I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 377 Go to Japan's No. 1 Flower Street: 【Yoshihara】! 【4200】

Chapter 377 Go to Japan's No. 4200 Flower Street: 【Yoshihara】! 【[-]】

After Qingdeng kidnapped Mucun and others, Tianzhang Court immediately put them in the interrogation room.

As an espionage agency, the New Imperial Court will certainly not lack interrogation methods and interrogation tools.

All feudal regimes must have endless creativity in "how to torture people" and "how to make people feel pain".Ancient Japan is no exception.

After continuous innovation and absorption of improvements, the "penalty method" reached a peak when it developed to the Edo generation.

All kinds of torture are dazzling.

For example, the famous "Hai Lao Punishment": the prisoner's wrists are tightly tied behind his back, his feet are overlapped and tied in front of his body, and the rope tied to his feet is wrapped around his neck, so that the prisoner's feet are pulled towards his chin. The whole body will burst into red, and the pain will break out in cold sweat.What's more, after a while, the skin of the whole body will turn into a terrifying dark purple, and then an even more terrifying pale color.

Another example is "hanging punishment": the prisoner's wrists are tightly wrapped with cloth, tied behind the back with a green hemp rope, parallel to the shoulders, and then the prisoner is hung up with a fine hemp rope through the metal ring on the beam. They were beaten three inches apart from the ground.Although this kind of punishment will not cause severe pain immediately, after a quarter of an hour, the muscles and even the bones of the whole body will tremble with pain.

There are many such tortures that make you feel cold sweat and goosebumps one after another just by reading the text introduction.

Of course, such cruel methods are not needed to deal with Kimura and others.

The first thing Kimura and others "enjoyed" was the unique skill of Shin Yuiban: "Standing punishment".

Everyone was locked in a special cage, which was neither big nor small, just barely big enough to fit an adult man.After being locked in this special cage, I couldn't stand or sit. I could only bend my legs halfway, with my chest in my mouth, and my waist bent.

This is not the most fatal.

The most terrible thing is: there is an upside-down gourd hanging above the cage.

The bottle mouth of the gourd has been remade, and every few moments a drop of water will slide down and land on the back of the person's neck.

At the beginning, the prisoners may not feel much, and even feel that there are drops of water dripping on their bodies from time to time, which is quite cool and comfortable.

But soon, the prisoners will find that things are not that simple.

When the physical and mental state is still intact, these falling water droplets will naturally not have any major impact on people.

But what about when the spirit is depressed and the body is exhausted?

The water drops continuously dripping on your body will repeatedly stimulate your nerves, making you unable to rest even if you want to rest, even closing your eyes to rest your mind.

At the same time, because the interval between drops of water is not fixed, you don't know when the next drop of water will fall.This "unknown sense" will greatly amplify people's psychological anxiety.

The above is the tried and tested "standing punishment" of the new Yutingfan.

Almost no one can survive this kind of physical and mental torture.

Even a sturdy seven-foot boy would have to cry like a newborn baby after being "stand-by" by the new Yutingban.

What Kimura and others are currently facing is such a situation.



Edo, Tsukimiya Shrine, the interrogation room where Suzuma Kimura was kept—


The iron door was thrown open, and sunlight leaked in.

Because the eyes are not used to the light, Suzuma Kimura subconsciously squinted his eyes and filtered the light with lowered eyelashes.

A new Royal Court Fanfan who covered his mouth and nose with a black cloth came in.

"Suma Kimura, you were directly or indirectly involved in the arson case of the prison house in Kodenma, the theft of the Tachibana Saber, and the murder of the Akabane family, are you or are you not? Tell the truth quickly."

As soon as the fan entered the room, he couldn't help but ask Kimura.

"I, I have said it countless times!"

Kimura beat his weak spirit and said loudly.

"I'm the captain of the fifth team of Huofu Thief Kai! I'm not a heinous thief! How could I be related to these cases you mentioned!"

Kimura's tone was sincere.

However, Fan Shi was completely unmoved.

"It's quite energetic."

Fanshi said lightly.

"Since that's the case, you can stay in this cage for a while longer."

As soon as Fanshi's words fell, Kimura seemed to have heard the devil's whisper, and his complexion instantly became extremely pale.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

Kimura panicked incoherently.

"Please! Please! Let me out! I can't take it anymore! Please!"

