I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 436 The Ghost Slayer【4500】

Chapter 436 The Ghost Slayer【4500】

"...It's fine, it's fine, there's no need to report any more, I've roughly understood the details of what happened."

Luo Sha stretched out his hand to signal the strong man to shut up.

"Hirabayashi, that is to say—you, who have an overwhelming advantage in military strength, not only failed to remove the heads of Onodera and his companions on the spot when Onodera was shot by Nue, but let them escape smoothly Is that what you mean?"

Pinglin...that is, the brawny man buried his lowered head even lower, and the cold sweat poured out like a waterfall, wet his inner jacket.

"Luo Luo, Master Luo Sha! Wan, I am very sorry! This subordinate has failed your expectations!"

"Well, indeed."

Raksha nodded slightly with no expression on his face.

"Ping Lin, your performance today really failed my expectations."

As the saying goes: Language is like a knife.

The power of Luo Sha's words is indeed like a knife.

As soon as his words fell, the strong man shuddered several times, and his whole body shook slightly, like a fallen leaf under the autumn wind, as if he would collapse to the ground at any moment.

"No, but! Master Luosha! Although my subordinates failed to capture Onodera and his accomplices on the spot, my people have been closely tracking their whereabouts! According to the latest report, Onodera and others definitely did not escape too far! Still There is hope to recover them!"

Raksha remained silent.

After a while, he slowly said in an indifferent tone without sadness or joy:
"...Well then, Ping Lin, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself."

"I will send you three times more troops, and you must capture Onodera."

"For Onodera, I have only one request: to see the corpse when dead, and to see people when alive."

"As for Onodera's companions..."

Luo Sha paused, thought for a moment, and then continued.

"Catch them alive if you can, kill them if you can't."

"Yes! Yes! Leave it to the subordinates! The subordinates will definitely complete the task beautifully this time!"

Rakshasa waved his hand.

"Let's talk about flattery. I don't want to hear your good words, I just want to see your actual performance. Go down and do things, you remember, don't let me down this time."




A certain unnamed mountain adjacent to Kikyo Mountain, a certain cave——

"Hey! Have you searched over there?"

"Searched! Searched!"

"How is your side? Have you gained anything?"


"Everyone be careful! There is a quagmire here!"

"Huh! Huh! Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"It's so noisy! What's it called?"

"There's a wasp! I've been stung by a wasp!"


Qingdeng pointed his ears and listened carefully to the movement outside the cave.

After confirming that no one was approaching, he turned and went back to the depths of the cave.

When Qingdeng returned, he happened to see Zuo Nazi put down the medicine bottle in his hand, his normally clean and white catkins were now stained with disgusting blood.

"Mr. Ju, it's just in time for you to come back. The treatment...is over."

"How's it going?"

Qing Deng hurriedly asked.


Sanako didn't make a sound.

Looking at the silent Zuo Nazi, Qing Deng suddenly felt a "thump" in his heart.

Under Qingdeng's straight gaze, Sanako finally said:
"Liver and spleen rupture, excessive blood loss, bile leakage... To be honest, there is no cure for such injuries. Although I have tried my best, but..."

Speaking of this, Zuo Nazi paused, and the words that had rushed to his lips turned into a helpless sigh.

As Sanako's voice fell, the surroundings became quiet, as quiet as the depths of the sea in the middle of the night, even if the white whale swam by, it would not be able to make any ripples.

Sanako bowed his head and remained silent.

The chief executive turned his head and looked around impatiently.

Qingdeng clenched his fists.

The tense atmosphere... It feels like the sound is gradually moving away from the surroundings.

In this extremely heavy world, the person who uttered the first sentence...is Onodera.


The laughter full of free and easy colors broke the silence.

"As expected... I still can't escape this calamity..."

After finishing speaking, Onodera chuckled a few more times.

The relaxed tone, the relaxed expression... It doesn't seem like the demeanor of a dying person at all.

"Little girl... I'm sorry...my blood stained your hands..."

Sanako shook his head lightly upon hearing this.

"It's okay. I'm also half a doctor. Since I'm a doctor, I won't be afraid of blood stains."

"Hahaha... you are really... an incredible heroine..."

While laughing, Onodera put on a gentle tone as if chatting with his younger generation.

"Although...I'm dying...but fortunately...I still have a breath...I still have a way to talk...I can continue...the unfinished topic just now..."

"I have to finish my mission...before I go down to the underworld..."

With an overwhelming sense of presence, Onodera's eyes stabbed straight at Qingdeng.

