I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 455 Kill King Ni! 【4300】

Chapter 455 Kill King Ni! 【4300】

Edo, somewhere——

In the eighteen-and-a-half stacked tea room, Luo Sha and Shimizu Eiichi sat facing each other.

"...The above is the full text of the report on the whole story of the 'Ningwang Invasion' incident."

After finishing speaking, Eiichi Shimizu put down the scroll in his hand.

Raksha nodded lightly, and then pushed the teacup full of hot tea on his lap to Shimizu Eiichi with his own hands.

"Thank you, Eiichi."

Shimizu Eiichi, who had just finished a 20-minute long report, was just a little thirsty at this time.

So, after bowing his head in thanks, he picked up the tea bowl and drank it.

At this moment, Rakshasa murmured softly in a tone like talking to himself:

"113 people were killed, 2 were seriously injured, 2 were slightly injured, and 13 were missing... There were very few injured... Anyone who faced Ju Qingdeng, the chance of being injured is very slim...Since I took charge of the Qingshui Clan, how many people have been injured?" There has never been such a heavy casualty."

Rakshasa ended with the muttering to him with a sneer.

As soon as Shimizu Rong heard the words, panic immediately appeared on his face, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

He hastily put down the unfinished teacup in his hand, clenched his hands into fists, pressed the face of his fists against the tatami, bowed his head, and tremblingly said:
"Master Luosha, it is my subordinate who is incompetent, please punish my subordinate!"

Shimizu Rong had already passed his age, and his dark face was covered with traces of vicissitudes.

On the other hand, Luo Sha is only 25 or [-] years old, with fair and delicate skin.Judging from the appearance alone, it is impossible to imagine that he is a top-notch swordsman, and one would only think that he is the son of a wealthy family.

An uncle with a ferocious face is panicking at a young man... This scene is indescribably funny.

However, anyone can feel that the respectful attitude shown by Rong Shimizu is from the bottom of his heart.

The panic, shame and other emotions that spread across his cheeks are not fake at all.

When he was young, Shimizu Eiichi was just a punk that could be seen everywhere on the streets of Edo.

No money, no status, no contacts, if nothing happens, he will just spend an inconspicuous and meaningless life at the bottom of society, and then die in some inconspicuous alley.

However, the "accident" that changed his life drastically, actually happened to him.

By chance, he met Yamata no Orochi, the leader of the Fajue Party, and fell in love with him.

Afterwards, under the instruction of Yamata no Orochi, countless human and material resources were poured on Shimizu Eiichi in a steady stream.

It can be said that the Fazhu Party gave him the crucial "angel round investment".

Qingshui Rong was also up to the challenge, relying on the support of the Fazhu Party and his own daring to fight, he quickly pulled up the team, and the "Qingshui Clan" was established and grew rapidly.

After successfully making a fortune, he tactfully reciprocated, respecting the law and punishing the party, and letting the law and punishing the party decide everything.

Although in name, there is no difference between the Qingshui Clan and the Fazhu Party, but in reality, the former seems to have become a half-subordinate organization of the latter.

Shimizu Eiichi's previous leader was Umibozu, who had a high status in the Hokkaido Party.

"Fangzhu" generally refers to boy, monk and bald man in Japanese.

The literal translation of "Haifangzhu" is "Sea Monk".

According to legend, Haifangzhu is the husband of the sea girl, with a huge body, a pair of blue eyes, and a hairless head, like a monk. This is where the name "Haifangzhu" comes from.

It usually appears at sea when the weather is bad or at dusk. It emerges from the sea like a mole, blocking the way of the boat. It will forcefully demand the fish it catches from the fishermen. If the amount is too small to meet his requirements, it will spit out mucus or capsize the fishing boat in a rage, causing the fishermen to capsize and die.

The old leader of Shimizu Eiichi was conferred the title of "Master of the Kaifang"...but it is worthy of the name.

Although this person is very capable, he has a strong and violent temper.

He yells at people when he disagrees with him, and even fights. He is really like the master of Kaifang who capsizes the boat and makes people drown.

During the days when Kaibozu was in charge of Kanto, Shimizu Eiichi deeply felt what it means to be "accompanied by a king like a tiger".

Later, due to Yamata no Orochi's adjustment of resource layout, Kaifangzhu was transferred from Kanto, and Rakshasa took his place later.

To be honest, Shimizu Rong had a very bad first impression of Rakshasa, and looked down on him faintly.

His demeanor is gentle and elegant, his face is pretty, his skin is fair, and he has a face that everyone likes...

Shimizu Eiichi hated people who spoke politely and men who looked like girls—and Rakshasa just happened to occupy both of them.

