I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 415 Take a sudden turn! Betrayal of the "Dragon"! 【7600】

Chapter 415 Take a sudden turn! Betrayal of the "Dragon"! 【7600】

Except for a very small number of talented people, the vast majority of people need to use their brains to think when they lie.

The so-called "lying", to put it bluntly, is to conjure up an illusory illusion to make up for and cover up the facts.

Since it is a "idea", it will inevitably require the use of brain power.

Human beings are creatures who can cry and laugh, have emotions and desires, get tired and relax.

No matter how powerful or talented a human being is, it is impossible for a machine to follow a pre-written program and continue to work without errors.

The principle of Nishino's unique interrogation method is to force the interrogated to make mistakes.

Continuously ask the interrogee a series of easy-to-answer questions that don't require much thinking.

In the process of continuous questioning, important questions related to the case were suddenly inserted from time to time.

In the beginning, anyone would probably be able to respond fluently without hesitation.

However, the question is: what about 1 day later? What about 2 days later? What about 3 days later?
After answering the questions for 3 days and 3 nights in a row, is there any way for you to continue lying without fail?

Nishino's unique interrogation method has a core essence, that is, the interrogated cannot be allowed to sleep or rest.

In other words, the questioning of the interrogated is genuinely "uninterrupted."

Since the arrest of Terasaka, Nishino and others have never stopped asking him questions.

Nishino and his Okabiri fell to the ground in five squads and took turns interrogating Terasaka.

If he hadn't lied, then no matter what Nishino and the others asked, Terasaka would be able to answer them easily - because what he said was the truth, and there was no need to use one's brains to explain the logical facts.

If there is a ghost in your heart...it is very easy to make mistakes in fatigue and panic.

If the person being interrogated is unwilling to answer questions in order to avoid making mistakes, and just wants to be a dumb person who "no matter what you ask me, I just don't speak", then it is simple-go to the sentence directly.

Huofu Bandit Gai has its own prison, and can freely use lynching on the captured suspects.

On the other hand, the enforcement office does not have such privileges.

Regarding "how to interrogate suspects", there is an extremely complicated set of procedures.

Criminal cases will first be investigated by Yori, and a report will be prepared and submitted to the town.

There are 3 Baizhou places for Yuli's interrogation in the execution office. There are some torture instruments used to intimidate prisoners, but they don't torture them casually.

[Note Baizhou: A place covered with fine white stones.The enforcement office often interrogates prisoners in Baizhou]

Only when the suspect has committed a crime above the death penalty but refuses to confess, Yori will apply to Machi for permission to torture him.

Machiho then asked the old man for instructions, and after obtaining the permission of the old man, Ginwei Fang and Li went to the prison house, and accompanied by the prison house, tortured the prisoners in the piercing station.

【Note · Yinwei Fang: the department responsible for handling lawsuits and penalties】

If the prisoner still refuses to confess, he will be taken to the torture camp for torture.

If the criminal evidence is conclusive but still does not confess truthfully, he applies for "interrogation".

[Note·Cha Doujie: A penal system, on the premise that the evidence of the crime is clear, the suspect can be sentenced without a confession. 】

Yuli and Tongxin, who are in charge of this case, will be present to witness until the end of the execution.

However, there is a saying that "rules are dead, but people are alive".

No matter what kind of laws and rules it is, as long as you use your brain, you can always think of ways to take advantage of loopholes.

If the suspect is executed without permission, he will be punished—in this case, then I will use the "minor punishment" that is not easy to leave traces of torture, isn't it all right?

For example, forcing the suspect to stand all the time.

Another example is to tie the suspect to a pillar, then smear the suspect's body with sugar water, and then place a nest at the feet of the person being interrogated. Although it won't bite people, it will make people feel very itchy after climbing on people. the ants...

In the face of these punishments that can torture people to death, almost all the interrogates will be happy to return to the table and continue to answer questions honestly.

