I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 408 The "biggest" two heroines in this work finally meet 【2】

Chapter 408 The "biggest" two heroines in this work finally meet 【2】

Today's Sanako is still running around looking for the "missing" Qingdeng.

During the day, they travel to and from various places in Edo, and at night, they gather at the test guard hall to share information—this has almost become the daily routine of Sanako, Zouji, Kinoshita Mai and others recently.

For the convenience of action, when she went out to look for Qingdeng, Sanako was dressed as a "female warrior", that is, she wore a kendo uniform with white on top and blue on the bottom, three thousand black silk bundled into a light and agile high ponytail, and a waist belt for self-defense Use the threat difference.

Of course, in such a cold day, a guy who goes out in only a single shirt is either an abnormal person who is not afraid of the cold by nature, or a fool with a broken head-Sanako is naturally neither.

So she tucked a warm cotton coat under her kendo uniform and wrapped her favorite blue scarf around her neck.

It stands to reason that if you dress so thickly, no matter how outstanding your figure is, it will be covered up.

However... It can only be said that Sanako is really talented.

If Sanako is wearing unlined clothing, her body conspicuousness is 100.

Then Sanako, who changed into cotton clothes, has a conspicuous figure of 80.

It's just the difference from 100 to 80.

The grand place is still grand, the slender place is still slender, and the place that looks like a plump peach is still like a plump peach.

Since this morning, Sanako has been searching the outskirts of Edo.

Due to limited productivity, the outskirts of Edo are basically semi-developed areas, or even undeveloped areas.

Underfoot is a weed-covered dirt road that turns dusty when it’s sunny and muddy when it’s raining.

Surrounding it are ancient trees that have grown for an unknown number of years, maybe even older than the age of the Edo Shogunate.

Looking up, although it cannot be said to be deserted, it can also be said to be deserted.

Sometimes I can walk for several miles without seeing a living person.

There is grass everywhere, trees everywhere, and similar scenery everywhere.

Although she herself doesn't want to admit it... But Sanako is indeed lost...

Fortunately, just when Sanako didn't know what to do, she ran into a flying foot.

Feiyue-it can be roughly understood as a courier in the Edo period.

Just like there were "walking husbands" in ancient China, in the Edo period of Japan, there was also a profession called "Hiyaku" who specialized in delivering letters and packages.

Among them, the fastest one is called "Ji Fei Jiao".

The so-called "following the flying feet" means that when the flying feet arrive at each post station, they don't stop, but leave without stopping after changing horses or changing shifts.

Whether it is flying feet or following flying feet, it was only used by the shogunate at first. It was not until 1663 that the Edo shogunate recognized private flying feet, but following flying feet is still only for office work.

The folk flying feet are commonly called "cho flying feet".

Ding Feijiao often hangs a bell on his body, and the bell jingles when he runs.

Over time, the sound of bells became the exclusive feature of Machihike.

When people heard the bell, they knew it was Ding Feijiao.

Some vassal daimyos will develop their own logistics systems, and this type of flying foot belonging to a vassal state daimyo is called "daimyo flying feet".

The basis of logistics is transportation and means of transport.

Without convenient means of transportation and excellent transportation construction, logistics is impossible to talk about.

But in Japan in the Edo period... the transport capacity basically relied on two legs of people and the native Japanese ponies; the traffic conditions were basically dirt roads that were impassable when it rained.

It is conceivable that based on the transportation capacity and traffic conditions of the Edo period, the cost of a long-distance transportation is high.

If you are transporting items within Eastern Japan, the cost is better because there are "five streets" connecting Kanto, Gyeonggi and Tohoku.

But in western Japan, where there is no developed transportation system like the Five Streets... the transportation costs are prohibitively high.

The successor of the shogunate and the daimyo of the vassal state are often used for military and political purposes, so they are all regardless of cost and price, so let's ignore it for the time being.

Machihike, which takes profit as its first goal, generally has two services, one is "ordinary express delivery" and the other is "express express delivery".

The former is cheaper, and ordinary people can afford it, but the disadvantage is that the speed is extremely slow.It is also a trip between Osaka and Edo. The shogunate’s Jihiyaku only takes 4 days, and the fastest is about 3 days, while the “ordinary express” of Machihiyaku can take more than a month or even longer. time.

As for the latter, it is basically the opposite of the former.The transportation speed of the latter is extremely fast, and it can basically stand shoulder to shoulder with Ji Feijiao, but the price is extremely expensive, and the shipping cost can range from a few gold to a dozen...

