Chapter 35
Edo, Beibansuo, the office of Pursuance——

"Come here, Dongcheng, try the Nagasaki cake my friend gave me yesterday."

Susui pushed his favorite Nagasaki cake towards Dongcheng.

"Hey, it smells good."

In the office room, Machi: Susui and Sadamachi returned to the "Tojo Group" and Li: Tojo, sitting opposite each other across a table.

Susui and Dongcheng have always had a good personal relationship. In his spare time, Susui would often invite Dongcheng to have some snacks with him and chat for a while.

"Recently, the world has become more and more unsettled." Susukino sighed, filling Dongcheng's cup with tea, "I really miss the peaceful days before the barbarians..."

No matter how the times develop, no matter how old or young, when men get together, they love to talk about three things - military affairs, politics, and women.

Dongjou, whose mouth was full of Nagasaki cakes, nodded and said vaguely, "Well, yes. The world is in chaos, and I don't know when it will return to stability."

"At this critical juncture when the shogunate is urgently needed to unite from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, to jointly deal with foreign aggression, there are still strife within the shogunate..." Susui smiled wryly and shook his head, "I heard recently: The old man and His Highness Tianzhangyuan quarreled again a few days ago...the gap between the two of them seems to be getting bigger and bigger..."

"...I can't help it." Dong Cheng gritted his teeth as he chewed the cake, "Some of the behaviors of Mr. Jing Yi in the past two years are really a little too much... His relationship with His Highness Tianzhangyuan is getting worse and worse, and it's a matter of course. .”

The black ship fleet in the United States knocked on the gate of Japan in June of the sixth year of Kaei (1853). Only a few months later, the last shogun and the 6th shogun: Tokugawa Ieyoshi died of illness.

After Tokugawa Jiaqing died of illness, his only son: Tokugawa Jiasada succeeded to the general position and became the 13th general of the Edo Shogunate.

At a time when the country is facing internal and external troubles, that Tokugawa family has become the new ruler of the country... Many people feel quite worried about this.

Because the Tokugawa family is a well-known brain-dead.

Literally insane.

Since he was a child, he has been physically weak and cowardly by nature, and he hates talking in front of others. Only his wet nurse, Geqiao, can communicate normally with him, and he is completely unable to handle government affairs.

Because Jia Ding's health is so bad, people think that - in a few years, Jia Ding will be belching too.

And Jia Ding has no heirs due to physical reasons... With his ghostly appearance, it is impossible for him to have a child.

Therefore, in order to ensure the stability of the country, not long after Jiading succeeded to the throne, the vassals began to discuss who should be appointed as the "crown prince".

The political structure of Japan in the Edo period was quite similar to that of the Zhou Dynasty in China-both adopted a system of enfeoffment rather than a centralized system.

The Edo shogunate only ruled a quarter of the country's land, and the other three-quarters of the land were all divided up in the form of vassal states.

Those who were enfeoffed in the vassal state were called "Daimyo".

The ranks of the daimyos in the Edo period are divided into three levels from high to low: pro-vassal daimyo, genealogical daimyo, and foreign daimyo.

The pro-vassal daimyo, relatives of the Tokugawa family, were entrusted to various economically prosperous places or military key points
Genealogy daimyo, descendants of the heroes who fought with Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Edo shogunate.

The foreign daimyo, the descendants of those who took refuge in and loyal to Tokugawa Ieyasu after the first general Tokugawa Ieyasu developed, were basically sealed off to some old and young frontier and poor areas, except for some special cases.

These three daimyos add up to more than 3, so the feudal vassals in the Edo period are also collectively referred to as the "three hundred vassals". These more than 300 vassal states divided up the other three-quarters of Japan's land.

Among the pro-fan daimyos, the most important and powerful ones are the Owari Fan, Mito Fan, and Kii Fan, which are collectively known as the "Three Royal Family".

The first shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu, made a rule: When the shogun’s family has no successors, the Mito family will be the supervisor of the successors of the daimyo, while the heirs will be produced in the Kii and Owari families.

In the middle and late Edo period, the "Three Royals" were established, namely the Tian Yasu Tokugawa family, the Hitohashi Tokugawa family and the Shimizu Tokugawa family. The Owari family, like the Kii family, has the qualifications to inherit the position of general.

After deciding to establish an heir before the Tokugawa family decided to belch farts, the shogunate ministers began to look for suitable candidates among the "Three Royals" and "Three Royals".

There are only two people who are suitable to inherit the position of general - Yoshihito Hitohashi of the Hitohashi family of the "Three Royals", and Yoshifuku Tokugawa of the Kii family of the "Three Royals".

These two can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Yoshinori Hitotsubashi was born in 1837. He was older and had a good reputation. The vassals who supported Yoshinori Hitotsubashi as the successor believed that at this time of internal and external troubles, a strong enough general must be in charge of the overall situation.

