I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 352 Wang Jianlong, the meeting between King Ren and the dragon of Kyoto [5500]

Chapter 352 Wang Jianlong, the meeting between King Ren and the dragon of Kyoto [5500]

In the next few days, Qingdeng lived peacefully and happily.

It's nice to have a lover.

This kind of real feeling, as if he has armor and weakness at the same time, makes Qing Deng deeply fascinated by it, unable to extricate himself.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, this is the first time that Qingdeng has a real girlfriend.

In the past few days, Qingdeng has almost...no, correction, there is no "almost" at all!Qingdeng is completely tired of being with the chief secretary every day!
Because of the "five-year agreement" between Qingdeng and the general manager, and the fact that the general manager does not want to announce her real gender yet (because being a man is more conducive to her studying swordsmanship, she wants to continue practicing swords quietly) The relationship between the two did not publicize the explosive news that "they are already private lifelong lovers", and the two are currently in a relationship like an "underground couple".

There are a dozen or so residents in the test hall, and there are so many people going to and from various places in the test hall every day.Logically speaking, this young couple should not be able to find any venue or good opportunity for a tryst.

However, don't underestimate the creativity of human beings!
Qingdeng doesn't know what the general manager thinks, anyway, he himself is very obsessed with this "sweet breath of love".

I have formed a special bond with a certain girl, and when I think of her, I can’t help showing a silly smile on my face; I wish I could stay with her every day, even if I chat with her all day without any nutritious things, I won't get bored either...

This is probably the so-called "love period".

Taste the sweetness of falling in love with a certain girl for the first time... Revel in the fiery emotions of the "passionate love period"... At this critical juncture that you don't want to waste even a second, let alone "the test hall is crowded", even if Even if the Heavenly King Laozi is here, don't try to stop Qingdeng from finding the chief executive for a date!
Ever since, in the test hall for the past few days, such a scene was often seen:

The chief who practiced swords well suddenly threatened to go to the bathroom, and then ran out of the dojo in a hurry.

Not long after that, Qingdeng said that he was tired and wanted to go down to rest for a while, and left the dojo as well.

It was not until about half an hour or more later that the chief executive came back with a slightly red face and sweating.

Another example: whoever has something to ask Qingdeng or the general manager, searched all corners of the test hall but found nothing.

Just when he was about to give up, suddenly, Qingdeng or the chief executive came out from an inconspicuous corner.

"Wow, scare me, why are you here? I've been looking for you everywhere! Can't you hear my voice? My throat hurts from shouting."

Faced with such rhetorical questions, the two are often vague.

In this way, Qingdeng and the chief executive tried to find or create opportunities to be alone.

In just a few days, a deep tacit understanding has been cultivated between them.

At present, if one of them makes a look or an expression, the other will immediately understand, look for an opportunity to get out of the current place, and then go to a nearby uninhabited place to meet the other party.

Thinking back carefully...Qingdeng couldn't help admiring the energy of himself and the chief executive.

Qingdeng's energy is very strong - this is as it should be, after all, he has a lot of talents to enhance physical energy and physical fitness such as "strengthening essence +1" and "Yuanyang +1".

As for why the energy of the chief executive is so strong... This is actually understandable.

After all...she is a female swordsman.

Swinging swords in the dojo every day, I exercise a lot, my blood circulation is often maintained at a relatively fast state, and my own hormone secretion is also frequently at a vigorous stage.

Therefore, it is normal for the general manager to be more energetic than ordinary people.

Through the unremitting efforts of each other, the two succeeded in leaving behind them in various venues such as the kitchen inside and outside the test hall, the courtyard, the corridors that few people pass by, the alleys between houses, and the remote corners behind the houses. Dating figures and water marks.

Frankly speaking—the recent period is one of the happiest times Qing Deng has had since traveling to this era.

The feeling of having a lover who can accompany each other, support each other, improve each other, and spur each other... so good!


Although Japan does not have the custom of visiting relatives and friends during the New Year, it is still idle anyway. Qingdeng decided to take advantage of the New Year's holiday before it expires to visit relatives and friends from all walks of life.

Before that, he and Sanako repaid the kindness of Miyagawa Toshizo (Otsuki Mino's father) to him.

Among them, there is a private visit with Tianzhang's court micro-service.

Later, he exchanged heart-to-heart complaints with the general manager and made a private decision for life.

As for the girl in red who was obviously the first among all the girls to know Qingdeng... she has been very absent recently.

She disappeared directly in Qingdeng's life in the past month or so...

