I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 465 Unexpected reinforcements arrive! 【5200】

My grandson is from the Great Salt Party.

Ever since he knew the true identity of my grandson, Nishino has always regarded him as a traitor and traitor who will bring disaster to the country and the people.

If it wasn't forced by reality, let alone join forces to fight against the enemy, he wouldn't even bother to say a word to my grandson.

If my grandson dies, Nishino should feel lucky, even gloat.

However, at the moment when this "what if" really became a reality, Nishino did not have the slightest feeling of joy and joy in his heart.

But at the same time, he didn't feel sad or bitter.

Nishino stared blankly at my grandson's face without pain or fear, just a smile.

He didn't break his promise - for no reason, such thoughts popped up in Nishino's mind.

My grandson really fought to the last minute for what he believed in, for a cause he believed in, and is genuinely proud of it.

——When death is approaching... Can I also smile calmly like him?
The moment this thought came into being, an elusive bitterness swept across Nishino's cheeks.

"What are you doing... in such a state, I have to escort a 'fat pig' and carry a corpse...isn't it embarrassing for me..."

Just as Nishino was muttering to the air, his expression suddenly changed.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!!"

Although he tried his best to control it, he bent down uncontrollably and put his hands on the ground.

The muddy ground just a short distance from the tip of his nose was gradually blackened by the blood he coughed up.


A strong sense of dizziness surged through Nishino's brain like a tide, and the world in front of him seemed to be shaky and blurred like a filter.

Everything happened too suddenly.

Obviously the first breath, Nishino's physical condition is not bad, he can hold a knife and stand upright.

But with the snap of his fingers, his spine seemed to be pulled out, and his whole body collapsed.

The rapid change of the situation made Nishino himself feel unexpected.

Hearing Nishino's cough and realizing that Nishino's knife was removed from his neck, Houhouya Yataro was startled for a moment, then turned his head cautiously to look at Nishino behind him.

After discovering the weakness visible to the naked eye, his small mouse-like eyes rolled around.

In the next moment, he threw off his fat arms, stepped on his short and thick legs, and ran towards the front, away from Nishino, and screamed like boiling hot water suddenly overflowing:

"Help! Help! Someone is going to kill me!"

Nishino raised his head with difficulty, and cast a resentful gaze at Yataro Honoya who was receding away.

"Oh shit……!"

He leaned the bamboo in his hand on the ground and stood up with force.

Because he is used to living a pampered life and lacks exercise on weekdays, Yataro Phoenix Yataro's running speed is not very fast.

However... Nishino's physical condition is really terrible.

Just standing up made his face twisted in pain.

Under such circumstances, my grandson will definitely not be able to catch up with Yataro Phoenix House.

As a last resort, Nishino could only lay my grandson's body on the ground first.

I'm sorry, I'll take you away later——After saying this to my grandson in his heart, Nishino ran after Yataro Houhouya.

"Help! Help!"

Yataro Phoenix House shouted for help over and over again, breaking the silence of the night.

The division standard of the temple land is very rough, basically it is to enclose the land around the temple and the shrine, and the streets and towns - well, this area is the temple land!

Therefore, not only a large number of priests live in the temple grounds, but also a considerable number of common people. In addition to temples and shrines, common civilian facilities such as tea houses, izakayas, and bathhouses are all available.

All in all, except for the difference in the management organization, there is basically no essential difference between the land of the temple and the land of the townspeople and the land of the samurai.

The repeated howls of Yataro Phoenix House naturally woke up many townspeople who already know Duke Zhou.

From the houses on both sides of the street, there was the sound of blankets being lifted, the sound of "squeaky" footsteps, and the sound of doors and windows being pushed open.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? What happened?"

"Ah! It seems that there are warriors chasing and killing civilians!"

"What? Is another samurai trying a knife?"

"I don't know, it's also possible that the lunatics who talk about "disturbing the barbarians" are making trouble."

"Quick! Close the window and close the door! Don't worry about it!"


