I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 434 Qingdeng who is very good at shooting [4400]

Chapter 434 Qingdeng who is very good at shooting [4400]

--what to do?What should be done?

While asking herself anxiously, Sanako subconsciously clenched the naginata in her hand.

There was no way they would surrender, it was an unquestionable choice.

Regardless of whether they still need information from Onodera, the pride of the daughter of the samurai family alone will not allow Sanako to beg for mercy.

Even if Qingdeng and Zongsi surrendered, she would never lose her integrity to the enemy.

Be it bows and crossbows or guns, the horror of these long-distance weapons lies in the "attack distance".

Swords, guns, sticks and halberds must be close to the enemy before they can perform effective strikes.

On the other hand, bows, crossbows and guns can send opponents to the west from a long distance.

Therefore, if you want to counter it, the best way is to use the other way and return it to yourself-you also use long-range weapons.

Otherwise... you can only find a way to withstand the opponent's bullets.

As long as you can get close to the opponent before the arrow hits you, you are expected to turn the tide of the battle.

At this point, a bold plan took shape in Sanako's mind.

This plan requires Sanako to make self-sacrifice.

Is Sanako afraid of death?
The answer is naturally no!

Zuo Nazi took a deep breath, then changed into a sonorous and forceful tone, and slowly said to Qing Deng beside him:

"Mr. Orange, I'll be the bait to attract the enemy to attack. You take this opportunity..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Qingdeng's calm voice, neither sad nor happy:

"...Miss Sanako, stay here and don't move."

"Huh? Ah! Hey! Ju-kun!"

Sanako cast a shocked look at Qingdeng.

I saw Qingdeng rushing out from behind the tree trunk!Rushing to the bushes not far away like the wind!

"Hey! Someone came out!"

"where is it?"

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"

A dazzling cold light appeared in the distance.

The rain of arrows piercing the air poured towards Qingdeng.

Countless arrows pierced through the atmosphere and flew past Qingdeng's side.

Countless wood chips and dead leaves blown away by the arrow wind fluttered down.

Qingdeng was about to be shot into a hedgehog—after seeing such a dense rain of arrows, anyone would think so.

However, this is not the case.


too fast.

Qingdeng's speed is really too fast!
Talents such as "leading the horse", "lonely courage", "bear's waist +1" are all activated!
Running like electricity and chasing the wind, leaping like meteors chasing the moon!

The archers chased after Qingdeng's figure and shot in vain, but the feather arrows could only chase the smoke and dust left by Qingdeng.

Qingdeng's traveling route is not a stupid rampage, but a "Z" shape, moving among obstacles such as big trees and huge rocks.

In this way, it greatly increases the difficulty of aiming for the archers.

The arrows they shot either pierced into the ground or hit trees and rocks.

In an instant, the distance of 1 town was crossed by Qingdeng at one go.

The distance between him and the archers is only 10.

【Note · 1 town = 109 meters, 1 room = 1.818 meters】

Looking at Qingdeng approaching rapidly, the expressions of the archers were gradually dominated by intense panic.

They dare not back down.

Although the Heimu Yizhong is a "thug organization" with mixed fish and dragons, it is still disciplined.

It would be better to say that the reason why the black mother clothes are powerful and frightening is because they have an extremely strict reward and punishment mechanism.

If you make great contributions, you will be rewarded generously.

But if you make a mistake, or violate discipline... you will be punished severely
In the disciplinary rules of the black mother's clothes, the most serious crimes are betrayal and desertion.

As long as any of these two items is violated, it must be the end of the head moving.

Therefore, the archers could only bear back the fear in their hearts, regardless of the soreness of their arms, and drew their bows crazily without stopping.

Even if there is only one arrow... as long as one arrow hits Qingdeng, it will have a great impact on his body movements!

At this critical juncture, the two sides showed completely different reactions and states.

One side is flustered and frightened.

The other side is as if nothing had happened, calm and calm.

I saw that Qing Deng's expression did not change, although the sharp arrow came forward, he was still calm and composed.

He cast a calm gaze towards the archers who were close at hand.

In an instant, he took a deep breath, and his slender figure rose from the ground like a spring!Leap high into the air like a flying swallow!
Seeing this, the archers showed mixed expressions of joy and sorrow.

What they like is: because human beings do not have the ability to fly in the air, even if they are as strong as Ogata Iktosai, they cannot avoid sudden attacks in the air.

As for their worries... it's hard to shoot a falling target!
Especially shooting a target that falls so fast is even more difficult!

