I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 342 One person, one knife, instantly kills the Confucians!Shocked the audience! 【1】

Chapter 342 One person, one knife, instantly kills the group of Confucians!Shocked the audience! 【8500】

The freckle face's move can be described as a response.

All of a sudden, the angry Confucian scholars clamored:
"Yes! That's right! Come outside with us!"

"Damn! See if we don't teach you a lesson!"

"You bastard! How dare you humiliate us like this! If you don't teach you a lesson, it's really hard to understand the hatred in our hearts!"

The sudden out-of-control situation caused the people around to show completely different expressions and reactions one by one.

A look of panic appeared on some cheeks.

Some of them didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and their eyes flashed with excitement and excitement, as if they wanted to get up and applaud immediately, shouting: "Hurry up!"fight!fight!
Miss Tedai and the owner of the tea house naturally belong to the former.

After all, this is their shop, whether or not the items in the shop will be damaged, it will have a great impact on the business of their shop, it is a certainty.

"That, that! Guest officers!" He put his hands around his lips, raised his voice, and shouted with all his strength, "Please calm down! Please calm down! Don't fight! Don't fight!"

Ms. Tedai is doing everything she can to quell the violent comments.

However, as soon as she uttered her anxious cry, she was drowned out by the ghostly howls of the Confucian scholars in an instant, without even a little spray splashing out.

The Confucian scholars didn't even look at Ms. Tedai, they only had Qingdeng who wantonly "insulted" them just now in their eyes.

In their minds, there is only one thought left: revenge!If the revenge of being humiliated this time is not reported, it will really insult the name of the warrior!It is an insult to the body of a Confucian scholar!
Looking at the group of rotten scholars who bared their teeth and claws with ferocious faces, as if they wanted to swallow him alive, Qingdeng couldn't help but secretly felt amused, and thought to himself:

——Fighting and fire are the flowers of Edo... This proverb really does not deceive me!

This sentence is a famous proverb in the Edo period, which means that fighting and fire are the two most common scenes in Edo.

Edo was a fire-prone city - that's easy to explain.

The population density of Edo was extremely high, and the common people, who accounted for the vast majority of the population, lived in a town whose area was less than 2% of the total area of ​​Edo.

The super high population density leads to the super high building density.

The buildings and furniture in ancient Japan happened to be made of wood and paper, so they were very easy to catch fire.

Once a fire breaks out, several houses, even a whole block, and most of the city are burned to ashes.

As for the frequent fights in Edo... This is mainly divided into two reasons.

On the one hand, due to the influence of the "attendance and account" system, a large number of foreigners from various vassal states in other places flooded into Edo on a large scale every year.

These foreigners who poured into Edo were generally quite different from Edo people in terms of culture and customs.

The feudal vassals in remote areas such as Satsuma and Matsumae are not only very different from the Edo people in culture and customs, but also do not even understand each other in language.

For Edo people, there is no difference between the dialects of Satsuma and Matsumae, and the languages ​​of overseas countries such as English and French. They are all bird languages ​​that cannot understand a single word.

If each other's culture, living customs, and way of life are not compatible with each other, conflicts are naturally easy to occur.

Edo people and foreigners arguing in the streets - this is a scene that is not uncommon in Edo.

As for the other reason, the local atmosphere of Edo was at work.

Edo people are notoriously good-looking, greedy for vanity, and shameless.

Disputes arising from jealousy, jealousy, and jealousy were common in the streets and alleys of Edo.

Even the slightest trivial matter can become the fuse for both sides to fight each other.

Under the pollution of the distorted Bushido reformed by the Edo Shogunate, the samurai community generally regarded the so-called honor as the most important thing.

Confucianism, which was influenced by the Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties created by Zhu Xi and other valuables, happened to advocate "preserving the principles of nature and destroying human desires" and "starving to death is a small matter, but injustice is a major matter."