Just like now—

No matter what Okabiki asked, Terasaka, who hadn't slept for 2 days and 2 nights, was extremely exhausted, and was on the verge of mental breakdown, just didn't say a word.

When Okabi, who was in charge of interrogating Terasaka, saw the situation, he was neither anxious nor annoyed. He turned his head and said to his companion beside him:
"Bring the hemp rope, sugar water, and ants."

In an instant, Terasaka's expression changed drastically, and his already pale face instantly became even more bloodless.

I saw his whole body shaking unnaturally.

The shaking range is so violent that it seems to have a shofar wind.

"no, do not want!"

"I said! I said!"

"No matter what you ask me, I will say it!"

Okahito gave his companion a look, signaling him to back off.

"Okay, so let's move on—what's your favorite color?"


"People in Kyoto are a bunch of bastards with high eyesight and self-importance. Do you agree with this statement?"


"Everyone in Osaka is a bourgeois, do you agree with this statement?"


"There are no ghosts and gods in this world, do you agree with this statement?"


"Dorayaki is better than Kopei sugar, do you agree with this statement?"


"You were involved in the murder of Chusuke Kanazawa and Koto Kanazawa, do you agree with that statement?"



Nishino silently walked to his subordinate and patted his shoulder.

"Okay, let's change shifts. Are you tired after asking questions all night? Go down and rest."

After receiving Nishino's order, this Okabiki didn't talk nonsense.


Gang Yin responded briefly and forcefully, and then left the interrogation room with his companions.

Nishino pulled the bench over and sat down directly opposite Terasaka.

"Okay, Terasaka Toheiji, let's move on. Have you been to Yoshiwara?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……!"

Terasaka lowered his head, and while inserting his fingers into his hair again, he let out a desperate wail.

"This question... I have answered it no less than 30 times in the past two days...!"

"Then you answer the 31st time, answer quickly."

"I've been there……"

"Do you like sweets?"

"do not like……"

"What's your favorite animal?"


"Have you ever eaten a bear's paw?"

"How could I have eaten such a deadly expensive thing..."

"Have you ever been to Ezo?"

"Never been……"


The question and answer between Nishino and Terasaka lasted about 30 minutes.

From the 31st minute, Terasaka Juheiji became more and more incoherent, and his mental state became more and more unstable-he seemed to be really about to collapse.

"Do you like kabuki?"

"do not like……"

"Do you like joruri puppet shows?"

"do not like……"

"You participated in the murder of Kanazawa Chusuke and Miss Kanazawa Koto, right?"


Terasaka's "yes" had just uttered half a syllable, and his eyes widened suddenly as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"No no no! No... uh, no... yes... that, this... um... I said 'yes'... no no no! I said 'yes'... no! I said It has to be 'wrong'..."

As if there was a bug, Terasaka spoke upside down, incoherent, and incomprehensible, "fighting" with himself, and repeatedly mumbled incoherent words and sentences in his mouth.

Cover your face with your hands for a while, and cover your head for a while.

In a short while, his waist seemed to be ripped off, his entire upper body collapsed, and his two big palm-like hands tightly covered his face.


The cry was so shrill and sad.

"I beg you! Stop asking! Stop asking!"

"I really don't know anything! I really don't know anything!"


A big man who was tall and tall, he started to cry like a child.

Seeing this, Nishino smiled slightly.

Terasaka's psychological defense has been completely broken by them, and he knows——it's time to enter the next stage.

Nishino gave the subordinates beside him a look.

The subordinate immediately walked out of the interrogation room with understanding.

After a while, this subordinate returned to Nishino with two cups of hot tea and a plate of wagashi.

Nishino took the hot tea and wagashi, placed the wagashi between him and Terasaka, kept a cup of tea for himself, and handed the other cup to Terasaka.

"Come on, drink it while it's hot."

While passing the tea, Nishino said so in a gentle tone.


Terasaka raised his head, looked at the tea in front of him with a look of surprise, and then at Nishino.

