I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 332 King Ren Shows His Power!Instantly kill all the ronin! 【5000】

Chapter 332 King Ren Shows His Power!Instantly kill all the ronin! 【5000】

——It’s so classic...

Apart from the word "classic", Qingdeng really couldn't think of other words that were closer to describe the actions of the burly man and others.

Undoubtedly, what the burly man and the others used was the most classic method of deception in the Edo period.

Qingdeng tentatively called it "sheath fraud".

In the values ​​​​of the samurai class in the Edo period, the sword is the "soul of the samurai" that is more important than the body and life, and no one can defile it.

Not to mention being dirty, even being touched by someone is enough to constitute a reason for a samurai to draw his sword and kill.

As a result, a fraudulent trick that is still flourishing even after hundreds of years has been derived, the so-called "sheath fraud".

The specific operation method is as follows: intentionally hang the knife pendant to increase the contact area of ​​the knife.

For example, hang the knife horizontally on the back of the waist, and then deliberately shake it in a place with a lot of traffic. When some unlucky guy accidentally bumps into the knife, and the unlucky guy looks easy to bully, he just grabs it. Live in someone else's house and demand an apology from the other party on the grounds that "you have defiled the soul of a samurai".

Either give money or something, or leave a body part or a life and so on. .

People who are entangled in this kind of deception are mostly unarmed civilians, especially girls of civilian nationality who are the most vulnerable.

Most of the people who use this kind of low-level means to earn money are jobless vagrants who have lost their salary and have to wander around.

The limitations of the times made it difficult for warriors to engage in other decent professions besides being officials.

A slightly more decent job is nothing more than a doctor, a teacher in a dojo, or a private school.

And these jobs are not for ordinary people.

Therefore, when a samurai loses his salary, loses the opportunity to be an official and receives a salary, and becomes a ronin who can no longer rely on serious means to make a living, it is very easy to go astray and embark on the unscrupulous way of earning a living by breaking the law and committing crimes. way back.

For ordinary people, ronalds wandering the streets and alleys every day are more disgusting than the stinky dog ​​poop on the side of the road.

At the very least, dog poop can be used as fertilizer in the farmland.

The common people will not be too afraid of the kind of samurai who has a family status and a stable job title.

As the saying goes, "Those who have permanent property have perseverance."

That kind of samurai with a stable and happy life has always had a relatively high tolerance for "disrespect" and "disrespect".

The privilege of beheading impolite servants, townspeople, common people, etc. without punishment... that is, the right to beheaded and exonerated, is not omnipotent.

After the samurai used this privilege, if they did not immediately notify the government office and produce substantive evidence to prove that the civilians who were killed did act inappropriately and rudely, they would be degraded to civil status at least, or at worst. He was directly ordered to cut seppuku.

On the other hand, ronin...they don't have these messy constraints.

Those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes.

Those who have nothing dare to despise all morality and laws in the world.

Ronin really dare to kill and do evil things that ordinary people dare not even think about.

Kill the person, and then quickly flee into any ravine that doesn't shit, and hide incognito... With the criminal investigation methods of this era, it is really difficult to solve this situation A thief who hid in a remote place was arrested and brought to justice.

Injured or killed by such scum that cannot be restrained by law and morality... that would be too unjust.

Although it makes people gnash their teeth, it also makes people feel helpless.

In line with the mentality of "one more thing is worse than one less thing", and for their own personal safety, ordinary people often choose to swallow their broken teeth after being blackmailed by ronalds with "sheaths as fraud", and swallow their breath in accordance with The ronin asked for the so-called "compensation".

Judging from the demeanor of the burly man and the others, it is obvious that this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing.

Tianzhangyuan has a soft and graceful figure, and although he is not considered extravagant, he is also considered to be expensive clothes—the burly man and the others probably think that Tianzhangyuan is a big fat sheep that is easy to bully, so they choose to treat this Let the widow do it.

