I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 337 King Ni vs Mob!Talent fusion again【5600】

The loud shout echoed over the Xiaoshichuan Health Center, overwhelming almost all the voices present.

Qingdeng followed the prestige, and saw a ragged warrior glaring at a pair of young girls among the layers of dirty "color patches".

The appearance of the pair of girls is extremely similar, they should be a pair of sisters.

They don't look very old.The older one is at most 15 or 6 years old.The younger ones are about 11 or 2 years old.

Both sisters were very thin, their faces were so pale that there was no trace of blood, their cheeks were deeply sunken, and the exposed arms, calves, and fingers were as thin as dry wood, with only a thin layer of skin covering the bones.

Her hair, without any trace of maintenance, was as dark and yellow as weeds in autumn.

If the samurai who was glaring at the pair of sisters... or most of the surrounding patients and their families waiting to see a doctor, are just in tattered clothes, then the clothes on the sisters... are simply It can't be called clothes!It's simply a piece of rag that would be disgusted if used as a rag!
The fabric and color on the clothes are peeling off in pieces due to old age.The remaining cloth color became dull and black, making it impossible to recognize the original color of the clothes.

There are many holes, big or small, but there are very few patches.

The cold winter wind continuously missed these holes and got into the clothes. The delicate bodies of the two sisters were shivering all the time, and their dark and thick skin was covered with layers of goosebumps that hadn't calmed down.

From head to toe and every part of their bodies, the two sisters are silently declaring a fact to outsiders: they are the lowest level of society in the Edo period, and they are also the kind of people who have trouble eating The filth in the filth is much.

How to tell if a person is dirty or not?
This is actually quite simple.

Just by looking at his appearance, temperament, and attire, he can basically make a good guess.

Anyone with a certain amount of social experience and experience can basically recognize this pair of sisters as dirty at a glance, and they are absolutely unmistakable.

Many people always have a misunderstanding, that is, they think that all fildos live a miserable life without even being able to eat.

This view is actually wrong.

Not only is the life of some filthy people not miserable, but it is more nourishing than most commoners and middle- and lower-level warriors.

The occupations that Xie Duo was allowed to engage in were all dirty occupations that ordinary people feared to avoid.

For example: funeral workers, full-time cleaners, butchers and leather makers.

In the traditional Japanese concept, four-legged livestock such as pigs, cattle and sheep are filthy things and cannot be eaten, so the butcher appears to be lowly.

Under the rule of the Edo shogunate, butchers and leather manufacturers were basically filthy.

At first glance, dealing with animal carcasses and excrement and urine all year round is very hard and disgusting work, but from another perspective, this may not be an opportunity and a way to make money.

Normal people keep a distance from the two professions of butchers and leather makers—this means that the stinkers basically have a semi-monopoly on the slaughtering and leather industries.

Because they can eat a lot of pigs, sheep, and beef that are unacceptable to the general public, many of them are engaged in the slaughtering industry, and they basically do not lack protein intake. They may be healthier and stronger than ordinary civilians and warriors.

Leather is a commodity that is in high demand if you find the right way to sell it.

Many business-minded guidos made a lot of money from selling leather.

After the founding of Japan, the sharply rising demand for foreign trade of leather and other commodities has become a brand new wind.

Relying on this shareholder style, Duoduo transformed himself into a rich man with a lot of money.

It's just that this kind of dirty people who can live a happy life without worrying about food and drink are only a very small fraction of the lucky ones.

Obviously - the skinny and frail Sisters do not belong to this category.

The ragged warrior's sudden shout attracted the attention and attention of everyone around him.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the ragged warrior took a deep breath, and after exhausting his energy, he issued a new wave of criticism to the sisters in front of him:

"Hey! Didn't you hear me? Are your ears deaf? Do you know where this is? This is a place where people are treated! It's not a slaughterhouse where you process animal carcasses! Who allowed you to come here? Here? Hurry up and get out of here!"

The older sister among the sisters, holding her younger sister tightly in her arms, said timidly and anxiously:

"Wu, samurai master! I know where this place is, and I just came to bring my sister to see a doctor! The shogunate's decree did not stipulate that you are not allowed to come to Xiaoshichuan Health Center for treatment!"