"This tea...shouldn't be poisoned, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Nishino let out a "hum" laugh through his nostrils.

"Leaving aside the benefits of poisoning you, if we want to kill you, why do we need to use such troublesome means?"

"That's right..."

Terasaka nodded lightly, then raised his glass without doubting it.

The temperature of the tea is just right, neither too hot nor too cold, so refreshing.

It was the first time that Terasaka felt that the tea was so delicious...

In recent days, Nishino and others not only did not allow him to sleep and rest, but also provided him with extremely poor diet.

Drinking cold well water.

What I ate was white porridge that was left cold.

It can be said that Terasaka has not eaten a single hot meal in the past two days.

After drinking the fragrant hot tea for a long time, feeling the warm current sliding down the esophagus, he was so comfortable that he almost shed tears.

However, at this moment, a cold male voice suddenly sounded:
"Okay, go ahead and answer our questions."

The speaker was the subordinate who helped Nishino get tea and snacks just now.

As soon as this remark came out, Terasaka's hands trembled suddenly, and he almost lost his grip on the teacup in his palm.

Terasaka quickly raised his pitiful begging eyes, and just as his words of begging for mercy were about to blurt out, Nishino rushed:

"Okay, let's stop for a while, don't interrogate for now."

Hearing this, the subordinate hurriedly said:
"Master Nishino, but..."

"It's nothing, you go down and rest first."

Nishino waved his hand.

"Yes... this subordinate understands..."

Despite the displeasure on his face, the subordinates obediently responded respectfully, then turned and walked out of the interrogation room.

With the departure of the subordinate, only Nishino and Terasaka were left in the dark interrogation room.

"Terasaka, let's eat something. You haven't eaten anything serious in the past two days, so you must be starving already?"

Nishino pushed the plate of wagashi towards Terasaka.

Terasaka's eyes sparkled in disbelief.

He asked in a cautious tone:
"I really...can I eat...?"

"of course."

Nishino smiled.

"Eat with your belly open."

Now that the other party said so, Terasaka no longer hesitated.

He opened his arms, a wagashi in each hand, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he swallowed.

Every wagashi that was stuffed into his mouth was basically swallowed by him eagerly without chewing much. It is conceivable how inhumane the treatment Terasaka has suffered in the past two days.

When he swept away the wagashi on the plate like a glutton, Terasaka secretly raised his eyes and looked at Nishino across the way.

If you say what Terasaka thinks of Nishino recently, it is undoubtedly hated.

It was because of this bastard that he was imprisoned and tortured.

However, at this moment, for some reason, Terasaka's hatred for Nishino has diminished by half.

——This person... doesn't seem to be that annoying either.

While thinking secretly like this, Terasaka even thought that Nishino was quite handsome...a strange throbbing in his heart.

"Terasaka, if possible, we don't want to use such cruel methods to interrogate you."

Nishino let out a long sigh.

"But there is no way... the responsibility lies in the mission."

Terasaka lowered his head and said softly:

Nishino continued:

"Interrogating you day and night, not only you are tortured, but we are also exhausted."

"So... if you know something, please tell me everything you know."

"Even if you really committed a serious crime, as long as you voluntarily confess, not only will you no longer be tortured, but you can also get a huge reduction in sentence."

"What do you think?"

After finishing speaking, Nishino Oki Terasaka showed a calm and indifferent smile.

Looking at Nishino's smile, Terasaka unconsciously looked away.

The fear of continuous interrogation day and night...

Because of Nishino's kindness, the hostility towards Nishino has been greatly reduced...

As the hostility towards Nishino eased, a strange throbbing suddenly rose in his heart...

The superimposition of all these emotions caused Terasaka's state of mind to undergo an earth-shaking change.

Then, Terasaka lowered his eyes and head——

"I didn't kill Kanazawa Chusuke and Kanazawa Koto..."

"But... when Chusuke Kanazawa and Koto Kanazawa were killed... I was there..."

