Qingdeng's consciousness came to his senses, it was difficult for his body to respond effectively because of the angle.

In the area on the second floor and above, many Yakuza of the Shimizu clan can be seen shuttling back and forth in the corridors.

Today is another 1W day for Leopard!For the second consecutive day, the number of leopards exceeded 2!Ask for a monthly pass! (Leopard Cry.jpg) There is Hetianzhangyuan’s hidden Sese, and there is more than half a chapter of hacking, "Sess Party" and "Hacking Party" give me some monthly votes today, isn't it too much?
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

All the external voices and distracting thoughts in the fighting five senses in front of me are quickly dissipated like the ebbing waves due to the activation of "Focus".

Just now it was Oishi Kojiro who launched a very strong active attack, and now it was Qingdeng who took the initiative.

But what moved faster than him was the three-foot sword in his hand!

After Qingdeng let go of the bowstring for the first time, all the bitterness and grievances disappeared.

Koujiro Oishi's chest and shoulders rose and fell slightly.


First of all, it goes without saying that he is a "master of the bow".

"I can't think of anyone else who can beat Nioh in a one-on-one duel, other than 'Kojiro Hitozaru'. Stop talking nonsense, go and call me Kojiro Oishi."

Konosuke Kitahara turned around and said to Aoto.

When the test fails, you can put on airs and say to her: "I'm sorry, but I've tried my best. You can ask for more blessings."

Pa——Qingdeng took a sharp step with his left foot in the direction where Kojiro Oishi was, and the sole of his foot touched the floor with a loud bang.

——Could it be that Nioh really just learned archery recently?This doesn't even make sense!Nioh is an exceptionally gifted swordsmanship genius. Could it be that he also has extraordinary talent in archery, and after a few months of learning, he can reach the level that ordinary people can only achieve after years of hard work?Do not make jokes!How can there be such a monster in this world who is capable of everything and proficient in everything!

Therefore, Qingdeng also declared his family.

"But please enlighten me."

Facing Qingdeng's horrific roar...the other party was unmoved at all, not even moving his eyebrows.

This Yakuza didn't ask any questions, but when he asked, Konosuke Kitahara's face immediately lengthened a lot.

Seeing this, Qingdeng squatted down, his waist was full of strength in less than a second, and he stepped forward. The bamboo sword in his right hand drew an arc in mid-air, and hit Oishi Kujiro's sword, dispelling it. Oishi Kujiro's slash.

Qingdeng's voice was very soft, but Oishi Koujiro seemed to hear it.

It has been almost three months since I was forcibly taken away by Tianzhang Academy to practice archery at the beginning of September.


Rather than treating humans as biological beings...

There is no doubt that Nioh is a very high-level archer - this is what Konosuke Kitahara can't understand the most.

Qing Deng only needs to spend 1/18 of the time of ordinary people to master the same knowledge and skills.


The "not treating people as human beings" here does not refer to the kind of contempt for people that is arrogant and domineering.

"Ugly Erlang! Take Nioh-sama and his companions to the dojo on the third floor!"

In the sword fight just now, Kojiro Oishi fell into a disadvantage, and his strength was suppressed by Qingdeng.After the two swords collided, Qingdeng's body remained motionless, but Oishi Kojiro was knocked back by the rebounding force.

However, when it comes to swordsmanship, he is more or less confident, at least far more confident than bowmanship.

As the daughter of the "Great Swordsman of the World" Chiba Sadakichi, what warrior has Sanako never seen?She was surprised that Kojiro Oishi possessed a rare and terrible "something" that many warriors did not possess.

Memories that make people blush, heartbeat, and distracted.

Qingdeng shouted suddenly, parried Oishi Kojiro's bamboo sword, and then swung the sword to fight back, being pulled into a blurred afterimage of the bamboo sword, which swept away towards Oishi Kojiro's body, like a whirlwind of clouds.

Such eyes, this attitude towards life... are extremely rare.

Qing Deng immediately concluded: the young man opposite him, who was about his age, must have killed many people.

Quickly turned around and held the knife, and regrouped - both of them acted like this.

——This kind of cheap stuff is really not easy to use...

If Oishi Koujiro had used a real sword, if he hadn't received the blow, his head would have been moved and his brains would have been chopped off.

Turning his body around half a circle, Qingdeng then used a special technique to transfer the centrifugal force generated by the turn to the right arm and the bamboo sword in his palm—plus his own strength—to slash out!
The bamboo sword struck the air.

But indifference.

As expected of a veteran with strong fighting qualities and rich combat experience, Oishi Kujiro immediately handed out a new sword, intending to chop off Qingdeng with one sword, and decide the winner in one go.

At this moment of lightning and flint, Oishi Kojiro stabilized his body at an astonishingly fast speed, and then raised his sword to block, turning Qingdeng's cut to the side, parrying Qingdeng's bamboo sword.

