I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 399 See the mystery of Beichen's 1 sword style! 【5700】

Chapter 399 Meet the secrets of Beichen's one-sword style! (group fight)【5700】

The air between the two repeatedly made vibrations.

Swords and swords dance with each other.

The blade cuts through the air.

Push the snow away with your heels.

Komatsu swung his knife to attack, but missed Nishino.

Nishino's backhand was a single blow. Although the cold blade from top to bottom missed the intended target, it managed to cut off the kimono fabric on Komatsu's left shoulder, and only narrowly missed Komatsu's shoulder.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Nishino snorted, and quickly delivered the second blow, using the movement of retracting the knife, transforming "retracting the knife" into a "reverse knife"!
Xiaosong didn't have time to dodge, so he could only hold the handle of the knife tightly, set up the knife, and resisted Xi Ye's offensive.

The strong reaction force spread along the blade, bounced off Nishino and Komatsu like a shock wave.

Nishino retreated three steps in a row, and when his left foot slammed on the ground to stabilize his figure, he suddenly felt a chilling air pressing directly towards his face.

Komatsu was half a step ahead of Nishino and gained a firm foothold. It was this "half a step" gap that made Nishino lose the opportunity.

Nishino's pupils shrank slightly.

In the next moment, his expression returned to normal.

A moment later, he lowered his long body suddenly, with his front feet pulled back, and when his knees were about to kneel down on the ground, he slashed from the bottom right to the top left in an instant.

The blade unbiasedly cut the middle of Komatsu's left and right hands holding the handle, and directly smashed the outer shell of the handle, exposing the stem inside.

To block the enemy's attack by attacking the handle of the knife... unless the slashing accuracy is extremely high, it cannot be done.

Beichen Yidao Style is a martial art that pays great attention to skills, so the swordsmen of Beichen Yidao Style are very good at the kind of tricks that laymen shout "fuck" after seeing it.

Although Xiaosong didn't say "Fuck", his big eyes stared as if they would roll out of their sockets at any moment.

As a swordsman, he knew how dangerous he was in now.

Sure enough, the blade that was touching the hilt of his knife suddenly changed its direction - the blade was aimed straight down!Aim at his left hand, which is holding the lower half of the handle!

The blade was attached to the handle, and it slashed as if sliding down!
At this critical moment, Komatsu managed to let go of his left hand before Nishino's blade fell, otherwise he would definitely end up with half of his left palm cut off.


Xiao Song smacked his lips angrily.

He was eager to distance himself from Nishino so that he could regroup.

But Xi Ye was too close to him now, and he couldn't use a knife well.

That being the case, you can only choose some more primitive weapons!

Suddenly, he used his left foot as a support, and his right foot flew up. The right leg that was pulled up from the ground was like a battle axe, and swept towards Nishino's shoulder viciously.

However, Nishino had already seen through his actions.

When fighting with people, there are all kinds of damage tricks-this is the specialty of social fugitives.

And social fugitives happen to be the people Nishino contacts most often in his daily life.

To Nishino, Komatsu's kick wasn't even a sneak attack, he had seen worse and worse moves than this one.

Nishino didn't say much, and directly raised his left arm, propping it on the left side of his body.

The two men's arms and legs intersected, making a huge sound of flesh and blood clashing.

At this distance, no one can flexibly use the knife in their hands.

Nishino, who knew that both sides' knives had been sealed, simply became ruthless—since you can't use a knife, then you don't need a knife!Than fist!

Without any hesitation, Nishino threw away the bamboo in his right hand, and then he suddenly pressed his body into a lunge, and his free right hand hit Xiaosong's face like a snake coming out of a hole.

Xiaosong was reluctant to dodge, he twisted his head so hard that it almost broke, and finally avoided Nishino's punch.

Fighting Xi Ye's hands with one hand... the chances of winning are slim.So Xiao Song quickly made up his mind - he also threw away the Dao in his palm.

The knife fight turned into hand-to-hand combat.

In order to retaliate to Nishino, Komatsu threw a fist immediately after throwing away the knife.

At almost the same time, Nishino also retracted the fist he had just struck, and set up a structure where he could punch at any time.

The two fists rushed out indiscriminately, and collided heavily in mid-air.

In just three or two breaths, the two hit each other more than ten times.

It was accompanied by a large number of "underground struggles".

Nishino inserted his right leg between Komatsu's legs, intending to attack Komatsu's lower body and destroy its center of gravity.

Coincidentally, Komatsu thought so too.

