I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 468 Qingdeng, who is on-line with the three major forces [3]

Chapter 468 Qingdeng, who is on the line with the three major forces [5000]

The "balls" that flew out suddenly not only startled Sakai Jingo and others, but also made Qing Deng stunned.

After clouds of white smoke rose from the "balls", the bewilderment on Qing Deng's face instantly turned into astonishment.

--smoke bomb!

It is the middle of the 19th century when muskets and artillery dominate the seven continents, and steam warships run across the five oceans. It is not uncommon for special weapons such as smoke bombs to appear.

I don't know if the white smoke is tear-jerking, poisonous, or has other effects, no matter what, be careful.

"You two! Watch out for the smoke! Back off! Get out of here!"

While retreating violently, Qingdeng held his breath, narrowed his eyes, and shouted a warning to Sanazi and the chief executive behind him.

Qingdeng was far away from the drop point of the smoke bomb, so he was lucky to avoid the most dangerous area.

On the contrary, Sakai Jingo and others who were closest to the smoke bomb were miserable.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"My eyes! Whoa whoa whoa!"

"Careful! Don't get the smoke in your eyes!"


In the dense smoke that filled the air, coughing and screaming came and went one after another.

From the screams of Sakai Jinwu and others, the white smoke should be non-toxic, but it is very irritating to people's eyes.

——There are third-party forces present...!
A solemn look swept over Qingdeng's eyebrows.

Whether this "other force" that suddenly appeared is an enemy or a friend is still unknown, so we must be cautious.

In such a situation where the smoke is everywhere, the eyes are not working well.

But fortunately, after the special training of the new imperial court, and with the blessing of a certain talent, vision has long been Qingdeng's best sense.

He immediately closed his eyes and used his ears to identify the situation.

"God Brain +9", "Wind Perceiver" activated!
These two talents are simply a match made in heaven.

The former strengthens the fatigue resistance of the brain, allowing the brain to process more information. With its cooperation, the talent effect of the latter is significantly enhanced.

Although there is no change in hearing, the ability to analyze "the sound you hear" has improved a lot.

All kinds of sounds poured into Qing Deng's ears like a tide.

In the midst of this chaos, Qing Deng heard three unfamiliar hurried footsteps.

The owner of these three footsteps plunged into the white mist, and ran straight to Nishino and Phoenix House Yataro...



After about half a minute, the smoke finally dissipated.

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough! Cough!"

Sakai Jingo wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and slowly opened his bloodshot eyes.

Although the eyes are still very sore, they can barely see.

After recovering his eyesight, Kingo Sakai scanned the scene immediately and checked the scene.

There was not a single member missing, which made him a little relieved.

But after a while, his face became serious again.

"Where are Nishino Hoshijiro and Phoenix House Yatarou?! Where are the three thieves wearing bamboo hats?!"

Those feudal soldiers who had recovered their eyesight at this time were all startled when they heard the words, and then raised their eyes to look around.

The white smoke that hadn't cleared away, the dilapidated formation, the fallen comrades all over the ground... Qingdeng and the others were nowhere to be seen.

Qingdeng, Sanako, and the general manager are gone... Nishino and Phoenix House Yataro are also gone...


Sakai Jingo gritted his teeth.

"Did they escape..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the scene couldn't help but slander.

Sakai Jinwu said this as if they were almost able to subdue Qingdeng and the others, but they accidentally let them escape.

However, judging from the actual battle situation, it seems more like Qingdeng and others let them go...

In fact, Sakai Kingo thought so too.

He himself knew that what he said just now was a bit of putting money on his face.

Qingdeng and others left, and the battle of being unilaterally hanged by Qingdeng was over... Facing such a situation, Sakai Jingo felt a little resigned, but also somewhat fortunate.

In order to save his own face, he pretended to be "What a pity! We couldn't catch those thieves!", instead of looking into the whereabouts of Qingdeng and others, he ordered his subordinates who were still able to move to hurry up. The wounded were picked up and sent to heal.

At the moment when everyone at the scene was busy with the aftermath, there was a person who stood there stupidly, not moving at all.

Susui's eyes... no, it should be said that since the moment "Nishino raised the sword again", he showed an extremely complicated expression, his eyes were straight, he seemed to be in a daze, and he seemed to be thinking about something .

After a while, he raised his head, looked at the night sky above his head, and let out a long sigh.

"Nishino-kun... you really aren't made to be a samurai..."



Edo, a deserted river beach——

"Huh...huh...huh...this dead fat pig...! It's so fucking heavy!"

Ajiujin angrily threw the Phoenix Yatarou on his back to the ground, completely ignoring the opponent's feelings, his movements were rough, as if he was throwing garbage.

Phoenix House Yataro's fat body hit the ground heavily, making a muffled "bang" like a bag of rice falling to the ground.

Ebina turned to Ichinose beside him and asked:

"Ichinose, how is Nishino-kun doing?"

Ichinose replied with a serious expression:

"It's very bad, the abdomen is torn, and there is a lot of bleeding... To be honest, it's a miracle that Nishino-kun can survive to this day."

