I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 413 When will the general be kind to us? 【5000】

Chapter 413 When will the general be kind to us? 【5000】

Edo, a certain place, the home of "Northern Northern Police's No. [-] crime solver" Nishino Hoshijiro—

In the administrative office with the highest average income of most government offices in the shogunate, although Nishino's living standard is not considered wealthy, it is by no means poor.

The soft sunlight in the morning leaks in from the window sill and falls on the tatami, dividing the small living room into two.

On one side is half a living room covered in pale yellow.

On the other side is the Nishino family who are now enjoying breakfast, shrouded in shadows.

Nishino, who is the head of the current Patriarch, naturally sits on the main seat.

His family members sit next to him in order according to their family status.

"Chotaro! Don't be picky eaters! Eat up all the pickled radishes!"

The shrill voice of Nishino's mother, Ah He, resounded inside and outside the hall.

"Yes Yes!"

Chotaro... the son of Nishino, couldn't help tightening his shoulders in fright at Ah He's sudden reprimand.

After responding quickly, he quickly pulled all the pickled radishes from the plate in front of him into the bowl.

Nishino's family is a very typical family of four - himself, mother, wife and son.

Nishino's father died of illness in his early years.

Six years ago, with the help of his mother, Nishino married a daughter of a samurai family who was also from the royal family.

The following year, Nishino had his first child, Chotaro, who was 5 years old this year.

After years of running-in, although there are still occasional conflicts in the daily relationship of the Nishino family, they are generally enjoyable.

As the saying goes: Strict father and loving mother.

However, the situation of the Nishino family is somewhat different from this proverb - his family not only has a strict father, but also a strict mother.

When Nishino's father was still alive, he was a serious person who treated others and himself very strictly.

And his mother is even worse than his father.

Ah He was born in a conservative family that regards tradition and ancestral law as the supreme truth.

Every morning after getting up, the whole family will respectfully bow three times and nine times in the direction of Edo Castle.

Before eating, they will thank the general for his great kindness in a sincere and reverent tone. Thanks to the general's kindness, they can eat.

Ah He, who grew up in such an environment, developed a rigid, conservative and stubborn character under the influence of his ears and eyes.

She often talks about words such as "bushido", "self-denial and dedication to the public", "swear allegiance to the death", and the book she reads most on weekdays is Yamamoto Tsunetomo's "Ye Yin Wen Shu".

Ah He's diligence in reading "Ye Yin Wen Shu" is not appropriate to describe it as "Wei Bian San Jue"—Nishino can't count how many copies of "Ye Yin Wen Shu" his mother has broken through .

[Note Ye Yinwenshu: The book was completed in 1716. It was dictated by Yamamoto Tsunetomo of the Saga Clan, and Tashiro Jinki took seven years to write it down.This book is rated as a classic of Bushido, and this book is to Bushido, comparable to "The Analects of Confucius" to Confucianism.The beginning of the book clearly stated that "those who practice Bushido, death is what they call death", and advocated that "'Going to death, having both loyalty and righteousness' is the ultimate pursuit of Bushido"]

How Ahe, whose mind is full of these corrupt ideas, will educate his descendants... It is conceivable.

"Chotaro, how many times do I have to say it before you understand? As a samurai, you must never be picky!"

Although Ah He is old, her eyes are still sharp and energetic.

"How many people in this world can't even eat dried radishes, let alone pickled radishes!"

"Do you know how lucky you are to be able to eat all you can eat pickled radishes like now?"

"The country is currently in a precarious situation. Regardless of the overseas barbarians, the Changzhou Fan and other rebellious officials and thieves in the Western Kingdom may take advantage of the situation to rebel at any time."

"When the world is boiling, let alone rice and pickled radishes! Millet, red rice, and weeds may not be eaten!"

"Don't eat this, don't eat that, it's not the actions of a warrior!"

"You have to eat everything to keep your body strong and healthy!"

"Only by having a strong body can we better serve the general and the shogunate in the future!"

Chotaro buried his head down with a depressed expression.

"Yes...Grandma, I see..."

Ah He seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Nishino in time.

"Okay, mother, stop talking."

Nishino looked at Ah He and sighed.

"Chotaro is still young, and it is understandable to occasionally make a small mistake. You see, Chotaro already knows that he was wrong, so please forgive him this time."

As soon as Nishino finished speaking, his wife intervened to persuade him.

"Yes, mother-in-law, Chotaro already knows what he did wrong, please calm down."

Under the kind persuasion of Xi Ye and his wife, the stern lines on Ah He's face eased a little.


Ah He snorted coldly through his nostrils.

"Xojiro! You are just too gentle!"

"All young children are a piece of iron ore with many impurities, which must be tempered more before it can be cast into steel!"

"Indulging Chotaro and being too gentle to Chotaro can't train him into a strong and excellent samurai!"

Nishino smiled helplessly and did not reply.

The family continued to eat.

