I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 452: Hit the Qingshui Clan hard!Megatron Kanto! 【1】

Edo, somewhere—

Luo Sha sat upright in front of the desk, flicking a pen on the spread out rice paper carefully.

Picking up a pen to practice calligraphy is conducive to meditation, self-cultivation and self-cultivation.

Therefore, Rakshasa has a special liking for calligraphy.

Whenever he was upset, he would lock himself in the room and practice calligraphy quietly alone.

Jingxin calligraphy pays attention to writing freely and doing things willfully.

Therefore, Luo Sha didn't think too much, let his palm drive the brush, and wrote one big Chinese character after another on the neat rice paper.

However, his heart was always impetuous.

Even though he had already written a hundred or eighty words, his mood could not be restored to tranquility for a long time.

What happened to turn the persevering Rakshasa, who is accustomed to the wind and waves, into this look of sitting on pins and needles?

Naturally, it was the two recent incidents—the rebellion of my grandson Chutaro and the disappearance of Nishino Hoshijiro.

There can be no doubt that the two events must be closely related.

Combining all the clues and information known so far, Luo Sha made a judgment: the two of them have always been together!My grandson pretended to "capture" Xi Ye in order to bring him into his base camp!

Every time he thought about this, Rakshasa felt regretful and heartbroken.He is eager for talent and admires my grandson very much.

The law-killing party that started at the end of the day has never lacked generals who wield swords and guns, but only lacks counselors who can win thousands of miles away.

My grandson not only possesses outstanding intellect, but also has a strong brain power that can guarantee work efficiency even if he does not sleep for five days and five nights.

For a long time, Luo Sha has always listed my grandson as a key training object.

However... He never expected that the other party's betrayal would come so suddenly...

Thanks to his team who put out the fire in time, the fire that my grandson and Nishino set before leaving did not spread.

Even so, his bedroom was almost burnt down.

In particular, the classics and materials hidden on the bookshelves were all reduced to ashes.

But it’s just some books and letters, and if they’re gone, they’re gone.Although there are many important documents and materials, they are not enough to make Luo Sha feel heartbroken.

What really made him feel like a thorn in his back... was the "unknown feeling".

What materials have my grandson and Nishino read about him?

Did they take anything?
Without knowing which documents my grandson and Nishino have read, it is difficult to remedy the situation, and it is also difficult to determine my grandson's true identity and true purpose.

The question Luo Sha is most concerned about right now is undoubtedly "Which faction does my grandson Chutaro belong to?".

If he was a member of the shogunate... that would be fine.

Today's Edo shogunate has long since weakened and is no longer as powerful as it used to be.

For Rakshasa, the shogunate is not the most troublesome existence for him.

Leaving aside the "degeneration of direct participation" that has become a serious illness, the endless party struggle alone is enough to make officials at all levels of the shogunate burn out and it is difficult for him to care.

【Note · Direct participation: the collective name of Banner Samurai and Imperial Family Samurai】

The "Yiqiao faction" and the "Nanji faction" fought endlessly.

Although the current situation is that the "Yiqiao faction" is dominant, no one can say whether the "Nanji faction" will turn against the "Yiqiao faction" one day in the future.

After all, the "Hittohashi faction" only succeeded in regaining the right to speak after the death of Ii Naobi.

Regardless of whether it is ancient or modern, party struggle without exception will lead to political chaos, and "power checks and balances" will become "veto politics."

As long as the party struggle between the "Hitobashi faction" and the "Nanji faction" continues, the Edo shogunate will not be in trouble for a day.

If it is said that the Edo shogunate’s treatment of the Dharma Party was a cold and cold that would not cause serious illness immediately if it was temporarily ignored, then a certain force’s treatment of the Dharma Party was a poison that would be life-threatening if it was not eliminated immediately!

And there are two of such fierce and poisonous ones!
"Great Salt Party...Gourd House..."

Raksha whispered the names of the two troublesome organizations with a volume that he could only hear clearly.

Although they are both secret associations that regard the downfall as their mission, the revolutionary ideas of the Great Salt Party and the Fazhu Party are far from each other.

The Great Salt Party regards the legal punishment of the party as a thorn in its side.

The Fazhu Party also regards the Great Salt Party as a heresy worse than the Edo Shogunate.

As for the gourd house...

As soon as the three words "Gourd House" passed through Luo Sha's mind, his brows furrowed uncontrollably.

He still hasn't figured out why the Calabash House is going against them everywhere.

Gourd House is not like the Fazhu Party and the Great Salt Party. The organization itself has a very strong political attribute.

Strictly speaking, Hulu House is just a chaebol whose main business is business.

Luo Sha thought about it, and always felt that there was no direct conflict of interest between them and Calabash House.

Rather, there is still a deep space for cooperation with each other.

Their goal of punishing the party is to set off a nationwide war to destroy the Edo shogunate.

Although the arrival of the war will bring down all industries, it is both a difficult danger and a precious opportunity for a big chaebol like Huluwu.

