I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 441 1 Talking about women, the God of Slaanesh’s Chosen Ju Qingdeng 【5000】

Chapter 441 The God of Slaanesh Who Gets Active When He Talks About Women·Ju Qingdeng【5000】

"Ah! It's my lord!"

"Sir, why are you here?"

"These guys are finished! The adults are here!"


The surviving black mothers gathered behind Rakshasa in twos and threes.

Seeing Luo Sha here, everyone in Hei Muyi's morale was greatly boosted, and the haze of being beaten one-sidedly by Qing Deng and others was swept away.

They thought that Rakshasa was here to help.

However...the strange atmosphere immediately made them at a loss.

Obviously until just now, Luo Sha and Qing Deng had fought very fiercely.

But now, after the two chatted about something, Luo Sha suddenly lifted his fighting stance and put on an appearance that he didn't want to fight anymore.

But even so, the atmosphere between Qing Deng and Luo Sha was still as tense as a bowstring that might break at any moment.

Such a grotesque picture made the monks in Heimuyi puzzled, neither fighting nor withdrawing.

"That... lord..."

A certain black mother boldly asked.

However, just as he uttered a few syllables, Raksha waved his hand to signal them to shut up.

Seeing this, the black mothers hurriedly shut their mouths tightly and tightened their shoulders, not to mention speaking, they didn't even dare to take a breath.

"Leave me all."

Luo Sha said to the black mother clothes behind him without looking back.

When someone heard this, he hurriedly asked in astonishment:
"Huh? Back, back? My lord, you..."

"I don't want to repeat the same words a second time."

Luo Sha's tone was calm, but there was a sharp reverberation hidden in the words, and the black mother clothes were suddenly silent, dumbfounded, and alive like clay sculptures and wood carvings.

No one dared to speak anymore, no one dared to object.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

The crowd of black mother clothes scrambled to retreat like an ebbing tide, and their figures disappeared into the depths of the woods one by one.

In a blink of an eye, there was no one else here except Qing Deng, Zong Si, Zuo Nazi and Luo Sha.

The breathing sounds of dozens of people were missing, and the surroundings became extremely quiet.

"Okay, I have chased away irrelevant people, now... let's have a good talk, Nioh... no, Takayuki Tachibana's son."

As Luo Sha said, he cast a look of neither sadness nor joy at Qingdeng.

"Not long after Takashi Tachibana passed away, I secretly observed you for a while out of curiosity."

"At that time, you gave me the impression that you were dull and late blooming, but as long as you cultivated carefully, you might not be able to grow into a reliable official, but in terms of talent alone, it is not enough to catch my eyes."

"But since the beginning of last year, it's as if you suddenly realized the Tao. You have become extremely powerful and talented, and you have risen all the way, from an unknown person to the now-renowned King Ren."

"In this regard, I sincerely feel that it is really 'a tiger father has no dog son'. Since he is Takayuki Tachibana's son, it is not surprising that he has such abilities."

Speaking of this, Luo Sha paused for a while, and then laughed softly as if realizing something.

"Hahaha...the so-called 'fate tricks' is nothing more than that."

"Unexpectedly, after a year and a half, a similar scene came before my eyes again."

"The same samurai with the surname Tachibana, the same confrontation, the same... eyes."

Luo Sha lowered his eyelids, squinted his eyes, and looked carefully at Qing Deng's eyes.

"Tachibana Longzhi's son, your eyes now... are almost exactly the same as the eyes of Tachibana Longzhi before his death."

The real culprit who forced Takashi Tachibana to death, murdered the Kanazawa brothers and sisters, and produced and sold the strange medicine was standing in front of him... In such a situation, even if Qingdeng glared at Rakshasa, it would be perfectly normal.

But in fact, Qingdeng's eyes at this moment are unusually calm.

So calm that even using the word "stare" to describe it seemed too intense and inappropriate.

"That's right, Tachibana Takayuki looked at me with such unpleasant eyes."

"According to my guess, you should have heard a lot of secrets about your father from Onodera, right?"

