I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 346 Rebellion!How can you be rude to His Excellency Nioh! 【8400】

Chapter 346 Rebellion!How can you be rude to His Excellency Nioh! 【8400】

None of the four bodyguards of Itakura Hirahiko was spared, and all of them turned into dead bodies on the ground at this moment.

A strange silence enveloped the whole venue, and the sound of rapid breathing dominated this neither long nor short street.

After about 5 seconds, the surprised emotions turned into voices one by one.

"You actually won?"

"This warrior wearing a bamboo hat is really a master!"

"Mr. Hirata, have you seen the move of the hat warrior? The move is so decisive and fierce... This man is definitely a first-class master who has experienced many battles!"


If you want to say which side of the audience has the most amusing and interesting expression changes at this time...it must be Hirahiko Itakura and Confucianism.

They all look like they've seen a ghost now.

"He, he won...?" A certain Confucian scholar swallowed hard.

For the Confucians, if Qingdeng just beat them to the ground, they wouldn't be so astonished.

After all, they are disciples of the holy sect who concentrate on studying sage books every day, not reckless men who specialize in wielding knives and guns.

Therefore, even if Qingdeng kills them instantly, they still have a lot of reasons to excuse their embarrassing behavior——

This animal wearing a bamboo hat is nothing special!He can only bully people who are not good at martial arts like us!If he meets a real martial arts master, he will definitely be beaten to pieces!
As of now, they can still use such rhetoric to achieve spiritual victory.

But now, no matter how much they try to make up for their point of view, no matter how much they lie to themselves, they can't continue to "win".

Zuo Ichiro and others hired by Itakura Hirahiko are all masters of the sword who have been passed down and have had several lives in their hands!The four of them went together, but they weren't the match of the man in the bamboo hat?
Look at the man in the bamboo hat again—at first glance, the battle just now was very intense, but if you look closely at the man's physical condition now, you can find that not only did the man in the bamboo hat not suffer any injuries, but he didn't even sweat much. There was no sign of any haste.

It can be seen that until the death of Zuo Yilang and others, the attacks they created did not pose any major threat to Qingdeng... They may not have forced Qingdeng to use their full strength!
This kind of strength...is too terrifying!

For a while, many Confucian scholars shivered unconsciously.

Under the inconceivable eyes of everyone, Qingdeng slowly turned his head and looked straight into Itakura Hirahiko's eyes——now Itakura Hirahiko shivered.

I saw that the big fat man subconsciously lowered his thin eyes, not daring to look at Qing Deng, his face turned blue and pale at times.

He really didn't expect that the powerful men whom he hired with a lot of money to deal with many people who wanted to murder him, those who offended him, and those who he didn't like, would be defeated miserably by the sword of this man in a bamboo hat Down!

This person's skill is indeed terrifying!

This kind of ability, even in the Edo martial arts circle where hidden dragons and crouching tigers, is enough to become famous and leave a place!
Qingdeng's strength is certainly staggering.

But obviously, from the standpoint of Itakura Hirahiko, now is not the time to be impressed by Qingdeng's extraordinary skills!
The bodyguards were all defeated by Qingdeng... In other words, there is no one around Itakura Hirahiko who can stand up to protect him now!

In an instant, the sense of fear was like a rag soaked with water, tightly wrapping Itakura Hirahiko's fat body, dragging Itakura Hirahiko's body so heavy, heavy, and cold that it was difficult to move.

What will, what will this guy in the bamboo hat do to me?Will it kill me?No!Probably not!I'm the son of Ruonian, it's impossible for him to have the guts to do anything to me!But, but... that's not right!This guy is a lunatic!He just punched me!God knows what he will do to me after that!
The more Itakura Hirahiko thought about it, the more flustered he felt, the two thick and short fat legs gradually weakened and swayed uncontrollably, and his fat body swayed along with it.

At this moment, a series of dense footsteps from far to near at a fast speed suddenly sounded from outside the crowd.

Along with the sound of hurried footsteps, there was also a rude shout:

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Let's go!"

The sound of pushing, screaming, shouting and cursing sounded like a vegetable market in the evening.

"Tsk! Push... um...!" Some of the people who were pushed wanted to turn around and curse, but they all shut their mouths after seeing who it was.

This group of uninvited guests who suddenly appeared were all caught with spears, long ladders and other traps-they were the officials of their own ranks.

