I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 424 Talent Fusion! 【Berserker 4】! 【6100】

Chapter 424 Talent Fusion! [Berserker +4]! 【6100】

"Oh, what a hearty battle! I haven't had such an enjoyable fight for a long time!"

Ugaki Goro leaned on the elbow beside him and laughed heartily.

[Note · Elbow support: also known as elbow support.A handle to lean on when sitting on the floor. 】

About 20 minutes ago, Ugaki Goro, who was defeated by Qingdeng sword and unable to fight any more, passed out on the spot and became unconscious.

No matter how or how Qingdeng shakes, his eyelids don't move.

As a result, now, he is like a normal person, who should eat, drink, talk and smile.

If it wasn't for the fact that his whole body was wounded, and the skin exposed outside his clothes was covered with a large number of bruises and redness visible to the naked eye, otherwise it would be impossible to tell that this man had just suffered a big defeat.

It can only be said that "Mad Dog" not only has rough skin and thick flesh, but also has amazing endurance, and even the recovery ability of the body is beyond comparison.

"My lord, how is your health?"

Ugaki Goro asked.

"The left shoulder, right thigh and other parts are still very painful, but it is not unharmed. A good night's sleep tonight will heal."

Qingdeng replied.

What he said was not polite, he was telling the truth in a serious manner.

"Fitness +1" that increases the recovery speed of injuries.

"Strong essence +1" that increases the recovery speed of energy and stamina.

The "sleeping god" that improves sleep quality and reduces sleep time.

Strengthen the kidney and kidney qi, and make the body healthier than ordinary people's "Yuanyang +1".

With the blessing of the above-mentioned talents, Qingdeng's physical recovery ability can only be described by the word "abnormal".

Therefore, Qingdeng's "sleep is good" is really not nonsense - it is indeed the case.

As early as when he discovered that Ugaki Goro became stronger as he was beaten, Qingdeng guessed whether the opponent also possessed the talent of "Berserker".

In the end, it turned out to be true.

"Berserker +3"... No wonder it was so durable.

As far as the result is concerned, both sides have benefited a lot from the contest just now.

Ugaki Goro got what he wanted and had a good fight with King Ni.

Qingdeng's "Berserker" jumped to "Berserker +4" in one breath, and his strength increased greatly.

All happy, all happy.

"Mr. Ugaki."

Qingdeng straightened his waist and said seriously.

"The contest between you and me is over. Now, it's your turn to fulfill the promise you made in advance."

The "promise" in Qingdeng's mouth naturally refers to the agreement between Ugaki Goro and Qingdeng before the official start of the competition, "between you and me, the outcome will be determined in one battle! Regardless of the final outcome, no matter what you ask me later I will know everything and say everything.”

Ugaki Goro waved his hand when he heard the words.

"I know, I know! I'm not a decent person, but I'm not a crooked man! What do you want to ask me?"

"Mr. Yuyuan, why did my father borrow a huge sum of 5000 taels? What did he do with such a large amount of money?"

"Oh! This one."

Ugaki Goro changed to a more comfortable sitting position, leaning his whole body on the elbow, propped up his left arm, and rubbed his chin.

"This topic is going to be talked about for a long time...can you allow me to talk while smoking?"

After finishing speaking, Ugaki Goro gestured for a cigarette.

Japan has been a big smoking country since ancient times. The Japanese have a long history of smoking. As early as the end of the Warring States Period 300 years ago, the smoking method of burning tobacco with pipes entered Japan along with Western missionaries and quickly swept the country.

The word "one serving" in the original tea ceremony was also borrowed from tobacco, meaning "take a break with a cigarette".

In the Edo period, the shogunate issued bans on smoking many times in order to prevent fires.

However...the authority of the shogunate and the will of thousands of smokers—it is obvious which one is prosperous and which is declining.

All the smoking bans are finally over.

The habit of smoking has thus survived and spread more and more widely.

Today, smoking has even become a fashion, a status symbol, and even a hobby.

However, those who frequently go to Yoshiwara, Shimabara and other tourist profiles will find that many high-level courtesans... especially the oirans who stand at the top of courtesan love to smoke.

Beautiful girls in gorgeous costumes and exquisite makeup sit gracefully while holding exquisite bongs and puffing clouds—this is almost becoming the iconic scenery of Yoshihara and Shimabara.

The reason for this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, the work pressure is huge and the treatment is extremely poor, and smoking can reduce stress very well, so all the girls love to smoke.

On the other hand, it is because this is a conventional "advanced interest technique".

Every time it's working time, all the girls, including the oiran, will definitely put on makeup.

When you put on makeup, you will have thick lipstick, and when you smoke, you will leave lipstick marks on the mouthpiece of the pipe.

Then, the girls will hand out the pipes in their hands with the mouthpiece facing outward.