"Not to mention how much Onodera knew, Takayuki Tachibana was never there the night I persecuted him, so you probably don't know what happened to your father before he died, right?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Sha placed his body weight on his left leg and changed to a more relaxed standing posture, raised his chin slightly, looked into the distance, and acted like a memory.

"At that time...my team and I surrounded Takashi Tachibana."

"Unless a divine soldier descends from heaven, he will never escape from my grasp."

"In all fairness, with regard to the things Tachibana Longzhi did, even killing him a hundred times would not be an exaggeration."

"But, I value talent the most."

"No matter who it is, as long as they have outstanding skills, I am willing to hire them based on their merits."

"It's true that Takayuki Tachibana's actions almost brought disaster to the Shimizu clan and the Fazhu party behind me."

"But compared to his talent and character, his 'evil deeds' are not intolerable or forgiving."

"Even if I don't mention his wisdom of making workshops that can discover phantom deposits, I am extremely impressed by his courage to fight against us even though he is obviously just a set-up with one mind."

Huanfudian... This should be the "official name" for the elusive medicine by the insiders of the Fazhu Party and the Qingshui Clan.Qingdeng thought to himself.

I have to say, the name is really wonderful.

The word order in Japanese is "subject-object-verb", which means that the object of the action is placed in front of the action, state or characteristic, and behavior of the subject.

The so-called "phantom attachment" means "additional illusion".

And "Dian" has the meaning of dross and residue.

The residue of additional hallucinations... vividly illuminates the characteristics of this drug.

When Qingdeng was thinking to himself, Luo Sha kept talking:
"Warriors with one horse and one horse can be found everywhere; brave men with great wisdom and courage are as few as stars!"

"I really can't bear to kill such a rare talent."

"Therefore, I respectfully invite him to join us in the manner of a corporal, with the gesture of spitting, feeding and holding hair."

"I have tried my best to treat Takayuki Tachibana with the utmost courtesy, and there is nothing wrong with the expressions I show or the words I say."

"Even Zhou Gongdan, who has a reputation for respecting and loving talents, probably can't find fault with my etiquette."

"But it's a pity... Takayuki Tachibana rejected me without hesitation as soon as I finished my words."

"Hey, why is he bothering? Why should he die loyal to the decadent Tokugawa family?"

"By the time we find and surround Tachibana Takashi, he has only two paths left. Either join us or die."

"Since he has rejected the only way out, no matter how much I like him, I can't keep him anymore."

"In order to show respect for him, I decided to send him on the road with my own hands."

"To be honest, I never thought at the time that Takashi Tachibana could surprise me even when he was about to die."

"Even in a desperate situation where he must die, he did not lose the courage to fight."

"He pulled out the saber at his waist and attacked me without hesitation."

"Tachibana Takayuki's footwork is messed up, and one can tell that his martial arts are not good enough."

"What's strange is...it's just a weak person who can't even walk well, but he made a pretty incredible slash."

"It's neither an attack with a tricky angle, nor a strange move that surprises and wins. It's just a simple and unpretentious slash."

"Although this happened a year and a half ago, I can still vividly remember the scene I saw at that time."

"A not-so-strong body, a rapidly approaching blade, and eyes that seem to have flames jumping out of them in the next second."

"The autumn wind entwined on the blade sweeps the fallen leaves, and the invincible momentum makes me feel in a trance for a moment."

"During this fleeting trance, Takayuki Tachibana's knife hit me."

Raksha raised his left hand and pulled open his skirt, exposing his chest.

On his right collarbone, there was a scar several inches long.

"This scar is the 'commemoration' left by Takayuki Tachibana."

"Honestly, until now, I still don't understand how someone who is so much weaker than me can hit me."

"Maybe it's because the vicious aura he released at that time of 'putting life and death at risk' and 'even if it is death, I will pull you back' shocked me."

"Although Takayuki Tachibana's back attack hit me, but this kind of attack can only cut through the skin, it can't even kill a baby."

"I wanted to chop off Takayuki Tachibana's head directly."