A samurai chases someone with a sword... Facing such a situation, the only ones who dare to intervene in it are probably only samurai who are confident in their own skills.

Unfortunately—this place is a temple community, not a samurai land where samurai live together.

Not everyone has the guts to meddle in their own business.

Especially this kind of nonsense that if one is not good, one will get into trouble and even lose one's life.

Wherever Yataro Phoenix House fled, the people there closed the doors and windows, pretending that they didn't hear anything, didn't know anything, and watched silently.

Seeing this, Phoenix House Yataro turned paler.

Da da da da da!

At this moment, he heard footsteps coming closer and louder behind him.

He looked back timidly.

What catches his eyes is the blade emitting cold light, the clothes soaked in blood, the fierce eyes against the backdrop of the night, and the face that has no expression but gives people a sense of ferocity...


At this scene and the situation, Yataro Phoenixya couldn't help screaming like a pig being killed in fright, and his face full of fat was gradually stained with despair.

If Yataro Phoenix House escapes, then all the efforts tonight and the death of my grandson will be in vain!
With this in mind, Nishino clenched his teeth, frantically squeezing all the remaining energy in his body.

Driven by the desire to survive, Yataro Phoenix also desperately.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The nostrils stretched to the limit, and repeatedly exhaled scorching breath.

The pain in the side was severe, the lungs seemed to be exploding, and the legs were so sore that he lost consciousness... Even so, Yataro Phoenix Ya did not dare to slow down.

Tonight may be the fastest and longest run he has ever run in his life.

Nishino's physical strength is far superior to the opponent's, but his bruised body prevents him from exerting his full strength.

Phoenix House Yataro, whose body was hollowed out by alcohol, is usually a physical scum who would pant after running a few steps, but at the moment of crisis, all the potential in his body exploded.

In this way, the two sides have reached a delicate balance of power, neither can they move away from each other, nor can they close the distance.

Judging from this situation, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose in this chasing battle.

But who would have thought...the final victor would appear so quickly.

Because the environment was dark, he couldn't see the road conditions clearly, and he couldn't care less about the road, so Yataro Phoenixya accidentally kicked a bump on the ground.


He screamed in pain, and then he rolled on the ground a few times like a ball, and finally collapsed heavily on the ground with his back facing down and facing the sky.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Phoenix House Yataro only felt countless gold stars flying in front of his eyes, and the burning pain from his back almost made him lose consciousness.

At this time, a piece of good news and a piece of bad news suddenly came to him.

The good news: his back suddenly stopped hurting.

The bad news is: the reason why his back hurts suddenly is because he saw something more terrible than back pain...

Smack, smack, smack...

Nishino dragged the knife in his hand, and walked step by step towards Phoenix Yaya Taro, who was paralyzed on the ground.

The figure elongated by the moonlight pressed down on the opponent like a mountain.

"Hey, you bastard... I should have said it? If you dare to move around, your head will fall to the ground."


Phoenix House Yataro backed up on hands and feet, trying to get up.

But he was extremely tired and his legs were so frightened that he couldn't do other actions in a short time except crawling on the ground.

"It's just that I still have a lot of questions to ask you slowly. So - just break both of your arms. If you can't swing your arms, it will be difficult for you to run fast, right?"

"Ahhhhhhhh! Help, help!!"

Nishino squatted down, stretched out his left hand, and grabbed Phoenix House Yataro's right arm...

Suddenly, there was a sharp sound of breaking wind, and the black shadow that cut across Xiye's field of vision horizontally - an arrow pierced straight into the ground at Xiye's feet, its tail feathers trembling.


Nishino thought it was the group of archers under Phoenix House Yataro who were chasing after him, so he quickly raised the knife in his hand and took a fighting stance.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

With the sound of chaotic footsteps, a large wave of warriors rushed out from the east side of the street.

There were about 40 of them, all of them moved uniformly, dressed brightly, and each held sophisticated weapons such as bows and arrows, stabbing forks, and pistols.