Ever since, this strange scene was born - two people inserted their legs into the midline of each other's lower body at the same time...

Nishino tried to trip Xiaosong's leg, but found that what he hooked was not a human leg, but a hard stone pillar. No matter how hard he tried, Xiaosong didn't move at all.

The same is true for Komatsu, he also tried his best, but he couldn't shake Nishino's figure in the slightest.

This is also normal.If the base is not stable, the knife will be unstable. For any outstanding swordsman, the base is definitely as solid as a rock.

Even the most picky boxing audience in modern times will be hooked after watching the "unlimited free fight" that Nishino and Komatsu are "staged".

The battle between the two was pure head-to-head.

The pride of the samurai does not allow Nishino to show the slightest timidity when fighting against treacherous evil.

Not to mention Xiaosong, the victory or defeat of this battle is directly related to whether he sleeps on a comfortable tatami mat or in the interrogation room of the execution office tonight. Faced with such exciting positive feedback, can he not go all out? ?
Intense offense and defense are the same for both sides. If either side is careless, slack, or weak, it will be beaten to pieces immediately.

Based on the fighting style of the two, it is easy to see who has the upper hand.

What Komatsu used was obviously some wild ways.

On the other hand, Nishino has a pure "professional" background-Tang Shou (air way) is the main one, and Jujitsu and the capture technique passed down from generation to generation in the "Three Backs" are supplemented.

Formal martial arts versus Ye Luzi, naturally the former is easier to take advantage of.

However, Nishino's power and speed are slightly inferior to Komatsu.

Under the ebb and flow, in terms of the overall battle situation, Nishino only had the upper hand, and did not suppress Komatsu.

Whether it is a sports competition or a life-and-death battle, this kind of duel with little difference between the two sides is often quite exciting-because the battle situation often changes rapidly.

For example... Right now, a small accident suddenly happened!

Maybe it was because he was tired, Nishino's consciousness was in a trance for a moment.

It was this momentary flaw that was caught by Xiaosong.

Komatsu spread his elbows suddenly, grabbed Nishino's shoulders, then tilted his head back, and after gathering enough strength, he headbutted Nishino's nose.

The bridge of the nose is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human face, and this place received a head hammer... In the slightest, the bones were broken and nosebleeds splattered; in severe cases, he fainted on the spot.

The situation changed so fast and unexpectedly that Nishino had no time to react. He only had time to shorten his neck and lower his head.

The place where the bridge of the nose used to be is now a forehead that is extraordinarily smooth because of the shaved moon age.

Komatsu's forehead hit Nishino's forehead so hard.

The sound made by the contact of the two ends was so loud that one wondered if it was a stone hitting a stone.

Although he didn't dodge Komatsu's head hammer, fortunately he protected the fragile bridge of his nose.

After the foreheads of the two separated, both Nishino's and Komatsu's foreheads began to ooze blood.


Nishino, who couldn't help but let out a cry of pain due to the unbearable pain and dizziness, his steps became uncontrollably floating.

"Drink ah ah ah ah-!"

Xiaosong saw this opportunity, shouted loudly, lowered his upper body, and gave a bear hug to Nishino's waist, hugged Nishino by the waist, and then smashed Nishino's body to the ground heavily.

Nishino, whose back was in close contact with the hard ground, suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes.

Anyone who has tried a little can understand how dangerous it is to be knocked to the ground when fighting with others.

"Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

There was another shout.

Komatsu rode on Nishino's body, knelt on Nishino's shoulders, restrained Nishino's arms, and then swung his right fist to smash Nishino's head.

Nishino's consciousness, which was somewhat slackened by the severe pain in his back, regained consciousness very timely at this moment.

Seeing the sandbag-sized fist approaching rapidly, Nishino gritted his teeth and turned his head to the side.

Komatsu's fist touched the skin of Nishino's left cheek, hit the ground, and directly made a small dent.

Nishino tried to use Jiu-Jitsu techniques to shake off Komatsu who was straddling him, or to free his hands, but Komatsu's weight was on top of him, and his Jiu-Jitsu was of no avail.

If you don't find a way to stand up quickly, it is only a matter of time before you are knocked down in this suppressed posture.

Before it was too late, Xiao Song raised his fist again.

Although it was difficult for Nishino's body to move, his head could still move freely. If he continued to hit his head, it would be difficult to hit him, so Komatsu changed his target—he aimed at Nishino's chest.

If you get a punch in this kind of place, even if you don't die, you only have half your life left.