After listening to sister Liduo's explanation, the ragged warrior sneered disdainfully.

"A decree of the shogunate? Are you kidding me! You are not allowed to enter and exit any public places at will, isn't this a matter of course?"

Speaking of which, the ragged warrior frowned and raised his hands to cover his mouth and nose.

"It would be fine if you Zhe Duo appeared in other places, but it turns out that you are so lucky to appear here!"

"Do you know that the evil spirits in your body will pollute the environment here? The longer you stay here, the more serious the pollution will be! At that time, let alone the patients who are already sick, even Even people who are not sick will be made sick by you!"

In the traditional Japanese concept, apart from the dirty body, even the exhaled breath is unsavory, and normal people will become weak and sick if they are exposed to too much evil.

Not only did the ragged warrior not resist the censure of the sisters, but they also received unanimous praise and support.

"It is! It is!"

"Hey! It's Youdo! Come on, stay away from them! Don't get close to them!"

"No wonder I've always felt strangely uncomfortable since just now. It turns out that there is a lot of filth here!"

"Quick! Cover your mouth and nose quickly, and be careful of the evil spirits you breathe into them!"

"Hey! Dude! Go away! Unclean people like you are not welcome here!"


Under the personal lead of the ragged warrior, the crowd around the sisters of Lido retreated one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the turbid oily "color layer" appeared a vacuum zone centered on Sister Xiduo.

The sisters, who were isolated and surrounded by overwhelming abuse and reprimands, were like a small boat drifting on the boundless sea.

Under the rolling waves, this helpless boat is so small and fragile, as if a random wave can overturn it and drag it forever into the dark bottom of the deep sea.

Humans are social animals that have a strong need for social interaction, so this feeling of being criticized by thousands of people... Anyone who has experienced it knows how painful and terrifying it is.

However, sisters Liduo, who are bearing the tide of accusations and strong hostility that can easily shatter a person's psychological defenses, show a different kind of strength at this moment.

The younger sister hugged her waist tightly like a koala, her big and bright eyes were full of bright tears.

Obviously the color of fear had covered her entire face, and she was so anxious that she wanted to cry, but she just bit her lips tightly, not letting the tears in her eyes slip out, not letting herself make any sound.

The older sister held her younger sister tightly in her arms, and the fear on her face and the tears accumulated in her eyes were no less than that of her younger sister.

But she did exactly the same thing as her sister—biting her lips tightly, resisting the urge to be frightened and cry.

It seems that the two sisters have long been used to this kind of scene.

I saw my sister exhaled forcefully, suppressed and sorted out her emotions, hoarse her voice, and shouted in a voice mixed with obvious crying:
"My sister has been suffering from stomach pains since yesterday, and she can't eat anything. She needs to see a doctor. Although we are lowly and dirty, we..."

The elder sister tried to show her affection, and wanted to exchange understanding, sympathy...and forgiveness from the people around her by reporting her sister's difficult illness.

However, the sister's efforts not only did not work, but also had the opposite effect.

As soon as the sister who was fighting alone made a sound, her pleading was swallowed up by the fierce taunts pouring in from all directions, and no water splashed out.

The appearance of the two sisters swallowing their tears and sobbing greatly inspired the brutality of the perpetrators, as well as...the sense of justice that they thought they were doing for the heavens.

In an instant, the scolding, ridicule, and malice around the sisters of Jie Duo swelled rapidly.

"Your sister has a stomachache, so what? My brother is also very sick!"

"That's right! Only your family members are in a hurry to get medical treatment? Open your eyes and see! Who here is not in a hurry to see a doctor?"

"Compared to yours, our lives are much more precious!"

"Seven filthy lives are worth one life of us ordinary people!"

"Leave quickly! What are you? Our lives are worth saving more than yours!"




Everything has changed.

Those bitter, bitter, weather-beaten faces disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Instead, there are upright faces with raised brows and raised eyes, bared teeth.

Obviously everyone present is a poor poor person.In terms of quality of life, they really might not be better than Sister Xieduo.

