I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 445 Hardcore Spy Wars Only Need the Simplest Means 【5300】

"Phantom deposit? What is this thing?"

Nishino frowned when he suddenly heard an unfamiliar term that he had never heard before.

"To put it simply, this is a chronic poison developed by the Fazhu Party and secretly spread to Kanto..."

My grandson summarized the important information such as the appearance of Huanfudian and the efficacy of the medicine, one by one in a concise and concise manner.

After my grandson finished explaining, Nishino couldn't hide his shock and widened his eyes.

"This this……"

He stammered and uttered broken words, unable to utter half a sentence with concrete meaning.

Drugs that can easily destroy people's minds; destroy the people's livelihood in Kanto, and shake the foundation of the shogunate's rule... Everything my grandson just mentioned is beyond Nishino's imagination, and he can't calm down for a long time.

At this time, my grandson continued:
"To overthrow the decadent Edo shogunate and to establish a peaceful and prosperous world where people live in prosperity and everyone has enough to eat is the highest purpose of the Great Salt Party and our lifelong wish."

"From the point of view of the purpose alone, both we and the Fajudang are committed to overthrowing the brutal rule of the Tokugawa family."

"Even if we are like-minded, we should not obstruct each other even if we are not allied by blood."

"But in fact, the relationship between us is incompatible."

"There is a saying in the West that goes, 'Heretics are more hateful than heresy'—ah, this proverb can't be more appropriate to describe our attitude towards the Falun Gong Party."

"The method of killing the party by law is really too radical."

"Destroying granaries, poisoning wells, abducting people... They are willing to use any means that can cause trouble for the shogunate."

"In their eyes, whether it is a warrior, a commoner, or a Chinese or a foreigner, they are all objects that can be given up and sacrificed."

"In order to weaken the power of the shogunate, they would not hesitate to put such a dangerous drug in Kanto...it's crazy."

"Although we are both an anti-curtain association, the core direction of our Great Salt Party is to enable all people in the world to live a good life with enough food and warm clothes. 'Down with the Edo Shogunate' is nothing more than our realization of this goal. A means to an end."

"On the contrary, the law punishes the party...I personally think that they completely regard the means as the end."

"All the resources, all the time, and all the thoughts are put into the goal of 'Breaking the Curtain'."

"Only thinking about conquering the world, never thinking about governing the world"

"In short, Mr. Nishino, you can understand our Great Salt Party as a 'moderate and rational downfall faction', and the Fazhu Party as a 'radical and fanatical downfall faction'."

"This cruel act of disregarding the suffering of the people's livelihood is an unreasonable atrocity that puts the cart before the horse in our eyes."

"So, in order to stop the crazy behavior of the French Party, the organization sent me to sneak into the French Party to collect evidence of their production and sale of dangerous drugs."

"No matter how incompetent the lords of the shogunate are, they must know what a terrible disaster will be caused if this terrible drug that can turn a healthy living person into a delirious person is allowed to spread."

"As long as the conclusive evidence that the Fajudang created and spread the phantom deposit can be handed over to the shogunate, the shogunate will be able to attract the attention of the Fajudang."

"In this way, the power of the shogunate can be used to weaken or even pacify the Fajue Party, at least to prevent the Fajue Party from continuing to spread illusion..."

Before my grandson finished speaking, Nishino interjected in a tone neither sad nor happy:

"Borrowing a knife to kill..."

My grandson smiled slightly:
"Yes, that's roughly what it means. Both the Shogunate and the Hokkaido Party are our enemies. Stirring the two enemies against each other—don't you think that's one of the best strategies?"

"The plan is such a plan, but there is currently a problem."

"The law-killing party is especially good at controlling intelligence."

"The Fazhu Party has high hopes for Huanfudian, and regards it as an important 'weapon' to defeat the shogunate."

"It is reported that more than a year ago, someone almost succeeded in exposing the criminal activities of the French Communist Party's secret spread of phantom deposits, but the success failed."

"After this incident, the Fazhu Party has greatly increased the protection of all confidential information related to the phantom deposit."

