I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 421 Qingdeng is in debt again, and Qingdeng is burdened with a 50002 gold loan [4400]

Chapter 421 Qingdeng is in debt again, and Qingdeng is burdened with a loan of 5000 taels [4400]

Sojiro... Hearing this name, Qing Deng couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Although they haven't met each other yet, Qingdeng and Sojiro have a wonderful fate.

The name of King Ni is well known to everyone—Soujiro is responsible for Qingdeng's achievement.

And it is a great credit.

Based on Qingdeng's story, Sojiro created a fascinating script.

After the release of this storybook, Luoyang paper was expensive for a while.

People who like to follow the news, people who like to listen to books - between the two, there is no doubt that the latter occupies an overwhelming majority.

Therefore, most people know that there is such a number one character as "Ju Qingdeng" through the scripts written by Sojiro.

Even the title of "King Nio" was created by Sojiro.

It can be said that without Sojiro, Qingdeng would not be as popular as he is today.

Ugaki Goro said that Sojiro's talent can be compared to Qutei Maqin... Qingdeng has never read the novels of these two people, so he will not comment on this.

But he personally thinks that praising Sojiro so much...it's probably a false reputation.

Even people like Qingdeng who don't know much about Japanese classical literature know that Quqin Mating is to Japan what Luo Guanzhong and Shi Naian are to China.

Say Quqin, Quqin arrives.

As soon as Ugaki Goro finished speaking, out of the corner of Qingdeng's eyes, Qingdeng caught a glimpse of a set of books stacked at his feet. On the cover was printed a line of conspicuous characters: "The Story of the Eight Dogs Seen in Nanzong".

"Mr. Ugaki, have you read "The Legend of the Eight Dogs in Nanzong Satomi"?"

"How can someone like me, who is addicted to novels like me, have not read "The Legend of the Eight Dogs in Nanzong Satomi"?"

Ugaki Goro replied in a half-joking tone.

"That's true."

Qing Deng agreed with a smile.

"The Legend of the Eight Dogs Seen in Nanzong" - the work of Quqin Mating, and it is also his most famous work.

When this book was published, it was serialized. It was first published in the 11th year of culture (1814), and it was not finished until not long ago... that is, the 13th year of Tianbao (1842).

This is a masterpiece that took 28 years to complete.

During the writing period, the author Qu Qin Ma Ting even suffered from blindness, but he still completed the whole set of works by dictating other people's notes.

The book consists of 98 volumes and 106 volumes, with a total of more than 300 million words. It is the longest masterpiece in the history of Japanese classical literature.

Compared with the grand occasion when "The Legend of the Eight Dogs in Nanzong" was published, Sojiro's "Qingdeng Huaben" is only mediocre.

It is said that when "The Legend of the Eight Dogs in Nanzong Lijian" came out, it can be said that "the bookmakers and carvers follow the door every day, waiting for a piece of paper to be carved, and a piece of paper to be carved. Thousands of copies are sold immediately, and far and near are eager to see it."

Although it has only been 18 years since the book was completed, many literati have rated "The Legend of the Eight Dogs in Nanso Satomi" as a representative work of samurai literature, on the same level as "The Tale of Genji" which is a representative work of public literature.

The reason why "Nan Zong Satomi Eight Dogs" can have such a lofty status is that aside from the writing and the storyline, the subject matter itself is quite groundbreaking.

Princess Fuji, the daughter of Lord Anfang Li Jianyishi, was cursed to marry the dog demon.After learning that she was pregnant with an animal child, Fu Ji committed suicide in shame. Flying in the air and spreading in all directions, the scattered orbs were finally reincarnated in human form. They are the eight dogs who are the protagonists of the story. The outline of the story of "The Legend of the Eight Dogs in Nanzong Satomi".

According to legend, works such as "Inuyasha" and "Dragon Ball" of later generations were inspired by "Nanzong Satomi Eight Dogs".

In this era when the vast majority of novelists and playwrights are tirelessly producing "samurai chivalrous", "father-in-law picks up ashes", "men and women elope" and other literary garbage, Qu Ting and Ma Qin actually wrote an imposing article. A grand, element-rich fantasy novel.

The story theme of "The Legend of the Eight Dogs in Nanzong Lijian" is not outdated even in the 21st century, let alone the 19th century when the people's literacy and knowledge were generally low?

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why "Nan Zong Satomi Eight Dogs" has caused such a big sensation after its publication.

At the same time, it is not difficult to understand why Qingdeng felt that Ugaki Goro's claim that Sojiro's talent was comparable to Quting Maqin was absurd.

"Little brother, do you like reading?"

Unexpectedly, Ugaki Goro suddenly turned his head and asked Qing Deng.