As a result, one by one of them all cast contemptuous gazes at Sister Feiduo at this moment, and put on an arrogant face that they regarded themselves as upper-class.

Almost without exception, those who urged the sisters to leave this place now have a dignified expression as if they are doing some righteous cause.

Qingdeng thought to himself: This is not so much a "bullying", but a "carnival".

A carnival where you can vent the negative emotions that have accumulated in your heart for a long time without worrying about the cost and consequences afterwards.

10 people bullying 1 person is called bullying, 10000 people bullying one person is called justice - this famous saying of the original author, which is no longer testable, is really a burning truth.

Whether it is placed in the information age of the 21st century or in the feudal era that Qingdeng is currently living in, this sentence exudes a strong vitality that cannot be wiped out.

Some people just want to take advantage of this rare opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of bullying people from above, while some people are very smart and want to take the opportunity to reduce the number of people in line.

The elder sister who couldn't argue with anything, was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

Although she had tried her best to appease everyone's emotions and gain everyone's sympathy, the situation was still irretrievably out of control.

"Damn! I'm so annoying! Don't want to move, right? Good! I'll help you move!"

It's another ragged warrior acting as a monster.

With a big hand, he grabbed my sister's hair, and then roughly dragged my sister out of the queue in a motion like pulling large garbage.


My sister screamed.

The clear and crisp sound of hair being snapped abruptly resounded one after another.

The tattered warrior was really merciless, and my sister's entire scalp was lifted up slightly.

The ferocity of the ragged warrior, coupled with the screams of Sister Guiduo, the combination of the two gave people the illusion that "this woman's head will be screwed off at any time".

Driven by the inherent herd mentality of human beings, the atmosphere of this carnival was pushed to the climax in one breath.

The others followed suit one after another, imitating the ragged warriors and directly attacking Sister Lido.

You pull your hand, I move my feet, and we work together to drag my sister out of the queue.

As early as just now, Tokugawa Jiashige, Tianzhangyuan and others have looked filled with righteous indignation.

"Master General...!" Yae, who was gnashing her teeth in shock at the brutality in front of her, cast a pleading look at Iemo Tokugawa.

Sashige at the side didn't make a sound, but she also looked up at Tokugawa Iemo with a sad face.

What does double sister mean?Needless to say.

"..." Iemo Tokugawa was silent for a while thoughtfully.

After a breath, he turned his head to look in Qingdeng's direction.


The expression on Tokugawa Iemo's face was dominated by astonishment.

He didn't realize until this time that Qingdeng disappeared from the spot at some point...


"elder sister!"

The younger sister yelled out the first words since the violence against both of them.

She has a lot of courage.

When her sister was in trouble, she bravely stepped forward.

Just now, it was her sister who protected her, but now it's her who protects her sister!

But... She is not much taller than a sword, and it is not easy to protect herself, let alone devote all her energy to protecting others?
However, from another point of view, such a small body is suitable for launching sneak attacks on people.

Taking advantage of the ragged warrior's unpreparedness, the younger sister silently pounced on the ragged warrior's back, opened her mouth, and bit the ragged warrior's waist.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'" the ragged warrior who was suffering from pain lowered his head, glared viciously with his red eyes and bit the flesh around his waist, "Damn it! You little beast!"

The ragged samurai let go of his sister's hair, and raised his vacant palm-like hand high - judging from his movements, demeanor, and muscle tension, there is no doubt that his slap is like a slap , even if the younger sister, who is thin and young, does not die suddenly on the spot, she will not be seriously injured.

"Don't!" Seeing that my sister was in trouble, my sister wailed hoarsely while struggling like crazy, trying to get rid of other people's control over him, eager to return to my sister as quickly as possible.

My sister's will is very firm and strong - but this fortitude and spiritual strength cannot instantly increase her physical fitness and strength by a hundred times.

How could she, a weak woman with malnutrition, be able to compete against so many young men?

She had resisted desperately, but she was dragged out of the queue bit by bit, and pulled further and further away from her sister.

"It's so filthy, how dare you bite me!"