"Can it be cured?"

Ebina asked.


Ichinose was silent...

His silence was equivalent to answering Ebina's question.

Ebina pursed her lips tightly, then sighed:
"Ichinose, do your best..."

"Well... I will."

After saying that, Ichinose laid Nishino flat on the ground, and then took out a linen cloth and several medicine bottles from his pocket.

"Yes... you guys..."

Nishino struggled to open his eyes wide.

Opening eyes - this is an extremely simple action for ordinary people.

But the current Nishino couldn't even do such a simple movement...

He barely opened his eyes halfway.

The trembling eyelids seemed to fall down at any moment.

Up to now, Nishino was quite energetic.

When he saw Ebina and the others coming, his inner strings loosened... In an instant, an unprecedented sense of fatigue and drowsiness surged in his body.

Ebina knelt down and gave Nishino a wry smile full of apology.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. The guards in the Phoenix House mansion are much more difficult than we imagined."

"You... have found my grandson..."

Nishino moved his gaze to look at my grandson's body on Ebina's back.

Ebina nodded slightly.

"Well, when we came to look for you, we found my grandson's body halfway."

At this time, Nishino was surprised to find that no matter it was the elderly Ebina, Ichinose, or the young Akutsu, they all looked calm...as if the death of my grandson was an insignificant matter to them.

Ebina saw through Nishino's inner thoughts, and smiled slightly:
"'Comrade sacrifice' - we have long been accustomed to this kind of thing. It is no exaggeration to say that this is what we Dayan Party members are most used to in the past 20 years. Maybe it is more important than eating and drinking water. Get used to it. If every time a comrade dies, we have to cry, we don't have so many tears to shed."

Suddenly, Yataro Phoenix's pleading voice attracted everyone's attention.

"Please, please let me go!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw Yataro the Phoenix House curled up, trembling all over.

Count down the experience of Yataro Phoenix House tonight... In less than half an hour, he has experienced the ups and downs of life - and there are several ups and downs.

First, he was kidnapped by Nishino and my grandson, and finally saw the opportunity to escape, but was caught up by Nishino again.

Fortunately, Sakai Jinwu showed up in time, thinking he was saved, but Nishino, like a mad dog, did not hesitate to make enemies with Sakai Jinwu and others, and wanted to bite him to the death.

Immediately afterwards, three more mysterious people wearing bamboo hats and unknown origins popped up, calling him by name.

And now, he was kidnapped by someone he didn't know at all...

Even the tortuous experience that even novelists dare not write like this nearly broke his spirits.

"You, you, who are you? Please let me go! Do you want money? As long as you let me go, I will give you whatever you want!"

"Let go of you?"

As if he had heard some funny joke, Ajiujin laughed out loud.

In the next breath, he used his left leg as the axis, and swung his right foot like a whip, hitting the face of Phoenix House Yataro.

Very nice side kick.

A few broken teeth flew out of Phoenix House Yataro's mouth, blood mixed with saliva flowed all over the ground.

"Ugh! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Phoenix House Yataro clutched his swollen cheeks, screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

"Are you kidding me?! When you bastards who kill thousands of knives are hoarding goods, you would rather put the rice in the warehouse to rot than sell it at a low price to the hungry people who are about to starve to death. Why don't you let us go? ah?!"

After shouting, Ajiujin kicked again.

Ebina leaped to Akutsu's side with a stride, and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Akutsu, that's enough, calm down."

Akutsu squinted his eyes, and cast a resentful look at Ebina.

"Master Ebina, I'm from a farmer, so...you should understand my feelings, right? Asking a farmer to keep calm in front of a privileged businessman—isn't it too difficult?"

Ebina sighed "Oh".

"Ajitsu, I am also a farmer, and I am also a farmer who has experienced the Tianbao famine...Of course I understand how you feel."

"If possible, I also want to torture all the rich and unkind animals in this world to death."

"However... let's bear with it for now."

"If you kick Phoenixya Yataro to death, then all our efforts and sacrifices tonight will be in vain."

Ajiujin was startled.

After a long while of silence, he slowly put down the raised leg.

Ebina patted Akutsu on the shoulder, just as he was about to say some comforting words, his expression changed suddenly.

Ichinose and Akutsu were also the ones who changed their expressions.

The three turned around at the same time, facing the southeast, and what caught their eyes was the thick darkness that the moonlight could not reach.

"... Uninvited 'guest', please show up."

After saying this in a calm tone without sadness or joy, Ebina stretched out his hand to hold the sword at his waist.

As soon as his words fell, the darkness that they were staring at tightly "squirmed".

After a while, Qing Deng, Zong Si and Zuo Nazi walked out of the darkness.

"You guys are really amazing. You can run so fast even though you are carrying one person on your back."

As he spoke, Qingdeng strolled leisurely in front of Ebina, his arms drooping naturally, without any fighting posture.

After hearing that someone took Nishino and Phoenix House Yataro away under the cover of thick smoke, Qingdeng immediately led Sanazi and Zongsi to follow the sound.

