I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 33 Juqingdeng: open the door!

Chapter 33 Juqingdeng (smiling kindly): open the door!

"How can this happen... how can this happen..."

Shinsaburo, whose cheeks and lips were completely bloodless, stuffed his clothes and belongings into a large sheet of linen cloth, while repeating the same words in a trembling voice, like a moan. .

how so……

He is a hardworking and honest person—all people who know and know Xun Saburo will basically comment on this 65-year-old man this year.

But it was he who was diligent and honest, who brutally killed Granny Ping last night.

Xun Saburo has always kept a deep secret in his heart, which he has never told anyone.

He and A Ping were childhood sweethearts, and he has always liked A Ping.

I like A Ping.

I want to grow old together with A Ping.

But his feelings are just unrequited love after all...

At the age of 15, he expressed his love to A Ping.

And A Ping... did not accept Xun Saburo's love.

At that time, she had already met and fell in love with Kotaro, who was not a doctor at that time.

In the year following Xun Saburo's confession, Aping married Kotaro.

The cherished girl married as a wife. Although Xun Saburo was depressed, he did not give up on himself.

He sincerely hopes that the woman he loves will be happy.

But I can't let go of my love for A Ping.

If...Kotaro dies suddenly one day...will I have another chance?
Ahh... If such a day really comes... I have to be prepared...

Unable to let go of his love for A Ping, he chose to wait.

Waiting for the day when the position of "A Ping's Husband" will be vacant.

Waiting for the day when I have the chance to replace Kotaro...

In order to be able to marry A Ping in a glorious manner on the day when the opportunity arises, Xun Saburo works hard and saves money.

Strange to say, since he could remember, he didn't need to sleep for a long time, and he never suffered from insomnia.

It's been that way for decades—just put your head on the pillow and you'll fall asleep instantly.I have never encountered a situation where I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

The average person needs to sleep at least 3 or 4 hours a day, but he does not need to sleep for so long at all. He only needs to sleep about 2 hours a day to restore his energy.

Thanks to his unique physique, Xun Saburo can devote more time to work and earn money.

When he had the most workload, he was doing 4 jobs at the same time in a day.

While continuing to keep in touch with A Ping, he worked desperately to make and save money like this.

No marriage, no family.

Been waiting for decades.

All the time... until now, he finally waited for this day to come - the death of Kotaro.

Even though decades have passed, his love for A Ping has never faded.

Even though A Ping is old and pale, he still loves A Ping.

Decades of hard work have also allowed him to save a considerable fortune.

The long wait finally came to fruition, and Xun Saburo wished he could rush to A Ping.

But considering that Kotaro had just passed away, A Ping should be in a low mood, so Xun Saburo waited anxiously for 2 months before coming to A Ping last night.

Last night, Xun Saburo, who put on a new set of clothes, knocked on the door of A Ping's house.

Seeing Xun Saburo who came to visit suddenly at night, although A Ping was surprised, she hurriedly invited this childhood sweetheart who had never broken contact into her home.

After exchanging pleasantries with A Ping in the living room for a while, Xun Saburo mustered up the courage to show his love to A Ping without reservation again after decades.

A Ping was taken aback when her childhood sweetheart, who was already covered in silver hair like herself, showed her love to her again.

A Ping never thought about finding a new partner for herself at this age.

So...she gave Xun Saburo the same answer as she did decades ago.

Once again rejected by the woman he loves.

At that moment, Xun Saburo felt... the whole world "stilled".

This weird "sense of stillness" lasted only for a moment.

After a while, Xun Saburo felt all kinds of emotions rushing to his chest and mind.

Wronged, unwilling, angry...

Why... are you rejecting me?Why... just can't accept me?
When knocking on the door of A Ping's house, Xun Saburo was already mentally prepared to be rejected by A Ping again.

Obviously he was already mentally prepared, but for some reason, after hearing A Ping's refusal again, he couldn't suppress the negative emotions in his heart.

I... seem to have lost control of my body.

Anger, unwillingness... These negative emotions devoured Xun Saburo like wild beasts out of control.

When these negative emotions swelled to the extreme - he took out the sword he carried with him for self-defense...

After that, Xun Saburo couldn't remember much.

As if he had lost his memory, Xun Saburo couldn't remember what happened after he took out his sword.

I just remember... when he came to his senses, he was lying on A Ping's body.

In his hand, he held a sword that was as red as his palms.

A Ping under her body...has no life left.

