I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 340 Qingdeng, who doesn't let go of a widow or a girl! 【6600】

Chapter 340 Qingdeng, who doesn't let go of a widow or a girl! 【6600】

The compliments from others seemed to be very beneficial to Ma Gan'er, he showed a pretending reserved smile.

But at this moment, a thick male voice that sounded like a bell interrupted everyone's continuous praise of Ma Gan'er.

"What Hirose-kun said is indeed reasonable! However, I personally think that the most urgent task of our country is not the improvement of the land system, but the selection of talents!"

The speaker—a strong man with a physique so strong that he didn't look like a scholar at all, straightened his waist little by little with the increasingly passionate tone while talking.

"In the past, Duke Ai of Lu asked about politics, and the Holy One replied: 'Politics depends on the selection of ministers'."

"If the straight is wrong and the wrong is wrong, the people will obey; if the wrong is wrong and the straight is wrong, the people will not obey."

As soon as the loud tenor voice of the strong man uttered, it immediately overwhelmed all the sounds around him. The companions who were seated with him, as well as some nearby guests who were attracted by his loud voice, all focused their eyes and attention on on its body.

He became the focus of attention of all the audience - a nervous look flashed across the strong man's face, but he quickly adjusted his expression and mentality, cleared his throat lightly, and straightened his waist Straighter.

"Shun had five officials and ruled the world. Emperor Xin killed Bigan and perished the world."

Miss Tedai, who had not been parted from Qingdeng and others for a long time, rushed out of the kitchen empty-handed and anxious.

With this in mind, Qing Deng silently raised his teacup—he decided not to listen to the heated debates of those rotten scholars, but to concentrate on drinking tea and eating snacks.

"The Great Royal Terrace doesn't practice women's morals. When the previous general was in power, he didn't give birth to a son and a half daughter to continue the blood of the Tokugawa family clan, so that's all! How dare you shamelessly talk about state affairs and participate in the shogunate government!"

But in the mouth of this strong man, it became a perverse and evil act.

As for Lao Shizi's "no widows are spared, down to cardamom girls"... This is even more ridiculous!
Although I don’t know where this message came from or who it came from, it is indeed half right—Qingdeng did know a widow (Tianzhangyuan) who didn’t know whether she was lonely or not, and also knew a widow who was in the age of cardamom. The young girl (Elodie), but Qingdeng and them are innocent.

This is also normal.

Derogatory calling him a "reckless man" and accusing him of being "unworthy of virtue" - Qingdeng can laugh at these remarks.

"Women are involved in politics, and they are ignorant of emotion and reason. How can it be proper! A woman in the Royal Terrace, does she know what it means to govern a country? Has she ever studied the books of saints?"

Although his sneer was not loud, it was not too small - it happened to reach the ears of some rotten scholars.

Looking at the Confucian scholars who looked like babies who had no self-control, and howled and yelled whenever they wanted regardless of the occasion and time, Tedai-san's cheeks showed a hint of hesitation.

The Fanshu Institute and the Martial Arts Institute—Qingdeng is no stranger to these two facilities.

Relying on the superb straight heart kageryu swordsmanship, he has already defeated the famous "young tiger" at a young age: Noburo Imai.

"Heh, it's not surprising. After all, Ju Qingdeng used to be a mere member of the royal family, but he was on the rise in a short period of time. He had never seen a big world before, and because he couldn't resist the temptation, he suddenly fell into Huahua. In the world, it is normal."

"It's just a small setback, and it's polite to hide your face and cry? Are you afraid of making the ancients laugh at Jiuquan?"

"When I think of this, I feel full of grief and indignation! It's like being pierced by thousands of arrows!"

Being slandered by man-made rumors as a womanizer who disrespects women... Unhappy emotions arose spontaneously in Qingdeng's heart.

"Yes! Well said!"

"Speaking of... I suddenly recalled that I recently heard some new rumors related to that Juqingdeng. I wonder if you are interested in listening to it?"

"Yes! Well said!"

But to say that he is a philandering womanizer... With such a degree of slander, Qing Deng can't pretend that he didn't hear it!

——What's more, right now there is still the task of accompanying Iemo Tokugawa and Tianzhangyuan's private visit, so it is not appropriate to act rashly.

"At this critical juncture, the shogunate needs to work hard and work hard to rule! However, Da Shugong is doing the opposite, writing on one side and resting on the other! He insists on using Nao Shizi's book transfer center and martial arts training center!"