Since I haven't seen Kinoshita Mai for a long time, Qingdeng chose Qianshiwu as the first stop of his "visiting relatives and friends".



In the second year of Wanyan (1861), January 1——

Edo, Senjiya——

Different from the good weather like early spring a while ago, God seems to want to make up for the winter scenery that was owed before. Since January 1th, the sky has continuously sprayed snow on the ground.

The snowflakes rolled up by the cold wind are flying all over the sky.

A tangled and rolled up cold mist obscured his vision.

Qingdeng, who was wearing a bamboo hat and a thick feather weaving, walked on the snow, making repeated patchwork "creaking" sounds under his feet.


Qingdeng raised the bamboo hat on his head a little, staring at the Qianshiwu not far away.

Even though there was still a short distance away, Qingdeng could already feel the warm breath emanating from the Qianshi House.

Kara-Qingdeng pushed open the shop door with ease.


The first thing that greeted Qingdeng was the barking of the big orange cat Duoduo.

What followed was the exclamation of a certain soft girl.

"Ah! Qingdeng!" Seeing that it was Qingdeng who came, Kinoshita Mai's pretty face burst into a flower-like excited smile.

Pa Pa Pa Pa... The sound of white tender little feet without socks kicking the wooden floor, moving from behind the counter to Qing Deng at a very fast speed.

Not far from the front right of Qingdeng, there stands a burning oven.

Thanks to this oven, the room temperature inside the Qianshi House is maintained in a very suitable range that is neither too hot nor too cold.

Therefore, Mai Kinoshita's current attire is very cool, she only wears a red kimono on her body, her bare feet are exposed outside the hem of the kimono, very cute.

"Ah Wu, long time no see. Happy New Year, in the new year, please give me your advice."

"Well! Happy New Year to you too! In the new year, please take care of me too!"

After finishing speaking, Kinoshita Mai changed her expression—she pouted her small mouth high, showing a sullen expression.

"Hmph, you also know that you haven't come to see me for a long time."

"Sorry sorry."

Qingdeng clasped his hands together and lowered his head.

"I've been really busy recently, and the piles of business and trivial matters are eating up my time like termites. I really want to come and play with you as soon as possible. Please forgive me."

Kinoshita Mai raised her gaze and stared straight into Qingdeng's eyes.

"Hmph...Okay. Qingdeng, you are now the team leader of Huofu Thief Kai, with a high position and authority, so I can understand that you are busy every day...I will forgive you this time."

Although Kinoshita Mai said so, there was no aura of "I forgive you" from her body at all.

On the contrary, it seemed to be testing Qingdeng: I did say "forgive you", but Qingdeng, are you going to say something to me again?

Qingdeng saw through Kinoshita Mai's little thought at a glance.

He smiled slightly, then took half a step forward, standing closer to Kinoshita Mai.

"A Wu, are you free today?"

Before he could finish speaking, Qing Deng stretched out his right hand suddenly, and grasped Kinoshita Wu's left hand.

Facing Qingdeng's sudden holding hands, Kinoshita Wu's delicate body trembled a few times.And then... there is no more.

She didn't make any resistance, and let Qingdeng hold her hand.It seemed as if he had long been used to physical contact with Qingdeng.

"I...I'm free this afternoon..."

Kinoshita Mai stammered in reply.

"It's good if you're free!"

Qingdeng stretched out his other hand and took Kinoshita Wu's other hand.

"Since you are free in the afternoon, would you like to go out with me in the afternoon?"

"Going out to play? Where?"

"Well... You can go wherever you want. I will have fun with you today, and I will treat it as my apology for neglecting you because I have been busy with official duties and trivial matters recently."

As soon as these words came out, the emotional look on Kinoshita Mai's face disappeared suddenly.

"Then, that... then it's a deal... don't go back on your word!"

After speaking, Kinoshita Mai blinked hesitantly.

This look of hesitation came and went quickly.

After a while, Kinoshita Mai took a deep breath as if she had made up her mind.

Next, she made a very bold movement——she pulled the catkins out of Qingdeng's palms, and at the same time stood on tiptoe, wrapped her newly "liberated" hands around Qingdeng's neck, and stretched all her body The weight was on Qingdeng's body.


Qingdeng's ears were entangled by a soft and pleasant breath and a series of foolish laughter.

"Ha ha……"

Qingdeng chuckled a few times unconsciously, while hugging Kinoshita Mai with his backhand.

As for the relationship between himself and Kinoshita Mai now... It is difficult for Qingdeng to say why.