From Qingdeng's fight with the Confucians to the present, more than 20 minutes have passed.

It's been such a long time, and the gang of errands didn't come late until this time-this is also in line with their own urination.

Whenever there is any dispute on the street, the officials of their own ranks will always come late. There are two main reasons for this.

On the one hand, it is because the means of communication in this era are not developed enough, and there are no portable technological devices such as BB machines and mobile phones.

It will take a little time from someone running to the nearby own station to report the crime, and then gathering a good manpower inside the own station to rush to the scene of the crime.

The other reason...is quite dark.

It would be fine if it was just ordinary people fighting with ordinary people.

The common people basically don't have any decent weapons in their hands. At most, they pull out their wakizashis, swords, brooms and poles.

Moreover, the common people generally don't know martial arts, and let their own officials who have equipment and superior numbers do whatever they want.

That's not the case with warriors...

Two or more warriors were slashing at each other with shining knives, and some even brought out heavy weapons such as ancestral spears, naginata, bows and arrows, and one of them might be a skilled martial artist.

This kind of fight...how do I persuade?
How can a dispute of this level be settled?

It's only about ten silver coins a month, what kind of life is playing!
Ever since, many officials of their own ranks often slowed down their hands and feet and deliberately went to the scene of the incident after learning that there was another street fight.

For the old fritters who wanted to catch fish, the happiest situation was naturally that when they arrived at the scene of the incident, the fighters were exhausted from fighting, and even dispersed and left.

It would be great if this happens!
Whether this group of officials who have not appeared in front of Qingdeng until now is "involuntary due to force majeure" or "deliberately dawdling and procrastinating" with ulterior motives--I am afraid that only they themselves know the truth up.

"Get out of the way! I tell you to get out of the way! Do your own thing! The idlers wait to avoid!"

An obese middle-aged man with mostly white hair and a short beard on his lips was bluffing and waving an unsheathed Wakizawa in his hand brazenly.

He is the leader of this group of officials who suddenly rushed out.

Looking at this chunky middle-aged man, Itakura Hirahiko's eyes lit up.

"Ah, isn't this Kisaburo? Long time no see!"

"Huh?" The chunky middle-aged man called "Kisaburo" by Itakura Hirahiko, was taken aback when he heard Itakura Hirahiko's voice, and then shouted in surprise, "Itakura-sama!"

The block at the foot of Qingdeng is one of the places where Hirahiko Itakura visits most often.

For Itakura Hirahiko, who has a mean personality and is domineering by relying on his family's power, conflicts with others are just commonplace.

Otherwise, he would not have invited the highly skilled Zuo Yilang and others to protect him personally.

The reason why Itakura Hirahiko was able to get out of the previous disputes was nothing more than money and power.

In many cases, Itakura Hirahiko didn't need to use the family power behind him, he only spent a little money to buy off his own fan and the officials of the execution office, and the incident was settled smoothly.

Therefore, after going back and forth, Itakura Hirahiko unknowingly became acquainted with his own officials in the area where he often came.

Especially Kisaburo.

He received a lot of bribes from Itakura Hirahiko.

Seeing this God of Wealth whom he could never afford to offend was here, Kisaburo didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried to Itakura Hirahiko with a shy face, and said with a smile:

"Itakura-sama, why are you here? This is... what happened?"

Because he was busy greeting Itakura Hirahiko, Kisaburo was slow to realize the scene around him, it was simply horrifying!
The blood dripping from the corpses of Zuo Yilang and others dyed the tamped yellow mud road under them into a disgusting purple-black.

The pungent smell of blood made people dizzy.

"Kisaburo, you came just in time!"

While talking, Itakura Hirahiko lowered his face, revealing a grief-stricken expression.

"Kisaburo, quickly arrest this thug!"

Itakura Hirahiko's halberd points to Qingdeng.

"He first bullied my friends, and then beat me for no reason. My bodyguards were afraid that this thug would go too far and stepped forward to protect me, but the result? Look at the result! The bodyguard who has been with me for many years We were all killed by this beast!"

Itakura Hirahiko has a bit of acting talent.

The expression is vivid, the body language is rich, and the emotions contained in the conversation are very rich.

If it weren't for the fact that the spectators around him knew all about the dispute between him and Qingdeng, they might have been deceived by his rhetoric.

Suddenly, bundles of disdainful eyes fell on Itakura Hirahiko.