They can take advantage of the troubled times and make a fortune by hoarding goods and other methods.

Why is the gourd house so hostile to them?Rakshasa couldn't figure it out.

This really doesn't fit his impression of a group like businessmen.

If there is a chance, he would like to question the leader of the gourd house face to face... that is, the mysterious Kinoxia Lin who can't see the head and see the tail-you are just a businessman, why don't you find a cool guy to stay and earn your copper coins obediently?Why bother to bite us like a mad dog and not let go of the party?

What kind of organization is the Falun Gong Party?
They are a paramilitary group that acts recklessly, brutally, and decisively!
For those in the way of the Great Salt Party and Huluwu, they naturally have only one attitude: kill them all!
In fact, the Fazhu Party has never stopped attacking the Great Salt Party and Huluwu.

However, although the Fazhu Party has spared no effort to target the Great Salt Party and Huluwu, until now, all the battles and actions have had little effect.

Since the failure of Oshio Heihachiro's uprising, the shogunate has spared no effort to encircle and suppress the Oshio Party.

During years of hiding, the Great Salt Party has accumulated a wealth of escape experience.

Every time, the Fazhu Party managed to find the stronghold of the Great Salt Party, but when their large troops arrived at their destination, they found that there was a lonely scene in front of them...

And the gourd house... This chaebol who doesn't want to make money in peace is even more troublesome!
If the gourd house is just rich, then that's all.

But in fact, they are not ordinary chaebols—they are armed business groups!

The Gourd House has as long a history as the French Party...or even a little longer.

Before the establishment of their predecessor of the Fazhu Party: the Fazhu Group, Calabash House had already been active in the business world and accumulated considerable wealth.

The gourd house not only earns an incomparably rich financial resources, but also raises an army with astonishing combat power!

Just the martial arts masters he puts on the bright side are no less than two hands.

Collectively known as the "Four Gourd Ghosts", the four young brave generals, the "Killing Prime Minister" Mogami Yoshiki, the "Immortal Blood Spear" Katakura Takanobu, the "Broken Bamboo Red Tiger" Tomogawa, the "Dual Power Man" Asai Morian, the "Thunder Slasher" Shimada Kanichi, the "Dragon of Kyoto" Makimura Yahachi, the "young dragon" Makimura Taichi, and the most troublesome executioner..."Liuguang Hachiman".

The heritage of Hulu House is quite deep.

The Fazhu Party is not afraid of all opponents, including Huluwu.

But they are only worried that their own strength will be damaged after they fight with the gourd house, which will affect their success!

It doesn't matter whether the gourd house survives or not!Elimination of the Edo Shogunate is the top priority!
If the progress of the plan to collapse is affected for the sake of a mere gourd house, then the loss outweighs the gain, and the cart before the horse.

It took them more than [-] years to punish the party before finally accumulating the capital to fight for the world today.

Every next move is crucial.

Therefore, before adequate preparations have been made, most of the cadres of the Fazhu Party...including the leader Yamata no Orochi, do not agree to rashly start a direct conflict with the gourd house.

Ever since, the three parties have been in a state of cold war.

Although there has never been a fierce battle, the "fierce battle" without gunpowder has never stopped!
——Aside from my grandson Chutaro and Nishino Hoshijiro, Tachibana Qingtou is also a troublesome person who will cause endless troubles if he doesn't deal with it as soon as possible... Tsk!It's been really restless recently!
The more Luo Sha thought about it, the more irritable he became.

At this time, the sound of hurried footsteps from far to near suddenly came from outside the room.

Raksha recognized the sound—it was the footsteps of his old subordinate and leader of the Shimizu Clan: Shimizu Eiichi.

After a while, Eiichi Shimizu, who walked quickly to the door, asked for instructions loudly:
"Lord Rakshasa, my subordinates have something urgent to report!"

"Come in."


Shimizu Rong pushed the door open and entered.

Luo Sha turned his head——for an instant, a rich color of confusion appeared on his cheeks.

Shimizu Eiichi's expression was tense and anxious.

Eiichi Shimizu is an old acquaintance and subordinate of Rakshasa.

In his impression, Shimizu Eiichi has always presented a calm, calm, and ruthless image, rarely revealing such weak emotions.

So Rakshasa asked:

"Rongyi, what's wrong?"

"Lord Rakshasa, something is wrong."

Shimizu Eiichi said in a rare dignified tone.

"Ju Qingdeng is crazy! He is attacking our casinos, gangs, banks and other strongholds everywhere! So far, three strongholds have been destroyed! We have suffered heavy casualties!"

In an instant, Rakshasa's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhole.

"What did you say?!"

He "huh" stood up.

Shimizu Eiichi told Rakshasa all the details of the incident that he knew without reservation.

Luo Sha, who listened carefully, changed his face several times, and his facial lines gradually tightened.

After Shimizu Eiichi's report was over, he sat back in his seat.

A heavy silence reigned in the room.

After a while, there was a loud "bang" - Luo Sha punched the desk next to him hard.