If Qingdeng had to describe it... he and Kinoshita Mai could be regarded as "only one step away from being a formal couple" at present.

Although Kinoshita Mai, like Sanako, made it clear that she does not want her future husband to have other women, but the difference between Kinoshita Mai and Sanako is that her ears are very soft and coaxable.

Sanako's character is too strong, she wants to be the first in everything, and she is not willing to be second. Ordinary sweet words can't impress her at all.

Therefore, if it was Sanazi who was in a mood, then Qingdeng really didn't know how to coax her well.

Kinoshita Mai is different.

Whether it is dissatisfaction or anger, no matter what her mood is, as long as you say a few pleasant words to her, her mood will immediately turn from cloudy to sunny.

Let me give you an example... Kinoshita Mai is someone who, after being teased by a scumbag, would say "he's not that bad, he just praised my cooking skills yesterday", while persistently defending the scumbag kind of girl.

Kinoshita Wu's character...doomed her to be unable to resist Qingdeng's pursuit.

Qingdeng spotted Kinoshita Mai's personality of not being able to refuse and having almost zero immunity to sweet words, and using this as a starting point, he launched an "offensive" against Kinoshita Mai.

The pursuit methods used by Qingdeng include but are not limited to:
Suddenly holding Kinoshita Mai's hand; suddenly embracing Kinoshita Mai; suddenly hugging Kinoshita Mai, and complimenting her on how beautiful her clothes are today...

In a word: make Kinoshita Mai get used to his existence in different ways; coax Kinoshita Mai in different ways.

And this girl really likes it!
If you are too gentle with her, she may not appreciate it.

Being rough with her will make her stare.

After Qingdeng confessed his love to Kinoshita Mai and Sanako, he officially began to pursue them.

From the official pursuit to the present, in just three months, Qingdeng witnessed with his own eyes how Kinoshita Mai "fell" step by step in his "offensive".

At first, he was very resistant to his physical contact such as holding hands and hugging, then he only made symbolic resistance, and finally now...not only will he no longer resist, but he will actively hug Qingdeng instead.

Apart from not kissing and doing further things, Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai are now no different from a couple.

It's a pity... Although Kinoshita Mai's ears are soft and her character is weak, she has a very tough attitude on some issues of principle, and she refuses to back down no matter what.

For example: Qingdeng is not allowed to touch her body.

Once, when Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu hugged each other, the love was so deep that he unconsciously raised his hand, wanting to measure the development of Kinoshita Wu with his hand.

Here, Qingdeng would like to make an excuse: his behavior at that time was definitely not lustful!It's just a momentary fascination!

As a result, Kinoshita Mai dodged it just as he raised his hand halfway.

The reason she gave was impeccable, and Qingdeng couldn't find any room for rebuttal: "Grandma told me that this kind of thing has to wait until the wedding night..."

Another example: resolutely objecting that she is not Qingdeng's only wife.

In order to realize the dream of "living happily with the girls he loves", Qingdeng tirelessly instilled the rationality, legitimacy, and greatness.

However... Kinoshita Mai was completely unmoved.

No matter what Qingdeng said or explained, Kinoshita Mai has only one attitude——

"I don't want it, I don't want it! It's enough for Ju Qingdeng's wife to have me! I don't want to share you with other women! Especially that Chiba Sanako!"

It may be because they are rivals in love, or it may be because of a simple disagreement, Mai Kinoshita hates Sanako very much, and often shows explicit hostility towards Sanako in front of Qingdeng.

However, Kinoshita Mai's dislike for Sanako is not the kind of dislike that wishes for her to be unlucky soon, but a kind of...a feeling that is hard to describe.

To put it simply, Mai Kinoshita looks at Sanako... a bit like looking at a competitor who she doesn't want to lose to the other party no matter what.

All in all, on the issue of "whether Qingdeng can embrace left and right", Kinoshita Mai has always carried out a tough attitude of "resolutely opposing".

Qingdeng's dream of "being in harmony with all the girls and respecting each other as guests" still has a long way to go...

This kind of problem can't be rushed.At this stage, we can only slowly cultivate feelings with Mai Kinoshita.

Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu hugged each other for a moment, and they reluctantly lowered their arms until they were soaked in each other's body temperature and breath.

"Miss Kinoshita, have you bought new clothes?"

Qingdeng shifted his gaze, looked Kinoshita Wu from head to toe, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Hey~ You found out."

Kinoshita Mai seemed very happy when Qingdeng found out that the clothes she was wearing were new clothes.