He never went to custom places such as Yoshiwara, never had an affair with prostitutes, and tried to avoid too close contact with other women except the third daughter.

I saw them cheering and enthusiastically saying:

Choubi and the others who were crying very vigorously just now stopped crying because they felt embarrassed, and looked at me and you with embarrassing expressions.

Miss Tedai bit her lower lip indignantly, and in the end——she took the boss's suggestion, no longer approached the Confucian scholars, and only watched their performance from a distance.

A new army that adopts Western standards in terms of equipment and training methods is in full swing inside the training center.

"Then, please listen carefully——According to one of my friends, Ju Qingdeng is a womanizer who looks serious but is actually full of sexual affairs! According to legend, every holiday or rest day, he will I linger among the 'flower bushes', and maintain vague and ambiguous relationships with many women, ranging from a cardamom girl a few years younger to a lonely widow a few years older. Hmph, you really are extremely playful!"

Restoring the well field system; resisting Western learning, and only respecting Confucianism... The ideas of this group of people governing the country are more and more outrageous.

Go directly to the sky in one step, change in one dynasty, and become the "overlord" of this country-even a novelist can't write such an outrageous plot, right?

"Mr. Hirota is right! Everything depends on human efforts! Without the support of outstanding talents, how can we do things well?"

"Yes! Well said!"

Tokugawa Ieshige, who became the 4th feudal lord of the Kii clan at the age of 13, was welcomed into Edo at the age of 12, and inherited the position of the general who conquered barbarians.

For a moment, the heated debates that had filled every corner of the teahouse stopped since just now.

In terms of Western military science, there are Katsu Rintaro, who is proficient in gunnery, navigation, Dutch and English; Takashima Akiho, who has mastered the essentials of gunpowder and artillery technology, and is also familiar with the organization and tactics of infantry, cavalry, and artillery.

Who would have thought that this group of guys' sudden brand-new violent theory would break the lower limit of Qingdeng's imagination unexpectedly.

However, before she had time to take a few steps, she felt a powerful hand pressing down on her right shoulder from behind.

Before that, I suddenly understood the meaning of the two famous words of the great writer Lu Xun.

After everyone's praise for the strong man subsided a bit, a short, acne-prone man stood up:
"Everyone! If you want me to say, it is also an outrageous thing for Da Shugong to rely on the Great Royal Platform and often ask the Great Royal Platform for advice."

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

As for the lecture hall - it has a very strong "Western flavor".

But after thinking about it, Qingdeng silently dispelled this tide-like impulse.

"Stay hard and taste the courage, endure the humiliation! Leaving Imagawa, flattening Takeda, taking Ishida, destroying Toyotomi, and finally opening my Tokugawa 300-year foundation!"

Compared with the Hitotsubashi School, the Nanji School is more open-minded, and its political ideas tend to "found the country" and relax exchanges with overseas.

"Agreed! As long as the people currently living above the temple are still heretics like Katsu Rintaro, or rough and reckless like Tachibana Qingdeng, no matter how decent and excellent policies and laws are, it is absolutely impossible to get the most comprehensive and complete Implementation! You might as well think about it, is it possible for Katsu Rintaro, Tachibana Qingdeng and others to understand our ideology? Since it is impossible to understand our ideology, then how can they take our political conception, How about carrying it out exactly?"

After finishing speaking, the strong man beat his chest vigorously with extremely contagious movements, and some tears could be seen faintly flickering in the corners of his eyes.

This time, Qingdeng's expression changed.

Leaving aside the fact that the relationship and behavior with the widow of the previous monarch surpassed that of friendship, it will inevitably attract criticism from all over Japan.

In this way, the content of the Confucian scholars' conversations switched back to the original topic - what should be done to revive the shogunate.

Compared with the average person, the only difference in me is that I have a little more girls whom I love deeply——Qingdeng firmly believes so.

The strong man's words attracted frequent nods from the people around him.

As soon as this long-awaited military academy was established with high hopes of revitalizing the country's military power, it was vigorously cultivated by the shogunate.

He is more than seven feet tall (2.1 meters +), and is good at wielding a five-foot (1.5 meters +) giant sword. He is the uncle of Lian Zuo Nazi... the founder of the Beichen Yidao style, and the one who is known as the "Momoi of the Position" Momoi Haruzang, Oishi Jin who was once defeated by him.