From the time Kimura was locked in a special cage specially made for "standing punishment" to the present, it has only been a little more than 5 hours since he was beaten and counted.

After such a short period of time, there was no trace of rebelliousness in Kimura's body anymore.

In order to get out of the cage, he even humbly begged for mercy from Fanshi.

It can be seen how powerful the "standing sentence" is.

Fanshi ignored Kimura's pleading, and strode out of the interrogation room without any hesitation.

As the iron gate closed, darkness enveloped Kimura's whole body again.


Kimura gritted his teeth.

"Could it be... is it really exposed... Impossible..."

While whispering at a volume that only he himself could hear clearly, he lowered his head wearily...


At this moment, the interrogation of other people is going on simultaneously.


The interrogation room where Masayoshi Tsuchida was housed——

"I swear to God... I'm really innocent... I don't know anything! I really don't know anything! Please! Please! Let me go!"

Tsuchida whispered in a tone as if he was about to cry.


The interrogation room that houses Nobuyoshi Kazama——

"Hey! Kill me! You can kill me, you can't be humiliated!"

Kazama raised his head high, and put on a generous appearance that is not afraid of death.


The interrogation room where Hizaka Motozo was housed——

"Hoo... ph... ph... ph... ph..."

Kasaka's chest heaved violently like a bellows, he was sweating and his breathing was disordered.

Among all the captains of Huofu Thief, Huosaka's personal ability is the worst, neither literary nor martial.He was originally an incompetent person, but he had a jealous temperament of jealousy and jealousy.

Even Suzuma Kimura, who has been practicing martial arts on weekdays, can't survive the torture of "standing punishment", let alone Kasaka who is only at the level of an "ordinary middle-aged person" if his physical fitness is exhausted?

As early as about 2 hours ago, all the muscles of Hosaka's body were trembling with soreness, and his face and lips were frighteningly white.

"Hisaka Motozo, you were directly or indirectly involved in the arson of the prison house in Kodenmacho, the theft of Tachibana's saber, and the extermination of the Akabane family, are you or are you not?"

"I, I... I don't know anything..."

Kasaka whispered to his toes.

"Is that so..."

After leaving this brief sentence coldly, Fan Shi turned around and wanted to leave.

Seeing this, Hosaka hurriedly begged:

"Wait, wait a minute! I'm not lying! I really don't know anything! How could I do something that knows the law and breaks the law! Please, just for a while, let me out of the cage, My waist and legs are about to break!"

Fanshi turned a deaf ear to Huosaka's begging for mercy, and continued walking towards the interrogation room on his own.

Hosaka stared blankly at Fanshi's back as he drifted away.Despair, pain, hesitation... All kinds of negative emotions intertwined on his cheeks.

——Do you still want to stay in this cage? !

At this thought, Huosaka's whole body trembled violently like a dead leaf in the wind.

The light named "Fear" jumped repeatedly in his eyes.

At the moment when Fan Shi was about to push open the iron gate and leave, all the negative emotions on his face mixed into the color of self-destruction.

"Wait! Don't go! I'm recruiting! I'm recruiting! I'm recruiting them all!"

Hosaka's eyes, which were staring straight at Fanshi's back, fell to the ground in an instant, and then his shoulders kept shaking, like a defeated rooster.

"You... the cases you mentioned... I... Kimura Suuma and I... were indirectly involved..."



After learning that Huosaka confessed, Qingdeng, accompanied by Tianzhang Yuan, rushed to the interrogation room where Huosaka was kept.

As soon as Fang arrived at the destination, he saw Huosaka who was dragged out of the cage and slumped on the ground as if he had lost his soul.

In order to prevent Hosaka from recognizing him, Qingdeng suppressed his voice extremely low while covering his face with a cloth.

"Hisaka Motozo, tell me."

Qingdeng didn't talk nonsense, he directly cut to the point and cut to the point.

"How did you and Suzuma Kimura indirectly participate in the 'Akabane family extermination case' and other cases?"

Hosaka's mood was visibly unstable, and he spoke incoherently:

"More than 4 months ago...that is, when Ju Qingdeng officially took office as the new captain of the third team...Kimura suddenly came to me, and he said that he had cooperated with a group that hated Ju Qingdeng...he To join forces with that group to deal with Juqingdeng..."

"Then...Kimura asked me if I wanted to join in, and work together to make Ju Qingdeng no longer arrogant..."

