I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 373 Duplicating God-Level Talent: [God Brain +9]! 【5600】

Chapter 373 Duplicating God-Level Talent: [God Brain +9]! 【5600】

a few minutes ago--

Third floor, conference room——

"So many days have passed, is this your achievement?! Ah?!"

While shouting, Okubo Tadao patted the tatami beside his thigh vigorously.

At this very moment, the current chiefs of Huofu Bandit Kai: Tadao Okubo and Atsuyuki Kurosawa are discussing the latest progress of the "Akabane Murder Case" with the team leader headed by my grandson in the meeting room.

At the moment when Qingdeng "disappeared" and Kanazawa died, Mizushima and my grandson temporarily took command of the third and second divisions.

In recent days, Okubo Tadashi and Kurosawa Atsuyuki have been under a lot of pressure.

The upper management paid close attention to the tragedy of Akabane's family, and sent people down almost every day to urge "solve the case as soon as possible" and "catch the real culprit as soon as possible."

The intense anxiety has made Okubo and Kurosawa's faces extremely ugly recently, with an unhealthy paleness between their cheeks.

In this era of underdeveloped technology and limited criminal investigation methods, whether the case can be solved is a matter of luck.

It's not that one or two slogans can catch the real culprit behind the scenes.

It's just... Obviously, no matter what kind of age bureaucrats are, they are all virtuous: they only care about giving orders and pointing fingers, regardless of the hard work and fatigue of the people below, and whether the orders they give are realistic and reasonable.

It should be said that the recent performance of the Huofu Thief Kai team members is remarkable, they are diligent and hardworking enough.

Not only did the whole army go into battle, but also for the convenience of commanding and coordinating the various teams, all the captains had been living directly in the government office since the day before yesterday, as if they were half in a "wartime state".

However, as mentioned above, in this era when the investigation of cases can only rely on primitive reasoning and investigation, luck is directly linked to the detection rate.

Although the team members of Huofu Thief Kai have tried their best, the results... are really lackluster.

"Pressure" from above, and "powerlessness" from below... These two cruel realities merged with each other, and finally mixed into the current scene of Okubo and Kurosawa losing their temper at my grandson and others.

Even people on the second floor could vaguely hear the roars of Okubo and Kurosawa.

Whether it was my grandson who was always escaping, Mizushima who was calm and prudent, Kimura who was domineering and domineering, and Kazaka who had eyes above the sky, they all silently endured the reprimands from the two officers at this moment.

We are not newcomers to the officialdom.

Everyone here is a "battle-hardened" old fritters.

Therefore, they are quite clear: in the current situation, it is useless to talk back or reason, it will only further intensify the conflict, and it is the best policy to obediently be the punching bag for the officers.

Just as my grandson secretly yawned, complaining about how long such a boring meeting would last...

The muffled sound of the door being violently knocked open, as well as the louder "enemy attack", were clearly transmitted to the third floor.

Suddenly, the entire meeting fell silent...

Okubo and Kurosawa, who had been venting their emotions all at once until just now, froze for a moment.

People who were also stunned were Kimura, Hosaka, Tsuchida, and Kazama.

At this unexpected moment, only 2 people responded quickly.



Two crisp sounds of catching the knife sounded in no particular order.

As if rehearsing in advance, my grandson and Mizushima lifted the sabers resting on their right legs at the same time, got up and went out.

As soon as the door was opened, they saw a team member rushing towards them in a hurry.

"My grandson! Mizushima-sama! It's bad! There are, there are intruders!"

"How many people came?"

Mizushima was expressionless and his tone was cold.

"4, 4!"


After hearing this astonishing number, even the steady Mizushima couldn't help but change his face.

He tentatively confirmed it with his eyes to the team member in front of him.This action is of course the meaning of "Isn't there a mistake?"

At this time, the voices from downstairs became more and more noisy and noisy.

My grandson came to the landing and looked down the stairwell.

"Hoho~~" My grandson raised his eyebrows vigorously, and grinned, "This group of intruders are quite capable, and they are already rushing up the stairs."

Slap, slap, slap, slap...

Behind my grandson came the sound of restless footsteps from far to near.

It was Okubo, Kurosawa, and the other captains except Mizushima.

"What the hell is going on! What are the guards doing? Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Okubo is like a broken tape recorder, repeating ugly swear words over and over again.

"What? Already attacked the stairs?! This, this, this, what should I do?"