At this time, as long as a guest steps forward and takes a puff of cigarette with the mouthpiece in his mouth, it implies "I choose you today".

Over time, the smoking gun and Younv are almost bound together.

Painters in the Edo period always drew a smoking gun when they painted beauties and even selturas with the theme of wandering women.

It is worth mentioning that there are rules for what kind of bongs are used by what kind of wandering girls in Youkor.

Japanese tobacco pipes are roughly divided into three parts, namely: suction nozzle, Luo Yu and Yanshou
Luo Yu can be understood as the middle part of the pipe, and Yanshou can be understood as the head of the pipe.

The rank and seniority among wandering girls are extremely strict.

In order to distinguish their identities, the clothing, makeup, and even the smoking guns of the wandering girls have rules that cannot be exceeded.

The level of the smoking gun mainly depends on Luo Yu's position

The more gorgeous and longer Luo Yu's lacquer, the higher the level.

The length and sophistication of bongs are linked to status and status - this unspoken rule not only appears in travel profiles, but also in business, politics and other walks of life.

If a subordinate finds that the bong he is using is higher-end than his superior, he will immediately change to a lower-grade bong than his superior overnight.

The bongs of wealthy businessmen, senior officials and other bigwigs from all walks of life are getting longer and more delicate.

It's like the bong that Ugaki Goro is pulling out now.

While asking "May I be allowed to talk while smoking?", Ugaki Goro took out a bong, a bag of tobacco, a box of Western-made matches, and a cigarette specially used for ash from nowhere. pot.

I saw that Ugaki Goro's bong was black in color, about half a meter long, whether it was Luo Yu, the goose head and the suction nozzle, all of them were carved with complicated and gorgeous patterns.

One can tell at a glance that it is a high-end product that ordinary people can never afford.

This is normal.

After all, Goro Ugaki is the owner of a private bank, and one of the most famous private banks in Edo.

According to Ugaki Goro's previous tone, when Takashi Tachibana borrowed 5000 taels of gold from him, he should have lent it.

You can lend 5000 taels of gold at your fingertips... Looking around Edo, there is such a heroic
Qingdeng didn't know the specific financial resources of Ugaki Goro, but he was sure that the monarchs of those small feudal states with a total shi height of only tens of thousands of shi, or even 1 to 2 shi, might not have as much money as Ugaki Goro.

Although Qingdeng doesn't smoke, he doesn't have a strong dislike for the smell of smoke.

Therefore, he naturally doesn't mind Ugaki Goro smoking.

However, besides Qingdeng and Ugaki Goro, there are other people present at this time and place - behind Qingdeng, there are two girls, one big and one small.

Therefore, in order to respect the opinions of the two daughters, Qingdeng turned his head to the side and asked Sanazi and the chief executive for their opinions.

The second daughter doesn't smoke like Qingdeng, but she doesn't object to others smoking.

So, after Qingdeng cast his gaze over, they all nodded in unison.

"Mr. Ugaki, please go ahead."

Qingdeng raised his hand in a "please" gesture.

"Oh! Then I'll be impolite!"

Before the words fell, Ugaki Goro impatiently struck the match, lit the tobacco, and took a deep breath.

"Ah... really comfortable... smoking a cigarette after a fight, I'm happier than a god! King Ni, do you want to take a few puffs too?"

"No, I don't smoke."

"That's it, what a pity! Smoking is one of the great pleasures of life! It would be a pity not to experience it!"

Ugaki Goro showed an exaggerated expression of regret, then straightened his waist, left his elbows, and sat upright.

"The smoke is in my stomach, I am full of energy! Even if I chat with you for a day and a night, it will not be a problem! Where did we talk just now? Oh! Yes! Why did Longzhi borrow such a large sum of money from me? Actually It's nothing, he just used the money to bribe others."

Bribery - Hearing this word, Qingdeng's eyebrows shrugged at the corners of his eyes, he immediately lifted his spirits and listened carefully.

At this moment, Ugaki Goro put on a strange tone.

"Nio, the next words... are all my own words."

"No matter what I say later is right or wrong, you can just ignore it, go in the left ear, and go out the right ear."

"If my guess is correct... you are now investigating the case that Long Zhi sacrificed his life and honor to pursue to the end, but failed in the end."

"Through a certain channel, you learned that I have a rather close bond with Longzhi, so you came here specially to collect information related to Longzhi from me."

"If it weren't for this, I really can't think of any reason why the famous King Ren would spare no effort to visit our house."

"Of course, as I said just now-everything I just said is my own personal soliloquy."

"Whether what I say is right or wrong, you don't need to take it to heart, and I have no intention of inquiring about your secrets and inside information."

Qingdeng remained expressionless the whole time, as if he was unmoved by Ugaki Goro's remarks just now.