The owners of these gazes seem to be saying: Thank you for being able to tell nonsense with your eyes open!
What thugs!It is clear that you are the first to pick things up!

It was the group of Confucian scholars who were overly educated and overly self-aware who were the first to find fault with Qingdeng, and they were also the first to resort to violence.

As for Itakura Hirahiko, don't mention it.

Harassing Tianzhangyuan under the watchful eyes of the public, and on top of that, said obscene words to belittle Tianzhangyuan.

To do such a thing, just to be punched by someone is considered magnanimous and lenient.

As for beheading Zuo Yilang and others, this move was Qingdeng's reasonable defense.

Itakura Hirahiko frantically threatened to cut off Qingdeng's two arms to vent his hatred, and Zuoichiro and others also faithfully fulfilled Itakura Hirahiko's request, and every cut to Qingdeng could easily cause disability .

Since you want to harm others, you must be psychologically prepared to be harmed by others.Only those who are prepared to be slashed are qualified to hold a knife—this was the mainstream value in the Edo period.

In terms of emotion and reason, Qingdeng has nothing to criticize for the various deeds he has done to Itakura Hirahiko and his party.

However... even though the spectators around were all clear about the truth of the matter.But no one dared to stand up and speak for Qingdeng...

"What?" After hearing Itakura Hirahiko's explanation, Kisaburo's expression changed drastically.

Immediately afterwards, he waved vigorously at the subordinates behind him without thinking, and roared angrily:
"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and arrest this thug!"

Kisaburo gave the order in a strong tone, and the officials dared not disobey.

Crash, clatter... The sound of footsteps and equipment colliding loudly.

More than a dozen officials formed a phalanx surrounding Qingdeng with extremely skilled movements.

Four officials holding long ladders stand at the forefront of the formation. They put the wide and long ladders in their hands together end to end to form the four sides of the square formation.

The stabbing fork that can hold the prisoner's body and immobilize him; shaped like a "T", it can trip the prisoner's feet, and can also resist the protruding stick of the prisoner's weapon; Sleeves that can entangle the prisoner's clothes and make it difficult for the prisoner to escape - a group of officials holding these three trapping tools stand behind the "long ladder hand" and stretch the sticks such as stabbing forks over the long ladder's pedals The gap between them pointed directly at Qingdeng who was surrounded in the center of the formation.

It can be attacked or defended, making it impossible for prisoners to escape... This simple but powerful phalanx is the "Large Arresting Formation" most commonly used by security personnel in the Edo period.

It is basically impossible for ordinary people to escape when they encounter this formation.

Not to mention ordinary people, even a martial arts master like Qingdeng who has experienced many battles may not be able to retreat completely from this battle.

Surrounded by long ladders that impede movement, in front of them are a dozen long soldiers with extremely complementary functions... If you look at the whole of Edo, which has a population of one million, there are probably less than a hundred people who can not be afraid of this battle at all.

Tokugawa Iemo and Tianzhangyuan saw that Qingdeng was in a new crisis, and their faces sank. The mother and son turned their heads to look at Yae at the same time, and cast solemn gazes at Yae.

Although both of them kept silent, what they wanted to say to Yae was beyond words.

Yae nodded silently, then silently lowered the center of gravity of the body, slightly bent the fingers of both hands, and stretched the delicate jade toes wrapped in cute white socks vigorously for a few times, and rushed forward to support Qingdeng if the situation was not right. preparation.

"..." Iemo Tokugawa raised his head and gaze, looking at the direction where Sashige left just now, with an elusive expression on his face.

Tianzhangyuan and others are making intensive preparations for a war with their own officials... Under such circumstances, Qingdeng, who is in the center of the vortex, is quite calm and calm.

He first took a deep look at Kisaburo, then hoarsely said in a low male voice pretending to be:

"My lord, you only listened to other people's one-sided words, and you want to arrest them... Isn't it too hasty and irresponsible?"

As soon as Qingdeng's words fell, Xisaburo seemed to hear some Coke joke, first he grinned slightly, and then he couldn't hold himself back and burst out laughing.

"You are standing among the dead, holding a knife that is still dripping blood in your hand. There are all witnesses and evidences. What else do you have to argue? What can you say until you accompany us to the execution office? Bar!"

One side is the son of Ruonianji, and the other side is an ordinary samurai dressed as a traveler——which side should I lean towards?Which dialect should I listen to?For this question, Kisaburo chose his answer without hesitation for even a second: standing firmly with Itakura Hirahiko!