Kurosawa was no different from an ant on a hot pot, spinning around in a hurry.

Before the enemy could reach the front of the formation, the two coaches of the family were confused...it was normal.In a society where the selection and promotion of officials are not based on ability, but only on family status, there are many things that are more outrageous than this.

Fortunately, both Okubo and Kurosawa are just stupid, not stupid.

If you encounter a problem that you are unable to solve, you must seek help from a truly capable person-they still understand this truth.

So, bunches of hopeful eyes fell on my grandson.

Kurosawa: "My grandson! The invaders are coming soon! How should we defend against the enemy?"

Facing Kurosawa's earnest question, my grandson didn't answer immediately, but laughed as if he had nothing to do with himself.

"Should the timing of this gang of thieves' invasion be praised as 'well-chosen'? or derogatory as 'poorly chosen'?"

Huofu Thief Gai is currently mobilizing the entire army to supervise the "Akabane Murder Case".

Therefore, the Yafu, which is comparable to the "General Command", will be unprecedentedly lively at present and for a period of time to come!

Every day, a large number of players from various teams come in and out of this magnificent mansion.

According to my grandson's estimate, nearly half of the entire army is stationed in the government office tonight!

In other words, if you choose to attack this place tonight, you will have to start a war with the half-armed thieves!
From this perspective, this group of unidentified intruders is indeed unfortunate.But from another perspective...they were lucky again.

Because they don't need to face the fire to pay the thieves to change to the most elite troops!
The first team, the second team, the third team and the fourth team are the four teams with the best overall quality in Huofu Thief Gai.

For various reasons, most of the players in these 4 teams are far away at this time.

To put it simply, although there are many soldiers that my grandson and others can dispatch to meet the invaders, they are not enough elite.

"My grandson!" Kurosawa said anxiously, "Now is not the time for such wisecracks!"

"Master Kurosawa, please be safe and don't be impatient." My grandson smiled, "Don't be so nervous. As long as we can properly utilize our superiority in equipment and numbers to repel or even kill the invaders, it will not be difficult."

After finishing speaking, my grandson turned his head and looked directly at Okubo and Kurosawa behind him.

"Okubo-sama, Kurosawa-sama, please mobilize iron cannons and bows and arrows immediately. As long as you have iron cannons and bows and arrows, everything will be fine~~ Mizushima-kun and I will try our best to delay the enemy, you must hurry up."

"Buy... time?" Suzuma Kimura frowned and interjected, "How do you plan to buy time?"

"Ha~~ Do you still need to ask?" My grandson shrugged and looked at Kimura jokingly, "The invaders are obviously not ordinary people, and ordinary soldiers are not their opponents at all, so... just We, the captains of the band, can go out in person! Mizushima-kun! Let's go!"

Before we could finish talking, my grandson jumped over the guardrail of the stairs, and landed on the stairwell connecting the second and third floors with both feet, blocking the way of Qingdeng who was rushing forward.

"You were able to attack this place...Thief, you are quite capable. Next, let me—my grandson Chutaro be your opponent!"



My grandson drew his saber from his belt with great style.

"My grandson, stand back! You are obviously not a person who specializes in fighting, so don't charge so far forward!"

Another male voice very familiar to Qingdeng came from above.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and strong man fell from the sky and landed firmly beside my grandson.

——My grandson-kun...Mizushima-kun...

Looking at my grandson and Mizushima standing in front of him like a door god, Qing Deng felt mixed emotions.

Although he had made adequate psychological preparations in advance, Qingdeng's emotions became uncontrollably complicated when he actually faced this situation of "facing swords with friends".

"Thief, surrender."

While speaking, Mizushima drew out his sword and took a stance.

"Otherwise—the sword has no eyes!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa...!
At this time, Qingdeng heard dense footsteps like a torrent coming from behind.


The heavy breath breathed out in Qingdeng's ears.In order to prevent her identity from being leaked, she deliberately only called "Sir" and did not mention her real name.

"There are a large number of enemies coming from the rear. If you don't break through as soon as possible, you may be in danger of being flanked."

"……Yes, I know."

After finishing speaking, Qing Deng closed his eyes quickly, and took a deep breath of "ha".

——Thinking about it carefully... I have never fought against my grandson and Mizushima-kun before...

With this in mind, Qingdeng slowly opened his eyes—a trace of strong fighting intent jumped out from under his eyelids!

"Hahaha... Sure enough, it is impossible to persuade you to surrender so easily..."