Tokugawa Yoshifuku was born in 1846 and was too young, but his blood should be more orthodox. He supports the person who succeeds Tokugawa Yoshifuku, and believes that no matter when, someone with more orthodox blood must be the general .

As a result, the vassals were divided into two factions.

Those who support Yoshiki Hitohashi's succession are collectively referred to as the "Hitsubashi faction", and those who support Yoshifuku Tokugawa's succession are collectively known as the "Nanki faction", and the two factions quarrel endlessly.

The great princes from all over the world also joined in this succession battle, trying to get a share of this political struggle.

It is the man who is currently sitting in the position of elder——Jing Yi Naosuke who casts the final hammer for this "Ichibashi·Nanji Controversy".

Two years ago, in 2, Naosuke Ii, as a hard-core "Nanji faction", successfully took office as the elder who held the power of the country through a series of political means.

After taking office as the elder, he forced Tokugawa Yoshifuku to the top position with an iron fist, so that Tokugawa Yoshifuku was established as the heir of the Shogun's family, and suppressed the "Hitobashi faction" with cruel means.

The "One Bridge·Nanji Controversy" ended with the overall victory of the "Nanji faction".

It just so happened that not long after Tokugawa Keifuku became the heir to the general with the support of Ii Naosuke, the always weak Tokugawa Iesaka finally died of illness.

Yoshifuku Tokugawa took office as the 1858th shogun in 14 and changed his name to "Iemo Tokugawa".

The general is young, only 14 years old this year, and he is still unable to handle government affairs alone.

In addition, there is also the special relationship that "Ii Naosuke is the greatest hero who won the Nanji faction", so in the past two years since Tokugawa Ieshige succeeded the general, power has basically been in the hands of Ii Naosuke, important government affairs It's all up to Naosuke Ii to make decisions, and Iemo Tokugawa is no different from a puppet.

Naosuke Ii's behavior as a powerful minister and his bloody act of violently suppressing the "Hitobashi faction" aroused the dissatisfaction of the Tianzhangyuan of the shogunate.

Tianzhang Court - This is the ring name of the main room of the general's family in the previous generation.

According to the regulations of the Edo period, after the death of a general, all his wives have to become nuns, and then have a ring name.

The original name of Tianzhangyuan was Duzi, and people called Duji. After the family of the previous general died of illness, she became a nun and was given a ring name: "Tianzhangyuan Palace, three respectful and chaste elder sisters", commonly known as "Tianzhangyuan".

In terms of status, Tianzhangyuan, who was the wife of the previous general Jiading, was similar to the "Queen Dowager".

Tianzhangyuan is very young. She was born in 1836 and she is only 24 years old this year.

Although Jiamao has no blood relationship with her at all, as the "Queen Mother", she still wholeheartedly assists this nominal son who is only 10 years younger than her.

Jingyi Naosuke's various behaviors made the young "empress dowager" more and more dissatisfied with this powerful minister-this matter is actually no longer a secret.

In the streets and alleys of Edo, "The conflict between Mr. Jingyi and His Highness Tianzhangyuan continues to deepen" has become one of the biggest topics of conversation among people after dinner.

"Sigh... I still hope that Elder Jingyi and His Highness Tianzhangyuan can resume their relationship as soon as possible..." Susukino sighed, "Now the world is in chaos, if the shogunate cannot work together, it will be too shameful."

Susui took the tea next to him and drank it down.

"Dongcheng, do you know what is the most outrageous discussion I've heard recently about Elder Jingyi and His Highness Tianzhangyuan?"

"What?" Dongcheng stuffed another piece of Nagasaki cake into his mouth.

Bo Jing sneered: "Some people who don't know if there is a problem with their brains are spreading nonsense: His Highness Tianzhangyuan and Mr. Jing Yi are actually having an affair. His Highness Tianzhangyuan has never tasted a man, so..."

"Nonsense." Before Bo Jing finished speaking, Dongcheng rolled his eyes, "How old is Jing Yi? He is 45 this year. Even if His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan wants to find a man, it is impossible to find Jing Yi." Boss."

"That's right." Susui curled his lips, "I really don't know what's going on in the mind of those who make up such nonsense..."

Susui picked up a piece of Nagasaki cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

"However... the life of His Majesty Tianzhangyuan is indeed very bumpy..." Susukino sighed, "Although I have not been lucky enough to meet His Majesty Tianzhangyuan with my own eyes, I have heard that she is a beautiful woman with creamy skin beauty."

At this moment, a wretched smile appeared on Susui's face.

"At a young age, he has never even tried the joy of fish and water, so he will be a widow forever as a virgin."

At this time, Dongcheng also showed a wretched smile: "Bojing, do you also think His Highness Tianzhangyuan is a virgin?"