At this moment——

A loud slap sounded from behind Komatsu.


Although he tried his best to endure it, the painful moan still escaped from Komatsu's lips and teeth.

Xiaosong may not be clear about what happened, but Nishino, who was suppressed by Xiaosong, could see it clearly—my grandson, who had never seen anyone else since the beginning of the battle, quietly touched Xiaosong Behind him, while Xiaosong didn't notice him, he slammed Xiaosong's back with the unsheathed knife.

"Aha~ Nishino-kun, did I say it? Although I'm not good at martial arts, I can still do some simple combat support~~"

Nishino has no time to pay attention to my grandson's request for credit—at this moment, it is a fleeting and precious opportunity!

Suffering from my grandson's sneak attack, for this reason, Komatsu's whole body's strength loosened. Nishino seized this opportunity, freed his hands with jujitsu skills and took advantage of the momentum to get out from under Komatsu's body, and then changed their positions a bit. change.

Originally, Komatsu was riding on Nishino, but now Nishino is riding on Komatsu.

Nishino didn't give Komatsu any time to react. The moment he sat on Komatsu, he punched Komatsu three times in one breath.

Three neat attacks.

Saliva splattered with blood.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Xiaosong spit out several moans without any specific meaning. Although he tried to fight a trapped beast, the spiritual power of human beings is limited after all.

After a while, his two thighs that were repeatedly kicked and kicked stopped moving - he rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Hu! Hu! Hu! Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Nishino's chest heaved violently like a blower box, and the scorching gas from his mouth and nose immediately turned into a translucent white mist when it hit the cold air.

After confirming again and again that Xiao Song had indeed passed out, he closed his eyes with difficulty concealing his fatigue, and lay on his back on the ground as if he was diving backwards.

"Nishino-kun, thank you for your hard work~ It was a wonderful battle~~"

Nishino felt the light dimming on his eyelids.

He looked up and saw my grandson kneeling beside him on one knee with a smile on his face.

"Do you need me to pull you up?"

Nishino glanced at the right hand that my grandson offered him, hesitated for a while, and handed over his left hand.

"...My grandson, thank you so much just now."

When being pulled up by my grandson, Nishino thanked my grandson in a neutral tone.

What he is grateful for is naturally my grandson's successful attack on Xiaosong just now, which created a good opportunity for him to fight back.

As soon as Nishino finished speaking, my grandson smiled freely.

"No thanks~ I just did some assistance within my ability~~"

After finishing speaking, my grandson pouted at Xiaosong on the ground.

"Are you going to take this person back to the enforcement office for interrogation?"

"of course."

Nishino replied without thinking.

My grandson blinked thoughtfully.

However, he made a request that made Nishino startled.

"... Nishino-kun, when you asked something from this person, can you tell me a little about the information you got?"


"I really want to know who killed the Kanazawa brothers and sisters."

As my grandson spoke, he showed a peaceful smile, and his tone of voice gradually became normal, and he no longer elongated the ending sound.

"I came to the scene where the Kanazawa brothers and sisters were killed today purely with the mentality of 'trying your luck', but unexpectedly, I actually ran into a suspicious person today."

"Maybe this is the so-called 'God's will in the dark'."

"In short, regardless of whether it was 'God's will' or not, I am now even more eager to know who the murderer who killed the Jinze brothers and sisters was."

"Nishino-kun, I won't make it difficult for you."

"I don't expect you to share all the information and progress of the case with me."

"You just need to tell me what you think outsiders can know."

After finishing speaking, my grandson looked straight into Nishino's eyes, waiting for Nishino's reply.


Nishino pursed his lips and remained silent, thinking intensely under his seemingly calm appearance.

To be honest, Nishino doesn't like outsiders interfering in his investigation, even if the outsider is the famous "Dragon of Fire".

However... There are two major reasons that make it difficult for Nishino to refuse my grandson.

For one thing, Nishino was able to capture Komatsu alive, thanks to my grandson.

If it weren't for my grandson, who memorized the map of the entire Edo area, to help me take shortcuts; if my grandson hadn't attacked Komatsu in time when the battle was most tense, it is completely unknown whether Nishino could capture Komatsu so smoothly.

Secondly, the request made by my grandson is not too much.

Tell him what you think can be known to outsiders... Such a request will not make Nishino feel too embarrassed.

"...I see, as long as it is not important core information, I can relay it to you."

After thinking for a long time, Nishino nodded slightly.


My grandson smiled.

"Nishino-kun, you really helped me a lot."