Lost eyes met Xun Saburo's eyes full of fright.

how so……?
My normal self obviously doesn't even have the courage to quarrel with people on the street.

Why did I suddenly kill A Ping like a ghost?
After the shock, fear quickly rushed to A Ping's cheeks.

i killed...

I don't want to be taken away by the "Three Times"...!
If you want to escape...you can't be caught by the "three times" people!
The pity for his own life overwhelmed his apology and shame for killing A Ping.

Although Xun Saburo's mind was filled with fear at that time, he did not completely lose his mind.

In order to buy time for his overnight absconding, Xun Saburo deliberately blew out the small candle that was left at that time when he escaped from Granny Ping's house, creating an illusion that Granny Ping had fallen asleep and prolonging the time of Granny Ping's body. time of discovery.

When he stumbled back home and was about to pack his luggage and flee Edo by night... he regretted it again.

Edo is his hometown.

Leaving Edo...where could he go?

There is nowhere to go.

The idea of ​​luck emerged at this moment and quickly occupied his mind.

Just relying on the enforcement office's inefficient and luck-based method of solving cases...the "three times" of the enforcement office...there is a high possibility that I will not be caught at all!
As long as I stay at home with peace of mind, eat and drink, it won't take long for my life to get back on track!

Driven by this luck, Xun Saburo gave up the idea of ​​absconding overnight and stayed at his home.

He usually falls asleep as soon as he hits the pillow, this is the first time he has had a sleepless night...

After all, Xun Saburo's psychological quality is not that strong.

Although he has been telling himself: "Three times" people probably won't be able to catch me, but he has been paying attention to A Ping's related news. After learning that A Ping's body has been found just now, he has a deep feeling in his heart. I was so nervous, I couldn't stay calm at all.

Ah... Although the efficiency of "three times" in solving cases is low, they are not helpless in all cases...

Such thoughts kept circling in Xun Saburo's mind.

Hesitating, unable to overcome the apprehension and fear in his heart, he finally made up his mind just now—let's run away!

Escape from Edo, escape to any place, and never return to Edo!

Money, clothes...all necessities are brought...

After looking at his luggage, Xun Saburo realized that he had missed one very important thing——

"Medicine... medicine..."

Xun Saburo ran to the cabinet next to him in three steps at a time, and found a bottle full of small purple and red pills.

Perhaps it was because he worked too hard when he was young, but when he got older, Xun Saburo only felt severe pain in his waist, shoulders and other places.

About a year ago, Xun Saburo was recommended by others and bought this strangely colored pill that is said to have analgesic effect.

After taking it once, Xun Saburo felt that the effect was surprisingly good. After taking just one pill, the pain in all parts of the body was relieved a lot.

Since then, this inexpensive medicine has become a daily necessities for Xun Saburo, and he will take a pill whenever his body hurts again.

Putting the medicine bottle in his arms, Xun Sanlang picked up his luggage and fled out of the house in a hurry.


After opening the wooden door, the bright sunlight did not hit Xun Saburo's body.

Because Youdao's tall figure stood in front of his room door, blocking the sunlight.

Xun Saburo, who was stunned, raised his eyes——the person in front of him was facing the sun, and the reflection of the sun made Xun Saburo unable to see the person's face clearly. Xun Saburo only saw a touch of kindness on this person's face... smile.

"Oh...you are Mr. Xun Saburo, right?"

"I didn't expect you to come out by yourself... It's also good, it saves me from opening the door to look for you."

"Gui'an, return to Tongxin: Juqingdeng in the town of Xiabeipan. I have a lot of questions and I want to forgive you."

"First of all, the first question - where are you planning to go with your luggage on your back?"

Xun Saburo saw that kind smile slowly changing into indifferent lines.

There are 3 updates in total today!
Very conscientious! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg) For the sake of the author's conscience, please vote for this book!

 Just in case there are book friends who don't understand anything talking there, so the author first mentions:
  This case has a realistic prototype.

  [! ! !There are realistic prototypes! ! ! 】

  [! ! !There are realistic prototypes! ! ! 】

  [! ! !There are realistic prototypes! ! ! 】

  The author adapted this case based on a real case that existed in reality.

  The case that served as the prototype was even more exaggerated. The perpetrator in his 90s waited for more than 70 years until the victim’s husband died and became single again. He showed his love to the victim in his 90s again.

  The specific case of this case will be announced by the author later.

(End of this chapter)

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