"But Takayuki Tachibana's generosity to fight to the end even though his body and body are gone, really makes me admire."

"Therefore, I decided to leave him a whole body."

"I fed him a very precious special poison."

"After taking this medicine, symptoms such as loss of voice, high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea will appear within a stick of incense, and death will occur within a day."

"As long as you feed Tachibana Takashi this medicine, you don't have to worry about him vomiting something that shouldn't be said, and you can quickly send him to hell. It's really an excellent magic weapon for 'helping people face'."

Speaking of this, Luo Sha paused as if he had realized something.

After a while, he let out a long sigh.

"Even today, I still deeply regret not being able to take Takashi Tachibana under my command..."

When Luo Sha said this, his brows drooped, his expression was depressed, and there was no trace of affectation on his face.

It can be seen from this that he is sincerely at a loss for "missing" Tachibana Takayuki.

"Forget it, time has passed and the situation has changed, so it's worth not mentioning the past."

While speaking, Luo Sha fixed his eyes on Qingdeng's body, and his sharp eyes wandered in the air.

"Whether it's God's will or pure luck, in short—today, at this moment, I ran into a samurai named Tachibana again, and I met a man I really want to subdue."

"Tachibana Takashi's son...Ju Qingdeng, I'll cut to the chase—join the Fazhu Party and become one of us!"

After saying this, Rakshasa stretched out his left hand with the palm facing up, as if he was asking for a handshake from his compatriots.

As soon as Luo Sha said this, both Zuo Nazi and the chief executive showed astonished expressions.

On the contrary, Qingdeng, who was the person involved, looked calm, as if he knew that Luo Sha would throw an olive branch at him.

"I don't know if you don't know what the law punishes the party, so let me briefly introduce it to you."

"Our predecessor was the 'Falunction Group' that caused a riot in the Gyeonggi area 60 years ago."

"Whether it is the former 'Faju Group' or the current 'Faju Party', we have only one goal: to overthrow the corrupt Edo shogunate! To overthrow the tyrannical rule of the Tokugawa family!"

Sanako and the chief executive changed their expressions again.

The Chief Secretary was born in the Baihe Clan, and their family is the retainers of the Baihe Clan. They have never received the salary of the Edo Shogunate, and she herself has never received any education in loyalty to the emperor.

The Chiba family is a pure "budo family". Affected by this family tradition, from the older generation Chiba Sakakichi, down to the current generation Sanako, Chiba Shigetaro, Chiba Eijiro, etc. He is not very interested in the Neo Confucianism dogma that "the emperor wants his ministers to die, but the ministers dare not die" and "single-heartedly be loyal to the lord".

In a word, the two women did not have strong feelings for the Edo shogunate.

But even so, they still couldn't help showing expressions of disbelief after hearing Rakshasa grandly threatening to "down with the Edo shogunate".

Although the authority of the Edo shogunate has suffered a great blow since the "Dark Ship Attack" and "Sakurada Gate Incident" and other incidents broke out, and careerists from all walks of life are ready to move, and the situation of the Tokugawa family is getting worse.

But even so, as of now, no one or any force has dared to put the slogans of "down with the Edo shogunate" and "overthrow of the Tokugawa family" on the table.

Even the Changzhou clan, which had a deep hatred with the Edo shogunate, did not dare to be so arrogant.

From the Asuka era (592-710) when Japan officially entered feudal rule, no samurai regime has ever lived longer than the Edo shogunate.

Before the Tokugawa family established national hegemony, Japan was in turmoil.

From the end of the Heian period to the Warring States period, the time of war was far more than the time of peace.

It was not until the establishment of the Edo Shogunate that the Japanese people finally enjoyed the long-lost Haiyan Heqing.

Although there are occasional large-scale wars such as the "Amakusa Uprising" and "Oshio Heihachiro Uprising" that shocked the whole country, it is generally peaceful and stable.

The swords and guns are put into the warehouse, the horses are released on Nanshan, and the people in Dai Bai don't know how to fight.

Not only was there no war, but also the economy and culture had developed by leaps and bounds.