The archers hurriedly raised their bows and threw feather arrows at Qingdeng who was falling rapidly.

Facing the oncoming arrows and strong wind, Qingdeng changed the knife in his palm to hold it with both hands, raised it high above his head, and went straight to the head of the archer closest to him like a river.

Such a detailed description of Qing Deng's actions seems to have passed a long time.In fact, everything happens at the snap of your fingers.

The archer who was targeted by Qingdeng immediately stared with horror, the eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

He subconsciously took a step back, trying to stay away from Qingdeng...but it was too late.

With the blessing of "tiger arm +1", "elephant core +1" and other talents, Qingdeng's arm strength is already quite amazing.

But now, gravitational force, body weight, acceleration of the falling body, and arm strength—these four forces are superimposed on each other... Qingdeng's knife can be called pulling mountains and seas!

Echizen lived in Changlu, and his sword glow fell into the archer's sky cover.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp blade pulled down without any pause and hysteresis!Cut from Tianling cover to the crotch, cut this person into two neat halves like cutting tofu!
In addition to the physical body, Qingdeng also cut off the belt that hung the quiver around his waist.

The bow in his palm and the quiver at his waist all slipped down.

In the rain of blood splashed all over the sky, Qingdeng handed the Echizen resident Toki Shou Kanshige to his mouth, bit the handle of the knife, and then opened his arms, taking the falling bow and quiver into his arms.

It is not uncommon to cut a large living person in half with just one blow.

The sword was the exclusive privilege of the samurai.

Therefore, for the samurai, the sword is not only a symbol and a kind of honor, but also an important companion that is related to the family and life.

After all, no one wants to lose the chain when the blade is too blunt, the blade breaks, etc. when standing up to fight.

[Note·Ziaozi: the front end of the blade]

Therefore, since entering the Edo period, samurai have paid more attention to the sharpness of the sword than in the previous dynasties, which made the "trial cutting" of the sword very popular.

Trial beheading is divided into "living test", "dead test", "hard object test" and so on.

At first, they were tried by strangers, that is, they were tried with living people.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the son of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the Warring States Period, often went out and took innocent passers-by as trial targets, making the common people shudder, and Hideji also got the nickname "killing life Guanbai" for this reason.

It was not until the Tokugawa family came to power and Japan entered the Edo period that the "Renren Test" was abolished.

Since it is impossible to use living people to try beheading, the warriors can only use dead people as the next best thing, and the "dead man's test" has arisen from this.

When using the dead to try to chop, first set up an earthen altar, lift the dead body with both hands, place it horizontally on the earthen altar, and fix it with two pairs of bamboo sticks.After the trial cut is completed, the result of the trial cut is inlaid with gold and written into the knife inscription, which is called "cutting inscription".

The most important part of the test in the "dead man's test" is called "cutting the body", that is, stacking the corpses together to test how many corpses can be cut with one knife.

The one that cuts off one body is called "one trunk", and the one that cuts off two is called "two trunks".

Generally speaking, the ones that can reach the "three body" are high-quality treasured swords.

The highest record in the history of Japanese swords is "Seven Body", that is, to cut off seven corpses with one knife.

Therefore, "breaking the body with one blow" is not something difficult to do.

However, this is limited to cutting in half.

The human stomach is full of soft organs such as the stomach, kidneys, and intestines. The only thing that can be considered hard is the waist bone.

On the other hand, vertical chopping... Regardless of the organs, the bones alone are enough to make one's scalp tingle.

Skull, neck, sternum, ribs, waist, pelvis... If you want to cut a human body in half vertically, you need to cut off so many bones.

At this moment, both the enemy and us...whether the chief commander, Sanako and Onodera, or the black mother-clothed crowd headed by the archers, were all dumbfounded.

Such a brutal scene directly shocked everyone present.

For a moment, the archers stopped shooting and stared dumbfounded at Qingdeng who was showing his might.

At the moment when they were all at a loss like sleepwalkers...Qingdeng had already completed his "dress change".

He handed the bow he had just won to his left hand, put the quiver at his feet, and then drew the arrow, strung the string, and stretched the bow in a fluid motion——

Chi Chi!

The tense force bounced from Qingdeng's arms, and the sound of piercing the air came out, which was louder and more high-pitched than the arrows shot by the archers in the black mother clothes—it was more like bullets than arrows.

The sound of the arrows continued for a long time, and along with the wind, it continued to extend into the distance... until it reached the sky cap of a certain archer.

The cluster of arrows pierced the forehead and pierced the back of the head.

