I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 387 Qingdeng's Vest Drops!Qing Deng whose identity was exposed! 【4600】

Chapter 387 Qingdeng's Vest Drops!Qing Deng whose identity was exposed! 【4600】

But... that doesn't make sense either.

What reason does the Qingshui clan have to hunt and kill me?

Because of Takayuki Tachibana's gambling debt of several hundred taels of gold?
impossible!Leaving aside the fact that the Qingshui clan has canceled all the debts left by Takashi Tachibana in order to make friends with me, a few hundred taels of gold may be regarded as an astronomical figure that cannot be paid off in a few lifetimes for ordinary people, but for For a Yakuza group of the level of the Shimizu clan, this amount of money is no different from pocket money.

Can the Qingshui clan come after me for such a small amount of money?

Because I once beat a relative of the leader of the Shimizu clan, Shimizu Eiichi, in the street?

Is this kind of conflict that is not too small, not too big, worthy of such a big fight?
But... besides the Qingshui clan, Qingdeng really can't think of any other Yakuza forces he has dealt with...

There are more and more questions...

——Forget it!As long as I continue to investigate, I will always know the truth!
With this in mind, Qingdeng no longer makes unnecessary guesses.He grabbed the Echizen resident who was next to him, Chang Lu Shou Jianshi, and stood up with a "huh".

Seeing this, Bai Ju hurriedly asked:
"Huh? Mr. Hanada, are you leaving?"

"Well, yes. I've finished all my questions. Miss Baiju, thank you for your cooperation."

Qing Deng paused, and then put on a serious tone:
"Miss Baiju, I guess: the two people who attacked you are probably the companions of Yuuki Kamenosuke...the members of the gang I'm chasing."

"Those people acted extreme and unscrupulous."

"You have also seen that they dare to despise all morals and laws in the world, even doing such absurd things as killing people in the street."

"So, you must be careful these days and try not to go out."

"If it doesn't work, ask Granny Guasheng for help."

In order to achieve the best exhortation effect, Qingdeng put on a solemn face.

As far as the result is concerned, Qingdeng's exhortations are very effective - Bai Ju cried in fright.

"W-why did Yuki-kun's companion kill me!"

Wisps of mist-like water vapor lingered in Bai Ju's eyes.

No wonder she was so scared.

Suddenly being hunted down by Yakuza of unknown origin...but any honest person who has not experienced much wind and rain will feel scared.

"Because of the sky red letterhead."

"Sky red letterhead?"

Bai Ju was taken aback.

"Although it's just my conjecture, the only thing you carry that might make that gang feel uneasy... is the mailing address you used when you sent Tenhong's letterhead to Yuki Kamenosuke."

"Then, what should I do..."

Bai Ju seemed to have lost her spine, and her whole body fell forward.

If she hadn't stretched out her arms in time to support the tatami, she would definitely be lying face down on the ground by now.

"I, I, I don't want to die yet... I have never done anything harmful to the world, why should I suffer like this..."

Bai Ju's voice trembled, her pretty face and lips lost all color, and her delicate shoulders kept shaking.

Although she pretended to be firm, "uneasiness" and "fear" still flooded her body like a rising tide.

For Bai Ju, tonight must be a night she will never forget.

First, she encountered a paranoid whose head was broken and who wanted to drag her to die with her.

He was finally rescued, but just as he was out of the wolf's mouth, he went into the tiger's den again, and was targeted by gangsters who were much more terrifying than paranoid.

If it were someone with a slightly weaker mental quality, they would probably faint from fright now.

Although he and Baiju are not close or related, but he does not feel any emotion when he sees the "weak" crying helplessly in front of him - this is not Qingdeng's style.

"Miss Baiju, don't worry."

The talent "Emperor's Art" was activated——Qingdeng said with a firm tone while showing a calm smile that could bring people a sense of peace of mind.

"The relationship between me and that gang is endless, either the other party dies or I die."

"I will eradicate that gang as soon as possible, so that you can regain your freedom as soon as possible."

After leaving these words, Qing Deng raised his knife and turned around.

The black scarf and the blue skirt flung out neat arcs in mid-air.




Pushing open the door, Gua Shengxiu's figure came into Qingdeng's eyes.


Qingdeng nodded slightly.

"Grandma Guasheng, thank you for your care, I have to say goodbye."

"Are you planning to leave Yoshihara?"

Gua Shengxiu blinked in surprise.

"Well, I can't tell you the details. In short—I must go somewhere now! There must be no delay!"

Qingdeng originally planned to go back to the Moon Palace Shrine first after getting the information from Bai Ju.

However, unexpected changes in the situation forced Qingdeng to make changes to his plan.

Two Yakuza, who were suspected members of the gang, tried to kill Baiju regardless of the pressure of the public - this is not a trivial matter!