Nishino narrowed his eyes slightly.

Under the lowered eyelids, Dao Dao's brilliant light burst out.

"Please elaborate."

"I'm a thug under Eiichi Shimizu's command... I'm responsible for doing some...dirty work for the Shimizu clan..."

Eiichi Shimizu - the commander-in-chief of the Shimizu clan.

What an incredible name to hear... Nishino thought to himself.He quickly concentrated and listened more carefully, not letting go of every word Terasaka said.

"On the night of January 1, I was summoned to kill someone."

"I didn't know until after the operation was over that the person we killed that night was Chusuke Kanazawa, the 'Dog of Fire'."

"The person who led us to kill Kanazawa Chusuke...is a young man who called himself 'Raksha'."

"We don't know his real name. We only know that he is a master of swords. He is proficient in swordsmanship, especially in drawing swords. He is incredibly strong."

Speaking of this, Terasaka seemed to be recalling some terrible memory, with an awe-inspiring look on his cheeks.

"Although I don't dare to call myself a master of swordsmanship, I think I can be considered a master of swordsmanship."

"As a result... when Luo Sha used the sword drawing technique, I couldn't even look at his sword path..."

"Not only me, but even the famous 'Huofuzhigou' is helpless in front of Rakshasa's 'Speedy Sword'."

"With just one blow from Raksha, Chusuke Kanazawa was so seriously injured that he could only lie on the ground waiting to die."

"As for Jin Zeqin...we never thought of killing her."

"She was just unlucky..."

"When we went to kill Kanazawa Chusuke, she happened to be beside Kanazawa Chusuke...so we had to kill her too."

"The people who killed Kanazawa Chusuke and Kanazawa Koto are all Rakshasa."

"The rest of the people, including me, didn't even draw their knives, they just surrounded Kanazawa Chusuke and Kanazawa Qin to prevent them from escaping."

As soon as Terasaka's words fell, Nishino immediately asked:

"Can you describe the appearance of that Rakshasa?"

Terasaka nodded:
"He is tall, nearly six feet in length, with handsome features, neither fat nor thin, with no shaved hair on his head, and the saber at his waist is a sword with a red handle and red sheath."

"Are there any more conspicuous features on his body? For example, birthmarks, moles, scars, etc.?"

Terasaka shook his head.

"Do you know where Rakshasa lives?"

Terasaka shook his head again.

"Are the rest of the people who accompanied Rakshasa to murder Kanazawa Chusuke and Kanazawa Koto are all thugs of the Shimizu clan like you?"

"should be……"

"Do you know the information about these companions of yours? Appearance, address, everything is fine."

"Sorry... I don't know anything about this..."

Terasaka sighed.

"In order to prevent information leaks, the Qingshui clan does not allow thugs to interact with each other."

"When we were on missions, we all covered our faces, and we didn't know each other's details."


Afterwards, Nishino asked Terasaka a lot of questions.

Terasaka, who gave up resistance, completely turned into an honest and good baby.

No matter what Nishino asked, he answered truthfully.

After asking no questions, Nishino heaved a sigh of relief.

"Qingshui Clan... Rakshasa..."

Nishino raised his head and stared at the ceiling above his head thoughtfully.



Nishino walked out of the interrogation room quickly.

As soon as his front foot stepped out of the threshold of the interrogation room, his back foot bumped into the subordinate whom he ordered to leave just now.

"Master Nishino, how is the situation?"

"It's not bad, and the harvest is quite good."

After all, Nishino glanced at the other party, and then put on a half-joking tone:
"Nakano-kun, your acting skills still need to be improved."

"Just now, when you said 'Master Nishino, but...', you should have shown an even more astonished and shocked expression."


The subordinate smiled wryly.

"I will hone my acting skills more and try to play 'black face' better in the future."

"Well, try harder."

Nishino patted his subordinate on the shoulder, then stopped staying in place and went straight forward.

Soon, Nishino left the prison alone.