Nishino noticed that the clothes of the samurai who came out halfway were all embroidered with butterfly-shaped family crests.

——The family crest of the Shonai clan... from Kingo Sakai...!
Nishino's face suddenly darkened.

When it was too late, the samurai stopped 10 steps away from Nishino, and then quickly formed a tight formation with short gunmen, swordsmen in front, stabbing hands in the middle, and archers behind.

Immediately afterwards, the battle formation split from the center to the left and right sides with a "squeak", leaving a path wide enough for two adult men to pass side by side.

A middle-aged man who was not tall, but with a majestic face, and an imposing aura in his gestures, stood at the front of the array with great strides.

Nishino recognized this person—it was Sakai Kingo, one of the current temple priests!
Temples and shrines are the highest among the "Three Blessings", and the power is terribly powerful.

It is not only responsible for the management of temples and temple territories across the country and the formulation of religious policies, but also governs lawsuits and criminal investigations in temples and temple territories.

In addition, Hongyeshan Fangzhu, Hongyeshanhuozhiban, Yaorenzhong, Shintofang, even singers, Go masters, shogi masters, and Gubijian, who are responsible for managing the "Hongyeshan" of the general's spiritual temple in the past dynasties, are also in charge of the temple. manage.

In terms of status, it is an existence on the same level as the old middle school, the Kyoto Suoshidai, and the Osaka Castle Dai.

It is precisely because of this that the position is too important to be handed over to outsiders, so the shogunate made a rule: Unless there are special circumstances, the priest of the temple will be selected from among the genealogical daimyos.

[Note·Pu Dai Daimyo: Before the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, he followed Tokugawa Ieyasu’s daimyo.Immediately there will be descendants of important ministers who have made great contributions to the dragon]

And Kingo Sakai is the current lord of the Shonai clan (the total stone height in the clan: 17 stone).

"Thief! You are so brave!"

Sakai Jingo snorted coldly, and shouted at Nishino in a spirited voice:

"How dare you kill someone right under my nose!"

Looking at Sakai Kingo with an angry face, Nishino's expression was filled with thick clouds at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sakai Kingo's mansion is nearby... probably Yataro Honoya's cries for help just now alarmed him.

Fighting against the fully armed Shonai clan's elite with their own strength... Even if Nishino was restored to his prime and given 10 more lives, he would not be able to break through...

"Ah! Sakai-sama! Sakai-sama! Save me! Save me!"

After recognizing the identity of this uninvited guest who suddenly arrived, the panic and fear on Phoenix Yaya Taro's face instantly turned into joy and ecstasy.

"Huh? Lord Phoenix House?"

Sakai Jingo raised his eyebrows in astonishment.

Phoenix House Yataro, as a messenger with a special social status and a huge amount of wealth, naturally has a long history of contacts with the upper class in Edo.

Although he and Sakai Jingo are not very familiar, they have had a little friendship with each other.

Feeling that the willows and flowers are bright, Yataro the Phoenix House hastily crawled to the place where Kingo Sakai was.

However, just as he climbed a step, he was pushed to the ground by Nishino.

"Don't move!"

"The one who is not allowed to move is you!"

Sakai Jingo waved his big hand, and the vassal soldiers beside him immediately entered the battle state ready to fight at any time.

"Thief! Let go of Phoenix House Lord!"

"Ahhh! Sakai-sama! Don't shoot the arrow! Don't shoot the arrow! It will hit me!"

Terrible, tricky and other words are no longer enough to describe Nishino's current situation.

Sakai Kingo has regarded him as a thug who commits crimes at night.

In fact, in the eyes of uninformed people, Nishino, covered in blood and holding a knife in his hand, is indeed extremely suspicious and untrustworthy.

If one is not good, he will die tragically here for no apparent reason.

It is obvious that they have fought with their lives so far in order to eliminate the illusion and for the future of the shogunate, but in the end, they died at the hands of their own people-this kind of thing is really too dark and humorous.

--How to do……?
Dou Da's cold sweat ran down Nishino's furrowed brow.