Just like what Qingdeng said to Bai Ju just now, if this young wandering girl who can be seen everywhere in Yoshihara is carrying something that is enough reason for the gang to kill her... that is what she used when sending Tianhong letterhead mailing address!

Although it was just Qingdeng's guess, he boldly deduced that this string of addresses must not be simple.

It may be Yuki Kamenosuke's residence.

It may be a warehouse where gangsters store important supplies.

It may be the stronghold of the gang, or even... the general base!

All in all, if the area indicated by this string of addresses, that is, the Yamato House in the [-]-chome of Sawamachi, really has heaven and earth...then, it cannot be ruled out that the gang transferred all the important personnel and materials in the Yamato House in order to conceal their whereabouts possible!

In other words, if Qingdeng didn't hurry to the Yamatoya in Sawamachi before the gang destroyed the important information, all the hard work tonight might be in vain!

After Gua Shengxiu listened, he didn't say much.

I saw her smile slightly.

"OK then."

"Although I don't know what you are busy with, your body exudes the smell of 'warrior'—this is the smell that only those who are about to go to the battlefield will have."

Speaking of this, Gua Shengxiu took two steps forward and opened his arms, hugging Qingdeng gently like a mother bird.

"Hanatian-kun, I wish you prosperous martial arts."

"When you are free, remember to come to Yoshiwara to visit me, an old woman."

As if infected by Gua Shengxiu's smile, Qingdeng also showed a slight smile.

He raised his hand and embraced Gua Shengxiu.

"Yeah. Guasheng mother-in-law, after everything is settled, I will definitely come to see you again."

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng let go of Gua Shengxiu, then took two steps back, and bowed to the old woman whom he respected very much.

When the ceremony was over, he walked away without stopping.

Gua Shengxiu stood where he was, watching Qingdeng's back—this tall, tall back hadn't
After walking a few steps, he stopped suddenly.

"Ah, I almost forgot."

Qingdeng turned around.

"Granny Guasheng, I forgot to tell you something."


"His Highness Tianzhangyuan asked me to say hello to you."

The moment Qingdeng finished speaking, Gua Shengxiu suddenly showed a look of surprise, as if he had heard something unbelievable.

"Tianzhang Court...?"

Gua Shengxiu stared at Qing Deng blankly.

After a while, she couldn't help but laugh.

"It's such a nostalgic name..."

"Hanata-kun, please reply to Your Highness Tianzhangyuan for me: Thank you for your concern, I am doing well, and welcome Your Highness to visit Yoshihara again. I am very much looking forward to having a long talk with His Highness again."

Qingdeng said with a smile:

"I'll tell you the truth."

This time, Qingdeng didn't stop.

The slender figure wearing a brown hat, a black scarf around his neck, and a blue haori, gradually drifted away from Gua Shengxiu's field of vision, and melted into the shadow of the street corner in a short while.



Yoshihara, the gate——

"Line up! Line up! All line up!"

"Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze!"

"Damn! I told you to line up! Don't squeeze, didn't you hear?"

The long procession started from the gate and extended along Nakanomachi to the depths of Yoshiwara.

At this moment, the officials from the Shirobei Club and the Enforcement Office cooperated with each other to check each person who left Yoshiwara one by one, looking for the figure of "King Ni" Tachibana...

Qingdeng is currently one of the biggest suspects in the "Akabane extermination case".

Although the government did not post a formal arrest warrant, Qingdeng is indeed a "wanted criminal" in fact.

Although the "Akabane Miemen Case" has long been handed over to Huofu Thief Kai, he has fulfilled all obligations to provide assistance to this case with great impact and far-reaching impact.

Therefore, after receiving the report that "Ju Qingdeng is in Yoshiwara", the enforcement office did not dare to neglect, and hastily dispatched troops.

Yoshihara is also the "No. [-] Red Light District in Japan" with a permanent population of several thousand and a daily flow of people inside and outside Edo.

Finding people in the huge Yoshihara where there are many people... Although this cannot be called finding a needle in a haystack, it can also be said to be difficult.

Even if the officials who recruited themselves came to help, the police force of the execution office was still pitiful. With such a poor police force alone, if you want to find someone in Yoshiwara, even if you find dawn, you will still find nothing.

Therefore, the officials of the Enforcement Office could only adopt a stupid but effective method: Divide the manpower into two teams, one team searched around in Yoshihara; the other team blocked the gate, checked and left Yoshihara one by one staff.

The spacious wooden door that can accommodate 5 adults walking side by side is the only entrance and exit in Yoshihara.

As long as this gate is blocked, unless you have the ability to climb over the wall and swim through the deep ditch, you will never be able to escape from Yoshihara!

The search by the officials undoubtedly brought a lot of trouble to the tourists in Yoshiwara.

Scolding and moaning came and went in this endless "long dragon".

After all, the tourists dare not confront the government.Therefore, complaints belong to complaints, and they still can only swallow their breath and accept the review of officials.

