I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 458 Congratulations to Qingdeng and Sanako for successfully holding hands! 【4300】

Chapter 458 Congratulations to Qingdeng and Sanako for successfully holding hands! 【4300】

Just as Shimizu Eiichi's voice fell, the originally noisy scene suddenly fell into silence.

The whispering aunt.

An uncle with an indifferent expression on his face.

Shocked teenagers and girls.

Qingdeng remained calm.

All the people at the scene, regardless of men, women, old or young, seemed to have been cast with a time-suspended magic. They did not move at all, and even the sound of breathing became much quieter.

It was not until a long time passed that the time that had stood still began to flow again.

"Hey, what did he just say?"

"Eiichi Shimizu, is this...a challenge to 'Nioh'?"

"Oh, this is a great fun to watch!"

"Will 'Nioh' be here?"

"It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"


Sanako and the chief executive turned their heads in tacit understanding at the same time, looking at Qingdeng standing behind them.

After seeing Qingdeng still looking calm and composed, their slightly tense facial lines finally relaxed a little.

At this time, Eiichi Shimizu spoke again:

"About last night's incident, I believe everyone present has more or less known about it?"

At the same time when Shimizu Eiichi's hoarse voice sounded again, all the whisperers present immediately shut their mouths tightly - no one dared to make noise when the number one assassin of the Shimizu clan was giving a speech.

"Although from a standpoint, Ju Qingdeng, who caused us heavy losses, is a hateful guy, but at the same time, I have to admit: he is worthy of the title of 'King of Nien'."

"...Such superb skills are amazing."

"However, if we look carefully at his performance last night, he just killed some insignificant little characters while we were unprepared."

"What's the point of acting like this?"

"If you have the guts, come here!"

Shimizu Rong suddenly raised his voice, and his aura also changed accordingly, and his gestures and gestures were filled with a kind of vigorous vitality and strange confidence.

Qingdeng once felt a similar aura in the bodies of Ii Naosuke, Tokugawa Kashige, Tenzhangin and others—the kind of aura that has the power of life and death to the world in which they live.

"Ju Qingdeng, I'm right here!"

"My important subordinates are all here too!"

"If you want to fight, then we will fight to the end!"

"In order to show my respect to you, I have issued an unprecedented mobilization order!"

"I have mobilized the maximum amount of weapons and the maximum combat power here, in this Qingshui mansion!"

"Juqingdeng, this is a 'feast' specially prepared for you!"

"Ju Qingdeng, just let the horse come here!"

"We are waiting for your arrival anytime!"

After finishing speaking, Eiichi Shimizu scanned the surroundings again with disdainful eyes, then turned around leisurely, and walked back to Shimizu Mansion with unhurried steps.

"Blood Tiger" Shigetaro Sakurai and others followed closely behind him, filing in.

After a while, quietness returned outside the gate of Qingshui Mansion.

The Yakuza who were in charge of transporting supplies continued to work and continued to move weapons into Qingshui Mansion.

As if nothing had happened, the ignorant crowd left behind looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, the scene was not too violently commotion.

"It's really a battle post..."

"Hiss...Look, my skin is getting goosebumps! The all-out war between 'Nioh' and the Qingshui clan...I can't help but feel my heart beat just by imagining it!"

"Don't get excited there, whether Ju Qingdeng dares to fight is still a question."

"'Nioh' will definitely come!"

"I don't think so. You saw it just now, right? The fighters under the command of the Shimizu clan gathered together, and Eiichi Shimizu himself sat in the battle, and he also prepared such a large number of weapons. Such a large amount of equipment, it is difficult to Enough to arm an army of 300 men!"

"Hey...why has it been so uneven recently... What group was it some time ago? Oh, yes, the group of barbarians was doing trouble there. It was finally eliminated, but new turmoil emerged... ..."

"I hope that the 'King of Kings' can give the Qingshui clan a little bit of color like they did to the barbarian group."

"Impossible, right? It's not like you don't know that the Qingshui clan is much stronger than the barbarian group!"

"I know, so I don't expect 'Nioh' to do anything to the Qingshui clan, as long as it makes them suffer a little, I'm satisfied."

"I just hope that the two sides don't fight too fiercely... at least don't set fire."


"Hey, that Ju Qingdeng is in trouble now, whether it's 'challenge' or 'not to challenge', he will feel very uncomfortable."