Just as Nishino was racking his brains thinking about how to solve the current desperate situation——

"Huh? What is this voice?"

From behind the battle formation, a thick voice that was very familiar to Nishino suddenly sounded.

A big fat man covered with fat "hum chi hum chi" squeezed away the feudal soldiers standing in front of him, and stood beside Kingo Sakai.

"Nishino-kun! It really is you!"

Nishino opened his eyes wide, staring in disbelief at the fat man who called out his name accurately.

"Susui... my lord?"

The big fat man...that is, Nishino's boss and the current head of the Beiban Office: Chujiro Susui, looking at Nishino with a complicated expression.

Although he didn't say a word, Nishino could guess what he was thinking at the moment.

He must be amazed at the reappearance of his long-lost subordinate in such a horrific way.

Nishino briefly observed Susuki, and found that his face was flushed.

Reminiscent of the friendship between Susui and Kingo Sakai, Nishino speculated: Susui should have been drinking with Kingo Sakai just now, and after hearing Yataro Sakai's cry for help, he came out with Kingo Sakai to check the situation.


Sakai Kingo turned his eyes and looked Nishino from head to toe several times.

"Are you Hosojiro Nishino from the town of Hokkaido?"

Nishino had accompanied Susui to Sakai Kingo's mansion several times to socialize, so Sakai Kingo had a slight impression of Nishino.

"It seems that it is really you... Hoshijiro Nishino! As a member of the government, why do you know how to break the law and commit murder?!"

The atmosphere at the scene did not ease slightly because Susui recognized Nishino.

On the contrary, it has become more heavy and confusing.

In the midst of this tension, the person who uttered the first sentence was Susui.

"Ahahahaha! Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Susuki laughed a few times, then stretched out his huge belly, and walked between Nishino and Sakai Kingo.

"Master Sakai! This is a misunderstanding!"


Sakai Jingo frowned slightly.

"Yes! The thing is like this - I arranged a very urgent errand for Nishino-kun a while ago! Nishino-kun should be in a hurry to handle the case, so he accidentally arrested the wrong person!"

As soon as Susui's words fell, Yatarou Houhouya widened his eyes.

"Accidentally arrested the wrong person?! What are you kidding! This guy is all for me! He even brought people into my house! I have sufficient evidence to prove that this guy is a deliberate murder! Sakai-sama! Please Bring this lunatic to justice!"

Although Yataro Houhouya tried his best, Susui was completely unmoved.

"Well... it should be just a misunderstanding!"

"All in all—Nishino-kun, let him go. Since you caught the wrong person, stop holding on to him!"

"Master Sakai, you too! Tell your subordinates to put away their weapons! If you accidentally shoot by mistake, you will be in big trouble!"

Susui skillfully smiled at both sides.

His seemingly harmless smile made people feel inexplicably close.

Sakai Kingo looked at Susui, then at Nishino, thought for a while, and then nodded slightly.

"...All right, since it's a misunderstanding, it's easy to say."

"Master Sakai?!"

Yatarou Phoenix Ya showed a dumbfounded expression.

How could this be a misunderstanding? !It's okay for the town of Beifansuo to just talk nonsense, but why did you even start talking nonsense, Sakai-sama?
"Master Sakai! You..."

Just when Phoenix House was about to say something, Susui rushed up to him.

"Oh! Master Phoenix House! It's been a long time since I saw you!"

Susui enthusiastically took Yataro Houhouya's hand.

"If I remember correctly, the last time we met was at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet half a year ago."

"I'm really sorry for you this time!"

"My subordinate is ignorant and accidentally offended you. Please, sir, forgive me this time for my sake."

When he said "for my own sake", Susui especially emphasized his tone.

At the same time, there was a deep glint in his eyes.

5200 words today!
Recovery is going well!It shouldn't be long before Leopard and Leopard will be able to return to their previous update level!
It's the end of the month!Leopard Leopard dared to ask for a monthly pass! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

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