The soft winter sun enveloped Nishino's whole body.

Feeling the fresh air lingering around him, which is completely different from the interrogation room, Nishino couldn't help taking a deep breath, and took several deep breaths in a row.

At this moment, a strange male voice whose tone was stretched at the end of the sentence came to Nishino's ears not far away.

"Oh, isn't this Nishino-kun? What a coincidence~~"

Nishino followed the prestige, and a tall figure with a handsome face came into his eyes.

It is the "fire to pay the dragon": my grandson Chutaro.

"My grandson?"

Nishino raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you here?"

"Hahaha, what's the 'why'? I'm here to see you~ I want to ask you about the results of your interrogation of Terasaka Juheiji~~"

When Nishino heard the words, his face immediately showed understanding.

Terasaka Juheiji was captured by Nishino and my grandson.

Without the assistance of my grandson, it is unknown whether Nishino can successfully capture Terasaka.

In order to thank my grandson for his help, they made an agreement: If Nishino gets important information during the interrogation of Terasaka, he must report it to my grandson who wants to know who killed the Kanazawa brothers and sisters as soon as possible.

"I didn't expect to meet you at the gate just after I came to Beifan Office, hahaha, what a coincidence~~"

Nishino sized up my grandson a few times, and gradually put away the suspicious look on his face.

"Well, it's really a coincidence... I also happen to have something to look for you."


This time it was my grandson who raised his eyebrows.

"Look for me for something? Dare I ask what you can do?"

"This is not a good place to talk."

Nishino swept around.

"Let's change places."

"That's right~~"

My grandson smiled.

"Then... come with me, I happen to know that there is a tea house nearby that tastes really good."



Edo, a certain place, a certain tea house——

"Welcome! What do you two want to drink?"

"Have a cup of black tea~~"

"A cup of green tea."

"Ah, this guest officer, I'm sorry, the green tea is sold out, is there only black tea?"


Nishino came to talk about things with my grandson, not to drink tea, so he didn't care what kind of tea to drink from the bottom of his heart.

It may be due to the fact that there are fewer guests, Tedai returned to Nishino and my grandson in just a short while with two cups of hot black tea.

"Here comes the black tea! Be careful it's hot!"

Teyo put two cups of black tea in front of Nishino and my grandson respectively, and walked away quickly holding the tea tray.

"Nishino-kun, please try it~ I really recommend the black tea from this shop~~ I don't know if it's because of the superb tea making technique, or because of the high-grade tea leaves, the black tea in this shop is very delicious~~ "

After speaking, my grandson took the lead in holding a cup and sipping.

Immediately after my grandson, Nishino picked up his teacup and took a sip.

Nishino doesn't know much about tea, he can't tell the good from the bad at all.

Therefore, he couldn't tell the difference between the black tea he was drinking now and the black tea he had drunk before.

Nishino swallowed a few sips of tea casually, then put down the cup, raised his gaze, and stared straight at my grandson.

"Okay, my grandson, if you want to drink tea, you can drink it slowly later. Let's talk about business first."

Hearing this, my grandson nodded happily, and then put down the teacup as well.

"Anyway, let me answer your question first—my grandson, it's really a coincidence that you came today. Just now, Terasaka recruited him."


My grandson's eyes lit up, and his upper body stretched out uncontrollably in the direction of Nishino, assuming a posture of "all ears".

Nishino said slowly without rushing:
"Terasaka Juheiji did participate in the murder of Kanazawa Chusuke and Kanazawa Koto. It's just that he just obeyed orders. The real murderer of Kanazawa Chusuke and Kanazawa Koto was someone else."

My grandson: "..."

Nishino: "..."

After uttering this concise sentence, Nishino stopped talking.

Seeing this, my grandson was astonished and said:
"...That's it? Did he just say that? Isn't there any more valuable information?"

"The clues and information confessed by Terasaka are of course more than that. My grandson, if conditions permit, I also want to be honest with you and tell you everything I know."