"This Juqingdeng... what is he trying to do?! Is he planning to tear down my Qingshui clan by himself?!"

The moment the roar came out, he suddenly remembered the words that Qingdeng had said a while ago when he said goodbye to Qingdeng on the mountain outside Edo, but he laughed it off and ignored it:

(... Let me give you a piece of advice—mobilize all your forces deployed in Kanto as soon as possible. Whether it is the Shimizu Clan, or any other Yakuza group or secret society, mobilize as many people as possible. Otherwise, you and your subordinates will die miserably.)

At this time, because of that punch just now, the sound of the writing brush rolling off the desk attracted Luo Sha's attention.

He subconsciously looked at the desk.

It didn't matter if he didn't look at it, he was stunned when he saw it.

He was writing Jingxin characters just now, and he never thought about what words to write, and he has been scribbling casually.

I saw a famous quote from "Teacher's Biao" written by Prime Minister Zhuge Zhuge written in black and white on the rice paper:

This is the autumn of life and death.



Edo, a bank owned by the Shimizu Clan——

Qingdeng stepped forward and slammed the opponent's shoulder.

At the same time, the opponent also rushed towards Qingdeng like a pounce.

At the moment when they passed by each other, the two fought head-to-head.

The speed of the slashing between the two seemed indistinguishable, but in fact Qingdeng's knife was a bit faster.

The other party pressed the blood-spraying shoulder with one hand, and held the knife in the other hand. After a while, the knife in his hand fell to the ground. He knelt down unconsciously, trying to lie on the ground forward to make himself feel better.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied the talent: "Strong Muscle"]

[Talent Introduction: Muscles are not easily fatigued]

【Ding!Detected that the host already has the same type of talent]

【Ding!Start talent fusion]

【Ding! "Strength muscle +1" and "Strength muscle" began to fuse]

[Please wait for the host...Please wait for the host...]

【Ding!Talent fusion successful]

["Strengthen muscle +1" ability promotion - "Strengthen muscle +2"]

["Strengthening muscle +2" talent introduction: The talent effect has been enhanced on the original basis. "+9" is the highest level]

"The fifth field..."

Qing Deng counted softly.



Edo, a certain casino owned by the Shimizu Clan——

The brawny man stepped forward like a rainbow, waving the knife in his palm like flying, and his muscular body pressed down on Qingdeng like a mountain falling from the top.

Qingdeng broke through the opponent's attack with only one upward move.

In the next instant, the two knives crossed each other again.

The strong man's knife brushed against Qingdeng's temples with the sound of the wind.

At the same time, Echizen's blade sank into the strong man's chest, and Qingdeng heard the sound of his ribs being severed.

When the two faced each other again, the strong man fell back and fell, wriggling on the floor a few times, and then became silent.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied the talent: "Piercing Clouds and Cracking Stones"]

[Talent introduction: Can make a voice that is much louder than ordinary people]


【Ding!Talent fusion successful]

["Piercing Cloud and Cracking Stone" ability promotion - "Piercing Cloud and Cracking Stone +1"]

"The fifth field..."



Edo, a certain place owned by the Shimizu Clan——

Gao Lao was visually measuring the distance between him and Qingdeng, it seemed that he was going to decide the outcome with one blow.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast, Gao Lao ran towards Qingdeng like a gust of wind.

His knife slashed down from top to bottom.

And Qingdeng started from below, and used a move of Reversing the Kasaya Slash.

The landing point of Gao Lao's slash deviated, and his knife passed Qingdeng's head.

Qingdeng's knife cut deeply into his right abdomen.

When Gao Lao was clutching the wound on his abdomen and backed away quickly, Qingdeng's slender body jumped up high and made up for the blow.

His knife directly hit Gao Lao's forehead, and Gao Lao's body flew back as if being bounced off, leaving a series of bloodstains in the air.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "See through"]

[Talent introduction: very good sense of space]


【Ding!Talent fusion successful]

["See through" ability promotion - "See through +1"]

"The fifth field..."



Between the rabbit rising and the falcon falling, accompanied by the roar of magma eruption, the enemy jumped in front of Qingdeng.

His slash was as fast as lightning.

However, Qingdeng disappeared from the place where the blade touched with a faster speed.

All he cut down was nothing but void.

"Bastard! Don't run away..."

The enemy raised the blade high and roared loudly, but before his roar fell, his cheek was split open, and blood gushed out in the blink of an eye.

Fragments of the head fell to the ground.

[Successfully copied talent: "Water Body"]

[Talent Introduction: Physical coordination is better than ordinary people]


【Ding!Talent fusion successful]

["Water Body" ability promotion - "Water Body +1"]

"...the 12th scene...!"

Leopard Leopard started to bury new pits again!
Today's chapter has made a simple foreshadowing of the strength of the calabash house!

For a long time, Hulu House has been portrayed by the author as a top power that is "moving as fast as a mountain and moving like a thunder", so it is really unreasonable not to give them some credit.

In order to come up with so many nicknames that are full of Japanese flavors, it really took a lot of leopard fur...

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