Usually only when a major business opportunity arises, will a businessman pay a lot of money to use the "express delivery" of Cho Hikyaku.

However, it is worth mentioning that, as the largest city in Japan, Edo-cho has not always been so convenient for people and logistics.

Therefore, some merchants with a keen sense of business have opened the "City Express" service in Edo.

It is about transporting mail from one place in Edo to another place in Edo.The price is very cheap, with an average cost ranging from 24 Wen to 34 Wen, even ordinary people can afford it.

What Sanako met was a Machihika who was performing the "city express delivery" service.

Finally met a living person, Sanako hurriedly stopped him and asked for directions.

As far as the result is concerned, Sanako asked the right person.

The town flying foot she stopped happened to be in this area a lot.

He told Sanako: Go straight along this dirt road, turn right at the first fork, go straight again, and then you will come across another fork, turn left at this fork, and then go straight , It won’t take long to meet a shrine called "Moon Palace". As long as you can find this shrine, everything will be easy. Go straight to the east of the Moon Palace Shrine and you will be able to return to the crowded streets.

Sanako thanked the other party, and then walked straight along the road pointed by the other party.

In this way, after walking for nearly 20 minutes, Sanako finally saw the classic building of the shrine: the vermilion torii gate.

Where there are torii gates, there must be a shrine nearby.

That must be the Tsukimiya Shrine... Sanako thought firmly.

Finally found the destination, Sanako couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, she still has a long way to go.

Although the torii had come into Sanako's eyes, it was purely because she was standing on a higher ground and her eyesight was good.

Roughly speaking, there are still 2 or 3 miles away from Sanako's current location to the Moon Palace Shrine...

Looking at the long road under his feet, Sanako, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help feeling discouraged.

"Just... rest for a while..."

After muttering like this, Zuo Nazi looked around, and soon found a large flat rock not far away.

Zuo Nazi walked over in three steps at a time, put his hands on the hem of his skirt, and sat down generously.

Although the cold stone surface is a bit cold to the buttocks, it is also a good way to relieve the fatigue of the thighs.

The long-lost rest made Sanako feel so comfortable that he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

After a while, she bent down, and through the snow boots and cotton socks, she reached out and gently rubbed the toes of her right foot.

The soreness, as if filled with lead, spread along the toes, calves, and spread throughout Sanako's body.

To be honest, Sanako wanted to take off the snow boots and socks directly, so that her feet could get the most rest.

However, the reservedness of the daughter of the samurai family and Yamato Nadeko made it difficult for her to do such a rude thing as taking off her shoes and socks outdoors.

In order to find Qingdeng as soon as possible, Sanako's mileage in recent days has directly exceeded the sum of her past two months.

The accumulation of fatigue day by day made Sanako's legs and feet already in an overwhelmed state.

Chiba Shigetaro, Zouji and other relatives and friends once advised Sana to pay attention to rest and not to wear out his body.

However, Qingdeng has not returned home yet... This big rock that hangs in Zuo Nazi's heart and has not yet fallen has made her have no intention to spend her days leisurely and leisurely.

Not long after, the north wind, which was still whistling until just now, gradually subsided.

Sanako raised his head and looked up at the sky. The dense branches covered the clouds and the sun, and through the gaps, he could see the sun that was about to climb to the highest point in the sky.

"It's almost time to rest..."

Sanako stretched his legs and feet. Although he only sat on the stone for a moment, the soreness in his thighs, calves and soles of his feet has been greatly relieved.

Just when Sanako was about to get up and start the journey again——

"Huh? Miss Sanako?"

A neutral voice that was extremely familiar to Sanako came to her ears from behind.

Sanako turned her head - in front of her was a petite figure running straight towards her.

Behind the head of the petite figure, the soft short ponytail hanging down to the neck flew high.


Sanako blinked her beautiful eyes a few times in surprise.

The person who came was none other than Okita Souji.

"Miss Sanako! What a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

The chief executive said happily.

"Okita-kun, why are you here? The area you are in charge of searching today should not be here?"

In order to improve the search efficiency, when Sanako and the others gather in the test hall every night, they will discuss and divide the areas that everyone will be responsible for searching tomorrow.

In other words, logically speaking, Sanako shouldn't have met the chief executive.

Hearing Sanako's question, an unnatural embarrassment suddenly appeared on the face of the chief executive.