Especially in the field of culture, unprecedented achievements have been made.

Kabuki and Joruri puppet shows, which are famous in later generations, flourished in the peaceful environment of the Edo period.

Wu Wei, who brought peace to the world, ended the troubled times of the Warring States Period, and the various achievements made in the past 300 years of ruling Japan, made the vassal state daimyos, common people, and court ministers form a path dependence and ideological inertia——The Edo Shogunate An unshakable towering tree!
The remaining prestige of the Tokugawa family is still there, and the princes of the world dare not accept it!

Not to mention the inexperienced youngsters like Sanako and Zouji, even the old foxes who have been up and down in the officialdom, shopping malls and other fields for many years, it is hard to imagine how this country would be without the Edo shogunate. What a shape.

Under the gaze of Qing Deng's calm eyes and the surprised eyes of the second daughter, Luo Sha continued to talk eloquently:
"Our philosophy is 'the four peoples are equal, and only talents are promoted',"

"As long as you have talent, no matter what your previous status is, whether you are a scholar, a farmer, a worker, or a businessman, we will treat people on their merits and promote them equally!"

"It's like talking about me."

"Don't talk about warriors, I'm not even a commoner, just a lowly slave."

"As long as I can remember, I've been wandering the streets, begging for a living,"

"After being picked up by a swordsman who is proficient in Iaido, and kept in a sword hall, he lived a life like a slave."

"Not only do I have to take care of the food and daily life of the 'Master' and the apprentices of the sword hall, but also serve as a tool to help them meet their physical needs from time to time. Only in the dead of night can I sneak into the yard and secretly practice 'Master' swordsmanship."

"Fortunately, my talent is good. Even in such a hellish environment, my swordsmanship attainments surpassed that of the 'master' in a very short period of time, and I successfully chopped off the heads of everyone in the Quanjian Gym. .”

"In the Falun Gong Party, not to mention the comrades at the middle and lower levels, even the upper-level cadres have more than half of them, like me, from humble backgrounds."

"I think you should also be able to see from this—we are definitely not a loose association that can collapse at the first push! It is a revolutionary group with strict discipline, strict organization, and full of ideals!"

After saying this in an impassioned tone, Luo Sha stretched out his hand to Qingdeng again.

"Ju Qingdeng, we need you!"

"Smart and courageous, courageous and resourceful, exceptionally gifted—you, who are so outstanding, are exactly what we most urgently need as a unique talent!"

"If you are willing to submit, we will treat each other with courtesy and entrust you with important responsibilities!"

"The Edo shogunate is now a rickety house that needs only a kick on the door frame to collapse."

"Being an official in the shogunate right now is like staying under a dilapidated house that may collapse at any time."

"If you don't get out in time, you will only usher in the tragic fate of 'house destruction and death'."

"Ju Qingdeng, an outstanding hero like you who is rare in ten years, there is no need to die with the Edo shogunate."

"The general trend of the current era is already clear."

"The direct counselors are depraved and incompetent, the finances are beyond their means, and the overseas powers are closing in step by step. The failure of the Tokugawa family is evident!"

"In less than 10 years, 'Edo Shogunate' will become a memorable historical term."

"Since the defeat of the Edo Shogunate has been decided, it is the most sensible and time-conscious choice to jump off this wrecked ship that is about to sink as soon as possible and change to a warship heading for the new era!"

"We will definitely eliminate the Tokugawa family and accomplish a great cause that will shock the past and the present!"

"Come on! Juqingdeng! Join us!"

"Join us as soon as possible, and in the future, you will become rich and princely, reach the sky in one step, and have wives and concubines in groups, it's no problem!"

When Luo Sha said the word "wives and concubines in groups", Qing Deng, who had been expressionless since just now, twitched his brows vigorously a few times.

When talking about money, I am unmoved; when talking about women, I am very interested——Juqingdeng
Today is another day of trying to write 6000 words but unfortunately failed... But even so, there are still 5000+ today!

So, have the audacity to ask for a monthly pass!Leopard Leopard is really trying to update! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

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(End of this chapter)

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