Seeing this, my grandson chuckled a few times.

"...Thieves, although I don't quite understand why you don't take a real knife, but the ugly words come first: I will never keep my hand!"

An icy light shot out from the bottom of Mizushima's eyes.

"Without further ado."

Ignoring my grandson's self-deprecation and Mizushima's warning, Qingdeng quietly raised the bamboo sword in his hand, set up the Xiaduan structure, and then shouted in a disguised voice:

"bring it on!"

The moment the words fell, his body and sword changed into flashing afterimages!
But in an instant, Qingdeng shortened the distance between himself, my grandson and Mizushima in one breath.

The wind is blowing, and the clothes are fluttering!
To shoot a man first, to shoot a horse, to capture a thief first, to capture the king, Qingdeng decided to kill Mizushima who was the strongest and most threatening to him first.

It was too late to say that, Qingdeng's right arm snapped away like a broken bowstring.

The bamboo sword made a slight sound of "咻", and swept towards the place where Mizushima was standing.

A fine shot.

If Mizushima hadn't dodged in time, he would have been chopped down to the ground.

Qingdeng wiped the ground with his toes, intending to launch a further pursuit of Mizushima.

But at this time, my grandson next to me suddenly started to act!
I saw my grandson suddenly spread his elbows, tilted his upper body, and rushed towards Qingdeng like a gust of wind. A silver snake flew out from his armpit and went straight to Qingdeng's lower body.

Looking at the knife my grandson struck, Qing Deng shook his eyebrows.

He could tell with just one glance: My grandson's swordsmanship level—quite average.

This kind of skill... probably can only deal with ordinary people who don't know martial arts.

It seems that the rumors are true. My grandson is a pure literati who is "longer than his mind but shorter than his body".

However, although my grandson's personal strength is average, his sense of smell is very sensitive.

He precisely seized the space where Qingdeng's old strength had exhausted his new strength, and launched an offensive in a timely manner.

However, no matter how sensitive the sense of smell is, it is useless without a body and skills that can maximize this advantage.

Qingdeng only took half a step back to avoid my grandson's knife.

——Compared to the "Dragon of Fire", the person who needs the most attention is indeed "Tiger of Fire"!
While thinking secretly like this, Qingdeng refocused his sight and attention on Mizushima who had just been forced back by him—hum—at this moment, Qingdeng's vision was filled with silvery white cold light!

It's Mizushima's knife!

Mizushima jumped up, and the saber in his hand slashed towards Qingdeng's Tianling Gai with the force of Mount Tai.

Qingdeng subconsciously wanted to raise his sword to defend, but he quickly remembered that the weapon he was using at this time was not a real thing, but a bamboo sword.

Using a bamboo sword to block a real sword... will only end in a tragedy where the sword destroys people.

Therefore, Qingdeng had no choice but to change his tactics.

At this time, the advantages of long battles and extremely rich combat experience emerged.

In just an instant, Qingdeng thought of a coping strategy that could replace "defense" without dodging!
In an instant, consciousness guides the body.Follow your heart!
The sound of footsteps that seemed to crack the floor, and the long cry of the bamboo sword hitting the flesh sounded almost simultaneously.

Facing Mizushima's knife, Qingdeng neither dodged nor dodged, but stepped forward with an indomitable momentum, and took the initiative to meet Mizushima!

The sharp blade that could easily break bones grazed Qingdeng's scalp.

If Qing Deng's footsteps were slower, or Mizushima's knife speed was faster, then there would definitely be a small piece of neatly cut skull on the floor at this time.

Mizushima, who has killed countless villains and fought against all kinds of ruthless people, can't help but be surprised by such an aggressive and bold fighting method.

What surprised Mizushima even more was yet to come.

At the moment when Mizushima swung his knife to attack, there was a "gap" in his flawless posture.

The flaw here is only fleeting.

But as if he had predicted and calculated in advance, Qingdeng insisted on rushing forward before this "gap" closed, and continued to step forward, squeezed through it, and intersected with Mizushima's sleeve!

When Liu Guang was about to cross body with Mizushima, Qingdeng's bamboo sword hit Mizushima's chest horizontally.

Mizushima didn't expect Qingdeng to make such an unexpected attack at all... Even if he expected it, it was useless, because his body couldn't keep up with Qingdeng's sword speed at all!
After passing by Mizushima's side, Qing Deng paused, turned around with his sword in hand, and a shaky and sturdy figure came into view.