"I didn't like Juqingdeng very much at the time... so I nodded and agreed without thinking much..."

"Just, that's it...that group that claims to hate Ju Qingdeng very much... formed an 'alliance' with Kimura and me with the sole purpose of 'destroying Ju Qingdeng'..."

"However, not long after the 'Alliance', that group disappeared... They only occasionally sent people to contact me and Kimura, and they didn't mention much about the persecution of Ju Qingdeng..."

"One by one, until a while ago... on the day Ju Qingdeng was imprisoned, they suddenly came to me and Kimura, and asked Kimura and me to provide an indoor map of the prison house in Kodenma Town."

"For Kimura and I, who are the captain of the Huofu Bandits, it is certainly not difficult to get the indoor map of the prison house in Kodenmacho."

"But I find it very strange: what do they want this thing for?"

"I didn't want to agree to them...but Kimura accepted the other party's request completely on his own initiative. He got the indoor map of the Kodenma-cho prison house from the archives of Huofu Thief Kai, and handed it to the other party."

"Then... that very night... the prison house in Kodenma Town caught fire..."

"Two days later, those people approached Kimura and me again... This time, they asked us to provide the indoor map of the Beifan Office."

"Anyone with a good head should be able to sense that these guys are definitely not kind...!"

"On the day I asked Kimura and me for the indoor map of the Kodenma-cho prison house, a fire broke out at the Kodenma-cho prison house... How could there be such a coincidence in the world!"

"Now, let's ask for the map of Beifan Station... God knows what they want to do next!"

"I really hate Ju Qingdeng, but I never thought of murdering and setting fire because of it! I admit that I am a bad man! But my character is far from bad enough to kill innocent people!"

"However... I never imagined that Kimura made his own decisions again! He handed over the indoor map of the Beifan Office to the other party without any explanation."

"And then... on the night when Kimura presented the picture, Ju Qingdeng's saber, which was kept in Beiban Office, was stolen..."

"After that, those guys never came to me and Kimura again..."

Although Hosaka's words were broken and difficult to listen to, Qingdeng still sorted out the general ins and outs.

"So that's how it is... To put it simply: There is a mysterious group that seems to have a heart-to-heart hatred with Ju Qingdeng, leading all this behind the scenes."

Kasaka nodded like a pounding garlic.

"Yes! That's right! That's it!"

Sure enough... I guessed it right, there is indeed an unknown force secretly chasing and killing me.Qingdeng thought to himself.

"Do you know where the members of that mysterious group live?"

Kasaka shook his head vigorously.

"I have no idea……"

I think so too... Qingdeng continued to ask while thinking so:

"You just said: that mysterious group will occasionally send people to contact you and Kimura. In this case, you should have a common meeting place or a common middleman, right?"

"It is true that there are common meeting places..."

Speaking of this, Hosaka's voice paused.

As if ashamed to speak, embarrassment appeared on his cheeks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Since there is a common meeting place, let's talk about it!"

After being oppressed by Qingdeng's sharp eyes, Hosaka finally hesitated and spoke again:
"I, our usual meeting place...is Chikaya in Yoshihara..."

"Yoshihara?" Qingdeng's brows twitched suddenly.

Tianzhangyuan, who had been silent since accompanying Qingdeng into the interrogation room, suddenly opened his lips:
"...You guys are pretty good at picking places."

While saying this, Tianzhangyuan bent the corners of his lips, revealing a strange smile full of joking.

The embarrassment on his face was so strong that he couldn't add it, and he silently lowered his head, staring directly at the ground in front of his knees, not daring to see anyone.

Yoshiwara——Even rural folks who live in the mountains must know its famous names, "Edo's No. [-] Golden Cave" and "Japan's No. [-] Flower Street"!
"Yoshihara...is...?" Qingdeng muttered, "Next...do you want to go to this place..."

Today's chapter is a bit short... so sorry! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg).

There was a little change last night. Simply put, I felt very sleepy, so I went to bed early... Leopard will not dare next time! (Leopard crying.jpg)

 Regarding the plot of "Kimura Rasaka joins the 'Anti-Orange Alliance'", readers who have forgotten can review Chapter 2 of Volume 98: "Qingdeng's Super Backstage! ".The foreshadowing and foreshadowing of the past chapters are gradually connected together~~
(End of this chapter)

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