The smiling Kinoshita Mai stretched out her hands and turned twice on the spot.

"How is it? Does it look good? Does it suit me?"

Qingdeng nodded vigorously, with a firm tone:
"Hmm! Very nice! It suits you very well!"

Although during the days when he was pursuing Kinoshita Wu, Qingdeng seized every opportunity to praise Kinoshita Wu's clothes, feet, this and that, but his words were all from the bottom of his heart.

There is a saying: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Qingdeng didn't open his eyes and talk nonsense just to make Kinoshita Wu happy, he sincerely felt that every part of Kinoshita Wu's body was beautiful, even if she was only wrapped in a quilt, she was still full of charm.

Qingdeng's praise just now cannot be said to be perfunctory, but it is by no means grand - but it is enough.

This level of praise was enough to make Kinoshita Wu laugh for a long time there.

"Hey~ Thank you~~ I also think this dress suits me very well!"

Kinoshita Mai raised her hands to hold her blushing cheeks from embarrassment.

Vaguely, wisps of translucent steam could be seen floating out from the top of his head.

She became a "Steam Queen".

"This is a new dress my grandma gave me! So I like and cherish this dress very much!"

"Grandma?" Qing Deng raised his eyebrows.

——Rin Kinoshita...

Kinoshita Wu once mentioned to Qingdeng that her grandmother's name was "Minoxia Lin".

"En!" Kinoshita Mai nodded obediently, "This dress is a gift from grandma!"

Kinoshita Mai sent her grandma to Edo to visit her during the New Year this year, but she had to renege on her promise because she was busy with work. As compensation, she sent this red dress, which is definitely worth a lot just by looking at the fabric and stitches, to Edo. The whole process of the households will be reported in detail.

Qingdeng nodded after listening:
"A Wu, when I hear you introduce your grandma, I always think she is a scary person, but I didn't expect her to be unexpectedly gentle..."

"Grandma is usually very strict and scary, but I know: she just has a cold face and a warm heart! Her character is far gentler than it looks!"

After speaking, Kinoshita Mai showed a proud and happy expression.

——Is it Ah Wu's grandma...

Qingdeng let out a long breath.

As long as Qingdeng still wants to marry Kinoshita Wu, the family behind Kinoshita Wu will definitely become an existence that Qingdeng has to deal with.

Kinoshita Mai's grandma is a person who personally chooses and presents a new kimono for her granddaughter in order to apologize to her granddaughter... After learning this information, Qingdeng couldn't help but secretly heave a sigh of relief.

For Qingdeng, he is naturally happy to see that all the family members of the woman are easy-going and kind people.

Speaking of the woman's relatives... Qingdeng raised his head and looked around.

"A Wu, where's Boss Kiryu? Has he gone out?"

It's ashamed to say...he was so busy chatting and loving with Mai Kinoshita that he completely forgot about the existence of his master...

"Mr. Kiryu didn't go out, he..."

Kinoshita Mai's voice suddenly stopped.

Before Qingdeng had time to ask "what's the matter", Kinoshita Wu showed an expression of "ah, I'm such an idiot! How could I forget such an important thing".

"Qingdeng, I forgot to tell you! An elder I like very much has come to Edo, and he said that he really wants to see you!"


The moment Qingdeng's puzzled question just fell——

"Huh? Ah Wu, why are you so noisy? Is there a visitor?"

A loud, muffled voice that was extremely unfamiliar to Qingdeng sounded from the depths of the back porch of Qianshiwu.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure came into Qingdeng's eyes.

"Huh? Oh! I must be the 'Nioh' Ju Qingdeng! Oh, I've waited for you! If you don't come again, I want to go directly to the test hall to find you! Oh oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! It's the first time we meet, Yahachi, Shimomura!"

Today is the ecstatic chapter of "Dancing Party"... Book friends who like soft girls in red, be sure to vote monthly for this book today!

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 Thinking about it carefully, Qingdeng's harem is full of sports girls.

  2 female swordsmen (Okita Souji, Elodie)

  1 female archer (Tianzhangyuan)

  1 female ninja (Mai Kinoshita)
  1 female samurai (Sanako)

  Living with so many energetic girls...Qingdeng is so tiring~~
  By the way: Although both are swordplayers, the attributes of Sanako and Souji are slightly different.

  The former is a "female warrior" and the latter is a "female swordsman".

  The main feature of the former... or the most unsightly thing is that she is a noble warrior on the surface, and she abides by moral principles such as propriety, justice, integrity and shame.

  You know everything.

(End of this chapter)

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