The energy accumulated on the arrow exploded in an instant, causing the brain matter, bone fragments, and blood to form a mist that sprayed everywhere.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Qingdeng drew his bow again with lightning speed.

Chi Chi!

Another arrow flew out.

Another archer fell to the ground with an arrow in his hand.

Same headshot.

The same head exploded.

As the largest practical bow in the world, the bow is a bit bulky and inflexible, but its power should not be underestimated.

"Damn! Hide somewhere!"

"Be careful! That guy's archery is very good!"

"Hide! Hide!"

At this time, the surviving archers finally woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and hurriedly searched for cover while drawing their bows to fight back.

With his saber in his mouth, Qingdeng held a bow in one hand and a quiver in the other, and nimbly turned over and rolled into the back of a huge boulder next to him.

—Three people went to the west, and five others ran to the east...

Qing Deng half-closed his eyes, and focused on pointing up his ears.

"Wind Perceiver", "Focus on God", and "Lonely Dangerous" launch!
Qingdeng listened to the sounds to identify the position, and based on the footsteps of the archers, he determined and confirmed their current positions.

At the same time, a panorama of the surrounding environment appeared in front of his eyes again.

Deep in Qingdeng's mind, the invisible battle started again.

The archers who changed positions and himself, in this new "virtual battlefield", started a battle of bows and arrows.

It is necessary to listen to the footsteps of the archers, but also to construct a new "virtual battlefield" in the mind... There is no doubt that this consumes a lot of brain power.

Fortunately, Qingdeng has a "spiritual brain +9"! "

The amount of calculations that ordinary people can't bear is completely insignificant to Qingdeng who has a "spiritual brain +9"!
While the rabbit was up and down, Qingdeng leaned half of his body out of the rock.

Also sticking out of the rock, there are arrows and bows that have been fully drawn.

The shade of the trees engulfed the arrows in an instant—the muffled sound of arrows plunging into flesh could be heard in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, another arrow flew out, piercing straight into someone's heart.

Suddenly, a new arrow flashed past someone's eyes.

Just when this person was secretly glad that "Qingdeng missed the shot", he suddenly heard a mournful scream from behind him.

He turned his head and looked, only to see his companion behind him clutching the arrow shaft that pierced through his chest, lying on his back, kicking his legs alternately, struggling in pain, struggling on the edge of life and death.

He was so shocked that his expression changed drastically.

While he was in a hurry, he suddenly felt a pain in his neck. When he looked down, there was a conspicuous decoration on his protruding Adam's apple - an arrow.

When did I get shot?

As soon as this question came to his mind, his consciousness was permanently cut off...

Every time Qingdeng's bowstring vibrated, someone would surely fall to the ground with an arrow.

Killing with one arrow...Qingdeng's terrifying archery skills are no longer frightening, but heart-rending!

Although Qingdeng has not been learning archery for a very long time, who told him to be a jerk?

Thanks to the "bow master" who is "18 times more gifted in bow skills than ordinary people", Qingdeng only spent a few months to achieve the bow skills that ordinary people can't touch after more than ten years of hard work level.

What's more, Qingdeng also has "seeing through" as an assistant.

The talent effect of "See Through" is "very good sense of space".

This talent may not be useful in daily life, but in battle... especially when using long-range weapons such as bows and arrows, guns, etc., it is very useful.

The sense of space is very good, which means that it is easier to control the distance between yourself and the target, thus greatly improving the accuracy of shooting.

Looking at the black mothers who were shot by him, it was the first time that Qingdeng was so thankful that he was proficient in archery

After that, I have to find a time to thank His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan properly...Qingdeng thought to himself.

Under Qingdeng's precise shooting, the archers were beaten so hard that they didn't dare to show their heads, but they didn't know that they had made a very serious mistake unconsciously.

Qingdeng's activity made them involuntarily focus on Qingdeng.

However... at this moment, Qing Deng is not the only opponent they have to face directly!

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

From the side of a certain archer, there was a sudden and rapid sound of grass blades being kicked.

He turned his head following the sound - the raised naginata blocked the sunlight, and a huge shadow was cast on his face...

For some reason, I always feel that Zuo Nazi, who is wielding a big knife, is inexplicably intriguing. (Leopard lick.jpg)

It's been a long time since I rushed to update before midnight today!Leopard Leopard is working hard to adjust the routine disrupted by the high school and college entrance examinations!Presumably it won't be long before the update time and word count of this book will return to the previous level! (Leopard's Confidence.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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