There was a strong will in his eyes.

Almost forced by this shocking force, Qingdeng asked:
"Mr. Onodera, why did the Qingshui clan pursue you with such fanfare? Is it because the fact that you joined hands with my father was exposed?"

As soon as Qingdeng's words fell, Onodera smiled slightly.

A calm and proud smile.

"Hehehe... yes... that's right... I ended up dying like this... Hahaha..."

"Let me think about it... About 4 months after Takayuki Tachibana, Ginzo Kitahara and I formed a common front... We have gone through all kinds of hardships... Finally, we found the workshop of the crafty medicine ..."

"This is...conclusive evidence that proves that the Qingshui clan and the Fazhu Party produce and sell dangerous drugs."

"If this evidence is exposed...even if the Qingshui Clan and the Fazhu Party cannot be brought down immediately, they will be severely damaged..."

"However... on the eve of our complete victory... Kitahara Ginzo... he was exposed..."

"As I said before... Beiyuan Yinzang is a miser who has an eye for money..."

"A snob like him... has no loyalty at all..."

"So... on the day Kitahara Ginzo was arrested... he confessed to Tachibana Takayuki..."

"Takayuki Tachibana is very smart... He knows that Kitahara Ginzo is not a reliable person..."

"So...he never revealed my existence to Kitahara Ginzo..."

"Kitahara Ginzo didn't know that I was his 'companion' from the beginning to the end."

"Thus, I escaped a catastrophe..."

"Katachi Takayuki..."

Onodera paused.

Although it's very subtle, if you look carefully, you can find that his facial muscles are twitching slightly, and there is a gloomy look between his brows.

Immediately afterwards, his shoulders collapsed as if he had lost his bones, and his body suddenly became smaller.

He kept panting "huhahuha" and remained motionless for a long time like a puppet.

After about half a minute, Onodera, who finished sorting out his emotions, let out a long sigh.

"Raksha...he hates traitors the most...treats traitors...he never shows mercy..."

"After Beiyuan Yinzang gave Tachibana Takashi... Luo Sha was the first to change the location of the crafting workshop of the strange medicine... and strengthened the secrecy measures..."

"Then... order Kitahara Ginzo to be executed..."

"Although Luosha is moody...but he has a quality that everyone praises...even I admire..."

"That's why he is thirsty for talents... He respects talents very much..."

"As long as it is a capable person...he will not hesitate to praise...he will work tirelessly to attract the other party..."

"The huge foundation of the Qingshui Clan and the Fazhu Party... almost fell into the hands of a Dingmachi Hui Tongxin... Takayuki Tachibana who made such a great achievement... aroused the interest of Rakshasa..."

"Raksha, who admires Takashi Tachibana... personally leads the team... plans to persuade Takashi Tachibana to surrender..."

"On a certain night...they...designed to attract Takayuki Tachibana..."

"Raksha gave Takashi Tachibana...two options...either surrender...or...death..."

"I want to know... How can a man like Tachibana Takayuki succumb to violence..."

"He drew out his sword... counterattacked... against an enemy group dozens of times larger than himself... against Rakshasa..."

"It stands to reason... Takayuki Tachibana who is mediocre... no matter how hard he tries and struggles... it is impossible to injure Raksha who is proficient in swordsmanship..."

"However... maybe this is the so-called 'one courage, two strengths and three kung fu'..."

"When launching a decisive blow against Raksha... Takayuki Tachibana used his 'gut'...to the extreme..."

"Although...it was time...I wasn't there...but I can imagine...that knife of Tachibana Takayuki...how indomitable it was...how full of irresistible power...to make demons... All the treachery in the world... dare not look at it..."

"His knife...miraculously cut through Raksha's body...and left a...permanent scar on Raksha's right collarbone..."

"Tachibana Longzhi refused to surrender first...beheaded himself...but Luo Sha didn't feel annoyed by it..."

"He admired Takayuki Tachibana's bravery...so he decided to give Takayuki Tachibana a...whole body..."

"They forced Takayuki Tachibana...to take a...special poison..."

"This medicine... once taken... will immediately attack..."

"I couldn't speak at first... Then I developed a high fever... Severe diarrhea... Vomiting... Continuously pulling out feces like rice slop..."

"Symptoms when the poison occurs... almost exactly the same as tiger wolf dysentery..."

"That's it... Tachibana Takashi was poisoned to death... died at the hands of Luo Sha..."

"And I... am still alive..."

At this moment, Qingdeng couldn't help interjecting:
"Mr. Onodera, do you know Kitahara Konosuke? What is his relationship with Kitahara Ginzo?"