For those who are not familiar with archery, or even not proficient in archery, it is very difficult to shoot an arrow accurately on a 20-meter target, let alone a 10-meter target.

Oishi Koujiro was able to fight Qingdeng back and forth in the battle just now, without losing the wind - I believe that people who are not blind or stupid should be able to see this cunning swordsman. Not an idler!

About 20 minutes later, the sound of footsteps came from the corridor outside the stadium.

The chest is the absolute key point of the human body. If this blow is solid, whether it is in the dojo sparring or in real sword combat, the winner can be directly determined.


At this moment, Zuo Nazi suddenly recalled the scene where she taught Qingdeng intimately just now...

Almost at the same time, Qingdeng also struck out his sword.

"Please go to the scene with my subordinates first, I will be there in a while."

The second floor and the upper area are prohibited from entering and leaving.

He didn't mean "the first time with a bow".

——No wonder Konosuke Kitahara was entrusted to fight me.


Konosuke Kitahara chose the furthest target in his archery range, namely this 20-meter target, to test Aoto in order to prevent the situation that "Aoto may know how to bow".

At this time, Konosuke Kitahara's voice intervened in Qingdeng's thoughts.

Yakuza, who was called Chou Erlang, stepped out quickly.

No joy, no sorrow.But it's not the kind of apathy without half emotion, nor the kind of coldness that looks down on people.

No matter how loud Qingtou's roar was, no matter how delicate the timing of Qingtou's "sonic attack" was, Oishi Kojiro was unmoved.

According to Qingdeng's observations so far, Renwu is not just a simple casino, it also has the attribute of a "stronghold".

After a moment, his consciousness sluggishly regained control of his body.

Feeling the force transmitted along the blade to his arm, Qingdeng's expression became serious.

"Lord Niwang, I have long admired you."

He is average in stature, with a height of about 1 meters. Although he is considered a "tall guy" in this era, he has not yet reached the level that would cause people to exclaim.

The bow made of ordinary wood is difficult to hold no matter how you hold it.

A silent sword, a silent way of killing...


At this moment, Qingdeng, like a general returning from victory, released his shooting stance with slow and calm movements.

To improve the dexterity and strength of the fingers, just added a "+1" title "Skillful Hand +1" tonight, which made Qingdeng more comfortable in controlling the strength of the strings.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on...!"

One slash, two slashes, three slashes—Oishi Kujiro swung three slashes at different angles, but at the same high speed.

Until the figures of Qingdeng and his party had left the field of vision, he still stood there straight and motionless.

After earnestly experiencing and taking school exams several times, Qingdeng gradually figured out where this strange feeling came from.

In fact, as of now, there have been a lot of resentment towards Qingdeng, continuously rising from Da Yueshi's heart.

It was too late to say it, and it made all the spectators not far away... especially Konosuke Kitahara's frightened scene suddenly appeared.

The next moment, he straightened the bamboo sword in his hand and stepped forward. The bamboo sword instantly drew a half-arc in the air.

After Qingdeng glanced at Konosuke Kitahara, he quickly cast his eyes on the young man walking behind Konosuke Kitahara.

With the blessing of a group of talents headed by "bow masters", although Qingdeng's bow training progress cannot be regarded as a rapid progress, it can also be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

A strange freshness surrounded Qingdeng's whole body.

Therefore, even Sanazi, who had seen many different kinds of warriors, couldn't hide the astonishment on his face.

"Please allow me to introduce, this is Oishi Kujiro from the Qingxia League."

Qingtou took a few more glances at Kojiro Oishi.

As for Qingdeng, he didn't start the war right away either.

Qingdeng and others, who had already arrived at the dojo one step ahead, silently waited for Konosuke Kitahara's arrival.

Qingdeng's eyelids sank slightly.

A dojo that can be used to hone martial arts.

A few Yakuza standing guard not far away looked at Qingdeng with respectful eyes.

There was no time to swing the sword to bounce it away or retreat to dodge, so Qingdeng could only hold the bamboo sword slantedly at his waist, on the ground where Oishi Kojiro's sword must pass.

Tianzhangyuan not only has excellent bow skills, but she is also very good at teaching people, and she can always teach Qingdeng the rules of using bows in simple terms.

PS: Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
I wish all lovers in the world get married!But I guess a lot of book lovers should have no partners, hahaha~ (gloating.jpg)

 In the last chapter, Konosuke Kitahara clutched his chest and shouted "Tachibana Takashi..." - this kind of plot is obviously an important plot, and no one commented on it.

  At the end of the chapter, when the author said that he has no one to spend Valentine's Day with, there are many comments...

  Don't pay attention to such trivial matters!Bite!Give me a lot of attention to the plot!I want to read more about how book friends make up the past of Takayuki Tachibana and the Shimizu clan, and who Takayuki Tachibana is and what he did!Bite!

(End of this chapter)

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