It's funny to say—whether it's a tourist or an official, no one can imagine that the person they are looking for is standing not far from them, looking at them fearlessly.


Qingdeng stood carelessly on the streets of Nakazhicho, raised his hand and lightly pushed the bamboo hat on top of his head, looked along the edge of the hat, observed the movement of the gate, and frowned uncontrollably.

——It’s so difficult...

Qingdeng really wanted to know who reported that "'Nioh' Tachibana Qingdeng is hiding in Yoshihara".

Thanks to this person's "blessing", he is now a shackle.

If this person really discovered Qingdeng, then Qingdeng really wanted to know how he was exposed.

If this person can't find Qingdeng, it's just a false police report due to some kind of misunderstanding... Then Qingdeng really doesn't know what kind of expression he should put on right now.

—Well, now is not the time to take this kind of issue into consideration.

Qingdeng shook his head, shaking off the complicated thoughts in his mind.

Although Qingdeng had expected in advance that it would be very difficult to leave Yoshihara now that the enforcement office had dispatched a large number of police forces to surround him, the security at the gate still exceeded his expectations.

People who wear face scarves will be torn off.

Those who wear hats will be removed.

It's simply not feasible to cover up your face to get away with it.

As for make-up and disguise... it doesn't work either.

For one thing, Qingdeng didn't have any makeup tools at hand.

Second, he doesn't know much about makeup.

After thinking about it, Qingdeng realized that there were only two paths he could choose.

First, break through the blockade of the officials!

Second, climb over the wall and cross the deep ditch!

After thinking for a moment, Qingdeng firmly chose the latter.

The reason for not choosing the former is due to many considerations.

At first glance, the blockade organized by officials from the Magistracy and the Shirobei Club at the gate of Yoshiwara is impenetrable, but in Qingdeng's eyes... the plastic wrap is solid compared to it.

With Qingdeng's ability, it is not difficult to overthrow all the officials on the blockade.

However, doing so will lead to a problem that cannot be ignored——

When he was rushing to the Yamato House and racing against time, it was impossible for him to knock down every official on the blockade.

At most, "kill" a passage that is enough to make him fly away.

In this way, those remaining officials who have not been defeated by him are bound to hunt him down like crazy.

With the blessing of talents such as "leading the horse", "bear's waist +1", and "elephant's core +1", it is not difficult for Qingdeng to get rid of the officials' pursuit.

However, the footsteps and shouts of the officials are very likely to alarm the gangsters who are suspected of hiding in the Yamato House.

Sawamachi is not far from Yoshiwara...

If because of his reckless behavior, he stunned the snake, then the loss outweighs the gain.

——I can only try to climb over the wall...

Qingdeng raised his head and stared at the majestic city wall nearly 10 meters high in the distance.

The last time I saw such a high city wall was when I entered Edo Castle and met Tokugawa Iemo and Tenzhoin for the first time.

The most terrible thing about the Yoshihara City Wall is not its height, but its "smoothness".

The 10-meter-high wall is straight and flat, and there is not even a place to grab a hand.

To climb over such a city wall... the difficulty is not small.

Even if Qingdeng, who has a certain attainment in Yunliu Ninjutsu and possesses a lot of powerful talents, is not [-]% sure whether he can climb such a high wall.

However, apart from forcibly climbing over the wall, Qingdeng really couldn't think of a better way to leave Yoshihara.

--let's go!
Qingdeng tightened the hat on his head and the saber around his waist.

Whether it is thinking or acting, he is extremely decisive-this is one of Qing Deng's most proud advantages.

Once you have made up your mind, there is no reason to back down.With this in mind, Qing Deng strode towards the distant city wall.

But at this time——

"Sure enough...you still need my help."

Suddenly, a female voice sounded from behind Qingdeng.

An old female voice.

For Qingdeng, it was quite a familiar female voice who had just parted for a short time.

All of a sudden, Qingdeng showed a mixture of surprise and confusion.

He hastily turned back.

What came into view was a beautiful smile that was full of traces of time, but did not give people the slightest sense of ugliness.


Why are you here? Before Qingdeng could say this question, Gua Shengxiu smiled.

"Hanata-kun, I'm here to help you."

"Ah, no, that's not right. You shouldn't be calling you 'Hanada-kun'."

As Gua Shengxiu spoke, he raised his slender eyebrows lightly, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

"You should be called 'Mr. Orange'."

Before Qingdeng had time to react to Gua Shengxiu's words, seeing the old woman who reunited with Qingdeng less than 10 minutes later, she sighed heavily as if recalling something sad .

"Hey, why is it that every man I think is outstanding is a wanted criminal who has to show a false identity..."

The author has been to May Day... so today's update is a little shorter, sorry for the inconvenience! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

But still have the audacity to ask for a monthly pass!
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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