It wasn't until later, after witnessing Raksha's outstanding talent and knowing his past, that Shimizu Eiichi gradually changed his mind.

An orphan who was abandoned on the street; was taken back as a slave by a certain swordsman; learned swordsmanship secretly, and finally killed the swordsman and his brothers who had oppressed him for a long time, and escaped the hell that had imprisoned him for many years; continued unremittingly Hone your own swordsmanship; study hard because you feel that your knowledge is shallow...

He obviously has an unbearable past, but he doesn't feel sorry for himself, and he can even casually chat with others about the past of being a street homeless and slave as a joke.

Eiichi Shimizu deeply admires Rakshasa's extraordinary ability to get out and about, as well as his open-minded temperament.

Similar poor and humble backgrounds have narrowed the distance between them.

Counting carefully, it has been nearly 3 years since they first met.

Although the time is not too long, the highly consistent compatibility has cultivated a very deep tacit understanding between the two parties.

Shimizu Eiichi, who was deeply impressed by Rakshasa's personality charm, obeyed his words.

And Raksha also valued Shimizu Eiichi, who had fought all the way up from the bottom, and already regarded him as his right-hand man.

Luo Sha is a person who respects talents as much as his life. He will not hesitate to cultivate any talents he values, and show an extraordinary tolerance.

But on the other hand, he doesn't have such a good temper when dealing with incompetent people.

When dealing with people who have made mistakes, he will always show a particularly cold side. Whenever this happens, Eiichi Shimizu suddenly thinks: The man in front of him is a ruthless character named "Rakshasa"!
Eiichi Shimizu buried his head low, his eyes locked on the tatami mat in front of his nose, and he was mentally prepared to be scolded by Raksha.

However, Rakshasa waved his hand.

"This is none of your business. Moreover, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. The immediate priority is to find a way to counter Ju Qingdeng as soon as possible, and we must not lose the opportunity."

Hearing what Raksha said, Eiichi Shimizu's complexion suddenly improved a lot.

At this time, Rakshasa asked:
"Eiichi, have you figured out the identity of the missing person?"

Eiichi Shimizu, who had the idea of ​​"making meritorious deeds" in his heart, immediately replied:

"I have basically figured it out. Among the 13 missing people, 7 are cadres who can pull the flag alone, and the other 6 are ordinary minions."

Pull the flag - a slang term within the Qingshui clan.

To put it simply, you can take the position of "manager" and manage one or more stores under the Shimizu Clan on your own.

As soon as Shimizu Eiichi finished speaking, Raksha suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Are most of the missing people cadres..."

Luo Sha bent down, put his right elbow against his thigh, raised his right arm and propped his chin, as if thinking.

Shimizu Eiichi sat obediently beside him, not to mention talking, even his breathing slowed down a lot, for fear of disturbing Luo Sha.

After a while, Rakshasa's pupils shrank slightly.

"I understand, so it's like this...Hmph! Did you actually give me this one...Juqingdeng, it's really you."

Luo Sha suddenly straightened his waist, and his voice suddenly rose with the straightening of his body.

"Eiichi, call Nue over here!"

Although it is not clear why Rakshasa suddenly summoned Nue, as Rakshasa's number one loyal minister, Shimizu Rong had developed the habit of "no matter what Rakshasa ordered, he would mindlessly agree to it".

He quickly responded with a "yes" like a conditioned reflex, and then stood up with a "huh".

Just as Shimizu Eiichi was about to turn around and leave the tea room, Luo Sha stopped him again:
"Also, call a cadre meeting immediately. All cadres who are still in Edo and can still move must be present."

Shimizu Eiichi showed surprise uncontrollably.

"A cadre meeting?"

Rakshasa responded with a straight face:
"I want to issue a battle plan to 'kill Juqingdeng'!"



at the same time--

Edo, Tsukimiya Shrine, interrogation room——

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"I, I really don't know anything!"

"Ouch! Ooh! Let me go, let me go... Ooh!"


At this very moment, the interrogation room of the Moon Palace Shrine was full of "very lively" scenes.

Seven men of different ages and body types, the only thing they have in common is that they all have a lot of tattoos on their bodies. They were tortured in turn, which is unbearable.

They were either locked in "stand cages" where they couldn't bend down and squat down, and they were told that they should not do it every day, and that the ground was not working;

"Quickly, where is the production workshop of Huanfudian?"

"Phantom, phantom deposit? What is this thing? I've never heard of such a thing!"

"Don't say it? Good! Hey, pull the rope! Let him stay in the air for a while longer!"