But in essence, all of these are the credit of the "Emperor's Technique".He almost showed a look of astonishment, relying on the "emperor's art" to hold his face tightly, so as not to reveal half of his emotions.

Ugaki Goro's speculation is basically correct.

Qingdeng was very surprised by this.

At the same time, he has a new understanding of Ugaki Goro.

Although he is called a "mad dog" and his behavior is far from that of ordinary people, his mind is surprisingly delicate.

Because there was no need to explain so much to the other party, Qingdeng didn't open his mouth.

He neither agreed nor opposed Ugaki Goro's "talking to himself" just now.

"Until Longzhi died, I didn't know what he was looking for by running around in spite of the wind and rain."

"Longzhi didn't talk to me too much, and I didn't ask too much."

"I only know that the case investigated by Longzhi involves the Qingshui clan."

"In order to further gather intelligence, he made a bold and well-thought-out plan."

"First of all, he pretended to be addicted to gambling, and went to the major casinos owned by the Qingshui family all day long."

"Casinos are the core industry of the Qingshui clan."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that 'gambling' is the foundation of the Qingshui clan."

"The turnover of the casino alone accounts for [-]% of the total income of the Qingshui clan."

"Therefore, if you want to collect information related to the Qingshui Clan, it is the most appropriate choice to set the major casinos bearing the name of the Qingshui Clan as the core areas for investigation."

"Also, every large casino owned by the Qingshui clan will have a cadre-level figure sitting in charge."

"Longzhi's goal is to find cadres of the Qingshui clan who can win over while collecting information, and bribe the other party with money, so as to obtain clues and information from the other party's mouth."

"The 5000 taels that Long Zhi borrowed from me are for this purpose."

Speaking of this, Ugaki Goro put on an expression filled with emotion.

"That kid Longzhi... on the surface, he is full of righteousness, but he is not the kind of person who only knows how to be dull and reckless."

"His thoughts and means are very slippery!"

"As expected of a 'three-time' samurai who often deals with people of three religions and nine streams, he is well versed in the truth of 'money can turn ghosts around'!"

"Except for a few exceptions, most yakuza are the embodiment of words such as 'lawless', 'domineering', 'ruthless', 'violent' and so on."

"Unless the head is broken, no ordinary people will dare to provoke Yakuza casually."

"Over time, the general public has an unrealistic perception of the Yakuza group."

"The yakuza seem to be majestic, even when they walk, they look like they are swaggering and full of air."

"But... To be honest, in the world of Yakuza, from the leader of the clan to the ordinary younger brother, everyone is walking on eggshells."

As soon as the words fell, a helpless expression mixed with a bit of remembrance came to Ugaki Goro's cheeks.

Ugaki Goro said this kind of words, and it couldn't be more convincing.

Before going out on his own and opening a sun room, Ugaki Goro was the bottom boy of a certain Yakuza group.

Japan's Yakuza forces all adopt family management.

Therefore, the Yakuza Group is the organization that attaches the most importance to seniority and seniority, almost none of them.

But for any group that attaches great importance to seniority and seniority, the internal atmosphere is bound to be extremely depressing and difficult to breathe.

"Yakuzas always talk about 'renxia' and 'benevolence'."

"Hmph! The bullshit 'Ren Xia' and 'Renyi'!"

Ugaki Goro sneered heavily, his expression and tone full of disdain.

"The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit."

"I kept talking about 'Ren Xia' and 'Renyi', just for the sake of robbing and defrauding money, so that I can rob and cheat more beautifully."

"As long as you get a tattoo on your body, you will be treated differently by others - this is the truth that everyone understands."

"Tattoos are very painful. Rao is as tough as me, and he shouted 'pause' several times during tattooing."

"The reason why the Yakuza are willing to endure this unspeakable pain is to earn a lot of money that can't be earned in the 'normal world' in a lifetime, or even a few lifetimes."

In ancient tattooing methods, the long needles were stained with paint, and then pierced deep into the skin - this is where the word "tattoo" comes from.

Tattooists often need thousands or even tens of thousands of stitches to complete a tattoo. The whole process is extremely painful.

In addition to proving that they are no longer ordinary people, another implication of Yakuza tattoos is that they have the courage to endure severe pain and the determination to break away from the "normal world" even if the pain is extremely painful.

"After all, it's all for the word 'money'."

"When there is money to be made, they are friendly and call each other brothers and sisters. 'Your business is mine', 'If any bastard who doesn't have eyes dares to hurt you, I will rush to block the knife for you as soon as possible'... All kinds of cowhide are blowing loudly."

"When there is no money to earn, don't say it is a 'righteous brother' or a 'righteous brother', even the biological mother can be stabbed to death."

"Death without earning a few taels of money-this is really common in the world of Yakuza."