Although I don't know who this warrior wearing a hat is, but what does that matter?

Leaving aside that the man in the bamboo hat looks like an ordinary stranger from other places, even though he may have some status and background, Kisaburo is not afraid at all.

No matter how much status he had, could it be more prominent than Itakura Hirahiko's family background?
No matter how much background you have, is it better than having a family who works for Ruo Nian?

Kisaburo's little abacus was made very clear - he believed that he and Itakura Hirahiko shared weal and woe, and he would never go wrong!
"Hey! Why are you all standing still!" Xisaburo urged his subordinates loudly, with seven points of impatience and three points of bewilderment in his tone.

The arrival of Kisaburo and others made the situation abrupt.

Many onlookers at the scene sighed with regret and felt deep sympathy for Qingdeng's tragic experience... No matter how skilled they are, they still can't compete with money and power...

I saw Itakura Hirahiko returning to his arrogant and unscrupulous face.

The rapid transformation of great joy and great sorrow made Itakura Hirahiko feel ecstatic.

Thinking back to just now, because he was afraid of Qingdeng's revenge, he was so frightened that he almost collapsed on the ground.

But now, all the fearful expression on his fat face disappeared, leaving no trace.

With the attitude of a victor, he cast a playful and provocative look at Qingdeng.

Isn't your swordsmanship very good?If you have the guts, do it to your own servants!If you have the guts, come and challenge the power of the shogunate represented by the officials——Itakura Hirahiko's eyes clearly conveyed such a message to Qingdeng.

Injuring or killing law enforcement officials of the shogunate... this is a felony among felonies!

When this nasty man in a bamboo hat is captured in the enforcement office, it will be Hirahiko Itakura's home field!He has ten thousand ways to torture this person to death!
Itakura Hirahiko, who thought he had the winning ticket, felt extremely comfortable, the bad breath accumulated in his chest disappeared, and even the face injured by Qingdeng became less painful.

In order to express the carefree emotions in his heart, Itakura Hirahiko raised his chin, pointed his nostrils at Qingdeng, put on a preacher's face, and said to Qingdeng leisurely with his toes high and high:
"Boy, your swordsmanship is indeed superb, but just your swordsmanship is not enough to allow you to run wild and do whatever you want in Edo."

The sense of superiority in his heart swelled to the point of bursting, and the more he talked, the more he felt happy, and finally he leaned back like a toppled body, his nostrils almost pointing to the sky.

Almost everyone at the scene now believes that the dispute caused by criticizing corrupt Confucians has already been settled.Itakura Hirahiko, who has huge money, power and resources, won a complete victory.

But at this moment... there were some strange sounds slowly coming from all around.

The people who made this strange noise first were the officials surrounding Qingdeng.


"Ah, ah! Yes, it is him!"

"Quick! Put away all the guys in your hand!"


The officials yelled in horror while frantically gathering the traps.

The large formation of arresting people will destroy itself without attacking.

Looking at this scene, Itakura Hirahiko, Kisaburo and Furu were all dumbfounded.

"Bastard!" Xi Saburo said angrily, "Who allowed you to collect weapons! What are you doing? Want to rebel?"

"My lord!" A certain officer stammered with a pale face and trembling, "He, he is..."

This little official had just finished speaking, when there was a startled shout from the crowd around him, and he finished the next sentence for him:

"Hey! Look! That man... seems to be King Ni!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Some people either casually or in disbelief followed the sound and cast their eyes on Qingdeng.

Soon, their originally confused and bewildered expressions quickly dissipated.

Instead, there was a look of shock and astonishment.

In an instant, the uproar spread like ripples.

Soon, a chain reaction started.

More and more people were affected and turned to Qingdeng.

Then, the expressions on their faces were also dominated by strong shock at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hey! It's really Nioh!"

"What? Did you read that right? Is that samurai wearing a hat really Nioh?"

"Hmm! I can't be wrong! I was lucky enough to have the side of Nioh! That person is indeed 'Nioh' Ju Qingdeng!"


——Sure enough, it is impossible to continue to hide it...

Qingdeng raised his eyes dumbfounded, and glanced at the big gap in the bamboo hat above his head.

The bamboo hat that was hacked by Zuo Ichiro was like a badly damaged mask.

You only need to watch carefully, and you can roughly see Qing Deng's face clearly.