Edo people + samurai + Confucian scholars... The group of rotten scholars in front of Qingdeng are almost full of buffs!
After these idiots have been ridiculed by him, which is almost no different from poking their spines and scolding others, if they can still keep calm, hold their breath, and start a verbal argument with him calmly, without resorting to violence...then the young man Deng would be surprised!
Judging from the current situation, the anger of these rotten scholars has really been completely ignited.

Although they were very unwilling to accept it, Qingdeng's comments on them just now were indeed spot on!

They are just jealous, afraid.

Jealous of Tachibana Qingdeng and Katsu Rintaro, who obviously don't understand the knowledge of saints, but can be reused by the shogunate and skyrocket.

I am afraid that the shogunate will no longer value Confucian scholars, and the sage books I have read over the years will become waste paper that can no longer help them embark on official careers.

This jealousy, this fear is the most fundamental reason why they are hostile to successful people such as Qingdeng, and resent the shogunate for "burying talents".

The rotten Confucians were completely overwhelmed by Qingdeng's words... their emotions were completely broken, and they were so angry that they couldn't help breaking their defenses.

This sea of ​​grief and indignation cannot be calmed down by just saying a few innocuous words.

Seeing this, Qing Deng let out a silent breath.

——Today's private interviews on Weibo are quite unexpected...

At this time, Qing Deng suddenly heard the voice of Tianzhang Courtyard from behind.

"Sheng Qing!"

Qingdeng turned his head and looked back, Tianzhangyuan, with a slight smile on his cheek, looked at him with calm eyes.

"Do you need me to send Sazhong and Yae to help you?"

Qingdeng laughed dumbfoundedly:

"No need. You can order a few cups of new tea and new snacks, just eat and drink and watch silently."

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng turned his eyes back to the front, looked into the eyes of the freckled face, and said:
"Come on, let's go outside."

Qingdeng supported the low-rimmed bamboo hat on top of his head, and took the lead in striding out of the teahouse.

Just as he was about to pass through the shop door, he suddenly remembered something, turned around, and faced Miss Tedai.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Tedai, the disturbance we will make later may affect the business of your shop. A small compensation is not a respect."

Qingdeng stretched out his hand to explore his bosom, took out a small gold coin, and threw it to Miss Shoudai, then turned around and left the tea house without looking back.

As soon as the group left the tea house, they immediately attracted a lot of suspicious eyes.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Why are those people so murderous?"

"I don't know... Looking at the posture, these two waves of people seem to be preparing to fight?"

"Fighting? Hohoho! I didn't expect there to be such a good show on the first day of the new year! Let's go, let's join in the fun!"

"Hiss...! Hey, hey, isn't there a difference in the number of people in these two waves?"

"Tsk! That samurai wearing a bamboo hat is planning to fight 1 people with one person? Isn't that too brave? Does he think he is Nioh Tachibana?"

In the blink of an eye, Qingdeng and the Confucian scholars were surrounded by people standing on the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

In a blink of an eye, the street where Qingdeng and others were located was crowded with passers-by who came to watch the excitement, as well as Tokugawa Iemo and his party who came out of the tea house.

"Boy!" The freckled face made a "chuckle" and drew the knife in his hand, "Report your name! I won't wait to fight against the unknown!"

"You are not qualified enough for me to be named."

While saying this, Qingdeng pushed aside the sheath of the knife at his waist, slacked his arms, stepped on his heels, and breathed evenly—just looking at the rotten scholars who were even more annoyed by what he just said.

"Okay!" The flushed freckled face gritted its teeth, "Since that's the case, let's take the move!"

boo boo boo...

The clanging sound of drawing a knife resounded through this small street.

The 14 Confucian scholars who all drew their swords spread out to make enough space not to hinder each other's movements, and surrounded Qingdeng in a fan-shaped lineup.

Although the Confucian scholars all drew their sabers, as if they had agreed in advance, none of them held the sabers squarely, and they all turned the sabers in their hands in a circle, facing Qingdeng with the back of the saber.