Although Tianzhangyuan, who has a little devilish personality, likes to tease him very much, and often makes the atmosphere between the two parties full of ambiguity, but in the final analysis, he and Tianzhangyuan are just ordinary subordinates.

—Forget it, why bother with these idiots...

"...Dare to ask, what are you laughing at?"

A very few people even echoed in excitement:
"Yes! Well said!"

Learning advanced Western technology and system - in the eyes of insightful people, this is a correct and difficult theory no matter how you look at it.

"Yes! Agreed! Duke Huan won Guan Zhong, united the nine feudal lords, and used it to rejuvenate the world. When Guan Zhong lost, Ren Shu Diao, Yi Ya, died without burial, and the world laughed."

Confessing to Kinoshita Mai, Sanako, and the chief executive one after another, secretly making a grand wish to stay with these three female elders.

From Qingdeng's point of view, this group of rotten people who are still boasting, really look like a monkey wearing a hat and pretending to be a human.

"It's really a ridiculous thing to introduce Xidi's strange skills and ingenuity!"

"Boss..." Ms. Tedai turned her head back, only to see her boss shaking his head at her helplessly.

With Qingdeng's current financial resources, status, and popularity, what level of girl can't be seen?

Now change to the person this person is talking about—Dayutaisuo, Tianzhangyuan's complexion has changed.

"No! The reform of the land system is still secondary. The most important thing is to select talents as soon as possible! Don't let the dead wood be an official anymore!"

A hint of impatience hung between Tokugawa Iemo's brows carelessly and nakedly.

Seeing through this group of rotten scholars, Tokugawa Kashige, Tenzhangin and Erzhong sisters, who are full of idiots, stopped paying attention to them a long time ago. .

Ao Zongzi successfully led the topic from "criticizing Tokugawa Iemo" to "criticizing Tenzhang-in" with his own power.

Despite being obstructed by conservatives within the shogunate, Tokugawa Jiashige insisted on promoting the westernization of military, navigation and other fields...or modernization.

It's just that the former teaches Western learning, while the latter teaches Confucianism.

"It's a pity that my ability..."

Just relying on this element of "never going to Fengyue Field", it is enough for Qingdeng to instantly kill more than [-]% of his contemporaries.

"Nojima-kun! You've touched my heart."

"Tianyin-jun is right! How can a man keep crying like a prisoner in Chu? It is the right way to sharpen oneself and serve the country enthusiastically!"

After the "Black Ship Incident", in order to strengthen national defense, Banner and his children, who are qualified to pay homage to the general, must study artillery and Western-style military skills in addition to learning guns and swords. On the suggestion of Seiichiro Otani of the "Today's Juggernaut", a lecture hall was established, and it was merged with the warship training center in the fourth year of Ansei (1854).

——Heh, no matter which country or era they are in, the rotten Confucians are all in the same style... One can smell the smell of old corpses when they open their mouths.

Shangang Tieshou, who advocates studying the way of Zen and cultivating one's morality while practicing kendo, is known by the world as "Zen master of kendo".

"Ah! The order is corrupted, and the human relationship collapsed! Dashu Gong used those heretics who have fallen into the heretics of Sidi, so what is the way of saints? What are we who have studied the studies of saints for so many years? Just go and invite them directly. Those barbarians who are full of fishy smell come to be officials!"

"The law of the ancestors cannot be changed! Otherwise, after a hundred years, how can I meet my ancestors under the Nine Springs?"

Thinking of this, Qingdeng sneered involuntarily.

Tokugawa Iemo, who has been on the political stage since he was a child, has been cultivated with excellent self-cultivation under the influence of the surrounding environment.

In addition, there are a lot of fierce people who don't come to teach often, but occasionally come to give advice to the students of the martial arts institute as "guest professors" in their spare time.

As for Ai Luodi, let alone, between Qingdeng and her, there is only a simple relationship between master and apprentice.

On the young face, there is always a calm and calm demeanor.

Even if it is the most top-notch prostitute, that is, the oiran, Qingdeng can easily meet them and spend a good night together.

"If the Odaisho really wants to do good for the country and contribute to the future of the shogunate, then it should immediately stop interfering in the shogunate! Concentrate on governing the Ooki for the Duke of Taiki! Don't show up in front of the public again! "

Tenzhangin is the theoretical mother of Iemo Tokugawa.

Otani Seiichiro's disciple and Naoshin Kageru's master: Sakakihara Kenkichi.

"Born at the wrong time!"