After a while, Chotaro put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, placed the chopsticks neatly on the bowl, put his palms together, and bowed to the bowl and chopsticks and the table in front of him.

"I'm done eating."


Nishino nodded slightly.

"Changataro, go back to your room and study."


Chotaro stood up and walked out of the hall at a leisurely pace.

Just when one of his feet had stepped over the threshold of the living room——

"Cagataro, wait a minute!"

Behind him, Ah He's shout suddenly sounded.

"Chotaro, there is leftover rice in your bowl."

Ah He stretched out his hand and pointed to the few grains of rice left in Chotaro's bowl.

"I have said similar teachings countless times!"

"As a warrior, there must be no leftovers in the bowl!"

"Not even a grain of rice!"

As if hearing the most terrifying spell in the world, Chotaro's face turned pale.

"Yes, it is!"

While responding anxiously, he turned back to the dining table as quickly as possible, picked up the chopsticks, and used the tip of the chopsticks to stick the few grains of rice left in the bowl.

Looking at Chotaro's move, Ah He nodded, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"Well, that's right, that's it! Even if there is only one grain of rice, you must use chopsticks or spoons. You must never do indecent acts such as grabbing rice with your hands, sticking out your tongue to lick the bowl, etc."

Chotaro had finished eating the leftovers, but Ah He still didn't stop talking.

"Changtaro, who do you think you rely on to eat such good rice?"

"It's all thanks to the general!"

"It is thanks to the kindness of the general that we can eat such good rice in such a good house."

"My lord general has shown us such great kindness, how can we waste food?"

"One meal and one porridge, think of the general's kindness!"

"One piece of clothing, one piece of clothing, think of the general's love!"

When he said the two words "Dangsi General's Grace" and "Dangsi General's Love", Ah He straightened his waist extremely straight, with reverence on his cheeks, his expression was solemn like a fanatic.

Just when Aheyou was intoxicated... Chotaro suddenly asked back:

"Grandma... There is one thing that I have never understood very well."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"You have always said to me 'don't forget the great kindness of the general', 'it is thanks to the kindness of the general that we can have food and clothing'."

"But... I don't understand—when did the General be kind to us?"

As soon as Chotaro said this, the atmosphere around him suddenly changed.

Be it Xi Ye or Ah He, everyone showed horror.

Especially Ah He - she suddenly widened her eyes, her eyeballs protruding like goldfish.

Chotaro didn't perceive the change in the atmosphere around him, so he continued on his own:

"The rice is planted by farmers, and the clothes are woven by artisans."

"The money to buy rice and clothes is my father's hard earned money."

"The fragrant rice and the clean clothes are all cooked and cleaned by my mother."

"Whether it's eating or dressing, the general has never given me help."

"I really can't think of any reason for me to thank the general..."

"I think about it...the people I should really thank should be the rice farmers, the weaving craftsmen, the hard-working fathers, and the diligent mothers..."

Snapped--! !

Before Changtaro finished speaking, he was interrupted by a loud body collision.

Ah He dashed to the front of Chotaro, and slapped Chotaro hard on the left side of the cheek.

Judging from the wind pressure caused by the slap, Ah He showed no mercy at all, she almost used all her strength.

Although Ah He is old, she is still an adult no matter what.

Adults hit hard with all their strength... How could Chotaro, who was only 5 years old, resist it?
The moment Ahe's slap hit Chotaro's left cheek, Chotaro flew out horizontally, and flew 2 steps away before landing back on the tatami.

As if by magic, Chotaro's left half of his face swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, a tall hill swelled up on her delicate face.

Chotaro didn't react to the sudden change in front of him for a while.

It wasn't until a moment later that he covered his injured face and burst into tears "Wow".

"Wow wow ah ah ah ah ah!"

However, even so, Ah He still refused to let him go.

"You bastard!"

While Ahe cursed, he ran towards Changtaro again.

Seeing this, Nishino and his wife got up.

Nishino's wife protects Chotaro.

As for Nishino himself, he stood between mother and son.

"Mother! Please calm down!"

Nishino used his body as a shield, hugged Ah He tightly, and prevented Ah He from getting close to Chotaro.

In terms of strength, the aging Ah He would naturally not be Nishino's opponent.

However, in terms of momentum, Ah He did not lose the wind at all.

"You bastard! What the hell are you talking about!"

Ah He's brows were erected, his eyes glared with anger, his face was flushed with blood from his head, he looked like a Yaksha from hell.

"If there is no Lord General, where would you be?!"

"How can you say such outrageous words!"

"Are you still a warrior?"

"Xojiro! Let me go! Let me go!"

Nishino knew very well that if he let go of his upright mother, God knows what would happen.

So, not only did he not obey his mother's order, but he further strengthened the strength to hug his mother.

"Aso! Take Chotaro back to the room!"

Taking the opportunity, Nishino turned his head and shouted to his wife behind him.

A Su - the name of Nishino's wife.

When Nishino's wife heard this, she didn't dare to delay, she quickly picked up Chotaro and fled out of the living room.