However, it was obvious—this short-sighted guy had offended the wrong person.

They probably wouldn't even think of it if they killed it: this big fat sheep that looks easy to slaughter is accompanied by a fierce tiger.

And there's more than one.

Qingdeng jumped up like a green onion from the dry land, bent his legs, and hit the burly man with a sharp knee.

This blow was done in one go, full of power.

Qingdeng only felt that many bones including the bridge of the nose and cheekbones were broken under his knees.

The "click, click, click" of the broken bones continuously penetrated through the clothes and passed to Qingdeng's knees and thighs.

The burly man's face changed from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, and his entire face flattened.

Blood mixed with saliva, as well as broken teeth, splattered in all directions.

Tokugawa Ieshige issued an order to "just injure them, don't kill them".

This should be because he was concerned about killing people in public, which might affect his micro-service visit today.

Qingdeng's thoughts coincided with Tokugawa Iemo's. Even without Tokugawa Iemao's reminder, he had no intention of killing the burly man and others.

First, he had the same concerns as Tokugawa Iemo.He didn't want today's "Visit to Edo" to be affected by the death of these scumbags.

At that time, Qingdeng might be held responsible.

Just because of these social scum, his work history has been stained?Qingdeng would not do this kind of loss-making business.

Secondly, it is because today is New Year's Day.

Qingdeng didn't want to get his hands covered in blood on the first day of the new year, it would make him feel bad.

However, even though he chooses to spare the lives of these scumbags, it doesn't mean that Qingdeng will show mercy.

Qingdeng, who has been serving in the public security organs of the shogunate since time travel, has seen and heard too many tragedies caused by lawless ronin.

From a certain point of view, these unorganized and undisciplined ronin are more brutal and dangerous than Yakuza.

Yakuza at least once in a while preached the rules of the Tao, and the ronin were really lawless.

Out of disgust for this kind of ronin who did not follow the righteous path, Qingdeng was lenient in his attack, but not completely merciless.

After beating the burly man's face so that he couldn't tell where his eyes were and where his nose was, Qingdeng took advantage of the trend to get over the burly man's shoulders and came behind him.

Qingdeng did not launch any further pursuit of the burly man.

Because he knew that if he didn't leave this person to some two little guys, then these two little guys would probably get angry with him.

Those two people must have been impatient to teach this bastard who Yu Shicai uttered wild words and kept insulting Tianzhang Courtyard.


The burly man was in so much pain that he couldn't even cry out, and his consciousness was almost cut off.

The eyes are black, and countless gold stars are flying on the eyelids.

Severe, shattering pain spread all over his body.

The face seemed to disappear out of thin air, the body could not sense the existence of the cheek, only the pain and numbness so strong that it could make people faint.

It was too late to say that, just when his huge body was about to fall to the ground, his eyes regained some vision.

As soon as he regained his light, he saw a scene that was so terrifying to him that he almost suffocated - two petite and lovely figures rushed straight towards him at high speed.

Sha Zhong kicked up a kick, and kicked the instep of her right foot with a side kick, hitting the huge belly of the burly man.

In an instant, the belly of the general of the burly man "bulged" in the opposite direction.

Feeling that his belly was churning, the burly man whose intestines seemed to be twisted together, vomited the contents and bile all over the place with a "wow".

Immediately afterwards, Yae soared into the air and easily jumped to the height of the burly man's mouth.

Did I say that?If you speak any more insults, I will tear your mouth apart—this was the last sentence the burly man heard before he lost consciousness due to the severe pain.

Yae stretched out his right hand and inserted it into the mouth of the burly man. The index finger and middle finger curled up like a hook, caught the right corner of the burly man's mouth.

Next, she took advantage of the gravity and inertia of her falling body, plus a little bit of her own finger strength and arm strength—hiss—the sound of flesh and blood being torn, carrying blood drops to Yazhong’s feet that landed smoothly. side.