Mizushima's footsteps were staggering, as if he would fall to the ground at any moment.

Qingdeng loosened his five fingers on his right hand.

He still had the feeling of the bamboo sword hitting the opponent's body firmly.

If what Qingdeng held just now was a real sword, then Mizushima would be dead by now.

"Mizushima-san, are you alright?"

my grandson asked quickly.

"Well...fortunately...you can still fight..."

Mizushima clutched his chest, turned around with a livid face, and faced Qingdeng again.

If it was more than 4 months ago, that is, when Qingdeng first joined Huofu Thief Kai, Mizushima might still have a way to fight Qingdeng back and forth, and even bring Qingdeng a lot of money threats and troubles.

But now...

Now that Qingdeng has successively acquired new powerful talents such as "Speed ​​+4" and "Elephant's Core +1", and old talents such as "Tiger Arm" have been integrated and evolved one after another, Mizushima is no longer Qingdeng's. opponent.

Although Mizushima relied on perseverance to resist the pain in his chest and the feeling of dizziness entrenched in his brain, the power of "spirit" is limited after all.

The blow that Qingdeng gave him on the chest just now was enough to make most people faint on the spot.

After suffering such injuries, how can there be any reason why the body will not be affected?
Mizushima also knew that his current physical condition was not ideal, so he took a deep breath, roared and rushed towards Qingdeng.

He intends to use up the last bit of strength left in his body to fight Qingdeng to the death!
My grandson saw through Mizushima's intentions, but he didn't stop him. He just gave a wry smile and followed closely behind him.

When Mizushima was in good condition, he was still not Qingdeng's opponent, let alone when his body was injured?
Qingdeng silently set up the bamboo sword, breathing evenly.


Mizushima let out a mighty cry, and just as he sank down sharply in an "offensive stance", Qingdeng's bamboo sword made a loud noise.

Mizushima's left thigh was hit hard, and he collapsed to the floor.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Eagle Eye"]

[Talent introduction: Dynamic vision is far stronger than ordinary people]

【Ding!Detected that the host already has the same type of talent]

【Ding!Start talent fusion]

【Ding! "Eagle Eye" and "Eagle Eye +1" began to merge]

[Please wait for the host...Please wait for the host...]

【Ding!Talent fusion successful]

["Eagle Eyes +1" ability promotion - "Eagle Eyes +2"! 】

["Eagle Eye + 2" talent introduction: The effect of the talent has been enhanced on the basis of the original. "+9" is the highest level]


Qingdeng felt warm currents gushing out from the depths of his eye sockets.

When the warm current subsided, Qingdeng immediately found that everything in his field of vision became much more agile and detailed.


Mizushima struggled to get up from the floor.

But the pain and swelling from his left thigh made his small goal an unattainable luxury.

The remaining opponents... only my grandson.

I have to say that my grandson's heroic spirit at this time is worthy of his status as the "Captain of the Huofu Thief Reform Team".

Even though Mizushima had fallen, he didn't back down!
"Ha ah ah!"

The standard qihe sound, accompanied by the sound of footsteps stepping in, and the sound of the wind breaking through the air with a blade, crashed into Qingdeng together!
In the darkness stained by the night, the light and shadow of the sword disturbed the thin moonlight.

Qingdeng and my grandson made moves at the same time.

But the speed of the two swords is obviously different.

There were obviously two swords waving in mid-air, but there was only one sound of hitting the target.

When Qing Deng was still standing still, my grandson fell on the stairs leading to the third floor as if he had been knocked into the air.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

My grandson became a "famous detective" of "Huo Fu Zhi Long" by relying on his ability to solve crimes, so Qing Deng had expected early on that he must have special talents.

——It should be a talent related to the mind.

In the next breath, Qing Deng showed an expression of joy and surprise.

"Happy" because I guessed it right, the talent copied from my grandson is indeed related to "brain".

As for the "shock" is because...

[Successfully copied talent: "God Brain +9"]

[Talent introduction: Brain is not easy to fatigue]

【Ding!This talent has reached the highest level and cannot be upgraded anymore! 】

Qingdeng finally got his first "+9" talent~~ Congratulations~ Congratulations~
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 Didn't see a seal yesterday, but went for a massage.

  This is the first time I went to a massage parlor, and it was quite comfortable.

  Next time I'm going to try pinching my feet (Leopard Movement.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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