"Or get attacked by a rival gang and die tragically on the street."

"Or be betrayed by one of your own people, and die uselessly in a woman's bed, or in some inconspicuous corner."

"5000 taels of gold—even the cadres of the Qingshui clan can't treat such a large amount of money with a normal heart."

"With such a large sum of money, there is really a chance to bribe the cadres of the Qingshui clan."

"I have no old relationship with Long Zhisu."

"A stranger suddenly asked me to borrow such a huge amount, and he couldn't even provide a decent collateral. It is impossible for me to lend money to the other party."

"But... I don't know whether Longzhi has accurately grasped my temper, or he simply wants to 'understand my feelings and move me with reason'. In short, he told me directly: He is investigating a case related to me. The important case of the Qingshui clan urgently needs a huge amount of money to bribe the officials of the Qingshui clan."

"Heh... a mere 'three-time' warrior dares to seek bad luck from the Qingshui clan..."

"King Ni, I won't hide it from you. After hearing what Longzhi said, my first reaction was to think this guy is a lunatic."

"How many catties and taels are you? How dare you challenge the Qingshui clan? Do you think you are Ogata Yidaosai, who is unparalleled in the world, and can kill even tens of thousands of troops in the shogunate?"

"However, although I think Longzhi is stupid, I also think he is very brave."

"Not afraid of power, not afraid of hardships and dangers, dare to fight against the Qingshui clan covering the sky with one hand... What a brave man!"

"So, I deeply admired Longzhi's courage, and gave him 5000 taels and a penny."

"Anyway, 5000 taels of gold is not to the extent of 'breaking the bones' for me, so I will give it away if I give it away."

"What's more, I also want to see how far Longzhi can work hard."

"Originally, when I lent money to Takashi, I had a mentality of 'sprinkling the money into Edo Bay', and I didn't expect anything in return."

"Unexpectedly, Longzhi actually opened up the situation by relying on the huge sum of money I gave him."

"After lurking in the casino for a long time, he found a cadre who was eager for money, and successfully used the money offensive to win him over."

"However... not long after, Long Zhi fell ill and passed away."

"Longzhi's sudden illness, whether it was God's will or man-made... I have no way of knowing."

After finishing speaking, Ugaki Goro smiled wryly and sighed heavily.

As Ugaki Goro's voice fell, there was silence all around.

Sanako and the chief executive turned their beautiful eyes sideways, staring at Qingdeng's back, waiting for Qingdeng's reaction.

Under the front and rear gazes of the second daughter and Ugaki Goro, Qingdeng lowered his head slightly, silently digesting the amount of information.

Today's "sunshine house trip" was really rewarding.

Through the mouth of Ugaki Goro, Qingdeng not only learned a large number of clues that can greatly advance the progress of the investigation of the "deceitful drug case", but also gained a deeper understanding of his "father" who had never met.

Er, Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief and asked:

"Mr. Yuyuan, do you know the name and appearance of the official of the Qingshui clan that my father bribed?"

"How could I know."

Ugaki Goro shrugged.

"Longzhi didn't even want to disclose the details of the case to me, so how could he tell me who he bribed?"

Speaking of this, Ugaki Goro seemed to recall something, paused for a while, and then continued the conversation.

"If you want to know more, go to Mount Kikyo in the western suburbs of Edo."

Kikyo Mountain——Hearing this unheard-of place name, Qingdeng could not help but frown slightly.

Ugaki Goro chuckled a few times.

"Do you know how much money 5000 taels is? Just put it on the ground, and it will be a mountain of gold."

"This kind of huge sum of money that is hard to explain its source and whereabouts is not suitable whether it is placed at home or in the execution office."

"Therefore, Longzhi built a secret stronghold on the top of Kikyo Mountain."

"He hid the 5000 taels of gold I gave him in this secret stronghold."

"Although it has such a bluffing name as 'Secret Stronghold', to put it bluntly, it's just an inconspicuous thatched hut."

"Although the place is mostly empty, if you have time in the future, you might as well go there for a while, maybe you can get some unexpected gains."

Hearing the words, Qingdeng muttered slowly as if chewing every word:

"Mount Kikyo in the western suburbs of Edo..."

Inadvertently got another very useful clue!

Qingdeng bowed his body, and said to Ugaki Goro in a sincere tone:
"Mr. Ugaki, thank you!"

Leopard Leopard still wants to upgrade Leopard to 8000+ today...

What a pity... I have been writing until now, but I am still powerless... Damn it! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

However, although there is no 8000+, there are also 6000+. For the sake of conscience today, let's vote monthly for this book!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

Takayuki Tachibana’s bribery target——There are relevant foreshadowings in the previous article, I wonder if any book friends can guess who Takayuki Tachibana’s bribery target is~~
(End of this chapter)

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