Nishino changed the subject.

"But... Anyway, I am also a 'three-time' samurai, so I can't reveal too many important details of the case to unrelated outsiders, please forgive me."

My grandson smiled bitterly after hearing this.

"Hahaha... That's true~ Although I belong to a different yamen than you, I am just like you, an official responsible for catching thieves, so I can understand your helplessness~~"

After finishing speaking, my grandson waved his hand.

"Okay, it's quite rewarding to know that the real culprit who killed the Jinze brothers and sisters was someone else."

Nishino bowed his head and thanked my grandson for his understanding.

At this time, my grandson suddenly turned around and asked:

"Nishino-kun, just now you said that you happened to have something to look for me, dare you ask me what's the matter?"

Seeing that my grandson took the initiative to ask questions, Nishino was unambiguous:
"My grandson, you and Zhongsuke Kanazawa are both the team leader of Huofu Thief Kai, so it's perfect for you to do this matter-can you help me investigate all the work of Zhongsuke Kanazawa before his death? Especially It is what cases he has investigated and handled during his lifetime."

The corners of my grandson's eyes twitched slightly.

"...All the work tracks of Jin Ze-kun during his lifetime? Do you know what this is for?"

"I suspect that Zhongsuke Kanazawa was silenced by others because he investigated a very dangerous case."

A master swordsman named "Raksha" led a large group of thugs from the Qingshui clan to besiege and kill the Kanazawa brothers and sisters... No matter how you look at it, this is not a simple murder case!

Since the Qingshui Clan is involved, Nishino has to suspect that the Kanazawa brothers and sisters were murdered by the Qingshui Clan!

Tadashi Kanazawa had investigated or was investigating a case that would bring serious trouble to the Shimizu clan before his death, so the Shimizu clan sent a killer... a perfect logic chain.

To put it bluntly, this is something that the Qingshui clan would do.

My grandson did not respond to Nishino's request.

He just lowered his head, revealing... an indescribably weird smile...

Seeing this, Nishino asked suspiciously:
"My grandson, what are you laughing at?"

The smile on my grandson's face deepened.

"It's nothing... I just feel from the bottom of my heart: it's great to know you."


Nishino tilted his head, looking puzzled.

Just when he was about to ask further questions... a sudden change occurred!
The wind outside the window sounded like it was coming from afar.

The eyes suddenly went black, and the scene reflected in the field of vision became blurred.

For a moment, Nishino saw something—it turned out to be irregular fine lines on the dining table.


I heard my grandson laughing in my ears.

"The effect of the medicine came a little faster than I expected!!"

"My grandson... you...!"

Nishino, who collapsed on the dining table, struggled to raise his eyelids and gaze, and cast a look of disbelief at my grandson.

What caught Nishino's eyes was still that meaningful and elusive smile.

Just when consciousness was about to be interrupted, for some reason, Nishino suddenly recalled the scene where my grandson suddenly appeared in front of him when he was monitoring the murder scene of the Kanazawa brothers and sisters a few days ago.

In the next moment, Nishino suddenly recalled the "criminal investigation experience" he summed up after being a "criminal policeman" for so many years and solving countless cases——

Many criminals will return to the scene of the crime to collect more intelligence when they think that their safety can be guaranteed, that is, their identities have not been revealed.

There are even some prisoners who will try to get acquainted with the criminal investigators handling the case to find out.

Today's chapter has nearly 8000 words!
Not only is there a lot of words, but the plot is also full!If you want the plot to advance, you need to advance the plot, and if you want super-expansion, you must have super-expansion.

For the sake of being so conscientious in today's chapter, it's not too much to give a monthly pass, right?

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

 Leopard Leopard has recently become obsessed with a galgame called "A Thousand Loves and Thousand Flowers".

  The reason why I am addicted is because one of the heroines in this game is a big bear female ninja-Leopard Leopard likes female ninjas the most! (Leopard Hi.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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