This impassioned reprimand raised an atmosphere that had been slightly weighed down by the cries of Ugly and the others.

The god of the East Zhao in the fat man's mouth refers to the founding general of the Edo shogunate: Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Ugly covered his face, his thin and narrow shoulders trembled slightly under the clothes embroidered with family crests, he cried and said:

For example--

He admitted that so far, the various deeds he has done are indeed too... fraternal.

For a while, the sound of sobbing and wailing sounded one after another.

Masters of martial arts, professors of western learning...famous players from various fields gathered in the lecture hall.

At this moment, Qingdeng felt from the bottom of his heart: Even drinking tea in a daze like an old man is more meaningful than continuing to listen to those rotten scholars chanting crooked scriptures.

"From the widow to the young girl, I won't let you go... Tsk tsk tsk, Ju Qingdeng has such a good appetite. Hahaha!"

The Fan Shu Tiao Institute was not only a translation bureau specializing in the translation of Western works, but also the forefront of research on Western learning under the Edo shogunate.

"The big tree knows no one, but he wears the salt cart, and the bird lives in the spring, so that the Chollima is only humiliated by the slaves, and it dies in a stable!"

Today, with the full support of Tokugawa Ieshiro, the Kosotsu Institute is carrying out the pilot work of "forming a new army" day and night.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and strode towards the Confucian scholars—she probably wanted to persuade this group of self-entertaining "sages" to be quiet and not disturb the rest of the guests present.

"The injustice of heaven has caused Dongzhao Shenjun to be held hostage by the Jinchuan clan since he was a child.

Today is really a meaningful day.

To sum it up in one word—Jiangwu Institute is a comprehensive military academy whose teaching content includes traditional martial arts and advanced western military science and navigation.

"Workplace love" with Tianzhang Academy... This kind of thing is too sensational.

Fortunately, at this moment, a handsome guy with a handsome face stood up, and with clever words, he resolved the awkward atmosphere that was spreading inside and outside the table.

The roar of Confucian scholars filled every corner of the teahouse.

He enjoyed this feeling very much, took a breath, and said loudly with more energy:
"Whatever, the current shogunate government really hurts my heart like a knife!"

The shogunate's endorsement platform and teaching content span the ancient and modern east and west, and are highly inclusive, making the current lecture hall a gathering of heroes.

Iemo Tokugawa, who was listening well, was suddenly named, and blinked blankly.


In terms of traditional martial arts, there are proposals for the shogunate to build a Kobu-sho, the current Todori (principal) of the Kobu-sho, Chiba Eijiro, the "former Edo No. Seiichiro.

"Duke Dashu relies on the Great Royal Terrace... What? Is this trying to imitate Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, and also want to create a Second Saint Lin Dynasty in our country, and also want to create a Wu Zetian?"

"Grand Tree abused Xidi's absurd system to promote and reuse Katsu Rintaro, Takashima Qiuho and other heretics who are full of fishy smells! They don't respect Confucianism and favor heterodoxism! If this is done, where will my Confucianism be? Let us be Confucianism Where is the scholar? Is the study of the sage wrong? Is the law of the ancestors wrong?"

These few words hit the mood of many people present at this moment.


"Xidi is just a bunch of wild barbarians who don't know the etiquette, justice, shame, and haven't been educated by saints. Instead of teaching them the knowledge of saints and helping them to be civilized, we learn their strange skills and obscene skills—what's the reason?"

In the midst of this chaos, gradually, there was a slight sobbing sound.


"Only by close and virtuous ministers far away from villains can the country be revitalized and the power of the people be condensed!"

Swordsmanship is ever-changing, one-sword style, two-sword style, and Kodachi style are all proficient, and Hideaki Iba is best at the heart-shaped sword style.

After all, his old friend: Katsu Rintaro is currently working in these two institutions.At present, while he is shouldering the post of head (principal) of the Fan Shu Tiao Institute, he also serves as the gunnery professor of the Jiangwu Institute.

Qingdeng followed the crowd and turned his head, only to see a big fat man with a thick layer of grease on his face, who said excitedly and loudly with a look of hating iron but not steel:
"Looking back over the years, Dongzhao Shenjun was born in the chaotic times of the Warring States Period! At that time, the sea was flying, the soldiers were in trouble, the clouds were rising, and the princes were rising together!"

The more the brawny man spoke, the more excited he became, and the more he spoke, the more high-spirited his tone.