"Yes. If you fight, you will die; if you don't fight, you will be regarded as a coward."

"If it were me, I would definitely choose the latter—although it would be embarrassing, at least it would save my life."

"Hey, hey, isn't it? Apart from 'death' and 'being regarded as a coward', Tachibana has a third option - kill everyone in Shimizu Mansion, and then where did he get in? , come out of nowhere."

"Cut...you think he is Ogata Yidaosai?"


Discussions with different contents continued to be heard from all around.

Those who are excited and excited at the moment are mostly young young people.

In short, they are a bunch of ignorant people who have never experienced battle.

Throughout the ages, those who welcome blood and fire, except for those who can benefit from it, are mostly such young half-ghosts with only passion and energy, who think they are mature in thinking.

Those elderly uncles and aunts all expressed concern about this big move of the Qingshui clan.

A random sneeze by the big shots is a hurricane that is hard to resist for ordinary people like them.

Especially the common people who live near here are all frowning.

They are afraid that one day in the future, knives, arrows, flames, and human remains will fly out of Qingshui Mansion and fall into their homes...

Of course, there are still some people who are pure fun people.

These people probably live far away from the Qingshui mansion, and they think that no matter how fiercely the "King Ni" fights with the Qingshui clan, they will not be implicated, so they hold a kind of "whatever is good, Anyway, it’s none of my business” stubborn mentality.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, the onlookers gathered near Qingshui Mansion left in twos and threes.

Soon, only a few people remained in place—Qingdeng and others were among them.

Sanako and the chief executive turned their heads sideways at the same time again, carefully examining Qingdeng's expression.

Deep in their beautiful eyes, there are complex colors that cannot be concealed.

Qingdeng knew what they were thinking.

In order to reassure the second daughter, he smiled slightly:
"Let's go."

Qingdeng turned around and left without hesitation.

Sanako and the chief executive quickly followed in three steps in parallel.

"That... Mr. Tangerine."

Unexpectedly, the chief executive faltered and whispered:

"You must not do stupid things when your head gets hot..."

Hearing the sincere reminder from the director general, Qingdeng couldn't help laughing.

Faced with the challenge post thrown by Eiichi Shimizu, whether to "challenge" or "not to challenge" - this is indeed a difficult problem for Qingdeng, no matter which one he chooses, it will lead to serious consequences.

Needless to say the former.

In addition to the extraordinary high-end combat forces such as Shimizu Eiichi and "Blood Tiger" Sakurai Shintaro, the mid-level and low-level combat forces that are not strong but must have a large number, and a large number of weapons, armor, bows and arrows and other equipment, the Shimizu Mansion Most of them also hide a large number of firearms.

While the shogunate has yet to impose a strict ban, it has been keeping a tight grip on the circulation of firearms.

Of course there are people who get their heads muddy after chanting scriptures, but at least among the high-level shogunate, there are not many such fools.

Most of the high-level people in the shogunate are sensible people, and they all deeply understand that swords and guns are useless in the face of firearms that have been iterated to the current version.

That group of radical patriots who are ignorant and have not yet opened their eyes to see the world still foolishly believe in "spiritualism", thinking that the so-called fighting spirit and morale alone can split the bullets coming from the sky and set off A steam warship overturning the sea.

However, just relying on the shogunate's extremely low-level management ability...

They are right - although there is, but

Relying on the energy of "the strongest Yakuza group in Kanto", Eiichi Shimizu can buy a large number of firearms from overseas just by moving his mouth.

In addition, Qingshui mansion alone is a big trouble that is difficult to deal with.

The Qingshui Mansion adopts the architectural style of the Azuchi Momoyama period as a whole, and its main focus is luxury and unrestrained—in other words, the terrain in the Qingshui Mansion is very complicated.

Not only are there many houses and complicated passages, but also the Qingshui Tower, which has a good view, is an excellent commanding height that overlooks the entire Qingshui Mansion.

With just a little modification of Qingshui Mansion, it can become an impenetrable fortress.

Attacking a fortress with a large number of fighters, many of whom are top-notch fighters, and supplies such as weapons and food... Even if it is as strong as Qingdeng, if you have the most optimistic plan, it may be more or less fatal.

However, if Qingdeng refuses to fight...

As the saying goes: The yakuza is a creature that cannot live without losing face.

But why not warriors?
For a long time, the Edo shogunate has been trying to promote the so-called "bushido".