"For me, there is nothing more important than satisfying my personal thirst for knowledge~~"

My grandson's way of speaking has gone back to his old hangover.



That night--

Edo, Hatchobori——

Yurihe Tongxin of the Edomachi Priest Office used to live in the area from the second bridge of the main office to the front of Hoonji Temple, and later moved to Aoyama Harima Moriyashiki in Nihonbashi Osaka Town, and officially moved to Hatchobori in the third year of Masantoku (1713).

Because the Yuli and Tongxin of the Edo-cho Magistrate basically live in Hatchobori, "Hatchobori" has become synonymous with the Edo-cho Magistrate.

"I'm going to sue you to Hatchobori!" - this sentence means to sue the official.

For the special reasons of the residents, the common people in Edo often made fun of Hatchobori.

Over time, Hatchobori became an enduring popular slang word in the Edo period.

The most popular meme with the theme of Hatchobori compiled by ordinary people is "The Seven Wonders of Hatchobori".

One, there is a mysterious style but no palace style.

Second, the knife holder for female soup.

Three, money can be connected to the head
[-]. Bridge of Bliss in Hell

Five, the alley with lanterns hanging on the poor alley

Sixth, there are temples but no tombs
Seven, the inside and outside of Yutao Sase
It is worth mentioning that the above-mentioned so-called "seven inconceivables" are not supernatural tales.

The "unbelievable" here is a kind of oblique sarcasm and yin and yang.

Wow, it's unbelievable that your skin is so thick—that's probably how it feels.

Yes, the above-mentioned "seven wonders" are all mocking the Yori and Tongxin of the Edo Town Prison Office.

For example, "there is a mysterious style but no palace style".Generally speaking, Fenggong people with 200 shi will be honored as "Dianxiang" by the common people, but because Yuli's identity is below the imperial eye, even if Lu Gao is [-] shi, he can only be called Dana, and the same is true for Tongxin. But Yu Lihe's wife can be honored as "Ao Yang", which means that irony and Li He's concentricity are no big deal. They are usually dragged like two to five to eighty thousand, but they even have the title of "Dian Yang". nothing.

Another example is "money can be connected to the head", which means that Yuli and Tongxin often let others go for the sake of money.

Another example is "Gokraku Bridge in Hell". There is a bridge in Hatchobori called Gokuraku Bridge, which means that Hatchobori is likened to hell.

Based on these stalks, it is not difficult to see how the common people of Edo view Hatchobori and the officials of the Edo-cho Magistrate on weekdays.

Aoto, wearing a brand new bamboo hat, stood in a snow-covered clearing in Hatchobori.

"I really miss..."

Looking at the open space under his feet, Qing Deng muttered in ecstasy

This place was his original home.

After his original home was burned down by the lunatics of the barbarian group, it was shoveled into a piece of white land with nothing left.

With Qingdeng's current financial resources and savings, he naturally has the means to build a bigger and more beautiful home.

But he has already gotten used to living in the test guard hall.

A large number of good buddies who can practice and play with him every day live with him under the same roof; there is a very spacious dojo at your disposal; Ye Jianguan, or go to the Moon Palace Shrine, the foreigner's residence, the distance will not be too far.

Such a cool living environment, I really don't want to move away.

Therefore, although he has long since possessed the ability to move out of the testing hall, Qingdeng still stays in the testing hall confidently.

Smack, smack, smack...

At this time, Qing Deng suddenly heard the sound of small footsteps behind him.

Someone from Tsujiban should be watching the night...Qingdeng thought to himself.

[Tsujiban: In the Edo period, the daimyo and banners set up sentry posts at the intersections of the Edo samurai residential areas. 】

Let the nostalgia come to an end for now... Qing Deng lowered the edge of the hat above his head, moved his footsteps sideways, and disappeared into the night beside him.


The home of Hideyuki Arima in Hoi and Riki, the town of Hokkaido——

Arima knelt alone on the porch of the yard, with a white cloth in his mouth, a knife in his left hand, and a powder stick in his right, meticulously beating the powder with the saber in his hand.

"... Mr. Arima."


Arima Hideyuki's eyes widened suddenly.

He hurriedly followed the sound and looked over, and met Qing Deng who was hiding in the bushes in the yard.

"Mr. Arima, it's me."

In order to let Arima completely let go of his guard, Qingdeng took off the bamboo hat on his head.

Today is a chapter of nearly 6000 words! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Damn it, my head is still dizzy today, I feel that this new crown is really difficult to deal with...

(End of this chapter)

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