It can be seen that they have not completely lost their rationality. They know that fighting is fighting, but injuring and killing people are two completely different things.

If it is the former, they are overwhelmed by a mountain of government affairs every day, and most of the officials in the administrative office who don't want to offend the children of the vassal ministers too much will probably make big things into small things.

But if it's the latter...then the trouble will be big.

Although the Confucian scholars didn't know Qingdeng's true identity, but based on the traveler's attire on Qingdeng's body, they guessed which feudal country or other shogunate Qingdeng should bring the traveler from. Ronin.

Killing a serious warrior with a record... If you commit such an incident, you might be stripped of your warrior title and demoted to a commoner.

For this group of rotten Confucians with a sense of superiority and arrogance, this is an unbearable pain.

Therefore, despite their urgency, the gang of rotten scholars still maintained the most basic restraint.

The rotten scholars who had drawn their knives and were ready for battle; Qingdeng who was still maintaining a natural standing posture—the confrontation between the two sides at one end of the street made the air at the scene seem to be humidified and aggravated.

The tense atmosphere that was on the verge of breaking out made many people at the scene feel out of breath and found it difficult to breathe.

"Hey, what is that man doing? Why doesn't he draw his knife? Why do you keep standing like this?"

"God knows... Could it be that you were scared stupid?"

Similar discussion sounds appeared in the surrounding crowd of onlookers.

It's no wonder they asked this question in their hearts, after all, Qingdeng's current appearance really doesn't look like a swordsman preparing to fight someone.

This posture with head held high is more like a general preparing to review his own trilogy.

The battle broke out at an extremely sudden timing!


14 Confucian scholars came out in full force, rushing to Qingdeng with full momentum!
Among them, the freckle-faced Confucian scholars on the left and right sides ran the fastest.

The distance between the two sides—the distance of less than 20 meters—was shortened in one breath.

The moment when half of Freckleface's foot stepped into Qingdeng's knife ring——

Qi and sword flash!
The freckled face flew upside down and slammed into the outer wall of a certain shop.

With a grim expression still on his face, he passed out without realizing what happened at all.

In an instant, the Confucian scholars and most of the spectators at the scene became stiff.

At some point, Qingdeng drew the knife from his waist.

The moment he drew the knife, he hit the freckled face's waist with a swift blow, and directly knocked him out.

Not finished yet.

Qingdeng's offensive has not stopped!
He took half a step back with his right foot, and his body and hands leaned to the left and right respectively.

The blade that knocked freckled face away folded back, and swung it at the Confucian scholars who had just rushed to the left and right sides of freckled face.

The first knife cut from the upper right to the lower left, and cut towards the Confucian scholar on the right.

There was a feeling of being hit by a knife—the Confucian scholar screamed strangely, and his body seemed to have lost his bones, and he collapsed to the ground.

With the next knife, cut vertically from the bottom left to the top, hitting Confucian scholar on the left.

This Confucian scholar has some skills, and he can keep up with Qing Deng's sword speed.

Like a layman holding a knife for the first time, he raised the knife to block with extremely clumsy movements—dang—although he successfully defended against Qingdeng's attack, he was in a state of embarrassment, holding the backed knife, thumping He stepped back a few steps before barely stopping the retreat and stabilizing his body.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, less than 7 seconds have passed since the battle was full.

As a result, within such a short period of time, Qingdeng had temporarily rendered two of the Confucian scholars incapacitated.

These guys were just stupid, and they didn't do anything harmful, so Qingdeng's subordinates showed mercy, and like Confucian scholars, he only used the back of his sword to fight against the enemy, and at the same time restrained his hands and feet, and controlled the strength of his moves to a minimum. To the extent that it will cause disability or death.

In the next moment, an incredible scene appeared in front of the Confucian scholars who were still standing still.