"I quite like reading."

Qingdeng replied.

"Oh? What kind of books do you usually read?"

Ugaki Goro raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Mainly based on history books."

Although Qingdeng possesses a series of abnormal talents such as "spiritual brain +9" and "gathering the mind", he is a human being after all, not a machine.

Since we are human beings, there will always be times when we are tired and want to rest.

Therefore, while working and practicing martial arts, Qingdeng will also relax his body and mind in different ways.

However, compared with the modern times where a hundred flowers are blooming, the entertainment activities in the Edo period are really scarce.

Qingdeng, who has been influenced by modern culture, really can't appreciate theatrical performances such as kabuki, joruri puppet shows, as well as storytelling and novels of this era.

In Qingdeng's eyes, novels in the Edo period are not as interesting as history books.

At least there are always exaggerated stories in the history books that even novelists dare not make up.

In this way, reading... especially reading history books has become one of Qingdeng's greatest pleasures and one of the most important ways of rest in his daily life.

Of course, Qingdeng's reading of history books is "reading" in the true sense.

He reads history books as if they were novels.

He never thought about studying the contents of history books in detail, let alone "reading history can tell the rise and fall"-he simply read stories and passed the time.

"History? Huh~~ Unexpectedly, you are not only a superb swordsman, but also a scholar full of knowledge."

After expressing his emotions in a strange tone that he didn't know whether he was praising or yin and yang, Ugaki Goro went straight to a corner of the room, and then sat down firmly.

"Okay, let's talk about the topic. You said you wanted to talk to me about Takayuki Tachibana, right?"

Qingdeng nodded slightly.

Looking at the nodding Qingdeng, Ugaki Goro's facial lines slowly took on a solemn color.

"Since that's the case, then please take off your bamboo hat and let me see who you really are."

Hearing this, Qing Deng's eyes flickered slightly.

"You have to take off the bamboo hat before you are willing to be honest with me?"

"Of course."

Ugaki Goro said without thinking:

"If you're talking about novels, women, or all kinds of insignificant things with me, then forget it."

"But when it comes to Takayuki Tachibana... I can't hold such a casual attitude."

"No matter who you are, I don't want to talk about Takayuki Tachibana with a stranger who hides his head and shows his tail, and dare not even show his face."

"If you want to talk to me about Takayuki Tachibana, take off your bamboo hat and reveal your true face."

"Otherwise, please go back home."

Ugaki Goro's tone was very firm and tough, leaving no room for maneuver.

Sanako and the Chief Director both raised their eyes and stared at Qingdeng—like Ugaki Goro, they were all waiting for Qingdeng's reply.

Qingdeng didn't let Ugaki Goro, Sanako, and the chief executive wait for a long time.

After only a moment, he said softly:

"...I see, I can take off the bamboo hat. However, please keep it a secret for me, and don't tell any outsiders that I have been here before."


Ugaki Goro grinned, leaned his upper body in the direction where Qingdeng was, and looked at Qingdeng with interest.

"Little brother, is it possible that you are still a well-known celebrity?"

Facing Ugaki Goro's rhetorical question, Qing Teng smiled without saying a word.

"Okay! I promise you! Even if you are Tokugawa Iemo, I will not tell anyone that you have been here!"


Qingdeng thanked in a low voice in a neutral tone.

Then, under Ugaki Goro's staring gaze, Qingdeng raised his hand and took off the low-rimmed bamboo hat on top of his head.

Looking at Qingdeng's face under the bamboo hat, Ugaki Goro first showed doubts.

Immediately afterwards, "doubt" turned into "sudden realization".

Finally, put on a dumbfounded and shocked face.

Just when Ugaki Goro was still astonished, Qingdeng said seriously:

"As you can see, the captain of the third team, Tachibana Qingdeng, is now the captain of the third division. The 'Nio' who is being wanted by the government... is also Takayuki Tachibana's only son."


Ugaki Goro chewed Qingdeng's name lightly in a raving tone.

Qingdeng stopped talking at the right time, leaving time for Ugaki Goro to react and digest.

After a full 3 minutes passed, Ugaki Goro let out a long breath, and then laughed "humming" through his nostrils, while leaning back and leaning against the wall behind him.

"...Hmph, what day is it today? I didn't expect my little sun room to welcome a distinguished guest today."

"No wonder you were able to beat that boy Wei Qi to pieces."

"If you know that your opponent today is Nioh, Weiqi should feel relieved."

"It's not a shame to lose to the invincible King Ren."

Speaking of this, Ugaki Goro changed to a more comfortable and comfortable sitting posture.

"Okay, now that you have taken off your hat and revealed your true face, now it's my turn to show your sincerity."

