I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 371 Qingdeng vs. Huofu Thief Kai, surprise attack on Huofu Thief Kai's headquarters! 【4

Chapter 371 Qingdeng vs. Huofu Thief Kai, surprise attack on Huofu Thief Kai's headquarters! 【4200】

After listening to Qingdeng's explanation, Tianzhangyuan lowered his head slightly and pursed his lips thoughtfully.

"So that's the case, the captains of the fifth and sixth divisions who were changed by Huofu Thief...Indeed, from what you said, the two of them are quite suspicious."

Tianzhangyuan raised his head again and looked directly at Qingdeng.

"So, Mr. Ju, what are your plans next? Are you going to find out who persecuted you first?"

"... Kanazawa-kun is my friend. He and I have been on the battlefield together, killed the enemy together, and shed blood together."

The moment the words fell, Qingdeng's memory returned to the end of last year, to the day when he went to Kai and conquered bandits.

The scenes of fighting side by side with Zhongsuke Kanazawa flashed quickly in Qingdeng's mind.

"As for Miss Kanazawa..."

A new picture came into Qingdeng's eyes.

Competing with Jin Zeqin in the dojo of the Little Chiba Sword Gym; after the bandits in Kai were suppressed, Miss Jin Zeqin took care of his daily life very carefully; Zhongsuke Kanazawa came to propose marriage... It was like watching a dusty old movie, Qingdeng read the time spent with Jin Zeqin with mixed feelings.

He grasped the hand that was being edged further.

His face was covered with dark and cold clouds.

"The friendship between Miss Kanazawa and me is also very deep."

"No matter what, I have no way to remain indifferent to their sudden death!"

"Even if Your Highness doesn't say anything, I will definitely investigate the so-called 'strange drug' that is suspected to have caused the murder of Mr. Jinze and Miss Jinze. I will never stop until the truth is revealed!"

"It's just that before that... I want to find out the thieves who threatened to have a 'blood debt' with me!"

"Based on all the information currently known, what can be confirmed right now is that the thieves who led the fire at the prison house in Kodenma Town and the tragedy at Akabane's house are by no means a single individual, but a whole group."

"Otherwise, with only one or two people, it is absolutely impossible to kill the Akabane family so cleanly, thoroughly, and quickly."

"There are so many people in Akabane's family, even if they can't beat the thieves, can't they escape? In the end, they were still wiped out."

"This shows that the number of thieves who attacked the Akabane family's mansion at night must be large enough to make it difficult for all members of the Akabane family to fly."

"I suspect...the reason why the thieves stole my sword and left my sword at the scene of the murder after killing Akabane's entire family was to frame me and pour dirty water on me to lure the government Want me, use the power of the government to find the 'missing' me."

"In order to find me and kill me, this group of thieves did not hesitate to set fire to the town, steal property in the government office, and destroy people everywhere... There is no doubt that they are a bunch of lunatics who will do anything to achieve their goals."

"My past life experience tells me: If you are targeted by lunatics who do things recklessly, you must find them out and annihilate them as quickly as possible! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

"The way a madman thinks and acts is difficult to assess."

"They dared to burn the prison today, dared to kill a certain family without a living person, God knows if they will go to burn the test guard hall, the little Qianye sword hall, and attack my relatives and friends..."

"My relationships are not difficult to check at all."

"It doesn't take much effort to find out the places I frequent and who the people I have a good relationship with."

"For the safety of my relatives and friends, and to prevent everyone from being harmed, I must...no, I must settle this turmoil as soon as possible!"

Qingdeng's voice is sonorous and powerful. When it comes to the two sets of words "must" and "as soon as possible", the firmness shown in the voice is extremely solemn.

"Therefore, Your Highness, please allow me to temporarily resign from the task of 'assisting in the investigation of the mysterious drug'."

Tianzhangyuan heard the words, as if chewing every word, whispered slowly:


Qing Deng nodded.

"Yes. 'Temporarily.'"

"As I said just now, I will never sit idly by Kanazawa-kun and Miss Kanazawa's death."

"Your Highness, I promise you: after I have dealt with the thieves who were attacking me fiercely, I will definitely return to your command as soon as possible."

"It's time, I will definitely give everything I have to find out the truth and return justice to Mr. Jinze and Ms. Jinze!"

Hearing what Qingdeng said, Tianzhangyuan showed a very charming expression mixed with helplessness and regret.

"...Okay, I understand. Tachibana-kun, your request - I agree!"

Qingdeng has not yet had time to show a happy and thankful expression.

"However, I have one condition."

Then I heard Tianzhangyuan suddenly change the subject.