"Hey hey...how should I put it..."

She stretched her right hand behind her head, playing with the ponytail, and said slowly.

"Miss Sanako, the area I am in charge of searching today is the same as yours. It is the suburb of Edo, right next door to you."

"In a place like the suburbs, there are grass and trees everywhere, and there is no one in sight. If you don't pay attention, you will find your way."

"So, I just... I just..."

Before the chief executive could finish his words, Sanako interrupted him:
"I understand."

"Simply put—you're lost, aren't you?"

The Chief Secretary's hand playing with the ponytail suddenly accelerated, and the slender tail of hair shook quickly.

"Hey hey... yes..."

After all, as if trying to hide his embarrassment, the chief minister silently put down the hand that was playing with the ponytail, and then let out a "gruff", lowered his little head and folded his hands in front of him.

The appearance engraved by the general manager is very similar to a child who has accidentally done something wrong and is waiting for his parents to lecture him.

Sanako cast a helpless look at the chief.

"I really can't do anything about you...Come with me, and I'll take you out of here."

"Miss Sanako, do you know the way?"

"Of course I do."

Sanako said calmly without blushing.

"There is a shrine called 'Moon Palace' over there, and you can go back to the city by walking east along the shrine."

"Oh! That's how it is!"

As expected of Miss Sanako!Even in such a complicated environment, they all know the way—the chief executive looked at Sanako with such meaning in his eyes.

Sanako nodded slightly, accepting the chief's admiration with peace of mind, completely ignoring that he was also struggling with losing his way not long ago...



Two beautiful figures, one tall and one petite, headed straight for the Moon Palace Shrine.

Both Sanako and the Chief Secretary are well-trained female swordsmen, both in terms of physical strength and leg strength, they are beyond the reach of others.

About 10 minutes later, the two girls arrived under the torii smoothly.

"Is this the Moon Palace Shrine..."

The general manager looked up at the tall torii gate and murmured.

Sanako looked around and found a stone statue of a fox standing next to the torii gate.

"It looks like this is an Inari Shrine."

Sanako said softly.

Foxes are the messengers of Inari God, so there are stone statues of foxes in every shrine dedicated to Inari God.

"Okita-kun, let's go. Next, we only need to go straight east to return to the city."

After all, Sanako walked eastward without any hesitation.

As soon as she took a few steps, she suddenly realized that there was no sound of the chief's footsteps coming from behind.

Before she could turn around to check the situation, she heard the director general shouting:
"Miss Sanako, wait a minute!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Sanako stopped in his tracks, turned his head - the chief executive put his palms together with a smile on his face.

"It's all here, let's go to the shrine to pay homage and pray for him."

Even though the chief executive didn't say it clearly, Zuo Nazi knew who the "he" he was referring to was.


Sanako frowned beautifully.

"I don't care much about ghosts and gods."

"I don't believe in gods and Buddhas either."

The chief said immediately.

"Just think of it as auspicious, it won't take much time anyway."

After hearing this, Zuo Nazi pursed his red lips thoughtfully.

"Okay...then let's pay homage."

"Hee hee~~"

The boss showed a bright smile.

The two women walked side by side, passed through the torii gate, stepped on the stone steps, and climbed up the steps.

Two high ponytails, one long and one short, flicked and flicked.

Soon, the two girls passed through the last torii gate and formally entered the "divine domain" of Tsukimiya Shrine.

"This shrine seems to be newly built. Be it the shrine or the torii, they are all brand new."

Sanako nodded, then said:

"This is the first time I have seen a shrine without moss growing on the stone lamp."

The two girls chatted one after another, while stepping on a leisurely pace, they walked towards the main hall not far away.

Along the way, they met many witches who were either sweeping the floor, or selling ritual blessings such as magic-breaking arrows and magic-breaking bows.

Then, the two women walked to the front of the money box in the main hall.

"Miss Sanako, do you have some change?"

"Let me look for it."

Zuo Nazi lowered his head, stretched out his arms, and searched for the money bag.

At this moment... a beautiful purple burst into the corner of her eye.

Sanako, attracted by the purple, raised her head subconsciously.

The moment she raised her head, her pupils shrank slightly in shock.

I saw a stunningly beautiful woman in a maiden costume, white on top and purple on the bottom, quietly walking out of the main hall...

Although this chapter is still a bit short, Leopard Leopard wrote this chapter very happily.

Sure enough, writing about women can arouse my interest the most~~
(End of this chapter)

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