After confirming that his wife and son had fled far away, Nishino turned around and concentrated on comforting Ah He in his arms.

"Mother! Please calm down! Are you planning to kill someone? Are you planning to beat your grandson to death?"

Nishino's words made Ah He's eyes clear again.

She stopped shouting and struggling violently.

After taking several breaths, she looked up to the sky and sighed:

"The family is unlucky! The family is unlucky! Our Nishino family has always been loyal and good for generations, how could there be such a scum!"

After finishing speaking, Ah He showed a look of wanting to cry.

Nishino comforted:
"Mother, please don't be sad and angry."

"Chotaro is only 5 years old this year, and he has not yet reached the age of understanding."

"When he grows up, he will naturally understand the great kindness of the general."

As soon as Nishino finished speaking, Ah He cut his sharp gaze at him.

"Xojiro, stop using your age as an excuse!"

Ah He gritted his teeth with a ferocious face.

"Three years old! Chotaro already has such a rebellious idea at such a young age. Will he still have it when he grows up?"

"I must severely reprimand him and correct his wrong thinking!"

"As a member of the royal family, but question the kindness of the general, what's wrong with that?!"

Looking at his mother who was still angry, Nishino turned his helpless emotion into a voice with an "ah".

Just as he was about to say something more, he suddenly paused as if he remembered something.

Then, he turned his head and glanced at the sky outside the window.

If conditions permit, Nishino really wants to persuade Ah He a few more words to calm her down completely.

However... he still has work to do.

Nishino has been busy interrogating this person since he and my grandson Chutaro, the "Dragon of Fire", captured the suspicious person who wandered around the scene of the murder of the Kanazawa brothers and sisters not long ago.

The sun is rising three poles - before you know it, it's already this time.

If he gets entangled with Ah He again, it will have a very negative impact on today's work.

Therefore, Nishino had no choice but to say to Ah He:
"Mother, I have to go to serve the public now."

"Until I go home, please refrain from admonishing Chotaro for the time being."

Hearing what Nishino said, Ah He immediately showed dissatisfaction.

She opened her mouth, ready to speak out, but was robbed by Nishino:
"Chotaro was really rude just now."

"He deserves to be reprimanded, too."

"But you shouldn't reprimand him with your current appearance."

"Even if you want to educate the younger generation, you shouldn't act as if you want to kill someone!"

Nishino's sharp criticism directly refuted Ah He speechless.

"……I see."

Ah He took a deep breath.

"You're right... I'm really emotional right now."

"I promise you, I won't reprimand Chotaro until you go home."

As soon as Ah He said this, Nishino immediately felt relieved.

If you want to say what is the biggest advantage of Ah He, it must be that she never double standards.

She is strict with others as well as herself.

While using Bushido to strictly demand her children and grandchildren, she also uses Bushido to strictly demand herself by setting an example.

She will never do something that seriously violates samurai morality such as "breaking promises".

Now that she has promised, she will never break her promise.

Even if she broke her promise, Nishino would not be worried about it.

After all, even if he is not at home, his wife is still there,
As long as his wife is with him, Nishino doesn't need to worry about whether Ah He will secretly beat and scold Chotaro when he is not at home.

Nishino's wife looks weak at first glance, but she is the daughter of a samurai after all.

Nishino's wife has not only learned Jiu Jitsu, Tang Shou and other martial arts, but is also very good at it.

If Ah He wants to do something excessive to Chang Taro, his wife will definitely stop him immediately.

The family affairs finally stopped temporarily, and Nishino didn't stay any longer.

He quickly grabbed the saber on the knife rack next to him, and walked quickly to the entrance.

Ah He followed behind Xi Ye and sent Xi Ye out.

When Nishino was wearing snow boots at the entrance, Ah He raised his face and said seriously:
"Xojiro, you can concentrate on serving the public."

"Remember! You are a samurai! It is your duty to 'obey God'!"

"No loyalty, no honor!"

"An unfaithful person is not worthy of being a warrior!"

"It's better to be smashed to pieces, than to do things that disrespect your life and be disloyal to the shogunate!"

Nishino, who was sitting in the entrance and putting on his shoes, was now facing away from Ah He.

So Ah He didn't see it—Nishino was sighing silently at this time

Every time Ah He sent him out to serve his duties, he would always babble these few words.

"Yes, I understand……"

Nishino turned around and smiled at Ah He.

"Don't be a hippie!"

Ah He yelled violently.

"You are a samurai! Since you are a samurai, you must set an example for all people! You are laughing like a child, what do you look like?!"

"Yes, I understand……"

After all, Nishino put away the smile on his face and put on a ( ̄︿ ̄) serious look.

Today's chapter has nearly 5000 words!There will be more tomorrow! (Leopard's Arrogance.jpg)

"When will the general be kind to us?"——Today's chapter is the most satisfying chapter written by the author Jun in the past two months.

(End of this chapter)

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