Qing Deng raised his puzzled eyes.

"Let me and my new royal family help you—this is my condition."

Qingdeng was stunned, and the expression on his face was instantly dominated by strong surprise.

"Didn't you just say: You want to eliminate the lunatics who are chasing and killing you first, and then concentrate on supporting me?"

"Since that's the case, the sooner you free up your hands, the sooner you can come and help me investigate the elusive medicine."

"That is to say, providing convenience to you is tantamount to providing convenience to me, all benefits and no harm~~"

A smile appeared on Tianzhangyuan's pretty face.

It's not the usual "succubus-like smirk" that seems to be planning something.

Not that formulaic smirk either.

It is a friendly smile full of true feelings.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, looking at the smiling face in front of him...Qingdeng felt the corners of his mouth pulling and extending uncontrollably.

"……I understand."

Qingdeng bowed his body and bowed solemnly to Tianzhang Court.

"Your Highness, thank you for your help!"

"Hahaha, you don't have to thank me so early."

Tianzhangyuan laughed and waved his hands.

"After I really do something for you, you can come and thank me."

After saying that, Tianzhangyuan took half a step forward and sat closer to Qingdeng.

"So, what are you going to do next? The enemy is hiding in the dark, and it will not be easy to find them."

"I'm going to tie Suuma Kimura and Motozo Hisaka over here for questioning first."

Qingdeng replied without thinking.

"...Are you kidding me?"

Tianzhangyuan's expression froze.

"I was serious."

Qingdeng continued the words with a serious face.

"One of the secrets of investigating a case is not to let go of any slight possibility."

"Of all the people I know, Kimura Suuma and Kasaka Motozo have the most motivation and ability to frame me."

"Whether they are innocent or not... This kind of thing can be answered after interrogating them."

Tianzhangyuan sighed dumbfounded.

"He actually wanted to kidnap the leader of Huofu Thief Kai... I don't know whether to praise you as 'courageous' or call you 'brains are flooded'..."

"Hey... In short, let me draw a conclusion first: Kidnapping Suzuma Kimura and Motozo Hisaka—this kind of thing is impossible!"

"Why?" Qingdeng asked puzzled.

"'Flagmoto was killed all over the family' - this kind of shocking tragedy is the first time since the opening of Daquanxian." (Daquanxian: Tokugawa Ieyasu)
"Frightened by such vicious incidents, the banners and royal families who were unprecedentedly angry and panicked have united to put pressure on Huofu Thief Gai, demanding Okubo Tadashi and Kurosawa Atsuyuki to arrest the murderer as quickly as possible."

Tadashi Okubo, Atsuyuki Kurosawa: Qingdeng's superior, the current head of Huofu Bandit Gai.

"So, after the 'Akabane Destroyer', all the officers and men of the Huofu Thief Kai were on high alert. In recent days, except for you who were 'missing' and the dead Kanazawa Chusuke, all of the Huofu Thief Kai's team leaders were not Sit in the Yafu day and night and command the team to investigate the case."

"That is to say, for a long period of time now and in the future, Suzuma Kimura and Motozo Hizaka will always live in the government office of Huofu Bandit Kai."

"It's almost impossible to meet them when they are alone and it is convenient to kidnap them."

"That's it..." Qingdeng muttered, raising his hand to touch his chin, "Then...Your Highness, can you use your authority to call them here for our convenience with 'the superior has something to tell' or some other reason? Where are we going to kidnap them?"

Tianzhangyuan shook his head.

"Perhaps we could still do this before the elder Jingyi passed away and the power of the 'Hitobashi faction' had not risen."

"Right now... the countless eyes of the 'Yiqiao faction' are watching every move of Jiamao and me."

"As long as Fan Jiamao and I have any weird behavior, massive impeachments and attacks will flood us like a tidal wave."

"For no reason, the Huofu Thief, who was not qualified to intersect with the 'General Zhengyi' and the 'Dayutai', was summoned for no reason, and the summoned person suddenly 'disappeared'... Guess what the 'Yiqiao faction' ' After learning about this, how will they speculate and criticize me and Jiamao?"

"... That's true." Qingdeng exhaled the remaining air in his lungs "ah".

Seeing that Qingdeng seemed to be persuaded by himself, Tianzhangyuan smiled with relief.

"So, it's better to cancel the 'kidnapping of Suuma Kimura and Motozo Hisaka'."

As soon as Tianzhangyuan's words fell, Qingdeng's resonant voice immediately rang out like a rivalry:
"No. I still want to kidnap Suzuma Kimura and Motozo Hisaka. They are the only clues I have so far, and I don't want to just give up."