The moving speed of Ebina and the others was indeed unexpected, each carrying one person... No, to be precise, each carried "two people and one corpse", but they were still able to run so fast.

Qingdeng nearly lost their footsteps several times.

Fortunately, they finally caught up with them smoothly.

Probably seeing that Qingdeng is not hostile, Ebina's face is slightly relaxed, but his eyes are still full of vigilance.

"Dare to ask what is your step?"

Qing Deng shrugged:

"I also want to know who you are."

Although he said so, Qingdeng actually recognized these three people.

Just half a year ago, after watching the fireworks with Sanako, he encountered these three people on the way home, and had a brief contest with the guy among them who was playing with a sickle.

He only found out afterwards that these three people were members of the Great Salt Party.

Although they all covered their faces at that time, Qingdeng still remembered their voices and weapons - after all, the lock sickle was an unpopular weapon.

Why are people from the Great Salt Party here?

Why would Nishino Hoshiro be with people from the Great Salt Party?
Why are they carrying my grandson's body?

All kinds of questions made Qingdeng feel very confused.

Especially the remains of my grandson... To be honest, Qingdeng still can't believe his eyes...

Although my eyes have confirmed countless times that the body carried by Ebina is indeed my grandson, and my rationality has accepted this reality, but my emotions cannot keep up with the status quo...

The first colleague Qingdeng met in Huofu Thief Kai was my grandson.

They have worked together, shed blood, and fought bandits... The friendship between the two parties is not very deep, but it is not shallow either.

In addition, Qingdeng also learned from my grandson how to lead the army, control logistics, and manage organizations. In addition to colleagues and friendship, the two also have a teacher-student relationship.

Although my grandson always gives people a mysterious feeling, Qingdeng has always liked this colleague who speaks in a strange way.

My grandson died, unexplainably... Facing this cold fact, Qingdeng had mixed feelings for a moment, and didn't know how to express himself...

Seeing that Qingdeng had no intention of disclosing his identity, Ebina didn't force him, instead he asked:
"If you are not satisfied with this, what do you want?"

Now that the other party got straight to the point, then Qingdeng was not too polite.

He suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, adjusted his emotions, and said slowly:
"I don't want to be your enemy. The reason why I came here is to recover that fat man. Also, I want to ask you two questions: Why do you have the body of the leader of the Huofu Thief Changing Team? Take away the concentricity of Beifan's Dingchohui?"

As soon as Qingdeng's words fell, Ajiujin's two thick eyebrows shrugged at the corners of his protruding eyes.

"Huh? Who are you? What are we doing..."

Ajiujin was about to explode, but was stopped by Ebina's hand.

Ebina stared at Qingdeng firmly.

"What do you want this fat man to do?"

"Coincidentally, I also want to ask you a question: what did you catch that fat man for?"

Neither side will budge.

Negotiations stalled...

In the midst of this solemnity, Ebina sighed suddenly.

"If this goes on, there will only be endless... Okay, let's show our sincerity first."

After finishing speaking, Ebina took the initiative to lift the bamboo hat on top of his head, and pulled down the black cloth on his face.

His action of taking off his hat and showing his face was so fast and determined that Ichinose and Akutsu couldn't even stop him.

"We are the patriots of the Great Salt Party, and we are called Ye Zong under the sea."

Ebina said every word in a sonorous tone.

"Your Majesty, as you can see, I have revealed my face and name. Now, it's your turn. If you still hide your head and tail...then there is no need for us to talk any further."

As Ebina's voice fell, the eyes of everyone present, including Sanako and the chief executive, all fell on Qingdeng.

Qing Deng was silent for a moment thoughtfully——

"...I see, since you have taken the initiative to show your favor, if I don't give you an effective response, I will be rude."

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng untied the tether hanging from his chin.

The bamboo hat slipped... At this moment, as if rehearsed in advance, the facial expressions of Ebina and the others underwent a uniform change—the eyes widened and the mouth slightly opened, as if they had seen a ghost.

A deathly silence fell between the two parties...

After about 10 seconds, Ebina finally turned the shock into a voice:

"King Ni...?"

Qingdeng nodded slightly.

"As you can see...it's me. We meet again."

As he said that, Qingdeng turned his head sideways and glanced at Ajiujin who had fought with him once.

Ebina and the others looked at each other.

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared was "King Ren" Tachibana...Even the veteran Ebina couldn't help but feel at a loss for what to do.

Just at this time……

"Ebina! Ebina!"

The sudden shout caused Ebina's expression to change instantly.

"Ichinose! What's wrong?"

When Aoto was negotiating with Ebina, Ichinose had been meticulously treating Nishino's injuries.

"Ebina, Nishino-kun...he...huh? Nishino-kun?"

Under the gaze of everyone, Nishino sat up slowly.

"Which... of you... is carrying... a sword...?"

As Nishino spoke weakly, he tore open the skirt of his chest, exposing his blood-stained belly...

So far, Qingdeng has connected with the three major forces: Huluwu, Fazhu Party, and Great Salt Party.

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(End of this chapter)

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