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Susukino shrugged, "With Jia Dinggong's virtue, let alone having sex with His Highness Tianzhangyuan, whether he has ever touched His Highness Tianzhangyuan is a problem."

When Tianzhangyuan married the Tokugawa family, the physical and mental state of the Tokugawa family was extremely bad.

He hated meeting people and could only communicate with his nurse normally. When he married him in Tianzhang Courtyard, his physical and mental state had deteriorated to the point where he locked himself in the house all day long, and he didn't want to see anyone.

And his crippled physical condition makes it hard to believe that he still has the ability to have sex.

So people are spreading: until Jia Dinggong died of illness, Tianzhang Courtyard was perfect.

Tianzhangyuan lost her husband at the age of 23 and was widowed as a virgin—this kind of topic is so exciting!

In particular, Tianzhangyuan is also a famous beauty who is beautiful and intelligent, which makes people feel blood spurting even more.

It is obvious that the Tokugawa family died of illness and Tenzhangin became a widow two years ago, but even after such a long time, the topics related to Tenzhangin's virginity are still hot.

Countless Edo men fantasized that they would enter the boudoir of Tianzhangyuan alone as a lonely hero to comfort the lonely body and soul of Tianzhangyuan!

Everyone knows-if a woman of Tianzhangyuan's level wants to like other men, she cannot fall in love with an ordinary cat or dog. No matter how you say it, she has to be a man like a king to be favored by Tianzhangyuan. It still does not prevent the Edo boys from fantasizing to their heart's content.

The perfect body of Tenzhang-in—this happened to be a topic that both Susui and Tojo liked.

Talking about this topic that both parties like, the eyes of the two middle-aged men, Susui and Dongcheng, brightened, and they started talking about it with great interest.

Just when the two of them were chatting soundly——

"Master Feng Xing! Master Feng Xing!"

There was a shout of excitement and surprise outside the house.

Susui recognized who the yeller was - it was a certain Tongxin who was in charge of helping him with the paperwork.

"What's the matter?" Susui asked loudly.

"The murder case in Muliu Town has been solved! The murder case in Muliu Town has been solved! The criminal has been arrested and brought to justice!"

"Broken?!" Susukei bulged his eyes forward in astonishment, then stood up excitedly, clapped his hands and laughed, "Nishino-kun is really amazing! Ever since he was assigned to take charge of this case, he has It's only been an hour or so, right? The case was solved so quickly and the criminal was arrested!"

"It's amazing! It's amazing!"

"No, no!" Tongxin outside the door stammered slightly, "The one who solved the case is not Nishino-kun!"

"Huh?" Susui paused, "It wasn't Nishino-kun? Then who solved the case?"

"It's Tachibana Tachibana of the 'Arima Group'!"


"Huh? Master Feng Xing?" Tong Xin outside the door asked in confusion when he saw that there was no response from the room.

He deserved no response.

Because in the office room, be it Susui or Dongjou... it's as if the body is frozen.

Dongcheng's reaction was quite calm, but his pupils shrunk slightly and his face showed surprise.

But Susui's reaction was much bigger, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was opened into an "O" shape, and his face was full of disbelief.

New book set sail!

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In the Edo period, after the general's death, the general's wives and concubines had to shave their hair to become nuns, but not all of their hair was shaved off. Generally speaking, they just cut their hair shorter, just to make sense and take a formality.

Regarding the hairstyle of Tianzhangyuan, you can look at the picture on the right. This picture is from the Dahe drama "Atsuhime". The woman in the picture is the appearance of Tianzhangyuan played by Miyazaki Aoi after she shaved her hair and became a nun→→
 [Japanese history class starts~]

  The 13th generation general, Tokugawa Iesada, is truly brain-dead. Modern medical research shows that Tokugawa Iesada suffers from cerebral palsy, also known as "cerebral palsy", and is completely useless.

  Therefore, the Tianzhang Court mentioned in this chapter is still a perfect body, not the author's obsession. This is a setting that can be relied on in history.

  According to the research of many historians, based on the virtue of Tokugawa Iesada, there is indeed a great possibility that Tianzhangyuan did not share a bed with Iesada until Tokugawa Iesada died of illness.

  Tianzhangyuan married Jiading at the age of 21, and after being married to Jiading for only 1 year and 7 months, Jiading died of illness.

  Not to mention sharing the same bed, whether the Tokugawa family have looked at their wife in the right eyes, and whether they have had a good talk with their wife are all questions.

  There are middle-aged photos handed down in Tianzhangyuan, everyone can go to Kangkang.

  In this book, Tianzhangyuan is set as a beautiful woman of national beauty. Although the real Tianzhangyuan is not a swan, but from the photos of her middle age, it can be vaguely seen that she was not ugly when she was young. A very handsome woman.

(End of this chapter)

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