"Konosuke Kitahara?"

Onodera was taken aback for a moment, then slowly said:
"Konosuke Kitahara...is the adopted son of Kitahara Ginzo..."

"After Kitahara Ginzo's death... Kitahara Konosuke... and Kitahara Ginzo's other adoptive sons and subordinates... all stubbornly believed that the reason why Kitahara Ginzo betrayed the Shimizu clan... was because of Takayuki Tachibana's bewitching ..."

"In order to avenge Kitahara Ginzo...they planned...to kill Takayuki Tachibana's clan..."

"Fortunately, before they started their actions... Rakshasa discovered their plan..."

"Raksha personally ordered... It is strictly forbidden for anyone to take revenge on Takayuki Tachibana's family..."

"After being strictly prohibited by Rakshasa...Konosuke Kitahara and others...then they calmed down..."

"Hahaha...I'm dying anyway...so I don't have any scruples...I'll just tell you the whole truth..."

"Actually... after Takashi Tachibana passed away... I shrunk my eggs..."

"When dealing with life and death... I'm not that open-minded..."

"Those who try to investigate the elusive drug... what will happen to them... Kitahara Ginzo and Tachibana Takayuki... These two real cases... are clearly in front of my eyes..."

"If I don't stop in time... even if I have nine lives... I won't be able to withstand my tossing..."

"Besides... Takashi Tachibana has passed away... No one will pay me anymore... Under the circumstances... 'Investigating strange drugs' has become a troublesome thing for me...with no benefits...only disadvantages... ..."

"But ah...ha...hahahaha...I still decided to fight to the death with Strange Medicine...with Rakshasa...!"

"First... I secretly sent a letter... to Takayuki Tachibana's old friend... the mansion of Hideyuki Arima... to inform them... that the real murderer of Takayuki Tachibana... was a secret association that is not well known... ...Its name is 'Fa Zhu Dang'..."

"Then...collecting clues from the beginning...silently 'fighting' alone until now..."

"Until a few days ago...unfortunately, the Dongchuang incident happened...and fell into today's desolate situation..."

"I am another companion of Takayuki Tachibana who almost caused the Qingshui clan and the Fazhu Party to be overthrown... In this way... can you understand why the Qingshui clan... chased me with such a big fanfare?"

"Hahahahaha... cough, cough, cough, cough...!"

Coughing violently, Onodera put his hands on the ground and struggled to sit up.

Seeing this, Qing Deng at the side quickly reached out his hand, intending to help Onodera, but was declined by the other party.

"Hahaha...you don't need to help me...my current energy...it's strange..."

Leaning against the rock wall behind him, Onodera breathed a sigh of relief.

"The above... is... Takayuki Tachibana and I... getting to know each other... the whole process of dying one after another..."

"The thatched cottage we stayed in just now...is not only the 'vault' where Takashi Tachibana kept his money...it was also the 'meeting room' where I discussed important matters with him..."

"This location is located in the remote western suburbs of Edo...it is the most suitable meeting place..."

"The reason why I hid here today... On the one hand, it is because I have been chased by the black mother's clothes... I have nowhere to hide... The 'hidden stronghold' on Kikyo Mountain...became my last place... ..."

"On the other hand...haha...it's a shame...I miss Takayuki Tachibana..."

"I miss...his fighting spirit..."

"I miss his...courage..."

"Mr. Ju...I...the more I think about it...the more I feel...the meeting between you and me today...is the arrangement of God..."

"God...specially arranged for me to meet you...at the end of my life...to complete my...mission..."

"If... Takayuki Tachibana's mission... is to open up the way..."

"Then...my mission...should be to lead newcomers forward..."

"Hahahahaha... so heroic to die... so meaningful... I have no regrets...!"

Onodera laughed out loud.

Compared with just now, Onodera's spirit has indeed improved a lot.

However... Whether it is Qingdeng, Zongsi, Sanako, or Onodera himself, they all know what this means...

"...Mr. Onodera, I don't know something."

Qingdeng lowered his head and said to his own toes:

"Whether it's you or my father, why are you so obsessed with the strange medicine?"

"No matter how you look at it, for you, 'investigating deceitful drugs' is a 'losing business' where the risks far outweigh the benefits."

"Why do you have to work so hard and do not fear death to do something that is not good for you?"

Today's update time is a little earlier!
how?Leopards didn't lie, did they?Leopard Leopard is working hard to return to the old update time!

(End of this chapter)

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