Qing Deng suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only a series of fleeting afterimages.

A moment later, a scream startled everyone.

Everyone followed the sound and turned their heads to look - only to see one of their companions flying in the air with a distorted expression.

Qingdeng, who appeared in front of this person without knowing when, maintained the posture of drawing the saber.

"You, you bastard!"

"Oh shit!"

The Confucian scholars gathered around Qingdeng angrily.

However, before their encirclement net was formed, Qingdeng had already drifted away like a fog.

He didn't drift away, he just circled around the Confucian scholars and circled around the Confucian scholars.

While avoiding the offensive of Confucian scholars, look for those who are alone, and look for opportunities to counterattack.

At this time, Qing Deng was surprised to find that these Confucian scholars were not all good-for-nothings who only knew the books of sages and sages, but some of them had very good martial arts.

"Drink! You beast!"

A dark-skinned black guy was very good at blocking Qingdeng's path at the right time, and slashed at Qingdeng's chest with a knife.

At the same time, a member of stubbleface with a beard, coordinating with the black man, rushed out from the oblique stab, swept across the blade, and hit Qingdeng's flank directly.

Qingdeng glanced around calmly, with "Eagle Eye +1" eyesight and "Speed ​​+4" ultra-fast reaction, as well as the combat experience he had cultivated over time, Qingdeng could calculate two knives in an instant Which one of them will fall on you first, and think about how to deal with it.

It was too late to say it, but Qing Deng suddenly lowered his body's center of gravity, slashed the knife from bottom to top, and precisely sealed the knife in the middle of the bearded face.

In Qingdeng's slashing, there are skilled techniques and immense power that Pei Mo can resist.

The bearded face felt that the knife in his hand was about to be swept away, his palms felt numb, and after a pained grunt, he froze on the spot.

Grasping this moment, Qingdeng took advantage of the reaction force of the collision between the blades, and turned the knife in his hand to the front, facing the black man in front of him.

The two knives were twisted together, because both sides used thick blades, so no sparks burst out.

Qingdeng and Hei Lao stared at each other through the colliding knives, and then at almost the same time, they bent their waists together and wrestled with each other.

The force of pressing against each other was transmitted to the pair of swords that were held together by the gauntlets.

In the next instant, the confrontation ended with the crushing defeat of one of the parties.


The black guy who was bounced away with a knife, leaned back exaggeratedly, giving people the illusion that he would fly out at any time.

Just now, a majestic force that seemed to be overwhelming the top of Mount Tai, swallowing the sky and tsunami rushed towards him through the pair of knives that were connected together.

His personal strength, his weight, are not worth mentioning in front of this huge force.The collision between the two was no different from an egg hitting a rock, and the black man's posture was instantly broken.

This is the truest portrayal of "one power down ten meetings".

Qingdeng didn't use all his strength, he just used the muscles in his waist and abdomen, worked his waist, and transmitted the strength to his arms - that's all.

Just like this, the black man can no longer gain a firm foothold.

"Elephant's Core +1" and "Bear's Waist +1" - this pair of talents is really a match made in heaven.

One enhances the constant output capability of the waist, and the other enhances the explosive power of the waist.

The mutual cooperation of the two is the result: in terms of height and physique, he is definitely considered a strong black guy among men of the same age at the same time, and he is directly pushed into the air like being hit by a truck.

The black guy, who couldn't keep his balance, was about to fall to the ground—but he didn't fall in the end.

Because before he fell, he flew out.

At the last moment before he fell to the ground, Qingdeng took a sharp step forward, gathered the knife to the left side of his abdomen, gathered strength in his waist, bent and stretched his upper body, with his head almost touching Heiguo's body, from Heiguo's right armpit The lower height passes through.When he was in the wrong position, he swung a knife across Hei Bu's waist and abdomen, chopping Hei Bu flying.

- the 4th...

Qingdeng habitually recorded the number of defeated generals under his command.