"I have been lurking beside Rakshasa for many years, but I haven't collected any clues that can be used until today."

"It's a battle against the clock."

"If the phantom deposit is not eradicated as soon as possible, new victims may appear every moment."

"At this point, I have decided to put all my eggs in one basket - I plan to forcefully break into Rakshasa's bedroom."

"Raksha prefers to work in the bedroom - that alone is reason enough to take the risk."

"However, Rakshasa never allows outsiders to approach his bedroom."

"At any time, outside his bedroom door is his confidant - a samurai named Genjuro who is on duty."

"If Genjuro is not dealt with, entering Raksha's bedroom will be out of the question."

"However, Genjuro is an extremely dull man, like a rock."

"Neither personal interests nor apparent weaknesses of character."

"His only hobby is to listen to Rakshasa's arrangements and obey Rakshasa's orders."

"As long as Rakshasa orders him to guard the bedroom, he can stand in front of the door of his bedroom like a stone statue and never leave."

"In a nutshell - he is not someone who can be dealt with by tricks such as diverting the tiger away from the mountain and keeping the old warehouse in the dark."

"The only way to break through Genjuro's guard is to use force."

"However, my skills are mediocre."

"And Xuanjuro is a master of Shinto Wunian style."

"Even if it's ten of me, it's impossible to defeat him."

"So—Nishino-kun, I need your help."

"With your cooperation, just Genjuro, he can easily subdue him."

"I'm sure that Rakshasa, who loves talent like his life, will definitely put you in prison in order to subdue you."

"The reason why I deceived you, gave you special black tea, and pretended to arrest you...all of this is for today."

"Only in this way can we bring you into Rakshasa's stronghold smoothly."

My grandson finished speaking and the cell was surrounded by silence.

Nishino stared straight into my grandson's face with piercing eyes.

With a slight smile on his lips, my grandson silently waited for Nishino's reply.

About 5 seconds later, Nishino said:
"...Do you want me to help you? You guys, you think too beautifully, don't you?"

"First of all, why should I trust you?"

Nishino took two steps back and opened his arms so that my grandson could see the whole picture of him.

"Look, whose 'blessing' am I to be reduced to this desolate situation?"

"My grandson, I was really deceived by you before."

"How do I know if what you just said is true or not?"

"How can I make sure that you are not sent by Rakshasa to test my loyalty?"

"Are you a member of the Great Salt Party? I also said that I am the Taizheng official of the Kyoto court and Yuda of Ooku!"

[Note Taizhengguan: In the Edo period, the emperor's close servant.Ooku: The harem of the shogun, that is, the residence of the Tokugawa shogun's biological mother, main room, concubine and female officials.Yongda: The title of the job that buys various supplies for Daao]

"Even if I take a step back, assuming that you are not lying, you are indeed a spy planted by the Great Salt Party in the French Execution Party..."

Speaking of this, Nishino paused for a while, then raised his gaze, and cast an undisguised look of disgust at my grandson in front of him.

"What's the difference between this and the previous one for me?"

"You and the Fazhu Party are nothing but raccoon dogs, the world is as black as crows!"

"Whether you are a member of the Great Salt Party or a member of the Fazhu Party, in my eyes, you are all of the same nature - traitors and traitors who are treasonous and collaborating with the enemy!"

"Aren't you trying to say: Because you are more moderate than the French Communist Party, you are more trustworthy?"

After finishing speaking, Nishino waved his hands impatiently as if he was too lazy to talk nonsense with my grandson.

"Quickly disappear! I would rather die than join you!"

Nishino's words were resonant.

The brief silence was my grandson's wry smile.

"...Of course, as you said, I really can't prove my innocence."

"The only thing I can do right now is to swear to you: I really didn't lie to you this time."

"As for 'the world is as black as crows'...that statement is really an exaggeration."

My grandson switched to a tongue-in-cheek tone:
"It is an insult to us to put the Great Salt Party and the Fazhu Party side by side."

"Nishino-kun, let me ask you: Do you think our spiritual leader...that is, Mr. Oshio Heihachiro is a despicable and shameless villain?"