While the ragged warrior cursed, his raised arm tensed—power began to gather in his raised arm.

Just when the tattered samurai was about to throw a lightning bolt at his sister that could seriously injure her or even kill her——


The ragged warrior suddenly felt someone pressing his shoulder from behind.


The ragged warrior whose strength and concentration were interrupted turned his head impatiently and looked back.

Before he could see who was coming, he suddenly felt his side hit like being hit by an express carriage.


His head jerked forward, and his body bent into a twisted bow with the spot where Qingdeng kicked as the center.

The next moment, the bow suddenly straightened.Change from full half moon shape back to normal upright shape.

The ragged warrior who was kicked away by Qingdeng left a series of screams in mid-air, and fell to the ground five steps away on the red dirt road.

Qingdeng retracted the legs that kicked the ragged warrior away, adjusted his body posture and orientation according to the movement of the legs, and then - rushed out with a punch!In the middle of the left cheek of a middle-aged man who was holding Sister Lido's right arm.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng swept his fist to the right, turning his fist into a knife, and slashed the neck of a tall young man on the right side of Sister Huiduo.

Qingdeng's movements were unhurried, as if he had completely controlled the space.

He didn't fight randomly, but punched and kicked methodically and meticulously.

It is both organized and efficient.

too fast.Qingdeng's movements were really too fast.

Many people were thrown to the ground by Qing Deng before they even had time to react.

It only took a little more than 10 seconds to go back and forth, and the surroundings of the sisters of Guiduo were cleared out of a "vacuum zone" where no one could stand safely except Qingdeng.

"Mom, damn...!"

The ragged warrior struggled to get up while swearing at the part that had just been kicked by Qingdeng.

"Which one is it... Goo...!"

The ragged samurai was like a duck with its neck strangled, and he forcibly choked back the scolding that he had not had time to say in the future.

The reason why he did this was all because after he got up from the ground, he suddenly found the person who kicked him away... Qingdeng had two long and short swords that symbolized his status as a samurai on his waist.

A strong look of fear climbed up his face, and his whole body froze in place.

It's fine if he doesn't get up.As soon as he stood up, he immediately attracted Qingdeng's sharp gaze.

Qingdeng didn't say a word - he stepped forward with one stride, and kicked the ragged warrior further away.

This time, the ragged samurai completely lost consciousness and passed out, unable to get up again.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Fraudster"]

[Talent introduction: You can lie without blushing and heartbeat, making it difficult for people to notice any abnormalities]

【Ding!Detected that the host already has the same type of talent]

【Ding!Start talent fusion]

【Ding! "Fraudster" and "Fraudster" began to merge]

[Please wait for the host...Please wait for the host...]

【Ding!Talent fusion successful]

["Fraudster" ability promotion - "Fraudster +1"]

["Trickster +1" talent introduction: The effect of the talent has been enhanced on the original basis. "+9" is the highest level]


A system sound sounded in my head, and it was a system sound with a pretty good content.

However, Qingdeng can't take care of savoring the joy of having another talent to evolve right now.

Qingdeng swept his eyes calmly, looking around his body, looking around this space that is currently dominated by silence.

Who else wants to make trouble—Qingdeng's indifferent eyes conveyed such a message accurately.

All the people caught by Qingdeng's gaze lowered their heads, not daring to look at Qingdeng, not daring to meet Qingdeng's eyes.

Those people who just now arrogantly threatened to ask Sister Liduo to get out of here are not even daring to fart now.



Everything has changed.

Those upright faces with raised eyebrows and grinning teeth disappeared.

Instead, there are frightened faces that are silent and silent, like small animals that are shivering under the watchful eyes of natural enemies, and dare not even breathe out.

The sharp transformation of identity has formed a comical effect.

The perpetrators become the victimized—only because they meet someone whose "level" is far above them.

The feudal society... or the essence of human society, is vividly displayed in this small world at this moment.

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Good news~ The author's mother was discharged from the hospital yesterday!Papapapapapapa (Slapping the leopard's belly.jpg)

Finally, we can return to our daily routine. Starting tomorrow, the author will fight for the Leopard Update!

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