While memorizing the number of opponents' defeats, Qingdeng slid quickly and left from where he was, turning into a wind that no Confucian scholars could grasp even if they tried to catch it—a wind with a icy breath.

"No wonder this guy dares to be arrogant! It turns out he has some skills! Everyone be careful! Back to back! Don't be alone! Don't let him find a chance to defeat us one by one!"

Qingdeng followed the shout and looked over - hey, it's not that there's something wrong with the enemy.

The caller was the guy who crazily spread rumors that Qingdeng was a lecher who "will not let go of widows down to cardamom girls".

"..." Qingdeng narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned his body around, and rushed towards the guy's position like a tiger downhill.

Seeing this, the person subconsciously changed his face, but quickly regained his composure.

This person's psychological quality and skill are commendable.

He and the three companions around him form a posture of horns, taking care of each other and cooperating with each other.

The defense circle formed by 4 warriors who can tell they are not rookies just by looking at their standing posture and holding a knife - it doesn't look like a tight position that can be rushed into casually.

But Qingdeng still strode in without thinking.

Like a conditioned reflex, the four knives whizzed at Qingdeng from different directions.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang...

The dense light of the knife descended between Qingdeng and the four people.

At the same time, other Confucian scholars rushed over from other directions, preparing to gather Qingdeng and wipe them out.

Trapped by the joint attack of four warriors, Qingdeng is in danger-at first glance, it is true, but in reality?

In fact, the knives in Qingdeng's hands seemed to have turned into four.

The offensive of the four people in front of them was completely resolved by Qingdeng.Their knives couldn't even touch the corner of Qingdeng's clothes.

Suddenly, Qing Deng looked at the gap, swung his saber unpreparedly, and hit the side neck of the Confucian scholar right in front of him, knocking him unconscious.

The opponents in front of him dropped from 4 to 3.

- the 5th...

In the next breath, Qingdeng seemed to have eyes on his back, and when there were still 3 enemies in front of him, he swung his knife and swept behind him.

Two people were preparing to approach Qingdeng from behind, wanting to take advantage of Qingdeng's unawares to launch a sneak attack.

They thought they were safe, but in fact their tracks and behaviors had been spotted by Qingdeng long ago.

The blade of the blade whistling in the wind hit the left shoulder of one of them.

Immediately afterwards, the saber continued to sweep horizontally against the Confucian scholar who had been hit on his left shoulder without diminishing momentum.

Just like playing billiards, the knife in Qingdeng's hand is a club, and the Confucian scholar who was hit on his left shoulder is a white ball.

Pushing the white ball with the stick, he hit another ball—another Xiao Xiao who was planning to attack Qing Deng from behind.

The two "balls" disappeared within five steps of Qingdeng in a tightly fitting posture.

Killing the two of them with one blow... Even Qingdeng, who has experienced many battles, rarely achieves such a record.

——6th, 7th...

Qingdeng turned his head and gaze, and refocused his attention on the three people directly in front of him.

The minds and movements of these three people were obviously flustered and their movements were unstable - this is a big taboo for warriors.

In wrestling with a human being, there is nothing more fatal than being inattentive.

Qingdeng let out a short shout, and turned around under the knives of the three men, with two saber lights dancing on his hands.

Qingdeng didn't look in any direction, and stared straight at the person who made the rumor—the two companions beside him fell to the ground one after another.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

The desperate man uttered a loud cry of fear and courage, and at the same time swung his knife to fight back in a mood that was almost self-defeating.

There is no reason why this kind of slash without any deliberation and random attack could hit Qingdeng.

Qingdeng took a deep breath, stepped forward, twisted his body slightly to avoid the attack of this person.

In Qingdeng's evasive movements, the potential energy and preparations for attack are hidden.

bang, bang, bang...

Qingdeng swung five knives in an instant, and all five hit different parts of his body.