As soon as my grandson finished speaking, Nishino subconsciously opened his mouth—of course!Ohshio Heihachiro is a heinous traitor! —he was going to say so.

However... After opening his mouth, he was unable to utter a word for a long time.

Oshio Heihachiro is a child of the Wu family. He has lived on the screen since he was a child, and he should serve the country loyally. In the end, not only did he not drain his guts, but instead fought in Huangchi. From this point of view, he is indeed a shameless person who has committed a lot of crimes.

[Note Mulu: the salary of the shogunate]

But...it is undeniable that Oshio Heihachiro's personal virtues are quite perfect.

Perfect enough to be called a samurai... no, a model of humanity!

My grandson seemed to have seen through Nishino's mind, smiled slightly, and said slowly:
"Mr. Dayan is proficient in Sinology, whether it is traditional Confucianism represented by the Four Books and Five Classics, or Yangming's philosophy of mind that emphasizes the 'unity of knowledge and action', he knows everything at his fingertips."

"In the sixth year of Wenzheng (1823), Mr. Dayan opened a school in his home and named it "Xixindong".

"There are countless disciples who admire Mr. Dayan's character and knowledge, and come to study."

"Mr. Dayan's teaching thought deeply implements the philosophy of 'There is no distinction between teaching and learning' advocated by Confucius."

"In addition to the samurai from the samurai family, the disciples of Xixindong also have many poor people from the farms near Osaka."

"May I ask how many prominent samurai in the world are willing to treat farmers and townspeople who are covered in sweat and dirt with an equal attitude?"

"Mr. Dayan, who has hundreds of disciples under his sect, can live a luxurious life with only a few trainings."

[Note Shuxiu: When students and teachers meet in ancient times, they must first present gifts to show their respect.It's called "Shuxiu".It was implemented as early as Confucius' time, and later it was basically fixed as a form of teacher apprenticeship fee, which can also be understood as tuition fee. 】

"He could have disregarded the life and death of the poor at the bottom."

"He could have closed the door and lived his own peaceful life."

"He could have lived high above the clouds, grabbing delicious food with one hand and beauties with the other, sitting and watching the jokes of the poor people rolling and struggling in the mud."

"But he just didn't do that."

"When the Tianbao famine swept the whole country, he sold all the books in his family and donated all the money he got."

"When the poor were cornered by famine and the shogunate's expropriation, he stood up resolutely and rose up."

"Nishino-kun, do you think Mr. Oshio, who is knowledgeable and broad-minded, doesn't know that this battle is bound to be defeated?"

"Do you think he doesn't know that after raising his arms, he will be unable to escape the fate of tragic death?"

"Mr. Dayan, why bother?"

These questions raised by my grandson were like sharp darts, piercing directly into Nishino's heart.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was unconsciously lowering his head, his eyes fixed on the ground in front of his toes.

Erudition, humility, benevolence... In all fairness, the qualities possessed by Oshio Heihachiro are all yearned for by Nishino, who aspires to become an outstanding samurai.

If Oshio Heihachiro hadn't led the people to rebel, then there is no doubt that he would become the idol that Nishino admires and strives to catch up with.

"It's okay if you don't share our philosophy against the Edo Shogunate."

"Everyone has his own ambitions, and we don't force everyone to be as hostile to the shogunate as we are."

"But Mr. Dayan's ideal...the ideal of our Great Salt Party to create peace and rule the world, you should not object to it?"

"You have the right to regard it as a temporary offensive and defensive alliance with us."

"After listening to my introduction just now, you must be able to understand the dangers of phantom deposits, right?"

"Even if it's just to save the innocent people poisoned by the phantom deposit, please draw your sword and help."

After the words fell, my grandson showed a smile that was not a smile, but a very charming expression.

At this moment, he was only concentrating on one thing - concentrating on Nishino's expression and reaction.

Nishino: "..."

My grandson: "..."

Silence fell between the two.

The cell where Nishino is in, the corridor where my grandson is, can be heard quietly...



Time goes back to the present-

Genjuro pressed the knife with his left hand, put his right hand on his hips, and glanced around his body expressionlessly.