I wanted to continue to hide my identity, but the current conditions no longer allow me to do so.Now that the bamboo hat has been broken and the identity has been leaked... stop pretending, I am King Ni, and I have a showdown!

Qingdeng took off the bamboo hat on his head - at this moment, Itakura Hirahiko and his party... all of them had ugly expressions as if they had accidentally eaten a fly.At the same time, their complexions turned extremely pale, as if they had seen some terrifying monster.

"Xisanlang, I remember you." Qingdeng took out a pocket paper from the inside of his skirt and wiped off the blood on the knife in his palm, and said slowly to Xisaburo, "I think back to when you were saddled in front of me eagerly. , Hustle and ask for warmth. Unexpectedly, I haven’t seen you for ten days, you have grown up. You dare to yell at me, and your words are rude.”

Qingdeng and Kisaburo also have a little relationship.

When Qingdeng was still a member of the "Three Returns" of the Enforcement Office, Kisaburo was half of his subordinates.

One of the daily duties of Dingchohui Tongxin is to patrol the respective jurisdictions.

All the officials of the Zifan need to obey the Dingdinghui Tongxin who governs the area to which they belong.

As for Xisaburo... he used to be a member of Qingdeng's jurisdiction.

Therefore, Qingdeng not only knew Kisaburo, but also had a brief chat with him.

Qingdeng's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Xisaburo hard, knocking him to the ground.

"Ah, ah ah!"

Kisaburo, with all the blood on his face, shook his body vigorously a few times, then bent his knees reflexively, knelt down on the ground, and performed the highest gift to Qingdeng as if the whole person would shrink into a ball: Doxiazuo.

"Tachibana, Tachibana-sama! Please, please forgive me! I, I, I, I didn't know it was you...! I, I..."

The extreme panic caused Kisaburo's brain to be in a semi-shutdown state, and he was eager to say something to excuse what he had just done.

But the more anxious he was, the more he felt his head was blank and unable to think.

Tossing and turning... Finally, the words that came out of my mouth were still those few words: "Please forgive me", "I didn't know it was you"...

Kisaburo can't offend Itakura Hirahiko...but he can't offend Qingdeng either!
Its own fan is under the management of the execution office.

Although Qingdeng has left the enforcement office now, his old contacts are still there!

He only needs to say a few words to his senior friends who are still working in the "Three Chapters", such as Arima Hideyuki and Inotani Hanjiro... He will soon be overwhelmed and walk around!
In Kisaburo's eyes... such a future is too scary!
Not daring to think about it any further, he apologized and begged for mercy to Qingdeng over and over again.

As for Itakura Hirahiko next to Kisaburo...

At the moment, he stared blankly at Qingdeng's face, with blue veins popping up between his foreheads.

He felt his face heat up as if he had just eaten chili.But his hands and feet were cold, as if they had been soaked in well water.

——This kid...is actually that Nioh? !
The fact that the impact in front of him was so abundant that it was almost overflowing made Itakura Hirahiko feel dizzy for a moment.

But after all, he is not an old hat like Kisaburo who has never seen a big scene, he quickly regained his composure.While using his brain, thinking about what to do next; while trying to buy time for thinking, he smiled and said nonsense:

"Oh, I never expected it... It turns out that the famous 'King of Kings' Ju Qingdeng is under my feet... It's really regrettable that the first meeting between you and me will be in this way, on this occasion .”

Qingdeng looked at Itakura Hirahiko calmly.

After careful calculation, it was because of these guys' unreasonable troubles and troubles that Qingdeng and his party's itinerary for today was seriously delayed.

Thanks to this, Qingdeng's patience was almost exhausted, and he no longer wanted to waste any more time on these guys.

Therefore, he said to Itakura Hirahiko in a neutral tone:

"That's enough, shut up. I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore, and I don't want to have any interaction with you guys anymore. Hurry up and disappear from my sight."

These words immediately made Itakura Hirahiko's face look a little ugly again - he is now in a state of difficulty, being roasted on the fire.

In terms of official position and power, Qingdeng is no match for his father.

But the problem is... Huo Fu Thief Kai and Ruo Nian Ji are not in the same system!

Huo Fu Thief Gai is under the jurisdiction of Lao Zhong, and Ruo Nianji has no right to dictate anything about Huo Fu Thief Gai.