The burly man's mouth got bigger.

increase in physical level.

The corner of his right mouth was stretched nearly 1 centimeter abruptly by Yae.

The two sisters, who succeeded in revenge, let out a deep breath at the same time in a very tacit understanding, showing a relaxed expression as if they were relieved and their constipation was finally unblocked.



The two sisters exchanged glances, then turned their heads to look in Qingdeng's direction knowingly, ready to support Qingdeng.

It turned out that the battle on Qingdeng's side had just begun, and it was almost over.

There are a total of 13 ronin who surround Qingdeng and his party.

After the burly man was knocked unconscious by the joint attack of Qingdeng and the Erzhong sisters, there were still 12 people left.

Before Iemo Tokugawa issued the "permission to attack", Qingdeng had already done a "reconnaissance" in advance, memorizing the positions of each ronin and the distance between them and himself.

Therefore, at the moment when he kicked the burly man's face flat with his body and landed firmly on both feet, Qing Deng used his left foot as the axis to quickly turn his body, and with the help of the potential energy and centrifugal force of the turn, he swung his right leg like a whip. To a ronin standing two steps ahead to his right.

At this time, after copying from Ito Dazang's body to the "Xiang's Core +1" that strengthens the core strength of the body, Qingdeng started an actual battle with a human for the first time... just take this opportunity to test this new The power of talent.

The effect is good, like sound transmission through an empty valley.

The enhancement of core strength made Qingdeng feel as if he had inexhaustible strength all over his body.Especially the lower plate, the strong wind brought by kicking is far harsher and sharper than before.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and Qingdeng's right leg hit the intended target - the right shoulder of the ronin.

In an instant, the ronin's right arm was centered on the right shoulder, and was sunken inward at a strange angle and width.

The whole person looks like a compressed "spring".

In the next breath, this "spring" couldn't resist the huge force wrapped around Qingdeng's right leg, his feet lifted off the ground, and flew straight out like a shell fired from a chamber, and hit heavily on another person not far away beside him. On the body of a rogue.

When flying out, the poor guy who was kicked out passed out in mid-air because of a broken right shoulder bone.

This is the result of Qingdeng's victory when he withdrew his hand and withdrew his strength.

If Qingdeng opened fire with all his firepower, and the attack was not on a place that would not kill a person like the shoulder...then the person would not simply pass out.

"Elephant's Core +1", "Bear's Waist +1", "Take the lead", "Tiger's Arm"...

With the strengthening of these talents, Qingdeng's muscular strength and physical fitness can be said to be completely superior to more than [-]% of human beings in the world today.

If the above-mentioned talents can be continuously integrated and evolved, and each of them can get the suffixes of +5, +6, or even +8, +9... Then in time, Qingdeng feels that he might really be able to get a real tiger. The same arm strength, the same waist strength as a brown bear.

"You, you bastard!"

A ronin slashed at Qingdeng from behind, but Qingdeng disappeared from the spot with lightning speed before the person's blade arrived.

Relying on his amazing leg strength, he pulled up on the spot without any run-up.

While leaping high, he drew his sword out of its sheath.

Qingdeng flew past the heads of the three people in front of him like a whirlwind, and the figures of the two sides overlapped for only a moment.

But in this short period of time, Qing Deng slashed three times.

The first knife hit No.1's neck.

The second knife cut another person in the chest.

The third knife grazed the last person's left shoulder.

The timing of Qingdeng falling to the ground coincided perfectly with the timing of these three people falling to the ground.

Qingdeng used the back of the saber. After drawing the saber in his hand, he immediately turned the saber half a circle in his hand, only facing the enemy with the back of the saber, so the three of them were still alive - but the injuries suffered were enough to make them They will not feel very good for a long time in the future.

One passed out directly.

The other clutched his chest and let out a "hum" moan like a pig.

The last one was pressing the shoulder of the victim, opening and closing his mouth constantly, unable to scream out of pain.