Suddenly, silence fell between Qingdeng and Tianzhang Courtyard.

It was not until about 10 seconds later that Tianzhangyuan finally turned its anger into a voice:
"Tachibana-kun, did you understand what I just said? I should have made it very clear, right? All the captains of the Huofu Thief Kai, including Suzuma Kimura and Motozo Hirosaka, have gathered around the clock day and night. Inside the government office."

"I can't wait for the opportunity for them to place orders."

"Could it be that you want to sneak into the government office of Huofu Bandit Gai and secretly tie up Susuma Kimura and Motozo Husaka?"

"This kind of thing... is even more impossible!"

"Mr. Ju, as the captain of the Huofu Thief Kai's Third Division team, you should be more aware than I am of how heavily guarded the Huofu Thief Kaiya Mansion is, what a 'fortress' it is."

"Let's not say it's you, even Tian Cangxiao, who is one of the best in the new Yuting Fan, doesn't have the ability to sneak into the Yafu that Huofu Thief changed."

Because of his impatience, Tianzhangyuan's tone seemed a little rushed.

Her sincerity in wanting to persuade Qingdeng to 'correct the evil and return to the right, and not go astray' is beyond words.

"... Your Highness, I understand what you said."

Qingdeng nodded slightly.

Afterwards, he changed into a tone that seemed to be talking to Tianzhangyuan, and also seemed to be talking to himself, and said unhurriedly:

"But... it doesn't have to be 'sneaking in quietly, knocking people unconscious' to be called 'kidnapping'."

In an instant, the pupils of Tianzhangyuan shrank slightly, and the vermilion lips parted slightly.

"Mr. Ju, don't you want to..."



The next day, night—

Edo, the government office changed by Huofu Thieves——


"That... junior, have you really made up your mind? Are you really going to do this?"

"...Senior, when you were cleaning at the Moon Palace Shrine, or doing other work, did you ever feel like you were tired and bored by work, and you really wanted to smash the entire Moon Palace Shrine to pieces. "

"I, me, me, how could I have such a mood! Tsukimiya Shrine is my home! How could I want to smash my home!"

"Senior, please tell the truth."

"This... this... um... how should I put it... When I was assigned to do some very hard work... I would occasionally think about quitting... As for smashing the entire Tsukimiya Shrine... This kind of thinking... this kind of thinking... is not out of the question...but it's not that radical! I just want to burn the torii that is so troublesome to clean!"

"That's right. Senior, let me just say it like this, 'make a big fuss in the workplace'-this kind of thing, I have long wanted to do it."

After finishing speaking, Qing Deng tightened the face scarf and head scarf, and then, holding the bamboo sword, he flashed out from the alley, and walked straight to the gate of the Huo Fu Bandit Kai Ya Mansion not far away without any hesitation.

Sazhong, Yae, and Tian Cangxiao, who also covered their faces with face scarves and headscarves, followed closely behind.

"Hey! Who are you? What are you here for? Don't you recognize these two words? Leave!"

Outside the gate, four guards yelled at Qingdeng and others fiercely.They pointed to the lantern with the word "Fire Robber" painted on it hanging high on the eaves of the door.

Qingdeng didn't reply, just continued to walk forward silently... while raising the bamboo sword, and assumed the posture of Xia Duan...


The loud noise of the heavy wooden gate being knocked open with brute force spread through the night sky!


"Hey! What's going on? What's going on with this sound?!"

"It's an intruder! There are intruders coming in!"

"What did you say?! Intruders?!"

"Where are the thieves who dare to attack the Yafu I changed to pay the thieves?!"


In the second year of Wanyan (1861), January 1.

On this day, the "special police unit" Huofu Thief Kai, which has made countless villains fearful, encountered an emergency that had never been seen since the establishment of the team.

The "Headquarters" was attacked...!
The one who broke in was-"King Ni" Tachibana Qingdeng and 3 ninjas!
The one who is attacking is——Huo Fu Thief changed more than half of the army!
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

The pace of the story in today's chapter is really fast~ There is no nonsense~~ If it were me in the past, today's chapter can at least have a word count of 1W+.

 This chapter was originally written about 7000 words, but I deleted, deleted and changed it to the current 4200 words.

  Leopard Leopard has been consciously refining the text recently.

  Anyway, you certainly don't like to see Qingdeng and Tianzhangyuan chattering there, and I don't like to write either.

  That being the case, it is better to keep it simple.

  So pinch, I will delete, delete, change and change...

  Then it became this "flying fast" look.

(End of this chapter)

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