The wonderful official system of the Edo shogunate made the correlation and influence between the various systems very low.

It's not a system... so no matter how high your official position is and how powerful you are, it's hard to pose a real threat to people.

In other words: Qingdeng has the confidence not to give Itakura Hirahiko any face!
It's better to say...he is the one who should give Qing Deng face!
Who is Qingdeng now?
In officialdom, he is a rising star in the military.

Among the folks, he is the famous King Ren!
To have prestige, to have a bright future, and to be capable.

Anyone who is not blind can see what kind of attitude the top shogunate is currently treating Qingdeng: vigorously cultivate and reuse!

For this kind of outstanding talent who is favored by high-level figures and has a good relationship with Katsu Rintaro and other high-ranking officials, even if he can't make friends with him, at least he can't offend them.

Itakura Hirahiko thought to himself: If I let my father know that I have formed a relationship with Nioh today... my father will never give me any good looks!
Thinking of this, Itakura Hirahiko's fat body shook uncontrollably a few times.

Do you want to listen to Qingdeng and leave here obediently with your tail between your legs?
But if he did this...he really felt unwilling!
His face, which was injured by Qingdeng, still hurts!
If he didn't save his face, and didn't try to teach Qing Deng a lesson, he really couldn't swallow this bad breath!
If Qingdeng ran away in despair because of Qingdeng's words in front of everyone... he did such a shameful thing, how could he go out to meet people in the future!

Ever since, Itakura Hirahiko took a deep breath and straightened his back:
"Hmph! If you think I'll be afraid of you just because you reveal your true identity...then let me tell you: you're thinking a little too beautifully!"

"I'm not afraid of you! What are you? You just served as the captain of the Huofu Thief Kai! Do you think you are amazing?"

"You injured my face and made me lose face in public! If I don't get an explanation, this matter will never end!"

After a rough listen... Itakura Hirahiko's rhetoric is extremely strong.

But people with good eyesight can all sense a few hints of guilt and timidity in Itakura Hirahiko's eyes.

Yes.Itakura Hirahiko, who issued such a strong declaration, was just pretending to be tough.

The vanity of not wanting to end in such a disastrous way; the grief and indignation of suddenly realizing that the object of his hatred is not a soft persimmon that he can knead at will... Affected by these emotions, Itakura Hirahiko has already fallen into a A state of being half out of control, half insane.

He's like a red-eyed gambler now - I've put so much money in my bets!If I don't win money, I will never leave the table!

Just when the situation became cloudy again... A series of hurried footsteps suddenly intervened in the confrontation between Qingdeng and Itakura Hirahiko.

Everyone at the scene, including Qingdeng and Itakura Hirahiko, turned their heads to look in the direction of the sudden sound of footsteps - two strong waiters, escorted by more than a dozen warriors, He quickly lifted an extraordinarily luxurious sedan chair into the field of vision of Qingdeng and the others.


As soon as the sedan chair landed, a hale and hearty old man hurriedly got out of the sedan chair.

"Ah, ah!"

Itakura Hirahiko let out a strange cry.

When he saw the sedan chair, his expression changed abruptly.

At this time, after seeing the old man who got out of the sedan chair, he suddenly sweated profusely, and murmured in surprise:

"Father, father...?"

The old man who suddenly appeared was Itakura Hirahiko's father, his biggest backer, and the reason why he could be so arrogant and domineering: Ruo Nianji, Itakura Shenghu.

Itakura Shenghu ignored Itakura Hirahiko.

After he glanced at his son expressionlessly, he immediately looked away and turned his gaze to Qingdeng and... Tokugawa Jiamao, Tenzhangin and others behind Qingdeng.

Iemo Tokugawa put his right index finger to his lips, and made a "silence" motion towards Katsutora Itakura.

Suddenly, Itakura Katsutora's eyes twitched a few times.

At the next breath, he quickly walked towards Itakura Hirahiko.

Seeing Katsutora Itakura walking towards him quickly... For some reason, Hirahiko Itakura suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart...

"Father, why are you here..."

Old wounds are not healed, and new wounds are added.

Itakura Hirahiko, who was hit hard on the face again, flew out sideways.

Katsutora Itakura, who was still in a slap posture, said angrily:

"Nizi! How can you be rude to Your Excellency King Ren!"

The 8000+ chapter that I have been owed for a long time is finally made up~~ Papapapapapa (pat the leopard belly.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for collection wow! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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