Of course, they are all painful, but not fatal positions.Example: shoulders, arms, thighs...

The last knife - the sixth knife was embedded in the man's body like a flash, and he fell to the ground on the spot, kicking up a thin cloud of dust.

——8th, 9th, 10th...

While adjusting his body posture, Qingdeng raised his eyes and looked at the remaining four Confucian scholars who had not yet fallen to the ground.

These four people all looked panicked at this moment, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Everything happened so fast.

Just in the blink of an eye, their companions fell to the ground, and only the four of them were able to stand still.

Qingdeng's powerful strength and the absence of his companions caused them to fall into great anxiety and panic.

For a while, they did not dare to advance, and did not dare to retreat.

They didn't hesitate for long, though—after all, they quickly lost consciousness.

Without any warning, Qingdeng jumped up like a big bird without a run-up, and flew towards the four people in a gliding posture.

When passing over the heads of these four people, Qing Deng swung his saber twice.

Two swift attacks cut the skin on the necks of the two of them until they were red and swollen.

When it landed, Qingdeng just landed behind the remaining two.

Using the tip of his left toe as the axis, Qingdeng turned his body like a spinning top, and with the potential energy and centrifugal force of turning around, he knocked the last two people to the ground.

- 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th...

With a "hoo", Qingdeng exhaled the remaining air in his lungs in one breath.

Just as he was relaxing his tense nerves and muscles little by little, the "Wind Senser" suddenly activated.

He suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching him at an extremely fast speed behind him.

At this time, Qingdeng showed a side of a combat veteran that was completely different from the rookie.

He didn't just turn around and go backwards. Instead, he raised his knife and rushed forward—with the strong leg strength given by "leading the horse", he pulled a certain distance from the footsteps behind him in one breath, and then turned around with the knife.

It turned out to be the dark-skinned black guy.

After being stabbed by Qingdeng, he didn't pass out completely... His physique and willpower are commendable.

I saw the black man holding his saber tightly, launching a desperate and brave charge towards Qingdeng, just like Don Quixote storming the windmill.

Seeing this, Qingdeng calmly stood with his feet spread apart, narrowed his eyes slightly, and watched every move of the black guy.

In front of "Eagle Eye +1", all the actions of the black man... especially the position and path of the knife in his hand, there is nothing to hide.

Just at the moment, Qing Deng swiftly swung his knife upwards, and the tip of the knife accurately hit the weapon in the black man's hand before he could swing it down.

Just at this moment, the black man felt as if a strong electric current rushed through his palms.

He was already injured, and subconsciously let go of his hands and ten fingers, and the knife in his palm fell to the ground with a "bang", making a crisp sound.

Qingdeng had already disarmed him, but the black guy still didn't want to give up.

He yelled, opened his two arms as strong as a black bear, hugged Qingdeng's waist, and wanted to launch a final desperate blow to Qingdeng.

He took a deep breath, wanted to pull Qingdeng from the ground, and then threw Qingdeng to the ground heavily.

Qingdeng, who saw through the black man's plan, did not immediately fight back. While he was secretly wary of the black man's sneak attack such as flirting his legs, he calmed down his dantian and stepped on his heels.

The black man whimpered and tried several times, even using his strength to feed, but he was still shocked to find that he couldn't move Qingdeng's body an inch.

He only felt that he was not moving a person, but more like pulling a weeping willow.

Qingdeng's persistent physical exercise and "Xiang's core +1" are not something ordinary people can easily compete with.

It is really appropriate to describe Qingdeng's next offensive with "moving like a mountain, moving like a thunder".

I saw that Qingdeng, who was as firm as a mountain one second before, started to move violently in the next second.

He kicked up, and the rock-hard right knee transformed by the "steel bone" hit the black man's stomach impartially.


The black guy who was hit suddenly rushed forward with his head, and the strength in his arms to hug Qingdeng was reduced by half.