There are still many merits in the early bushido.

It originally had a self-contained system of ethics, the core of which is eight characters, namely: name, loyalty, courage, righteousness, propriety, sincerity, restraint, and benevolence.

The importance of these eight characters is in descending order.

The first thing on the list is "honor", and the next seven words are virtues such as self-denial, bravery, humility, etc. that are generally recognized by everyone.

For a samurai, the most important thing is "reputation", and only by completing the last seven characters can he gain the reputation and become a respected and real samurai.

However, as Japan entered the Edo period, in order to maintain their dominance, the feudal rulers headed by the Tokugawa family misinterpreted Bushido without authorization and made drastic changes to Bushido, simplifying the core of the original eight characters into three. The two characters are name, loyalty and bravery.

Ever since, under the hand-picked orders of the Edo shogunate, benevolence, righteousness, self-denial, and honesty are all dispensable things. As long as the samurai have a strong sense of honor, they will never betray the loyalty of the lord, and they can kill the enemy for the lord. The strong force is enough.

In this way, the Edo shogunate introduced a number of measures and systems to spread this distorted Bushido thought.

For example, "Zhan She Yu Mian", as long as the conditions are met, the samurai can kill rude civilians at will.

Another example is the famous "revenge", the Edo shogunate gave the samurai the legal right to revenge.

As long as one's own honor is seriously damaged, such as parents being killed or wife being robbed, one can apply for "revenge" to the superior.

After the application is approved, you can justifiably go to the enemy to settle accounts.

If your enemy is out of town, the government will issue a pass to you.Some kind-hearted officials will even send you some money.

When you have gone through untold hardships to kill the enemy and succeeded in revenge, the government will often praise and affirm your behavior, and the law will usually make a more lenient judgment on you-allowing you to cut seppuku and make you decent to die.

Therefore, led by the Edo shogunate, the distorted concept of honor of "defend your honor with your saber" dominated the spiritual world of the samurai.

Throughout the Edo period, dueling culture has been all the rage.

Any little thing can become a reason for the samurai to fight.

You touched my knife, you scolded me just now, you touched my wife's little hand, "What are you looking at?", "Why are you looking at you?"...

There used to be a time, along the river beach, beside the bridgehead, on the grass... Warriors who first registered their names and then drew their knives to slash each other could be seen everywhere.

Because the samurai's private fighting was too ruthless and fierce, the Edo shogunate had to start remedial measures and issued clear regulations to strictly prohibit the samurai from fighting privately.

The promulgation of this law has more or less played a role, and the warriors no longer fight for trivial matters.

However, the dueling culture did not disappear because of this, and the warriors still regarded honor as their life.

When one's own honor suffers major damage, if one does not take effective and targeted actions immediately, one will be stabbed in the back...

Currently, Qingdeng is in such a predicament...

What Eiichi Shimizu did just now is basically... no, it's not "basic", but "complete" - it's completely "flying dragon riding on the face"!

First, he belittled Qingdeng's surprise attack last night, which was nothing special.

Then they asked Qingdeng to come here to decide the outcome by name and name.

Although at first glance, the Qingshui clan's behavior of gathering a large amount of combat power, trying to use more to fight less, and inviting others to come over for a decisive battle at their own home court seems to be cheap, but in essence, it will cause another blow to the Qingshui clan. There are not too many people who look at each other with eyes.

Wearing good gear to hunt a tiger - there's no shame in it.

Qingdeng is that formidable tiger.

All in all, facing Shimizu Eiichi's provocation, if Qingdeng does not respond, the world will criticize him.

If he does not want to fight, there will definitely be quite a few good-for-nothings spreading the word: "King Ren" is nothing special, he only dares to bully the weak, and will run away with his tail between his tails when he encounters an invincible opponent.

From now on, although Qingdeng cannot be said to be socially dead, there is a high probability that he will bear a very ugly name.

With this in mind, Qingdeng raised his right hand unconsciously, and pressed down the handle of the sword held by Echizen Tsutomu and Toshiro at his waist.

At this moment, a cold little hand suddenly stretched out from the side, pressing down on Qingdeng's right wrist.

"Miss Sanako?"

Qingdeng raised his gaze, and cast a surprised look at Sanako who suddenly held his hand.

How time flies!In a blink of an eye, the second volume has been written for more than 2 months.I have been writing since October last year.

Leopard leopard guilty!I always fail every day! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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