Even if it is a boring goalkeeping task, he will never be sloppy - this is not only his excellent personal ability, but also his unwavering loyalty to Rakshasa.

At this time, a hurried male voice suddenly came from beside him:
"Genjuro! Is Lord Raksha here?"

"My grandson?"

Genjuro raised his eyebrows, followed the sound and cast a puzzled look at my grandson who was running quickly.

"Lord Rakshasa has gone out and is not here for the time being. What's the matter?"

"Tsk! Master Luosha is not here... What a trouble, why is he not here at this time... If so, then I will... Cough! Cough Cough! Cough Cough Cough!"

Suddenly, my grandson fell to his knees, covered his mouth and nose with his hands, and coughed violently.

The coughing sound is loud and the frequency is rapid, as if the whole lung is going to be vomited out.

Seeing this, Genjuro was taken aback.

"Hey! My grandson! What's the matter with you? Hey! Hey!"

While asking nervously, he bowed on his knees to inspect my grandson's physical condition.

"You...! My grandson, you vomit blood!"

I saw drops of bright red blood dripping down the gap between my grandson's fingers covering his mouth.

Just when Genjuro was about to call for help—


The dull sound of sharp blades piercing flesh dominated Genjuro's eardrums.

"Ugh...! Puwa...!"

Genjuro lowered his head, looking at the sharp blade piercing through his heart from behind with disbelief.

He opened his mouth, ready to say something.

But when he opened his blood-stained teeth, the intense pain and gradually losing strength made him moan meaninglessly.

The blood blade piercing through the chest, the blood continuously flowing out, the weird smile on my grandson’s face when he raised his head—this was the last scene Genjuro saw before he died...


"Nishino-kun, well done~~"

Wiping the cow blood from his face, my grandson said to Nishino who was wiping the knife in a complimenting tone.

"How is it? My acting is good, right?"

The most important actions often require only the simplest of maneuvers.

My grandson approached Genjuro from the front to attract his attention, and Nishino took the opportunity to approach Genjuro from behind.During this period, my grandson coughed violently, and used the coughing to cover up the sound of Nishino's footsteps—this is the "Anti-Genjuro Plan" drawn up by my grandson.

Nishino ignored my grandson's boast and said indifferently:

"Time is running out, don't talk nonsense."

"I know, I know~~"

Nishino pulled open the paper sliding door of Rakshasa's bedroom.

Luo Sha's bedroom seemed to have the word "serious" posted on it.

The area of ​​the whole room is about 30 square meters.

Be it the bookshelf or the table case, everything is neatly tidied up.

The tatami mats are spotlessly clean, and there is a faint smell of freshness in the air.

The cleanliness and beauty of the room make it hard to imagine that this is the room of a murderer who regards human life as nothing.

"Nishino-kun, please help me look down, I will try my best to hurry up."

After all, my grandson rushed to the book case in the corner of the room in three steps at a time, picked up an account book on the case that did not have any words written on the cover, and quickly flipped through it.

At the same time, Nishino stood beside the door frame with a knife, peeking out the door nervously, with his ears pointed up, not letting go of any movement around him.

Ahh...I'm really crazy...I would join forces with the rebellious officials and thieves who are determined to overthrow... Nishino uttered a sincere lament in his heart.

As soon as he thought of this, he subconsciously turned his head to the side, and what he saw with complicated emotions was a face full of seriousness and concentration scanning the book in his hand.

Right now is an urgent moment where every second counts... Someone may come outside at any time.

Nishino didn't want to rush my grandson for fear of affecting his search work.

But the current tense atmosphere made his heart beat gradually climb to an unprecedented peak.

Under the influence of this astonishingly high heart rate, the thought of urging my grandson flashed through Nishino's mind over and over again, and then suppressed it again and again.

How long has time passed?
5 minutes? 10 minutes?

Nishino has lost his sense of time due to his excessive tension.

At this critical moment, Nishino suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from far to near, gradually becoming clearer...



In recent days, the author needs to run the store for his father while typing.

Every chapter from the day before yesterday was written bit by bit by the author during the interval between running the shop.

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