If conditions permit, Qingdeng really wants to play with them more, and spend more than 10 seconds with everyone in this group of ronin, so that he can pass the boring New Year's time and copy easily A wave of talent, why not do it?

There is a saying that "the masters are among the people". It is really hard to say whether these social dregs have special talents.

Therefore, with the attitude of "trying it out", it is not harmful to play with each person for more than 10 seconds necessary to copy the talent at the right time.

Maybe a certain uncle who makes a living by selling wagashi and looks ordinary in appearance has a god-level talent with extremely explosive ability effects, or even an eternal talent.

Of course, this is just an example that Qing Deng gave up indiscriminately.

The uncle who sells wagashi on the street has a god-level talent—this is still a possibility.

As for the eternal talent... this is a bit too ridiculous.Popular novels dare not write like this.

It's a pity, it's a pity—the status quo doesn't allow Qingdeng to come and go with this group of wanderers slowly.

Because there are double sisters waiting by the side.

If Qingdeng's actions were procrastinated, Sashige and Yae would finish off all the ronin for him before he could delay for more than 10 seconds.

Qingdeng, who is considered an old friend with this pair of sisters, believes that these two sisters definitely have such strength and efficiency.

"Damn it! Go! Hack him!"

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Surround him! Surround him! Surround him to death, let's see what he can do!"

The rogues had a good idea, making up for the gap in strength with the advantage of numbers.

Amidst the chaos, the wanderers surrounded Qingdeng from all directions.

Qingdeng remained motionless, his calm eyes swept around the blade.

He had seen too many such scenes.

In an instant, he had already calculated the positions of the enemies around him.

"Lonely" launched!
It was the surrounded Qingdeng who launched the attack first.

I saw that he seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he cut someone behind him to the ground with a backhand.

Then, slightly adjusted the position and orientation of the blade, and slashed towards another guy beside him.

When retracting the knife, in the process of drawing an arc back to Qingdeng's chest, the blade swept across the body of the person next to him.

The Ronin's counterattack is not without effort.

However, no matter how desperately they attack, they can't even touch a piece of Qingdeng's clothes.

too fast.

Qingdeng's movements were really too fast.

Whether it is the speed of the knife or the speed of the footsteps, it is dazzlingly fast.

Qingdeng wielded a sword with the effect of four or five swords.

The 13 ronin who were majestic and majestic just a few minutes ago, only a few of them can barely stand in the blink of an eye.

Although this group of rogues were a gang of shameful rascals, they unexpectedly showed a side of warriors at this time—after being beaten so badly by Qing Deng, none of them escaped.

I just don't know if it was the sudden rush of enthusiasm, or because Qingdeng's offensive was so fast that they didn't even have time to be afraid.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah!"

A certain ronin bravely rushed forward, but just as he raised the knife in the upper stance, Qing Deng's figure passed through his left armpit like a ghost.

The moment he passed by him, Qingdeng put the knife on his waist, and swung the blade horizontally like the movement of drawing a knife.


The man's breath turned into moaning and vomiting, his body pressed against the ground, and flew into the feet of the onlookers behind him.


Another person launched a desperate charge at Qingdeng with a "go all out" expression on his face.

But at this time, Qingdeng once again "disappeared" from where he was.


"I am here."


Qingdeng, who appeared next to this person at unknown times, sent the knife forward in a normal way—there was another human body that had passed out on the ground.

Until just now, the bustling onlookers, who had been making commotion, gradually quieted down.

After a while, the surrounding area became extremely quiet.

Needle drop is audible.

A new month has arrived!Ask for a monthly ticket!
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 According to the doctor, the author's mother is recovering well, but she needs to stay in the hospital for a long time, because five tendons are broken, and she needs to rest for a long time. If the recovery is not good, it is easy to leave sequelae, so it is best You stay in the hospital until the doctor feels that you are almost ready before you can be discharged.

(End of this chapter)

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