"Oh? New rumors about Juqingdeng? But it's okay to say!"

After Tokugawa Ieyasu's death, the Kyoto imperial court gave him the divine title: Dongzhao Daquanxian.

It can be seen what kind of views Tokugawa Iemo has on the political views of this group of Confucian scholars.

Qingdeng, Tianzhangyuan and Erzhong sisters all secretly looked sideways at the same time, looking at Iemo Tokugawa next to them.

It was an ugly guy with a humanoid appearance.

Let alone Tokugawa Kashige, who has a broad horizon, is determined to forge ahead, and has long opened his eyes to see the world. As long as he is a human being with normal IQ and vision, it is impossible for him to have a good impression of the arguments just mentioned by those Confucian scholars.

In other words, if something happened with Tianzhangyuan, it would immediately become the father of Japan's current monarch.

—Even if I tried my best, these guys would only believe what they wanted to believe.

The wise choice at the moment is that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and that group of Confucian scholars does not exist.

For a moment, Qingdeng had the urge to fight the case, to argue well with these rotten Confucians who were just talking nonsense, and to save his own image.

Dashugong: The respectful title given to the current shogun by the scholars and people of the Edo period.

"Why are you crying? What's the use of you gentlemen here imitating the 'Crying of Xinting'? The country is in danger, and we should work together to stab the beam! How can we be like a prisoner of Chu? How can we be like a son and a daughter!"

At this moment, an impatient and anxious voice suddenly spread throughout the tea house.

Qingdeng originally thought: To make Tokugawa Iemo unhappy is the limit of this group of people.

His determination to bring happiness to the three girls with his own hands is unwavering!

But his feelings for the three women are sincere!

Therefore, Dongzhao Shenjun became the respectful name for Tokugawa Ieyasu by later generations.

However, Tokugawa Iemo, who had such a good personal cultivation, did not conceal his inner disgust at this time.

The support of his companions made the brawny man a little bit elated.

Therefore, after the leader of the Nanji faction: Jingyi Naobi came to power, both the Fan Shu Tiao Institute and the Military Training Institute developed very well.

The strong man's words directly ignited the emotions of the other Confucian scholars who were seated with him.

Although it was a bit detrimental to do so, Qingdeng really wanted to see the expression of Tokugawa Iemo, who was so belittled.

Therefore, from this perspective, the functions of the Fanshu Tiao Institute and the Changpingban Institute of Learning are almost the same, and they are both schools.

In the field of "love", Qingdeng believes that his will is firm and his affection is single-minded - he loves Kinoshita Mai, Sanako and the chief executive exclusively.

Now I suddenly understand the meaning of a certain idiom - bathing the monkey and getting the crown.

Therefore, Qingdeng never considered himself to be the kind of womanizer who sees differences and wants to change.

The burly man pulled his choked voice, and immediately went on without waiting for others to answer:
"Today the barbarians are invading, and the smell is everywhere. This is the autumn of life and death!"

After Ii Naosuke was assassinated, Tokugawa Ieshige had to stand in front of the stage. He was an open-minded monarch, and he was always very concerned about the current situation and future of the second institute.

Qingdeng had never seen a big emotional change on Tokugawa Kashige's face.

He raised the teacup nonchalantly, pretending to be drinking tea, and under the cover of the teacup, he quietly tilted his eyes and peeked at Tokugawa Iemo's face.

"Yes! Well said!"

Forget it, just let them go—the boss said with gestures and eyes.

For a moment, bunches of cold eyes focused on Qingdeng.

"Sure enough, the well-field system can be restored first! As long as the land system is reformed, there will be no more worries about money and food! If you have money and food, why worry about the hopelessness of national strength?"

"Ah! There is no way to serve the country! What a pity that there is nowhere to display all your literary and martial arts!"

A restaurant owner who has worked for more than ten years in Edo, where good and bad people are mixed, knows too well what the consequences will be if he disturbs such a pretentious person with high positive emotions.

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows, put down his teacup slowly, then turned his head calmly, and looked at the rotten scholars who were glaring at him angrily.

Nearly 7000 words today!Whether it is the number of words or the content of the plot, they are very conscientious! (Leopard crying.jpg)

I personally think: The remarks of the rotten Confucians in this chapter are really well written, and the general characteristics of the rotten Confucians are accurately outlined, which makes people's fists squeezed.

In terms of the quality of this chapter, be sure to vote monthly for this book!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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