"Wait, wait a minute! I really don't know what a 'magic deposit' is... ahhh!"

Hanging sentence - as the name implies, the prisoner's wrists are tightly wrapped with cloth, tied behind the back with a green hemp rope, parallel to the shoulders, and then the prisoner is hung up with a fine hemp rope through the metal ring on the beam. They were beaten three inches apart from the ground.

Although this kind of punishment will not cause severe pain immediately, after a quarter of an hour, the muscles and even the bones of the whole body will tremble with pain.


"As long as you are willing to tell the truth obediently, I will release you from the 'station cage'."

"I...I...I've told the truth...I've told everything I know...I really don't know what 'Phantom Precipitation'..."


If there were Yakuza from the Shimizu clan, or someone who was familiar with the internal personnel relations of the Shimizu clan, they would definitely be surprised—looking around, these people who are undergoing harsh interrogation are all cadres of the Shimizu clan!
At this time, Tianzhangyuan and Qingdeng were standing in the corridor outside, one behind the other, observing the interrogation work in the room through the window.

"Sheng Qing, it's really you... You actually managed to capture so many cadres of the Qingshui clan."

Tianzhangyuan turned his head sideways, and cast a half-smiling, half-helpless look at Qingdeng beside him.

Qingdeng smiled lightly:
"His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan, I will leave it to you for the rest."

Tianzhangyuan nodded slightly.

"That's natural. I will let my subordinates force these dregs of society to speak as quickly as possible."

Speaking of this, Tianzhangyuan raised his gaze subconsciously again, and glanced at Qingdeng.

Looking at the too young face in front of her, she couldn't help but recall the night when Qing Deng rushed to the Moon Palace Shrine in a hurry, asking her to help him.

When Qingdeng returned from Mount Jigeng, he went straight to the Moon Palace Shrine without stopping, and found Tianzhangyuan.

"His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan, I plan to arrest the important cadres of the Qingshui clan one by one. At that time, I hope you can send some of the new imperial family who are good at interrogation to help me torture those people." ——The above is Qing Deng said the original words to Tianzhangyuan at that time.

The logic of Qingdeng's actions is simple: since the Qingshui clan has deeply participated in the "Phantom Accumulation Project" of the Falun Party, as long as I arrest all the prominent figures of the Qingshui clan, I will always be able to interrogate some useful information!

The Qingshui family is an "old acquaintance" of the government, and the relevant information of all the important people in it has been registered by the government.

Therefore, for Qingdeng, who had worked in the enforcement office "three times" and Huofu Bandit, it was not difficult at all to obtain information on the important cadres of the Qingshui clan.

At that time, after hearing Qingdeng's proposal, Tianzhang Court only thought it was a fantasy.

It is true that the cadres of the Qingshui clan are very likely to know the information related to the phantom deposit.

However, you also need to have the ability to capture them alive!

The Tianzhang Court had the same concerns as the chief executive and the sona son—the chief minister and the sona son also disagreed with Qingdeng's radical strategy.

They all thought that the Qingshui clan was powerful, and it was not a wise move to confront them rashly.

However... Qingdeng has made up his mind, not to mention what Tianzhangyuan and other women say and how to persuade him, he will not change his mind.

With the same rhetoric, he rejected the kindness of the girls:

"This is the quickest way I can think of to find evidence that the French Communist Party manufactures and sells dangerous drugs. I can't tolerate that damned broken drugs continuing to exist in the world, not even for a moment."

After hearing what Qingdeng said, Tianzhangyuan knew that he could not persuade him anymore.

In desperation, she could only nod her head in agreement.

Zuo Nazi and the general manager wanted to accompany Qingdeng to enter the battle, but he sternly refused.

"You two just need to help me block each other's back. When I attack the Qingshui Clan's stronghold, the cadres hiding in it are very likely to escape in the chaos. When that happens, you will be required to contribute." .”

Although Qingdeng said it nicely, both Zuo Nazi and the director knew clearly in their hearts: he just didn't want them to get involved in danger!

With Qingdeng's strong insistence, even the aloof Zuo Nazi couldn't help but give in.

Even the strong-tempered Miss Chiba gave in, not to mention the soft-eared Chief Secretary.

In this way, the two girls agreed to the battle plan of "dividing the troops into two groups, Qingdeng is in charge of the main attack, and the two of them are in charge of intercepting the rear".

What happened next doesn't need to be repeated.

Qing Deng's battle plan is a big success.

Not only did he kill over a hundred enemies, but he also captured seven mid-level and high-level cadres with prominent positions in the Qingshui clan in one go, and even retreated completely!

Damn wow!Today is another day of failure! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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