Qingdeng seized this opportunity, his waist sank, he put his hands under the opponent's armpits, and with all his strength, he pulled Hei Lao and threw him out.

The black guy was thrown a few meters away, and he lay on his back straight, moaning and not recovering for a long time.

The moment the black man fell to the ground, the system sound rang in Qingdeng's mind.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied the talent: "Jiuhao"]

[Talent Introduction: Drinking capacity is better than the average person]

So far, there is no Confucian scholar who can stand safely at the scene.

At this moment, without exception, the 14 Confucian scholars either lost consciousness and passed out, or fell to the ground moaning and wailing in pain.

The originally noisy surroundings gradually quieted down.

The owner of the tea house and Miss Tedai.

The guests who chased out from the tea house wanted to watch this good show to the end.

Come and watch the lively people on the street.

That's right, regardless of status, male, female, old or young, everyone focused their attention on one point, on Qingdeng.

This kind of silence where no one made a sound did not last long.

After a while, Qingdeng's surroundings slowly became commotion without too much publicity.

The sound of gasping, admiration, and exclamation... sounds entered my ears.

"Really...that warrior wearing a hat really brought down so many people by himself..."

"The martial arts of that warrior wearing a bamboo hat are really amazing... Judging by his attire, he should be a folk expert from other places. Sure enough, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and heaven beyond the sky. Looking at the whole world, I don't know if there are still hidden in the market. There are so many martial arts masters who don't show their mountains and don't show their water."

"Tsk, I really want to see what this tall man looks like, can't he lift the bamboo hat higher?"

"Hey, don't do this! Do you want to die? The other party has been wearing a bamboo hat, which means that he doesn't want to show his face. If you insist on peeking like this, be careful to annoy him."

"Hey hey, those Confucian scholars are really ashamed now."


Right now, the spectators all around cast two polarized eyes on this piece of space where a battle just erupted was not very intense, and the situation was completely one-sided.

One is the reverence, reverence, and admiration looked towards Qingdeng.

A strong swordsman will always be more favored and respected by others.

The other is the sarcasm, ridicule, and sarcasm cast on the defeated Confucian scholars.

Confucian scholars really have big faces and big eyes this time.

Papers, Qing Deng tongue war group of Confucians.

These rotten scholars couldn't even understand Qing Deng's words.

All the well-educated people who had read the books of sages and sages were rendered speechless by Qing Deng's arguments, and they were at a loss for words.

In terms of martial arts, they lost even worse.

A large group of people besieged and beat Qingdeng alone, and the result was not only a big defeat, but also such a miserable loss.

All the members were instantly killed, and no one's knife could touch Qingdeng's body... No, let alone the body, not even half of Qingdeng's clothes.

Those Confucian scholars who are still awake can feel the needle-like gazes from all around them.

In an instant, their faces were flushed with shame and embarrassment that was almost overflowing.

For such a result, Tokugawa Iemo, Tenzhangin and others, who had long been aware of it, walked towards Qingdeng at a leisurely pace.

But at this moment, a person suddenly rushed to Qingdeng at the speed ahead of Tianzhangyuan and others.

As soon as this person opened his mouth, Qing Deng couldn't help showing confusion.

"Master Samurai, you are in serious trouble. Before that person comes, you and your companions should flee from this place! It is best to leave Edo immediately! Don't come back for a year or so!"

The owner of the tea house said so anxiously.

Thank you everyone for voting yesterday!Successfully reached the goal of 640 votes yesterday!So today, the author will present a chapter of 8000+ as promised.

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  [The current number of votes for this book is 676, so as long as it can reach 740 votes within today, continue to update 8000+ tomorrow! 】

  [The current number of votes for this book is 676, so as long as it can reach 740 votes within today, continue to update 8000+ tomorrow! 】

  [The current number of votes for this book is 676, so as long as it can reach 740 votes within today, continue to update 8000+ tomorrow! 】

(End of this chapter)

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