"Hmph, the other party is Longzhi's son... In this way, I can't just talk nonsense."

Qingdeng keenly noticed that after knowing his true identity, Goro Ugaki's address to Takayuki Tachibana changed.

From the blunt direct full name to the intimate "Longzhi".

In this regard, Qingdeng is convinced: Tachibana Takayuki and Ugaki Goro are indeed closely related!
"Ju Qingdeng, you ask a question—you want to talk to me about Takayuki Tachibana... about your father? Ah, by the way, why are you standing around all this time? Are you not tired? Find an open space quickly Sit down."

Hearing what Ugaki Goro said, Qingdeng and the others belatedly realized that they were still standing.

The three of them quickly sat in the shape of a character directly opposite Ugaki Goro.

"Mr. Ugaki, as far as I know, you have quite a friendship with my father, right?"


Ugaki Goro gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.

"Can you tell me in detail how you and my father met?"

"How do you know each other? Well... this..."

Ugaki Goro pursed his lips, as if thinking.

While pondering, he raised his hand and stroked his chin.

Then, he chuckled a few times "hehe", with a meaningful look on his cheeks.

"To put it simply - I met Long Zhitong through borrowing money."

"Borrow money?"

Qing Deng was startled.

"Why do you have such a surprised expression? I'm the owner of a private bank that specializes in loan business. I met Takashi through borrowing money—is it incredible?"

Speaking of this, Ugaki Goro stopped for a while, sighed, and then changed into a deep tone filled with emotion:

"Thinking about it carefully... the whole story of my acquaintance and acquaintance with Longzhi is really incredible. He borrowed 5000 taels of gold from me in one breath, and then under all kinds of mistakes and confusion, I did not know it. I gradually got to know him better."

Ugaki Goro's consciousness was immersed in memories.

However, Qingdeng wasn't listening carefully at all.

To be precise, all his attention was sucked away by the string of numbers.

"...5000 taels of gold?"

Qingdeng asked tentatively in a cautious tone.

Ugaki Goro seemed to have expected such a reaction from Qingdeng a long time ago. While observing Qingdeng's expression changes with great interest, he said in a tone mixed with a bit of joking:
"Well, yes, you heard it right, it's not 5000 copper coins, nor 5000 silver coins, but 5000 taels of gold."

In an instant, Qingdeng's expression was dominated by intense shock.

The chief executive's reaction was even more exaggerated than Qingdeng's. Her red lips were so wide that her jaw almost fell to the ground.

Even Miss Sanako, who has a wealthy family and never knows what "lack of money" is, can't help opening her beautiful eyes when she hears the number "5000".

5000 taels of gold... such a sum, just using the word "astronomical figure" to describe it, seems too mild and inappropriate.

Whether it was a year of catastrophe when the people were struggling to survive, or a year of prosperity when the people were prosperous and the grain was abundant, in short, in the Edo period, gold coins had far more purchasing power than silver and copper coins.

Take the cultural and cultural period (1804-1830) when the social environment was relatively stable and known as the "golden age" of the Edo shogunate as an example.


Add 1 liang of gold, that is, if you pay 2 liang of gold, you will have the opportunity to sleep with Yoshihara's oiran—of course, it is just a chance.

From wealthy businessmen to high-ranking shogunate officials, there are many people who want to sleep with oirans.

If you don't have certain financial resources and social status, just relying on a mere deposit of a few taels of gold, you want to kiss Fangze with the oiran... To be honest, this is completely idiotic.

Just one tael of gold alone has such terrifying purchasing power.

If this purchasing power is multiplied by 5000... such huge financial resources are enough to arm an army!

"Mr. Ugaki, why did my father borrow such a huge amount?"

Qing Deng asked urgently.

"Well... It's not impossible for me to tell you in detail. But..."

Ugaki Goro suddenly changed the subject.At the same time, he took out 2 bamboo swords from nowhere.

"Ju Qingdeng, continue!"

Ugaki Goro kept one of the bamboo swords for himself, and threw the other bamboo sword to Qingdeng.

Seeing this, Qingdeng's expression became weird uncontrollably.

This scene... seems familiar.

The moment Qingdeng took the bamboo sword thrown by Ugaki Goro, a strong wind struck Qingdeng from the front!
Ugaki Goro, who was still sitting safely a second ago, jumped up suddenly this second!Pounce on Qingdeng!The bamboo sword in his palm drew a graceful arc and hit Qingdeng's left shoulder!

Today's state is really not good... I started to catch up on sleep at 1 pm, and I slept until 4 pm. I have been writing until now, and I can barely write more than 4000 words...

For the sake of what happened today for a reason, please forgive Leopard Leopard for being short today! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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